W.OCPARTMCNT. esaurt Xttlwi antler the above tveiMi ilahed by the Ladtei ot the W, C, T. U editor claims no part or credit for the Annul Report. Another year with its cares and duties hae rolled away and we again meet for Hour animal meeting, to take a fflance h the year that is past and ga t her Inspiration by recounting the inci- jteitw and events connected with oar 'work. At the annual meeting of last year the following officers were elected: Presi dent, Mrs. A. E. Aurineer; Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. J. Walsh; Correspond ing Secretary, Mrs. Pilcher; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Colby. The following Vice Presi dents were appointed: From the M. E. Church, Mrs. Bennett. Universalist Church, Mrs. McOmber. Oar member ship records twenty names. " During the year we have had between fifteen and twenty meetings, and the dif- <?>* ferent lines of work we have attempted V to do with more or less success are: The *5 ' Loyal Temperance Legion Work, distri- 1 ^bution of temperance literature and press work.' Uli* Under the auspices of our Union we kave had public meetings, having > :- \pome talent from abroad with the kindly bid of our home clergymen. In January our State President, Mrs. v'fe v Bounds, wad with us with her earnestness yds*:-. ' „ and power which was an inspiration to fv us all. In March Miss Wintringer gave an interesting chalk talk to the Loyal Temperance Legion, and again in the evening to the parents and friends. I must not fail to speak of the box of .f']Y clothing sent by the ladies to the Deaconess' Home, under the direction of Miss Hall. And now, dear sisters, I have given a ;;V short report of our work in the past ... year, and have we not reason to thank, id ' God and take^courage? ^ For rijrht is right,since God la God, ' if And right the day shall win; Jy, To doubt would be impiety, jSjt", ' , To fft'ter * ould be Bin, fey- In giving this report 1 would in behalf the ladies thank Mr. Van Slyke for his kindness in allowing as the ase of a part of a column In his paper, also for print- fng the many notices sent in during the U ' year. Secretary. f§V;: Are the most important of 4 11 wearing apparel this time of the year The above two lines form the msin part of our business, ^e buy for cash and save all discounts hence it looks reasonable that if will be for vour interest to call on us when in neeu ot either of the - • jtr..ssg« . 1- -! • 4' . . >, • We have just loaded down our counters with one of the §tock ot suits and overcoats that we h^ve ever shown at one time Clothing has never been as cheap during our time in business as it is at the present tiiue. Call on us for your clothing wants and we w" SHOES AND Shoes and rubbers form no small part of our business and now is the time to keep your feet dry to insure good health. Bring along your feet, call on us, we can give you all sizes and fit all ages, at the lowest living prices. Underwear, horee blankets, lap robes, caps, gloves, mittens.] Have just ordered another car of Jersey Lily Flour. Fresh Groceries as usual JOHN J. MILLE BWsrt THE FARMERS STORE -DEALER IN- GEi\ERAL MERCHA1NDISE, You are invited to visit our store when you come to McHenry. Modesty forbids our saying very mu ih ab>ut what kind of a store it is, but the large increase of our trade guarantees that we are giving you good values for your money. •WuirtV*' FiiOun. Re member we are exclusive agents for the Sleepy Eye Flour, and none genuine that has not the Indian head stamped an every sack. Known the world over as the fiaest. best and most economical. Try a sack and you will use no other. I West McHenry. Illinois. 6 ur Own Country Still - oh • I. A. BARRUS, nr cboicc ttMSLX BOGEBIEH. NOTIONS. •oote and Shoes, VOLO, ILL, Owtog to the hard times and "ty of money 1 will the $ b:y fe'v m; %i> War the Next 30'Days. Sell you Boots and 8hoes at Kock Bottom Priecs, for Cash. Ladies' Fine Shoes f om 80 cts. upward, warranted a first class article. Men's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As good as sold elsewhere for $2, A splendid Kangaroo Shoe, which always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3 75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer ies as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere- Must be sold as I need the money. • Fine butter and soda crackers. 20 lbs. for $1. !W~l am now running a wagon to Gray's Lake, Fox Bake, Moneyville, and the sur rounding country, and can sup ply you with Shoes or Groceries •nght at your door cheaper than you can buy the same of any firm outside of the city, Call on me at my store or "wait for the wagon, Just received, a full line of men s pants, shirts and jackets, for summer and fall weir, A full line of Rubber Goods and Felts lor ladies and gents. I. At BAKRU8. , I», June 4. 48rol ELECTRIC TELEPHONE- * pome, shop, store and office. Greatest conven. ienc<* and fowt Heller on earth. Agnate make from III lo §s® p,.r da•. One iu a iws.deneo means a sa)« to all tho Bmphbors. I< ine instruments, bo to™ works aarwhere, any distance. Complete, rends for ttn when f-hijii.ed. Can bo put up by any one nevar oat ot or<ter, no repafrinK, louts a lite Wnrranted. A money maker Write «r. P. Harrison * Co., Clerk 10. Columbus, 0. Published Weekly. Price* 25c. per Number. CLUBB1HO FSICEi TO BEADER& OF THE PIAIHLEA1EE j O N L Y - T E J V - O E H ' T S f 1 GRAND OPPORTUNITY! NOW Is TOUR TIME TO GET 1'BK BBSAT - 11001BH; PICTUBISQUS - AMERICA, For the Mere Cost of Publication. You Feed It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Ought to Have it. "OUR OWH COTTHTET" •• warmly endorsed by PrenHent Olfvoland, Ex Presl- dent Harmou, ttie Uiatiopa of Uio Churches, famous College Presidents and many other ili6tiii«uisln<il iirr p:e. It coimina ever wifi ifram! IMiolrKra| h» of Amorlean acanery, in Royal Purple Colors, ptcturinK ami ilir»criblii» avrrv simo hivt Hfrtlon of our coun'ry, fmhrarlng all the^rrat nukurnl wtin'l«r», rh »tnl rucy rtinrart^r i>k«tnliOH, famoiiB localities, the homes of .he |iri<»(.!«?, mir tfirai hiilllf HindM *n'l llif>ir inonuiuenlo, wllil Western acenee, the IrnliKiia hu<I Uifir »««troumtlKtr**, «»»iwith nneniotes adventures, heroic un«l M,torU- tin nit nit»rn lit* in mmfiiH* Htnl lieuutiful lolio volume of nearly :ji<>niaaalvc tM |iln»lcii4i»i>life. 0NLT X0 CENTS k VKXK TO OUR SUBSCBIB£BS. t'omiiliito In it nuiii« ut !M) Numbers, Cobpi for No.17, Oir Ova Cooatry, I<*»UED BT The Plalndealer, M c H K X K Y , I L L . • Clip th<s coupon ftiicl mull tl Willi Ido In ailver, or ^lac 2 ceul stamps to National Art Co. Heuurity Building, 8t. Louis, Mo. arlTliiK your name and addresaln full, and the Part for wbloh tills coupon calls will be sent to you by return mftll, post poid. - E. L. McOmbers. h I CAN SAVE YOU BIG MONEY Best Made; .< The Most Durable, The Best Ldoking|« The Most Conveni The Best Baker, . F. SWA ELGIN, ILL The hip store is always on top with new goods and new prioee« These ^e^the times that require r » , . 9ew lllodd, Hew tdeaBr Energy and H this andcall and tee with every stove. m-*1^, • what, t ? A w rttten gnaran- : M v ^ ' / f t . * i , .« h'„ L . M c Q . J I B E B . . Dealer In'General Hardware, : West KcHanry, III. m mr DEALER IN Seventy Departments will ^reet you. ^OurShoe ^arttoent is alir© wit^pctnal valnes. forftistafiee, pair men s fine patent leather shoe^ Button l«ce or Congress, worih j6.50. never so d Jens than $6; our price is $2.49. 300 pairs ladies' fine kid shoes Goodyear welt, This shoe is sold •ivery where at $3,50, our price is$I 98. •iSe^4- Our Drug Department continues to do a land office business. No wonder, when you can get your prescriptions accurately filfed *t about one-half the usual drug store pricps, and all $1,00 patent medicines, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, Paine's Celerv Compound, •^cott s Emulsion and Wampoles' Cod Liver Oil tor 79c. patent medicines for 39c, All 25c patent medicines for 19c, <x.* Our Grocery Department. Buying in large-^fmnliifes eim%JeS to undersell all competitors. For instance, 2 lb. cans baking pow der for 19c. Our teas and coffees stand foremost in quality, at ex ceptional reasonable prices. ^ * ";" ^ ^ , <ii I Our Millinery Department offers all that is new and nobby. One W- Onr Mail Older Departtneat can save you miae^tw : Writt -foiL quotations on anything in the line of general merchandise. ," ^ \ a A G R A N D O F F E R ! MME. A. RUPPERT'S FACE BLEACH Mme. A. Ruppert sayir. "I uppreciate the fact that tuGF© ai© many thousaucls of liidU-K in the United States that would like to try my World Renowned Face Bleacli, buthnvebeeu kort 5. from doing bo on account ot price, which Is (2.00 per bot tle. or St bottles, taken to- gether, 15.00. In order t hat all may have an opportunity, I caller »«Km- lebottlefor 25c, and to those .vine outside of city. In any %? ^ r part of tho world", I will ---^aendit saf<;3y pacfci.-d, pla'.n Wrapper, all charges prepaid, for 25c, ellver or s lampa. In every case of freckiea. pimples, xnothg sa!'ow» tie.HS, blaekaeaiis. acne, eczema, otlsness or rough. Hess, or any discoloration or disease oflitOBldn, and wrinkles (not caused by fYielaS expression) Face Bleach removes absolutely, ltdoes not cover up, as cosmetics do, but ts a corn. Address all coni- Tuunicatsi>!sg or call on Al.HE. A® 1( IIFS'EHT, Sot 0 East 14th Htreet. New York City. All my preparations, samples,bottles. &c., can be mA at regular prices from mj local agent, Mrs. S. A. ROBBINS, Mc Henry, I1L W.L.Douclas 53 SHOE 18 THE ©EST. NOSQUEAK1N& And other specialties for Gentlemen, Lad lea, Boys and Hisses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertUe- xnent which appear! la t>ll« paper. Take ao SntMtltvte. Insist on having W. X,. SOVGLAB' SHOSB. with name and price V1TALIS AVade a Well A\at) of A\*. Opposite Bishop's Mill STOVES, TINWME, DAIRY SUPPLIES, We have the largest stock of Stoves in McHenry County, among which are Tlie World's Best = ACORN STOVES != Over one million in ase, and every one warranted* you want a Cook or Heating Stove, either Coal or Wood, be sure and see us before you buy. ' Also, a fine line of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Of tbe beet makes, and warranted. In ebort, in our store can be fouod an; article usually kept in a firsl class Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us when in want of anything in our line. Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest,/ Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prices* Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended tos--- JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. lafc Day. VITAL1S JOtli Day7 THE GREAT sothI»ay."l F H t M O H REMEDY 30th" Product s the Above ft<>Kult8 m :&0 Days. It acts and quickly. Cure.s when all othnrs V T?™* Inen wil1 reKai^ their lost manhood, anaoldm^n will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re- storea Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem- °ry. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretioa Wards off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no otlser. Can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. $1.00 per package, or six for 90.00, with a positive written guarantee to can Or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUMET BEHEDY COMPANY, Chicago, 111. For sale at Story's Drug St ore, McHenry. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT , i"1" their widows, how entitl stamped, on bottom. Sold toy I # apeclalty. Thousand* S. Stoffel, West MoHehry. 1 SSI iSSZ-fr"- _„AddreMa letter or postal card to „ THE PBEM CLACHS CdHPAWT, WEDOERBURM, - . Managing Attorney, F. O. Box Ml. WASHINGTON, D.C. m, _ . PFTVSIOHS PBOCUBEC FOR SOLOIERS, WIOOW8, CHILDREN, PARENT3. for Soldier, and Sailors disabled In the line ot IjSrvlvore e<£eff£VS'Arlny °r the war, THE PEOPLE JflU Have It. THE BABIES Cry for .lt* For Sale at Whole^le and Hetail. The World's Best, and at the right price. Daily capacity of mills, 1750C bbls, and the Flour used and pronounced the best all over the world, No other mill claims such an output, and who can doubt but that it is the best with such a record. ffekes more Bread, Makes Better Bread, Wakes Whiter BreaJ, .J 4' :if ,tu dian wars of 1^2 to" if d charge lor advice ow entitled. Old and rejectedrttaTma entitled to hlsrher Than any Flour in the world. Try a sack of either of these two brands and satisfy yourself that the above statement is true, and if true when in need of flour you will .want the best, and if yon will laave your order at the mill we will see that }ou get it. J >, e-'Ma McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. w'. Iv"1. . Tho. F. SwAir,; GREAT DEPARTMENT 6T0RB - KLUIA. ILL, G. R. Huber, •W'Vri * A1 the Bakery, McHenry. Having seoared the Agency of GOLD MEDAL The Best in the World. Is now prepared to furnish customers the same, either by th. Back' or barrel, at Low Prices, and guarantee satisfaction. There is no better flour offered to the buying public, a trial of which will convince the most skeptical. Call and get a sack and be convinced that what we say is true. j. • • Also, a full line of Fresh Family Groceries and Bakery 3u always on hand. McHenry, III., 1894. 'V* , I'V JTJSTEN BROS., DEALERS IN tvj FINES FUBiVITrBE m OF ALL KINDS, With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public , 4 A- Larg-er Stock of - all kinds of FURNITUB^ Thao ever before, which wo r are offering at greatly Reduced Prices. Now lathe time to Buy. K^.We aleo beep in stock a full line of samples of CABPETS, and we cwi" give yoh anything from tbe cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower prtoes tbaa any otber bouse io tbe county. TRUNKS AT COST* ••aiMieB ' • - - We lia^e taken great pains In selecting our -j! U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I . „ , Cofflus. Caskets and Trimmings ot tbe latent (U-slgns. Everything n- w and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when la want of anything In our line. SPLENDID ttEAR&E in connection, will te furnished at Reasonable Rates. JUSTE2T BHOS.