Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1894, p. 5

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m 5SDAY, JUNE 13, 1894. ' Railway Time Table _Oommencing at Noon Sunday, Jane #, IBM rrami will puatUl M»tSw ft* follows: aouro MOUTH. nuk« Qwm PlMMgW 7 ;26 A. M E Wtl'iftflM BV^ lBxptCM .8:34 A. M i Willtem* Bay PatM»af«r S W P. M. B Bay P*w«nger 5:33 " 8 WHUmne Bay Passenger 7:* «* •OIHO NOSTH. S Williams Bay Pjsesenyer 9:08 A. M. B WiUiam* Bay I'Maenicar 2:48 P. M. I Williams Bay Kxprass ,4:56 M 9 Lake 0tnm Piannger E Lake Geneva Passenger. 6:26 .. 6:61 * " V**.. Iv BXFLAHATIOK. , „A.„ © Dally. >" , X Daily except Sua '*y. '. : * Sunday* only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, III. WOOBMBM*B PICNIC, at Sycamore, 111., June 28. THE "Little shaking Quake**" can be Seen at City Hall, Friday, June 15. PBOF. MOSES, Optician, at Heaman Bros, store, on Wednesday next, Jane 20th, for one day only. J T. J. WALSH has come oat with a hand­ some new phaetony It is a beauty and of the finest manufacture as well. THURSDAY, Jane 28, is the day to go and have a day of pleasure and lots of fun. Mas. lie COLLI" M is treating her resi­ dence to a coat of paint on the oatside. Westerman A Son are doing the work. CANTATA, "Hop 0' My Thumb," to be given by the pupils of tbe West Side School, at the City Hall, Friday evening, June 15th, 1894. F OUR street sprinkler was out on Satur­ day last for the first time this season. Let the good work go on. THE dancing public should not forget the Independence Party, at the Riverside House, July 4 th. Everyone wkp attends is sure of a good time. FOR the next thirty days yoU can get four Tintypes for 25 cents, at Bennett's Photograph Gallery, McHenry. Improve the opportunity. FOUND in this village a pair of specta­ cles, which the owner can have by calling at Bennett's Photograph Gallery, prov­ ing property and paying for this notice. You will enjoy hearing Miss Gaye, and have the satisfaction pf knowing that yon are at the same time helping a mo&t worthy enterprise. I R. C. DAVIS, of Lake Geneva, has pur- Ichased the Parker House Livery Stable Vapd Buss linej and took possession of the same on Monday last. THE regular monthly temperance meet­ ing of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the (Sty Hall Sunday, June 17 at 7:80 p. M. Rev. Mr. Kissler, of Nun da, will address the meeting. THE Epwortfc League, connected with f the Methodist Church, will hold an Ice Cream Festival, in the Park, on Thurs­ day evening, June,21st. Full particulars next week. F THE many friends of John Neisen treat- fed him to a birthday surprise party on I Monday evening last. The McHenry j Brass Band was out and all report a Nrery pleasant time. LOST, on Sunday evening, last, June 10th, a pair of spectacles, in a case. The finder will receive the thanks of the owner by leaving them at the residence of Jas. Bobbins, in this village. PBOF. MOSES, the Optician, will be at the Store of Heman Bros., in this village, on Wednesday, June 20th, for one day only. See his advertisement in another column, JOHN HEIMBB has put his trotting colt "Centerville", into the hands of C. H. Heck, Richmond, again this season, and we predict that he will materially lower his record before the season is over. WE are now experiencing in this sec­ tion some very warm and dry weather. The thermometer on Monday showed 98 in the shade and on Tuesday marked close to 100. And still there lure some who are not happy. HENBY SMITH has commenced tearing down the old School House, on tbe West Side, preparatory to building a hand­ some residence on the School House grounds, which he purchased from the Trustees some time ago. J THE new Railroad Time Table for the .summer went into effect on Sunday last. It catr be found at the bead of our local page, and before you start out you will do well to study it carefully, or you may ."get left." , THE teachers and pupils of oar Public School held a picnic at MC Collum's Lake .on Friday last Which was attended by quite a number of patrons and friends of the school. Tbe day was fine and all re­ port a very pleasant and enjoyable occasion. THE following new advertisements can be found in our paper this week: John Evanson & Co., A. P. Baer, Theo. F. Swan, Dr. Howe, Specialist, Prof. Moses, Optician, and Jos. Heimer^ Wholesale Agent for the Seip Brewing Company. Do not fail to read them all. MB. AND Mns, F. H. PEAK; of Chicago, will open classes in dancing, at the City one day last week, MBS. E. W. HOWE attended to business in Chicago Thursday. WILLIS KITTLE, of Moreltnd, III., calling on friends here on Monday. SCOTT STEVENS, of Coral, was the guest of C. T. Eldredge and family last week. WM. MILLS returned from his visit in Wisconsin on Saturday. » JOHN J. BABBIAN made a viatfe to Mil­ waukee last week. Miss KATE HOWE was visiting friends at Hebron on Saturday last. Du. H. T. BROWN end wife went to Chi­ cago on Monday, where they will spend two or three weeks visiting friends. MBS. Dr. HOWARD spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. E. Carpenter, at Elgin. PBOF. W. H. STBAYEB, of our Public School, started on Saturday for Dakota, where he will spend his vacation. R. H. OWEN and wife, of Chicago, spent a part of last week with friends In this village. Miss ALICE and Master Earl Waite have been visiting friends in Chicago the past week. D. S. BABBITT and wife, of Elgin, have been the guests of O. N. Owen and w|fe ; .e past week. HENBY POILE and wife rejoice over the arrival of a nine pound boy, at their 'fcomeon Friday last. W. H. CHAPMAN and wife, are visiting friends in this village, and rusticating at Pistaqua Bay. B.C. HILL and wife, of Wauconda, were calling on friends here on Sunday last. GEO.W. BEHLEY and family, attended the wedding of a relative, at Waukegan, last week. BERT PILCBEB, of Portage, Wis., is visiting with his brother, F. E. Pilcher, in this village. C. B. WESTERN, representing the Gar­ den City Fire Works Company, of Chicago, was a caller on Tuesday. HABBY FULLER, started on Monday morning for Michigan, called there by a telegram announcing the dangerous ill­ ness of his mother. JOHN D. NISH, Mail Route 'Agent be­ tween Lake Geneva and Chicago, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday morning. LEW HILL, Miss Grace Hill, Miss Irene Roney, and others from Wauconda, at­ tended the school picnic here on Satur­ day last. L. J. YOUNG, wife and two daughters, andC. P. Barnee, of Woodstock, were guests at the Riverside House this vil­ lage, on Sunday afternoon last. HON. F. K. GRANGER and wife, C. H. Granger and wife, Geo. G. Smith and wife and Ed. Granger attended the wed­ ding of a relative, at Janesville the first of last wtoek. Miss BEATRICE GATE will be McHenry County's first contestant for a Demorest Diamond Medal. Let us hear her June 28, at the City Hall. WANTED, Board and Lodging ferone or two months. Man and wife. Good farm preferred. Address, stating terms, etc., H. J. Krueger, 708 Marion street, Elkhart, Indiana. THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Hubbard on Thursday after­ noon at 2:30 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. MRS. A. E. AUHINGEB, President. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. MCHENBY COUNTY will be represented at the next State Demorest Diamond Medal Contest. Let us hear our interest­ ing little representative. Remember the date Thursday evering, June 28. A BILL has been introduced in tbe Louisiana legislature to pension disabled school teachers who have been in the profession for twenty years. Editors would be included also but after serving twenty years they die and go to glory or retire on an independent fortune. The preachers, however, ought to have a crack at the public crib. high school recently wrote essays on "What a newspaper should be." The essay that took the first prise was as fol­ lows: "A! newspaper should be--read and paid for. THE meanest man on earth lives in Maine. He told his wife that he was go­ ing fishing at Lake Sadagoihedatusftfi- edvuitervargogjvycatogofgjntakardin a week and then sent all his friends around to ask her where he had gone. IF you would destroy burdocks, that great pest of the lawn and farm, now is the time to proceed. Do not go forth with the grnbbing hoe, but with the oil can, and pour a little lamp oil into the top of each This is all. Tbe coal oil will do the rest effectually. DR. HOWE the well known specialist from the Cincinnati Medical College spent Sunday with friends here. He fills an en­ gagement at Richmond this week when he goes to Wauconda for a weeks stay returning to McHenry Monday, June 25 to meet his regular appointment ,of one week. The Doctor's success is phenom- inal. AMONG the illustrations of special in­ terest in No. 2 of "OUB OWN COUNTBY," is a photograph of Sitting Bull's camp a day or so before the Custer massacre, the last of the buffaloes, a real live cow­ boy, a cowboy's home, a wild western school house, etc. This number will be of special interest to the boys. Call at the PLAINDEALEH office and see a sample copy. THE West Side School, Miss Kittle, Teacher, will give an entertainment at the City Hall, on Friday evening, of thli week, June loth, the proceeds to be used to finish paying for the Organ purchased last year, and which is to be presented to the School Board when paid for. The Cantata, "Hop O' my Thumb" will be produced, together with a fine Musical and Literary program, one that will be well worthy of your patronage. Miss ETTA KITTLE, who has 80 suc­ cessfully taught the school on the West Side, in this village, the past year, has accepted a position in the Grammar de­ partment of the Nunda and Crystal Lake LUnion School for the coming year at an Advanced salary. )Miss Kittle is an ex- ceTIenTTeHcliM, and we believe our Board of Education have made a grave mistake in not engaging her for another year. But what is our loss is Nunda's gain and we congratulate our neighbors of Nunda District on being able to secure so able and efficient a teacher in their Grammar Department. BKx'EBTAIKMBNT. • At the City Hall, McHenry, Thursday evening, June 28. Miss Beatrice Gaye, of Harvard, who has won three Demor­ est Medals, and soon competes for a Diamond Medal, will render the literary part of an entertainment at City Hall, McHenry, Thursday evening, June 28. Good music will be furnished by McHenry young people. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 rants. Come and hear this bright young speaker and help the Deaconess' cause, to which the prooeeds will bo applied. ANNUAL PICNIC. A special train will leave William's Bay at 6:45 A. M., Lake Geneva 7:00, via Turner J unction, stopping at all stations, for Sycamore, 111., June 28, 1&94. Fare only $1.50 for round trip. Crystal Lake and south f 1.25. The attendance at this annual gathering of Southern Wis­ consin and Northern Illinois Woodmen and their friends is now assured of being the largest ever held. Another train leaves Waukegan at 6:30 A. M , Kenosha 7:00, stopping at all points. Fare only f 2 for round trip. MABRIED, June 5, 1894, at ths resi- ence of John B. Pierce, in Greenwood Jtownship, Miss Irene B. Pierce and Mr. ^Francis A. Abbott! A quiet but happy and beautiful wedding. The marriage ceremony was performed at high noon, by Rev. S. C. Hay, of Woodstock, and the happy couple took the afternoon train for Chicago. / THE game of Base Ball, played on the Driving Park, on Thursday last,between the Woodstock and McHenry Nines, re­ sulted in the defeat of the McHenry Nine by a score of 15 to 11J Considering this w&B the flrfeTgameUTfr boys have played this season, they put up a good game. They propose to give Woodstock another rattle at an early day. THERE will be an Ice Cream and Straw­ berry Festival at Mary Dodge's Lawn, Ring wood, next Friday evening, June 15, 1894. The following is the program: Solo ...* ...C. E, Fay Instrumental Solo Minnie Parks Solo... ..Rilla Coatee Instrumental Solo Lucy Dodge All are cordially invited to attend. Proceeds for the M. E. Church. *1)0 not think that your business card stamped on a paper bag of the goods you sell will take the place of a news Hall, McHenry, as follows: Evening j paper advertisement. The object of ad- Class, for ladies and gentlemen, Wednes­ day, June 13th, at 8 o'clock. Children's class, Wednesday, at 4 o'clock. Terms, 95.00 for term of 12 lessons. IF you wish to rival Dr. Todd as a weather prognosticator just keep in mind the following remarks of a Macoupin county farmer. "If there is afog in Jan­ uary, on the same day in May there will be d killing frost." The farmer said this while it was very hot. "There was a great fog January 17." he said, "and we shall have a frost May 17," and the beams and tomatoes confess it was a true r«- , ..v7-7-r--~ w. , ^ . >V.K t :..r Ju._ ...A** ' .vjfsL i vertising is to secure new customers. You should keep your old customers by the manner of dealing with them. The fisherman baits his hook for the fish that are in the water, not those he has pulled into the boat. • WHAT has come ovpr, or under the uni­ versal management, anyway? Is the planetary system getting worn in its bearing or is there a hot box and tardy running? Many very scientific people have it figured out that the earth is rap­ idly approaching the condition of others that went deceased ages ago and left no HAVE you seen No. 2 of "OUB OWN COUNTRY?" It is even more beautiful than No. 1, and contains twenty-two very fine photographs and descriptions of scenery in the famous Blaak Hills re­ gion, with sketches of life among the cowboys, in the gold and silver mines, characteristics of tbe Indians of the Northwest, etc. You can see a sample copy by calling at the office of the PLAINDEALEB. OUB readers will recollect that we stat­ ed last week that Prof. F. M. Goodman, of the Chicago College of Pharmac^ was negotiating for the purchase of a site here for the erection of a fine residence and a conservatory for the collection and preservation of botanical specimens We are now able to announce that he mas purchased of the E. M. Owen estate Twenty acres of land in and adjoining the beautiful grove on tbe banks of Fox river, southeast of tbe City Hall) and that plans and specifications are now be­ ing prepared and work will be commen­ ced on his buildings at an early day. It is expected that he will put up one of tbe finest residences in the village. HEAMAN BROS, have secured the exclu­ sive agency in this section for the cele­ brated genuine French Crystal Glasses. Can fit any ordinary eye. and in case of special deformity of the sight, Prof. Moees will 1m at our store every sixty days. • THERE is .cow at the stables.of Jos. Heimer, at the McHenry House, a Black Mare that was taken up on the streets in this village, on Sunday last. Theowneris hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take her aw ay* - ' px. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education, of School District No. 2 Township 45. Range 8, east of 3d P. M, that pealed bids will be received until June 20,1894, for the School Bonds, is­ sued according to a vote of the people of said district, at an election held August 22,1893. Said Bonds will draw 4% per cent per annum. They will be awarded to the highest bidder. T. J. WALSH, SF ISAAC WENTWOBTH ' ' E. S. WHEELER, . SmoN STOF^EL, GEO. HANLY, #£-;: MRS. GEO. SMITH, - JULIA A. STORY, «^'Board of Education. ?'?}.' "t-'i •f? If you wish to see the prettiest Hate for $2 and f 2.50 that were ever brought to McHenry, call on Mrs. Besley. ; The Improvement Committee, appoint­ ed by a meeting of our citizens, to make arrangements wttk and raise tbe money neoessarv to se&nw the location of some manufacturing plant in our midst, re­ port as follows: That they have secured the option on fifteen acres of land from the E. M. Owen Estate, located within a stones throw of the City Hall and new School building, which will be divided into ninety-two lots and sold at the nominal sum of f 150 each, on terms as follows: $35 within fifteen days, and balance when the deeds are given, thirty or sixty days after. Theee sales are all made on the condition that ail the ninety-two lots are sold. Should the committee only succeed in selling a part of them all sales will be declared off, and the matter dropped. If the lots are all sold the money so raised will be left in the hands of the committee and a meet­ ing of the subscribers, or purchasers of the lots, called and the money used for the securing of some manufacturing in­ dustry, the Novelty Company if they are found to be all right, or such Other as tile subscribers may see fit to elect. The committee is composed of some of our best business men, and are asfollows: W. A. Cristy, Geo. Hanly, R. A. Howard, T. J. Walsh and 0. N. Owen. In the hands of such a committee the interests of our town are safe, but at the same time they propose to let those who pur­ chase lots each to have their say in the matter, which cannot fail to prove satis­ factory to all. ( » The committee Informs us that about thirty lots are already so'd, but this is only a beginning, and if our citizens are in earnestIn their desire to get a manu­ facturing plant here they should take hold of the matter and push it forward without delay. Unless these lots are all sold within the next ten days or two weeks the matter will be dropped, and McHenry will have thrown away achaace that she may not get again for many a day. These lots are well worth to-day every dollar that is asked for them, with the chances that they may double in value in the next few years. At least there never will be a day but what they will sell for all they cost. You are aBked to give nothing, but only to boy a lot at less than its actual value, in one of the best locations in our village. We think we have stated this matter plain, and it now only remains for tbe citizens of our village and vicinity to come forward and help the committee to close the matter up at once. Remember the time is short, only ten days or two weeks more at the fartherest, and it re­ mains with you whether or not any man­ ufacturing institution locates in oar midst. Prooeedlnr* if the Board of Trustees. COUNCIL ROOM, June 4,1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present President Wentworth and Trus­ tees Besley, Nordqueet, Jus ten, Niesen. Minutes of two proceeding meetings read and appproved. The following bills were accepted and ordered paid. Wm. Schreiner, st com....... W. D. Wentworth, te®m..L M. W. Niesen, police John vfalHh, police John Neish, painting. G. W. Besley, bill J. Van Slyke The Treasurer's bonds were presented and accepted. On motion by Nordquest, seconded by Justen the society of "Willing Workers" were given the free **e of the City Hail for four nightj in view of tbe financial loss of their lecture course. . On motion adjourned. ISAAC WENTWOBTH, President. F. L. MCOMBER, Clerk. .......... 42.00 .......... 41.75 7.00 4.50 4 50 £ess Than Half Bates to Colorado. On June 23d and 24th the Northwest­ ern Line will sell excursion tickets to Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs and return at lees than one iare for the round trip; good for return passage un­ til July 27th inclusive. For tickets and full information, apply to agents Chicago A Northwestern R'y. 49w2 SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., Was tryubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma­ tism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harnsburg, 111., had a running sore on bis leg of eight year's standing. Used three Dottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataba, Ohio, bad five large Fever' sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bot­ tle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklens Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at G. W. Besley's drug store. Mrs. Besley wishes the l&dies of Mo- Henry and vicinity to call and look over her stock of Trimmed Hats, the finest that were ever brought to McHenry for tiie Half Batea to Cleveland. On account of the Convention ot the United Societies of Christian Endeavor, the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets to Cleveland, Ohio, and return at; the exeeedinciy low rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 9th and 10th, good for return passage until July 31st. For detailed information ap­ ply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. __________ 49w4 low Bates to Janesville On account of the Race® at Janesville, the Northwestern Line will, on June 19 to 23, inclusive, sell excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates--tickets good for return passage until June 25. For tick­ ets and full information apply to agents Chicago western Rr : LOST! Between the residence of Jos. Frlftby and the Depot, two Binding Chains. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the saute at the residence of the undersigned. JOS.;FKISBY. ' Tbe Vale Sfiimekabta. Is the title of a beautifully illustrated booklet recently issued, descriptive of tbe Hot Springs, South Dakota, and the effi cacy of their waters for the cure of rheu matism. neuralga and kindred diseases. Copy of this pamphlet will be mailed free by W. A. Thrall, General Passenger Agent Chicago A North-Western Rail­ way, Chicago, 111., upon receipt of re- two-oent ramp.*; ' .... Business is quiet. S j? , Hammocks are stinging# ,•>, Mad dog scares will soon be in order. John Early spent Sunday at Elgin. Children's day was appropriately ob­ served in the various churches Sunday. The fence around the park looks beau­ tiful now since it received a coat oi paint. Remember the dance at Murphy's Hall June 20. John B. Lyon, of Harvard, was in this city on legal business last Saturday. Andy Futton spent the first of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rathbun were Crystal Lake visitors last Sunday. Elmer C. Murphy, of Chicago, visited his parents hew over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bowie spent Sunday at Crystal Lake. T. P. Donnelly, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day at his home in this city. John King, of Salem. N. Y., was a gaest of F. W. Sanford over Sunday. A. S. Wright was in Chicago last week Friday on business. Miss Bertha Mead, of Elgin, spent Sun­ day with relatives in this city. F. Cole, of Spring Grove, was a visitor on Saturday last. Simon Stoffel, of McHenry, tat here on business last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rierson, of Chicago, were the guests of Henry Schneider" and family last Sunday. Thomas Anderson returned to this city on Sunday last after an extended visit with relatives at Benton Harbor, Mich. Misss Mable Medlar returned last week Friday evening from an extended visit in Chicago. The Misses Litter and Grimes, teachers in the Nunda public School, spent Sun­ day with Miss Maggie Guth in Hartland.- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owen, of Chicago, were guests in the family oi A. S. Wright over Sunday. Misses Lizzie Quinlan, Mollis, Mad Lizzie Sweeney, of Harvard, were guests in the family of C. Ouinlan last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer, of Hebron, were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Dufield, in this city over Sunday. McCanna Bros, have had an elegant sign painted on the north side of the building occupied by their restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitney, of Omaha Neb., spent the latter part of last week with their daughter, Mrs. C. S. Northrop, in this city. Our beautiful city was almost deserted on Tuesday last as everybody who could do so attended the dark's picnic at Crystal Lake. The Woodstock base ball club went to McHenry last week Thursday and played the opening game with the club there, which resulted in a victory for our boys by a score of 15 to 11. On Tuesday, June 26, occurs the special election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. E. Thomas. Attorney Waite is the only candidate and will of course be our next justice of the peace. John H. Higgins and C. F. Renich left on Sunday evening for Springfield where they went as delegates from the local camp here to the state convention of Sons of Veterans held at that place on Monday and Tuesday. Wm. Bolger returned on Sunday even- from a week's stay at St. Paul, where he went as R delicate from the local lodge of the Order of Forresters to attend the conventiontion of the Catholic Order of Forresters of the United States and Can­ ada held in that city last week. He re­ ports a pleasant journey and/6 grand good time during bis visit, Jesse Austin, the accommodating brakeman on the Woodstock passenger, was assigned to duty on the directors' train last Thursday, Friday and Satur­ day, on their trip from Chicago to St. Paul. Jesse takes well with the officials as well as everybody else on the road, and we predict he will be a ticket puncher ere long as he deserves pro­ motion. L. B. Compton, of the firm of Compton & Gaulke, has sold out his interest in the meat market to Jos. Killen, who has been in tbe firms employment for some time. Joe is an expert butcher and has been employed in the various markets here for several years, and his many friends will be pleased to learn that he has decided to take a half interest in tbe business in which be will grow rich, fat and happy. The preliminary bearing of A. Bobbins, on the charge of of horse stealing, came up before Police MagistrateJones on Sat­ urday last and was taken before Esquire Thompson, in Greenwood township, on a change of venue. F R. Jackman, of the firm of Maxwell & Jackman, prosecuted, while M. F. Ellsworth, of Chicago appear­ ed for the defense. After bearing the evi­ dence in the case Squire Thompson bound the prisoner over to the grand jury in the sum off1,200 bonds, and,being una­ ble to give bail, he was remanded to the coun NOTICE. This is to give notice that my son, Chas. Hacker, Jr., has left my bed and board, and all persons are hereby cautioned not to trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting. CHAS. HACKEB, SB. June 5th, 1894. !; A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the bouse and his fam­ ily has always found the very best re­ sults follow its use; that he would not be without it if procurable. G. A. Dyke- man druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at G. W. Beslev's drug store. Regular size 50c, and 11.00. EVANSON'S STORE SAVES YOCJ MONEY. How is your stock of Flour ? We have a car of "Best on Record" just in, price fl .00 per sack. Ladies fine shoes pat. leather tips $1.35. Breeze dress stuff for warm weather use. Fancy striped mens pants f 1.00 per pair, cotton stuff. Wool pants $1.75. Mens wool suits $5.00. Special sale of fine embroideries this week Saturday, the 12% to 20 cent quality all at 10 cento. JOHN EVANSON A CO. mm Have you seen those hate at Mrs. Besley's for $2. Can place $1,800, first-class security. 46tf Dr. Price's Cream BaMng HHmdcr Moat Perfect Made. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Call and examine. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFEL. Those faney Roaited Coffees at Perry A Owes'* are making many friends. Try a pound and you will alwaye tray there. Over 200 new Spring Mid Summer suits, all wool well made and cheap at S. Stoffel's. New, fresh spring millinery, (no shelf worn goods) of the latest styles at Mrs. E. W. Howe's, one door north of Perry A Owen's store. Received 75 new all wool suits, all sixes prices from $7.00 to $21.00. Odd pants and two piece suits at Simon Stoffel's. Clover, Timothy, Bine Grass, Orchard Grass and all other garden and Add seeds always at 8. Stoflel's. I have the finest line of Hammocks, Croquet Set*, Fishing Tackle, Guns ana Sporting Goods in town. F. L. MCOMBBB. Price and quality considered, see if you can beat Mrs. Besley's prices. Buy your "Cliurch Reversible Hay Carrier" and all haying tools of F. L. McOmber and save a good per cent. You can buy a "Church Reversible Carrier" of F. L. McOmber for lees money than ever before. mm on Ionic time, on H. (X MEAD. Chick's Best Patent $1, New 75 cents, No. 1 Salt f 1 per barrel, No. 2 Salt 90 cents at S. Stoffel's Books cheap, nice bound only 30 and 25 cents at J. A. Story's. HEADQUARTERS For W. L. Douglas's and C. H. Fargo's fully warranted ladies, mens and chil drens footwear at Simon Stoffel's. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. This lump salt business should be in­ vestigated by all. Anybody keeping a horse or cow should try it. It goes four times as far as the common salt. You put a lump in the manger and the stock does the rest. For sale at Perry & Owen's. Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than hiB other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. S , have a vacancy in this section. Write them at Chicago, III., for their terms. 38m3 CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN. Is a boon to those suffering from con­ stipation, indigestion and sick headache. Try a ten cent bottle (10 doses 10 cts) and be convinced. Large sizes 50c and $1. For sale by J. A. Story. 45ml NEW SPRING STYLES. 200 samples of cloths to pick from, first-class in every respect. A fit war­ ranted or no sale. I will save you 25 per cent. Also clothing fitted,' repaired and cleaned. ^ E. LAWLUS, Tailoffef Opposite Riverside House. NOTICE. to have you call All work warranted andd^^omptiy. BiBlSHOP. NOTICE. A full line of the famous Douglas shoes for children, misses, ladies and the vot­ ing people at S. Stoffell's. TRESPASSING. Most remedies trespass upon yourtime and pocket book. After using a dozen bottles with but little or no relief you are discouraged. If you want sure relief for constipation, indigestion and biliousness try Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A ten cent bottle (10 doses 10 ctsy -will indicate what it is capable of doing for you. For sale by J. A. Story. 45ml Evanson's store offers a new Jap Tea supposed to be the finest ever come to this town, single pounds 45 cents, 5 pounds low 40 onta. try it.t ,,,SKI Washburn's Best at $1.00 per sack or $3.80 per barrel. Warranted to be better than any other flour offered, except Pillsbury's Best. Try a sack and be con- vinced of this fact. We don't ask you tof load up out of the car, come at your pleasure, anytime. MCHENRY ROLLER MILLS. FOR SALE OR RENT. A good house, situated in the villaire of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also a house containing ten rooms. A barn, 18x28 well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 13x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Possession given at once. Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, April 2d, 1894. 89m8 FARM FOR SALF. The undersigned wishes to sell the farm belonging to the W. C. Harrington estate, situated in the town of Green­ wood, containing 175 acres, all under a good state of cultivation and suitable for stock or Dairy Farm. Will be sold jail together or divided as purchasers fnay wish. Call on or address ' " CHAS. HAHRINGTON.' Greenwood, 1%' A NOTED DOCTOR, Once said "most women lose their freshness and good ]poks much earlier in life than nccess iry because of inattention to natures requirements Because of their peculiar habits all should make a practice of using some simple laxative. There is no laxative so simple, so pleasant to take and yet so potent as Cal dwell's Syrup Pepsin. Get a ten cent bottle (10 doses 10 cts) at J. A. Story's. 45ml A full stock of field corn, ensilage corn Millet, Hungarian, etc. at S. Stoffel's, N .. if'"-14: ¥> , Awarded, „ , Highest Honors- World'* Fair. DU' # Now is the tintie ior a new of Shoes. Everybody wants djj£ pair just now. We are fehoe bunmess all over. thing desired in shoes can bi by visiting our store. W* mention light here that onrsfciefl^ fit the foot and the purse at the same time. « ' * ? ill $1.35 school shoes, and the boys *" v and girk' "strong backs'* attt f among the takers for the young* V pf 3 er ones, and the kid tip, gqatt»;': toe and those common sense wide ones, and the soft kids in Blucher cu * and button are attracting the ladies When you come to theK bo ye, we seldom miss a fit, GO matter how large or how smalS tht; boy is. They need wearers and we keep them. In men's wea# we carry the "yard Wide,' the< 'police,' the oil grain in Congreer and lace, and all the in® sty tea in light calf, kangolo and genuine kangaroo in plain toe and lips. The $1.50 and $2 tor service can* not be excelled. 1 yyv% 4: ,v 'ft* '; e original '&tia<f:$i*obf Rubber Boots, found only at ovr store. Once tried and no will take their place. MUS.3. II; • • : - -$• *' T} Now for Wall Paper and Bord- t! era. You all know our stock Is T largest. We are selling same away below cost to reduce stock. r\ All paper trimmed free» Borden and ceiling to match. ' Curtains are wry cheap t£l& ' year Tan show you more style® •'*; | than any other firm in the county* - h)i j You may soon need a new Car- 3-< pet, nave in stock several fine N ;j patterns and can sbll you any- ^,,1 thing needed from samples just H in, ot all the late spring styles, , ^ V] and by telegraph can have your r: " carpet ready for yon the follow* ing day, Our new stock of fine Clothing ( is in. Can quote you the lowest ' " possible prices on all clothing. I We have secured the •gen^jt..-,^ for the celebrated Chase & San-, horn's Boston Coffees, that are "W Havlng*cured the services of John C. -t. own tu_ wor!.i ovaP Tf vntt Young, who has had .Years of experience Known ine T°F,a .over* 11 J0™ in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad nave not tried them you have; missed a rich treat, as they con* tain a certain delicate flavor not- found in other coffees. This is s: the coffee that waft Ovar^TwaMne Miittsa PMBII CREAM vmoB Wvcreally leading rtaaGoflssefttaWorl̂ Remember, this coffee cannot be found at any other place in town, as we are the exolusive agents General Merchants. wiflP - • ii MeBJSNBT. ILL. tmiAovu, PWDffl PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream flfflMltu Powder. Rret from Ammonia, Akaft Qf fl% <*b«r adulterant Y-f - __ ...g ' iT AT\ VCAPC FW§"CLRAIINAPN t ..Mr -yy \ - «&ill MoHKNRY, - This Bank rem . . awe! Foreign m* Itainmffu thunge, doet a We mdeavor to do ati 1-- «*» ̂ trusted to our tare in a matmmr am4 • ' •yon terns mttirety saftfceftwy to ear «r, <md V fi ' ' ' ' ̂ u - MONEY TO : r O n J t o a ! JStiate mtd other «ln| I" -/." MAirtaf .ftsaMW saMmmMnt* flMMM Mm*. In first . A Alt 4-i, ll j v IBifcnCJXtAJfGK > ; Omm+mm at TmH PKftffY A WW Ml

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