Oa r el on Tho DAY, MAY 80, 1884. Railway 'fins? Tal^t. Cnias pass ttls attUM es follow*: •OTSWWOB**. 4r£iS6VS^...: >f>um(ir..nv... •I*ke (WMfiPrtsttgsr..... fjLftke Geneva P»sse*f»r " . soiN aovtm. tpimmi Desert * Lake Oe»»v« Express «* * Williams Bsy Freight *• »J,afce Oe»ev» rassenger « BXJPLANATIOK.* 8:66 A. M. IJ5P.E ' M r ' * D a i l y e x c e p t S u a i a y , "• * '* | Sundays only. ? | Dally, .7;28 A.M. *S.-*8 " .3:83 P. M. .8:83 " " . &• Sundaysoni -ally. B. BUSS. Agent, MoHsnry, 111. I •*th i *!• • MASONIO. , MaQmrnT LODOB, NO. IM A. F. tad A. ML-- Begular Oommuntcati-ns the aaooad and bwtk Mondaya in each month. F, L». MGQMBWLSW. M. ORDKB OV TAB EASTERN STAB. HegnlM Meeting* the First and Third Wed nesday evenings of each month, at Masonic Ha" «, M Mae BAVBABA VA»SLTKK,W. M. MKS. LOKA KLDRBDOB. Secretary. K. O T M. MCHEWRT T.ODOB No 77, X. O T. M.-Reg vlar meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O. T, M. Hall. aao. HABUIT, OOB. N. HBTTMAM. B K. tlnlvereailet Ohuroh Directory. O, I. 0«re« ...Clerk H T. Brown.- Treasurer t he Willing Workers (the ladies organ ization.) Mrs, John Story. President Mrs. w. A Crispy, Bee re tar y Kev. J. Straub, D. O... Pastor Preaching services at 10:30 A. K. and at 7:30 r. M. A cordial Invitation to alL : i BLANK Judgment Notes for sate at this **r' foffice. ________________ F CIRCUIT COURT is in session at Wood stock this week, Judge Willis presiding. DB. G. H. FEGERS came out last with a spanking fine new Surrey, now has the finest turnout in town. and DON'T work merely to kill tima. It is ' almost as demoralizing to counterfeit work as to counterfeit money. •"WORK on the new School House is pro- /gressing favorably and to the entire | f satisfaction of the Board and the Con- V tractor, JOHN HBIMKB and Mick Justsn have b/: •s* : /each lately purchased new family surreys, f These handsome turnouts are getting \ quite numerous on our streets. OBO. W. BESLEY, the West side drug gist, has been painting the front of his store, and it now presents a very hand some appearance. JOHN KASTGN , of Lake County, who was shot by Constable Adamek, ihaa nearly recovered from his wound. The case against Constable Adamefc^of Algonquin will be dropped. NEW advertisement* carf be found in onr columns this week for A. P. Baer, E. Lawlus, Ivory Soap,Theo. F. Swan John Evanson & Co. and the Coupon for "Our Own Country."1 Be sure and read them all. AN exchange tells a story of a farmer who had a hired man, who was a recent immigrant from Denmark, and whom he told to go and bring him a canthook, ; preparatory to some log hauling. The man returned driving a muley cow. / THE Annual May Party, at the River- 1 side House, was attended by ninety-two jcouples, and all report one of the pleasantest and most quiet dances of the season. All are assured of such who go ^ to the Riverside House. THEBE is now at the stables of Jos. I'S! Heimer, at the McHenry House, a Black Mare that was taken up on the streets in this village, on Sunday last, Theowneris ̂ hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. THE Epworth League, connected with tile Methodist Church, of this village, brought out the Temple of Fame at Wauconda, on Saturday night last, to a crowded house, and from what we hear to the entire satisfaction of their large audience. WHEN a woman gets a red spot on the end of her nose, the world charitably re marks that her blood is out of order; but just let the red spot appear on a man's nose, and every one will declare they smell whiskey as soon as they get within twenty feet of him. HBAMAN BBOS. have secured the exclu sive agency in this section for the cele brated genuine French Crystal Glasses. Can fit any ordinary eye. and in case of special deformity of the sight, Prof. Moses will be at onr store every sixty ; days. ; ) THE domes dc fortunes of setting hens are just now the theme of supreme inter est with most of the farmers wives. After all done and said, all the incubators ever invented will not projfaoe a flock of chickens, DO matter bow nm^r at a time which will interest female humanity one- half as much as one motherly old hen trying faithfully to hatch out twelve chickens from thirteen Monday last. Mas E. NICHOLS, ofElgia. was &ttm£ lag to business here on Thursday last, DB, W. W. COOK, of Woodstock, wts on our street on Thursday last. • A. C. GRANDER, ol Chicago, was a Henry visitor Saturday and Sunday CORONER COOK, of Huntley was attend ing to official business in this village, on Thursday last. L. THOMAS, representing the firm of Stafford A Hopping, Chicago, made our sanctum a call one day last week. JOHN BOLGER, City Marshal of Wood- Stock, was shaking hands with friends here one day last week. E. TOWER, formerly of Yolo, BOW of Chicago, made us a pleasant call one day last week. MRS. E. S. WBBBLBB started on Tues day for a visit with friends at Oshkoeh, Wisconsin. PAUL BROWN and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in this village. MIKE WALSH visited with his brother, James M. «?alah, at Pullman, 111.* on Sunday last. W. A. CRIHTY, A. P. Baer, George W. Besley and C. R. Huber attended to busi ness in Chicago on Tuesday. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE and her father, Wm. Mills, have been visiting relatives and friends at Neen&h, Wis., the past week. REV. H. SLADR, former Pastor of the Universalist Church here, now of Lodi, Wis., made friends here a short call one day last week. Go to E. Lawlus, the Tailor, and have your Clothes fitted and cleaned, as he will do you a good job. A SUBSCRIBER asks: "What is the cor rect of it? Do you collect a bill or a debt?" The English of it is you oan't do either now. « a * ^2- THE G. A. B. Post, of this village with f quite a number of others from here attended Memorial Services at Ring- Dod on Sunday last. The services ield in the Methodist Church, Bev. , Nickle delivering the address^ His remartfc were able and patriotic and were listened to with the closest atten tion by all. It was a service that will always be remembered with pleasure by all who were present. Tbk great annual picnic of the North ern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin Woodmen's Picnic association will be bdd at Sycamore, Illinois, on Thursday, June 28. AH of the Head officers of the order will attend the picnie and it is ex pected that there will be a gathering of {ally 20,000 Woodmen and their friends. There will be an excellent program of music, speeches and athletic sports. Ex cursion rates will be made on ajl rail- LOST, on Sunday last a Pointer Dog, about 7 months old, white with dark brown spots. A liberal reward will be given. Call at this office. A REGULAR meeting of McHenry Chap ter, No. 222, Order of the Eastern, will be held on Wednesday evening of next week, June 6th. Every member is earn estly requested to attend. PER ORDER. THE talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; -and doing whatever you do without an idea of fame. If it comes at all, it will be be cause it is deserved, not because it is sought after. WE acknowledge the receipt of & -very handsome invitation to attend the Com mencement Exercises of the Genoa Public School, Prof. F. M. Overaker, Principal. It is one of the neatest commencement programs we have ever seen. | FARMER'S and others will do weR to look out for Slocum's add in next w*eek,s issue, as same will show field of corn and cultivator, carriages and surries. May also look out for a car of cultivators and a car of carriages, to arrive at Mc Henry and Crystal Lake. THE people like fearlessness--they like enterprise--but, most of all, they like to hear sounded the praises of themselves and friends; and the newspaper that takes a kindly interest in even the small efforts to keep the world in action will be awarded their support and their ear nest good wishes.--Ex. The Ice Cream Par'ors, of C. B. Huber, at the Home Bakery, will be open for the first time this season, to-day, Wednes day, where Ice Cream of the choicest flavors can be obtained at any hour of the day or evening. Mrs. Huber has an enviable reputation for making choice Ice Cream, and these parlors will receive a liberal patronage, as they deserve to. WB understand that Dr. C. E. Cook & Son of Huntley have secured stalls at the McHenry Driving Park, and about June let will bring their string of trot ters here for the season. These gentle men have some fine young steppers, and their location here will insure several interesting Matinees during the sum mer. THEO. F. SWAN, of Elgin, takes possess ion of two columns in the PLAINDEALER this week, in which he informs our read ers of what he has to sell and the bar gains he is offering to the buying public. Mr. Swan is running the largest Depart ment Store to be found outside of Chica go, and is offering bargains that it will pay the buying public to thoroughly in vestigate. Read his advertisement care fully. It will pay you to do so. A REPRESENTATIVE of the Chicago firm of Stafford^ Hopping made this office a call one day recently and w&can reccom- mend them to our subscribers as being all O. K. in their dealings and their goods are first-class at the price. It is their desire not only to get a first or second order but wish to work up a trade that will be lasting. Their business is con- ducted on much the same plan as other bouses doing a mail order business ex cept that they pay all transportation charges which makes their prices at absolute cost to the customer. Card of Thanks. We wish in this public manner to thank onr many friends for their kindness and sympathy, and also for their aid in searching for and helping us after the re covery of the body of our darling boy, Josie. That they may never be called on to pass through a like bereavement is onr sincere vtish. MB. AND MRS. JOHN J. Buca A WESTERN judge recently charged a jury in a libel case in the following lan' guage: "Whenever a paper finds a case of flagrant wrong doing and evil, it is its duty and privilege to expose it, and give it the widest circulation." The news papers are the guardians of the morals of the community in which they are pub lished and evil doers fear the outspoken newspapers more than they fear the or- HinftPT AnfnTflftmfltii r&f tho W a$tf, s 9mm It moaths, hidden acci dentally drowned the evening before. It appears the little fallow had,«nkaowa to his parents, been playing am the pier* at the rear of their residence, and bad lost his balance and fallen in, and no one be jing near he drowned as above stated. SsWJust how it happened is of eouras supposition, as no one saw him fall in or knew that he was drowned nntfl his body was found. He was missed about seven o'clock in the evening, Mid search was made at the neighbors, where he was in the habit of going, and then all over town, and finally the river was dragged, and about eleven o'clock his body was discovered under the pier, in about two feet of water. . Coroner Cook waa notified and came oter and held an inquest on Thursday afternoon, the jury bringing fa a ver dict of accidental drowning. Josie was a bright little fellow, and a prime favorite with all who knew him, and Mr. and Mrs. Buch have the heartfelt sympathy of all in their bereavement. C. L. KENYON, representing I. B. Beeley & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., largest manu facturers of Trusses, Supporters and Elastic Stockings in the United States, will spend his vacation, from the 1st to the 16th ol June, at the Riverside House, McHenry. Mr. Kenyon has had twenty- two years experience in the Truss busi ness and twelve years of this time In the fitting room, and Is competent to handle Hernia (Rupture) in its worst forms, be ing thoroughly practical and familiar with any and all natures of the com plaint in men, women itnd children, inguinal Scrotal Femoral and Umbilli- cal Rupture treated. He has with him all the latest appliances. He can be con sulted Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. It will be to the interest of the ruptured to avail themselves of this rare opportunity to secure a proper fitting truss. Consultation free. There's Truth In This. The editor is frequently a pitch into somebody, and to make vigor ous attacks on certain institutions. A dog fight will always attract a crowd, but none of them are willing to be the doifs. A day seldom passes in the office of a newspaper without a visit from some one who has fault to find with some body or something. He wants the editor to attend to the matter for him. "Why don't you score 'em ?" he says. Then he goes into details, talks about this and that being an outrage, etc. When the editor tells him he will publish his com plaint provided he will sign it, he says: 0, no. I don't want to put my name to it--don't want to get in trouble with these people, don't you see? Can't you put it in shape of an editorial ?" He does not care what trouble the editor may get into by publishing his grievence, but is to politic or two cowardly to assume the. responsibility himself. There are plenty such people in every community. The newspaper man always find* out who they are, EVERY town has a liir, a smart Alec, some pretty girls, men who know it all a woman that tattles, a neighborhood fiend, a meddlesome old woman, more loafers than it needs, a man who under stands the silver question, some men who make remarks about women, hens that scratch up other peoples gardens, a young man who grins every time he sees anything, and men who can tell yon all about finances and how to ran other peoples business, bnt who have made a dismal failure of their own." THE Young People's Aid Society, of Ringwood, will hold its next meeting at the residence of Wm. Coates, Friday evening, June l, FpUcnspg, f$, Jhe pro gramme : Song..... Prayer.... Recitation .....H. Stephenson Recitation Lizzie Lutnley Duet .....J. E. Cristy. C. E. Fay Heading Mrs. Ed. Bobbins Instrumental Music. ....Lucy Dodge Recitation Elmer Francisco Song Society RILLA COATES, Secretary. Cleveland and Harrison are Together. No matter how widely separated Presi dent Cleveland and Ex-President Harri son may be in the field of politics, they stand together when it comes to recom mending a really stood thing. President Cleveland voices bis sentiments regarding "OOR OWN COUNTRY" through his private Secretary, as follows: I take pleasure in assuring yon of the President's hearty appreciation. HENRY J. THURBER, Private Sec'y. Mr. Harrison is more extended in his communication and equally as explicit. He says: INDIANAPOLIS, INC., April 27, 2894. National Art Company, St.Louis, Mo.; GENTLEMEN--I beg to acknowledge your kindness in sending me some numbers of your art magazine, "OUR OWN COUNTRY," and have had the pleasure of examining some of the engravings of scenes that were familliar to me. I am very much obliged for your courtesy in this matter. Respectfully, BENJAMIN HARRISON. **OBB OWN COUNTRY" is making a de servedly splendid reputation as the brat, largest and most beautiful and interest ing Picturesque America ever published, and everybody ought to have it; your family needs it; you need it; everybody needs it; it is one of the things which no well regulated family can afford to do with out. It not only photographs and describes your own state and section but all other parts of the United States as well, so that if you have a friend in some distant locality, or hear of some great calamity that has occurred in some par ticular place, you can turn to this splen did new work and see just how that part of the country looks, and get a good de scription of the country and its people at the same time. We have made arrangements with the publishers of "OUR OWN COUNTRY" for their lowest clubbing rate, so that it will cost you only the expense of postage and mailing. See advertisement in another column. A Sample copy of No. 1 can be seen at ow office. to the nomi- ttion: The speetilative market report*?, as viewed by your oorreepondent so far this week in tne political Held, has been full of Interest asd at no time devoid of wild and daring speculation. Heavy cam paign dealers were on hand early Monday moraing at the opening and the quota tions lor Cair to choioeaorthern delegates muged all the way from 23 to 36 cents per head, with a slight decline at ten o'clock. While the bearp were active in forcing these prices down, yet the con ditions were each that at the noon hour there was a slight rally from the early depression. Delegates from southern pre cincts, withinll beard and English accent were in great demand and the sharp ad vance at the afternoon call in sympathy with reported weakness of certain can didates, and traders were skeptical and greatly mixed np over the situation. Continued rains and local frosts, report ed by cable, had a tendency to fluctuate the market, and the curbstone in front of the ' Board of Trade" presented a lively appearance when as high as 41 cents was offered for prime stock, at which figure one dealer unloaded, and at midnight quotations were somewhat steadier, al though to the political eye, familiar with the angle of campaign fences, was forced to submit that matters were unchanged and extremely unssttied. Tuesday opened brisk, with startling reports from various quarters that re sounded from Antlers Grave to Battery D. With ex-Mayor Richards in the chair as umpire, the game proceeded, ShurtlefT was rirst at bat and retired on a beauti ful drive into left field. Beck following with a home run amid the applause of the "fans" Donnelly, who followed, scored the star play of the afternoon, when with two men out, two strikes and three called balls, he slammed a liner over center field, completing the circuit, imid the tumult that followed he grace fully raised his cap. Rush ton, of Alden, made a grand-stand play in the third inning, landing home safe, Mead, of Mc Henry, being forced out at second, and Aldrich who made a clean hit and beauti? ful run, was forced to die on third ba-pe. The fourth inning surprised the bleachers when Keyes, of Algonquin, rapfted out a three-base hit coming in on Avery's sac rifice; Clark, of Harvard, being run down trying to steal second. Eckcrt, who has donned the uniform before, trotted home in the fifth with a sky scraper that lit among the carriages. A feature of the game was the beauti- sacrifice of Prof. Sheldon, of Huntley, in the last inning, advancing Wire, who was near being caught napping at first, but who reached the home plate on a drive to deep center and a passed ball. The decisions of the umpire were en tirely satisfactory. Thus ended what promised to be an exciting contest. Yet it was short and sweet, we suppose, to those who won. Decoration Day, May 80. Decoration Day services will be held at McHenry, under the auspices of McHenry Post, No. 643, G. A. ft. An interesting program will be prepared. Prof. Strayer, of the McHenry Public School, will de liver the address. We want every child in the neighborhood to be preeent. Meet at the City Hall at 2 P. M., and if the weather is favorable we will march *to the cemetery and thenoe to the Park where the exercises will be held. Should the weather be unfavorable the exercises will be held in the Hall. 1 „ - H. C. MEAQ, Commandkr; ALBEBT SNOW, Adjutant. e i i tn'i r i. A LADY enquires whether "women can vote for candidates for the office of county superintendent of schools." The supreme court has held that the act con ferring school suffrage on women applies only in case of such school offices as are created by the statutes, and not to those created by the constitution; and as the office of county superintendent of schools is created by Section 5 of the article on "Education" in the constitution, the pre sumption would be that women catLJIQt. vote tor that office. V , Teuriet Bzoursldia 'JMofeete. - At reduced rates to the principal summer resorts of the United States are now on sale via the Northwestern Line, For particulars apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y, 46w2 Can place f1,800, on long time, on first-class security. ' H. C. MEAD. FOR SALE.' One half Interest ib the steamer Bonnie Jean," at a bargain. Can be seen at P. Rothermel's, Pistaqua Bay. 47w2 ______ JABNECKE. We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, table linens and towels. PERRY & OWEN. ' wayywwfTjfl . vi-h.* iFirhn BaifHQ* nlj Another heavy frost on Sunday night. F. G. Mortimer, ol Chicago, spent Sun day with friends here. A. W. Arnold, of Chicago, spent Sun day here with his family. Wm. Kiel and wife Sundayed with her parents in this city. F. L Kappler, of Chicago, fa spending the week at home. Dr. Doolittle was a Chicago visitor Saturday. A. F. McGee, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his family here. Mrs. Mary Sanford and daughter, Ger trude, spent Sunday id Chicago. T. J. Dacy attended to business in Chi cago Monday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman, of Ridgefield, spent Sunday here. Dr. Northrop spent Friday of last week in Chicago. G. W. Conn and W. E. Wire, ofHebron, were here on business Saturday. S. A. Smith and wife, of Elgin, were Woodstock visitors Saturday. H. W. Mead and wife, of Hebron, visit ed friends here last Friday. Thos. McBroom, wife and son are visit ing relatives at Renville, Minn. Mrs. Schell, of Chicago, is visiting rela tives here this week. Frank Donnelly, of Elgin, called on hiB family here last week. Mrs. M. D. Hoy spent the latter part of last week with friends at Dundee. J. M. Southworth, of Chicago, spent Sunday with Woodstock friends. J. C. Choate and wife attended tbeCon- gregational convention at Oak Park last week. Henry Schneider and wife and Fred Schneider and wife spent the latter part of last week with friends at. Elgin. F. R. Jackman, of the firm of Maxwell & Jackman. transacted legal business at Sycamore Friday. Judge E. T. Glennon and wife, of Chi cago, spent Saturday and Snnday with their parents here. The front of Whitson Bros, store has been treated to a new coat of paint which greatly improves it appearance. Mrs. John Brewer and1, children are spending the week with relatives at Dundee. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Retterer and chil dren, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Kappler, in this city. A dancing party was enjoyed in Fred 3aas, new barn on Chemung street last S aturday evening. L. T. Hoy has put in an elearant new soda fountain and the north siders can now quench their thirst at only "five a glass.' The Y. P. 8. C. E, held a convention at Crvstal Lake last week Thursday and Friday. A large delegation from here attended. An elegant new sign has been placed over the entrance to the Hotel Wood stock. It is the work of onr artistic painter, E. E. Mead. Circuit court opened in this city on Monday last with Judge Willis on the bench. There are 17 criminal, 166 com mon law and 107 chancery cases on the docket. Assessor C. D. Jndd is busy these days assessing real estate and personal prop erty. He has a great deal of extra work this year in the new additions but is making rapid progress with his work. Woodstock Post, G. A. R., Women's Relief Corps and Sons of Veteran's at tended church at Ridgefield on Sunday last and listened to an able sermon by the Rev. A. F. Male, pastor of the church. The Woodstock Steam Laundry has undergone a change of ownership, the firm of Young & Boyes having been die solved by mutual consent. Mr. Boyes retires from the business, while Mr, Young will continue at the old stand. The Woodstock Brewing Company was compelled to burn stumps, etc., last week on account of the limited supply of coal on hand and their inability to secure more. Several cars of coal have since been received and everything now runs smoothly again. Several of our young men are preparing to give a grand dance on the night of the graduating exercises. The boys have secured Murphy's Hall for the occasion, will procure the best music procurable, and those who enjoy "tripping the light fantastic can rest assured that a grand time will be had by those who attend. Compton & Gaulke's team took a lively spin on their own account last Saturday, overturning the meat wagou and break ing the whiffle-trees, which freed the horses and they continued on their mad run. One horse was caught near C. D Judd's residence but the other went out on Chemung street some distance before he was stopped. Very little damage was done. A quiet home wedding took place at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. Hansman, just northeast of this city8 last Monday aft ernoon, at which time their son George, and Miss Clara Vogt were united in mar riage by the Rev. Benzing, of Chicago Only the relatives of the contracting parties and a few invited friends were present. The groom is a young man of industry, honesty and pluck, and is making rapid advancement in his chosen vocation, that of carpenter and joiner. The bride is one of our most popular young ladies, who has endeared herself to a large circle of friends by her pleas ant demeanor and lady-like bearing Their many friends wish them happiness and prosperity in their new life. w..w>. »na In nvery KHV most attractive picnic ground In the vicinity of Chicago. For further information, rates, etc., ap ply to IL F. Lnlntr. City Passeorer Agent. Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, 837 Clark street •Ml 25 boxes new, large California raisins II .25 per box at Perry & Owen's. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds. If you have never used this great Cough Medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do what is claimed or money will be refunded Trial bottles free at G. W. Besle.v'« Drug Store. Large bottles 50c and $ 1. , || A Great £< heme. P«irfir»ijlAr NAtir** * . "I went to de magician show lars' 41I rwwciiiar w d Ha$tU3> *„An de way dat All accounts and notes due the firm:oT;feller done tuk dollars out o' de ears E; M. Owen & Son not paid by June 1st ;0jj peopie what hadn t any dollars '.ore will be put in hands for collection and <iey come was a caution. I s gwine costs added. I have been waiting, ex- recommen' him fo' a pVition in our pecting they would be paid without this, church. He'd be a Napoleum Bony- but you have imposed on good nature pe.k for takin up de coiieckihuns too long forme. Keep this in yours Harper's Bazar. "i TI minds, business is business. i : 45w3 GEO. W. OWEN. | Sarve Money on Lumber • 1 Of coorsp. when you build you ft to FOUR Blli SUCCESSES. I cost as lit tie as possible. Then, why pay Having the needed merit to more thari your„ locfldteal,er * ' _Jt A „n ... can buy letter lumber direct irorn the I'il-paake good all the advertising claimeq sen Lumber i ompaoy, corner of Laflin and for them, the following four remedied 2-d street*. Chlcata III, at wholesale have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr.; prices? Write them for teriaa King's New Discovery for Consumption, _ Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaran- LETTER-CARRIERS may be seen col- teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy |®c"n5 letters at midnight, but this t for liver, stomach and kidnevs. Buck- ^ ef.n * ®?P A?, w^- tome. e TS^i® * I len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, * ar"Te tlli near mrwmng.-Philar j and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are "e'phia Times. i a perfect pill. All these remedies 'are A. M. PRIEST, RRUGGFST, Bheibyviiio, ind.. guaranteed to do just what is claimed says: "Hall's Oa.»rrn Cure given tbe best of ! lor them and the dealer whose name is ?slisfac«0si Cao pi-ut/ of wbtimouiaid. as , j . . . . . , , , .. ic ourcs «vtry ons who takes it." ljruggists sell attached herewith will be glad to tell at, 76* you more of then. Sold at G. W._ Bee-' ley's Drug Store. tUmmi liocals. Before yon bay your spring hat call and see the lateet sty lee at Mrs. Howe's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. A beautiful stdry is a lovely large book • • • FOR SALE. • Poland China Boars. PlymonthRook Fowls of both sexes for sale. Call on or *** >; "« A •. i FBANK COUL • * ;, V ; Spring Grove/lE. ' ,L OCFCA* TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFEL. Those ianey Boasted Ooffees at Perry ft Owen*s are making many friends. Try a pound and you will alwaye bay there. Over 200 new Spring and Summer suits, all wool well made and cheap at 8. Stoffel'e. New, fresh spring millinery, (no shelf worn goods) of the latest styles at Mrs. E. W. Howe's, one door north of Perry & Owen's store. Received 75 new all wool suits, all sizes prices from $7.00 to $21.00. Odd pants and two piece suits at Simon Stoffel's. Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass and all other garden and Held seeds always at S. Stofiel's. I have the finest line, of Hammocks, Croquet Set«, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Sporting Goods in town. F. L. MCOMIJER. Buy your "Church Reversible Hay Carrier" and all haying tools of F. L. McOmber and save a good per cent. You can bny a "Church Reversible Carrier" of F. L. McOmber for less money than ever before, Books cheap, nice bound only 20 Bad 25 cents at J. A. Story's. BARMAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. iwmm Now is the time lor * ww pair of Shoes. Everybovlv wants & pair just now. We are in the shoe business all over. Any thing desired in shoes can be had by waiting our store. We will mention light here that onr Bhoes fit the foot and the puree time. •*, ^ vV , (>• f This lump salt business should be in vestigated by all. Anybody keeping a horse or cow should try it. It goes four times as far as the common salt;. Yon put a lump in the manger and the stock does the rest. For sale at Perry & Owen's. Fruit cultured more profitable to the farmer now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. S , have a vacancy in this section. Write them at Chicago, III., for their terms. 38m3 NEW SPRING STYLES. 200 samples of cloths to pick from, first-class in every respect. A fit war ranted or no sale. I will ^save you 26 per cent. Also clothing fitted, repaired and cleaned. 1 E. LAWLUS, Tailor. Opposite Riverside House. NOTICE. Washburn's Best at $1.00 per sack or |9.80 per barrel. Warranted to be better than any other flour offered, except Pillsbury's Best. Try a sack and be con vinced of this fact. We don't ask yon to load up out of the car, come at your pleasure, anytime. MCHENBY ROLLER MILLS* CEMETERY WORK. I am now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, sodded and put in first class shape at reasonable rates. I am also ready to clean yards, trim trees and all other work in this line by the day or Job. Residence a few rods north of the Cemetery. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, March 5th, 1894. ,f FOR SALE OR RENT. A A good house, situated in the^ ^flTSfce of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also a bouse containing ten rooms. A barn, 18x28 well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 13x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Possession given at once. Apply to WESLEY L^DD. Ringwood, April 2d, 1894. dOmd FARM FOR SALF. The undersigned wishes to sell the farm belonging to the W. C. Harrington estate, situated in the town of Green wood, containing 175 acres, all nnder a good state of cultivation and suitable for stock or Dairy Farm. Will be sold all together or divided as purchasers may wish. Call on or address CHAS. HARRINGTON, 31m4 Greenwood, 111. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal aad Diploma. A full line of the famous Douglas shoes for children, misses, ladies and the vot ing people at S. Stoffell's. A full stock of field corn, ensilage corn Millet, Hungarian, etc. at S. Stoffel's. If happiness in your home you would enjoy, Where smoke and soot will ne'er annoy, With a kitchen like which in a parlor yon feel. Bny "The Quick Meal." FRE8H. Best XXX Butter Crackers 30 pound for $1.00. Best XXX Soda Crackers 20 pounds for $1.00. Best XXX Ginger Snaps 8c per pound. Choice Rice 20 pounds for $1.00. Choice new prunes 20 lbs for $1.00. Six dozen clothes pins 5 cents. - PERRY FT OWEN. ; $ ^ f ta\ JT0TICE. Having second the services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want yonr old one reputed I will be glad to have you call All work warranted and done promptly. 41 tj ?» ^ ' R. Bm*. *• % » v • HS> $ L i THBI heavier a man's head bacrmea TRESPASSING. V Most remedies trespass upon your time and pocket book. After using a dozen bottles with but little or no relief you are discouraged. If you want sure relief for constipation, indigestion and biliousness try Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A ten cent bottle (10 doses 10 cte) will indicate what it is capable of doing for you. For fliOahy . £5a& Awarded, ffigh^itttonors" Worid'i Sfefr. 'DEL' CREAM MNN MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. from Ammonia, Alum or any other aduttcraat 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Those "fat baby" shoe* and the $1.35 school shoes, and the boys and girls' "strong backs" axe among the takers for the young er ones, and the kid tip, pquare toe and those common sense wide ones, and the soft kids in Blncher cu« and button are attracting the ladies When you come to the H boys, we seldom miss a fit, no matter how large or how small the boy is. They need wearers 5 and we keep them. In men's wear we carry the *yard wide/ the 'police,' the oil grain in Congress : and lace, and all the fine styles in , light calf, kangolo and genuine kangaroo in plain toe and lips* The $1.50 and $2 tor service can---J ̂ ' *• 1 Buy tfc# original 8n«g Proof Rubber Boots, found only at onr store. Once tried and no other will take their placw. u.-V* 1 * . v * "4 .Ivc, ' \„fy Now for Wall Paper anc era. You all know our stock is largest. We are selling same away below cost to reduce stock. All "paper trimmed free* Jcjcders and ceiling to match. , ; r,A I ttii: Curtains are very ttiTi -J year. Can show you more styles ,' 'ftf than any othex firm in the county. - You may soon need a new Car- * ^ Jj pet, nave in stock several fine y ̂ patterns and can sell you any- CH ^ thing needed from samples just , ~ i " in, ot all the late spring styles, •"% and by telegraph can have your carpet ready for you the follow ing day» » m- Onr utrtr stock of fine Clothing* is in. Can quote you the lowest possible prices on all clothing. > a * i ; • ' W , We nSv© secured raw aguuvj for the celebrated Chase & San born's Boston Coffees, that are known the world over. If yon 1 have not tried them yon have"ff|p! missed a rich treat, as they con- *; tain a certain delicate flavor not *•. found in other coffees# the coffee that il'd. Universally scssotadsati Leading rh»caiiN«r<i» World* -•rTi 'iM* Bemember, this ooffee cannot be found at any other place in i town, as we are the exclusive Perry & Owen, General MtHMMlT. ILL. .. . . 't. 'lj Wm W of Mi rxuT a ovxv. RffoHKNIKYf - - ThU Bank receives |cfepoeite. $HMt end se£t Jbrefe* enti -Pmimertc JR* ehanget md does a General Bankinf Butieett We endeavor to do all eft- trusted to OMR eare <N a mamwr mm tyon terms sntfrefr saftsftactoy *> ey customers, and reqieegW^r pmiMcpmtnmago. MONEY TO LOAN; On Rood JBttate and oihm efast eeeMrty. fredal attmtkm gimnte o* 3 In JHrtt Class at 09 Xewert £a<e». Fevre PBUKY* ^ -w*}: