Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1894, p. 7

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m =*!fe fraattag .mult- WtfaproftemmiiiiaMaimty, •nda tbon»u>a and one derange­ ments at both bodjrand mind Msalt from _ or*dices, often indulged in by tbe •oimg, through ignorance of their ruinous consequences. To reach, roclairn and restore such, unfortunates to health and hap­ piness, is the aim of an associ­ ation of medical gentlemen who have rrejiarcd a book, written in plulw but.chaste language, treating of iho nature, symptoms and curability, by home treatment, of such diseasts. "fne World's ' Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors ! of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on receipt of this notice, ; with 10 cents (in stamps for postage) mail, • ceaied in plain envelope, a copy cf this useful - book. It should l» read by every young . parent and guardi&a in the land. 5 * v *• *%*¥ v 11 ^ * ml m-mm. ' * 1 I' W? m brings comfort and improvJ^litfkiid tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, wiil attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup o£ Figs. Its excellence is due to U«t presenting in the form most acceptable and pleach ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to trillions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. The Greatest Medical Discovery gSZ- of the Age. .' •V. ­ KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. SOLE SHRIKES BACK. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN THt HA­ WAIIAN CASE. SpcolOoMtaM DmaiuMt fa? Minister Wlllla Are Furnished Without He«lta- tlon--Our Representative Charged with Withholding Information *n& Ptajrtea a BouteCi Part. Talk) Very Plainly. Advices received frcm Honolulu by steamer Alameda give the full -text of President Dole's letter to Minister Willis in reply to the latter's request for specifications and statements made in a previous letter from Dole in re­ gard to the attitude of the United States Government. Dole's letter is very lengthy. He says: "In compliance with your request for certain specifica­ tions concerning my letter of Dec. 27. I reply thereto as follows: You in­ quire as to the meaning cf the word 'attitude'as used in my letter. I reply lhat word was used by me in its ordi- thai he had wnothewd the U$tl* g£rl Eth<?l with an apron at a neighbor's house, where she had t e n removed in a dying condition, while the folks were, at dinner, as he feared if she reeovered her evidence might convict him. The murder was undoubtedly planned for robbery, but, becoming frightened at the enormity of the crime, the mur­ derer tied, leaving over $600 untouched in a bureau diawer. His father is a respected farmer, and up to the time ol the murder Bud Stone had Jed aouifit* uneventful life. • GREAT OUTPUT OFQOLSfc Ow eiBO.OOO.OOO Worth of the Yellow Metal Mined In 1893. Returns received at the Treasury Department indicate that the gold out­ put for 1893 will reach the almost un­ precedented amount of $37,OOO.OCO, an increase over 1892 of $4,000,000. In Colorado the output hasincreassd from $3,000,000, in 1892, to $5,000,COO in 1893, while the gains in other gold-producing sections are unusually large. The Australian production will carry the production of the world, it is thought, to $lf)0,000,000, which is a gain of $12,- KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Hot Merely on the feww of Silence, Bnt Out of Regard to Health. Don't be offended. The admonition is not meant as a reflection upon your talkativeness. Talk as much as you please, tut keep your mouth shut when you are not talking. People who k^ep their mouths cl> sad except when tbey are ta king, eatine or drinking, rarely contract cilds or coughs. Savages, even these living in northern latitudes, eeldom lake co d. Scientists say it is be3au?e they are clo;e-mouthe l. Disea e germs floating in the air f nl a di:eet route into the lungs of a per­ son who breathe* through his m-iuth. They are arrested by the fine, sieve­ like network of hair in the nostrils of the individual who breathes through his nose. Keep your mouth shut and you may defy j estilence. Tfce teeth suffer from too much and tx> Venient exposure to the atmosphere. Sudden changes of temperature, whether liquid or atmo«pke io, are hurtful to them. The best teeth in the world are those of tfce ravage tribes whose mem 000,000 for the year. With one or two narily accepted sense, meaning bear- [ exception** this is the largest output ing, posture, as indicatiug purpose of those referred to. You further say, 'Will ^ou point out where and when and how a representative of the United States assumed any attitude toward supporters of the Provisional Government other'than one essentially and designedly expressive of peace?' ever Known. The gold tie Ids of South Africa feem to be rapidly taking the place of the California and Australian fields as the bonanza finds of the pres­ ent decade. Report! from the Witwetersrandt region alone show a total product for 1893 of 1,479,476 ounees of oie, yielding T T ,, .. .. , :a product of refined gold of a value in In reply I would say that the attitude »eJcc?s of $25,000.0 >0. The production in this region is increasing at an aston­ ishing rate and South Africa bids fair ffe y f " -t &'-• ,> ' . r * t - *i u . ~ DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula ^ down to a common Pimple. < He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He lias now in his ' possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit fs always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war­ ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonfuijn water at bed* time. Sold by all Druggists. "Almost as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regard to Scott'a Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. The difference between the oil, in its plain state, is very apparent. In Of a person is to be ascertained only by Inferences drawn from known \rords and acts of such person and conditions and circumstances under which they take place." President Dole then cites the with­ drawal of the treaty of annexation from the Senate by President Cleveland without any notice to the Hawaiian representative; the appointment of i Blount ard his visit as a secret emis­ sary of the United States and the re­ fusal of Secretary Gresham to explain to the Hawaiian representative the object of Blount's mission or even that he had been commissioned. He also criticised Blount's actions while in the country and the report which he subsequently made to President Cleve­ land. President Dole next refers to Gresham s letter to President Cleve­ land last October, and says: "You have intimated that the foregoing let­ ter, being a domestic transaction, is not a subject of diplomatic corre­ spondence.* I must submit, however, ttiat a communication frcm the chief of the Department of State to the President, in which he charges this Government and its officers with con­ spiracy, weakness, timidity and fraud, and recommends its subversion, which letter is officially furnished to and pub­ lished by the public press, without any information concerning the same being afforded to this Government, is not a domestic transaction, and is pre-emi­ nently a proper subject for inquiry on the part of this Government as to'the intention * of your Government con­ cerning the subject matter, "On I*ov. 14 Mr. Thurston, the Ha­ waiian Minister at Washington, called upon the Secretary of State and in­ quired if the above letter was authen­ tic, and was assured by Mr. Gresham • that it was. Mr. Thurston then said: 'I wish, then, to further ask whether it is the intention of the United States , Government to carry out the policy ! therein indicated by force, or, in other words, whether, if the Proysional Government decline to accede to the request of the United States Govern­ ment to vacate in favcr of the Queen, , United States troops will be used to j enforce the request.' po we need to : state that Mr. Thurston received no ' satisfactory reply to this question?" j President Dole then recalls the ar­ rival of the United States dispatch boat Corwin at Honolulu last Decem­ ber with private copies of the Presi­ dent's Hawaiian message to Congress i for Mr. Willis, and-avs: "Up to the time of the arrival of the ' Corwin the United States naval officers in port were in the habit of coming ashore in citizen's dress, the crews re­ ceived their usual liberty on shore, and , no unusual warlike preparations were ( visible on board. Immediately on the arrival of the Corwin the liberty of the crews was stopped and so was that of most of the officers. Th(fee who came on shore were in service uniform. Rifles were stacked. Cartridge belts were filled with ball cartridges and knapsacks packed for immediate use were conspicuous on the decks of the ships and were seen there by visiting citizens, who in reply to an inquiry as to the meaning of such preparations were informed by the officers that they were ready to land at a moment's no­ tice. When asked if the landing would be to protect or fight us the reply of the officers of the Philadelphia was that no one on board knew what orders would be received." during the present year to push her way to. the head of the list of •:old-pro- ducing countries. The figures for 1892 pnt Austrd ia at the head of the list with a production of $35,870,800, the United States second at $33,000,000, Russia third at $24.8U(i.200. and Africa fourth at $23,7* 6,000. The full returns from South Africa for 1H>3 will prob­ ably nhow a production in excess of $30,000.t!0u, which will force her into third p'ac?, and if the increase con­ tinues she will pass Russia during 1894, and will be beaten by the United States in aggregate production only by means of a large increase in this country. The production of silver, according to the reports leceivedat the mint, has fallen off during the last year and will not exceed $175,000,000 in coining value for 1893. As the.coining value is now more than twice the market value the actual mercantile value of the sil­ ver mined will drop below $90,000,000, the smallest figure for many years. TO FOLLOW VAILLANT. ~ The Anarchist Who Hurled the the Barcelona Theater. The next dynam'te:* to follow Vail- lant lo the scaffold, if he lives, wul probably be Jose Salvador Franch, the man who threw the bomb at the Barcelona Theater. Like Vaillant, Franch has deplo­ re rab'e antecedents. (^Though belonging to a respectable ^family at CaRei­ ser as, he rah away when only 14 to ......Barcelona, where JOSE SAIAADOR Fit ANCHH0 JOINED THE ^ archists, and hai lived from hand to mouth ever since. His wife Antonia was obliged to go out choring, and, accord­ ing to her own account, she lived in fear of her husband poisoning her lost she should divulge anarchist secrets. Franch was a great friend of Pallas, who threw the bomb at Marshal Cam­ pos. and was the prime mover in a grand conspiracy for a general rising at Barcelona, where the anarchists were to burn the hou-es of the upper clashes, loot shop^. and assassinate in­ discriminately. The anarchists were alraid to carry out the pioject, so Franch consoled himself by throwing the bomb in the Liceo Theater,whence Itlgbest of ail in Le*veoingXt. $. GW<ft Repotf ABSOLUTE!?? PURE "AnAbandoned City. "A pcef. ciu'.d write4cb 'The Deserted "Village with Virginia City as a sub­ ject and surpass Goldsmith's immortal p.oduetion on the same topic," said E. L. Hearne, of San Francisco. "The firs" lime that I was ever there the ]>opulation of Virginia City was greater than that of tne entire Stat; now. Everything ran wide open. Magnifi- bers always keap their mouths shut cent hotels and ot era ha Is, palatial except when talking or eating. Throat and lung diseases are often contracted by persons who go about open-mouthed. Tne frosty air of winter iuhaled di­ rectly into the lungs through the moutn is a frequent cause of bronchial diser 'ers. Taken through the nose it is mcdified, and sifted of many dangers. Keep your mouth shut. * An Oversight. 4 There was One oversight at the Great Exposition at Chicago in not having in full view, bjr easy arrangement, some compar­ ative vital statistics of our own general health as compared with other nations, and of our scientific facilities for the relief of human suffering. Ihen it would have appeared howiuuch we are misrepresented and how, even In all those minor ills which beset mankind, we are masters of cure and alleviation In the line of general ail­ ments which all nations have in common, such as rheumatic or neuralgic afflictions, there Is no prompt and permanent cure In the world the equal ot what we could have shown. St. Jacobs Oil, for Instance, for this purpose, would have taken any pre­ mium that might have been offered. It has done so at many of the great fairs of the world. < As for the ordinary casualties of every-day, busy life, such as sprains, bruises, burns, wounds, or cuts, of course It is well knoWn as the superior remedy of the age. Perhaps doctors disagree, but the people are never mistaken In knowing what is best. A Consolatory Chance. Oae evening, just about dark, I rode up to a cabin in the Tennessee mount­ ains and asked to stay all night. "I'm sorry, mister,said a woman who had responded to my request, "but yer can t stay here." "Why noty" I asked. "I'll pay for it." "Tain't the pay I'm afraid uv, mis- tor, " she said, "but ther' ain't no men- folks in the house and we can't keep you What am I to do?n I asked, help- "Go on .to the next place, I reckon." "How far is it?" "Two miles, er sitch a matter." "But it is dark," I urged; "I never was here before and I'll be sure to lose the road." "I reckon (her's a chance uv that," she said, and then, more encouragingly "but hits sitch a tarnel b3d road, mis­ ter, that you'll be glad you lost hit, afore you've gone a mile." Brace the Nerves. Sedatives and opiates won't doit These nerv­ ines do not make the nerves strong, and failing to do this fall short of producing the essential of their quietude--Vigor. And while in extreme cases--and these only--of nervous irritation such drugs may be advisable, their frequent use Is highly prejudicial to the delicate organism upon which they act, and in order to renew their quieting effect increased and dangerous doses eventually become necessary. Hostetter's Stomach (Sitters is an efficient substitute for such pernicious drups. It quiets the nerves by bracinit, toning, strengthening them. The con­ nection bet ween weakness of the nervous sys­ tem and that of the organs of digestion is a strong and sympathetic link. The Bitters, by Imparting a healthful impulse to the digestive and assimilating functions, promotes through­ out the whole system a vi/or in which the nerves come in for a large share. I'se the Bit- he escaped in the confusion. He re- j tiers in malirla, constipation, biliou* and kid- mained in hiding in various places till ney trouble. the police pounced upon him in Sara- goasa, when he tried to kill hinpsif» WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS. you detect no fish-oil taste. As it is a help to diges­ tion there is no after effect except good effect. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion is the best promoter of flesh and strength knowpr^o science. * Pnpirtd by Scott & fiovrne. 1?. T. ATI (trawnrta. r "V , * •> # WALTER BAKER & CO. COCOA and CHOCOLATE Highest Awards OMalS and Dijbmt) World's Columbian Exposition. On the following artMaa namely: IKillFlST C0C#A, rtEIIill lo. 1 CMCH1TL «£Uil SWEET CB9MLATE, VAIILLi CI0C0LATE, MOM BUTTER, form even composlttoii." A lou> by cuoccna EVEBVWHIM, WALTER BAKER I CO., DORCHESTER, MAStL purr We gave away 1323 Sewing Machines last r Mr w year. You can get one free. *i'nd 6c for I (ILL. paper explaining. J. M.CKiPE.MarionJtnd. bnt I will eell RKRRT . ,'I. V VTS at prices ran can af­ ford. List free. C. if. WHUTEN. Bridjjman. Mich. Blooded Cattle, Sheep. Hogs, Poultry and Sporting Docs. Send st raps for catalogues. X. P. BOYBK & CO.. COATESVILLE. PA. No. 8-94 Hard Times! | r 8. N. V. PISOS CURE FOR CramMftptlve* and people who have weak tangs or Aath- ma, shonkl ase Piso's Cnre for Oonaamptioc. It has cured UmuMMMls. it bat not Injur­ ed ose. It is not bad to take. It la the but cough syrop. Bold everywhere. Ut. ' O N > U M p T I 0 N . • MURDERER STONE HANGED. Slayer of the Wratten Family Fajrs the Penalty of His Revolt in (J^Crlnie. James E. Stone, commonly known as "Bud" Stone, was executed at midnight in the Indiana State* prison south by Warden J. B. Patten. The crime of which James E. Stone, or "Bud" Stone, aa he was famil­ iarly known, wa i c o n v i c t e d w a s committed near the village of ^Giendale, nine miles ea^t of JAMES • STOWR. Washington, Ind., the ntoht of Sept. 18, 1893, and was the peculiarly atrocious and bloody murder ot Mrs. Elizabeth Wratten, her 6on Denson Wratten, and his wife and three • children. All were killed instantly with the exception of the little girl Ethel, who lived for several days. Arming himself with a corn knife, he went to the home of his vic­ tims at a late hour the night of the crime. Stone knocked on the door and was answered by the younger Mrs. Wratten. He struck her a blpw on the head with a corn knife that ten­ dered her lifeless. Jumping over the form of the prostrate woman he kil'ed the children as he came to them, and going to the bed upon which Denson Wratten lay sick, with typhoid fever, he dealt him a blow that<ended his life. The elder Mrs. Wratten slept in an adjoining room, and finding her dcor locked he kicked in the wiadow and, entering the room. finished his bloody work. Stone con­ fessed the crime to his wife, and she, being unable to keep the awful secret, when bum- moned before the grand jury told all she knew. The as­ sassin entered a ELIZABETH WKATTEW plea of guilty, and within three hours' time had been tried, convicted, and Sentenced to be hanged. A short time ago he added another horror to his crime by stating to his Ipted father who visited him in prim Ananal Convention of the National Asso­ ciation In Washington. The twenty-sixth annual convention of the National American Woman Suf­ frage Association b gan in Washing­ ton with a large attendance of dele­ gates representing all parts of the country. The tession was devoted to the presentation of reports. The re­ port, of the Executive Committee recommended that the special effort of the association be concentrated on the campaign in Kansas and New York, the two States where there is to be a test vote this year. Mrs. Lillie D. Blake, the member of the Executive Committee from New York, spoke of the work there, and predicted success for woman suffrage in the coming con­ stitutional convention in New York. Mrs. Laura M. Johns, cf Kansas, said that the work for the enfranchisement of wemen had progressed farther In Kansas than in -New York. | The night session of the convention was very largely attended, and those teated on the plat.orm included Dis­ trict Commissioner ROJK, Senator Tol­ ler, of Colorado, and Representatives Pence ard Bell, of tha same State. The President's address was then de­ livered bv Miss Anthony. It was a brief, interesting, and critical rev.ew of the cause ot woman suffrage, with frequent caustic allusions to the ac­ tion of the courts in their decisions affecting the laws passed by the States for the enfranchisement of women. JUDGE GRESHAM'S PENSION. It Is Still Accumulating In CbleafO--Now Amounts to S870. A Chicago dispatch says: If Secre­ tary of State Gresham has relinquished his pension cf $30 a month the informa­ tion has not been conveyed to Pension, Agent Andersen, whose pension-rella j are open for inspection in the federal building. Judge Gresham's name has not been erased from the list, and the entry shows that he last drew his al­ lowance in Ju'y, 1892. Were he to ap­ pear in Gen. Anderson's office with Jus ceitificate, he would receive a check upon the Subtreasury for about $o70, the amount due him since the last pay­ ment. July 29. 1891, Judge Gresham s pension was transferred trom the juris­ diction of the pension agent at Indian­ apolis to the Chicago office. Unless word is received from Commissioner ! Lochren, the name of Judge Gresham ' will remain upon Gen. Anderson's roll* until the time specified by law for the expiration of an undrawn pension-- three years and three months, lacking one day from the date of the last pay­ ment. MEMBERS of the Michigan Canvas ing Board are making a fight against the Governor's order of remov negligent*. An Angel Offers to Compromise. Young wife: "Now, my dear, don't let us begin quarreling, like so many oth­ er couples. You know all we have to do is to avoid the first quarrel, and then there never can b© any." Young husband. "Of course, but you stubborn­ ly persist in boarding at a hotel, al­ though you know I can't endure hotel life, and want a home of my own." "We differ on that subject, to be sure, but that is asma'l matter. Why not com­ promise?" "Certainly, if you can sug- ?est a way." "Nothingeasier, my love. Ve will board at a notel, and' every evening when you come home I'll com­ plain about the hotel tervant*. just as if they were our own, and no doubt the proprietor will agree to let me dis­ charge one or two occasionally, and you can spend the day at intelligence officer hunting for new one3, just as if we were keepiug houte, you know."-- New York Weekly. ir An Fxpert. • The physician had employed an as­ sistant to an old gentleman who was partially paralyzed but who took a walk every day supported by the nurse. "Now," said "the doctor, "you must he very careful with the old gentleman and* watch him closely so he will not fall." Yes, sir," was the respectful re­ sponse. "And you must go very slow, ^ ery slow indeed, for it will injure him to walk at any ordinary gait" "I can do that, sir," replied the new man. confidently, "I have always lived in Philadelphia."--Detroit Free Press. Have Yon Heard Of the marvelous young city of Great Falls? It has Water-power greater than Niagara. Most extensive Coal fields in *the West. Electric power generated by water-fails. Mountains of precious and base metals. Big pay-roll, enterprising people, health­ ful climate. Smelters, Refineries. Manu­ factories, Flour ratlls. Industries. Mining, gtock-growins. Agriculture. A place for investment and Homes Write £. Crutcber, Loans and Realty, Great Fails, Mont. Preserving Game in Montana. The killing of any bison, buffalo, quail, or Chinese pheasant is forbidden by law in Montana for ten years, and the killing of any moose, elk, otter, or beaver for six years after March 1, Br TRintHO WITH A COLD, many a one allows himself to drift into a condition favorable to the development of some latent disease, which thereafter takes full pot* session of the system. Better euro your Cold at once with Dr. D. Javne's Expecto­ rant, a good remedy tor Throat-ails and Lang affections. Not that Kind of a Young Man. Maude--"What did young Fitznoodle do when you rejected nim; did he get down on his knees':" Ethel--"No, he went off on his ear."-- Truth. WHO SurrERS with bis liver, constipation, . bilious ills, poor blood or dizziness--take . Beecham's Pills. Of druggists. 35 cents residencos. stores that, would have dot e ci edit to New York, millionaires who sper»t money fiealy. maintaining a so­ ciety that for brilliancy and gayety cotiid n:.t be equaled in the Linitecl States. I _ was there a short tim 3 a?o. Tne bote's and opera houses are closed, the residences empty, the stores removed t J other and more prosperous j^lace?. Dwellings that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars are given over to the bats, ar.d the broke a pan?s of glass, the shutters hanging upon a single hinge and flapping in the wind, give a grewsjme sen-e of loneliness. In years to come it will afford magnifi­ cent spectacles of ruins, and even now in some secti ns of the town there is a eense to the beholder of being in a city of the past. Millions were made ana lost, and the history of Virginia City would be one of the moat thrilling stories ever written."--Globe-Demo­ crat. - 816 BUS • LB8. OATS FROM OWB BU8. SEED. This remarkable, almost unheard-of, yield was reported to the John A. Sal­ ter Seed Co.. LaCrosee, Wis., by Frank Winter, of Montana, who planted one bushel of Great Northern Oats, care­ fully tilled and irrigated same, and be­ lieves that in 1894 he can grow from one bus. of Great Northern Oats three hundred bushels. It's a wonderful oat. If You Will Cut This Out and Send It with 8c postage to the ab ve firm you will receive sample package of above oats and their farm seed catalogue. C Where He Got His Information. Agent--Beg pardon, ma'am, but I have been requested by a number of persons to call here and show you our new patent electric wakethedead door­ bell. It's very hard on hands to have to knock, ma'am, and everybody says the only reason why you haven't a bell is because you never thought of it. Housekeeper--^That's very true. I really had forgotten that there was no bell. Put fne in. Agent (half an hour later)--It's all done, ma'am. Here's the bill Thank you. I'll receipt it. Housekeeper--Would you object to telling me who the persons were who complained that I had n-> bell? Agent--They were peddlers, ma'am. Good-day, ma am.--New York Weekly. How's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We. the underslgnei, bay* known F. J. Che. ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their firm. •WEST & TIIUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDING, K INN AN & MAKVIN, wholesale Drug. pists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Prioe 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Small Dishes. Oswaldus Norhingehs, the artist, is said to have made 1,400 dishes that could all bs stowed away in a commcn thimble. This must be true, for we are told that Pope Paul V. counted them with the aid of a pair of spec­ tacles made by the dish artist.--St. Louis Republic. Abraham Lincoln's Stories. An illustrated book, unmarred by advertising, containing stories and an­ ecdotes told by Abraham Linooln, many heretofore unpublished, will be sent free to every person sending his or her address to the Lincoln Tea Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. THE tempering of steel is a delicate process. A workmen washed his hands in a tank of water used for that pur­ pose ih a Massachusetts factory and a whole batch of steel was sold as second grade. J . NO SAF^ER REMEDY can be had for Cougbs and Colds, or any trouble of the Throat, /tliau "Brown's Bnmctiial Troche*." Price 2$ £ts. Sold only in boxe*. THE finest sea mirage is the Fata Morgana, in the Straits of Messina. Fie* "Colchester" other column. Spading Boot ML la c E. Mobertson. Heirtburn, Indigestion Distress in the stomach, etc., made nie unhap­ py. Hood's Sarsapaiilla pave me an appetite, assisted digestion, overcame my stomach t rou­ ble and I began to (trow fat. Less than tliree bottles of Hood's restored me to health." W. E. ROBEKTSON. St. Louis Grocer and General Merchant, St, Louis, Mo. Hood's CurtS After Diphtheria When our bov was very weak and poor in flesh be had malarial fever and disordered liver. Hood's Sarsaparilla did him a great deal of good- He regained strength and flesh and is now well." MBS. G. W. 31 AH LETT, Carroliton, Ky. HoodVs^Cures Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, biliousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. - 26c. THE largest building in the United { iral for RfaltftS is t,hfi ffonitol at WanhinMnn. Ely's Cream Balm QUICKLY CUBES HEAD |Trlce«0 Apply Balm Into each nostril. BLTs3ftO&. HWama St. Ji.T. > .34 to California. * Thisi is our sleeping car rate on the Phil­ lips- Itock ISJMHI Tourist Excursions from Chicago to Los Angeles or Sun Francisco, via the scenic route and 0;iden You can go with Phillips, the bast of all excursion managers, for be ha* each party accom­ panied Uy a spoclal a«ent who goes the en* tire trip with patrons These personally conducted excursions leave Chicago twieo a week. Tuesday and Thursday. We have slso.a daily lourist car service, via our Southern r.itite. throuTh the beau­ tiful Indian Territory an! Fort Worth to Los Angeles «nd 8an Francfscpi '-betour­ ist car rate via this route, the same Ap­ ply at Rock Island ticket office, 104 Clark street. John Sebastian; P. A.. G» K. t & P. Ry„ Chicago. Collections or Perfumery Bottfrs. Princess Marie of Roumania, wife of the Grown Prinee. has an unusual hobby--the collection of perfumery bottles. In this she resembles her grandmother, the late Empress of Kussia, who lefta collection of beauti­ ful perfumery bottle s valued at $20,00 J. ELECTRIC light is baing used as a bait by fishermen who ply their bailing along the Pacific toajt. FOR THE relief and cnre ot a col<T in tbo head th> re is more potency inTfcly's Cream Balm than in anything else it is possible to prescribe. TuiR prep­ aration his for years past been making a brilliant success as a rem°dy for cold in the head, catarrh and hav fever. I'scd in the initial stages of these complaints, Cream Balm prevents any s»rio«s devel­ opment of the symptoms, while a most uiiinb rlcss cases are on. record of radical cures of chronic ca­ tarrh and bar fever after all other treatments have proved of no avail. ' "Ahi Tom, there is no greater charm t' an a Much-bloom complexion, such as the young lady had we heard extolling olenn's Sulphur Hoap." Shlloh's Consumption Cure is sold on agnar an tee. It cures Incipient t'oasumption. it is tin best Cough Cure. 25 cents, soceuta ami *1.00. pi';:#® f , 10+" For Famers, Miners. R. R. an i others. The outer o • tun sole extends tb« wbole length of the »ole d >wii to the hrel. .protecting tli - shank in diteMut. CiBK and other work. Best qiuiiiy throughout. ASK YOUR PKALM My SOtla. Anitnal Oavk", alogue of SEEDS! --•ClA-DEs THESE-- SFBCZ^XiTZZSS: SWEPT POTATOES for Sprouting- * Largest Assortment in the UMUIilJL NORTHERN C.ROWN POTATOES-- Best Sorts--Best Stock. BROOM-CORN SEED. FIKXIJ CORN A1TO OATS. MELON SEEDS, as well as everything needi il for the Farm an# Garden. Catalogue Sent Ftee. . , J. A.-FOOTE, Seedsman ? 1 TERRE HAUTE, IND. NOXALL INCUBATOR - FITS.--All t'ltsstoppert free by Or. Kline's t»-e it Pierve l(«Htoi er. No Fits after first (lav's use. Mar­ velous cures. Treatise and J2.00 trial bottle free to fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline. i*!l Arch fct.. Phi la. Pa tam. eithfr kindle, of douhl# irav. Is the simplest and _ lei-t Sett-RefutatiiM In* on tho market, and we i'aeture tho only " _ Brooder in Ansarisa. Circulars free. AddfCSI GEO. W. MURPttr * C61 Q«KCT, ru. r ' ? i-te. ft* lHutirMsl Xk* lemil ftto. int^lau h*<efa«r ind*. OflllPP For the Million. For Scents we will. «tlllllv<k you. postpaid, a boo* containing UUIIULI owriiiti i opuUr Mittgs.word*M»d mnsio compietf, l'HI 1.11' F. FLOYD & SON, M»il Or- , der Supply House. SIS West :fith St.. New York City. «6EWS HKt S5 a K<-i ills:;S i-*s. 20 i .M ti :nahousc. Sample post paid.flvecenta.FO R.SHEE& MAKIN rincinnati,e Yoiing Wives WHO ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME TO UNDERGO WOMAN'S SEVEREST TRIAL, WE OFFER • "flothers' Friend" A remedy which^ if used as directed a few weeks before con­ finement, robs it of its Pain, Horror and Risk to Life of both mother and cbHd, as thousands who have used it testify. *1 used two bottles of 'MOTHERS' FRIEND' with MARVELOUS RESULTS, and wish every woman who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to know if they use 'MOTHERS' FRIEND' for a few weeks it will rob con­ finement of pain and suffering and insure safety to life of mother and child."-MRS* SAM HAMILTON, Eureka Springs, Ark. r": Book to Mothers mailed free containing voluntary testimonial*. tteat^rexpress, charges prepaidon receipt of Sold by all Drag gists BRADF: sipt ot price, $180 per IELD REGULATOR < bottle. SAIZERS.NORTHERN GROWN SEEDS ARE THE B E J?HN'A.SALZER5EED(sLACR05SE.W!5 A of our 13 a<tV*rn>onVenis, of which tlm is .No. U Tire Mtk* wtrth we *lfi allotf fota that eetouet IW It in the following way : If sem in all at cue tinw by a rm* %dar mbtrrib*i* to this imnitdiaU'hs %sftrr the l®bt c ptarv, togethw with the nam# aufi adrirft>s of both t*ub m*d paper, and dat™ of papers-from whit h they arf > Upp*d, WE wnx AM'OW YOU TOWARD THi; l'l HfllASt Or OXCOPOI B NEW, LARGK 8IZK, ALL STKKL I ilEBS WORTH $lih Only one l C utter to any one person. This raakMthe cash payment only 916 for this'utttr, Which \viH b« fout;<l at superior to any now in use MA th« Aermotor waito an\ihnif m existence when it first appeared, •nd wiil drive from the fiaUl all competitors and lake and hold the trade in Peed Cutten a* the Aetmotor. the Aermotor Slat! fixed and Stae! Tilttnu' Tower liH\e in Windmills and Towers. The talent which the Aer«i»<dor Company has shown in revit* Ing, revolutionizing, getting und holding the windnull hu^ntaa ct the world, can h« turned to wany folds in the aicricultunl impl^niftntlina and itptOM^es tosliow m hat it can do by taking •p a nutnl>er of articles, making them of lte«l and pnttinfc thMl flu their final shape at a smsl* stroma, as WAN done in the CAM •f the Windmill and Rfcet To*W*. dtid it piopoaes Uftirnith ihem at a greatly rednc^d price/ This Feed Cutter, fir ih» rrf'/nt, will rnly V ftirnished on the a'tove t*rms. TUIW filTK *TO THIS SCRIK8 OF IS ADVERTHEMF.XT8 A^8R ¥AL?lvDF $25, We shall offer ether si tides for u hiftlt aecept thee« advertisements or single copies oC then*, HI MTt payment. One will be n Steel Band Truck, In whu-h tee) a special wide in showing out •kill as reviser* and nn*m>veT» of itule airficlos. , The ctA Wquirenieiit with this will he ndiculoutly small. The third advertisement iu ihisieMts wiU show Steel Clr* eular Saw and Fr ime, for fftrm and tawveis' use. It is • FKKPBCT FOLK SAW WITH PKRPKCT 8AFE1T OVAKDS, and rone with very much lest power than ordinary huzz sawe and ha« a better ^aw. THJ8 $40 SAW AND KRAMK WILL RK 0IVB9 FOR $15 AND FIVK COPIES CLIPPED AS ABOVE OF ADVERTISE* XB*T NO. A. In Idealities where we can we are going to make liberal offera to accept copies of th<aeadver» titementa in pait payuient for Windmills. -iC you have any thought of using fc wind* ill thin year ifnM us at oncet stating what you think yon wilt need, whether Pumping or Geat ed, ami if possible it) make you a liberal offer. The pust year, though one ot inj>ara)lel*d financial dis­ turbance and business d<?> l^essiou was one of great 1 prasperity to the Aer­ motor Co. The fact that the Aermotor Co. in the past years lius Lewie net the at of Wtsd Pewer to the Ceseaner te Oa»«ii«k •T Its feraer Prlee has re­ dounded greatJv to ita benefit and has brought to its factory i enormous volume of business. Even at the very lew prices at %»hich we sell Steel Wtndiuills and Steel Towers, made m the most I*I feet wanner, of the most fteefeet ma keriel, and GALYAMIZFD.AFTKR. oomrrioN, THIS PKKPECILY PBOTBCT1NG KV£K¥ PORTION OF TBB BRTAU it Is possible ta n few cents on each outfit, and these few cents the enormous number <>C outfits are wholly satisfactory to thu Aermotor Co.. which has always derived more pleas me from the service it has ren­dered a great number of people and from the pride it takes m doing w*ll whatever it puts its hands Ce» than from the money it makes from its enterprise. IIIS year, because it buys its material more cheaply and ct* peets an enormous increase m its ever growing bustnes», It •tffcr• Ita pat rose, a ?ast inerease la the quantity and qtiallly ef •eterhU eeptoyed IB thee»»streetlee elite tHeel Towers. The •eeompanying diagram, 2 1-2*2 1-2 r-hon-a the smallest ancle that will be used by it m the comer jmsta r.f Tower*, even rer •he 8-ft. whei^L For the llS-ft. we use 4x4. Ti»o««aed* ef t«M e#Angles fe^ Towers eeld-rolled and very straight aitrf perfeet are now delivered at ear works* Others who li*vea few tons, and thcreforea year's supply, of 2*1' angle which they are using for 8>ft.« 10-ft.. jyed even for 12-ft w heels, will read this paragraph with, surprise and sorrow, since we lute not previously given them any information concerning what we will use for '94. The Aermotor Co. proposes to distribute9*00 Iff fASH I* PRI2KS for the best essays written by the wife, son or daughter of a farmer or mer of a windmill, answering the question, WOT SHOULD I USE AS AERXOTOR I'* For conditions of •eropetitton end amounts and numbers of prises send for par­ ticulars to the Aermotor Co., Chicago, or to its branches, at San Francisco, Kansas City, Lincoln. Neb., Sioux City, Iowa, N IB-tc&pohSf Buffalo, or 65 Park Place. New York City. Aernmtoia, Pumping and Geared same price, All Steel, all Galvamsed-After- Completion, delivered free on cars at Chtcago aod shipped to anyone, anywhet# at the following (uices* a-ft. $a W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SI [•quais custom work, coatifl^ ^4 to $6, best value for the n> in the world. Name and stamped on the bottom. warranted. Take no te. Sec local papers for fall description of our cofliplfte lines for ladies and gta> or send Ibt tt~ Imstrmttd Cmtmlmgm* giving in. strudtona *tnur-a» ii i how to or. der by mail. Postage free. You can get the best, barffdins of dealers who push out shoes. : CO., AtURi, '4k. N CDCC 60VEIIINKRT lIlCC MiUloaa of ACRES In MinQMOta, Dakota, Mon-ORTHERN PACIFIC - R. ami | LANDS! P. B. ©boat. s??r-iL When writlnx mention this paper. Mo. 16- REICHELT&0LT5CH WALLPAPER -- _ 1 We will belt " | yotiourbek* Kilt arall pa-. I^er^tdbor-1 10x13 for ei.35 f»xl4 for SIM ' 14x16 for 1.7ft IGxlS for S.OO | lo matrh t'lii V to Scad 8c for S-- pies nn*l fu!l IVirwKm* f"t Hangim?. I I SCOVILI.E WALL PA PICK MFG. CO., 2SH to 354 S. Clinton St.. Chicago. ' DROPSY ca» K pronounct'd hoptleaa. F tome rapiiliv disappear, and in thirds of all Bvmrtoms are . tehtiiiionialK of uiirMcaloii* cures cent nUEK*. I- Ten Days Trealacat Feniskei Fret by IML •a. I. a. CBEia • seas SKCUUSTS HUM i'osT with Vecatahl'a; Kerned!** . _ _ cured many thoasaaft cast'B proEoiiDCt'd hopTleSB. Frosu first dose amy- tonis rapiiliv disappear, and in t« n linys at leaat IWK thirds ot all evmptoms are removed. BOOK oC> 12-ft. 8SO. PARISIAN BEARD GROWER ! Will grow a luinrmnt mn«toche or full heard IN 14 DAYS. Sold all oyer Europe. Oom-poauded by« chemist of^Oyts. experience. Best on Earth. Price $1. ColoabiaSMClaltV Cs. 81 Wuhiagtoa St., Caiuss, 111. e-tt. $ 125. SÊ D Obv, *nr*W. * EVERY LADY BEFORE. PRETTIEST BOOK KVEK PIU>TKR ^ by ot and th. OneCeatapkg. __ CP. if MM, Ch--p, 1«OOO.OOQ|M .. Amu. Ikia't tcoop! IV>:j t grt «U tl] I tore year tun*! r»i ao<l Mian bkack «Mt>og S. N. V. Our booklet of 16 Toilet Pre Bandoline, Tool Tooth andNaill TENTS antf PENSIONS Securad ft No advance fee. to any ad smr-' - - • : • 1,000,0001 COMPAKT in Minnesota. S« Ian. They will be sent to yoa Acnes or uuk> tor sale by luniiBiTiea J Vuivra aait.a«a» ^ Send for Maps aai { i" k v1J 8 u'r 1 o nnuvi imuuk sraono oim* ujfij, mMfts nw ^ptof«imritaraBua,siS. aSu Thoa.Popham.Phtla.Pa i I Kaitiv trom Oiimo and St. Lrab I to all points Northwest. West and = I Southwest. Send 15 cents in nostam ' (or a full decfc to P. a Kl'KlIH, oSSt- ' 1 era! Passenser Acent.CBtcaeo ux. mfle«: aoci t >4ock mnl rh O'd aite r*a» i. for ss'limit. MUXMIH'Tll. H.l.IXOiS. ; iAik AfKKH; Uaprowd.« ; -dfct'l' tetnf'd. l*l|* »ro*e«.' rutmuu: *a»er, Oowina w«l); >;• ' ..rhc.Hi; good eropa; «JI- graiu tartu: willseil iirawwmt Addrwss W. I- LYONS.

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