Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1894, p. 1

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VOL. 19. fledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Uwi No Favor* win ua and no 'ear Shall Aw*." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAI 16, 1894. r - ; : ; L a t PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY ^ , v A N s t i Y i s x : ^ R < KDITOB AND PBOPBTETOB. rnci IN THE NICHOLS SLOCK. *we Door* North of Ferry Jfc Owen's gton. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance). 80 If Kok Pdid within Three fitontha.. 3 00 Subscription* reeeivM) (or three or tlx Js, v V|ontbs in the same proportion. 8 RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising -,'te the 'PiAist'BALBR, and endeavor to state ' them so plainly that they will be readily un- iteratood. They are *s follows: Ilnch one year - V . 6 00 Inches one year . 10G0 t Inchesone year . V "" * • 1800 SColumn one year - 10 00 Oolumn one year- -• •», \*-® * 8000 Column one year - - - - - 100 00 itione noh means the measurement of 1m" Keh down the column.slngle column width. . Tearly advertisers, at the afirre rates, pave e privilege of changing as often as they oose, without extra charge. Begular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate ofTreents per line •ach week. All others will be Charged 10 per line the tlrst week, and B cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged II the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and ft cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost 11.00 for one Week, $1.50 for two weeks, 9S.00 for three fftteks, and so on. 1 The Plaiwdkalm will be liberal in giving Mitorial notiees, but, as a business rule, it mil require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its columns for pecuniary gftin. i y Business CARDS. ;r< a a. FEGEBS, M, D- fi lOHTSIOlAN AND 8UROKOIT, • A Ills. Ofloe »t Residence. XsH«mry §>H i cH a J. HOWARD, M. D. YSIOIAN AND 8UKGKON. Offlce St the ersidence of B. A, Howard, West oHenry, 111. / ' £:0^\ i i t ii iii I. i ii'i'i'r iinni DR. A. B AfTRIWGKR, ir>HYSIOIAN AKDSUR«EON. office in Dr. JT Ohilds building, West McHenry, III. ^Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, Ail professional ealls promptly at. Minded to, F. O. COLBY, D. D. S. iTvBNTiaT. Woodstock. 111. Special atten- tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distancelwould do well lb give timely notice by mail. Office,-Kendal Block, corner Mam street and Public Square C U F . M L K Y , PrflBrieler of McHenry Brewery. . McHKNRY, ILL. Sttoafren Band with th£ " B<s*t Beer, !»*i Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS. * MCHENRY-, ILLTHOIS. We are prepared to do all work in onr line on short notice and guarantee satisfaction PAPSR HANGING A 8PECIALTK Prices reasonable and work promptly doss. WESTERMAN ft SON. McHenry, J tnnary 80, ISM. Unite! States War ClalH Aieiici --or-- WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - llll no! Prosecutes all elassss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A speoialtv ie mads in proseeuung old and rejected claims. All eommunioations promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWL1JS Office at Reside nes, Madison St. Woodstoea IOC. IOC. Does smoke rom your cigar arise Like incense in the air? #7s;.4t Or does it only cause a smudge *'.. And make your neighbor sweas^' Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar, ; When you can purchase for a dime i "Our Monogram" cigar? MAKKBB OF| Choice Cigars. We can sell you one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. DO YOU KNOW -WHO SELLS-- £ \ , U. P. BARNES, ^ A TTORNET, Solicitor, and I OounjWlor, : ' Collections ^ specialty. 5'.' WOODSTOOK, lunrois. JOSLYN * OASST, V ; ^ '"A TTOBlfBYS AT LAW, Woodsteek Xll. iV All business will receive proirpt atten­ tion. KNIGHT A BROWN, A TTORNKYS AT LAW. U. s. Express Oo.'s BuUdlng, 87 and 89 Washington St. ^ t CHICAGO, ILL, ' V, S. LUMLET. " V" ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor A Chancer WOODSTOOK, ILL. Office In Park House, first floor. Boys cape Overcoats Men's chin Overcoats..................... Men's wool Suits Boy's Suits $1 25 and Men's wool Shirts and Drawers 11 60 4 50 4 50 2 50 50 fl .5o Buck gloves only 1.00 Heavy lined gloves and mitts 55 3 pairs handsome socks 25 Best beaver can 75 Hundreds of goods %t these prices^ ^ E. Lawm?#.' Opposite Riverside House. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General lnr . surance Agent Jnciuding Accident and Life Insurance. Oxnox WITH B. GILBERT, NEAB DSJFOT, i.i WBHT MOHBMBT. III. 'ay V:..' i W. P. ST. GLAIRf Jiuticeof the Peace and Notary Public Estate and iiiwraw|^:v KUNDA, III* A, M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler FO.Otft HundredTwenty-Five State ftt Oht-caao, 111. Special attention given to re-pairingF ine watches and Chronometers. A Full Assortment of Goods in his lias Fa E.PILCHER.^^ ' - m Hernial - Surgeoik * - Office %vith Dr. Avrtnger, We* McHmry, III Grown, Plate and Bridge Work artistically executed at reasonable prices. Special atten won given to the care of Children's Teeth. $M: COKBDLTATIOH FBBB, ; JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmaker Sc. Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriNB stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention tivea to Mpeising wftwim*. dive me call. JOHN P. SMITH. iforsemen. Look Here. > I have a fine stock of H -rses, among which few "Young Green Mountain Morgan," "Mor­ rill Qharies," and otbera. Cal i and see these florses before making arrangements else- -1Wr#* N. is. OOLBY. f McHenry,HI., »«T 1ft MM. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE 8old ontriaht. no rwnt, no raraltr. Adapted lanoa and bast srilir onwrth Al«aU One In a resident* »••«» » «Hf toallu n^Khbora. Fin.i^roin^noto^works aanrhara, any diManoa. usinplM®, roaay for BM when shipped- h* W W fcSTi°i% never out of order, no repairing larta a UJa time. Warranted. A tnonargMSer. Wrft* W~p. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10. Cetamh«s,0. BEST IN THE WGRL$|f COAL & FEED |» Good Supply, - •li-;m I^SpotJtfli Only. Prices Accordingly. it "will pay you to investigate, W. A. CR1STY, WEST McHENR Y, ILL. '7m PHOTOGRAPHED FROM UFB. iw' |,v. ias P A T E N T S , FM FMTECTMM. >0T FM ORMfiMEIT. frlto D080IS ft DUBOIS, Pateat kVtamjh Invantlv* Ags Building. W^SHIMOTON, D. C. & Well of It acts let Say. VITALIS >«. THB QBBAT ootb Day. FRENCH REMEDY 3_ Ftedaces the Above Besnlts in 80 Ways powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others laiL Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. »lt quickly and surely re­ stores Nervousness, Xiost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions. Lost Power, Failing Mem­ ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards oft insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no other. Caa be carried in vest iket. By mail, 11.00 per package, or six for th a positive written gsaraatee to can the woaey. Circular free. Address CALUMET Wffitl COMPART, Chicago, pbel YOUR MONEY ' MOULD OBTADV rok tw The Best Goods ii tie Market, That li what we are aat- tofied t)Q make. ^tThe Best, 99 and thtnk we can »o demonstrate to yon If. yon will give |||'the. opportunity. Call In »nd|M the Coodi and! be , -:|iDnvln«ad. COS CARLtOtli. ,111., 1894. SALOON AND RESTAURANT MCHENRY, IUINOII. fine Kentucky Liqnon, Frerch Bitters, ^ Mclsiipv Laffflr Bfifir. • --AND-- J. M\u Milwaukee Bottle Beer, 111 any quantity from I Snits Glass to 1C0 barrels. At Wholesale or Retail Beer in bottle?, kegs or case, as cheap as the cheapest. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will as use you well. ANTONY ENGEUT. McHenry, 111., 1894. 1 MEAR THE DEPOT* WEST MeHENRY, ILL. Keeps open for the aoeommodatton of tM Public a Flrst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, iere he will at all time* keep the test brandB of Wines, Liquore and Cigars to he found in the market. PABST'8 IDlwanku Lagw Saw At Wholesale and Retail Beer in T^arge or Small Keg* or Bottle* tf . jrays on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Order* by mall promptly Attended to. GOOD STABUlfCQfVJt HOBBFGk arOall and see us. Robert tohloMto. FARMERS: WHIM YOU BUY ; F ARMING 1HPLEMENTS BUY THEBE8T, Which yon will always And af lay Warehouse. Csll and examine the New Styles of Seeder* f^TEBlZEm, Riat*e & Walklne; Plows, H^rowf, Wind Mills, Humps, AMD • FULL LUIS OF VIK8T CLASS Machinery, Waflons & Buggieif CALL AMD SEE KB. W. B. AUSTIN. Woodstock, 1U., March, 1894 THE LARGEST! THE BEST! Insurance Company Of New York. fwUdeat, Report of Village Treasurer* , Showing the amount of money received ®nd from what sources received and the Kamoant of money expended and for what purpoeee expended, for the year mdinff April 30,1894. HECETPT8. 1893. April 30 Balance on hand.......,.$2568 91 ASSETS OVER 186 ULUDV SOLLABSI Nearly 400 MUIIm Qellar* Paid ta Policy Holders Since 1843 This company has been endorsed 'by the National Farmer's Alliance. For jnformation and Insuranoe apply to onrkearest Local Agent or CHAS) H. FERGUSON & SON, TAOUMA BUILDIN«, Chloassi - *. - 1 Illinois. Good Agents wanted in eyery town. I. A. BARRTJS, DBALBB 1KCHOIOB FAMILY SBOOIRIES) NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, YOLO, ILL| Orffaff to the hard tlm«| i«ad tin scarcity or money 1 will. . ^ For tho Next 30 DaySt Sell you Boots and Shoes at Book Bottom Prices, for Cash. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 80 cts. and upward, warranted a first class article. Men'? Shoes from 8C cts, up* As good as sold elsewhere for 12. A splendid Kangaroo Shoe,which always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3.75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer ies 88 cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere. Must be sold as I need the money. ^ 1. A. BARKUS; Yolo, Lake Co., 111., Feb. 27,1894. R PETER E. BOSE, MAXtnrAOTtJBBK OB ose's Celebrated* Blrcll Ginger Ale, Beer. •1 BUFFALO ME^ All kinds of Fine Flavored bonated Beverages. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Car- WILL BBTABUSB Headquarters at MoHenry Abont April lat, which will be under the charge of N. L. HOLMES, and ail our goods will be delivered to the Lakes and surrounding towns. Head i of lion martere at Bach's Balldlns. west end Bridge, MoHenry. HARNESS AT COST. Best Double Harness, oomplete, 936 00 Best Double Lines.....2 50 Best Hame straps * ...I0o Beat B'east straps ...t........45c Best Pole straps ...........45c Best sweat pads .35c Best Harris- Oil. Gal *««•»•••*•••«.fOC 5 boxes Axle Grease 36c Whips, one-third oil. Having hired out to travel on the road, commencing April 10,1894,1 will clo*e my chop, and ali goods must be sold by April let. 1894. C. L. HUBBARD, May 8 Bec'd of F.L.McOmtxa> village clerk... May 4 " •« 1005 do 780 50 6 " " " 260 00 " 13 " " " 250 00 " 80 " A Snow J P fines 10 00 Aug. 7 "FLMcOmbet|vil eierk 25 00 " 18 w •' " 4166 Doc. 98 •' " ^" 2100 Nov. 1 Bec'd H C Smithfim lcee 250 00 « If H A Smith " 250 00 (I R Schi^sle " 250 00 ' 'fit" C HOstraader " 250 00 Wood'kBwgCo 250 00 Jno Heimev . " 250 00 A Englen -" 250 00 :fi.v 7.*;- Jno fiuch . f* 250 00 y. wir:'- - ^ * ** 1 Joe Heimer '« 250 00 1894. I Jan.2jT a J P Perry road bdge & del tax 29 27 Feb. f <c F L McOmber. 12 50 Mar. 28 «< «< U 15 50 Apr. 20 M it tt 8 50 " 80 II A Snow, J P fines.. 20 00 Total amt ree'd. ....%' #9784 BXPKNDmiBlS. April--1898. -v Back orders paid for April 1893. Pd order 117 G S Curtis, pol ser...f40 00 118 J Van Slyke, bill 18 00 119 L E Bennett, bd hlth 6 50 120 J Walsh, pol ser 40 00 121 W Schreiner, et com 20 00 122 G W Owen, sal & bill 35 93 123 Perry & Owen, bill... 20 66 124 H 0 Mead, jdge elec'a 3 00 125 W Stoffel " 8 00 126 A Colby, " 8 00 127 T Murphy, elk elec'n 8 00 128 A Eldredge, " 8 00 129 Dr Howard bdhlth.. 5 00 130 A Weber, «' 5 00 131 W A Cristy, salary.. 10 50 132 C H Granger, " .. 10 50 138 E W Howe, " .. 9 00 134 H Nordqueed^ ^ .. 10 50 135 O N Owen, ** , .. 10 50 136 S Stoffel, " 10 50 1371 Wentworth, " > 10 50 May--1893. Pd order 1J I Story, biU 76 June--1893. Pd order 2L E Bennett, extii aer b'rd of health.. 25 9 J Frieby, grading.... 8 00 4 N Jueten, gravel 1 80 | E U O w e n e s t a t e , g v l 1 0 3 0 J Pair, et work 75 "T G Rotherrael, labor.. 5 50 V S McDonald, et com 80 00 9 J Dermont, St labor 10 50 • f!^ u v'#l: ii.* '0\ •" v*r. • V9#v" • " II JOHN NEISH, Fainter & Paper Hang AND ALL KINDS OF HOUSli DECORATING. Graining a Speeialt; %^^ft|ps.ipwrertsiff at oiUMnr JDro«3 i y-.~ tf,. » , ' • T1-'^ i-\; 3." •.£ » "jJm. kv.C#; • THOMAS BtJBKEt V MEAT - HifflETl Cash Paid for Hides and Tallow. hing First Class. t side, near Iron Bridge. HEADQUARTERS W. L. Douglas's and C. H. Fargo's warranted ladies, mens and chil- iootwear at SinoaStoOi^s.. ' > < f ' • 10 C Nickles, ?' 2 25 11 Jot Nickles, " 6 25 12 H McDonald, " 2100 * 18 S Kennedy, " 8 25 « 14 B Gilbert, bill 8 65 16 G w Besley, bill 75 16 J Walsh, polBer 4100 « 17 G S Curtis, " 47 17 18 C M Curtis, bill 62 00 19 Wilbur LrnrCo, bill .121 92 Jnly--1893. Pd order 20 P Theien, mow'g pk 5 00 " 21 J Frisby, grading.... 9 00 " 22 S McDonald, et com 81 00 '• 'j* - 23 H McDonald, sp'g st 83 00 - " 24 s Kennedy, st labor 3 00 25 M isingeln, bill 80 26 N L Holmee, pol ser 40 35 27 J Walsh, " 4100 •;&*&. 28 J J Miller, biU 2 75 August--1893. Pd order 29 J Bonslett, bill 5 70 " 30 H McDonald, sp'g at 69 00 W»! 81 S McDonald, st com 83 00 82 N L Holmes, pol ser 40 25 M; 88 J Fair, mow'g sts.... 13 75 84 J Walsh, pol ser 40 50 * 35 A P Baer, bill 135 * 36 J Van Slyke bill to !i date 17 00 87 F L McOmber, bill... 5 38 *?#? 88 Wilbur Lmbr Co bill.112 20 " 39 G. W Besley, bill 5 80 September--1893. iPd order 40 N L Holmes, pol aer 40 75 m* 41 j Walsh, pol Ber 40 75 42 J Evanson & Co, bill 1 80 '* 43 S McDonald, st com 40 00 " 44 J Dermont, at labor 7 13 " 45 S Kennedy, «• 15 38 « 46 G Beckwith, " 150 « 47 H McDonald, sp'g at 64 50 " 48 A Snow, labor 1 50 " 49 J Comisky, st labor 5 25 " 50 G G Smith, order ot - J Slavin 2 25 " 51 N Justen, gravel 4 30 " 52 W A Cristy, water... 66 00 " 53 Wilbur Lmbr Co, bill 158 57 October^-1898. Pd order 54 Justen Bros, bill 2 30 55 F L McOmber, bill... 6 60 56 Elgin Briofc & Tile Co, brick 1 60 57 S McDonald stcom.. 42 00 58 S Kennedy st lbr 1013 59 Nick Wirtz |et labor. 6 50 60 G McDonald st lbr... 4 50 61 Nick Jueten gravel.. 10 60 62 H McDonald spr st.. 54 00 63 J Dermont, st labor. 10 12 64 W A Cristy, water... 20 80 65 Wm Bacon, bill 80 66 Wilbur Lumber Co.. 91 29 67 M Englen, bill 1 71 68 J Walsh, pol serv.... 40 50 69 N L Holmes polserr 40 75 November--IM'JJJ. Pd order 70 N L Holmes pol serv 40 00 •« .71 Jno Walsh " 4150 72 G W Besiey " 8 30 78 A 0 Rupp printing... 12 50 74 Perry & Owen bill.... 14 50 75 Wm Bacon bill 50 76 S McDonald stcom.. 86 65 77 H McDonald at lbr.. 22 50 78 J Dermont " 4. 4'50 79 S Kennedy " .. 2 25 80 G McDonald " .. 4 50 81 Nick Wirtz 150 82 Owen estate jgipavel.. 7 50 ' £. ki f/V • rif- JM <• i .•?4r. 88 G W Owen bill 28 20 84 C R Huber biU 5 25 85 O N Owen salary..... 18 00 87 G W Owen salary,..,, 18 00 88 H Nordquest salary 19 50 89 C H Granger salary 19 50 90 K A Howard salary. 18 00 91 E W Howe salary... 18 00 92 G W Besley salary... 18 00 « 93 F L McOmber sal'ry 25 00 December--1893. Pd order 94 J Walsh pol ser....... 82 42 <• 95 N L Holmes pol ser. 44 00 " 96 S McDonald st com. 30 00 97 H McDonaldst lbr... 22 50 98 S Kennedy ** ... 150 99 J Dermont " ... 4 50 100 Wm Hill 4' , M. . " «•! W*. « .c DEpmmr BY AN OLD SOL.DIEB. ,« * •-m; l» V#. . **• it If*"" ' ¥ % h. M 'S h !; • <« a «' - Wi 700 too 500 2 00 44 25 2 25 983 3 50 150 160 113 75 254 198 40 00 101 Owen estate gravel.. 410 102 S Stoffel Ins bill 56 86 103 F L McOmber bill.... 26 73 104 Jacob Bonslett bill.. 14 23 105 Wilbur Lumber Co..ll9 03 106 J Walsh pol ser 41 75 107 8 McDonald st com. 20 00 108 H McDonald st lbr.. 16 50 109 S Kennedy " .. 2 25 110 Nordquest & Weber.. 5 80 111 N L Holmes pol ser.. 40 50 112 B Gilbert bill 2 25 118 G W Besley ex on 00m 7 00 «• 114 R A Howard " " * * 115 C H Granger " " " 116 C H Granger Etec ex Feburary--1894. Pd ordar 117 H D Holmee sp pol.. " 118 J Walsh pol ser " 119 N L Holmes pol ser. 41 25 120 S McDonald st com. 20 00 121 H McDonald at lbr.. 5 63 122 M Englen bill 3 15 123 J J Miller bill.. 2 50 124 Jno Dermont st lbr. 125 Bank of McHenry, order of A O. Rupp " 126 S McDonald st com. March--1894. I'd order 127 S McDonald at com. 14 00 " 128 H McDonald at lbr 2 25 129 P Gilles " 130 Peter Wirfs " 131 S Kennedy " 132 Thos Halpin " 133 Smith & Son M 134 A P Baer bill 135 N L Holmes pol aer. 186 Jno Walsh pol aer... 41 50 137 R Bishop bill 50 138 Wilbur Lmbr Co bill. 2 95 189 G G Smith orders issued by the Pres. 15 37 140 J Van Slyke bill 86 00 141J Van Slyke printing pro of board for Jan 413 142 O J Howard bd hlth 10 00 148 Anton Weber " 10 00 144 LE Bennett " 1000 April--1894. * Pd order 145 Perry & Owen bfllv... 18 14 146 J Evanson & Co bill 180 147 C R Huber bill 7 20 148 N L Holmes pol ser. 40 00 149 Jno Walsh pol ser... 41 50 150 F L McOmber bill.... 5 45 151 Peter Gilles sp pol... 2 00 152 S McDonald st com. 26 00 153 C Nicklea st lbr 8 75 154 S Kennedy ( s" 2 25 155 E Lamphere •<4 60 156 H McDonald * 12 00 157 C Lamphere t If; 4 50 158 Owen estate gravel.. 4 80 For pub annual repfc lor '5)2 pd .1 Van Slyke 17 81 159 Jno Walsh pol ser... 42 50 160 Mat Neisen pol ser... 40 00 161 J Bonslett bill 11 01 162 H 0 Mead atty fees.. 35 00 163 J Van Slyke bill 27 00 164 Wilbur Lmbr Co bill. 26 56 165 O J Howard ex ser board of health..... 150 166 AG Eldredge elk eleo 3 .... 167 F L McOmber, clerk and 6 mo salary.... 28 .... 168 T Murphy, elk elec... 8 .... 169 11 C Mead j'dgeelee.. 3 .... 170 F Barbian, " .. 3.... 171 J H Miller, " .. 8.... 172 C H Granger, salary mem of board........ 12 .... 173 R A Howard, do 12 .... 174 H Nordquest, do 12 .... 175 O N Owen, do 12 .... 176 G W Owen, do 12 .... 177 G W Besley, do 10 50 178 E W Howe, do 10 50 179 M Englen, bill 1 40 <?' •- • ' 4t?"' ifc--.;: r»."; enry P« logs the first tud third Xharsdajs of month at the City Hall. i H, c. MKAD, Onuaaader, *•' ALBERT Snow, Adjutant. Sherman started into the Atlanta cam­ paign with abont 100,000 fighting men. By the time the city was taken he bad lost 4,423 killed, 22,822 wounded, and 4,422 missing; total, 31,687. Probably 10,000 more had been disabled by the hardships of the campaign. They made ^ pensioners very rapidly in those days. A homely old adage says that "a He w e l l s t u c k t o i s a s g o o d a s t h e t r u t h X and if the lie be reported again and again with pertinacity, Hoke Smith hopes that the people of the United "v, States will accept as the truth that the * . ,t"l great majority of persons drawing pen- / • sions are frauds, and doaeiye --r; Toledo Blade. , " " - vl-; Capt. A. M. Beattie, who he« been i ̂ f awarded a medal for gallantry at the ^2- battle of Cold Harbor, is a resident of - Lancaster, N. H. This was for rescuing a comrade who had fallen between the \s "i lines. The captain brought him oil a* >'•"'li, his shoulders amid a shower of ballets " * *i '• and escaped being wounded. The soldier J belonged to the 63d N. Y., and 8 he is ^ alive will be glad to know of Capt. ^ Beattie's reward. • ;' 11 . v. 4 A resident of Indianapolis posaassas an interesting war souvenir in the form of a y ®|i copy of the Vieksburgh, (Miss.) Gtizm, printed on wall paper. The date is July ^ S 2,1863, two days before Grant took the r city. One item, of wider intoest now«^'5^: than when it was printed, relates that ' ]. - "the great Dlyssee--the Yankee general- , issimo surnamed Grant--has expressed , his intention of dining in Vickeburg on ^ Saturday next and celebrating the ? Fourth of July by a great dinner, and so || forth. Ulysses must get into the city be- "3^ fore he dines ia it. The way to cook a rabbit is 'first catch the rabbit,' etc." ' J Total amt paid out dnr'gyr..$3680 35 Total amt paid in treasury.. 7297 84 Total amt paid out.... 3680 35 Balance on hand...... 18617 49 I hereby certify that the above report is correct. G. G. SMITH, Treasurer. Beal Estate Transfers. ' It*«0r6ed up to and including May 7,16111 <i L Beckl«y and w 'o G Bohman all nei<f swJi sec 38 n of r r §889 14 H W Head and w to A O Perry BU Sq rd s of It 9 Mead's 2d adn Hebron MOOT A G Perrv and w to Mary Crane [nX It 9 Mead'* 2<( adn Qebron 1000 00 Amanda Paynter to J & Itonie «ab. It# of it 46 aere i>it Ken 36 Mareogo US CO Mary Ayer to M W Buttsllts 1 and 4 blk 1 Ayer'e ndn lUrvard 1 00 F A Vansiieni and w t» Buth Biraard by 88ft in swJi sec 11, Greenwood 1000 00 Solimla Anderson and h to W Jenkins, He 1 and 2 blk 5 atld Its 12 and 16 blk 2 Prestey'i adn Lawrence 600 00 W Jenkins and w to M Wright and w n a sec 20 and &X neK seX aeo 19 Aidet 1100 00 J Olar «• to «canlan 20a a end wjf aw U see 2 N'uuda, 1000 00 P Iranian to J M Phalin same . 1500 00 P Freund and w to A M Schillo pt oefl sec l!> MeUeury 700 CO I Wentworth and w to 8 D Brott wjf It - ne3* sec 1 Dorr 600 0*: B K llichardi and w to J Waohtler, Its 6, 6. 7 and 3 blk L Johnson's adn Woodstock) 800 00 It is expected that Congressman Bitt will be In Eockford at the state encamp­ ment and deliver the address of welcome. THBY WANT N. The Russell Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch street, Philadelphia, desire the names and address of a few people in every town who are interested in works of art, and to secure them they offer to send free "Cupid Guides the Boat," a superbly exeouted water color picture siae 10x13 inches, suitable for framing and sixteen other pictures about same siae, in colors, to any one sending them at once the names and address of ten persons (admirers of fine pictures) to­ gether with six two-cent stamps to cover expense of mailing, etc. The regular price of these pictures is fl, but they can all be secured free by any person for­ warding the names and stamps promptly. NOTE.--The editor of this paper has al­ ready received copies of above pictures and considers them really "Cfems of Art." 43 w4 O. A. Bt. Encampment at Boekford. | On account of the Annual Encamp­ ment Illinois Department G. A. R, at Boekford, the Northwestern Line will, from May 14 to 17, sell excursion tickets to Rockford and return at reduced ratee --tickets good for return passage until May 18, 1894, inclusive. For tickets and further information apply to Agents Chicago & Northwestern E'y. 43w2 If you want a first class Lawn Mower, self sharpening, easy running and cheap, buy of F. L. McOmber. We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, table They Found the Kan. A company of soldiers is unfortunate 1 if it doee not contain a few wags to ea- . liven the tiresome march and the uncom- fortable bivouac. - • / A Georgia man of enormoes girth !,f| stood at his gate watching the passage ' of Gen. Johnston's array. All at once . three or lour men left the ranks and came running toward the gate, exclaiming: " "We've found him I We've found him!" - The fat man was astonished and per- • ;\ haps a little frightened, and the captain of the company demanded: , "What ia it? Whom have you found?" \ ^ "Why, captain," answered the men, ^ still dancing about the bewildered citaaaa., :*Jjj •'don't you see? We've found the man >1 • • j that swallowed our base drum?" . ^ . % OIAMI InrrlTing Soldlaxv A Oncbinati paper says that the c4dast surviving soldier of the civil war, It is be­ lieved, Is Rudolph Kelker, born December 1,1803, and enlisted in the Fifth Peon" sylvania regiment, at Pittsburg, in August, 1861. He is living in Evans City Butler county, Pa. This is disputed by cm Astnbola county paper, which says that Robert McKee, who'has lived at Pierpont, that county, for more than fifty years, was born April 4,1802, and was over 59 years old when he first enlisted, and served in three regi­ ments and only quit when the war ended. A Difference of Opinion Whenever the general assertion is plifc* forth that, in view of the immense size of < the pension roll and the notorious laxity ^ that has long prevailed in the adminis­ tration of the law, a large number of pen­ sions paid must be fraudulent, the an­ swer is: "Vague assertions prove noth- ing. Give us specific cases.' The New York Times has done the American peo­ ple an excellent service by furnishing the thing thus demanded. It has, indeed, not undertaken the gigantic task of overhauling the whole pension roll, bat it has laid before the public a demonstra­ tion sufficiently conclusive. It has sent its reporters to several inland towns ia this state to inquire into the cases of in­ dividual pensioners living there, and thus it has been able to spread before the public an array of evidence the represen­ tative character of which no fair-minded man will deny.--flaiper s WeaHjr. Every fair-minded man will deny, be* cause there is no evidence that the state­ ments made in regard to thesepansioMm are uu^iuiiig ujore iiietu tuw V&ponngS of envious neighbors and paid 3piM of the .government. There is a prejudice in this country in favor of settlement o! legal questions in accordance • wHih the forms of law and under the dhteetlbn of the officers chosen by the people to ad­ minister the law. The pension casee to which the New York Times has directed its attention were settled in this way. and the stuff the Timesh&s published has no relevant* and no force, beeause it is an attempt to substitute irregular and lawless methods of examining eases lor those prescribed by law. There are al­ ways two parties to a ssit, but the Timetf eliminates one of these and then trieeand convicts scores of old soldiers on hear- - ' :w«- 4 c H 'aM? , 1 say evidence, and without the front op­ portunity for defense. Moreover, the Times ha® no jurisdiction in the Out upon such an on ance. There should be no it In a community governed hi common respect for the rights of r ' f ' ; • . - .t . vim, „ «

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