Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1894, p. 8

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feaflag,dated B. 5. "I am an on- „ trtgan the letter, "and _ Siqrwbere from 18 to 80 KigfclWBttkt tike to marry •Tfrtm SOtoSO years of age. itgieat fan it would be for yoa «9 and wia my heart for n Ml freest*11 First oome, first I silght say that I am not only 'tag, but a food cook. Indeed bread is the talk of miles, tying tintype is a poor i of me. I am not freckled. This ...... I« for yon, dear. I am very af- fiintlfat Sallie Killerford, Niobrara, H4W The tintype was gone, and "'loiiOM mat have taken advantage of tfaa fecial holiday offer. The message wm mnt adrift agaiiu--LeaTenw orth <E«l) times. r "4 *,s OcttM In TewrtdeWlr.' jAttRnaeiaiis, since their occupation iffiitriot embraced by the valleys- cf <tw Byr Daira and the Zarafehan, ftdtfe given s very great development toffee cultivation of cotton, and with tiM View of increasing the yield and al­ to fbe qpiality have introduced several American varieties of the plant, notably a.* gjej the native wcr6 to ®rejodiced against the new plants that (he experiments failed, but the BoMiaj» persevered, and whereas nine join ago Toorkistan produced only |,|M poods of cotton worth 3,865 nrtifw the quantity exported in 1890 WMSfeoot 8,000,(K)0 poods, of an esti- auAsd value of 18,000,000 rubles. Si­ multaneously with this rapid extension la tkt cultivation of American cotton la Toorkistan, factories are being built for ***"""ff the cotton before exporting t* to Bnsria in Europe, and at the be- ; of year more than 50 such already open.- MM This is on* in use. ire Storm Gates nn ner. Is Our new Spring stock is toiler, more carefully selected, and ' .V: <: -Jrif.* • --V"' • **' h -'W-'V* .V-rtS4. BEACH OF ALL. No farmer who usee ope ormCTe gates lie hag Men it once in use. Donot fate when you can secure one small cost. ~ " -VVr;' m.. THLABSKST! TEE BEST! B*-" *sV ' ' 1 • UK MUTUAL LIFE s | Insurance Company Of New Yorfc. Wakaai A. WaCnir. IMUnt -#§> W,! if yJ f $• ki; TtflT.T.ABB i; WMMM9I9 tf> i Nearly 400 MMm Delias SlMff IMf CMA8. M. FERGUSON 4. SOI, TAOoMA BU1LDIXTO, - M - - - - Illinois. *r.'\ • Boots, Shoes, Gloves, liittens, New Oless Coods, *t'.. V -: • Suitings, in Mack 'm prices from 22c to $1, 23 per yard* NOVELTIES IIT SB ESS TBIMMIWQS, a . , , ., To match. Suraha, silks, wtins. vMvfcta.* #ings* A complete stock of dress linings* A8 Drea* OiDgbamt and Prints, DomeiitlOH, Ooi|*t foqietttat ljcarry a larger stock than ever before. :> - tM •KB W3B K1W AND LABOB RTOOX Uf -"H > * J* < i We are making sweeping reductions on all oar goods, and ii will "" -- -naarljF call. -. . ~ usan MoHenry, in, 18041 JOHNI.S1 9701. 2:21%. GEORGE O, Standard under both trotttag and pielij rales. I. A. BARRUS, 4»BALBB IKCHCHCB rAHlLT Georre O is too well known try hit perform- »n< e mnd what bis colts tare done for me Co go into any details hero. He leacheetnut in color, star, aad white pot on left shoulder. In regard to speed George O tsthefluteet stallion, mare or ever bred in Mc Henry or Lake Conntie3, driven to his record by his breeder and owner, He >e sired by a son of Harabletonian 10, his dam ia 1 v a eon of Geo. M. Patchen 30. George O, with limited advantages, never having had a mare with a record of three minutes or one that ever produced a last colt from any utber iitiiiBB. He is the sire of Henry 0.2.90*, p.| Prince T. 3:»*. _ HarrvD,2-J0. Ohicadee (3) 2:34\' Volnev G. Son, 3:90#, Aid several more below 2:40. George O if trained to a bike this season can win races in 2; 15, as ho is an awfnl fast horse and gets them aisfaet. TEEMS. On aeooantof the depression In all business I will pot, his semces tor 18M atfiS, cash or notoat timeof senrio*. Don't ask it lower. At my barns. „ „ GKO, W, OWEN. MeBtwy, 111, lSB^ . ' ft- • • ... •. - m f f * JPETBB B. HOS£» HAVOTAOxinan fa i'aGd«W Birch Beer. BUFFALO MEA.D, Inds of Fine Flavored fys- bonated Beverages. WOODSTOCK, iu.. wmt. ESTABLISH H6tdqnart«ri at McHeiifj ^llWlAprllUt, which will be ooder ***dUrg0ot N. L. HOLMES, and all will be delivered to the i aad tamwodioK (owns. wast aad Kill of IcHeary & Lake Comities MIDNIGHT, Pw^og Stallion. Record, 3:17} Ban the fastest record of any stallion in Northern Illinois. Bnmtrwe o* M tonight, 2-i7*f. - mark horse, ]5%' bands high ; foaled 188«; bred bv R. H. Pooler,Sernia, III Sired bv Nigger Bov. he by Plymouth Hock, 2:34,he by Hill's Black Hawk, 1st dam Starlight, could p«ce In 2:27. by McKay borsn, dam of Midnight 2:17%; 2d dam, pacer, by Pharaoh, pacer; sire Rich ball 2:I2M; 31 lam bv Ethan Allen. In presenting Midnight to the public I think I show one of ih« best individuals ever offe ed in Northern Illinois. Midnight is s srrtnd good horse. He iea black, stundtnz 15?ih<nds high, will WPigh 1075 p^ands and of stalely carriage. Hie head and neck nre bsndBomely lined, his shoulders deep and well laid, hie withers earned well back, the barrel ot ex- eellent depth and splendidly ribbed borne; bis loins remarkably good, and at this very point we see too many horses very defective, a weak loia and coupling: is a more serious de feet than any ott>er point. We like to see a horse maoi there as tf he cf>uld carry a ton. His l^gs and fest good, points strong, and bone clean. He has qualitv, beaoty and high finish. He has a world of speed. As a race horse none ean outla-t him C' nsidering all these qualifications, no assumed, hut demon­ strated; his inheritance, his campaigning qualities, and his great speed producing pow­ ers, I am fully justified in thin* inir ihat Mid­ night's prospects, when bred to good mares, are not exceeded by any horse cf his atce. Midnight came to Mclienry Co., Feb, 16, 1883. unknown to horsf men acd breeders, but as a proof tl-at the public was pleased with him I bred 78 inarrs. before Aug 10, and re­ fused 25 more, I started him but Ave times in public, first at Dundee over a new half mile track, and drove him an easy mile in 2;2B, last eighth in 15 sec. Second, at Mo. He ry, to beat 2:28: be pa^-ed In >;23, Third at Woodstock, by request «,f those it the race Id rove him one-half mile in l:P9. •'ourth time, at hisflr«t race in '93 at Libertyville, he won second money, over a heavv track, and was beaten by oulv a n»ck by Proctor, 2:17. Hisl st nwe was at Aaukegan where l^ew ii the free for all pace and paced the last quar- Mrjn three heaM in 3teronds, a 2:0« "lip Midnigbts rocord. 2:17?«, is no mark "of his speed, he never hada.eason's work, always started m races after making a biB season aid with ao preparation. T E R M i l I will stand him at a fee of i2O.00; ilu.oOdne when mare is safe « foal, and (lOOOdne when mare foals _ Pariies trading mares at ter being bred will be held for fpll fee, |2n,00, when mare is safe in foaL ^KCICEMIES, NOTIOJV8. ' » and 8hoea» VOLO, ILL* 0*io£ to the hard times aad the acaroity of money 1 will. For the Next 90 Days* Sell you Boots and Shoes at Bock Bottom Prices, for Cash. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 80 cts. and upward, warranted p first class article, Men'r Shoes from 8C cts, np. As good as sold elsewhere for $2 A splendid Kangaroo Shoe,which always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3.75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer­ ies as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere. Must be sold as I need the money. 1. A. BARKUSi . to, Lake Co.. 111., Feb. 27,1884. CAtpriON*--if B dealer offer* W. L, vcnglM !Stto«s at m reduced price, or Uyi ntkasthem without name stamped om bettom, pst hlsa down aa a fraud. J°A^o I r# Uo % fix«M aaaners aftBnek** Balldlas, Bridge, MeBenxjr. ;S ' Si" IVnada, 111,, IBM. H.B.THROOP. NOTICE! Beat Doable Haroew, oompleta, |26 00 Best Double Lloet................8 60 Beaktlaae atraps.............. ...I0e |"» Bwart. itrapi. 45c Beat Pole atrapa... 46c BtttMreatpadi .....36c |teat Barnra* Oil. Gal 45c **&* A3tl® Qraaae ,36c K* * WhlP«, one-third oil. " Vt" hirad 001 to OB the v fSSryy.?*acingApr"1018W< i win ;; '> hmMW AWTU" i»£ """" •ik&i:* *v" o. L. HUBBARD, mJfiDA.TTT Sealed Bida tor the New School House. TheBeMd of Education of 8e boo 1 DUtrlet Mo. two m, township forty-five (45), range eight (8), MoHenry, III , hereby give notice that they will receive Sealed Bids for contracts for building the new School House, in said Dlatrist, aecordlnjt to plans and specifications •eeared. Said plans and specifications hem* readly forexaminatton at the following places: With Turnball ft, Pastel, archuects No. 1S5 Dearborn St., Chicago; also with T. J Walsh. Fraaldent of B«ard, McHenry, and Geo. W. Bealoy. West McHenry. Bid* to be opened at Oity Hall, April 28th. atlOo'c ock, , * The Board reaerree the right to reject any or all bids, Julia A. Stobt, Oleik of Board W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE THVWOHLD. . W. la. DOUGIiAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit ting; and give better satisfaction at the priccs ad­ vertised than any other make. Try oncjpair and be convinccd. The stamping of W. L. Douglab' name and price on the bottom, whi a guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the u' ^V* L' Douf?'as Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line °f goods They can afford to sell at ? 1c >s profit, and we believe you can save money bv buvineaU your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. W. Ii. UOUtiLAS, Brockton* Mass. Sold" Simon Stgffbi>, West McHenry R I P A N S ABULES1 REQULATC THE STOMACH^ LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD T l1* v you Jour friends, it Is call«4 ^ tTI2a', shows a beautiful, dimpled hn^L.'t8 f h ,n. a "arm, rich, fur lined cloak, pasKtt and umbrella In hand; she pulls the ?ovtr. Iatch, while ber golden hair ihlm- hl.iM, ,s1'"Bllln,e. her cheeks blush with nSn. 2 Kor and her fogulsh eyes sparkle merrily. Mure i» d<-li«ht vea. Aconywlllbe fp.vr,,ire<*' PrMtf'al<1. if you promise to tell your three month^ trial sSCJcApttoW ^ ̂ * THE WHOLE FAMILY, monthly magazine with stor anecdotr-3, fashions ana all articles of Interest ngttauthora and cash question contests monf* BCTseu. Pu». Co.. 186 Summer St., Boston, hrtta obtained, and an FkU <' ^WfUODtSATI FlU. J i ttaOryoarrc.u.a. patent ornce'1 •fgare peteatln leas time than those [ rorplwto.,wiUid«acrfp.: _ •sitowtoo. parnrromea.w*aHtaaToa,o. e. • MPASb 1ABCLE8 are the *** MtM, to* IMlccaitea, BIUmokm, • ^•'^.OwitlHttos.^nwHls.OtawA | '.•e"ter*» OOeaalve Breath, nl (U 4U. i • *rd*r* *f the ttMssck, Liver ead Bawala. ! • contain notliinir injurious to i e comrtltutlon. Are jnteasut to { 5 vj,r^,Si'THbisni»'£^r t---10 RPRCo* 8THKKT. WK* "SOME CTTT. i •eaeeeaaeaaaaeeeaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeaai Dissolution Notice. TH«r.°r !h?l("cr'tl1 n heretofore exladng I m nhroe of D .dse Bros., at 8t£fk7ta?«in» 'If m9 i,!,8ine*B of K.rasing and t^ consin?' -ih 8, afty disso!/ed by ma- ca^iedo^hy Wm.Dodge"" U "lU *jnv m Dodob, JttnfWood^Fah. H, W*. DODOB Shipped pure and unadulter­ ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole­ some tonic-stimulant by the Gives life, strength and happi­ ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If yon cannot proeoxe It of yoni dragglst or Uqoor dealere, npon aeeetet of $Lt0 we will STALL. VUUTTII CO, HSIILLER^ CLOTHING, Suits. CLOTHING, fn pquare and round cute. Prince Alberts, cutaways. Odd fiants, knre pania, wedding and coufiri&fttioti ^uitftj atooy Spring overcoats* GENTS' TITBSISSIKG GOODS, ; i - Jancycolored dresaahirts,oew^ielfciis^^ ^ iKovelties jn soft, crash find stiff h&ts, Latest shades and black Badger State shirts, pants, jackets, overalls. Full stock, all war­ ranted. Prices reduced, all sizes, from 50c to 12.75. - *' wm "fJ- DUBABLE SHOES, _ _ , ' , Mats, i/. H. Far^o &^Co s and W. L. Doujsrlas , Ous' stock of those "•oods is complete, and we carry all sizes aud widths. Prices rom $125 to io kangaroo..dongoi», enameledt russet, calf, ind cork soles. , Carpets, Wall Paper, Shadesi Pur stock of above goods is the best in town, with prises lowest. Wall Paper, with ceilings and border to mate!** goods full measure, clean, and trimmed free. Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises. Crockery, Glassware, Woodenwure. Garden and Field Seeds, Choice Groceries „ Flour, Kemember our place and goods. * & ' ' W _We, lbe opderslfaed, itvl«| aacd om of J. Q, 9haraia«,li warn opeoer attMhmaot, taka plaaaare l» raooniMaodiDfr U aa««« ef o» oatoa now la uea. It ta •ftatif Handled, aabataatlal. asd at tlM brlw «t««! tbey are altered !a »!tbla the reach of all. No One who naaa oneor more cat en their premlaea can afford to be without one. W1LLABD SMITH, A. M. BB0W*, JOHK KTANSOX, H. C MKAD. B. O SMITH, SAML. 8BSBMAN, W1LLAB& •. SMITH, B. A. SMITH* ^ ' W. K, ORAKOEB, A. H4)WABD« - B.HARSI80M. if, 0. Cat* and see one ci the gates and leave your orders with H. A. 8M*TH, .^.^-.^w,sa O. J, BOWAKD M. H. 0. T, BtUBBUOB, ' , West McHenry, 111,, April 2d, 1884. f 4 MMffi THE Mm Cry for It, ***** fc 1 1! V" >•> IlfSUKA'NCJM llirSIZfBSB Will be continued with renewed vigor, and our usual careful at~ tention in all matters of this most important business. It is cus­ tomary belief that insurance agent s lie desperately. We leave tins for you to decide--but assure you that we never lie still if there is a chance for business., , ^ ' , V! ' , ^ " •"jh'JfeS'SraffejjC.-'.'-ji w» ?»*«. . j', t 'l "i, />'ai ^ V Semember. that Pillsbory's Best ia tor sale at the lot piiee ol $1.05 per rack, by all the leading merchants, aaS at the Boiler MilUu ^ t . f f $ * i I •?. t>.- **>:' - . * ]*-v' w*S' •*'?• i°U: sali. tytStuM fifth 0MK X^BALKBtN --. .*1 MMii Wuhbara's Bait. $1 per Sack, er $3 80 p«r barrel. Just received, a fi we will do the rest, Just received, a fresh supply. Leave your orders at the mill aijjl ^ .... •„ vr.v« , m , .* J ' . . . MSsSs '4 I'V'SC.; McHENRY ROLLER MILLS, v. \ You can findthe largest and best assortment of And can buy at a uniform price, that is always low You can get GOOD TINWARE here for less money than y$|t Can buy worthless stuff at any general store. Y You can buy Milk Cans aad ail Dairy Supplies cheap. v , You can get the best Table and pocket Cutlery in the fully guaranteed. ? f. >• You can get any kind of Job Work, in Tin, Copper or Shetl Metals, done promptly and satisfactory. You can get your Yapor Stoves cleaned and repaired at reasoih able rates. « You can buy Cook Stoves and Ranges cheaper than ever. : , t Tours Respectfully, ^ : M c O M B E R . W©«it MoHeiury, HI. Ii: mAhnu nr .' ^ •, ,Opfo8itb Bishop1̂ Mill. JlcSiSNBY, 8T0VE8, TINWARE, DAIRY 8UPPUE8, ETC. ?i HARDWARE:. GRt K3EHIK8, Boot* aud Shoes, * ^ JW * * I - 1 f'Z fM 5 r U ' BUY TB* WOND*BPlJL RELIABLE; • toy • i llways" :i¥^ in every department, and prices as low as the same goods can be - V bought anywhere in the counts. We have ladies' shoes in all Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by all to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market. aad shoes for gentlemen, and child ran'a ahnaa. w e a e e p a . . . - . , r . u . . . " "4A "• „ * " ' ' * BUILDERS' HARDWARE ̂ 4 In tble line oar stock Is complete, tttd oarfprloee as low as the ssom qaalltf of goods can bought elsewhere, I Aleo, a toe Hae of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, la all iIzm. General Stock of Hardware AncKinvite you to call and learn our prices before purchasing* ?. r-F" £$? y*!/ >W-'l ,T>'4V^ medical fraternity everywhere. Of the beet makes, and warranted. In short, lo our store can be found say Gives lift* strpno+h u*.A lianru. article usually keDt In a first class Hardware store, and «a will alwava ntka - i ' . - t ' . : • U - . - : ̂ T . ^ r m full UNB wuu noiiBUKcu. I" PUW1 IU VUI OIUUUU UU IUUHU article usually kept In a first class Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call aad see us when In want of anything lo oar Una. Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest* Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prioeft, iN % ifu;3St. A'/ •' l&Hali •SiiiiiHiuMb JACO NSLETT, McHenry. CHOICE FAIUflLY GROCERIES 4X-WATS ON HAlfD, MAT. Three.doors North of the Riverside McHenry, UU Feb, 10,1894. ,1 • *v.u- , V •* ***,<'.1*4.

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