5 «» wMiamm 30, 1894. •«nM Railway Time Table. !r OsBitie>tiig at Noon Sawtejr, JaM 10,.] iPwwKjwr- miai «ai i«u tbU *atw» follow*; OOlve KVtL n T.nksQeripwr* passsav*r.........7;9FT A. M : E WiplMM BIT SXPVMC 8:23 A.M. £ WflttUM Bu FMMHW 3J8P.M, 15 "IttfiMli lt«T rsftnrirr ' .. 5:34 •* S WitlUma Bay PMNSf*!1. 7M «• SOIS0 VOSTK. K William# Bay PiMrteeger....... 9:06 4. M £ Wittwa• #»r PMMBget 2:48 P. M, £ WilHans B*y Ixpnu, 9 UliQ«R«T» PusttKW .... K t^ fcetian«T» Passenger..... Tty'T" BXFUUIATIOtt. Daily. ; S Dally except SnnJay. , „ ^ • Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. ,4:55 636 K. O. T. M. MCBCKKT LODG» NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Beg- alar meetings second and fourth Toeadar evening* of each month, at K, O. T, M. BalL GBO. HAHX.BT, Own, N. HBCMAH. B. K. ICK CBEAM Festival, in the Park, to morrow, Thursday evening. I SIMON STOFPEL hae received the ap pointment of Notary Public recently. REGULAR meeting of McHenry Chapter No. 222, Order of the Eastern Star, this Wednesday evening. SPECIAL train leaves McHenry for Sycamore June 28 at 7:30 A. M. f 1.50 round trip. * DON'T forget the lee Cream Festival, in the Parte, on Thursday, to-morrow evening. r A. L. Hows, on Saturday last, pur- | chased a fine new Surrey of Bishop & iWftlph. ./ , / MRS. JULIA BISHOP :S putting a cellar ignd nfew wall under her residence, now occupied by 8. Kennedy. f ̂; i i ii r > ' FOR a pleasant trip and day of riport do not miss the M. W. A. Picnic at Sycamore June 28. f Jc Jos. FRI8BY had the misfortune to lose Lane of his team hones on Sunday. In- flammation'of the bo wela, we believe, was the cause. FINE Butter and Soda Crackers, 20 pounds for ft.00 at I. A. Barrus', Yolo, 111. See advertisement, in another column. FOR the next thirty days you can get four Tintypes for 25 cents, at Bennett's Photograph Gallery, McHenry. Improve the opportunity. Miss BEATRICE GATE will be McHenry County's first contestant for a Demorest Diamond Medal. Let us hear her June 28, at the City Hall. BASE BALL, foot races, bicycle races, tug of war and other games at the M. W. A. Picnic, June 28. Open to all. Tickets good onty on special train f 1.50 round trip. ~1L S^AftroN has started a fina Livery Stable at Fox Lake, where be will furnish rigs, with or without drivers, at reason able rates. WANTED, Board and Lodging far one or two months. Man and wife. Good farm preferred. Address, stating terms, etc,, H. J. Krueger, 708 Marion street, Elkhart, Indiana. WE understand that Mr. and Mrs. Peak met with good success in the organ ization of a dancing school on Wednes day last, securing a large class, both of children and adults. THE drouth in this section was broken ' on Sunday last and we were treated to a steady, soaking rain, which cooled the air and refreshed vegetation of all kinds. Vlt came in time but none too soon. MCHENRY COUNTY will be represented fit the next State Demorest Diamond Medal Contest. Let us hear our interest ing little representative. Remember the 4ate Thursday evering, June 28. NEW advertisements can be Jonnd in onr columns this week from Simon Stoffel and John Evanson & Co., West McHenry and Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. Be sure and cead them all. HERBERT E. THOMPSON near Wood- bock had seven head of Hereford cattle r killed by lightning, last Saturday even ing. They were insured in the Phenix with Simon Stoffel of this place. Jos. HEIMER, Agent for the Seip Brew- l ing Co., of Chicago, has come out with V .a fine new team and wagon, to be used in delivering their goods to the lakes and * -Adjoining towns. It is certainly the p finest team in this section. $1 THE dancing public are all making arrangements to attend the Independ- ; i: ,«nce Party at the Riverside House. July r 4th. No matter how large the crowd 1 ' '6tory will be sure to take care of them in ; & satisfactory manner. L , No other publication can supply the V. • |>laoe of a good local paper. If both can- Hot be retained--if either the city journal ^ or the country newspaper must go, let it H. ^QPPIR visited and 8||t»laet week. 'if its*. M. A. HOWELL was reported on the sick list last week. EMMETT MCDONALD, of Hoalley, was on our streets last week* W. D. W ENTWORTH, was a Chicago visitor on Sunday. REV. H. SLADE, of Lodi, W'is., was calling on friends here on Monday. LON O. DIOGINS, of Harvard, was on our streets on Monday. F. K. GRANGER attended the Raoes «t Janesville, on Tuesday. T. L. FRISBY, of Chicago, is spending his vacation here. MRS. MARTIN, of Elgin, is in McHenry organizing a Ladies of the Macabees. MISSES MAGGIE AND KATIE FRISBY vis ited friends in Chicago and Irving Park last week. V3^;7 E. J. HANLY and wife am visiting with friends at Janesville, Wis., this week. '"*• > ^ / LYLE HOWE, who has been attending school in Chicago, has returned to his 4^ome in this village. FRANK COLBY and wife and Frank Ja«;kman, and wife, of Woodstock, were over fishing the first of the week. MRS. DR. ALBRECHT, of Waukegan, was visiting with her rioter, Mrs Q. W. Beeley last week. MRS. F. L. MCOMBER and Mrs. B. Gil bert were visiting with friends at Wauke gan last week. WM. HENDRICKSON, JR. and wife, of Tryons's Grove, visited at W. A. Cristy's on Saturday and Sunday. H. V. SHEPARD, of Irving Padc, was shaking hands with old friends here, on Monday. FRANK SPITZ ER, of Woodstock, was at tending to legal business in,this village on Saturday last. JOHN-SCHUMACHER, of Elgin, was the guest of Barbian Bros., one day last week. JERRY SMITH, wife and soi, ol Gray's Lake, were calling on friends hers one day last week. C. E. LAMPHERE and Miss'tMary Went- worth were Lake Geneva visitors on Wednesday last. WILL AND BEN BONSLETT, of Chicago, spent Sunday last at their home in this village. GEO. G. SMITH, who has his string of horses at Janesville, Wis., spent Sun day at his home, in this village FRED J. SHERBURNE and wife were the guests of Albert Colby and wife, in this village, on Saturday^ WM. SEYMOUR and wife, of Wauconda, ware the guests of E. Lamphere and wife i i this village, one day last week. MRS. ALBERT SNOW arrived home last week irom quite an extended visit in the East. HON. F. K. GRANGER attended the meeting of the editors of the Eighth Con gressional District, at St. Charles, on Friday last. GEO. W. OWEN made a flying visit to his home, in this village, on Thursday evening last, returning to Chicago on Friday morning. J. J. FRETT, of Vilas & Bobbins' Pack ing House, Chicago, passed through here on Saturday evening, for his summer res idence on the river, north of this village. HON. C. A. PARTRIDGE* and Hon. Geo. R. Byon. of Waukegan, were calling on friends here one day last week, and made our sanctum a pleasant call. R. H. OWEN and wife, of Englewood, Delos Blakeslee, wife and daughter, the Misses Amelia and Belle Furer and Hester Forrest, of Woodstock, were camping a few days at Pistaqua Bay, last week. M. D. BROWN, representing the 8, E. Barrett Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Manufacturers of the Excelsior Slate Paint, for the preservation ol metal and shingle roofs, made us a pleas ant call the first of the week. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. Frank McOmber, on Thursday afternoon of this week, .Lit there be a general attendance. MRS. JOHN I. STORY, President. MBB. W. A. CRIBTY, Secretary C. E. KENYON, practical Trues Fitter, will remain at the Riverside House, McHenry until July 1st, where those afflicted with rupture can consult him Wednesdays, the 20th and 27th, and Saturdays the 23d and 30tb. Consultation free. WE learn that' Robt. Sherburne has ^purch&sedthe residence of Albert Colby, in this village, and will take possession some time in September. We did not tearfPthe consideration^ Mr. Sherburne has leased his farm to his son, Fred J. Sherburne, j / OUR Infant Base Ball Club went to Solon one day last week, and played a Nine from that place. Only three innings were played which resulted in a score of 54 to 14 in favor of McHenry. The In be the former, for nothing can supply the raits propose to tackle the first Nina in place of the local paper. "OUR OWN COUNTRY" is supplied to readers of the PLAINDEALER for only 10 Csnts a weet. See advertisement in an other column. This is a work that you and your family can't afford to do with- *«Pt. . / Gso. G. SMITH is attending the Janes ville Races this week. Two of Life horses ttre entered in the races, "Ranger H" ia the 2:27 class and "Smithsonian" in the .... 42:50 class. If he don't bring home some of the money he will be sure to make them all know they were in a horse race. CBICAGO is taking the lead in imposing } A tax of $500|on all dealers in cigarettes, if every city would impose a tax on deal- «rs who sell this health destroying article jthey would soon drive the cigarette out fgof existence and onr yonng men and boys would be better off. • Price and- quality considered, see if you <u beat Mm. Bealey's prioNk a day or two. i Colb3^J^|l|hter of O.C. ; were niillld at' the h< »1bride%fi||^te, on Tuesday of las ek. TliS happy pair are both well in tfeis villagp, and ail join with is in wishing them a long, happy and )sperous life. AN exchange famishes its readers with the following puzzle: "If a pole stand ing straight up one mile high with a man at the top was to start to fall at the rate of a mile a minute wad the man would at the same time start to slide down the pole at the same rate of speed, where would the man be when the pole hit the «arth ?" Who can a,nswer? THE opening at Stilling's Summer Re sort, on the 12th inst., drew out a large crowd, and was one of the most quiet and orderly gatherings of the season. McHenry Cornet Band was present and ^aajiyened the occasion by some of their choicest music. If you wish to spend a few days at the Lakes there is no better place than at Stillings, at Pistaqua Bay. 'THE entertainment by the pupils of the est Side school, Miss Kittle, Teacher, hich took place at the City Hall, on iday evening, drew out a full houpe, no was pronounced by all as one of the t entertainments of the kind ever held n this village. The proceeds, after pay- ing air&penses, amounted to about which goes toward paying for the organ purchased by this school a year ago.y !WE have heard it suggested many ti^Kjs in tho^past week that our village authorities | should purchase another sprinkler for the village. The great dis tance one is obliged to cover makes it impossible to do efficient service, and in consequence our business men and resi dents are suffering great damage from the dust. The second sprinkler is certain ly a necessity, and should receive the at tention of the Board at once. THERE will be a game of Base Ball July 4th, 1894, at Gage's Driving Park, West McHenry, between McHenry and the Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. nine, of Chicago. This is without doubt the best nine in Chicago, composed al most entirely of City League players and have not lost a game this season. The McHenry boys are sparing no pains to get the best players to be obtained, and the best game ever seen in this county' may be expected. NUMBER 3 of "Our Own Country" is at hand. It is a very fine number, contain ing 23 photographs of scenery in British Columbia and Alaska, with a large amount of entertaining and instructive reading matter about the curious people of that far-away region. It contains some of the finest views among the Rocky Mountains that we have ever had the pleasure of examining. Everybody ought to have this splendid magazine. The price to readers of the PLAINDEALER is only 10 cents a week. See advertise ment in another column. Hi he 1 the INPpt ean. Tin way to this is for every man to make his pur- in his home town as for as pos- bte. Don't, buy a dollars worth of goods away from home that you can get there. Patronize your home merchants. On the other hand the merchants should eschew alt advertising fakes and place their adds in their home newspapers. The more'liberal the support accorded the papers by the business men of a place the more vigorous those papers be come in advocating a home policy. A newspaper helps.** community in which it is published fltore than any other fac tor in it, giving every year hundreds of dollars worth of free advertising in the way of its public and private institutions jand keeping its advantages before the outside world. This idea is not a theory /Wt a stern fact and happy the com munity that carries it to a successful termination. ICE CBEAM FESTIVAL. The Epworth League will hold an Ice. Cream Festival in the Park on Thursday evening of this week. Ice Cream and cake will be served from seven till ten o'clock. Every one is cordially invited to attend and enjoy a pleasant evening out of doos*. ' KFFA'SBTAINMBVT At the City Hall, McHenry, Thursday evening, June 28. Miss Beatrice Gave, of Harvard, who has won three Demor est Medals, and soon cord petes for a Diamond Medal, will render the literary part of an entertainment at City Hall, McHenry, Thursday evening, June 28. Good music will be furnished by McHenry young people. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 cents. Come and hear this bright young speaker and help the Deaconess' cause, to which the proceeds Iwttlbeappbedr You ought not to deprive yourself and family of the pleasure of possessing the weekly numbers ol "Onr Own Country." It is a complete reflex of every part and section of our native land, embracing a volume of information which cannot be obtained elsewhere, besides its 500 pho tographs of American scenery, American towns and home life, great natural curi osities, celebrated historic localities, the Indians and their surroundings, wild western scenes, character ske|ph£fi pho tographed, etc. AN exchange says that in cWSntries where the price of pineapples is much higher than here, the fruit is appreciated at something nearer its true merit. Pineapple juice has medical properties of the highest Order. In throat diseases, and even in diptheria, it has seldom failed to give relief, and as an anti-dyspeptic it is invaluable. - The unpleasant taste victims of indigestion experience d rising in the morning can be got rid of by the persistent use of this remedy, as it goes at once to the root of the trouble and removes the cause: the cure is a perma nent one. Any dyspeptic who has not tried the pineapple cure should loose no. time in doing so. THE annual Township Sunday School Convention, for this township, will be held at the M. E. Church, at Ringwood, on Sunday next, June 24. There will be two sessions, afternoon and evening. A very interesting and instructive program has been arranged, and all who are in terested in Sunday school work are in vited to attend. The following is the program: The Great Teacher E. Cristy Preparation of Lssson«;jS^;v By Scholar ^....r.^'Plorence Brown By Teacher A. W. Francisco A modern S. S Belle Whiting Relation of the S. S. to theChurch Rev. Wm. Nickle At this session there will also be the election of officers for the coming year. SECOND SESSION, 7:30 P; M. Song Service Dr. Auringer Duty of Parents to S. 8 Rev. Straub Home Deportment Class Lucy A. Hall Temperance Teaching in the S. S Mrs. Auringer The S. S. and the Home Grace Stevens Patriotism in the S. S Rev. Caldwell What we may expect from this Con vention President DR. PILCHEB, President. Leer HALL, Secretary. AITNUAL PlCHriO. A special train will leave William's Bay at 6:45 A. M., Lake Geneva 7:00, via Turner .1 unction, stopping at all stations, for Sycamore, 111., June 28,1894. Fare only $1.50 for round trip. Crystal Lake and south $1.25. The attendance at this annual gathering of Southern Wis consin and Northern Illinois Woodmen and their friends is now assured of being the largest ever held. Another train leaves Waukegan at 6:30 A. M , Kenosha 7:00, stopping at all points. Fare onlv $2 for round AUCTION SALE. , The Black Mar® taken up as an Estray will be sold at Public Auction, in front of the McHenry House Barn, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday. June 23d, at 1 o'clock, p. M. to the highest bidder for cash. ' . v - " , THE Lake Geneva Herald has the fol lowing significant item: "If the Council grants a license, as it probably will, a saloon will be opened in the opera house basement after the first of July. Mr. Egan has obtained the bar that did service at the famous White Horse Inn at the World's Fair and which cannot be built for lees than $1,500. This bar will bring saddening memories to many peo ple. As you stand befo& its glistening pannels, you will recall the buxom En glish bar maids, (Imported from South Chicago) who served 'arf and 'arf in the good hold Henglish style, don't ye knaw, and incidentally pulled your leg for a bloomin' four bob, for what ordinarily cost you a nickle. Then, too, you will re call the sleek English waiters in the coffee room with their mutton-chop whiskers and their terrible hankering for tips. Those were the fellows who stuck you $2.7Q for one small porter house steak with a mug of musty ale. Ton remember them' don't you? Ah, that White Horse Inn was a robbers' roost if any such was at the Fair, but it was a delightful place to visit never the less--when some other fellow was to pay the bills." M, D. Brown, representing the 8. E. Barrett Mfg. Co., of Chicago, manufac turers of the Excelsior slate paint for the preservation of metal and shingle roofs, has for som* days been working in this city and vicinity. He asks no man to sign anything and does not sell his paint for future delivery, but takes the job of treating roofs and does not ask for a penny until the job is done and is per fectly satisfactory to his customer. He is representing one of the most reliable firms in the country, and the papers of Boone and adjoining counties, where he has been working for several years, speak in high terms both of the gentleman and the goods he handles. He does not be long to the gang we referred to last week, and we are sorry if our article has worked him an injury, for we believe that he is square in his deal and deserving of pub lic confidence. You will know him by his good natured face, his light hat and bis dandy little team. Don't be afraid of him if he calls on you .--Woodstock Sen tinel. Mr. Brown is now in this vicinity and has been doing a large aiapant of work for Hanly Bros, and othera in this sec tion, and we are informed that his work is giving universal satisfaction. Besides representing a good article he is a pleas ing gentleman to meet, and we bespeak for him a cordial welcome from our read ers when he calls, and we guarantee he will do just as he agrees to. The Excel sior Paint is one of the best articles on the market. HOBS OF DR. HOWS'B ST700BMK8. CURED OF CONSUMPTION. Nellie Wheeler cured by the direct method and Am ick treatment as a last resort, after several able physicians had given her up as a hopeless consumptive. Dr. Howe is called into the case and a complete cure is effected. Chicago Medi cal Recqrd, June 16,1894. ^ CURED OF DEAFNESS. Miss Hattie White, of Beloit, Wis., who for the past nine years has been totally deaf as a result of catarrh of the middle ear, after four weeks treatment with Dr. Howe by the direct method of applying remedies, has made a complete recovery. She is now able to hear the tick of a watch six feet away. Jay S. Jones, M. D. Chicago Medical Journal, April 16,1894. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Richmond, 111. Mrs. D. T. Dennison, who had been bed-ridden for a long time and whose case had been pronounced hopeless by several local physicians, un der Dr. Howe's system of treatment is placed on her feet in six weeks and is now able to assist with the work about the house and says that her health has not been to good for ten years as it now is. Yolo, III. Mrs. C. G. Huson has so far improved under the care of Dr. Howe during the eight weeks treatment as to be able to visit McHenry. Before begin ning the new system of treatment all hope of any improvement had been abandoned. The doctor is confident of his ability to effect a complete cure. It was a great surprise to her friends here to have the pleasnro ol seeing her in town after so long an absence. Mrs. Stillwell, III., is rapidly recovering and says she has not been as well for ten years. Her case had hitherto baffled the skill of many able physicians in this section. Mrs. J. Bogart, of Richmond, is another of the many cases whose recov ery is regarded with deep interest by the medical profession and her large circle of friends. Among other patients frooa^ whom come the most flattering praise of the doctor and his new method of treatment are the following well kndwn people. ANTIOCH, IUL. D. B. Bates, Mrs. Mary. E. Williams, Dr. Joseph E. Carr, Mrs. J. E. Carr, Mrs. J. C. James, Jr., Postmaster J. C. James, Sr., Miss Maud E. Simons, Mrs. Isabella Westlake, Miss Lena Hannaman, Mrs. Ida Savage. GRASS LAKE, ILL. Wm. Soule, Harry Herman, Miss May Herman, Miss Jennie Peterson. SILVER LAKE. WLS. Spetzman, with Yan Wie, Walter Alden James Mark ham, Miss Martha Bruce. Many permanent cures in obstinate and difficult cases of bronchitis, catarrh, catarrhal deafness, asthma and kindred diseases are told by men and women of the highest standing in their communi ties but space will not permit of their publication in this issue.--Woodstock Sentinel. Evanson's store offers a new Jap Tea supposed to be the finest ever come to this town, single pounds 45 cents,, 5 pounds Iocs 40 oents. Tiyit. Muzzle the " Fine showenth* first of the Special shirtion next Tuesday. Elocstkmlvy contest in the Methodist church FViday evening, June 29, 1894. Several 'bus loads of our young people picniced at Crystal Lkke on Sunday. It rained easy and often after it once got started. Uinghng Bros.' circus shows here on Tuesday, July 17,1894. Edward Burke, of Harvard, was in this city on business last Saturday. M. F. O'Connor, of Harvard, was here on business last Monday. Miss Lizzie Bier spent the first of the week with friends in Elgin. D. T. Smiley transacted legal business in Chicago last Monday. Y. A. Wright, of Chicago, spent8nnday with his parents here. Arthur Glass, of Hebron, was here on business last Saturday. John Flemming, of McHenry, was a Woodstock visitor on Saturday last. R. G. Earl was up from Elgin on Satur day last. J.C.Cameron, of Huntley, called on friends here last Saturday. Henry Herman attended the funeral of a friend in Chicago last Sunday. Dell Bear, of Chicago, visited relatives here last Saturday. Only a little more than two weeks more before the Fourth of July. School closed for the summer vacation on Tuesday last. A construction train hacPbeen distrib uting new steel rails just south of town the past week. Frank Forrest returned from Chicago last Saturday evening and will s^end the summer vacation with his parents here. Mrs E. S. Sprague returned last Sun day from a pleasant visit wfth relatives in Huntley. Miss May Bordwell visited relatives and friends in Harvard the latter part of last week. O. H. Stanford and L. W. Mallory, of Marengo, visited friends hers on Sunday last. Mrs. Walter McLean and two children and Mrs Silliman, of Elgin, spent the latter part of last week with relatives in this city. We understand thatduringthethunder storm last Saturday night H. N.Thomp son, living northeast of this city, had seven head of cattle killed by lightning, three of which were Herford stock, and very valuable. * Company G. went to the Frame farm south of town, on Saturday last and in dulged in some fine target practice. Capt. Connel, of Clgin, regimental inspec tor of rifle practice, was present and ex pressed himself well pleased with the showing made by the boys. About thirty-five members were in the field. The long continued drouth is broken at last, the first showers having put in their appearance on Saturday night, fol lowed on Sunday by heavy rains, and everything is again growing nicely. The dust has been effectually laid, and a long suffering humanity is happy once more. The Baptist church, after being closed for nearly three <months, was reopened for divine service last Sunday. The church has been handsomelv re-decorated and re-furnished and presents a very beautiful appearance. The Rev. W. M. Walker, pastor of the First Baptist church at Elgin, preached a very fine sermon both morning and evening, which was greatly appreciated by laige au diences. Woodstock at last has an artesian well, J ames Dermont. having just com pleted a well on the old Stone property, just south of Dr. J. H. DooKttle's resi dence on Dean street, which flows at the rate of over a gallon per minute. This i« only one mdte instance which goes to prove that "Derlnont, the well man," is "onto his job," and can find a good vein of water when all others fail. Parties who want a good well should engage his services and they will always have plenty of water no matter how great a drouth prevails. '. Chas. Howards fai employe of the Tap- pan Factory, while driving to his home in Hartland last Friday evening, had the two fingers on his right hand broken by a kick from a horse. It seems the horse started to run away and Charles was holding on for "dear life" when the ani mal kicked and the driver threw up his hand to save his face, receiving the blow on the fingers with the result above stated, after which the horse got away and smashed the cart he was hitched to into smithereens. Mr. Howard came back to town and had Dr. W. W. (look attended the injury and the hand will be as well as ever again in a few weeks. It was a narrow escape and Mr. Howard considers himself lucky to get off aseasily as he did. ^ A GENTLEMAN recently said to a re porter : "I never took a paper that did not pay me in some way more than I paid for it. One time an old friend of mine started a little paper away down in South-western Georgia and sent it to me, and I subscribed just to encourage him; and after a while it published a notice that an administrator bad un order to sell several lots at public auction and one of the lots was in the country. So I in quired about the lot and wrote to my friend to run it up to $50. He did so and bid me off the lot at $32 and I sold it in a month for a $100 and so I made $68 clear by taking that paper. My father told me that when he was a young man he saw a notice in a paper that a school teacher was wanted away off in a distant country and be went there and got the situation, and a little girl was sent to him and after a white she grew up mighty sweet and pretty and he married her--now, if he hadn't taken that paper what do you think would have become of me? Wouldn't I have been some Have you sen those hate Bssley's for $2. 25 boxes new, large California, raisina II .25 per box at Perry & Owen's. New stylish clothing for men, boys and children at S* Stoffel'a. Can place 91,800, first-class security. 46tf on long time, onr H. C. MEAD. Dr. Price's Cream Bakfng Powder Most Perfect Made. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Call and examine. We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, table linens and towels. PERRY & OWEN. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowesti possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON Srorrai,. Those lancy Boaatert Coffees at Perry A Owen'a are making many friends. Try a pound and you will a I way© buy there. Over 200 new Spring and Summer suits, all wool well made and cheap at S. S toff el's. New, fresh spring millinery, (no shelf worn goods) of the latest styles at Mrs. E. W. Howe's, one door north of Perry & Owen's store. id- other fellow or maybe not at allfvc ---- ' •• 4TH OF JfJLY PARTY. ' Yourself and ladies are cordially in vited to attend a Grand Fourth of July Party, at McHenry House Hall, McHenry 111., Wednesday, July 4th. Floor man agers, J. J. Bishop, John J. Barbian, M. Rouen, Martin Smith, Jos. Freund, Nate Stevens. Music, The World's Famous Quintette. Tickets, 75 cents. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. PEalf Bates to the Seashore. On account of the Annual Meeting of the National Educational Association, which is to be held at Asbury Park, N. J. Jfuly 10th to 13th, the North-Western Line will on July 7th and 8th, sell ex cursion tickets at practically one fare for the round trip, thus offering an excep tionally favorable opportunity to teach ers and the public in general for a visit to one of the most delightful resorts an the Atlantic coast. For tciketa and de tailed information apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western It'y, 49w4 A full line of the famous Douglas shoes for children, misses, ladies ana the vot- |pg people at 8. StoffeU's. ^ , w " * • ' - vi- Received 75 new all wool suits, all prices from $7.00 to $21.00. Odd pants and two piece suits at Simon Stoffers. Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass and all other garden and field seeds always at S. Stofiel's. I have the finest line of Hammocks, Croquet Set", Fishing Tackle, Guns and Sporting Goods in town. F. L. MCOMBER. Buy your "Church Reversible Hay Carrier" and all haying tools of F. L. McOmber and save a good per cent. You can buy a "Church Reversible Carrier" of F. L. McOmber fop less money than ever before. If you wish to see the prettiest Hats for $2 and $2.50 that were ever brought to McHenry, call on Mrs. Bestoy. HEADQUARTERS For W. L. Douglas's and C.H. Fargo's fully warranted ladies, mens and chil drens footwear at Simon Stoffel's. FOR SA1.E CHEAP. One new custom made Milk Wagon and one necond hand. Call early. SIMON STOFFEL. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to caU«ttd see them. TOOTIOB. This is to give notice that my son, Chas. Hacker, Jr., has left my bed and board, ana all persons are hereby cautioned not to trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting. CHAS. HACKER, 0*. June 5th, 1894., NEW SPRING STYLES. 200 samples of cloths to pick from, first-class in every respect. A fit war ranted or no sale. I will save you 25 per cent. Also clothing fitted, repaired and cleaned/ E. LAWLOS, TMPK' Opposite Riverside House. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo*.., Jfer sale by G. W. BeaUffi, ,r^; : H0TICE. ' Hat fog secured the services of Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call All work warranted and done promptly. 41 ' R. BMBOP NOTICE. Washburn's Best at $1.00 per sack or $3.80 per barrel. Warranted to be better than any other flour offered, except Pillsbury's Best. Trya sack and be con vinced of this fact. We don't ask you to load up out of the car, come at your pleasure, anytime. MCHENRY ROLLER MILLS. FOR SALE OR RENT. A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also a house containing ten rooms. A barn 18x28 well and ciutern on the premises. Also a building, 13x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop, Possession given at once. Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, April 2d, 1894. 39m3 ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try it free. . Call On the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, at G. W. Besley's drug store. A full stock of field corn, ensilage corn Millet, Hungarian, etc. at S. Stoffel's. .Awarded. '-X; Highest Honors-World's Fair. " DR CREAM BAKING IhAliflhUb POvtVER Now is the time tor a new pair of Shoes. Everybody wants a pair just now. We are in the &hoe business all over. Any' thing desired in shoes can be had by visiting our store. We will mention right here that onrifcoes fit the foot and the parse at the same time. , •> ̂ ' fr1'1 Those "fat baby" shoe* and this $1.35 school shoes, and the boys and girls' '•strong backs" are among the takers for the young er ones, and the kid tip, square toe and those common sense wide ones, and the soft kids in Blucher cu«and button are attracting the ladies When you come to the boys, we seldom miss a fit, no cuatter how large or how small the boy ia. They need wearers and we keep them. In men's wear we carry the 'yard wide,' the 'police,' the oil grain in Congress and lace, and all the fine styles in light calf, kangolo and genuine kangaroo in plain toe and tips. The $1.50 and not be exeel a- i/t V ,ndl2;tar 'Ik®* ^ •Mil li i v-.-s v '< I'Af: uy the original Snag Proof Rubber Boots, found only at onr - H'l store. Once tried and no will take their place. Now for Wall Paper and Bord ers. Tou all know our stock is largest. We are selling same away below cost to reduce stock. All paper trimmed free, Borders and ceiling to match. Curtains are very cheap this year. Can show you more styles than any other firm in the county. v fou may soon need a new Car pet, tiave in stock several fine putt ems and can sell you any thing needed from samples just in, of all the late spring styles, and by telegraph can have your carpet ready for you the follow ing day, - " ̂ "• ̂ ,: Our new stock Valine Iblottuhg^ is in. Can quote you the lowest possible pxkes on all clothing. We have secured tie agency * for the celebrated Chase & San born's Boston Coffees, that are known the world over. If yon have not tried them you have missed a rich treat, as they con tain a certain delicate flavor not found in other coffees. This jpf the coffee that was twt/ftwitrOis MUlioa Universally Remember, this coffee cannot be found at any other place In town, as we are the exclusive * r.m:* Perry & Owen, f General M«K^^n|s> M»KRNBY% LLth * * fr IM;- M of Mcfleun. inn a own. m :Jki MoHKNRY, • - ILLINOIS. tell* Mrdga amd Dmnettie j£ ohangetomddoma Gerard taking Bushes* Srsf' MOST PERFECT A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fta from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEAKS THE STANDARD ̂ We endeavor to do all (1 tnuted to our care iit a n upon teim entirely eaHefaetor̂ to customer*, and retpeetfkt̂ wloiftti public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; Om Real ESrtafe atsd other fbret simp security. Sbooiai rtlHtwi $tern fecticuM, VXiz>XJXLA.lS<L,.:& J* Mint Clam «* 1ft* Temre . ,vy * erpOTABY -vf J. . wn ¥ - 'MmM . • • V* 1