t % T^v. V«W| WMIU'I »#HI AD>«rtU6BM*l '/ & to Attract a Husband. There was a email red flag stuck up on a chunk of ice which floated down the river the other day. The chunk drifted into an eddy near the bridge, •lid one of the workmen becoming curi* ©as went down and looked at it. There was a letter pinned on the flag, dated! Niobrara, Neb., Defe; 5. "I am an an# married girl," began the letter, "and ironic! pass anywhere from 18 to 20 years of age. I would like to marry aome man from 20 to 50 years of age. "What great fun it would be for yott to come up and win my heart for a Christmas present! Firat come, first served. I might say that I am not only good looking, but a good cook. Indeed my light bread is the talk of miles. The accompanying tintype is a poor picture of me. I am not freckled. This| letter is for you, dear. I am very af fectionate. Sallie Killerford, Niobrara, Neb." The tintype was gone, and eome one must have taken advantage of the special holiday offer. The message Was sent adrift again.--Leavenworth (Kan.) Times. Cotton In Toorkistan. 5 , The .Russians, since their occupation the district embraced by the valleys of the Syr Daira and the Zarafshan, have given a very great development to the cultivation of cotton, and with the view of increasing the yield and al to the quality have introduced several American varieties of the plant, notably the upland. At first the natives were 00 prejudiced against the new plants that the experiments failed, but the Russians persevered, and whereas nine years ago Toorkistan produced only 8,300 poods of cotton worth 2,865 rubles the quantity exported in 1890 •Was about 2,000,000 poods, of an esti mated value of 13,000,000 rubles. Si multaneously with this rapid extension In the cultivation of American cotton in Toorkistan, factories are being built #or cleaning the cotton before exporting it to Russia in Europe, and at the be ginning of this year more than 50^such factories were already open.- $r: Cheaply bought, are now being reoeived in large quantities by -! • On the We«t side. fits will be only charged to defray actual expenses. LARGE SELECTION. CORREOt STYLES. RIGHT PRICES. New Serges, Henriettas & Flannels. Cashmeres, Ginghams. Calicoes, Capitol City Flannels, Suitings F. L. McOmber s.V ̂ I CAN SAVE YOU BIG MONET 1 ' • Blankets* H oiior«l>lo C L O T H I N G ! For men, boys and children's wear just received in large quantities from the well known houses of H, W» King and Kuh, Nathan and Fischer, New Cloaks and Jackets lots A I of the newest styles aod deBlga, ol Jos. Beifeld A t:o.s WAKE. Call OB US for YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR: Inspect our new Fall Shoes and Rubber Goods! Carpets, Oil Cloths, New Fall Wall Paper, Fall styles Hats and Caps. TRUNKS, VAU8K8, SATCHELS. tSr*Beloit Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Coats and Pants, warranted. Still - on • Earth I 3UL BAKEUS, DKALEK IS CHOICE FAMILY Agents here lour the famous Mayflower Tea.. CHOICE GROCERIES, Arbuckle's Ariosa and .Java Coffees. PILL8BURY and FANCY FLOURs stock of Fargo's and Douglas' custom shoes 1 For Fall and Winter goods of any kind cati on, Yours truly SIMON STOFPEL. 0 . In the best and most liberal companies forms no email part of our business, and will be continued at the' old stand on same business principles, by Yours truly SIMON STOFFEL. Q VV NOTIONS, and Shot YOLO, ILLS the ffe r.. . |{\V Owing to the hard times tod scarcity of money 1 will For the Next 30 Days* •.ipe!l you Boots and fehoes at Kock Bottom Priccs, for Cash. lies' Fine Shoes f om 80 cts. upward, warranted a first class : article. j Iplen's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As : good as sold elsewhere for $2, splendid Kangaroo Shoe, which always sells for $4 50", I can now sell you for $3 75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of Iresh Grocer ies as cheap as the same quality goods can ba bought anywhere. Must be sold as I need the money. Fine butter and soda crackers. 20 lbs. for $1. mr I am now running a wagon to Gray's Lake, Fox Lake, Moneyville, and the sur rounding country, and can sup ply you with Shoes or Groceries right at your door cheaper than you can buy the same of any firm outside of the city, Call on me at my store or "wait for the wagon," Just received, a full line of men's pants, shirts and jackets, tor summer and fall wear, I. A. BAKRUS. Volo, Lake Co, 111, June 4, OUR OWN COUNTRY ! Published Weekly. Price* 25c. per Number. CLUBBIHG PRICE TO BEADE2S OF TBI FLAINDEALEB O N I j Y - T E N . ' C E N T ' S ! GRAND OPPORTUNITY! N>->W la YOUR TIME TO GET THE QBIAT - M00ZB3 - PICTTOESQITE - A3UB1CA, Forth© Mere Cost of Publication. 4s You Feed It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Ought to Have it. "OUB OWH COTTHTBY" is warmly endorsed by President Cleveland, Ex Presi dent Herri son, the BtstiopBof the Churches, famous College Presidents and many other distinguished people. It contains over 5u0 grand Photographs of American scenery, in Royal Purple Colors, picturing and describing every State and seetion of our coun'ry, embracing all the great natural wonders, rich and racy character eketc.hes, famous localities, the homes of i he people, our great battlefields and their monuments, wild Western tcenes, the Indians and their surroundings, e*iriched with anecdotes adventures, heroicarxl Hetorlc incidents, forming an immense and beautiful folio volume of nearly 340 massive pages and over 500 splendid photographs. ONLY 10 CENTS A WEEK TO OUB SUBSCRIBERS. Complete in a fcjeiies of 20 Numbers. • Coupon for No.14, On Ova Conutrr. ISSUED, BY The Plaindeater, McHENR Y, ILL. 48ml fW/4r. & S--,; ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Q Clip the coupon aod mall it with 10c lu silver, or six 2-cent stamps to National Art Go. Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. giving your name and address in full, and the Part for which this coupon calls will be sent to you by return mail, poet paid. The Best Made, \ The Most .Durable, -V- The Best Looking, ,t The Most Convenient, The Best Baker, and * Tne Best Heatej$; . II jHStHMP* mt+Stmrnm* •k J^or tlie H-east Money. I have. A wrftten guaran-Remember this and caill an£ tee with every stove. #. Ii, McOMBER. The Best in the Worlcif Is now prepared to furnish customers the same, either by the saek I : |>r barrel, at Low Prices, and guarantee satisfaction. * ; , .J "#̂ 4 There is no better flour offered to the buying public, a trial of •" which will convince the most skeptical. Call and get a sack and be i convinced that what we say w true. i Also, a full line ot Fresh Family Groceries and Bakery Supplte Always on hand. > Dealer in General Hardware, West McHenry, III ®!rQ5 m M Stlfli mts. SHOES AID CLOTHING Our clothing stock is yet reasonably complete in men's, youth's and children's suits and odd pants, on which we will make you un heard of prices, from now until our new arrival of tall and winter clothing. Call in and we will prove 1o you that these are facts. Have j ast opened a large invoice of the fully warranted Bockford overalls, jackets and shirts. v Is now complete, prices guaranteed the lowest, quality considered. Gauze underwear, hosiery, gents' neckwear, fly nets, hammocks &c 1ST We have just received a car of the Banner Mills Minnesota Flour, which we will guarantee as good as any flour made, not a single brand excepted, Call and try a sack or a bbl. Price the lowest, and fully warranted. Yours tor business, t* » JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. Sold outright, no rent no to City, Villas or Count™ home, whop, wtor© and offiro , lence and beta heller on earth ity. Adapted <-»led in ©very <i reatfcbt con veil- Aeenta make from 85 to 8SO per dw, i iln B r®?>dence means a Hale Vo alitho nei uliborH. J ine mKt ruments, no toyn, works wV'"re' w"1 diHtanci!. f>iini)let«. ready for use w hen shiiiped. Can be put uy by any one, never out of order, no m,airing, a lite '«•»£• nrrnnted. A money maker Write W. i . Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus, 0« A C R A N E O F F E R MNIE. A. RUPPERT'8 FACEBLEACH Mrae. Ao Rnppert gays "I uppreciate the fact th at there are many thousands of ladles in the united States that wnild like to try my World Renowned Face Bleach, buthuvebeen kept ^ from doing so on account ot 8~ rice, which ie 12.00 per bot> le, or 3 bottles, taken to gether, f 5.(J0. In order that all may have an opport unity, I wlllselltoevery caUerafam- plebottlefor 2oc, and to those ^ IlVins outaiuo o> city, iiiuiiy s r- part of the world, I will a- "-C Bend St safely packed, plain VTapper, Bllchargee prepaid, for 25c, silver or stamps. In every case of frecklea. ptmpleg, moths , wsl!ow« Bess, blackheads, acne, eczema, oiiiness or rough ness. or any discoloration or disease <>f the skin, ana wrinkles {not causeii by facial expression) Face Bleach removes absolutely. It does not cover up, ae cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address all com- munications or call on M 31 fit A• It III PEltTf Ko. 6 Ease 14th Street, New York City. All my preparations, samples, bottles. &c^ can bC Jlad at regular prices iroxa mj local Mrs, S. A. ROB31NS, McHenry. 111. 'IVLT ALIS A\a4e a Well A\au of n*. mm ADULTERATED WINE |B hljurious, but nothing gives strength, and tones up the stomach like a pure old port wine. " Koyai Ruby Port," so called I for its royal taste and ruby color, is on' account of its purity, age and strength,! particularly adapted for invalids, conval* > escente and the aged. Sold only in bottles (never In bulk) while cheap wine is sold by the gallon and gives a larger profit to the seller but less to the user. This ! wine is absolutely pure, and has the j age without which no wine is fit to use. 'Be sure you get "Royal Ruby";1 quart bottte cts. Sold by I 0. W. BBBUCY, W. L.Douclas CUAr 18 THE BEST. OTIWIH WO SQUEAKING. And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys and Misses ore the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which appears In thl* paper. Take no Stftwtitate. Insist on having W. L>. DOUGLAS' 8HOBS, with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by 8- Itoffel, West McHenry. 1st Day. VITALiS .oa.D.,r THE GREAT soth Day. FRENCH REMEDY oq^,. I'roiluceH the Above K< SHIIk in 30 Days. It actl powerfully arid quickly. Cures when all other# fail. YWUIIK inen will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re> stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impoteney, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. $1.00 per package, or six for 96.00, wills a positive written guarantee to cure Or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUMET UEMKItY COMPANY, Chicago, 111. For Hale at Storv'f Drugstore, McHenry. THE PEOPLE Will Have It. TffOABIIS Cry for It* IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PENSIONS Address a letter or postal card to TUB PRESS T'LAIJIN COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, • • Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 403. WASHINGTON, D. C. __ . _ PENSIONS PROCURED FOR SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. AIBO, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of gnty in the malar Army or Navy aliieethe war, Survivors of the I nil Inn -wars of 1832 to 1842, ana tmcir widows, now entitled. Olduud rejected claimt • specialty. Thousanda entitled to higher 8«Dd for new laws. Ko ObUgO t<U «dYte«. ' IfttUaucctiaafal. Fox* at Wholesale and Retail. Do not forget that Pills bury'a Best Flour h&s held the lead for over 2C years, and still holds the medal in this country and in Europe, and i& ABSOLUTELY THE HEST and purest flour in the worlc What do competitors say when offering other flour? Of course they say say it is equal to Pillebury's Best, and endeavor to sell you & flour that can be bought cheaper and increase their profits at the ex pense of your bread. PiLLsnuRY'S BEST $105 per sack, WASH BURN'S BEST $1 per sack, and we will guarantee Washburn'* Best to bebetter flour (except Pillsbury't* th»a Other flour that costs you more money, C. R, HUBER, the Bakery, McHenry; Having seemed the Agency of the WASHBURIf vJBAfSl * v v' " '"0 McHenry, 111,, 1894. G. R. HUBER. THE FARMERS STORE. fc * A CROWNma TRIUMPH. ate The remarkable reputation that the • Sieepy Eye" Cream Flour has fairly and honestly made during the last five weeks has greatly surprised many .dealers and competitors who have made great efforts- to placode, flour on the market that would win against the "Sleepy Eye" Cream. Their efforts have been in vaift, for the "Sleepy Eye ' Cream has triumphed over all, and now has the lead and wiil keep it for time to come. This flour has won its reputation entirely on genuine merits, It is the only flour sold in McHenry that took, First Prize at the World's Columbia Exposition. We received another car. Remember, we guarantee every sack, t v 1 WB ALSO HAVK A FULL LINK OF | GENERAL MERCHANBISEil Which we are selling at prices that make them move right along^ Drop in and see what we have to offer you, West MeHe^ry. Illinois. A. P. DEALER IN IOPPOSTTE BISHOP'S * MCHENRY, ILL. STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPL«^ BUY THE WONDERFUL RELIABLE GASOLENE STOVJ& Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by alt to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market, # BUILDERS' HARDWARE. In tbis line our stock Is complete, tod our prices as low as the same quality of goods can bought elsewhere. Also, a fine line of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Of tbe best makes, and warranted. In short. ID our store can be foubdMif article usually kept in a first c'a«8 Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us when in want of anything in our line. Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, > ^ Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prioep» Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended tos--| JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry: JUSXEN BROS., DEALERS IN Fl f fU FUBNITUBI OF ALL KINDS i ip; With two stores, one on the West side and one on the Eaef side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public | -Aw Larger Stock all kinds of Try a sack and you will use no mill, we will do the rest. other. Leave your order at the McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. FURNITUBB Than ever before, wblcb we f are offering at greatly Reduced Prices. Now is tlie time to Buy. ' tQuWe also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, aud we e«tf give yoh anything from the cheapest to tbe flaest Brussels«tlower prices tbatiBT any other house ID the county. TRUNKS AT COST. We have taken great pains in selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the bast. Do not fail to call and see us when i* want of anything in our line. i SPLENDID HEAR&E in connection, will be furnished-at Reasonable Rales# JUSTEN BROS. ' ,a.V. 1