' • frill! rnwm |e old • *~ • fettt'psn «k vender, sk|«s ns _ .1 wrUhre last asfal* if fn*a JiTglorioos old Ke* Etttfland w«» , *6 t f*vo the British thnwteiy-; M ,r t ff«»n the people! Ym, indeed t's; An * itmM tlier<> come the hour ortveeo. They'll find wc'ns just the earns old brewt Of4gfet*Bff oat.i», mado ovwr; W«'?t "imply sailing day and night To gel Into a ttrst-ciass liKtat, Where we ean champion the rlfk Aid feel were right in clover, Jast let the Hon dare assail ;; Oar right*, von i>ei we'll twist his tail; ^ A«d »n Hid their ships of t«a dare Mil ! This war w*3'd smash the caddies.' We'd put ho Johnnies on the ru» < Prom Boston clear to Lexington, And teach them we're as full of Ha At were our grcat~gr*nddadditi)S|' So wliat* e want to krow ia, where'# Tke hloomintr. bl»dy l»nd that dares Cotonrh rhe chip our snoulder be*rs? Her strength we'll qmc*.ly scatter. And so our watchword stilt shall to **Oh,jt!ve us (.Jod-born liberty Or give us death I" but. mind you, we pining tor tlu> lauer. Srxou VATEUIH # 4wf I k- •:--V • -el* IP YOU ARE IN NEED OP Plot to Blow up the Capitol. < I k ^ There is jnet enough probability about t iile dynamite sjtory telegraphed from Washington Monday morning to make h V |jb worthy of a complete investigation by " - *Ke District of Colombia authorities. It ought not to be very difficult to de3 lermine positively whether Anarchist >•- Honor-e J. Jaxon, the notorious profee- ^.vtional Indian, more or lees familiar to $hicagoau*, is at the head of a plot to ]blow up the Government buildings or >fc. If he is manufacturing explosives, the Washington reporter's story al- leges, a raid of the police upon the head- , v Quarters of the gang could soon {wove ©r disprove the charge. .« . It is not likely that Honore is op to *'j jwy such game. :i: , But if there is any tangible proof of y such Guy Fawkes scheme, now is time to deal witti the dastardly mis creants, and not after the mischief is done. The proper place for the man who is caught making explosives for oeeopon the national Capitol is behind the ban lor the rest of his unnatural life. If J axon has really gone to Washing ton to do his anarchistic work he is al- most as great a fool as khave, for be > xnost know that the District of Colombia 5; ® Is not ruled by Governor Altgeld. Im prisonment for life in that region means' Something. The Washington corree- indent most send os further proof be- we can believe so serious a slander upon the common sense even of an ab- •isrinal Anarchist.--Journal. 'Its IVORY IVORY PURE TOR CLOTHES. *M MOOTER a CMMBUC oa. own. JA Mperb mammoth tiutofcraph In 12 color* br distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It ft t feet JoiiK and 14 Inches wide and will oe sent See if yon tt»1l your friend*. It is called Our \ ISITIN'G," and shows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad, in a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, basket and umbrella in hand; sbe pulls the mow covered latch, while her goMen hair shim- men in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with Malta and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle BWrajy. NretodHlght you, A copy will be free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your fan and send H cento iu stamps or stiver for 4 ) months' trial subscription to .•v f *r r r* | ewrs vs rorft smes *m*9W. Start in by giving 50U an all solid plow shoe throughout lor |!. Men's Blutcher cut tan color One shpes. Ladies' tine low shoea in ,ar?e variety. Jl jiew invoioe of children's and misaas' foot wear. t ^ ^ i. ' Jm * Ik CJOTHIWG. U making itnli felt. • jnrt wliy we an ken In buriiMM. you want a bargain In good, boneet goods don't fikil to ea|U and look oar stock oTer. ooneistin* of Dry Oooda. Notiom, Hatt and Gap*. Boota and 8ho«at Tinware, Crookwy. Olaaawan, and a full liaa oi fresh- Groceries, at bed reck r ricea. - X*' Boots, Shoes, Gloves, MittenSi Don't Forget that I carry a larger stock than ever before. We are making sweeping reduction* on a« Ottr goodft. and it will pa? you to make us an early call. , ; * JOHN I. STORY;' Our clothing stock is very large, bought for cash, and will gtve you tfte bent fit. of the discount. It will pay }ou to look our lino over before ijujiDg. ri$«,ei«!?t in ^ * j9nr86lf'oot Large line of men'd Shirts .Horiery of every d©« cr?pll®a§ Fresh Groceries and Flour, Giaham and Coin Meal. - * $• Tours fos^business, t'ft't •**" ••J -- t i , The Sleepy Eye Fiour, Is g ving such good satisfaction that commenting on it is unnecessary. 'i **'- •,* •••, When In need of Floor try & «aek and yoa will aie tte dfbet. *• McHenry, 111. 1894! JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. MoHenry F. L. McOmber's ATpuX7o?"Dg GASOLENE STOVE? If not why not, when ybu can buy one of the cele brated *' QU'CK MEAL" Stoves for even lees money than other stoves are sold for, and it is as far ahead of the average vapor stove as can be imagined. Afl a household friend it is renownSdJ No finer stove on earth is fopn^L 'Twin that tired feeling heal, * "The Quick Meap '<3 ilV-A 1 he wonderful sale of this stove Is a testimony ot its superiority over others. It is most certainly to yonr fnterest to ̂ ee tftft stove in operation, and to thoroughly understand our liber ality in dispesing ot them. To do this call upon * ~IJ L . M c O M B E R . Dealer ia General Hardware, West KcHenry, ffl. m. W8tg§ iMwUmm Til PEOPLE t Will Have It. •M *, *' , t >•' BEST r n ^ Cry for It. Hemetnber, tliat Pfllsbari'aBert; U mtdti W ibe toW at the Uollrr Mills. p,, '0c"$> Waehburn's Best. $1 per Sack, or $3.80 per barrel. - 'fc > ' «fl»t received, a fresh supply, 1 we will do the rest,; -' vtf4 Kii{ of HcHenry HaieConntifs Leave your orders at the mill and , «,** $>•%*. * t , 4 > v ,•* # ' McHENRY ROLLER MILLS,: ^ \ H MIDNIGHT, £ici< g S'.alllon. Recor J, 3:17| THE WHOLE FAMILY, hustr •Medotes, beatsu lllostratf1'! monthly magazine with storlea, dotee, fashions and all articles of Interest by authors and cash question contests monthly. ibzli. Pub. CO.. 106 bummer St., Boston, Mass. PATENTS 0*TCSta,andTnide~Marksobtained, and all Pat> icol business conducted for MOOER ATC FEES. Oym OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICC^ J and we can secure patent in less time than thoM1 k j remote from Washington. J, *' | Send model, drawing or photo., with d esc rip- > Bon. We advise, if patentable or not, free oft ;; charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with , cost of same in the U, S. and foreign countries I *-jf sent free. Address, |, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. ? "Royal Baby" Port ̂ Wine. «" JnT1 are Te^uce<J fa vitality or strength ,^*4°^ or any other cause, we recom- ^i?!2?w^J1Se^Ctbi3 01(1 Wine, the the grape. A grand tonic ; by BM tbe fastest record of any stallion in Northern Illinois. BUKDIHO or If TDHTOHT, 2:17V. -- Blsek horse, 16% hands hl«rb; foaled 1886; bred br ft. H. Pooler, fernia, IU Sired by Nipper Boy, he by Plymouth l.ock, 2:31, he by Hill's Blark Hawk, 1st dam Starlight, coulrt p«ce In 2:27. by McKay horse, dam of Midnight 2:17?i'; 21 dam, pacer, by Pharaoh, pacer; sire ttlchball 2:12X;3l(1am bv Ethan alien. In preeentirg Midnight to the public I think I show one of th* beat Individ uale ever offe eil in Xrrtbern Illinois Midnight is a grind good horee. He io a black, standinsr 15?4 h mds high, will weigh 1075 pounds and of 8taielv carriage. His head and neck \re handsomely lined, hla shoulders deep an^i well laid, his withers carr-ed well back, the barrel'(ex cellent depth and eplendidlv ribbed home; nis loins remarkably good, and at this very point we see too many horse» verv def'ctive, A jeak loin and coupling is a inore serious de feci than any other point. We like to see a nj>rd^ maot there as if he conld carry a ton. Rts l»jra ana te^t good, p inte strong, an<l , He has quality, l^eauty and Mgi finish. He has a world of speed. A* a race • orse none »an outla-it him. C nsidering all hese qnaliflra;.icn», no assumed, but demon- "•trateo; b e irhcrit«nce, his campaigning qualities, and his grent Rpetd producing pow ers I am fully justified in thinking that Mid. night s proipccts. when bred to good mares, are not exceeded t y any horse of his age. Mldnght came to McHenry Co., Feb, 16. iwi. unknown to hor^rmen and breeders, but its a proof that the public wai pleased with h!m I r,red 78 mares before Aug 10, and re- fused 25more, I started him but Ave times in public, first at Dundee over anew half !?!«* track, ana drove him an easy mile in 2;2ft, last eighth in 15 sec. Second, at Me. ^ewy,i°. £t2;28: he paced In ?;23, Third, at Woodstock, by request of those at the race Id rove him one-half mile in l:fi9. f ourth time, at hislim race In '93 at Libertyville. he wrn secono money, over a heavy track, and was beaten by only a ueck by Proctor, 2; 17. His 1 st race was at Waukegan where be won the free for all pace and paced the last quar- l^r?e ^ea's in 31^; seconds, a 2:06 "lip. Midnights record, 2;17X, is no mark of his speed, he never bad a teason's work, always wUh^opr^rluon:maklnga Wg"eMOD "d T E R MSi I will «tand him at a fee of t2o.0O; fiu.oo dne when mare is sate m foal, and tiooodue when inare foale Parties trading mares a'ter being bred will be held for full tee, |2<i.C0, when mare is safe in foal. H. B.THROOP. MmS ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, five-machines in one. The only Cultivator that cuts all the ground close up to the hill, and is the representative tool of level eultivatioriV *'•* Wunda, II Jn I88i. •Ml PL 2:3136. GEORGE O, Standard aider both trotting and paetef rales. Georire O Is too well known by his perform. an e and what bis colts have done tor me to go Into any details here. He Is a chestnut in color, star, and white spot on left shonlder. In regard to speed George O is tbe fastest stallion, mare or gelding ever bred in Me Henry or Lake Counties, driven to his record by his breeder and owner. He is sired by a son of Hambletonian 10, his dam Is by a son of (»eo. M. I'atchen 30. Geor*e O, with limited advantages, never having had a mare with a record of three minutes or one that evor produced a fast colt from any other stallion. Be is the sire of Ethel B, 2.1*Jt, r. -- •' Mary l,ee, • Wire Fence. TEEMS, H«B..RR, M.UH, ••FTW.OWHJ. ItHB PAGE . Prince T, 2-fflk, Harry I), 2:30. *353; Our ]>o. 1C> Cultivator, BE BUTO and see our No, 1C rider ia the field, as it thorough I j un locks the fertility and leaves tbe ground in the best ot condition tQ stand the drouth With no deep open fur- rove to fill with water and wa&h away the best soil, or still worse allow it to wtand and dry, which cauf*e8 the grouud to look white and cake up and absorb the moisture that the crop needs so much at that time. Stop and notice the difference between the way you work your fields with the shovel machines and the way we do it with tbe No- 10 Albion. There i» making of bushels of fern in that way of culti vating over the'old style' half- way plan--cultivat ing a little in tha centra of the row, leaving the .corn uncultivated and -%KALBB XN ^Oppoarrc BISHOP'S Mts&, McHENRY, ILL. -*;®-" BUY THE WONDERFUL STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. V R ELI A BLE ^bt5V«. Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by all to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market. BUILDER8' HARDWARE, In this line our stock le complete, ami ouifprfeci M low ig tbe gsm? quality of good-* can bought elaewhere, N . . . > Alao, a flue line of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, :'V a Of the best makes, and warranted. In short. In oar store ean be found an]r article usualIv kept In a ffrst c'a»s Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us when In want of anytblna In our lloe«4 ^ Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, ^ x- ^ Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottomrnc{|i| "*1 JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. W. SHELDON, OF MAKENOO, ILL. , ( tbe above Fence In the Baal naif" • County. All correspondence iwered. Write to him, then get off and throw a lot of dirt at and around it to buiy up large weedsto take up tthe moisture that the crop needs so much at that stage Drop us a card to meet you in the field and we will satisfy that we are right, or let you have your own way until you learn by experience (sanife as we h%ve), and then we can have a chance to turn in and sell you your choice out of five or six kinds ot Two Seated Surries for the family, or a Fine Top Carriage for the youner man. Better be*raising corn or coming to Waucondato see what Slocum or the boys can make you happy with, that kicking about the hard times* C ome Saturday or Sunday, for 3 Bargains! as 1 am always there then, We are on out fourth full car of carriages, and can plainly see that we will have a lot of over one hundred cultivators to pay for; a full car of •* Stoughton wag one" at Lake Zur ich; and look out lor the forty Cul tivators and a car of Carriages at McHenry. See posters and come to the sale or >ou will feel M> unwell afterwards you will have to h IJJSTEN BROS., DEALJCBS IN Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Werld's Fair Highest Medal and P'flTrw <?•! riff. FINES FURNITURE! iifeSjS mm*- #' OF ALL KINDS, With two stores, one on the West side and one on the Efct. side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public I wmm* , Than ever, before, which we *' areofleriog at greatly. Reduced Prtoes. No wla the time to Buy* ^ Ift-We also keep in stock a full line of ssmples of CARPETS, and we can give yoh anything from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower prices tbaa TRUNKS AT COST. Hh#': 'n.y \ Our IVo. 4L4t Surrey* * e the doctor, things and not let things crowd you. Mcienr/, Get a hump on you and get there, as this ia the Maioa to crowd We ha^e taken great pains in selecting o10. U N D E R T A K I N C S U P P L I E S t ours for Fun and Business, A-, ST. V. SLOCUM. Oofflns, Caskets and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Even thin? new elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us wbeola want of anything in our line. '• SP|*]£S{Hp UjBAB&K ia ^snectlon. will be furnished at Beasooable Ratefc