>AY, MABCH 28, 1894. Railway Time Tab!*. Taklag eSfcot o» Su»d*T, Jaae Htt, Vr&lu pus this stftUoa M follow* : *«« A.M. 11:00 •• 4 .55 P. M. *SW; •om soara. •I*ks Oners FssjMrager " *WUflSsM Bar miffat. :3»XteKa^™ U |Ltk« Onm PiMMin 4>i2S •« some souxa. |PHMs(«r Dtptrt ... 7* A. M •Lake Genera Express •• ,...111 " •WillUms Bay might «• ... .»:B P. M •JLak« Geneva Passenger " .... •* waaiUKATio** * Daltv e«eept SasSaf. ,i Sundays only. ' " •. DB.!y»U88, Agent. llteftsaty.lk MASONIC. MCBTOTRY LODOS, KO. 168 A. F. and A. ftegnlar Oommnnicatlsns the second Mrtk Monday s ia eaoh mom Ih. F. L..MOO*»wm. W. M and ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, gular Meetings the First and Third Wed- ly evenings of eaoh month, at Maaoalc JULIA A. STOBT, Worthy Matron, KM L. WKKTWOBTH, Secretary. Universalis Church Directory. &N.Owen Olerk T. Brown........ ..........treasurer the Willing Workers (the ladies organ- IfEtioa.) Mrs, John I Story. President Mrs. W. A. Orls.y Secretary Mev. J. Straw b, D. O.. ..Pastor Preaching services at M:W A. v. and at 7 ;30 m, A cordial invitation to alL PEOPLE'S CAUCUS. The legal voters of the Corporation of flie Tillage of McHenry, are requested to fifteet m Caacus, at the City Hall, in said tillage, on Saturday, March 3 let, 1894, :«$ 2 o'clock p. M., for the purpose ol putting in nomination candidates to be Supported for the offices of President, Three Trustees and one Tillage Clerk, for fluid village, and to transact such other business as may come before the meet- Sax. Per Order. / HASS MEETING. foecitizens of McHenry and surround- iig countoy are requested to meet in ilass Meeting, at the City Hall, in the Village of McHenry, on Thursday even ing, March 29thf at 7:80 o'clock, for the purpose of taking action in relation tp securing the location of a Watch factory in this village. Mr. Hopkins, One of the Board of Directors of the Com pany, will be present and address the meeting. This is an opportunity that Our citizens should not let slip away from them. Let every citizen of the Village and for five miles around turn out and show that they are interested. We can secure this industry if we will. PM OBDEB COMMITTKB. TOWN MEETING ne*t Tuesday, April 8. MASS MEETING at the City Hall to-mor- *6w, Thursday evening. i\ K. GRANGER bought and shipped hogs from this station on Monday last, for which he paid the uniform price f4.25 per hundred. HBNRY POILE is vetting the(foundation ready for his new residence. When com- i it will be one of the handsomest MfPttages in town. ^ IN another place in this pap«qr can be found the regular tickets to be voted at the Annual Town Meeting, to be held on Tuesday next, April 3d. The Party by the McHenry Social Club •t Riverside Hall, on Monday evening, was attended by about 80 couples, and all report a very pleasant and enjoyable JEW advertisements appear this week from John Evanson & Co., W. B. Austin, pacing stallion "Midnight," and the trotting stallion "George O." Bead ||iem all. * LOST, between the residence of Mrs. Holmes and Barbian Bros, store, a ladies black neck shawl. The finder will confer a favor by returning the same to Mrs. Holmes or to this office.. IT is illegal to spear, shoot or catch r;S#h in any other manner than by hook 'j|ud line in any stream or water in Illi nois. The penalty for the first offense is itot less than ten dollars nor more than #100. • THE Easter Potty, at the McHenry House Hall, drew out about 50 couples, And the occasion was one of the most t of the season. The music was and everything passed off in the most quiet and orderly manner. ' BURGLARS paid a visit to the Saloon of ftobt. Schiessle, on Tuesday night of last Week, securing a small amount of money, •me cigars, etc. As these gentry are •ow known to be around It would be ; . well to be ready to give them * warm Inception. T THE owners of the Fox River Steam- l boat Line are now here putting tbebgQts \bi shape for the summer trade. (They" irHlbe repainted and put in first class Shape to accommodate the pleasure seek* £j.>k"|png public, and will be ready for service Jn a few days, but will not commence wegular trips until warm weather gets frees in earnest. T*« farmer, like the rest of mankind, . 4oes not find much money in his pockets f|ust now, but he rarely hungers for food ^imd never has to bear the burden of in- forced idleness which is rendering his brother workman in the cities so deaper- ' There is no harder fate than to pos sess willing hands and find no honorable r'irork to provide means for supplying an ^Sjkmpty stomach. It demoralizes a human Slewing. The hard times are forcing us to ; .#tudy tbeseproblems, and good will sure- ;_.; ly arisa from seeming evil, besides the ";i;iiawn of better days is plainly visible.' dmtricm Fmrmtar. . H, COLTER, of Elgin, has been Vifillilt here the past week. H«*wr PMLE Was a Chicago visitor on Monday. J. B. TYLER, of Chicago, was out put ting his steamboat in repair last week. F. L. BABCOCK, of Terra Cotta, was on our streets one day last week. MRS A. L. HOWE is reported quite sick at this writing, Tuesday afternoon. GEO. B. RICHARDS, of Seneca, who is a candidate fen* County Qerk, WM calling on friends here Friday last. WM. MUDOBTT, of Britt,Iowa. has been calling on old Mends here the past week. EARL MEAD, of Elgin is spending a short vacation from business with friends this Village. T. BACON having rented his farm will ove into the village, occupying the :k house owned by Mrs. Hurrelte. Miss STRAUB, daughter of Rev. J. Straub, spent Saturday raid Sunday in thi« village. MRS. WILL MEAD, of Chicago, Is visit ing with her parents, Robt. Schiessle and wife, in this village. . MRS, HENRY MENTZBB, Greenwood, was calling on friend* Inn first of the week. MRS. SARAH GANDALL, of Aurora, attended the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Co veil on Saturday of lastwsek. Do not forget the mass meeting, at the City Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening." Let there be a full attendance. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. John I. Story on Thursday afternoon of this week. MRS. JOHN I. STORY, Praident. Mas. W. A. CRISTY Secretary. ( WOODMEN'S LEOTUBB. ^ * Frank Spitzer, of Woodstock, and Geo. 9. Boughton, of Hebron, will lecture be fore the Ringwood Camp, M. W. A., at Band Hall, in that village, on Saturday evening of this week, March 31. It is hoped there will be a good turn out. THE man does not live who is entirely friendless, but the man without an enemy is o! so little use in this world that the sooner the community is rid of him the better. His life has been an entire failure from a business standpoint, and be is so soft and so pliable that he would n even make a good adjunct to a "glass put in" outfit, because the glazier would be unable to use him even for patty. THB Epworth League of the M. E. Church are preparing to give the "Temple of Fame," an entertainment of unusual intereet, of both a musical and literary character, under the personal direction of Mrs. A. M. Pilcher, of Portage, Wis. The literary part of the program will be a combination of humor, pathos and tragedy, while the mueic&l numbers are to be rendered by singers of well known local reputation. Look for other notices giving further particulars later on. IN these times, the advertiser who is shrewd enough to keep his business before the public, instead of cutting down his advertising is the one who will assuredly "make the riffle," over the depressed times. This suggestion is a pointer. By keeping your business before the pub lic you get what trade there is, while the other fellow who neglects to advertise sits and mopes and grumbles about hard times. "How do you find business?" "I advertise for it."--Marengo Repub lican. \ f f OUR citizens were shocked on Monday^ afternoon to learn that Fred Cossman, a prominent citizen of the town of Grant, Lake county, had been found dead in bis Woods about noon on that day. We learn that he had gone out on Sunday afternoon to drive up some sheep, and not returning it was supposed he had gone to a neighbors, but on Monday morning he was found dead as above stated. He was a man highly respected in the community where he lived, having held several offices of trust in his town, | and we believe was Town Clerk at the time of his death. An inquest was held on Tuesday, but at the time of going to \press we have not learned the verdict of ilhajnry. vR. A. HOWARD has just put in his mar- Ifet two hard maple sectional meat biocks, 80x30, which are beauties. They Were manufactured by Wolf, Sayer & Heller, Chicago, and are stamped best in the world. Mr. Howard has been making ^extensive improvements in and around his market this spring, and McHenry can well boast of having as fine a market as can be found outside of Chicago, j Mr. Howard has an extensive trade in and, alert, looking after the wants of his cus tomers. He carries at all times a full line of all kinds of meats, beef, pork, mutton, veal, pT« home made lard, bams, bacon, all kinds of sausages, a full line of salt meats, a large stock of the best brands of canned goods, bakery supplies, vege tables of all kinds, oysters, etc., and sells at as close prices as good goods can be sold. McHenry is .fortunate in having suoh a market. ~ GLOBING SAXBT" I will offer my entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions at actual cost to close. This is positively a closing Sale, and not an advertising dodge. The buy ing public will do well to take advantage of this opportunity. JOHN I. STORY. The fiftieth anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Covell will long be remembered by them as one of the most pleasing epochs in their lives. Last Saturday afternoon, a goodly number of their friends, numbering we believe fifty-four, assembled at their home, east of this village, and spent the afternoon in the most pleasant and social manner. The company comprised relatives and friends, many of the latter who had known them over forty years, which length of time they have been resi dents of this town. The afternoon was spent in a right down old fashioned visit, rehearsing reminicences of their early settlement here, by the older ones, which were listened to by those of less mature years with predictions of what they might do should they be fortunate enough to celebrate their 50th anniversary. ^Interspersed with this was some beauti ful and appropriate music by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, which was greatly enjoyed by alL After partaking of bountiful and deH- cioue refresh ments provided, the company departed for their homes, leavimr behind them substantial tokens of their regards in the shape of numerous and handsome presents, the following of which is a list with the names of the donors: Gold bowled sugar spoon; Mr. and Mrs. €L It. fhirti*. Mftry rinly*^ Elgin, III, Gold headed Cane; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. SmUh, Mr. and Mrs, Harriann Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Whiting, Mr. and Mrs, Newell Oolbr, Mr. and Mrs, George Ouge. Mrs. John L. Howe. • ' Gold lined Bon-Bon dish; Lyle Howe,Mile Howe, George Howe, Willie Howe, Gold lined Berry iMsh; Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Slyke, Mr. and Mre, T. J. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. w. A Cristy, Mr, and Mr*. J. 1. Story, Mr. and Mrs E. J. Haulcy, Mr, and Mrs, G. W. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. <V N. Owen, Mrsi B. M, Owen, Mrs. M. Stevens, Mias J. A. Story. Gold bowled Berry spoon; Mr. and Mrs H. B. Wlghtmaii, Mrs. Mary Wight man, Mrs. O. L. Stebbint. China, gold trimmed Frnlt dish; Mr. safl Mrs. John Ralston, Dr. and Mrs. Brown, Gold lined tooth-pick holder; Mr. sad Mrs. 8. W Smith, Ringwood, III. Sold Thimble; Mr, and jlra. O. W. Owes. Gold Thimble; Jennie Covell. Two gilded Kaster eggs; Mr. sad Mrs. Henry Smith, Solid Oak Dresser; Mrs. Sarah .Gandall, Mrs. Annie Gandall, Aurora, 111. Regrets were received from D. H. Smith and A. A. Martin «nd wife, of St. Paul, Neb ; Mr, »nd Mrs. J. B Perry. Woodstock, 111.; Mr. and Mrs O. W. Smith, Clifton 111.; Mr. and Mrs, George Gage, McHenry; Mr. *. G, Mayea, Mo- Henrv; Mr, and Mrs. fi. H. Bartlett Sunapee, N. H. The occasion will long be remembered with pleasure by all who were present. THE WATCH FACTORY QUESTION. As will be seen by a notice in another Ja^fc in this papers/an adjourned meet ing will be- ^retrTat the City Hall, on Thursday evening of this week, to take under advisement a proposition present ed to the village by parties who contem plate building a Watch Factory in oui> inidfitw' Of course all the preliminaries™) a matter of this kind must be carefully considered, and to do this a concert of action is necessary, and there is no better way than to come together, hear what is offered and then exchange views as to the best manner to secure the ob ject desired. At this time we do not wish to hold out any wild hopes, but we do say that from our stand point and what we have been able to learn of the matter it looks to us as if this was McHenry's chance to start a healthy boom, and make our town one of the foremost busi ness places in this section of the state. That we have the natural advantages no one will deny, and now let us lay all petty jealousy aside and work for the good of the entire town. Therefore we say turn out to the meeting, hear what is offered in favor of this enterprise and if you are satisfied it is all right put your shoulder to the wheel and help push it to a speedy consummation. Let it not be said that McHenry let the golden oppor tunity slip from her when she had it al most in her axasp. NOT a thousand miles away on a re- icent Sunday, a farmer very eloquently supplicated the Lord to help the needy $nd poor in the community. When going t|ome his little eon remarked: "Say, pa, jl I had as much J|heat and corn in the arn as you hav^'d help the poor my- lf and not bother the Lord about it. Particular Motioe. All persons indebted to Geo. G. Smith of the firm of Smith & Son, fori coal and feed, are hereby requested to settle for same immediately and without further notice. All accounts must be paid in fif teen days or they will be put in the hands of a collector. We want to balance our books and mean business. 88w3. HEADQUARTERS For W. L. Douglas's and C. H. Fargo's fully warranted ladies, mens aod chil- dnns footwear at Simon Sto#el V : Tas'^State Board of Agriculture of Illinois has offered f5,000 for displays of farm products at the next State fair. Of the sum f 25 is to be appropriated to ,ch county as aid to defray expenses of making the display. Local efforts will do the rest. Premiums are offered in the above, $550 first premium, $200 second $150 third. THERE was a "poverty" ball given In an Indiana town recently. The person whose costume was the beet representa tion of hard time was to receive a prize. The venerable editor donned his dress suit and went to write up the event. ^Im agine his surprise when at the dose of the ball the prize Was awarded to the aforesaid ven arable editor. IT'S real funny to note the manpsf in which a man prepares to run for office, generally for alderman. First he is un derstood to be thinking of it, then he makes up his mind he cant spare the time, then be thinks the office needs |ym badly, and finally he yields to the ear nest solicitation of his friends and jumps in with both feet. He intended to run all the time. . THE post office department has issued an order that hereafter mail will not be taken on the railruad mail cars unless it first passes through the post office'. The order was made necessary because so many business men in the neighborhood of railway depots in all localities mailed their letters on the train to save them trouble of going to the postoffice, and it made a large amount of extra work for the railway mail clerks. Time was taken up stamping letters that was needed In sorting out mail between stations. Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. 8, have a vacancy in this section. Write them at Chicago, III., for their terms. 38m3 10 DOSES, 10 CENTS. , Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is pleasant to take and cures constipation, indigestion, sick headache. Get a iLft ce&t sample bottle ol J. A. Story. 87w4 Jfittn Brown has been quile again. Chas. Rahn has sold his trotter to Mr. Btftsft. H. H. Ford was a Chicago visitor on Saturday last. Hammond Dike spent Sunday with his parents in this village. Residenceproperty and vacant lots for sale by W. P. St. Clair. Mrs. A. Goodwin, of Irving Park, is visiting friends in this village. Mrs. John Goodwin visited with friends in Chicago and Irving Park last week. Frank Lively, of Irving Park, was sew on our streets last week Thursday. The board of Auditors of the town <4 Xunda met last Tuesday in this village. The Maccabees organised Monday evening. It is said to be a good insur ance company. The empire drill entertainment given at the Opera house, under the auspices of the W. R. C. on Friday evening last was a success. J. Goodwin's Sons commenced moving their buildings from the Fox River track to their grounds near the depot last Saturday. S. S. Shepard has been to Ohio the past week superintending the racking and shipping of his last year's nop of Clover Blossoms. We understand H. B. Throofe of Nunda, will be ; a candidate for Sheriff on the Democrat ticket. If Hosea would make as good a »u«rln as he does Auc tioneer, he would do. J. J. Wilson, of Chicago, sold last week to G. C. Freye, two lots off the south side of his residence property in this village, corner ol William and Maple streets. The sign of the Columbian can again be seen reaching across the sidewalk at the new Osmun block, where at all times can be found the choicest of fresh fruit and candies, fresh home made bread and doughnuts and Thompson Ice Cream in season. W. tf. Fitch, of Crystal Lake has bought the J. P. Beardsloy property located on Main St.. village of Nunda. Crystal Lake may not want to incorpo rate with Nunda but the business men of that place serm to be getting her» just the same and it wont be long until Crystal Lake will be annexed to Nunda. ALGONQUIN. Our public school closed an Friday for a week's vacation. C. E. Chapell shipped a car load of stock to Chicago on Monday. Art Chapell lett for Chicago Wednesday to peddle milk for Andrew McKay. Chae. Dodd, wife and baby, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. E. A. Bigelow, of Chicago, Sun day ed with friends here. Miss Grace White is spending her vaca tion with her mother at Ottawa. Alex. McKay has has been quite sick the past few days. W. P. Benson and son Mark were call ed to Chicago on Friday last to atterd the funeral of a nephew of Mr. Benson's. James Sencer has purchased a lot of Ed Jaynes, on the east side of the river, and is buildinsr a house thereon. Mrs. Templeton and Mrs Goddard, of Elprin, attended the review of L. O. T. M. on Saturday last. Little Lnra Wandrack has been quite nick the past few days. Charlie Nason is also on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Elfrin, were the sruests of C. C. Chunn and wife on Sunday last. The Big Four will give a May party at Colombia Hall. Further notice will be given hereafter. J as. Philo, Jr. has the ground broke for a new building on his lot on Main street adjoinintr the drujr store. When completed it will be occupied by Mr. Fish- erinor as a jewelry store and foe cream parlor. •When the Easter chimes rang out through the crisp wintry air Algonquin was under a mantle of snow. It was weather for Christmas more than Easter, The morninsrwas indeed a chilly surprise. I t. was in fact no day for the donning of ISgater bonnets. ^ AnEaster party will be given at Colum bia Hall on Friday evening, March 30. Music, Slocum's orchestra. Floor man agers. John Kalahan, Algonquin; C. KeMey, Huntlev; H. Morton, Elgin; T. Daly, Cary; C. Hill, Crystal Lake; J. Forkins, Dundee; J. T. Smith, Carpen- torsville. Tickets, $1. Supper at the Macton House. T. Kabon, Proprietor. HORSES FOR SALE. I have a good four-year old team, weighing about 1200, which I ofler for sale. Are well broke and will make a good farm team. Will be sold reasonable Can be seen at my farm, one mile south east of McHenry village. 38w2 ROBT. J. SUTTON. New Spring Millinery* MRS. E. W. HOWE. Has just returned from the city with the finest stock of Spring Millinery that can be found in the county. Stylish trimmed hats at a very reasonable price. My goods are all of the Latest Styles, fresh and new and before you buy your Spring hat you should call on me as I am sure I can please you both in Style and price. I receive new goods every week in order to keep the best and latest styles. I also do Dress Making in a\first class manner and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a call. MRS. E. W. HOWE, Oaedoor north of Perry & Owen's. EVANGELIST D. T. BLACK , Writes as follows: > PEORIA, III., Feb. 16,18&&. GENTLEMEN .---For several years past I have been suffering with indigestion, con stipation and severe stomach troubles, ^o severe was my trouble that I felt my as?fnlness in the «5n»stry iras usax to the close. I tried different remedies with out getting relief. Providentially for me a friend placed in my hand a sample bot tle of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A trial told me that I had found just what 1 needed. After taking it two or three weeks T was as a new man, and I cannot say too much for Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. If anyone desires to correspond with me I will take pleasure in giving them all the facts in regard to my experience. D. T. BLACK, 1005 State St., Peoria, 111. To be fully convinced buy a 10c bottle (ltfdoses 10c) of J. A. Story. SPRING MILLINERY*. Mr% J. H. Spaulding and daughter now have a full line of new spring milli nery, including a few pattern hat® to which they wish to invite the ladies of McHenry and surrounding country to call and examine before purchasing their Spring hats and bonnets Mas. J. H. SPAULDING & DAU6BTKB. FOR SALE. White Aylesbury duck eggs from the flock of Mr. Howell. 25 cents per doien at the farm or 30 cents at Julia A. Story's. 88tf WNMi! Almost a "white Easter." . ' Township election next Tuesday. (Sty election Tuesday, April 17. Vacation this week and the small boy is happy , Vote the "straight" ticket ant Tuesday. The Rev. I. N. Adrian, of Carpenters- ville, visited friends her© last^Monday. Chas. Derry, ot Waakegan, visited here st Sunday. Candidates for county offices are get ting too numerous to mention. D. T. Smiley's new house is enclosed and the roof almost completed. W. E. Soles and wife attended the con cert at Crystal Lake Friday evening. R. C. Jefferson, of St. Paul, was in this city on business Saturday. Chas. Brink, of Chicago, visited bis parents over Sunday, Miss Josephine Schaaf returned last Friday from an extended visit in Chicago. F. E. Mumford, of Chicago, spent a part of last week with his brother here. Fred Hartlett, of Greenwood, visited relatives in Chicago last week. A. S. Peak and J. H. Lucas, of Union, were here on business Friday. Mrs. N. Norton visited friends at Elgin last week. Attorney E. W. Austin, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parente here. G. W. Conn, Jr., of Hebron,, was on our streets Saturday. Simon Stoffel, of McHeniy, was here on business Saturday. 1 E. S. McFadden attended thefuneral ot Wm. McLaughlin, at Waukegan last Saturday. Joseph McCaffrey, the popular break- man on the Woodstock passenger, spent Sunday with friends at Janesville. P. E. Rose's new barn is progressing rapidly under the direction of contractor 0. J. Larson. Miss Ellen Muldoou left on Saturday last for an extended visit with relatives in Chicago. Building operations ars booming not withstanding the recent unfavorable weather. Mrs. M. L. Joslyn and SOT, Marcellus, left last week for an extended visit with friends in California. Mrs. A! Ostrander and children, of Chicago,.spent Sunday with the family of Charles Willis, east of thiB city. Sheriff Udell was a witness to the hang ing of Thos. Higgins, in Chicago, last week. County Superintendent Wire, of He bron, conducted teacher's examinations here Saturday. Mrs E. S. McFadden, Mrs. F. M. Du- field and F. W. Sanford and children spent Sunday with the family of R. K. Dufield at Rockford. Lewis Martin and wife, of Minnesota, who were on their way home from Call fornia, spent several days here last week with the family of I. A. Austin. Mrs. Ed. Haffner and daughter, of Rockford. spent the latter part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Darrall, in this city. Fred Epple has purchased a lot of Capt. C. H. Tryon, located just west of that gentleman's residence, on which he will erect a fine residence. The Easter hat this year was a "model of architecture," as of yore, large, bloom ing and more costly than ever, but the girls say "just to exquisite for anything" and that settles it. John M. Mullen sold to John Quinlau. on last Friday two lots, located in block ten, the consideration being $550. We nnderstand Mr. Quinlan will erect a $2,000 residence on the same at once. March fairly outdid itself in the vari able change in weather on Saturd- y, Sunday and Monday, a regular winter blizzard prevailing on Sunday which was followed by a decidedly cold wave. Last Sunday was Easter and the occa sion was celebrated in the various churches in a very appropriate manner. The day was cold and disagreeable, with occasional flurrys of snow, which made It a vertiable winter day. The winter term of our public school closed on Friday last with exercises by the pupils of the five high rooms, which took place in the school bouse in the evening. The attendance was large and the entertainment was highly appreciated by those present. The next social of the C. H. H. C. of tiie Congregational church will be held at the residence of Mrs. A. K. Bunker, Friday evening, March 30, 1894. The following is the program: fnsirumental Maste ........ Recitation Augusta Simmon-on Duet ...Mitses V'lla and T.uella Mnrey Debate, Messrs. 3. P, Barnes, Prank Spitzer, F B, Jackman and V 3 Limlev Dnet Mrs. V. B. Lnmley , Letah Bunker The announcement on Saturday last of the death of Wm. McLaughlin, at his home in Waukegan, on the proceeding Thursday, was a surprise to our people, as but few had heard of his illness. Will was born and raised near this city, and had worked at the painters trade here for many years, until about a year ago, when he moved with his mother to Waukegan. The many friends here sym pathise with the family in their bereave ment. A. W. Cummings died at his home in this city lant Sunday evening after a long illness of la grippe. Mr. Cummings was one of the best known citizens in Mo- Henry county. He was at one time con nected with the New Era,, in this city, since which time he has followed the vo cation of carpenter and joiner. He was married in December, 1854, to Caroline Maugrr, and leaves two children, Wm P. Cummins, of Chicago, and Mre. Lettie Hayes, of Denver, Colo., besides a wife and a host of friends here to mourn his death. Kohl * Mlddleton's Dune XUMOBU- Messrs. Kohl & Middleton are the Western pioneers of permanently located cheap, wholesome and eminently pleas ing entertainment. They have a chain of combined Dime Museums and Family Theatres, including two in Chicago, one of which is located at 156 Clark St., and the other--The Globe--at State and Van Buren sts. Both control a very large patronage, and are among the most successtul pleasure resorts in the city. Each one includes several spacious Curio Halls, wherein arecontinuously exhibited every procurable extraordinary living wonder of every kind, and rare and cost ly collections of the strangest and most interesting things from every clime. Each one also maintains two separate theatres; for the production of varied and amusing stage performances, includ ing magical, musical, stereoscopic and gymnastic exhibitions, first-class faros and comedy representations, and bright and clean specialties by the very best of vaudeville artists. One ten cent ticket admits to everything at either place, and a whole family can enjoy a genuine holiday, full of wonder and fun, for leas than the price of a single ticket to many resorts, which do not provide a tithe as jpuch. When visiting the city oa. $re beotj bear this la mindL x New Window Shades and large Cur tains at Simon StoflM's. New Clothing and Gent's Furnishings at Simon Stoffel's. 150 new styles of wall paper with matched borders and ceilings at Stoffel's Trade with Perry & Owen and save your coupons. See their great offer in their new advertisement. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made* 25 boxes new, large California raisin •1 .25 per box at Perry & Owen's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Call and examine. See those stacks of new wall and wwUnp Paper, with matched Borders, now ar riving at Simon Stoffel's. Beautiful imported glass and china ware at J, A. Story's, the most beautiful goods ever brought to this village. New Dress Goods, Suitings, Sateens, Ginghams and Prints in w,hnn^a.niw at Simon Stoffel's. Young men see the newest shapes ta lists St Perry * Owen's. Bay the early Spciag styles. FISHl FISH FOR LENT! In abundance at Simon Stoffel's. New Carpets, Oil Cloths and Lace Cur tains at Simon Stoffel's. r • 1 S NEW FOOTWEAEf ,7 Just arrived a large stock of Fargo's and Douglas's spring styles in various widths and all sizes at Simon Stoffel's. / ' - - Ci iiii" Now is the time for A new pair of Shoes. Everybody wants a pair just now. We are la the fehoe business all over. Any thing desired in shoes can be had by visiting our store. We will mention right here that our shoes fit the foot and the purse at the same time. * • FOR SALE. Poland China Boars. Plymouth Rock Fowls of both sexes for sale. Call on or address, FRANK COLK, Spring Grove, ID. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFBL. EASTER CLOTHING. See our fine suits in black and colors, odd pants, spring overcoats, knee pants, etc. Goods all new, prices very low. SIMON STOFFBL. Those fauoy Boasted Coffees at Perry A Owen's are making many Friends. Try S pound and yon will Hlw*ye huy there. PRICES ON CHICK'S Long tried and fully warrant flour: Honest Abe or new Process 75c per sack; Bon Ton, a full patent 95 c; Chicks Best, equal to any flour offered, $1.00. 1 bbl. fine salt $1,00 or 2 barrels lor 00 cents each at Simon Stoffel's. PICKLES. We are prepared to take in pickles on storage and will advance 25 cents per bushel, if with the privilege of buying them at 50 cents. For particulars call at the Drug„Store of A. S. Wright, Woodstock, . SQUIRE DINGKE CO. 34w5 A. 8. WRIGHT, Agent. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and DIpU Those "fat baby" shoe* and the $1.35 school shoes, and the boys :: and girls' «*strong backs" are among the takers for the young er ones, and the kid tip, square toe and those common sense wide * ones, and the soft kids in Blncher | ell* and button are attracting the f ladies When you come to the boys, we seldom miss a fit, no matter how large or how smalt the boy is. They need wearers and we keep them. In men's wear we carry the 'yard wide,' the 'police,' the oil grain in Congress and lace, and all the fine styles hi light calf, kangolo and genuine kangaroo in plain toe and tips. The $1.50 and not be excelled. 1 * w GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. For choice timothy, clover, orchard and lawn grasses, seed corn, package and bulk garden seeds call ofe Simcnr Stoffel. _______ Bogle Point Lots. Choice Lots fscinp the best part of Plata qua Lake on the North. Terms low. Apply to h, BON8LKTT, Proprietor. Cnrtains are very cheap this year. .Can show you more styles than any other firm in the county* ¥4*U may soon need a new Cto» pet. Have in stock several fine patterns and can sell you any thing needed from samples just in, ot all the late spring styles, and by telegraph can have your carpet ready for you the follow ing day, Pasturage. . Those desiring to pasture cows In the K. M. Owes pasture apply in Q N Owen st Bank of McHenry. Terms. *8 50 per season. 98w4 Real Estate. I have for sale the o.hjioent building lots in McHenrv aod West McHenry, very cheap. Vso two" line residences, and farm property. Terms ese . Inquire of O. N, Owen, at Uank ofMeHenry, Ma 4 fOR RENT. A good house, barn and twelve lots, on the East side of the River, McHenry, 111. For further particulars inquire of 37w4 JAMES BOBBINS, We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, linens and towels. PERRY & OwsN. A DIVIDED PLEASURE. You take our remedy, which is pleas- an to the taste, and we take pleasure in relieving you of such troubles as consti pation, indigestion and sick head ache. Try Caldweil'B Syrup Pepsin. 10 doses 10 cents. (Large size 50e to $1.00,) at * a-->- S7w4 J. A. Story's. NOTICE. Washburn's Best at $1.00 per sack or $3.80 per barrel. Warranted to be better than any other flour offered, except Pillsbury's Best. Try a sack and be con vinced of this fact. We don't ask you to load up out of the car, come at your pleasure, anytime. MCHENRY ROLLER MILLS. FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more' tlt&ii make good all the advertising chaimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaran teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys--Buck- len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills, whieh are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at G. W. Besley's drug store. Awarded. Highest Honors--World's Fair. ':4 *71 DR * 1 VS $ I ; Buy tjhe original Snag Proof d BubberBoots. found only at our store. Once tried and no OUMUT will take their place. t fry* II infiriti" ' ""Sr ; Now for Well Paper and Bord- ; era. You all know our stock is largest. We are selling same away below cost to reduce stock. All paper trimmed free, Borden fnilinm tnmatnh. ?!Sfi :tM Our new stock of fine Clothing is in. Chn quote you the lowest possible prices on all clothing. &: secured tM agency for the celebrated Chase & San born's Boston Coffees, that are known the world over. If yon have not tried them you have missed a rich treat, as they con tain a certain delicate flavor not found in other coiiees»J§P the coffee that was ' EttdmivebM Ofw£wHBt£Doe_ iofkt'A Fair • ; a llniversaSyscceptedsstki IMfingriwGMkssfttsWorllla . < Bemember, this coffee cannot , g| be found at any other plaee ia town, as we are the exclusive .... . • Perry & Owen, • General ̂ Rerptiaftts* \ M»HXNBY% 1L&> | rxaaTaowsa CREAM RAKING mm K s f - : s t MOST PERFECT MAD& A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. ; 4Q Y6AI& THB CTAMUBDw ThU Bonk ttemvm idepwit*. bmp , and seiit fbrtign and Domattie M+ eAai^s, cMd doe* a Bsnsral Banking Rushm* We endeavor to do aii ,bum mm •»- - trusted to our ears in a manner and upon team mtirefy satfcfTaefcwy to «v " eNsfomers and retpectfitib <oMt|ll« ; pubMe patnmog*. MONEY TO LOAN; Jteai JSMato ami other 0nt MSI sooNfity. ufrxdtaf nlfnnfinii jfiwni fi se» INbURANCK Jh KM Okm Gome*™--* '•*••!* ̂ Low*M Jtacsfc_ _ / NUT A »MTAIY PVSKLFK .