WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1894. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. ••.lift -v\f <• REPUBLICAN NOMINATION®. tor Slate Treasurer, HENKY WUJ.FF. «, At4(« Superintendent Publut , 8. M. IN U LI 4. "• J>or 7ru*!eeiIllinois I'MveriUy, " • MRS. J. M. FLOWER, . ; , ALEX McLKAN, ' SAMUEL BDLL^RO. ' a- .Fbr Dangrestmctn Slh Dittri t, - ALBERT J. HOPKINS, for Represent/lines Slh Diebiot, ,1 GEORGE RKEI>, ROUT. J. BECK, GEORGE R. LI J>br County Judg<k QHAS. H. DONNELli*. • f\rr County Clerk, Hi GEORGE F.'RUSHttjtit ir~ ; For Sheriff, j GEORGE ECKERVjj , " Fbr County 1 reasurtf, HEN'KY KEYES. Superintendent o/.fitftoo?*. W. E.W1RE. (&*0n the Elgin Board of Trade, on ilfondsy, Butter was firm aud opened at JRc. quickly advancing to 23^, at which 12,420 pounds were sold, 1,320 pounds bringing 23^c. Last week the price was jjfejic, and ajear ago, 24%c. IflTThe Waukegan Gazette says: "Whenever and wherever the Democrats •re in the minority they are always ready |4o "fuse" with any political clasa that '•ill make a divide of "what there is in lit." This only emphasizes what is known *bat the Democratic party is ooly an or ganized appetite, with DO political prin- itple." --S . iWThe tariff bill has at last passed the House, but what action the President Will take no one seems to to know. The .bill as it was passed is a remarkable piece of patchwork, and iR full of incon sistencies. It gives free wool, free lumber «« hemp and free flax, while on schedules like cotton the raise of duty is so high as ftp make the claim of tariff reform absurd.' * I®"" On August 1 the total amount of Jgoney in circulation in the United States •as $1,657,574,239, which represents AH increase of over $40,000,000 as com pared with the Corresponding date cf last jear. The per capita calculation on the l£fc inst amounted to f 24.19 wbich repre sents an increase of 17 cents as compar ted with the corresponding dates of last year. There is plenty of money in the country for all its business, and there is so possible method of legislating money Into the pockets of men who unfortunate ly are without it. T H E A L A R M W A T C H C O . LOCATION IN MCHENRY ALMOST A CERTAINTY. MO BONUS ASKED FOR As we said last week, when Mesare. Hart & Hopkine were here last spring, at the request of our citizens they agreed to bring a complete sample of the Watch here for exhibition. This they have done, and for the past week i't ha* been examined by scores of our citizens, who are unanimous in pronouncing u a most wonderful piece of mechanism. Now the first question that is asked is what do these gentlemen propose to do? They propose to organize the business here on a basis whereby the subscribers to the stock shall receive annual divi dends of 10 per cent before they receive any dividends themselves on' the com mon stock. The subscribers are to have control of the business management, by having three of the five directors until the Factory is in successful operation and the preferred stock can be sold at par. To accomplish this a majority of all the stock outstanding, including the stock subscribed here is to be placed with the Treasurer of the Company, in trust. We think the above a very fair, plain and comprehensive statement, which needs no explanation from us. AH they ask is for those who desire to do so is to take stock, one or more shares, which is sure to pay a dividend of 10 per cent as soon as the works are in successful operation. When 2,500 shares of $10 each are subscribed the Company will commence operations. "It therefore be hooves our citizens to look this matter up carefully and at once, and if they find everything to be as represented subscribe the stock necessary to get the factory running, and then it is sure to advertise itself. The first board of Di rectors will consist of Hon. F. K. Granger, Geo. Hanly, Geo. W. Besley, C. R. Hart and Harvey L. Hopkine. The next question that is sure to be asked is who is Harvey L. Hopkius?" Tosatisfy ourself and our readers in regard to this matter, among several references given m we wrote to Hon. C. C. Bonney, Ex- President of the Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Expositiou, Chicago, who had charge of all of the noted Congresses, and received the following reply: CHICAGO, III., Aug. 19, 1894. J. VAN SLYKE, McHenry, III. DEAR SIR:--In reply to your inquiry of the 18th inst, iu relation to Harvey L. Hopkins, I will say that I have been his legal adviser for many years and am, of course, well acquainted with him. He is one of the most capable, courageous and persistent workers I have ever known. 1 have always found him truthful and re liable. If your people wi;I work for suc cess as faithfully as Mr. Hopkins, yo" need have no fears of failure. He is an expert in patent matters. Very Respectfully Yonrs C. ( J . BONNEY. And as regards Prof. Hart, B. F. Norris, Alistei- & Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 113- 115 State street, Chicago, write: CHICAGO, Ang. 21,1894. To WHOM IT MAY CONC ERN : It gives us pleasure to-state that we have known Prof. C. R. Hart for many years, and consider him an expert in all work pertaining to watches, thoroughly familiar with all the details in watch making and watch repairing. Very Respectfully, B. F. NOBRIS, ALISTER & CO. Prof. Hart was, for over five years, the Principal of the Chicago College of Hor ology, where he taught students from same as the knotter to a Binder, which was made more valuable by reducing the number of its parts from about thirty pieces to eix pieces, which farmers well understand. With the Alarm for a novelty and of much practical value, and the Watch with its simplicity, without competition, combined with the fact that Watches are saleable all 1 he year roqnd and are not limited to reasons, like Agricultural Im- DlemfntH and the like, the sates must be larjre. With all these advantages com petent men most be in charge Jo insure business success, which we will have in Prof. Hart as Superintendent, and Mr. Hopkins as Manager. The outfit is therefore complete and let us join hands in tha establishment of this industry, which McHenry so much needs. Other industries will follow. T1M» Great McHenry County Fair. Next Tuesday, Aug. 28, the great Fair will open at Woodstock. Are you ready for it? Have you done something to make it attractive? Of all the places to see old friends is at the county fair--and why not brine; yourbest to it? You may think the management have not been at work in making the Fair of '94 equal to others, but we beg to differ. Months have been spent in securing attractions and exhibits, and though the hot season with it« drouth has crippled us some, yet we shall be very much disappointed if the Fairjdoes not show up well in itsentirety. Each one has something around home which will do much toward interesting others. You have labored hard during the long summer; you need a little recre ation, and where can you find it for the money better than at the Fair. Have you decided to attend ? Have you decid ed to make dn exhibit in one or all of the departments? If not, do so now. Imag ine, if you can, the vast amount of work devolvingupon tbe officers,especially the secretary, and don't wait for a personal invitation. Consider this personal, and do your part toward making the Fair of 1894 a success. The management have been laboring for months to secure at tractive amusements. The balloon* as cension and parachute jump each day of the Fair in the afternoon, under the man agement of the P. T. Collins Co., is some thing not a person iu the couuty should miss seeing. Hippodrome races by the Stevens & Bixler Hippodrome Co., which will be interspersed with regular races, will be both exciting and amusing. With the numerous other attractions, the grand exhibit of stock, a full exhibit in all departments in floral hall, will make it necessary for everybody to attend three days to gtt satisfaction. Again we cordially invite you to come aud help along this enterprise, wbich should interest every citizen in McHenry county. G. B. RICHARDS, SecretarjV A ^despatch from Aurora, dated: ;Ang. 20tb, says: "Congressman Hop- • Irfns arrived home from Washington j to-day. In speaking of the tariff bill he faid: "Every day that the President delays signing the bill is putting $200,- 000 into the pockets of the whisky trust *nd from $400,000 to $600,000 into _ those of the sugar trust. The pr^gpects j almost every state in the nnion, watch : tif the Republican party certainly ought making. He has made the business hip to be bright. Look at the condition of life's work and brings to us its greatest 1 labor to-day compared with that under ! result--this watch. He also brings to i ^Republican rule. I have figures to prove j the company his experience, which most that wages in this country during the j-prove valuable to it. decade increased on the average j Now as regards the Watch. J. P. $100 a year. Since Cleveland's election j Smith, Jeweler, saw the watch taken they have decreased from 10 to 20 per j apart in his store, and after examining 4 itont. Leaving all theories as to the' every part minutely gave the following ' ! tariff out of the question, it ought to be under which party the laboring ! i Jjpan is better off." / ft THE BEPBESEN-a'ATI VE TICKET. , The Republicans of this Senatorial Dis trict present the names of three candi dates for members of the lower house of Jpur State Legislature, viz: R. J: Beck, of McHenry county, George Reed, of testimonial, which speaks for itself. . MBHENRY, III., ACQ, .18,1894. To MIHOM IT MAY CONCERN : This is to certify that I have carefully examined the Chicago Alarm Watch and all of its parts, and find it very simplp, and at the same time durable. In fait I am surprised at its simplicity. The wear ing parts in both the escapement and the alarm shows no wear, so that the tool marks are not worn out of these parts, |ioone county and George R. Lyon, of i 18ho"riDK ^ a,arm has * . , „ . , ® , i tet °ff almost constantly every day. JLake county, all tried and true men and j In my ctmdid opinion it is a durable jftound and consistent Republicans. And j watch, and one that will give perfect sat in this District there are votes enough to ^[action when put upon the market. . 'I1 r»«nk/\ «n4- _ i l_ ?11 « • fslect all three if every Republican w ill do lis duty at the polls. Let no personal pique tempt you for a moment to plump for any candidate, for it is only by a United effort and a straight vote we can tope to secure the title of the Banner District of the State, wbich we will secure <$f we elect three members of the Legisla ture at the coming election. Let every Republican stand square by the ticket |and see that his ballot reads one vote eaeb for B. J. Beck, Geo. Reed and Geo. R. Lyon.' lx-PrHM«nt Harrison's Views The New York World requested the . opinion of a number of leading politicians in regard to the Senate tariff law. The , ex-president replied as follows: I decline to talk at length regarding a-'tion of the House Democratic the 3£i Grand and Petit Juoors Sheriff Udell has been commanded to summon the following named persons to act as Grand and Petit Jurors at the term of the CircuitCourt thatcommences Monday, Sept. 24: GRAND. J. Brotzman Riley S. A. Crissey P. L. Ruestl.Z...V^w A. D. Backus •I. W. Groesbeck...,. J. D. Clark..., D. Bordwell John Haley John Coakley......... James Ellis Henry Sheldon...... E. Wilcox A. A.Sherwin......... C. Heligas C. F. Schroeder...... F. Gould S. E. Clark N. A. Chandler....... L.Dennison B. A. Stevens F. Colby Henry Werden F. E. Cox.. ....Marengo Dunham .......Dunham ........y.. Chemung ............Chemung Alden Hartland «... Hartland Sentca Seneca .^Coral ..Coral .Grafton Grafton ..w..*.. Dorr Greenwood Hebron , R i c h m o n d --..Burton McHenry Nunda Algonquin PETIT. John Kitchen Riley S. Kenney ; Marengo R.J. Marshall Chemung Caucus, but one consideration is obvious to every one, namely that the determina tion of the House to report special tariff bills will tend strongly to prevent that business improvement which might have resulted from any definite settlement of the tariff question. I expect to make a few emphatic re marks on that aspect of the crisis during the coming Indiana campaign. ; BBNJAM'N HABBISQN. 4* Invaluable rule for the preservation of one's health and spirits is to go out of tike house on some fixed errand every day of one's life. This is not so easy as it seems, and all women know that it is not. Hut the practice, if carried on ever •o short a time will plead for itself. We get into very bad habits of staying with in doors and foregoing the change of air and scene and interest that is absolutely necessary not only to a broader mind, but also to ft sane view of things in Those who invest in this watch will mhke no mistake. J. p. SMITH. We have also examined the Alarm Watch in detail and heartily endorse the foregoing letter of Mr. Smith. O W. OWEN. HEAMAN BROS. It would therefore seem to us that the conditions on which our people are asked to take stock being unobjectionable, and the watch pronounced by experts a per feet time pisce that there could be no risk to run in taking stock in this factory. And then agiin our local directors have full control and are men in whom our people have full confidence. The subscription papers, asking oar people to subscribe, will soon be circulat ed, and the prospects for success seem assured. When they call around listen to their explanation. They will not de ceive you.'and if in your judgment it is all right, take a few shares of stock and help push the matter forward. It is McHenry's chance to get a factory. Prof. Hart will have the watch on ex hibition at the drug store of G. W. Bes ley from two to five each day and from seven to nine every evening, where all are requested to call, examine it thor oughly and become familiar with its workings, and thereby enable them to speak intelligently when talking to' friends. Prof. Hart will be there ready to answer any and all questions in rela tion to the Watch or the business which they propose to establish here. We trust our citizens will all take advantage of this opportunity. An Alarm Watch will be something new on the market, and combined with the Alarm feature is a new Escapement which makes it the simplest Watch man ufactured and therefore the cheapest to manufacture. Ita simplicity does not dt tract from its time-keeping qualities, and it adds to its utility and value A. Pramer. J. Carbary M. O'Brien M. Bigelow H. McAuliff..... A. Beam O. Dickenson........... S. Hill ..., H. Dean :..., H- Kittenger.. W. Zenk ...,. T. Kirk W. A. Shadbolt Mortis Fleming...... J. Davis :... Stuart Given Frank Thayer. W. Westerman........ A. M Rudd..., W. Fisher. A. L. Austin R. Walkington.. Chemung Alden Alden ...Senera Seneca Seneca Seneca Seneca Coral Coral ..........Grafton Dorr ....Dorr Dorr Dorr .....Greenwood .....Greenwood Greenwood .....Greenwood Hebron .......Richmond ..Richmond J. Meyers... Richmond H. Osmond •.. H. Hobart S. S Shepard W. Francisco S. McDonald J. Deidricb H. Burton P. Ralesty W. Phillips C. M. Huntley •>< .ra/ 4> J. ELGIN, ILL. Universal This is our lever to pro* nre your Drug trade; Vll $1 Pat. Medicines 70c \1150c. " " 39c. Vll 25c. " " 19c. Prescriptions filled at jue.t one half the iisiwl charges el t- where, 1 he ooly way that we account for our IMMENSE GROCERY trade is that ll'you intend buying $5 00 worth, at our price-, vou can duplicate the *ntire biM tor $3 to *3,50. Have you beard our Electric Piano. Life is a checker board and the moves that we make decide whether we stall be rich or poor, Buy ing and selling right are the big ends of busine?*. Prices talk in the same way that a good many people do. If you could trust all that you see in advertisements it would he easy enough to get bargains anywhere. But human naturei«frail, and it's well to get behind the prices and see thequality. No restriction on the amount you want to buy. Take little or much the price is the same. If you were to buy tljp store outright we could hardly sell you anything cheaper than we do now. Hours of talk won't say as mach as one little glance at the contents of of our several depart ments, and the beauty of it is everything is marked in plain figures. . . -- glnator of Low Pricet, Here's our scheme to jet your Shoe Trade: 480 pr. ladies' kid and & tan Oxford*, you nfver bought them for less than $1,50, our price will be 9#c. 37* t«airs ladies' tine kid shoes, pat. tip, worth $3,50 for $1.98. Our house tarnish ing goods depart ment overreacts it self by doing a busi- ne 8 that in volume is considered by man- utacturers an outfei. equal to some of the largest houses in Chicago, be ace our extraordinary low prices. Mail Orders Promptly ^Lttenued to. Harness repairing at especially low prices. Our shoe repairing department, considering the volume of work done, speaks louder than a full page ad, 'TilVIQ*: Fs iWAIfl ' GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, Richmond McHenry Nunda McHenry ....McHenry McHenry Algonquin ...Algonquin ....Algonquin Algonquin What a Dollar Will Do- " Says the Janesville Gazette: "A few days ago a paper dollar was started in circulation. It had attached a piece of paper, requesting everybody who got it to'hign their names and then turn the money out as quickly as possible, with a view of having it come back from whence it started. In just twenty days the dollar came back, and the names showed that sixty persons had had it in that lengt h of time." There is a good moral in this. Pay yotr small debts aud thera^ k^eep the money in circulation. Heal Estate Transfers. R<*ror(leri up to anil including Aug, 13 IBM: Annie And rug to Rob Baxter It 2 blk 1 Walkup'-t adn Nunrta ... -- tl5'0 00 (JattM Halo • hus to Knth M an'i Kat^eriny M'-Hsnry pt sub It of It 89 asm pit 35 Ma<etiRo 4<i0 00 M*>srnret Dwixht and w lo John Van- Hooze nX't ll!>an«l pc in rear aura pit seX 8»>c f! Dorr ^800 00 K P kstcniuseen to Harriet AM Ueari K 6 i»lk I Mepfl» h n Hebron 1'60 <>0 M 1, Joalyn (Ma"x, to E<iin»r Fox i>X ne % an<i mv ae# eeo 2 Grafton 4800 00 O K MrVeit'li anu 'w lo J M Hoffman neilji and sefc (ex 40* and 27}£ii) aec 4 Heuron . 5000 CO Base Ball at County Fair. < The directors of the Lake County Fair do hereby offer two prizes. First prize $35, second .prize $15 -to the two best contesting Base Ball Clubs in Lake and adjoining counties, (except clubs from Chicago) for a series of games at the Fair. Not less than three clubs must enter. An entrance fee of $ 10 must ac company entries. If six or more clubs enter, the fee will be reduced to $5. Each club will bear its own expense. Good experienced umpires will be se cured. Entries will close on Wednesday, Sept. 5th, at 3 p. M., at the officia of the Secret ary. National rales to govern the games. O. E. CHURCHILL, Secretary. Liberty ville, Illinois. A CHICAGO LADY Writes:--Gents: Received yours of the Gth and was very much surprised. I must say, however, I cannot praise Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin enough. For the past six months I have been troubled with gastric dyspepsia and indigestion. I could not eat or sleep with any comfort and was really dead for|want of food and rest. I tried may kinds of medicine®, but none helped me until my husband brought home a bottle of your Syrup Pepsin. After taking a few doses I felt better, and using it two weeks now I can eat anything and go to bed and sleep, where "before I could not, and life seems now worth living. II you wish to use this letter you are are welcome to do so. MRS. NKI.LIE P CLOUOH, ' 047 Austin A v., Chicago. Pgr sale by J. A. Story. 7ml DR. HOWE, - - - - - SPECIALIST. Ard Orlglnath' of the D'r ct Meth< d for <11 ngrs ot I lie / : Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Martha A TfibbaM (teceav'd. 1 he undersigned hav n/been appointed Executor of thr Inst will and lestamont of Martha A. Hibbard deceased,lateol the county of McHenry and s«ateot Ill noiB, hereby jrivrs notice lhat. be will appear bef >rethe County Court of McHenry County, H» the < ourt Hou e In Woodstock, at th® Oct. tr rm, on the Hrst Monday in Oct. n«xt, at which time all persons having claims apairrt laid estate are notiiied and requested toatten<i for the pur- pdse of having tiie same adjusted. All per sons indebted to said estate »ro requested to m»ke immediate pavme t to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of August, A. I>.. 1M»I, JAM KB B PERRY, 7W4 Executor. Insure yonr property with S. Stoffel and feel secure. JatnHSl.V 25 boxes new, large California raisins Agents Wanted A To make°money. VITAL QV1STI0HS nr TUC NAV poiiti'ai RevniuUon of Ur Int IIMT. 'j. Orb!« of Rnd'91 Hit ties for breao, fVXEYSM. Mrikes, the Unemj Jove i. UKKAT LABOR ICBUKS of the present and the future Ta iff I.egiilation 'the Silver Questions What Protee-Mr n <'oet for tte Atn*ri<-8ti W rkmen. What Free Tr«d« floes for him. A bo k tor the hour- EveryboJy wants ii, Pri-f on'y #1 50. SH'a atoight Most liberal terms to agents, i-end for • ircuUrs or sen" 2<> cents for agent's out lit at once P. W ZIBGLBB A Co , B23 Market Wt „ Ear. M. Nose ail Chest, Catarrh, Catarrhs 1 Deafness, Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Asthiua, & Incipient 1 Consumption. Positively Cured by th > Direct Method and Amick Remedy. D scovered and li^ented by I>r. Howe Profefprr of dl-eases of Nose. Throat and Chest. Cincinnati Medical Course. Consulting Physician lo the Clicitintti and ChicHgn Institute* and member of the State Medical S jcletke of Ohio and Illinois. WILL BE AT ^ PARKER - HOUSE. -- FROM-- Monday, Aug. 20, --TO-- Sunday, August 2G. HOURS AI.L DAY and EVENING, until 10 o'cl< ck. Wert Side Livery* 4 FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. J. HANLY« Prop'r. WEST McHENUY, ILL. First class rige, with or without driTaraf furn'sliedfat reasonable rates- Parties taken t and from the Lakes In Easy Rig*, and prompt connection m^e with a'l trains Our Rig* will be kept in llrst class sh«pe, anil we Miail spare no pains to please our ens tome re at all times, Uive us a call, B.J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, I8U4. Westerman & Son, MOUSE,. SIGN AMD OARRIAOB PAINTERS, VCHEK&V, ILLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our IIM on short retire and guarantee satislactioa PAPBU HANGING A SPKGlALTK Prieea reasonable and w> rk promptly done. WK4TERMAN & SON. l|»Hearr. J taaftry j* . ..MJj >>"!• "; ; f - % ,;4 At' r i Q ! I All alorg the lin« until stock u greatly leJu^ed. WeSwll in on* ? , ponth.jH gjn to receive our usual hfavv fell stock of , * * merchandise, and will now begin to " /. SLAUGHTER WITHOUT RESERVE 1 Our entire Stock of Summer Goods, inciudir? J 1*V >1 '* Dress Goods. fWash Goods, , Hats, Hosiery, Gloves Goods, Lace Curtains, Shades, Etc, I <i; ':1 * , J t- ^ • • tVJ I ! ' i \:~m. C^roat Bargains ii --> UiVDERWEAR, , All at Prices that Defy Competition, Agents for the famous Duchess Manufacturing CoVall wool Pu ||d carry a large stock of these goods that will sell on sight. Trunks, Carpets, Wall Paper, Groceries and Floufl A large fctcck ol Shoes and Rubbers now arfiviug. Yours for Summer und Fall trade. 9IM.ON MTOFITBL. ' il:- iK&URirflw PEOPBlTTi tn the best and most liberal companies forms no imall part «>J'out business, and will be continued at the old'stand on same business principles, by Yours truly L i EVANSON'S STORE INVITES THE LADIES, Saturday, August 25th. Corset sale wfll be in progress. Odds and ends, 25c. Jackson Waists 75c. on Saturday. JOHN EYANSON & CO. AT WOODSTOCK, LIB IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iSfThe Management has provided excelle|it Horse Races, Bicyclf Haces, and numerous other attractions «» please and amuse tht crowds. ^ j This is 1he people's enterprise. D© yonr part toward su^ tainiog it ^ v. -V BECK, PrMl«i«t GEO. B. ltlCHAR^ Si!^^ - :