Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1894, p. 7

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ItM #tiiwiir.fui [tl<iffl! 1Ti|ni|>»iiii y*wri«r* itofet hi em- tRMnleoi- is a Latin name given to cer- phettc women said to have iWW and Italy. Accortog -- authors, their number was ten, most celebrated oi whom was the of Cumae. Biaaa and Sovera delight aa. tat we are . escheated whan we behold the co«̂ txli» of a/onaf 1 adjr made beautiful by the bm -- "\ mv- i a r ah l . Gr i f f i n . ly a Star Rt--iis fula Cured--Blood Purified by Mood's Saraaparilla -"C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell, Mass.: It. Is with pleasure that I send a testimonial concerning Wlu* Hood's Saraaparilla has tone for »y danjfhter. It la a wonderJnl medicine, «td I afnnot recommend it too highly. Sarah, who it fourteen years old, baa been Afflicted with Scrofula ever since she was one year old. For Jive years she has had a naming sore on one side of her tSes. We tried every remedy recommended, bnt teething did her any good until we commenced Hood's Sarsaparllia. My married daugh- advlaed me to use Hood's Barsaparilla, be* Jood'ŝ Cures •fcnse it bad cored her qf dyspepsia. She had iMea troubled with that complaint sbtoe ohlld- bood,and sinoeher cure shehae never been with­ out a bottle of Hood's Barsaparilla in the house. ; We commenced glvtnc it to Sarah about one J%ar aco, and it lias conquered t he numlng sore, Only a Spar Remaining as a traoe of the dreadful disease. Previous to talcing the medicine her eyesight was affected, now she can see perfectly, in connection i Hood's SarsaparIHa we nave used Hood'a 'table Pills, and find them the best." Mils, su OHirriN Xenla. Illinois. (odd's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, ' Btion, biliousness. Bold by all drugglsta. 1 0& . . " Pinkhattfs Vegetable Compound CURES Irregularity, ippreased or Painful Menstruations. Weak* i of the Stomach, Indigestion .Bloating, xling, Nervous Prostration, Headache, Bneral Debility, Kidney Complaints in tier sex. Every time it will relieve Backache, Faintnew, ttreme Lassitude, " don't cue" and "want > be left alone " feeling, excitability, irrita- lity, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, elanoholy, or the "blues." These are > indications of Female Weakness, sons stent of the Uterus, or Womb Troubles. Every woman t married or single, should and read "Woman's Beauty, Peril, an illustrated book of 90 pages, con- important information that every should know about herself. We it free to any reader of this paper. AH dramMi Mil the PlnUuun medieint*. Addrcn ia mUnce/ltiiu K. I'IMKUAU Mso. Co., Lynx, MASS. Lydla C. Ptnkham'a Llvar Pllla, aS cants. Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S IEDICAL DISCOVERY. MULD raiEBT. OF BOXBORY, HAS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Rumor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases fboth thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war* ranted when the right quantity is taken. . When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles through them;, the i same with the Liver or Dugh them; els. This Is caused by the ducts being stopped ̂and always disappears in a week ifter taking if. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or biiious it will i squeamish feelings at first, to change of diet ever necessary. Eat i best you can get, and enough of it Ofia tablespoonfuiin water at bed* tone. Sold by all Druggists. a. N. O. No. 14-9* *he the expense of the Body. .While we drive brain we tust build up le body. Ex­ ercise, pure air jiMfoods that jnake healthy cimtarfttiftsoitti connoetloo wlfcta ot aattqui^r, tl*g»tottt#ssof M la in ttw bWHfcrHfiMnw' - la the rivor of Um present and tb« past, and is iosep««rtH* meodatetl trtth every- thinir **eat in tbe history of the AnppSixon race^She race that is tain ^lilb earth for the years. The little glen gives it birth lies about 200 nttlt Wlti Mil Ot LiMdOD, and tram the shady valley it flows to the east and sonth, and after a course of about 22$ miles loses itself in the North Sea. From Oxford on down the h&ntcs of the English river are I ke gardens, and the traveler sails past castles and manors and stately homes; past towns whose names are fam liar on the pages of English history, past Parley, the home ot Warren Hastings; part Beading, one ot the holiest shrines of Catholic England; past Bray, whose vicar had no principle save that of preserving his place, so was Catholic or Protestant according to adminis­ tration, ' '.resolved to live aai um Vicar or Bray;5' past 100 localities, each one of which has something to interest him till he comes to Eaton, Celebrated as is the great school, it has no more interesting feature than its panel fence which has inscribed upon it the names of thousands of hoys, many ot whom afterward be­ came famous in the history of their country. tn the other side of the river Wind­ sor, the beautiful royal castle of the English Kings, lifts Its towers as proudly as during the time when the early Normans found it a safe retreat trota their turbulent Saxon subfects. Windsor has been a royal residence for 800 years. No King but made improvements here and there, and every style ot architecture may be observed in one part or another of the heterogenous mass of buildings which compose the fortress. Leav­ ing Windsor out of sight the Thames passes Runnymede, where encamped John's rebellious barons, aod in the river just ooposite is Magna Charta Island, where the luckless monarch met his nobles and signed the first great instrument of English liberty. From Runnymede the distance is short to Richmond, from the hill of which may be obtained a magnificent view of London, and here the beauty and romance ot the Thames are at an end. Thenceforth its mission is one of commerce, the roar of traffic, over its bridges is ceaseless, Its pools and embankments, its wharfs and docks attract the greatest volume of commerce drawn to any port in the world. The smoke of London settles on its surface; the sewage of London defiles its water; the flowing tkie carries back and forth the garb­ age from the 10,000 vessels which crowd the port. iinsfliiiphn. ILHI then and .. the motor, and last ot alt *» «ie ' ituto- ion; ones then «trolley A Nemesis of Two Centuries Ago. About forty miles above Buenos Ayres there is a large green island in the La Plata, which in colonial days was the horse ranch of some wealthy nabob. The animals finally became so numerous that there was not grass enough to feed them prooerly, and as there was no demand for tbeir export the owner determined to re­ duce their number in a most barbar­ ous way--viz: By setting the grass on Are during the dry season. The result of this method of reducing stock was a little more complete than he anticipated, and every horse on the island was burned to death, ex­ cept the few that ran into the mighty river which hemmed them in, and were drowned. Afterward the stench was so unbearable- that for many weeks navigation on the La Plata was almost entirely suspended. After a while, when the grass grew up again, the owner bought new„ horses and attempted to start afresh. But they all died soon of a strange disease never heard ot before. He tried it again and again, always with the same result, for, singularly enough, evefy horse that has been placed on that Island since that' wicked conflagration has died from the same mysterious disease. To this day, nearly two centuries later, not a colt has ever teen toalded there, and although various breeds of stock have been tried, in a few weeks not one of them is left alive Then a superstitious terror seized the people --a sort (of nightmare, maybe--and for sixty years or so uobody set foot upon the accursed island. Nowadays it is used as a cattle farm, for horned cattle are not subject to the mysteri­ ous malady; but there are no horses there:--Fannie B. Ward. car. We omit one hundred and one little things in domestic economy util­ izing electricity, andsay nothing o* oooking or heatlng. The trolley car in itself is revolution itztcg suburban ex- istenoe, and will do much to re ieve the crowded condition of our cities. The*e cars move so quickly and with such irequeat intervals, they aro sim­ ply revolutionising traaeoortatioa ftr short distances It is well to say t';at one great impetus to this progress in the past year or so has been the great fall in the price of copper.--Hardware. Warfare and Insurance Rates. When military or naval officers were, in days gone by, ordered on active ser­ vice the extra premium demanded by the insurance offices was a very serious consideration. As instances o! the sums demanded, Gen. Henry Bracken- bury had to day £21 for every £100 in­ sured at the outbreak of the Ashantee war, and Sir Garnet Wolseley had to pay £z5 for every £100. These war risks were not then based upon any known statistics, but elaborate calcula­ tions have since been gone into as to the risks of oSicers from a lilo iu-ui- ance point of view, and the board of the Gresham have adopted a set of premium rates within easy reach of officers. For instanoe, in the case of "a whole world and war policy," cover­ ing risks of climate and warfare, an officer aged 20 would pay but 8s. Fd. per £100 more than a civilian, and one aged 45 would pay only "s. Nd. per £100 more, the latter sum being due to the probability of his retiring from active service between the ages of 50 and 55, when the special risks incidental to his profession are no longer operative.-- London World. ' *»• : r?.'-, I'r' m:. requires that in all receipts calling for ' . (,r powder, Royal Baking: Powder(^4'i' bt used. It Will go further} land make the food lighter, sweeter,? finer flavor and more wholesome. •»; , •' mi '*** ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 108 WALL ST., NEW-V0RK. flesh--refreshing uch are methods. When flesh, strength and nerve e apparent your physician doubtless tell you that the builder of all three is Cod liver Oil, which not only tes flesh, of and in itself, but the appetite for other ft*S«a»*BMa)TT S!v. -. I The Way to Get Old. , v , '3feke, again, bodily ailmenta IPe the banaie and eternal question, "How are you?" the wise old man allows himself but one answer, "I am very well." He knows perfectly well that his innocent deception, if deception it be, deceives no one. Per­ haps it is well that he does not re­ alize, for of self-consciousness we have enough and to spare, that the remembrance of his fortitude, pigeon­ holed and forgotten perhaps for long years in the mind of the listener, may come forth one day to hearten that same listener along the cruel way when it shall be his turn to tread it. For so'are accounts carried forward, and not always to the wrong side of the page: and, if it is true that the sins of the parents are visited on the children, it is equally true that the lustre of their virtues shines on long after the darkness has covered them. Is he of those who desire pity for their failing power? The surest way of getting it is to keep silence. Almost as important and almost as much neglected is the care for per­ sonal appearance. After sixty, van­ ity of the person should be carefully cultivated. After sixty, coxcombry in a man and coquetry in a woman become cardinal virtues. Can it be said that the old as a rule so con­ sider them?--The Contemporary Re­ view. SO|UE men are extravagant at their own expense, and others are extrava­ gant/at the expense of their employ- is litre Short or boa*?. If life is so short as wae tMnk ft Is, it may be made to seem much longer and sweeter by a better oare for our comforts. Minor troubles are much magnified by neglect and delay. We give too much time to hunting up causes when we ought to-deal promptly with effects. This i^much the case with pain, which shotild be cured at once and cause looked, into afterwards. Miss Ida M. Fleming, 7 S. Carey St., Baltimore, Md., states that for years she was subject to frequent attacks of neuralgia, and tried any number of remedies without avail. She ̂ was given quinine, which she says affected her nervous system. She suffered night and day during these attac ks until she tried StT Jacobs OU, which finally cured her. The Kaiser Liked Carp. The German Emperor is very fimd of carp. One evening last winter, when he was supping with a few male friends in private, he ordered that a second plate of fish should be served him. The Kammerjaege r stayed away for quite a while, only to return with a long face and empty hands. "The cook is extremely soriy, your majesty," said 'the waiter, "but the carp is ail gone." "How is that, Herr Minister of the Royal House," somewhat sharply asked the Kaiser of that gentleman, who was at the table, "do you buy so sparingly of this delicious fish?*' "It is not that, I assure your majesty," said the min­ ister. "Please send down for to-day's fish-bill," ordered the Kaiser. The bill was brought in, and showed that on that particular day 385 pounds of carp had been bought for the royal kitchens. "That is quite a liberal al­ lowance," said the Kaiser; "but when you buy this fish in the future, please buy a half a pound extra for myself, so that I am not compelled to go hungry." KARL7 CORN OVKR 1 FOOT LOJTO. Salzer illustrates in a colored plate a new early corn, a giant of its kind, and offers $300 in gold for the largest ear in 1894. In addition to this early Giant corn, which yielded in 1893 110 bushels per acre, he has over twenty other prolific field corns. He has the best fodder corn in the world. He is the largest grower of farm seeds, such as oats, barley, wheat, millet, potatoes, etc.. in America. Fifty kinds of grasses and clovers. If You Will Cat This Oat and 8«nd It With 15c to the .Tohn A. Salzer Seel Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will receive a large package of above Giant corn and his mammoth catalogne. C The First Western Railway. The first railroad west of the Alle-' ghanies was built from Lexington to Frankfort, Ky., in 1831. The road was laid out with'as many curves as possi­ ble, the engineers declaring that this was an advantage. The cars were in two stories, the lower for women and children, the upper for men, four per­ sons beingr seated in each compartment. The cars were at first drawn by mules, but after a time a locomotive was made by a Lexington mechanic. The tender was a big box for wood, and a hogshead was provided for water, which was drawn in buckets from convenient wells. In place of a cowcatcher there were two poles in front fitted with hick­ ory brooms for sweeping the track. to California, This is our sleeping car rate on ttas Phil- lips-Rock Island Tourist Excursions from Chicago to Los Angeles or San Francisco, via the scenic route and Ojfden- You can go with Phillips, the best of all excursion managers, for he has each party accom­ panied by a special agen%fbo goes the en* tiro trip with patrons. These personally conducted excursions leave Chicago twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. We have also a dally tourist car service, via onr Southern routa, through the beau­ tiful Indian Territory and Fort Worth to Los Angeles and San Franc is ca 1 he tour­ ist car rate via this route, the same. Ap­ ply at Bock Island ticket office^ 104 dark street. John Sebastian, G. P. A., G, B. L 4c P. By., Chlcaca How He Spelled His Name. The late Ottowell Wood, one of this leading characters of New England, was once summoned as a witness in court. When he was called and sworn, the Judge, not catching his name, asked him to spell it, whereupon Mr. Wood began: O, double t, o, double u, e, double 1, double u, double o, d." The Judge was too thick-witted to j grasp the meaning of this string of ! wOras and letters, and, throwing down j his pen in despair, exclaimed: "Most extraordinary name I ever heard; will you write it for me, Mr.--Mr.---Mr. Witness?"--St. Louis Republic. Which Will Tom Be"? A farm renter or a farm owner? It Mists with yourself. Stay where yon are and you will be a renter all yonr life Move to Nebraska, where good land is cheap and cbeap land is good, and you can easily be­ come an owner.' Write to X Francis. & Pi and T. A.. Burlington Route, Omaha, Net, for descriptive pamphlet. It's free, and a postal will bring it to yon. IN counsel it is good to see dangers, but in execution not to see them, un­ less they are very great. TE6TEDBY~riMEr For Bronchial affec­ tions. Coughs, etc.,. Baowa's Baovcmafc TaocHBt have proved their eSta*oy by a test of many yean. Price 25 eta.' Settling a Question of Sex. nrf nrlAt* ftnA ^Am«c " o foil teswiV man, who was sitting on a seat in the shade of the station building. "Yonder comes who?" asked a fat. good-natured looking man, who sat near hira. "The train we've been waiting for nearly half mi hour," said the first speaker. WW hy do you say 'yonder she comes1?" asked the other. "Well, that's the customary way of speaking of a train, isn't it? And cus­ tom ia what fixes things. Everybody says yonder she comes,' In speaking of a train's approach. "Well, I insist you should have said ; 'yonder he oomes,' " said the fat man. "Oh, pshaw! nobody ever says 'he' in speaking of a train," returned the lean man. "Well, I'll agree to leave it to the station-master and see if it wouldn't have been better for you to have said 'yonder he corner,' " added the fat man. Both agreed to it, and when they had found the station-master the fat man asked. "What is the fox of the train just drawing near to the station?" "It's a mail train," answered he. And the lean man forthwith went out and bought a good cigar for the fat man. KNO! MUCH attention in scientific circles has been attracted by a lecture deliv­ ered recently before the five Acad­ emies, by G. M. Janssen, on the "Solar Atmosphere." He affirmed that oxy­ gen is entirely absent from the great luminary. He said that the radiating surface Is protected by several gaseous envelopes, the outermost and most ef­ fective of which is hydrogen. His dis­ coveries prove, he says, that the pres­ ent relations of the sun to tt*C will continue during many aeons dur­ ing which the outer planets ma| evolve into the earth's condition of develop­ ment. •TIN o» OHIO, Cat or TBLIOO, I _ LUOAS COD*TT, F * r j. VMirii mtt#8 o»ra Hmt. ne is tbe senior pactnsr of the firm at F. J. GBIKIT & Co., doing bntines* in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the SUB of ONE HUNDRED DOLX.AB8 for eaeh and every ease of CATABRH that cannot ba cured by the IN of HALL'S CATARBK CUR*. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and anbscribed in my nesenee, this 6th day of Deoembar, A. D. 183& V--, A. W. QLBASON. | SBAU J- Notary Public. Hall'* Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tbe blood Mid mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A ca, Toledo, Ob Bold by drapglnts. 75c. Dr. EDWARD S. LAWRENCE, of Philadelphia, committed suicide by jumping from a steamboat at Atlantic City. Curiously enough, he was a nephew of Capt. John Lawrence, whose "Don't give up the ship!" made his name immortal. Abraham Uncoln's StorlM. An illustrated book, nnmarrefd hy advei tising, containing stories and an­ ecdotes told by Abraham Lincoln, many heretofore unpublished, will be sent free to every person sending his or her add ress to the Lincoln Tea Col, Ft. Wayne, Ind. , NOTHING keeps us so mueh in the background as the fear of and the dis­ like to finding ourselves imperfect; whereas it is only through conscious imperfection that we can ever advance at all. Sbilob's CoHstmrTiotr Cuaa Is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient Consump­ tion. It is the best Cough Cure, 25 cents, 50 cents and Si.00. Ess "Colchestar" other column. Spading Boot EIGHTEEN DOLLAR F ARC; we pay freight. Address ELGIN BATS Co., EDOIN, INU free to oils em. ..Phil*.?*. , HI Arch ' 1 - .V* - JS **. t <LFVT% A ' -ATAJSIK b- L4{ „ j 'fcf-i i i <\ B y " ;'C;€ >;^V } F FEE* ,| «| " X , ...*IS *X Physician to the hntttats, at I was rick two Invalids' Hotel and Buffalo,». Y., as follows: MULHALL estimates that from 1801 tG 1SSS Wufld uo» uniuureu 12.700,- 000,000 tons of mineral, of which 10.- 601,000.000 tons were coal. 1,275,000,000 of iron 612.000,000 of gold quartz, 4#,- 000,000 of silver ore, 8;>.000.000 of cop­ per, and 80,000.000 of lead ore. DYE woods were first brought to En­ gland in 165a, Last year the factories of England alone used, up $10,000,000 worth. Kings comfort and : tends to nersona! tightly used. The ter thanothers and enjoy! less expenditure, by a»Mli adapting the world's best the*needs of phj _ the value to health of the . laxative principles embraced remedy, Svrwp of Figs. Its excellence is due to its in the form, most acceptable ", ant to the taste, the refredhiaf J beneficial properties or ap« ative; effectually dtauntttg tibej dispelling colds, headaches and permanently curing It has given satisfaction to mil met with the approval of tbe. profession, because it acts on the-* x* ji --:.i- A litYB) jjivu nuu jlwjwci© i emng them and it is perfectly free fieiM every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is ^sab hy a&<it&g» gists in 60c aim $1 bottles, but stlaiisiu*- u factored by the California Fig s Co. only, whose name is printed eiM package, also the name, Syrupofs and being well informer* accept any substitute if ••••-Is a scientifically prepared liniment -•-every ingredient of recognized value, and in constaialy î le by the medical profession. These ingredients ai* combined in a manner hitherto unknown, and WILL DO all that is claimed for it, AND MORE, It shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danfer to /Jpfeoif Mpther and Child. ' Bttm Express sn el Mas, per Battle. BdOk to ^MOTWsas" ca MbrWSNOMs. BRAOPIEUD REOULATO* CO.. I--*I»Y'8 OREAM BALI [er at once flril*. . , iraggMs or by malL ELY BROS., Ap#V into the XotlriU. --It it WBBSTMR'S IXTM&fiATIONAI, DICTIONARY Crmn4B4mat»*. • Suecetsor of the. "Viabridged." Everybody sbo«Ki own tlus lUietienaiy. It Ut- swcS all questions AMcerainK the hb- torc,,spcl!tnjr, rro- clation, of words. ^Atibmryin Ithelf. it also irirM tio often de-. . . piled, information conoerntng eminent persons; facta couc«rn- ig the oou&tries,' clti#8, towns, and nat-, obe^particulanicon- oms and places; utttUM. ft is in- valnable in th« heme,' pAc«, study, and scho<Afootn. . The Ome Croat gtMWwtt Authority. Bfea. D. 1. Brewer. Jaxtice of p. s. supremo Court, wrttas: "Thi Inurnatioiial dictionary is tbe perfection of dictionaries. 1 commend it to allaathe «ne irtat Msndani authority." ceraing notediliifl tlous pfc: tnastamon df foreign ^uolUto. Sold by All Bookseller?. <?. A C. Merriam Co. rublithen, SpringfltXd, Mass. ot bur cheap pboto- reprtots of ancient HT*Send for free prospectus. CM2 WE8STE1TS •cription, and was entirely oured of both in six montha; It is four years tills month, since I was entirely well at both those dis- * s of their ap- Ltbe 'Flavor- ̂ for I coold hardly walk mroaxH when I oommeneed taking that medicine and 1 think it Is a Qod% blwrifig to ma that I took it I was pronounced Incurable by the beat doctors here in the West I gave up all hopes and made up my mind that I was to be taken away from my husband and baby ot two yean old. 1 was sick all of the time --eOuld not eat anything •* alL In one week, after beginning tbe use of tbe * Favorite Pre •criptton' my stomach was so much better that! eoold eat any&lng: I could see that I ww all over, ana my husband thai went and got ma six bottles; I took three of them and my stomaoh did not bother ma any mora We sent to yon and got tbe People's Com- Sense Hgdfca? Advise, auu fuuad my case described jont as I was: we did what the book told as, in every way : la one month's time I eouid see I was much better than I had been: we still kept on just as the book told us, and in three months I stopped taking medhane, and today, I ean jpnmdly aay I am a well women, yes , am well, strong «m healthy. Whm I began to take your medicine my i&s® iitae poor and eyea looked dead. I coold &ot,0H}oy mysalf anywhere. I was tirod and «ek all the time. I could hardly do my house-work, but now I do that and tend a big garden, help aay husband and take In sewfig.^ The following will prove Interesting to feeble women generally, and especially so to tfcoae about to Deoouae mothers. Mrs. Dora A. Ghithrie, at Oakley, Overton Ch, Venn., writss: " I never ean thank you enough for what your treatment has done for me; 1 am tar now than I have been for six years. I began your treatment I was not able to do anything. 1 oould not stand on my feet long enough to wash my dishes without suf­ fering death; now I do all my house­ work, washing, oooking, sewing ana every­ thing tor my family at eight. Dr. Piaroe's Favorite Prescription is the beet medicine to take before confinement that ean be found; or at least it proved so with me. I never or at least it proved so with me. l never suffered so Kttls with any of my children as I did with my last and she is the healthiest we have. I recommend your medtdnes to all of my neighbors and especially 'Favorite rreaoriptlon' to all women who are angering. Have induced several to toy it, and It has proved good for them." Yours truly. Dr. Reread FavoriW Prescription Is a pos­ itive cure for the moat complicated and obstinate leuoorrbea, ezeaeeive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppres­ sions «nd irregularittea, prolapeus, or nuUnir erf the wond>, weak hack, ̂ tMaalewaaknsea," anteverskm, retroversion, bearing-down i ulceration of the womb, Inflammation, pain and tenderness of tbe ovaries, accompanied with "internal beat." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adaphrf to woman% delicate organiaation. It regetab' * -1"' J armless syetm. dua to prenanoy, weekstas»a<*»; digestion, dyspepsia ana kindred symptoms, its use will prove very benrflrial Dr. Pierce's Book," Wonan and Her Di»- eases," (168 puna, illustrated), givfa* me- ceaaful means ofnoine treatment, can be had (aeaUd i» plain envelope) by endoaing 10 . W. Em DOUGLAS «3 SHOE (equals custom work, costing from Sto $6, best value for the money the world. Name and price •tamped on the bottom, Kvery pair warranted. Take no subm* ' lute. See local papers for full description of Our complete lines for ladies and gea* ' tlemen or send for //• lustraitd Catalog** giving in. strucBoaa .. •; '--r how to or. derlsy mail. .Pnmire free. You .can get the best beraas!«t; of dealers who push our shoe*. - -- - -- ^ Wo Will Mil . jrouourbi TDLTWOL I _ per aod bor-1 «r FCR T MM 18x14 fur S1JO l«xU for f -- U FRM «F LA 40C «tm. T«ad TO L fh« fall XXncthM fcr Hncfa*. or S1.8 xn AGENTS for a quick-et>lliuK patented novelty, wanted sua used by everybody; lOO to _ ISO percent.profit: territory for one county with first order; » fortune tor the bustler; particulars for stamp; do not answer unless yon MEAN BUS'NKSS. Addrem s A i. as Dcrimaira Reichitt&Oltsch, SoUcifrsof United Statea and Foreign South Band, lad. SI2T0S35&£~& FCYWWMM .... preferred who ead eaa atre tbeur PER • •II Hfcha ailiy TtJs (nnoanceaent is of special interest to termers and farmers' aoaa,aad others raiding in the rural dirtricta. A wudes also ia t^Wna and HHea R- * Ma. & llta St., Mlslueea* Vs. "COLCHKS- 8PADINO tym--. iiw, it A^OTHMSE U«WB to the ASK YOUR DfcAUHt Vo.9. Wo. 1. Woman's Ftiae, Restores Manhood. A POSITIVK CURB for all Nervous Diseases or weaknesses in body or mind, the result of in­ discretions in youth or after years. Safe and < bio. Gem!# in jl lion. Poisonoaa Purely Ve most effe< Piu. onihai OURB9 QUAimNXiSaMSk: • MICE at. oo PER BOX. a NOXSHS IS»O*. Sent securely sealed in |il»li> aieri^ar 8AXAS CHaMICAL CO., CNIOMO> IU. 1,000,000 a AOM8 or Ikrsalsbjrt Dcmjth liIUH)4 OOMFAHT lo Minnesota. Seed tte Majpei Ian. Thsy villbssnttsfaa mm . Hopswm. SMBS Class if April 4th to WTFor s>as-ttow)aikrai WVHN ww EEWWWWA^W*^* IWaahlaxtoa, " I tyisitttartww, Uad>udioattnf<dBtaM,attjstoea •SMNW.^AAF . for tbe milltoa. Tor It cents we will send y6n, poott^ld. a hook eontalniac cte.s in ooi cent stampa, to pay postage, to the Doctor, at his addreo, as given at beginning of this article. the Lsincoln Tea, ^ t 'J~\ W 'y " > fa? V ^ ' /A Gripeless Cathartia fd ^>r diseases of and KIDNEYS it is a CURE not an experiment Used by women it PREVENTS SUF ­ FERING. Used by men it PROMOTES VIGOR It Constipation, clears the Complexion and prevents Dyspepsia. Price, 28 cts., sample free. At your druggists or bv matt of MNCOL.N TEA CO., Ft. Waynes ln<f. Beet Man end Beat Medioine* - Cures hi'k * \ ^ i ""IT'LL. ., .V C '. ' W ^ v" * , , v ¥ v'y j f' * ?V% * ^ 1 * t •£. ) v * t5 k.** .1- . .^CS. .S.r l^f. A-t .rf,.,.*. jL* . Hi i mMM Street. Donular nonm, words ft muale r.YLOT0* SOW. Kail Or- m West WthSt^Sew Vork<71»y. •FLREETEST Kitehen --ail invented . 8tUUnftlf)0lr see pal BUOOIBS A H pavenpon mlv nawemftd a • _ Write anywSceor iSaaigee* AalM,! U3.CARTA BUOOV^ES5TB*FL* aace. Cure dresaKev

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