Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1894, p. 4

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&DAY. APRIL 25. 1894. iLYKE. ICtfitoi*. BarvBuoAK ooxmtr 00*- VBNTIO*. mmm* w,om votera of McHenrv county ^IqeqBOitSd to send delegates to the Repub- ^«S«iity eonvention to be held at the court tik the city of Woodstock, Tuesday, Mav tjk'MK, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose ot' wfctftiDg the delegates to represent Mc­ Henry county in fhe senatorial convention, (time, place, and number of de'egates yet to be fixed), sixteen <16* delegates tore- jirsaent mid oovnty In the congressional con. Ventkta to be held at Aurora, III, June 7,1894, *•4also to select eleven (11) delegates to re present said county In the state COT. vert ion to bo held at 5>prinrfie)d, lll, July 25, 1804; also for the purpose of placing In nomination can* d Mates for the following county o^Bces; County judge, county clerk, county treasurer, sheriff, and coanty superintendent of schools, and for the purpose of transacting such other business as m*y properly come be for* the convention. The several towns of tne county are en- titled to the following representation': Riley.. Marengo. .. Dunham.... •v h 1 Obenmng!! ;*K> Alden if" £* .. 15 ...16 v.. 2 ...15 .. li ... 6 .... 7 ... 5 ... 6 6 Het ron (ft.... 8> Richmond.. .»•>*... . 9 Burton „,t 87 McBenry....^..; 0 Snnds i,... Hart land.. ! Bar-eville... .. Seneca.... £ Algonquin. ... . ...... S Crystal LA it*;., Grafton . ... 6 Cary B,v>a Dorr..... ...'.» |E.'.V"v. Greenwood 9 Total 2i» j it i« rMom8i*sd!<l by the eosansittee that L I*, "•* vsrism towns hold their caucuees on l^1Saturday, May 19, 189*. •£$ ' By order of the MoRenry County Itepubli ' , , 9*D Central Oonnaittee. !»• F. HOT, dMnns. t d HEAD, Secretary. !§' i V/ JUUFTTBLICAX CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION, 8th DISTRICT. The Republicans of the Counties composing the Eighth Congressional District, 8t*te ot Illinois, are requested to send delegates to a Convention to be held at ths City Ball, ID the city of Aurora, Kane county, Illinois, on Thursday, June 7th, 1894, at 11 o'clock A. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Representative in Congress and to transact such other business ss will prop, erly come before a-id Convention. The sev­ eral Counties of the Ditrict will be entitled p , . to delegates ae follow*; feV DeKa(B « .™...... » L ; > ~ ® . 4 . . . . . . . . . 1 2 MGrond*- ^--Kendall. - g ftf " Aint' irv- "j Congressional Committee. TDHKeoT llilsTSth day of Apr'l. 1894. McHenry..... 1WH.. ....16 .106 AMU* SUWOODr itoKalbt T S ROGERS, DuPage, TBAKK ( LARK, Grundy, H. T. ROCKWELL, Kane, J.E. TI BFIB, Kendall, - <3. W. ELBREDGE, McHsnry. 1^^ W© notice the Belvidere papers «re advocating the running of three fcaiididates for the Lower House of the ; ; vjBtate Legislature the coming fall. We second the motion. There is nothing to > lose and everything to gain. it IW^Butter on the Elgin Roard of Trade $P* Monday was weak, only one-third of \f<*; the offerings being sold. About 1,500 "Jibs. went for 19c a pound and 16,800 lbs f * at 20c. Last week's price was 28c, and fef » year ago 33c. ; 19*Six hundred people attended the funeral of a tramp at Rolla, Mo., the other day. Htf was J. C. Coin, a graduate of the Denver High School, the alumni of which had cared for him in his last few days, and gave his body burial. There was so pathetic a side to his life story that people generally attended. " Tbe • ... in i mini elfriilllfc wifflJliilUM Hi© senate in dfcottttlat*te Wilson tariff bill, and demaiife that tbe rules be im­ mediately changed in order to expedite business. A few days ago Senator Mur­ phy was reported as saying that the bill would not pass before November. If the senator made this remark, it is plain that he did not contemplate any change of rules; and the Times will p robabiy find it up-hill work to persuade the senate that the ruinous measure deserves more attention than the ordinary business coming before that body. The cbuntry is not suffering because of a yearning for that bill; but is rather fearing it will become a law, to the over turning of business and destruction of values. British manufacturers and tradesmen supported by a few theorists in this coun­ try, are the only persons having real in­ terest in the passage of the Wilson bill. The democratic party foolishly commit­ ted itself to the principle of free trade in 1892, but the rank and file of tbe party have been repudiating the doctrine at every election held since that date. The senate represents the people, and they ibave reversed with all energy the com­ mand given in 1892. Therefore the senate is not bound by any obligation to pass the Wilson bill. It Would be foolishness to pass it in the face of pub­ lic protest heard from every quarter, in every election held during 1893-'94. The Word That is FtHiag Around- The Republican Senators have received a fresh mandate to fight the Wilson bill. No body of legislators endowed with power by the nation and representing a great cause, ever had their duty more plainly marked ont. Every considera­ tion of justice, of patriotism, of respect for the popular will, of regard for the people's welfare demands that the Con­ federate bill shall be met with determined resistance and unyielding obstruction. Every Republican majority in the com­ monwealths of the north, every petition from American workingmen appealing for protection, every reduction of wages, every silent factory, every poverty strick­ en home, every cry from a starving child, every tear from a destitute mother is a command direct, explicit, imperative to kill the Wilson bill. The people demand that their representatives shall defend tiie farms, the mills and the fire-sides of the Nation. They demand that Ameri­ can industrial independence shall be maintained; that American wages shall be restored; that prosperity shall be brought back again. The Republican minority in the Senate must fulfill this demand by standing in a solid phalanx against the ruin which it would inflict. IS?" We consider Hon. Wm. E. Mason one of the brightest men ever sent to Congress from this or any other Btate, and if he had a district like Tom Reed instead of one hopelessly Democratic he would have been continuously in Con­ gress if not in the Senate. He is to the Republicans of the West what Tom Reed is to the Republicans of the East, barr­ ing that the majority in Reed's district is Republican and in Mason's anything else. Regardless of the misfortune of locality as to continued honors, Mr. Mason looms np among the grand intellects of Illinois and takes first rank among such men as Reed, McKinley, Ingalls and others who are known far and wide for their great ability. If the coming Repub­ lican convention gives the people a chance to indicate their choice for Wm. E. Mason for United States Senator, it will meet the wishes of many men who New Hampshire's bank commis­ sioner reads the financial institutions of that state a lesson on lending money in -- „ -- th® West. He shows that their foreclos- ^ave only the best interests of the party axes ont of the state are six times as at heart,--Warren Sentinel. great as in the state, and that they are taking risks much too great in their efforts to get high interest. * r V mi- il tit* Ton never heard of a tomfool ex- Coxey's Commonweal Army ^ during a Republican administration in / Congress and the White House. In those times Americans were so busily engaged ia making money and building homes thai they had no time to devote to the show business. NT* Being the first paper in McHenry County to bring out the name of Wm. • E. Mason for United States Senator, it is ' indeed gratifying to note the unanimity • ; with which his candidacy is being re- H ceived, not only in McHenry County, but y f all over the northern part of the State, i?' He is eminently the people's candidate, and no man in tiie State Is better quali- 'pK fled to lead the Repnblican party of ^ Illinois to victory the coming fall than % ™ " Win. E. Mason. MP* Political speech-making is a <l«s art, and like art in volume, infinite in va­ riety. The three first speakers in last week's Republican love feast In Chicago v will serve for illustration. Collom was logical, sound, emphatic, and as coherent ^ as details of legislative subjects will ad- •£: mit. Pifer's was a series of beautiful fej!,-*••.?';! Word-pietures, elegant in language, elo- "tty* & 'v1 '< <*uent utterance, polished in diction--a l9*The meeting of the Repnblican County Committee, held at Woodstock on Monday last, for the purpose of fix­ ing a time for holding the County Oon- venton drew out a large number of lead­ ing Republicans from all parts of tha county, and the interest manifested on all sides shows that the Republicans are wide awake and determined that Mc­ Henry County will roll np at the Novem­ ber election one of her old time Republi­ can majorities. The Crawford Law, of which we spoke last week, received a de­ cided black eye. The Convention wai called to meet on Tuesday, May 22d. The call, with the number of delegates each town is entitle to can be found at the head of this paper. W Breckenridge is a fac simile of Ed­ ward Everett Hale's "Man Without _ Country." Denial is now made that be was ever born in Kentucky, while church officials tumble over one another in haste to sret into the papers to declare he never was a member of their society. Blue- blood families, where the silver-tongued was wont to visit often and stay long, now deny either friendship or acqnaint- ance with ai**dflffterer whp^was as bad as his attorneys confessed 1 to be. P°®w in prose. Mason's was dashing and didactic, sweeping in cyclone eddies, and pierced through and through with a seventy-mile gale. , ^"icago Herald, Democrat, - commenting editorially on the recent • Republican State Central 8aid: "disparagement of the meeting is out of place. The Republicans | of Illinois were never so closely knit, nor ^ were they ever so enthusiastic and hope- loL Conditions may change before next • November but it is uot improbable that la the legislative and state election they will take the returning tide of Republi­ canism at its flood. There has been an uninterrupted succession of Republican gains and new victories. Only Monday v- Democratic New Jersey furnished a long Hat of Democratic defeats in city and ? county contests. If the Republicans £ maintain a firm organization and keep p »P their enthusiasm they are likely to f overcome even the advantage which the lig»la^ve apportionment has given to It is a popular impression that Is a disease confined to the mucous flMMft* braoes lining the nose, throat and chlal tubes and portions of the respira­ tory Organs only. The real fact is, that all mucus membranes wherever located, are subject to catarrhal disorders, and unless recognized and properly treated, difMoluttoii or degeneration is sure to follow. No organ of the whole tody is more frequently affected than is tbe stomach, womb and bladder. The symp­ toms of catarrh of the bladder are: frequent voiding, which is generally scant' in quantity and highly colored with ifc; white or slightly' pinkish sediment, Catarrh of the bladder is aleo liable to extend downward to the gential oiyamti causing smarting difficulty and pain. % In females the extention of the cat tarrahal disease is certain to involve th4 female pelvic organs, and produce leu- corrhopa, painful periods and bearing down pains and not in frequently sup­ pression or cessation of the menstrual flow, and sometimes menorrhagie. The new mode of treatment and Amick rem­ edy, cures these cases when all other methods and therapeutical measures have failed even to afford relief. Fatal results are sure to follow this form of catarrah if long neglected, as no other' disorder so debilitates the nervons sys­ tem, and undermines the constitution of the average American woman to-da^. Yet, it is the nature of womankind to suffer and neglect; hence so many frail bodies, and shattered constitutions and premature deaths among all classes and conditions of the sex. The new treat­ ment is simple and effectual and unsur- ssed as a regular, and reliever of anxiety, suffering and physical decay. >1 Dr. Howe is having a large patronage^ at the Parker House, West McHenry. Hel makes his next regular visit here from! April 30th to May 5th, only one weeks> stay this time. It is understood that; he will make semi-monthly visits both; here and at Richmond, where he has a. large number of patients, now under* treatment, from whom we hear most flattering reports of the Doctors both medical and surgical. * H Which we are selling «t prices tlint defy competition. t)or goods , tn BOUGHT FOK GASH, and *e are therefore able to - ; give our customers a bargain in everything in ont , line. Our goods are of the very best stand- ard, bought from the moat reliable housenf And Sold at Prices that are Right. '•5' V<" Look over the Shirts, to $2.50. All sort* of prices between, >40 V ^ . H * • iT'-vX <» ^ i( ewfmt jour Butter and Eggs "At the very Higheat Prices." We want your trade, and if fair dealing and honest prices will win we are jthe store. We will compete with any one on for value received. ,T 4' *: 6^ Vfremt MoHenry. XUinoia. DR. HOWE, Specialist, And originator of th e direct method for diseases of the Take Warning. The persons who have been drawing dirt and gravel from Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 9, on the east side of the river, owned by me, are hereby notified that if the act is repeated they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is fair warning, and no further trespassing will be allowed. MBH. JCUA BISBOF. McHenry. April 18th, 1894. STOP A MINUTE. And consider if the pill (no matter what kind) you. have taken for your constipatian have really done you any good. Are you not more and more liable to this trouble? Try Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin if you want sure relief. 10 doses 10 cents at J. A. Story's. 41 w4 ESTRAY NOTICE. Came fiito the enclosure of the signed April 18, 1894, a Black Boar. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take him away. RICHARD THOMPSON. This lump salt business should be in­ vestigated by all. Anybody keeping a horse or cow should Ijppy it. It goes four times as far as the common salt. You put a lump in the manger and the stock does the rest. For sale at Perry & Owen's. New, fresh spring millinery, (no shelf worn goods) of the latest styles at Mrs. E. W.Howe's, one door norbh ofPerryA Owen's store. ' A full leather top Phaeton in first class shape in every respect. Will sell at a bargain. For further particulars inquire of T. J. Walsh, McHenry. 41 SEED" POTATOES. Early Ohio Potatoes for Seed at John J. Millers. 89tf Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery bouse in the U. 8 , have a vacancy in this section. Write them at Chicago, 111., for their terms. 88in3 iar, Nose, Ihroat aifl Chest. Catarrh Catarrhal Deafness, Laryn­ gitis. Bronchitis, Asthma and Incipient Consumption WPotltlvely cared by the direct method and Amick Remedy, Discovered and invented by Dr. Hew*, pro­ testor of dtieaees of None, Throat And Chest, Cincinnati Medical College. 0ons<iI> Ing phy­ sician to ibe Cincinnati and Chicago insti­ tutes. Member rf the State Medical So«ieties of Ohio and Illinois. WILL BE AT THB Parker House* McHenry, April 30 to May 5, Inclusive. SKIN DISEASES and all d1°eaaes of the Blood and Glands, Nerves, Stomftnh, Heart, Liver. Bowels, K dnevg, also Uterine and Urinary affections and irregularities skilfully treated. Consultation, Examination and Trial Troatmont iFreo. Cure Guaranteed In all eurable cases, No fee for services asked until the cure is com­ plete. Charges always reasonable, DR. HOWE will repeat Ms visits here every eight weeks, Youngmen see the newest shapes In Hats at Perry A Owen's. Buy the early Spring styles. themselves The Chicago Evening News makes fun of Hon. W. E. Mason's candidacy for the Senate, and assumes to treat it as a Joke. Such "fooliehment" is injurious to a paper with a clientage such as theAWe possesses. The News ought to know enough to know that a man of Mason's ability and acquaintance can not be laughed out of court by a penny paper ""•yboys. f 5f Vale Kinnekahta. TB TFIFE title of a beautifully illustrated booklet recently issued, descriptive of the Hot Springs, South Dakota, and the effl- cacy of their waters for the cure of rheu­ matism. neuralga and kindred diseases, topy of this pamphlet will be mailed free J Thrall, General Passenger Agent Chicago & North-Western Rail­ way, Chicago, 111., upon receipt of re­ quest, enclosing two-cent stamp* BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, ®°re8> ulcers, salt rheum, fever Sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all akin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Price - ©• jor money refunded. Price 25 cents dsr Ahbox. For sale by Q. W. Besfey. Dr. Price's Cream Baklag Powder World's Pair Highest Medal sad Dlptoaa. Do NOT forget if you want a first das* Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Received 75 new all wool suits, all sizes prices from |7.00 to $21.00. Odd pants and two piece suits at Simon Stoffel's. Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, Orchar Grass and all other garden and seeds always at S. Stofiel's. New Dress Goods, Suitings, Ginghams and Calicoes at S. Htoffel's. PROF, IMSI* government chemist, writes: I have caw rally analyzed your "Royal Ruby Port Wine," bought by me in the open market, and certify that I found the sann» abso­ lutely pure and well aged. This wine is especially recommended for its health-re» toring and building up_ properties; It NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby fftv*n on the 28tb day of April, A D. 1894 tbe School Trustees of Township No. Fortv-five, (45) Range 8, McHenry Co.. Illinois, will sell at Public sale on the premises, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three o'clock p. M.tbe iSfchool House and School House Mt* known and dnscribed ss follows: 1 he Brick School Houae and S hool site iu District No* 2 In Lot one (1) InOwen's Addition of Out Lots in the vlllsge of McHenrv, Illinois, lying and being situated in the Nor?hes«t qunrt'T ot the iSou'hwest quarter of 6'eotlon No. 20, Townnhlp No. 45 ifange 8,McHenry County Illinoia. The Trustees reserv Ing the privilege to reserve sny of the above described property they may see fit on the day of sale and aloe re aerv« the right to reject any or s'll bids Possession given July Iac 1894 Terms f^ssh. % ' J Dated this 2nd day of April 18H ^ ... W. A. CBISTT, ). / ' •' W. H. HARRISON. VTrustee*. > Y E. H. THOMPSON, ) A. HIIjL JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Finest Leases, Kye-Glasses •PECTACLCa. ASSISTED BT X>Eft. W. M. CORTHELL, Graduate Chicago Ot halm to College, OMCE A WKEK. No C Harare for Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. OSMDN BLOCK. KUNDA, ILL . - j ^ v j THE PAGE Woven Wire Fence. Standard Bred Stallions The two following Registered Stal­ lions will make the season of 1894 at my bam. opposite the Park, in Crystal Lake, McHenry Co., III. J JUDGE KELVIN 13206 BAT Stftlllon 16% htnda high and weighs 1300 lbs , foaled I860. Sired by Sultan 1518; record 2:24. Tbe tiro ot Raladln, record of 2;06&; Stamboul, record 2:07X. and thirty others ID the ttandard ii*t. Dam Sophia (>1am of Geo Gould, reoord 2:26) by Geo Wilkes 619. 2d dam Mattle Wil ier (dam of Abbie. reoord 2:26) by American Ola / 3t. 3d dam running tired. TBRMS.-ii8.oo to Insure a Mare la rqei. )<K-- PERIOD 17146. (Own brother to Phil Gordon, reoord 2:83.) Chestnut Htalllon, IS# bands high, weighs 1,000 lbs., foaled 1889. Sired by Gordon 3127; son of Onwaru 1411, record 2.20#. t> 'in Colon (dam of Semicolon, 2:18JI{; Patoli- more, 2:30; Phil Gordon, 2;33; Silver Bell. 2:41#), by Htralhniore 408. 2d dan: Ooril) dam of Oorallold. 2:18#). by Clark Chief *», * * 3d dam Cassia (dam of Caliban, 2:Si), by Qas- siusH.Ulay 22, 4th dam running bred. / TEBMS.--*10.00 to insure a Mare la foal. Upon looking over the breeding of theae Stallions it wilrbe seen r>at they are not only extremely fashionably bred, but their imme­ diate ancestors, on both sides, are individual producers of phenomenal tost speed. Extended breeding and description furnish­ ed on application. SAMUEL S. GRANGER. Manager, OKVSTAL LAM, 111. O. W. COOK. Owner, OXIA WA,KAF, eomS DB. FBUTH'S next vie it,-- Friday. May I Itt* WOODSTOCK* ILL., At the Hotel Woodeto«*k New DRESS GOODS just received. US inch Henrietta; newest shade, 23 otnte per yard* WW. OF SYRUF, bff lbs. Primes for $1, - ^ Shoe Bargains fray day iroll mrirbk. ot v K i^ EVANS0N & C0 STANDARD WAVING takes the Agemf f&r AJk Machines, I respectfully invite the farmers of McHenry and surrounding country to call and see I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Every Machine Warranted. Bepairs of all Mnds on hand. I am also saKteg a First Class Drag at Bottom PHcoa. wm 'JOS. HEIHER. MoHenryi April 10; 1804. J* , JUSTEN BRO DBALBB8 IN F I N S F U R N I T U R E or ALL KINDS, I - l-iv • on the With two stores, one on the West side and one on the Eastf side, (McHeniy), they present to the buying public T; iA. Larger Stock ol all kinds of Rednoed Prloee. Tbso ever before, which we are offering atgrestlf Now Is the time to Buy. K&»We slso beep ID stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we can give yoh anything from tbe cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices tbaa tUecounty. F TRUNKS AT COST. R < ;c?? We ha^a taken great patos In selecting onr D E R T A K I N G S U P P t f C f , Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best* Do not fall to call and see us-when In want of anything in our line. SPLEND D HEARSE in connection, will be furnished at Seasonable Rates. FRUTH DISPEHSARt DR. FKUTH, after years of experience has strengthens the' and restores lost v^ tality* particularly adapted tor conval­ escents, the aged, nursing mothers and those reduced and ^eakeoed by ovai-work snd worry. Be msa you get' 'Royal Ruby"} fl per quart bottles, pints 80 cfe Sold by G. W. BESLEY. THOMAS BUBKE. MEAfllMiBKET! V Cash Paid for Hides and Tallow. Everything First Class. East side, near Iron Bridge, WDoo't send your Work away, bot patronise Home Industry THE McHENRY Steam Laundry! Will do yoo First Class Work In all branehes. Give us a trial. JOHN HAUPRISCH, ' Proprlsio*. • L. W. StlFLDON, OR MAHENGO, ILL. lahwdUat tbe above Fence In tbe Sast bait orTtfcHenry County. AH eorrespoadenee promptly anawered. Write to him. VICK'S iee4. Ska Won««r «f Vtf»> tftblci ud riowu*. "Contains 112 pages 8 x 101-2 In., with descriptions that describe, not mislead ; illustrations that instruct, not exaggerate. Thecorer la clmrmlngin har­ monious blending of water col­ or prlnta in frwn and wblte, with a gold bftckground, -- a dream of beauty. 32 pages of Novelties printed in 8 different ' colors. All the lending novel­ ties and the bent of the old va­ rieties. These hard times you cannot afford to run anv rtok. Buy 11 ON EST GOODS whete you will receive FULL. Ml'.AS. HUE. It is not necessary to ad­ vert Ise that Vick's seeds grow, th la is known the world over, and also that the harveat]«ys. A very lit­ tle spent fjr proper seed will sava. (rrocer's and doctor's Mils. Many concede Vlck's Floral Guide tbe handsomest catalogue for lv94. If you love u flue garden send ad- now, with 1J cento, which may be deducted from Scat Order. $360 Caab Friz e tor Fotatoea. JAMES VICK'S SONS. ?>erfected the most Infallible method of ear. og Nervons debility, decay of body and mind, scl'.dlatruet, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, Im­ poverished blood, low vitality, and all efleets ot abuees, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi-nples. Scrofula, B>ood Taint, Eczema, Oan- cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit SSOOfor a case of SEXUAL DISEASE Cure, Question list FREK. < ne personal interview 801101104. Cousultation free DR. D. O. PRUm, 3B32 L«k«Ave.| Chicsgot Administrator's Notice* ESTATE of Virginia O. Parker, deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed Ad in in Is trator of the esta te of V irginiaOL Park­ er, deceased, late of tbe county of MoBenrv and state of Illinois, hereby gives notice tbat be will appear before the County Court oi McHenry county, at the Court Bouse. In Woodstock,, at the June term, on tbe first Monday in June next, at wnlch time all persons having claims against said estate are notlfled and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having tbe same adjusted. All per­ sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to tbe undersigned Dated thia lfith day of April, A. D. 189«. 41w« JAMES B. PERRY, Administrator. •250» worth of Fine Shoes to be reduced over one half within 80 days at Perry St Owen's. Prices will talk. Special good values in Boys and Girls School Shoes. Our great II.ISgraaa takes them all. All sizes,ail prices. '•<- -;•* •• - if J Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Werlfs Pair Highest A wee*. « / *" "v v t '1" * $ * ' @irm VSRM*M SB&JS Start in by giving you an all solid plow shoe throughout tor $1% ^ Men's Blntcher out tan color fine shoes. Ladies' fine low shoes h» large variety. A new invoice of children's and misses' foot wear. OLOTHIITG. Our clothing stock is very large. bouffht for cash, and will give you the benefit of the discount. It will pay you to look our line over before buying. • If6?* **** BJ0C^# j™8* Catttli and fit yourself *out with right styles, at 1 he right prices, . ^ Large line of men's Shirts Hosiery of every description, -Xl Fiesh Grooeries and Flour, Graham and Corn Wm1. ^ Tours for business* -,'vV & ' - - ,K n : JOHN J. mrhs MJER, West KcHeniy.

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