: a ; ,-i y '• : , ^ '• siSP «IW pr-Mnwrwmtlr O«MNI ttM wiiiiQut Fibroid and other without the perils PILS ftdoss, iszs.*use IMM of the lowe* boi gSBtwhwwortto RTO wR !Btb* ̂ otmotdrejs i of the lower bowel, promptly cured --or retort to tte%dfT^ 1 !ntb* Bladder, no matter how \̂ S?cu^rri,ed' 1 ofurtaary paSue * ... , WMTrt wtthoat Mtttegr. Abundant Rebnncn, and Pamob- teu. on above diseases, aent mled, In Main «r- fjtampa). WORLD'b dxsfki SAB* Medical ABROCUSKHI, BuflUa, M.T. tWi OLD LOVE SON(|b lowly, / ' It Slowly, ling it ftniliar tone! - :S* it nut in da&c« and dime' _I4keabrookln June; »®f, «• aoba along the measures' , _ with ft anQsa st tears ; •#« °'^ voices echo t brooch it,} Vanished with the yeara. „ ,v\\ rtpple goes the lot* Msg Till m slowing time, B^ly sweetness grows completeMMS, Floods its euery rtirme; - ««« MiOiiO Sr-Sj&Kfe. "lid death jisfeid. • l|ow that love is bbt beginning /,' I'ntll love ie old. • '•* flay it slowly, it is holy As an evening hvnin; Homing gladn egg hushedt© Fills it to the brim. Memories home within the mi Stealing through the l>ar« ; TbonnhtH within its quiet sp Blee and got like stars. -The Ca»<" THE UNEXPECTED. fJk KNOWLEDGE® Brings comfort and improvement and - tends to personal enjoyment when ? > x£, rightly used. The many, who live bet- ', ter than others and enjoy life more, with 4 , less expenditure, by more promptly '•$ adapting the world's best products to • the'needs of physical being, will attest ^ the value to health of the pure liquid y laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. ^ Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- : ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly ^ beneficial properties of a perfect lax- *tive; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers if ana permanently curing constipation. I It has given satisfaction to millions and S met with the approval of the medical ' profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drng- • gists in 60c ana $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every ; package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. j' m '4*1 .Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MUUI keikeoy, OF ROKBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common v; pasture weeds a remedy that cures every }fdnd of Humor, from the worst Scrofula (town to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred Cases, and never failed except in two cases {both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates tf its value, all within twenty miles of loston. ^ ^ benefit Is always experienced from ®: flie first bottle, and a perfect cure is war- fa sited when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes Shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being itopped, and always disappears in a week > after taking it. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will Cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat ie best you can get, and enough of it 'we, one tablespoonful in water at bed- iie. Read the Label. Send for Book. Increased Appetite is one of the first good effects felt by users of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypophos- phites. Good appetite begets good health * is a fat food that provides its own tonic. Instead of a tax up on appetite and digestion ]t is a wonderful help to both. Scott's Emulsion rests the progress of Consumption, Bron chitis, Scrofula, and other wasting diseases by raising a barrier of healthy Hesh, strength and nerve. Prepared by Scott & Bomw. H. Y. All druggists. k lil ^ 1 Ely's Cream Balm WILL CUBE CATARRH <; • IPrioo 80 Oeata.| NOXALL INCUBATOR Is the simplest and most per- [feet Seft'RegulatiM Incubator i on the market, and we manu- Ifucture the only self-TS"1"*)* j inir Brooder in America, } Circulars free. Address 1 •'I don't care--I am perfectly happy. >Fate cannot harm me, I have dined to-day,'" said Frank. fe"Yes, I am happy." ^ "And i am happy also," said Nellie. "Don't see how I could be tnore so." Neither was lookinsr at the other. Each tried to get absorbed In a book, but certain! v neither was absorbed; for on an average, during the entire afternoon, they had made remarks similar to the foregoing at least every ten minutes. ' "Did you say, Nellie," continued 'Frank, a trifle doubtfully, 4-that there was enough in the hou e for supper and breakfast?" "I'm quite sure, dear, that there Is enough for supper, and perhaps for breakfast. But we shall not want much breakfast. You know that you have often said that you did not care for breakfast, and really 1 can get along on nothing at all." "I don't see what we have to worry about, then, do you9" "Indeed I do not. 1 think we have every reason to be perfectly happy." "cure of supper to-day and break fast to-morrow--I should say we havejevery reason to be thankful" '•les," added Nellie. "Think of the number of people in the world who are sure of neither supper to-day nor breakfast to-morrow. Take the case of a cannibal--" "Just, what I was thinking," broke in Frank. "He is dependent on the chance call of a missionary--surely a precarious existence." "Oh, Frank, you are jokiner!" "Proof that I am perfectly happy," responded Frank. "While 1 am perfectly happy, 1 do wish that the firm had not failed^ and that you had not lost your posi tion. " 'Yes, and while I am perfectly happy, I do wish that our parents had not objected to our marriage." The idea that we, who are the childien of rich parents should both of us be left to the d sagreeable ex pedient of pawning the few wedding presents that we received!" Sav rather the disagreeable ex pedient of pawning the last wedding' present that we received--now--now --now--you are going to cry, little wife." Indeed I am not," said Nellie, struggling bravely with her tears/ "I think we are very lucky to have any presents to Dawn." And so do I, added Frank," very lucky---" Just there he was interrupted.. •- There is no better time than an in terruption to explain the condition of affairs in a romance, so I will take advantage of the present one, which may be the only interruption in mv story. Frank and Nellie Hayward had married against their parents' wishes. Their parents', though rich, refused to help them in any way, or even to receive them in their homes. Frank was brave and Nellie was sen sible; They determined to do for themselves, and at the very outset made a solemn compact with each other that, come what might, they would consider their love for each other compensation for all the ills of life. For a time.things went very well. Frank obtained a position that en- J abied them to live very comfortably | in a furnished flat But, as iD the | life of everyone else, the time came | when luck turned against them, i The firm that employed Frank failed, and he was unable to get another j position. The little money that he ! had saved from his salary was soon ! exhausted. They were forced to the j disagreeable expedient of pawning I such things of value as they possessed, and finally they had come to the j end of even that resource. Never during all their trouble had either acknowledged to the j other that they were anything but j happy. The crisis, however, had 1 just been reached. They were in a | quandary^ It was a question whether j they would be forgiven by their par- I ents under any circumstances, and j they were not at all willing to ac- , knowledge they had made a mistake, j But there was an interruption; it . was a knock at the door. Nellie rose • from her seat, and Frank was about | to do so, when it occurred to him ! that the chances were that it was a creditor, and he thought it hardly worth while to go to the door. He was rather surprised though, when at the invitation of his wife the door was opened by a queer old man who looked at each of them over the rim of his glasses for a full minute before he spoke. •appose yon will pardon an old man like myself, if he asks a questions. I am a student of human nature^ you know, and perhaps this visit may re dound to jour advantage." . "Fire away," said Frank, who was beginning to be interested. "In the first place, what was the casion of your saying just now that you were lucky?" •'«wu a u»i* we had some wedding presents to pawn," replied the in genuous Frank. "No," cently corrected his wife; "because we had had some wedding presents to pawn." "Dear me!" said the old gentle- tiian. "They are all pawned then?" "Yes," answered Nellie, "but that does not make us unhappy." "I suppose you occuj y a good po sition?" said the old gentleman to Frank. M have lost my position, sir," the latter answered. "You have plenty of money in the bank.-" 1 -"None." " Q "Undoubtedly you halevi well- stocked larder, though*;" • 1 "It is about exhausted." "Of course, iu case of real distress, vou have your parents to rely on?" 4 On the contrary, we would not wish to ask them to help us under any circumstances." "Well, young man," said the old gentleman, excitedly, "will you tell me what in the world you are going to do?" "I would much rather have you t*il me what 1 am going to do," said Frank. "Nothing," answered the old gen tleman, solemnly. •'That's what I've been doing for quite a while." 4'The fact is, you are precisely what you were saying you were when I knocked on your door--you are lucky. I am a man of whimsicalities. I have been looking all my life for a happy married couple, b'ome one, never mind who, told me that you were the couple I was lookiug for. I did not believe it for a longtime, but when I discovered that you were in hard luck, and still were not com-1 plaining, 1 began to believe it My mission on earth is to assist happy couples who are in hard luck. This is the first time I have ever had a chance to fulfil my mission. It is all the more to your advantage, though --there is more money in the fund than there would be if the world were stocked with happy couples. I propose to settle on you a little in come of five hundred a year." The old gentleman paused to see what effect this startling announce ment would have on the happy couple The effect was not marked. They looked at him very much as they would look at a curiosity. "I suppose you think I am insane?" he said angrily. •'No." replied Nellie, "hut I think you are my father with a wig and eye glasses and a very poor attempt at a disguised voice." And she rau to him and threw her arms about his neck. Well, 1 am," said the old gentle man, laughing, ,as he removed his disguise, 'and frankly confess that for a long time I have had a disguised heart I didn't want to help you until I thought you needed it, so 1 waited. But I will tell you this--if ypu had acknowledged that vou were not happy, 1 would have given you double the allowance 1 have." "I don't care," said Nellie. 'Tm perfectly happy." "And so am I," said Waverly's Magazine. A COLONIAL THANKSGIVING!. IN all receipts for cooking requiring, a leavening agent the ROYAL,, BAKING POWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of 33 per Centi greater leavening strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer and more wholesome,, \ . , / J*'-?; ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. * Sociability in a Z>o. It is not the tricks and the mimic sports of the animals at Hagenbeck's great show that are best worth seeing, says the New York Sun. It is their social relations as they have been de veloped by civilization and travel. The most solitary creatures want a crack with their neighbor. The lion, the haughtiest of beasts, holds confab with the gentleman or lady beast on the next suit. The tiger looks unconscious ly bored, but conforms like a man of the world. The natural humor of the bear has developed to the point of a drawing-room entertainer. In that part of the program where the ani mals are admitted and seat themselves like guests at a ball the social atmo sphere is more noteworthy than the performance. Beasts that are natural enemies disclose touching friendships. A tiger and lioness rubbed one an other s furry coats in friendly token, and literally shook paws, while the lion, on the ether side, affected not to see with the well-bred manner of a man of the world. A hound caressed the face of a lioness with his tongue, and manifestly held converse while unen gaged in the performance. The polar bear, who takes no j:art until the final pyramid that he surmounts, continu ally left his seat to visit now with the leopard, and now with a tiger, or lion. After exchanging a few words he would trot back, and as likely as not take someone else's seat instead of his own. Nor did this create any clamor when the owner returned, as such acts have been known to do among people who regard themselves as higher in the social scale. It is easy enough to cultivate mimiory, but here are good manners and moral worth. The Complexion of a Chinese Ia not yellower than that of an unfortmate individual whose liver complaint has assumed the chronic form. The eyeballs of the sufferer assume a saflron hue, there is dull pain in the region of the organ affected, the tongue Is coated, breath sour, sick headaches usually bnt not always occur, and there is sometimes dizziness on arising from a sitting posture. Constipation and dyspepsia are also attend ants of this very common ailment, always in its aggravated form, liable to breed abscesses of the liver, which are very dangerous. Hostet- ter's Stomach Bitters wholly eradicates it, as well as the troubles complicated with it and which it originates. In chills and fever, a com- frialnt which always yields to the Bitters, the Iver is seriously Involved. This fine alterative ' w« mMntfcrfnTtf either single i>r do-jUe tra; 6«B4| 3 #4*. (Wr NTRRRIESTB' EVER PRIME SEED The fnt-ciu? hatcher EFFRli kl'henp M dirt by oz. ami lb. OneCentapko. CP. If rare. dtUmp, pur*, bet1.1,000.000 eitraa. ~ sntifnl Illaxtr.itad Catalogue free. H. &HCMWAY, lUckferd, 111. H "Mr. and Mrs. Hayward^ I GEO, Ir. MURPHY & CO. 'lieve?" he sa!d at length. QUXCY. ILL BOI A. , "Yes, sir," replied Nellie. "Will you take a chair?" "Ought to have been named *Way- ward, I suppose," he said, chuckling to himself, as he took the proHered chair. "I suppose my visit is rather unexpected?" ' '•Decidedly," said Frank, curtly. "Well, it is the unexpected that always happens," said the old gentle man. "I was rather surprised to hear you through the door, accident ally, of course, assuring yourselves very Tried BBINK'B Thill Couplina ? If not send to Hoicomb & Co Bloom- vil e. O., and (trt a sample pair; ney retui ned it not wjiufactory. only AMI YOU J Von can by selling Stivers k Barker's " IMisft Supporter, the neatest thing IllBKinfi' ever U8ed on a buirlfy f°r the purpo<« , _ _ Moneyj Jlbat *°u were very lucky and it ' a N. u. No. 4-0* PiSO'S CURE TOR.- CaiiaaplIrM and people j vim iiuvc weuk iungsor Asth- I nut. should use Ptao'sCuro for I Consumption. It has cared U«n«aadi. it has not Injur-1 ed one. ltts not bad to take, f [ It Is the best cough syrup. Sold everywhere. X5c. m happy and all that sort of thing. "May I inquire what business it is of yours?" asked Frank. "None, except that it assured me that 1 had found the right place," answered the old gentleman. '•What place were you looking for?" inquired Frank. "The house of a happy married couple," said the old gentleman. "You have found it," said Frank and Nellie together. "Ah! It is quite a curiosity. I The Indian Was Punished but the Puritan* Ate the Venison. . Among the papers of the late ex- State Senator GuyC. Stoddard of the town of Ledyard was found a few days ago an old newspaper clipoing containing atjuaint account of an old colonial Thanksgiving service, says the Hartford Times. It was written in the year 1714 by the llev. Law rence Conant of the old South Parish in Danvers, Mass., and runs thus: "*Ye Governor was in ye house and Her Majesty's commissioners of. ye customs, and they sat together in a high seat of ye pulpit stairs. Ye Governor appears very devout and at- tent.ve, although he- favors Episco pacy, and tolerates ye Quakers and Baptists. "He was dressed in a black velvet coat, bordered with gold lace, and buff breeches with gold buckles at ye knees, and white silk stockings. •There was a disturbance in ye galleries, where it was filled with divers negroes, mulattoes, and In dians, and a negro called Pomp Shorter, belonging to Mr. Gardner, was called forth and put in ye broad isle, where he was reproved with great carefulness and solemnity. "He was then put in ye deacon's seat between two deacsns, in view of ye whole congregation; but ye sexton was ordered by Mr. Prescott to take fcim out because of his levity and strange contortion of counilnanSe (giving grave scandal to ye grave deacons,) and put him in ye lobby under ye staire; some children and a mulatto woman were reprimanded for laughing at Fomp Shorter. "When ye services al ye meeting house were ende£ ye council and other dignitaries Were entertained at ye house of Mr. Epes, on ye hili near by, and we had a bountiful Thanks giving dinner with bear's meat and venison, the last of which was a fine buck, shot in ye woods near by. Ye bear was killed in Lynn woods, near Beading. "After ye blessing was craved by Mr. Garrick of Wrentham, word came that ye buck was shot on ye Lord's day by Pequot, an Indian, who came to Mr. Epes with a lye in his mouth like Ananias of old. "Ye council therefore refused to eat ye venison, but it was afterward decided that Pe juot should receive forty stripes save one for lying and profaning ye Lord's day, restores Mr. Epes ye cost of ye deer, and consider ing this a just and righteous sen tence on ye sinful heathen, and that a blessing had been craved on ye meatt ye council ail partook of it but Mr. bhepard, whose conscience was tender on ye point of ye venison." tonic removes ooatlvenesa and indigestion, rheumatic, nervoua "and kidney trouble and debility. How Fast Fishes Sw m. Now that every effort is being made to increase the speed of ocean steam ers. it is interesting to know the speed with which different fish can pass through the water. For long-distance swimming the shark may be said to hold the record, as he can outstrip the swiftest ships, apparently without ef fort, swimming and playing around them, and ever on the lookout for prey. Any humon being falling overboard in shark-frequented waters has very lit tle chance to escape, so rapid is the ac tion of the shark, the monster of the deep. The dolphin, another fast- swimming fish, is credited with a speed of considerable over twenty miles an hour. For short distances the salmon can outstrip every other fish, accom plishing its twenty-five miles an hour with eas-e. The Spanish mackeral is one of the fastest of fooi fishes, and cuts the water like a yacht.--Indus trial World. Orchard a. Plant, encourage your neighbor to plant. It tabes, to-day, a bushel of wheat to buy * a peck of apples--orchards pay. Stark Bros.' share or co-operative orchards fur nished without money--an investment for the well-to-do, as well as for men of limited means, and providiogorchards which other wise they might never get A great orchard system on thorough, business-like plana,-- something never before attempted. We practice what we preach, show our faith in our orchards, in our trees,--two million tree*, co-operative 6 par ceprt. plan, al ready planted; over two million, over .'{0.000 acres, share pljin, and adding over half million a year. doubling in value annually; H sure income. Our helps enable beginners to succeed. Write ua. --Bee adv. Made It Right. Colonel Gilbert Fierce, the late Min ister to Portugal, once picked up in his arms a young lady who stood hesitat ing at the corner of a street in an Indi ana village, unable to cross it, because a show er had filled it with a rushing torrent of water. The young lady sub mitted without protest while the Colo nel strode gallantly through the tor rent until he deposited his fair charge on the opposite sidewalk, with dry feet "Sir," she then said, indignantly, "are you aware that you have insulted me?" "I was not aware of it," replied the Colonel; "but seeing that you are right I beg to make amends." So saying, he picked up the protesting damsel and restored her to the point where he had first made her acquaintance. «IS PITS, a LBS. OATS PROM ONE BUS. 8EEIK C This remarkable, almost unheard-of, yield was reported to the John A. Sal ter Seed Co.. LaCrosse, Wis., by Frank Winter, of Montana, who planted one bushel of Great Northern Oats, care fully tilled and irrigated same, and be lieves that in 1894 he can grow from one bus. of Great Northern Oats three hundred bushels. It's a wonderful oat. M You Will Cut This Out and Send It with 8c postage to the ab ive firm you will receive sample package of above oats and their farm seed catalogue. Prqjectilea. * Professor Fritch, in a recent lecture in the Museum of Ethnology, at Berlin, said that with the aid of electricity he had been able to photograph project iles in transit. He exhibited photo graphs showing the air waves caused by the missiles, which form a legible record of the velocity with which they had traveled. How's Thlsf We ofTar One Hundred Dollars Reward for KIT ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him par. fectly honorable to all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligationa made by their firm. West & Tmax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. * " ' , Wholesale Drug. aif's Catarrli Cure is taken internally, act Waldiug, Rinnan <fc Marvin, gists, Toledo, Ohio. He directly upon the blood and mucous surfacosol the system. Price, 73c per bottle. Setdii# all Druggists. Testimonials free. Ijeprosy Increasing. Leprosy has greatly increased during the last half century, and is now prev alent in many places where it was for merly unknown. ItKicH AJI'S PILLS, for bilious dlaorders, are extensively sold and used In all civil ised countries. 25 cents a box A Photograph Title. Photography played an important part in a suit at Cincinnati. The suit is one of lccal standing, involving the title of l.iiOO acres of valuable farm land. It is based on a dded made near ly seventy-five years ago by the own ers of the land, and turns on the point whether the deed had five signatures or only four. In nrdnv to tijjs question-it was decided to have the deed photographed, and the clerk of the court was ordered ts give the mat ter his personal supervision. For that purpose it was taken to Washing ton and submitted to an expert pho- tographer of that city. The original deed, discolored and yellow with agei, showed traces of four signatures ana a space where there might have been a fifth, but no trace of it. The photo graphing was done in the presence of the clerk of the court, who refused to let the deed go out of his sight. The negative revealed traces of the missing signature, and when it was enlarged ten times the entire name became as plain as when first written. The court pronounced the evidence conclusive, and the te-ult will be the reversal of a former decit i'»n and a change in the ownership of the land.--Indianapolis Journal. $4 to California. i. Th,1? 18 our »l®eP»ng car rate on the Phil lips-Kock Island Tourist Excursions from < nicago to Los Angeles or San Francisco, via the scenic route and Ogtien. You can go with Phillips, the best of all excursion managers, for he ha* each party accom panied by a special agent who goes th« en tire trip with patrons. These personally conducted oxcjirslons leave Chicago twice * !J'ee'£' Tuesday and Thursday. We have also a dally tourist car service, J.. ,ol,lr JS.outhern route- through the beau tiful Indian Territory and Fort Worth lo Los Angeles and San Francisco, 'i he tour ist car rate via this route, the same. Ap ply at Rock Island ticket office, 104 Clark street John Sebastian, G. P. A,. C. It. I & P. Ry., Chicago Lacks the Koinam e. If train robbers do not want to be shot down like common criminals, let them abandon their unthankful voca tion and fornl a trust, by means of which they can rob the public with impunity. It is far more profitable, and entirely devoid of personal risk. The only disadvantage attending such a change is the lack of all romantic features in it.--Texas Farm and Ranch. « BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES* are excellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat. They are exceedingly effect ive."--Christian World, London, England. Good Provender. British North American Indians live on reindeer meat almost exclusively. They are big and strong, many of them being six feet high. MKDICAX, writers claim that the successful remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irrltatinx, easy of ap plication, and one that will reach the remote sores and ulcerated surfaces The history of the efforts to treat catarrh is proof positive that only one remedy has completely met these conditions, and that is Ely's Cream Balm, this safe and pleasant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing else has aver done, and both physicians and patients freely concede this fact. beauty marring blemishes SuMd 81 en Sulphur 8oai» Shlloh's Consumption Cure is sold on a guar antee. It cures Incipient ConNumption. It la the best Cough Cure. 25 cents. 60 ceuta and $1.00. FITK.-A11 Fits stopped free by I»r. Kline's Rreil perve Kestorer, No Fit* after fln»t day's use. Ma* JJ'IOUM cures. Treatise and £.00 trial bottle free to Fit esses. Send to Dr. Kline. u»l Arch St.. Phils, Pa. If • 'fe^jyfcd oi the August j^weri German Hjrup Olarj maiiacs for 1894, send ̂ name and address on a poota ̂ at once, asking for AJuuiftft* No, 22, and you will receive i by return mail, free of all ex- „ pense, one of the most, com- ̂ plete Illustrated books of the kind ever issued, in which yoa can keep a Daily Diary or i ; Memoranda of any matters you 1p desire. Write quick, or they I will be all gone. G. G. GR1 Woodbury,N.J. To ANY MAM or WOMAN, Toutk t!,»a«w of 1C een WRgdy the of foriw* umn to lowing Fotfa gannjrroN- and aMaow> *?r f SINGLE WLVSncS AMBWBkt* AST ONE of tin four. HIKE ABE THI 4 BRAIM-BBRRISHEM J I -- • DtQflA T 1 Mgal , " JwJuTriaetofc*. 2 •E*-TT Desirable !orall«» and csMcWb for (nose vita pWa , or Batttrai tfw ftawn 3 • R * * S M That for which ^ovtcai foad of Rhfjwj attire often qpeml too much imnr?"- 4 • I • HT Dr«iraW* in thttr " boaifn^s M o.rbett, Mitchell, Sullivan, ud others. vr • COSTS NOTHIM TO TRY Simply write oat what, after carefnl study. jtiW- l!*ve are th« answers rwjnirtsi to win th AND DOST FORGET that if your answers ar* onljryaft thUly right you will still win a just proportion of tkt full reward. Then write your name and addresa wa~ deraeath your answers and mail them t<> this addreM: AH. PUB. CO. Clerk 16, Jersey City, N. J. Yon are not required to eend a penny o# moiiy with your answers--not even retorn postage oa tfc* Awarding" Committee's reply to yon -- WH pay that* CURES RISING . . BREAST .% 1«rmEirsFWEiiirSh€ offered child-bearing woman. I hare been a mid-wife for many years, and in each caee when "Mother's Friend" had been used it fms accomplished wonders and relieved muck suffering. It is the best remedy for rlakte «f the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mas. M. M. BRI-STFR, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by exnreaa, charges prepaid, en receipt of price, fl-» per bottle. BRADP1ELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by all druggists. Atlasta, HA KrtallsSScts. Xtottsoid inafcous^. Sample poak <• paid.flveceats.FOBSHEEAMAKEN ctncinaa«M> •- PATENTS and PENSIONS Seen red. No advance fee. v • Fitzgerald ft Co., "lathand G," Washington, D. C. No. 4--94 lit vrritina Advertiser*, p to mention this paper. Advertisers like know what mediums oajr them best. 'lease do not fuii $£'4 • i - mem wsu ST. JACOBS OIL IS THE KING-CURE. OVkR flLk IT flflS NO EQUAL, NO SUPERIOR. ftLANE TflE BEST. The word "pen" means a feather, and is from the Latin penna, a wing. Surely the expression, "a steel pen," could be improved upon. WALTER BAKER & CO. COCOA and CHOCOLATE Highest Awards (Kraals and Diploma!) World's Columbian Exposition. On the following arttcUfc naiBt'h:; BBEAPmT €0CM, FtKlllifl So. 1 C10CBU1I. EUAN SWEEf CHOCtUH, VANILLA CMCOLATE, CWBA BlTTEii, For "purity of material," "excellent flaror," and "uni form even compontloii." SUMMER SNOW for 50 years, the one hardy pencil; -comes true from seed--seedling peaches are hardi est. Stands a to 10 deg. more cold than others; :u;-yr.-old trees still bear BEAR WHEfN OTHERS FAIL. If interested In Trees, Fruits, Roses, Ornamentals, write for Or chard Book.Guide.prices will save you money, and MORE: mistakes. A Pointer Wln'at.HM1. bu..apples $2; :«>c. apples <> at nay $2 wheat. OLD OAK PROCESS Whole Hoot trees are carefully propagated re gardless of cost by the one known method that iflves fruitful, long- lived trees. They "live longer and bear better."--See. Morton. They GROW- one customer planted 16,300 Without Lotlng a Tree, l'ou can't vet better at any price, nor equally good for less money; ours are the LOWEST PRICEO Nurseries ill U. S. forgooil stock--sent world wide during 69 YEARS. Head the thoitsiitul* of letters from customers who order year af ter year. Men do not as a nile send the second, the third, and even the 20th order, if not fairly dealt with. YOUR ORDER--we want it .wheth er for one tree or one million, he- cause we have the stoak to fill it-- 1000 acres Nurseries. Tested, and hardy, 1st Choice sorts ;so.ooo acres Orchards In 21 States. We ship everywhere, shi "£ * : w . i-J- 22^l&u%rt> 2'iUv,.V^1.?ortlii8iora«te cellars- Free Packing. Free EXTRA COUNT (11 for 10] FREE FREIGHT. STARK BRO'S NURSERIES * ORCHARDS CO.. B 8. Louisiana. Mo., or Roekaert, Hi Salzers Northern grown Seeds are the plst : J9HNA.5ALZER3EED (°- LACR9SSE WIS. SOLO BY OWOOERS EVERYWHERE? : WALTER BAKER & CO., DORCHESTER, MAS& Tht Oldest Medicine in tke li or id is probably DR. ISAAC THOMPSON'S acrlptton, and has been in constant uxe for nearf v a century. There are few diseases to which mankind are cubject more distressing thou sow eyes, and . none, perhaps, for which snore remedies have been Farms with nrr>h»vta ! tried without guocew. For all external lntlammatioa ....ill °fCDara8 of the eyes It Is an Infallible remedy. If the dlree- • tion* are followed It will never fail. We particularly Invite the attention of physicians to Its merits. For -- -->y.pros, SONS IN India twenty-live million acres are made fruitful by irrigation. In Egypt there are about six million. The United States has about 4,000,000 acres of irrigated lands. EOONEB OR LATER a neglected Cold will develop a constant cough, shortness of breath, falling strength, and wasting of flesh, all symptomatic of some aerlous Lung affection, which may be avoided or pal liated by using In time Dr. D. Jayne'a Ex pectorant. REMORSE is virtue's root: its fair in crease are fruits of innocence and blessedness.--Bryant. IT doesn't make a lie any whiter put it on a tombstone. J L phvfiiolans to its ASTHMA--~ -- CURED. P0PHA1PS ASTHMA SPECIFIC OITCS Belief in Five Minutes. TrialI Package aent FKEE. Sold by Drag-1 glrta. Oae Box sent post-paid on rr-1 ceipt of 91.00. Sis Boxes, 900, Add. I T hos. Popham, Ph I la. Pa I 1,000,000 ODMPANT in Minnesota. Ian. They will be sent to yoa ACRES or UkM& tor tale by the Sum PA<CT* & Dulcta Bai«.KO Send for SKI "Colchester" otber column. Spading Hoof a* in VERITABLE prayer of a little girl who had been punished and told to pray: "O God! please make me good; sot real tfood, but just good enough so 1 won't have to be whipped.'-' •guttata Not a Local Disease Because Catarrh affects your head it is not therefore a local disease. If it did not exiat In your blood it could not manifest itself in your nose. It is a constitutional diseane, and to cure it, therefore, requires a con stitutional remedy and a thorough blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparijla, which ex pel* all trace of the impurity in which the disease originates, and thua perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh. Remember," 3ur11 n ptDn . Routs C £} 6 0 f- w " HOPEWELL CLARKB. I*ad Commissioner, 8t, Paul, Kiosy A Piwk of Playing Card furnished by the Burlington Ron (C.. B. & Q. K. R.I, which is the Bei ltdilway irom Chicago and St. Lou. to all points ^Northwest. West aiu Southwest. SeDd 15 cents iu postair for a full deck to P. S. Klrs'lls, Gen. eral Passenger Agent, CHICAGO ILI* WANT ANYTHING CHICAGO, write us. Catalogue tree. Send lOc and get a 50«j World's Fair Album, colors. KAKl.V & CO (Estab. ISffli, 221 '4 Wabash Avenue Chicago Mon-iow ran FAFC* DROPSY Hood secures! j Soeeaarfal whtn«!! remedies fall. SoM fnK positively and immediately relieved and c.,red by a perteetl.v Bate and v,oiirteiTui vegetable remedy. Se->d ior conviuciH, eireular 'Address I)R. •!. <1 BENEDICT REMEDIES, 4 aud 6 Cedar St., New York. ̂ , One bottle for fifteen cents, Twelve bottles for one dollar K Ripans Tabules are the most effective rec ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels* Buy of any druggist anywhere, or tend price to m* RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, 10 Smrca Sr., N«w Yomt. 4">, *1 •; .•:% 'n'uli-rr, - , i 4^' I -1J <T. % >\i'- * * fi&k* V Bold by all druggists. $1 per bottle; six lor $5. Hood'>Pillscnreallliverilla,bllloaaneaa, 1 j Jauadioe, indigestion, siok headache. SSc. j KrJf< UaooZtlMlNru', M .Y, Write for book of PooiFRSf MENTION THIS PAL'KK »IM. «|T A MTCn MEN to TRAVEL. We »ay SW ww ^lw IBW to wioo a month 4 ekpewaea. • RONS Jb irtlLUNumN. MAJDlaOr*. WW. specially for Farmers, Miners* R It Htuida and othera. Solo xtending down to the h«al. EXTRA WEARINC QUAUTY. housands of Rubber Boot yearers testify this is the best they ever had. four d«ii«r far be persuaded into as faferiof awtWte - - m