Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1894, p. 8

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• ; « • > , • • . , * „ t. .. I •t.V « tmmxamtfsm A LONG WALK. I, 4 Jfc-. "A* i irnr W'lii r^i^- Prices!' v£? *k\;, * |v>v*' |l VMubUcw Family Prsmw Tbrai^ Otf ;W|« M A Stx Hundred Mile W. H. H. Rhodes, 54 years old and tcterarined; Mrs. Lydia Ann Packers, 44 years old. a sister of, Mr. Rhodes and having considerable of bia energy; Louis L. Rhodes, 13 years old, and Ira Irwin Rhodes, 10 years old, tired and hungry, completed half of a 600 mile Wftlli V» £*jt the first time in three weeks in a warm place. Rhodes, his two sons and sister are en the way to Cameron county, Wis., and left Dayton, - O., Dec. 5. They reached Englcwood about 6 o'clock last evening and were directed to the police station, where they were given supper and lodgings. Rhodes told an interest­ ing story. "I was engaged in a little frnqinftHfl in Cameron county, Wis.," he said. "In July I got a letter from a brother whom I had not seen in 24 years, in which he urged me to come to Dayton, O. He told me that I would find employment there and that he would assist me. When I got there, he told me he wrote the letter because he Wanted to see me. I couldn't do any­ thing there, and if I wanted to starve I would rather do it among friends than strangers, and so I decided to come back. My sister's husband having died, she was alone and wanted to come with me. I hadn't any money, so we decid­ ed to walk. .We left Dayton Dec. 5 and have walked every step of the 800 miles. Two nights we were without fire, and only four nights have we slept in houses. We make from 10 to 10 miles a day and hope to get to our des­ tination nest month. Sometimes we get money, and at South Englewood $2.50 was raised for us. I can make money in Wisconsin, and my sister will keep house for me." The family started out early Thurs­ day morning on the tramp of the other •00 miles.--Chicago Letter. All alorg the line until stock; is greatly reduced. We will in one month, begin to receive our usual heavyTall stock of ^ merchandise, and will now begin to SLAUGHTER WITHOUT Our entire Stock of Summer Goods. Including Do you want •» good SwlsslSratch. F V. t i* Dress Goods. . Wash Goods, /• 'i / "" 1 * • r f Lftces, Hats, * Hosiery ̂ u 10 ̂ Furnishing Goods, Swp, rl $ f , Lace Curtains, ~J* ri • Shades, Etc, #• «* * .4v v ' #7 • - - .. 'i _ ^ Warranted a good time piecf /avd in every way reliable. f ; For a limited time we present you one of these watches suit of clothes at $15 to $18, Not a penny mire than regulation 'SX-yT*'** 'I** **' price. Gall and see -the Watch, i , Vs&fr stf "V. '4." "sit' >i\ • " * •> ,+Vvv".r,^ Clearing Safe of Shoes begins thl* Week Saturday Morning. .IsST" Pure Cider Vinegar 'on tap/ ^he remarkable reputation that the « Sieepy Eye" Gleam Flour ^ has fairly and honestly made during the last five weeks has greatly „^ • * surprised,many dealers and competitors who have made great efforts to p'aco a flour on the market'that would win ' against the "Sleepy ,v Eye" Gream, f heir efforts have been in vain, for the "Sleepy Eye ' Cream has triumphed over all, aiid now has the lead and will 1 kefep it for time to come* This flour has won its reputation entirely • ^ on genuine merits, It is the only flour sold'in McHenry that took First Prize at the World's Columbia Expedition. We have just ? received another car. Remember, we guarantee every Back, H | --.... .' --- ---- - v^ -r" - i ' % ̂ ... ^ ̂«0 HAV* A row. un vj* *3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, % • • • Which we are selling at prices that meke them move right along. Drop in and see what we have to offer you, '•w t jam si- hV * - • Agents for the $tifr6us Duchess Manufacturing Co's all "wool Pai and carry a large stock of these goods that will sell on sight. Trunks, Carpets, Wall Paper® ; : Groceries and INSURING PEOPIETY. ! Ji the best and most liberal companies forms no small part of our business, and will be continued at the old stand on same business principles, by * Yours truly ' - on • Earth 1 DliLIB IX CHOICS FA.MILT f -v. ; NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, •V VOLO, ILL, Owing to the hard times and the e»rcity of money I will For the Next 30 Dayst ' fc. }l, 'l BeH you Boot^and Shoes at Kock Bottom Priccs, for (/ash. V X*adies' Fine Shoes from 80 cts upward, warranted a first class 's . article. 1 lien's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As . ^ good as sold elsewhere for $2. ? v r Jk. splendid Kangaroo Shoe, which r v ^ always sells for $4 50, I can * 'v now sell you for $3 75. Can' be beat in the county. £ %•',%' A choice line of fresh Grocer fc; ies as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere Must be sold as I need the •" vU|oney. , Fine butter and soda crackers. .../ %)4lbs. for $1. ;• isr-i am now running a wagon to Graj's Xake, Fox • Lake, Moneyville, and the sur­ rounding country, and can sup- ply you with Shoes or Groceries ^; right at your door cheaper than you can buy the same of any . df ^firm outside of the city, Call on F'»e at my store or '4wait for the -^is %agon," Just received, a full line of jgien's pants, shirts and jackets, for summer and fall wear, I. A: BAKRU8. Yolo, Lake Co, 111, June 4, 48ml O-reilt Bargains ill UNDERWEAR v All at Prices that Defy Com LOUT. A large stock ot Shoes and Rubbers now arriving. Yours for Summer and Fall trade. .. SIMON miirnltm SIMON ill km IllIxioiH. "Wholesale and BetaiFAgent loi| D OUR OWN COUNTRY! • JL *imm Genera) Laii»i»o ft wfck Kxclufiive itrritory. The Rapid DltbU akher. Washes ail the for a family in one minute. Wash^t, rinses and dries them irtthoui veiuug the bands. Yoo puubihebutton, tbemachinedoes the rf-et. Hrieht, polieberl di^es, and cheerful wives. No scaMed .fltgprs.mjHciledhandsor clothing. No broken«di»hef,&omiiSf. Cheap, durable,warranted. Circular«fr«s» W. P. HAllKISON & CO.. CUrk *a. It. Cdnkaf, •. Published Weekly. Price, 25c. per Number. CLUBBLHG FK1CSIT0 BEAOEBS OF THX PLAIRSEALEB O W X-Y - - T B PT • OET^fT Sli GRAND OPPORTUNITY I ffi NOW I» YOUR TIME TO GET THE QRKAT - 1100535 - F1CTUBI8QU1 - A3UBICA, For the Mere Cost of Publication. You Keed It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Ought to Hwbe it. ' "OXTEOWH COUHTBY" is warmly endorsed by President Cleveland, Ex-Presi­ dent Harrison, the Bishops of the Churches, famous College Presidents and many other distinguished people. It contains over &uo grand Photographs of American scenery, in Royal Purple Colors, picturing and describing every State and section of our country, embracing all the great natural wonders, rich and racy character sketches, famous localities, the homes of ihe people, our great battlefields and their monuments, wild Western scenes, the Indians and their surroundings, enriched with anecdotes adventures, heroic and historic incidents, forming an immense and beautiful folio volume of nearly 310 massive pages and over 5«u splendid photographs. ONLY 10 CENTS A WEEK TO OUB SUBSCBIBESS. Complete in a Seiies of 20 Numbers. Coup for M3, Our Own Conatn, ISSUED BY The Plaindealer9 McBSNRY, ILL. • Clip this coupon and mail it with 10c iu silver, or six 2-ceot stamps to National Art Co. Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. giving your name and address in full, and the Part for which this coupon calls will >e sent to you by return mail, postpaid. SHIS iND ; V , , , • ̂ ' j . ;• T: stock is yet reasonably complete 111 mett'8, yotrth'e and children's suits and odd pants, on Tf.bich. we will make you un­ heard of prices, from, now until our new arrival of fail and winter clothing. Call in- and we will prove to you that these are facta. Have j ast opened a large invoice d fully warranted Jiockford overalls, jackets and shirts. ^-0 us: H-W**" • ts no^r Complete, prices guaranteed the lowest, quality coi Gauze underwear, hosiery, gents' neckwear^ fly nets, hammocks <&c. We have just received a car of the Banner Mills Minnesota Flour, which we will guarantee as good as any flour made, not a single brand excepted, Call and try a sack or a bbl. Price the lowest, and fully warranted. Yours for business. ' ...* JOHN J. MILLER, West VcHeaiy. a G R A N D O F F E R MKIE. A. RUPPERT'8 FACE BLEACH filme. A. Knppert says1. '1 ur " ' " 'IVITALIS PHOTOORAPHID FKOM LI FX. appreciate the fact that there are many thousands of ladles in the United States that wmld like to try my World Renowned Fn.ce Bleach, buthavebeen kort from d'.iiifj KO on nccount. erf price, which 1, $2.00 per bot­tle. or 3 bottles, taken to-( Inorriofthatall may have hi opportuuity, I Will 8«U) to every caller aBara» r 2DC,a:iri tothii-.o Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. til apart of the world, I will send i t safely packed, plain wrapper,aiicharges prepaid, for 25c, silver or at amps. In every caseof freckles, pimples, moths, sallow. Bess, blackheads, acne, ecseina, oiliness oi rough- ness, or any discoloration or disease of theskin. and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) Face Bleach removes absolutely. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address all com­ munications or call on HI illE. A. Id! 1 1'Elt Jio, O East 14th Wtreet, New York City. All my preparations, samples, bottles. &c^ emu bi had at regulwr prices from my local agent, Mrs. S. A. ROBBIN8, Mc Henry, 111. WHY? *a®^®l°t ,,Ro5ral Rut>y Port Wine" and 'you -will know why we call it "Royal" r ' A glass held up to the light will show wh* it ? We call it Ruby. $500 reward for any >- 1 bottle of this wine found under five years iold, or in any way adulterated. It is igrand in sickness and convalescence, or where a strengthening cordial is required; Vreconunende<i by druggists and phvst -*claxL8. Be eure you get "Royal Ruby," don't let dealers Impose on you with some­ thing "just as good." Sold only In bottles; Bota'4^ o. w. W.L. __ 53 SHOE j m\~ And IS THE BEST.I NOSQUEAKINO. And other Rpeclaltte* for Gentlemen. iMdieti, Boys and Misses arc the Best in the World. Bee descriptive advertise­ ment which appears la tfcl* paper. Take ao Substitute. Insist on having W. L.. DOUGLAS' SHOES, with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by 8- 8toffel| West NIcHenry. A\a4c at Weil t\* o of let Day. VITALIS lOth Day THE Q-BEAT 20th Day FRENCtJ REMEDY 3 0thDay. I'roiluces the Altovc RrsuilK in 80 Days, tt acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re­ stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem­ ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no other. Can be carried In vest pocket. By mail. $1.00 per package, or six for $5.00, with a positive written guarantee to cure Or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUXEl liKBEIiV COMPANY, Chicago, 111. For Hale at Story's Drug Store, McHenry.' THE BABIES Cry for It. TIE PEOPLE Will Have it. it IFIOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PENSIONS Addrcmi a letter or postal card to „ THK PRESS C1AIHS COJIWJfT, JOHN WEDDERBURN, - - ManaaingltttomcT, JP.O. Box 4«a. WASH INGTOK, D. C. _ _ . _ PKNSIOHS FBOCUBED FOR SOLDIERS, WIDOWS* CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers arid Satlora disabled in the line e*t duty in the regular Army or NavyslMeethe war. SarvivirH of tne Indian wars of 18S2 to 1842, and their widowa,*®w entitled. Old and rejected claims a ipeclalty. Thousands entitled to nlgher rates. Send for new laws. So Charge tQ€ «drlc«. H»M wtU successful. Do not forget that Pillsbury's Best Flour h&s held the le&d for over 2C years, and still holds the medal in this country and in Europe, and i& ABSOLUTELY THE WEST and purest flour in the worlc. What do competitors say when oftering other flour? Of course they say say it is equal to Pillsbury's Best, arid endeavor to sell you a flour that can be bought cheaper and increase their profits at the ex­ pense of your bread. PILLSHURY's BEST $105 per sack, WASH­ BURN'S BEST $1 per sack, and we will guarantee Washburn's Best to be a better flour (except Pill#hJiiry'B than aojr o*hej; flour that costs you more money, ^ Try a sack and you will use qO othee* v» JUsvftjaur Ofdfr M thi mill, we will do the rest. a t McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. TBB SBIFF ifarr^s## • . ' OF CHICAGO. a fine Gold storage McHenry* where their arehoujie in EXTRA PALE AND SALVATOR EXPORT BEER, be had by the keg or cap. • • f k j "f k" !•> . A fine new delivery wagon will be ran between MeHenry. and Fox, Or«M and PlsUqua Lakes, and also to all adjoining towns, to take and deliver ordeiti •11 orders by mrtil or otherwise promptly attended t% AddreM : JOS. HEIMER, McHenry, ACOB BOXSLEI T, DEALER IN MCHENRY, ILL. ?;̂ NWARE, DAIRY S«PPUES, ETC. BUY THE WONDERFUL < i ' ,.C " ) GASOLENE STOVEJ V Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by all to b>e the Best Gasolene Stove in the market, v « • • " BUILDERS' HARDWARE. In this line our stock Is complete, and our prices as low as the same qu*lit] Of goods can bought elsewhere* , Alao, a fine line of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Of tto best makes, and warranted. In abort, in our sto^e can be found an article usuaiiv kept in a first c'ass Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us when in want of anything in our line. Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prices] , ^Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended tos- JACOB BONSLETT, McHe JTJSTEN BROS., DEALERS IN FINK FUBNITUB: OF ALL KIXD3, With two stores, one on the West side and one the Eaet side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public 1 all kinds of FURNITURE Xfian ever before, wblch Wer :areofleriog at greatly ' Reduced Prices. Now is the time to Buy. IgUWe also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and weca give yob anything from the cheapest to the finest Bruttwlaprtoes tbi any other bouse in the county. ~ '"iJs TRUNKS AT COST. We ha^e taken great pains in selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S Coffins. Casketkand Trimmings ot the latest designs. Eferjthing new anl elegant. W« keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us when i| want of anything in our line. SPLENDID HEARSE in connection, will te fnrnished at Reasonable Rated JUSTSHff BROS. C f . . '

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