Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1894, p. 1

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r > *#• 4 ^ 41 Pledged but to Truthf to Liberty ard taW? No Favori Win us and no Fear 8hal1 Awe." vmx>m. M'HENBT, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1894. * T « a M b «u. i3. Q. F . BOLEY. YOUR MONET BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. IM. BAiian SHOULD OBTAnr.fOS TOi PKALKB IH McHENRY, ILL. PUBLISHED EVBBY WEDNESDAY BY --J" . VAN 6LTKB, - EDITOB AND PBOPHIETOB. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS ftLOCR. *ws DoorsHorthof Ferry ft Owen's 8 tor*, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) 91 50 It Hot Paid within Three Months... alio Subscription* receiver for three or six months in the same proportion. RATES OF ADVERTISING: anneunoe liberal rates for advertising 1 a the PLAINDEAI.EB, ANA endeavor to state thom so plainly that they will be readily un­ ci srstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year ... - • #0" a Inches one year 8 Inches one year - Si Column one year , % Qoiuinn one year- i wwr- jfi'.y IOOO , . - 15 00 :3OOO • ! V" 60 00 . 100 00 ll;;> Oolumn one year - One non means the measurement of one noh down the column,single oolumn width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per Jin© the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged At the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and ft oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will ooat f l.oo for one week, for two weeks, Si. 00 for three ' weeks, and so on. The PLAIMDHAI.BR will be liberal la giving veditorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody; th- ass of its nnininnii for pecuniary 'gain. BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPABD, iHlOUNSELLOB AT LAW. Suite 81A-SS La \J Salle 8t„ Chicago. + JOS L ABT. M7 D. ife PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenrv, 111, Office in Nichols Block, over JBIaindeaier Office. Telephone No. 4. ------ i i . •••! i O. H. rXGEBS, M. Dr IAN AND SURGE* Ills. Office at Kesidenoe. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MeHenry r. w: t -i NViV ; w v ) • • * i • '*• 1 \y-- a J. HOWARD, M. D. PflTSlOIAN AND SURGEON. Office at the ersiuenoe of R. A, Howard, West :MoHenry, III. DR. A. E. AURITFGER, P- HY8IOIAN ASD8UKGEON. Office in Dr. Ohllds building, West MeHenry, III. Residence, house iormorly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at- tended to, F. O. OOLBY, D, D. R. DENTIST. Woodstock. III. Special ten-tion paid to regulating ch i ateth. Parties coming from a distance would do well • to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Mam street and Public Square fif IAlways on Band with i •'.'V Best Beer. p- BARNKa» • - - ATTORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, Collections a specialty. WOODSTOOK, iixmota. -- KNIQHT £ BROWN, a >HTORNKTS AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.»e A. Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. V, S. LDMLET. A TTOBNBY AT LAW, and BoUMtw to A <»»«^boD9TOOK, ILL. Offiee in Park House, first floor. r-, Sr." !'V fe: H. O. MEAD, Justice oj the Peace and General surance Agent sncluding Accident and, Life Insurance. OWTKE Wt*H B. GILBKKT, KBAB DBOT, 1 WMBT MOHBMBY. ILb. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance, KUNDA, III* •nViii M . CHURCH, ' " Watohni alee a asici J awoter NO.On i HuodredTwenty-Flve State 8t Chi­cago, III. Special attention given to re­ pairing? ine watches and Chronometers. 4^A Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker Sc Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew-•lry always 011 hand. Special > given to repairing line watohes. Give me * °*11" JOHN PCBMITH. Horsemen, Look Here. 1 have a line stock of H <rses, among which : re *• Toung Green Mountain Morcan,' "Mor- 111 Dharles." and others. Oall and see these Horse* before making arrangements else- where. ^ ̂ COLBY. MeHenry,ill.. May 18M. ' - SSf JOHN J. BUCH, RESTAURANT - t . _ •s BOARDING Mouse, Jf^pur the Iron Bridge. MeHenrjr, by the Day or Week a* Reasonable rates, Board ANton LIKB OF;ROW BOATS AT HT LAKDIIO, Pare Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. ^NTFreeh Lager Beer • United States far Claii Aieisj --of-- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock - Prosecutes all elassss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-Soldlere, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, B. CO WLJ9 Office at Reside nee, W&diaen St, Woodsteee 10c r IOC. Does smoke from yoor cigar arise Like incense in the air? Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? -- Why will you stick to cabbage lea res And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? IOc- ioe. BARBIAN BROS. MAKBBS OF| Choice Cigars. We emi s>ii you one or a thousand--retail of wholesale. DO YOU KNOW -WHO 8ELL8- $6 00 Fan a..^L.. ...f4 25 6 00 Harris Caseimere Pants 4 25 20 00 Riverside Milta Suit 16 50 5 00 Suit 3 50 Fancy Good Pauts f 1 50 to 1 75 2 00 Boys ConjajreBs Shoes 1 25 2 50 Men's Fine Shoes 1 75 Also Groceries and Canned Goods fresh very two weeks. E. LAWLUS. i - - Opposite Riverside House. T itaatly ea draught ~ «tf SECURITY LIGHTS!® ROD CO. BURLIN >T0N, WIS) MANUFACTtRERi ^ . . OF • • • 'WRITE PRICES ) , • • AND • .y 0EALER5^.|M UPPER F O R CATALOGUE g.;; O ; *;L ^zm, ' f~! ' 6 '"n x>n.i»ar3Es; M O X I E THE FAMOUS NERVE FOOD BEVERAGE. CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED BOTTLING CO. 14 TO 18 CHARLES PLACE, CHICAGO, III. TELEPHONE. MAIN 32T. «OLC AOENT*. BCWARC or POOR IMITATIONS. Sold by WHOLESALE DRUOOISTS & GBOCBKS. -TO THE- Mountains, Late and More VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE THK FAVORITE TOORI8T LINK TO Put-in-Bay and all Lake Erie Islands*via Sandusky. ALSO. ALWAYS ON HAND 2- Flne Kentucky Llquorsa French BKters. choice Ale«i Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us* use you well. ANTONY ENGBLN. I MeHenry, III., 1894tj Lake Chautauqua Niagara Falls, St. Lawrence River, Thousand Islands, hake Champlain, Adirondack, Green & White Mountains, NEW ENGLAND RESORTS New York and Boston , F. . VIA CLEVELAKD, TRAKB SHORE, NEW TOHK OLITKAI. AMD BOBTOH AND ALBAMT RA1LWATS. TO THE COOL RK30RTS OF 1II0HIOAN VIA BENTON HARBOR. When yon go on your summer vacation see that your tl< ket reads via the Btg Four Route. K. O, McOORMICK D. B. MART IN, Passenger Traffic M'gr. uen, Fae.T'fc't Agt C IKCISWATI O, A VTMR C IDLE MONEY •il y Aiil U O. and surplus funds received and loaned on carefully se> lec'.ed real estate securities and the interest collectedT A "VTC and remitted without J-^vyjnLii C5. charge. Loans made OK time and t erma to suit borrower. J. W. RANBTEAU. U i/uface street. Kino. Illiaaia. Tie Best Goods-I He larket That ia what wei are aat- ialied to walral̂ â he Best, M and thinlc we cansodemonstrate to you If yo« will give KM the opportunity* $1' \ ' •¥ :convinced# , CU8 CARLSON. MeHenry, 111., 1894. 'v , A. Szigaln's SALOON AND RESTAURANT McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent tor 8C1IHTZ lilfaslee Breiinn Co.'s Bar, T H E B E S T MADE. In any quantity from Glass to 1C0 barrels. Snitx Orders fay mail promptly attended to. Hard - ancl - COAL! TOBTO IiWBES 00. AT THRIR YARDS IN WEST McHENRY, Have now on hand both hard and soft Coal, which thev wilt sell at prices ae low as the lowest. We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee unequaled by any. Agricultural |3g~Delivery made to suit par- chaser. We do not adv ocate^ttfst^Qnal will be lower than last season, but whether Jower or higher we guarantee to meet all prices ..and satisfy purchasers, Wilbur Lumber Co. HEAR THE DEPOT, VTEST MoHBNBY, ILL. Keeps open for the iwnawmillot oft to FabUo a Flrst-Olaaa Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the beat brands of Wines, Liquors and OicauL^ to be found in the market. PABST« Kilwanktilagtr Em ... . Al Wholesale and Rst^ Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Order* by aaU promptly attended to. GOOD STABLlNGrrOB HOMUUB arOaUaart-eee as. Machinery 1 MoBENRY, ILL. lillllll Hll I Q The best made, and at WW IHU IRILku. the Lowest Prices, We or<ake a tpecialty of Repairing Pumps both wood and iron. Iron Pipes and Wood Tntiag always on hand. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & SURREYS We keap a full stock always on hand and can fit you out with anything you want lo this line and for lees money than you can get them for of any dealer outside of town. Prooeedlnga of the Regular Sep­ tember Meeting, 1894. The honorable board of aopervison of Mo- Henry county met in annual session at the courthouse In Woodstock on Tuesday, Sept. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, J. H. Gracy. The following named supervisors answered A New Line of Bicycled Just Received. "We also have the ! Babcock Cream Tester( AND ABE AGENTS FOR THK Be LAVAL SEPARATOR CO, And respectfully Invite Dairymen and Farmers to call and s«>e us when in want of anything in this line. We keep on hand a floe lot of garden Hose, cheap, Honest Prioes and Fair Dealing is our Motto. W M . B A C O N . MoHenry. July 2d 1894 • A . H I I jIJ, JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Finest Urn, Eye-Glasses and SPECTACLES. No CHarare for Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FIr GUARANTEED. Will be at O. T. Daniel's Drng Store, Algon­ quin, every Wednesday, commencing July 11. Also, at a Severn8*s Drng store, Oary. every Thursday, commencing July 96th. OSMUN BLOCK, 36tf KUNDA, ILL At >fl Next VlSlt.-^*- Friday. Oct. Hilt WOODSTOCK* ILL.* the' Hotel Woodstock. DISPENSARY DR FRUTH, after years of experience lias perfected the most infallible method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel*-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im­ poverished blood, low vitality, and all efloets ot film see, excesses, Improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi nples, Scrofula, B.oo.l Taint, Eczema, Can­ cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit #500 for a ease of SEXUAL DISEASE Onre, Question list FREE, one personal Interview solicited. C^usultation free OR. D. O. FRO TH, 3B32 Lake Ave.# Chicago? Robert Sohlessle. QUEEN OF THK KITCHEN I With one hind yon can drain the water from boiling vegetables and It Is impossible to bnrn yourself. Anv child that can carry the vessel ean operate it with ease simply by pressing the two bails together in the hand. A Blessing to Housekeepers. Saves Time, Vegetables and Pain from Scalds and Burns. WILL SELL AT SIGHT. •MRS. C. W. 8LAFT1R. Agent for MeHenry and Vleinity, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OFFICE J and we can secure patent in less time than those J remote from Washington. | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- j tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of! charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. < A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries j sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. # OI»P. PATENT Orncc, WASHINGTON, D. C. Aflunts. $75 « wetk. Exclusive territory. Ifcl •MrifilHsb Washer. Washes all the Sbes for & family in ooe misute. Vsshee, riusea aud dries tbeia W^tbout wetting the hands. Yett push the butioQ, the machliiedoss tlM rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful wives. No scalded flugerM.Do^oiledbaDdsorclothiQf. broken diahea.Bomaaa. Cheap, , durable,warraoud. OtrculsrtfrM* W. P. BiBBWH A CO.. CW fc O. MHAHI * 70c 60c "SOC SOc 80c - flOc 90c Town. Corp. 9 275 1000 •; ......... ± 6J76 500 - 1200 500 750 600 800 600 <0Oc WOO 60c fiOc 8"«c S5C 00C 60c 450 "aso 150 600 1900 John Weltzien, L. T Hoy, S. E. Clark, G. W. Conn, Geo. McConnell, A. M. Wray, W. A. Cristy, J. H Gracy. The communication received from the home for the friendless children was read to the board and on motion of 8up. Beck it was referred to the poor house committee for action. 8up. Hoy moved that the board adjourn until 4 p. m. Motion carried. FOUR P. M. TUESDAY, 8EPT. U. Board met pursuant toadjournment, mem­ bers all present at roll call except Sup. Thomp- 8up. Beck moved that the board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Carried. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12,1804. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Mem­ bers all present except Sup. Thompson. Sunt. Hoy moved that all the newspapers In MeHenry county that publish the com­ plete ticket for fall election shall receive ton dollars for the same. Moved as an amend­ ment that the amount be live dollars Instead of ten. Vote being taken on the amendment It was declared lost. Original mot ion carried. Sup. Cristy moved that the ten dollars be allowed only to such papers as are printed in the town or city from wlilch they derive their name. Carried. N. S. Kobb, superintendent poor farm, hav­ ing signified his intention to resign his posi­ tion as superintendent on the expiration of his present year, Sup. McConnell moved that the jx)or house committee be empowered to hire a suitable person for superintendent of poor house and farm. Carried. Report of committee on town accounts was read to the board and on motion adopted, to- wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I MeHenry County, J Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 12, A. D. 1K84. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred town accounts would beg leave to submit the follow lug report on the matters before them: We would recommend that taxes be levied for the ensuing year as per certificates from the several towns: R and B Riley 60c Marengo *8000 Marengo Village.. Dunham. i liemung «*», llavard C :y Alden H art land Seneca Cora' „„»! Grafton llunt'ey Village Dorr ...wr>- City of Woodstock. Greenwood Hebron Riehmor d Burtor Moll e lry Nunda Village of Nunda Algonquin Crystal Lake Village*. Algonquin Village ... All or which to respectfully submitted, 8. E. CIjAHK, Chairman, G. F. RUSHTON, R. J. BECK, W. A. CRISTY. Q. W. CONN. Themport of UM committee on roads and bridges was rerd and on motioa adopted to- wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ MeHenry County f Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 12 A. D. 18SM. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the various road warrants would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We haveexamlned same and llnd them as follows: The town of Hebron nineteen districts are correct, and as the above town is the only one under the old labor system, we would recommend that all warrants not In from the town of Hebron must be delivered to the county clerk by Oct. 1,1894. All of which is respectfully submitted, N. BKOTZMAN, JOHN WELTZIIN, ' 4 F. F. AXTRLL, C. P. W RIGHT. Tlie following report was offered by com­ mittee on poor house, which was read and adopted, to wit: STATEOF ILLINOIS, I MeHenry County, f Board of Supervisors, Sept, term, Sept. 11, A. D. 1894. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the communication asking for a contribution for the benefit of the Illinois Children's Home Society, would beg leave to submit the fallowing report on the matters before them: Under the system in force in this county euch township is required to support and care for its own poor and indi­ gent. Such being the case, it is the opinion that It would be ill-ad­ vised for this board to appropriate any sum of money for the benefit or the above named Institution. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. CONN, Chairman, Li. T. HOY, G. B. RICHARDS, -•R»E. STEVKNS. Report o! committee on poor house was read to the board aud on motion adopted to-wlt: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Woodstock, Sept. 11, 1894, Your committee on poor farm would beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met at poor farm, Aug. 24, 1894, to make out bills for keeping the poor since March Hi, 1894. The following bills were allowed aud ordered to be paid: ""-- Bunker Bros.... A S Wright A Dreyer 80c 1«0 2200 6500 600 1500 500 C W Hill.. Eckert <fc Young -T. A F Field T J Dacy F W Buell Whitson Bros J D Donovan-i... Superintendent's salary- John Halacy_ Supplies on hand. E G Gribble * 74 28 . 13 25 . 6 20 , 12 85 32 . 2 Od . 38 00 , 80 09 , 4 91 , 4 5) 463 17 . 40 00 . 252 39 . 12 28 ..<899 64 Total Mrs Lawson'a board 469 00 Supplies on hand Aug 24 84 11 153 11 Balance ." $846 83 Total number of weeks' board, 648 4-7. Rate per week, 91.32--with 10 cents for repairs added making a total of 81.42 per week. The following bills were sent to the towns and persons liable for the same: Seneca $ 74 53 Hartland 109 00 iVlgonquin 277 ;">1 Nunda 113 07 43 58 Richmond......... 2 08 67 92 Mareugo 15 87 84 49 Alden 69 48 MeHenry Greenwood Grafton Dorr Hebron ...... Chemung Coral 145 53 32 66 34 66 34 66 E E Richards.... 69 0« Total.. ,11123 99 And we would further report that as N S Robb does not expect'to be an applicant for the position of superintendent another year that public notice be given and the place declared open for applications, all of which shall be addressed to the chaii committee. chairman of this *• RAPID MSHia AJU is respectfully submitted. 2 _ Chairman, L. T. HOY. F. E. STEVENS. G. B. R ICHARDS. The committee on finance presented the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) „ MeHenry County, J Board of supervisors, Sept.term*Sept. 11, A. D. 18SM. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred finances would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters I before them: The county treasurer reports a balance on hand in the treasury of twelve thousand four hundred and fifty-two dollars (12,452) Your committee would recommend that the sum of ten thousand dollars (910,000) tax be levied on the property of the county to pay contingent expenses of the connty for the ensuing year. . ̂ .^M^^ubmit^. - * " Chairman, /':V JOHN WKLTZIKN, • L.T. HOY, W. A. CRISTY. ' G. B. R ICHARDS, The oommlttee on claims made the follow In# report, which was read to the board and on motion was adopted, to-wit: ' STATE OF ILLINOIS, MoHenry County, } 88 Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 12, A. D. 1894. «*»<•, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them and recommend the payment of the following and that the clerk be instructed to issueorderaon the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: WE Wire, supt, blks, postage, express...$'.>9 :ir> S E Clark, burying an old soldier... 30 00 * fully submitted, R. J. BECK. •' Chairman, /•»'; ;F. E. STEVENS. N. BROTZMAN, G. B. RICHARDS, GEO. MCCONNELL. The committee on education mads the following report, which was read to the board and on motion was adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I _ MeHenry County. f 88 A^D'ISM^ Sllpervisor8» Sept- term, Sept. 11, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of W E Wire, county superintendent of schools, for the quarter ending :>ept. 1, 1894, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined said report and find 'he same correct and recommend its acceptance and that two hundred forty-five dollars ($245,) the amount due the superinten­ dent. be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted, GEO. F. RUSHTON, Chairman, G. W. CONN, A. M. WRAY, C. P. WRIGHT. „ llie oommlttee on education presented the following report on the annual report of Supt. Wire, also Institute fund, which was read to the board and on motion adopted, to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, ( „ MeHenry County, j 8 Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Septem­ ber 11, A. D. 1894. f K Mr. Chairman ana Gentiemen of the Board ofSupervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the annual report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit, the following report on the matters before them: That, we have examined said report, compared said report with books and accompanying vouchers, and find the same correct, and recommend the adoption of the report, Your committee has also examined the superintendent's report of institute funds and find the same correct, with a balance on hand of S242.77. Ait of whiota Is respectfully submitted, ! ^ Gao. F. RUSHTON, j, Chairman, G. W. CONS, C. P. WRIGHT. A. M. WBAY, STA/TE OF ILLINOIS,»„ MeHenry County, i Office of County Superintendent of Schools. Woodstock, 111., Sept 1, 1894. To the Honorable Board ofSupervisors: As Is required by law I present my annual re­ port of the receipts and disbursements of the institute fund for expenses of trie teach­ ers' institute held at Woodstock, 111., Aug. 13 to 17,1894, as per vouchers submitted here­ with: Aug. 17. G W Conn, secretary >9 5 00 G A Collins, Institute work.'. 10 oo C W Groves, same...., 60 Oo S B Hursh, same 50 00 F N Hall, same 00 00 Lottie E Jones, same GO 00 A K Bunker, use school house.. 10 00 A Flannagan, song books 5 00 W E Wire, books, express,dray- age, etc 18 00 00 * ' ""i wasread to the board and an motion adopted^' STATE OF ILLINOIS, f „ MeHenry County. Board of Supervisors, September ton* - Sept, 12, A. D. ISM. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the ] ofSupervisors: Your committee on foesu. salaries would beg leave to submit the follow* ing report on the matters before them: Thai" s there be paid to the sheriff as salary the SUEISJS of twelve hundred ($1,200) dollars per yea»w®? also be it * Resolved, That In the opinion of this com­ mittee that a competent, able-bodied mail' should be employed by the sheriff as lanito* ^ and jailor, who shall be required to give hl#fi^ : whole time to the performance of saiadatfeei that it shall be the duty of the person so em^ W ployed to build and care for the fires in the' jnll and court house, and see that the sal« a ' - •;> t Total 1883 Sept. l. To balance on hand. *18 77 1894. March 31, to ex fees as per trees Touch's 121 00 June 30,to same 87 00 Aug. 31, to same 124 00 Total amt fees reed as per recpt co. treasurer BOO 77 Total dlsbursem's as per this report 258 oo Balance 942 77 Respectfully submitted, W. E. WIRE, County Sup't of Schools. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Below find statement of receipts and disbursements of the county superin­ tendent of schools for the year ending Sept. 1, 1894: 1894. To balance last year $ 19 00 1894. Jan. School fund of auditor.....^. 4982 Interest same 868 March. Fines of H C Mead, J. P. # Same Henry Keyes, J. P IS Same of M L Sackett, J. P 8 Same of N A Chandler, J. P~... 10 Same of A S Boomer, J P.~ 8 June, Same of Jas Thompson. J. P.... IS Sept. 1, Office expenses as per Dill-..... 140 Total 1893. CONTRA. Sept. 19, express «... Oct. 21, envelopes antl stamps Oct. 21, circulars to teachers Oct. 26, stationary Nov. 29, stamps 1894. Jan. 1, postal cards ...... S, stationery 4, stamps and envelopes...... .... 9j, stamps 19, blanks to treasurer ,. 15, printing cards 32, stationery., 38, stamps and envelopee-- express same w; 27, telegram Feb. 1$ stamps 12, examination papers. 19, stamps March 10, stamps and cards printing letter h'ds and env- 24, stamps 80, same April 27, telegram May 4, express 5, stamps 10, same 28, express 89, stamps...! Jane 18, stationery stamps 28, printing ex papers July 21, printing circulars to teachenu 23, postage Ang. 8, 150 manuals to teachers. 20, stamps * 22, express 28, printing institute slips 29, teachers' certificates 30, express March, paid township treasurer- commissions Public examinations-............^.. Amount to balance.. ........ 560B 49 offices, jail and rooms are properly kept clean and In good repair; also that »•••* • -*4* property of the county, in and a boat thtf" • ' court house and Jail, shall be kept In gooi • condition and repair, and that the show ^ shall be charged with the duty of Ins tract iniT t 'i said janitor in the discbarge of his duties* and be it farther <3 % HtsolveiJ, That to enable the sheriff to em. ^ ploy a competent man to perform t.he duties heretofore enumerated, he shall be allowed " f the sum of $35.50 per month, which shall. include the board of said janttor, and that the ' pay of said janitor shall cease when he shall mil to perform the duties herein required o him. v; Your committee would further recom- ' i*! mend that the sheriff be allowed 50 cents per * ^ day for dieting prisoners. That there be paid to the county treasure# the sum of fifteen hundred (f1,500) dollars pee year as salary, and a further sum, not exceed. : i y ing J'.ttO for necessary clerk hire. : - That there be paid to the county judge the * : sum of one thousand (§1,000) dollars per yeaf as salary That there be paid to the county clerk th« sum of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars pe* * "•-> year as salary, and that there be alio wed to. him the farther sum of fourteen hundred ^ ($!,4o0) do lars as neccessary clerk hire. Your committee would farther report thai:. each of the county officers be allowed needed stationery, fael and other expenses, necos1 sary for the proper running ot their respec­ tive officer, und the cost of which, toaeui0r-,-:-;-;/>-s?s" with the cost of clerk hire for their respective. '•'i offices, shall be fully stated in detail in the j several semi-annual statements to thecoantsf •' f board. • , - "H All of which is respectfully submitted. - GEO. MCCONNBUU Chairman, A. M. WRAY. j/fi ••• JOKS Wss.Tsrssr, • WM. DESMOND, /.VASR R. J. BECK. :£4' The following resolution was read to the board and on motion was adopted, to-wit: i.S RtMlvmt, That the resolution passed by thli 'v^icS Irnard at our July meeting, offering a bounty " 4 for capturing and killing of crows in Mo» ' tf Henry county, be amended as follows: That every person or persons applying forsnclt -/-£• bounty shall take such crow or heads thereof - - * In lots of not less than five (5) to the clerk of the township within which such crow shall *" 1 have been killed. G. F. RUSHTON. The following communication was rea4 and on motion was adopted to-wlt: . S WHKRKAS, John Helm, one of the trustees if of the public cemetery at Algonquin, havln* feff: died, and it having been requested that a ". •*>' suitable person be appointed to fill the -4- vacaucy, therefore be It %; Jiesolved, That J. H. Phllp,of Algonquin, be appointed trustee of said cemetery. y The following resolution was offlnred Sup. Desmond, which was read to the boaroL • - to-wlt: :/itH WHEREAS, Charges have recently antl;.. repeatedly appeared In certain papers pub* •; list led In this county, might lead some peopl*> to infer that the purchasing committee^ ; appointed by this board of supervisors, has been in the habit of sacrificing the interests of the taxpayers for the benefit of certain' persons or corporations; therefore be it Resolved, By this board of Supervisors, lik regular session assembled, that we have fall confidence in the honesty and integrity Of : said committee, and each member fhecwrii'£7,... and that we have full confidence to believe '1 that the Interests of the taxpayers ottM;?'^-^ county have been fully aud carefully sub* served in all the business transacted by said - j# committee, and that not one dollar of the •&>** county's funds has been needlessly expended , ...4 for the benefit of any person or corporation. WM. DESHOKD. ^ The ayes and nays being called for resulted as follows:--Ayes: Sups. N. Brotzman, C. P.> | Wright, F. F. Ax tell, Geo. F. Rushton, Wnt:"V:| Desmond, Geo. B. Richards, John Weltsietv ' ,"t S. E. Clark, Geo. W. Conn. Geo. McConnel!i«" ;:;Aw A. M. Wray and W. A. Cristy--12. Nays, & * ? One supervisori'being absent and three noifc' voting. Resolution adopted. " Sup. Wray, offered the«olutloi% V* oard, to-wit: V ^•v wlilcli was read to the board. That a bounty of twenty-five cents a head will be paid for the kilting* of full-grow®, woodchucks and ten cents a head for youn|f ones, less than half grown, in the following manner: Every person applying Jfor sod bounty shall take oath that such woodchnckS were captured and kilted in MeHenry oounty and shall present the scalps to the town clerk, who shall thereupon decide claims, aud shall issue a certificate statins the amount of bounty to which such applicant la entitled and deliver the same to such appU* cant, and shall ^destroy the scalpsof snch woodchucks. Such certificate may Ibe>;pre» 1 sented by the claimant or" his agent !to the county clerk, who,>ishalt..thereupon draw warrant for the amount on the county.treae . urer, aud said treasurer shall,, upon present- tatlon of said warrant, pay the same from the general or contingent fund of thecouuty. A. M. WRAY. Sup. Rushton moved to laJBkesolutlon on the table. Ayes and<nays resultedas follows: Ayes: Sups. G. F. Rushton,iGeo. B! Richards, . F. E. Stevens, John Weltzien--4. Nays: Saps. Brotzman, Wright, Beck, Axtell, Desmond. $ Hoy, Clark, Conn, McConneli, Wray, Cristy ,':;i -- 1 1 . M o t i o n l o s t . R e s o l u t i o n a d o p t e d . i f ' The following will show the;cost of the, v ;j several towns in the county for supporting -t.TtT." the poor for the year ending March 31, lStC to-wit: .f 70 72 Marengo. --.$443 3} ' 97 00 Chemung 389 24 164 50 Hartland. 368 6® Coral 71 SS *: Dorr fat 1# Hebron.....™--... 79 01 Hurton • Nunda. --.... 331 37 - ^'4' -J M Riley Dunham.. Alden Seneca Grafton Greenwood..... Richmond MeHenry Algonquin 882 00 Total.. .. 17008 .. 117 77 „ 241 42 3 00 5«5 C9 4437 84 Sup. Beck moved that the special oommit* tees, board of supervisors and clerk be al«' lowed their usual per diem and mileage.. Carried. Sup. Stevens moved that the board ajdourn to meet at the call of the clerk. Carried. J. H. Gkacy, Chairman, Attest--WM. AVEBY, Clerk. Total -WW 00 Further, I would report that 1 have exam-. ined the books, accounts and vouchers of the several township treasurers, (except treas­ urer of township 43, range 6, who is tempor­ arily from home), and find them correct and the school fund safely secured. I would Ajtr- ther report that our teachers' meetings.4teid during the past year, have been very profit­ able, and teachers have received much in­ struction and inspiration from them. Our county institute, which was held in August last, was indeed very satisfactory. It was the largest, most enthusiastic and profitable institute held in MeHenry county during my term as superintendent ofschools. Respectfully submitted, VV. E. WliiE, County Superintendent of Schools. The committee on public grounds and buildings presented the following report which M as read to the board to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I ' McHenrv County. f8" Board 01 Supervisors, September lliu Sept. 12, A. D. 1894. Mr Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public buildings would beg leave to call the atten­ tion of this honorable board to the present condition of the county Jail, and ask for Instructions from said board as to what they deem ne££ssesary to be done to make said! jail safe and secure. All of which is respectfully submitted, F. F. AXTBLL, Chairman, T.. T. HOY, GEO. F. RUSHTON, R. J. BECK. Sap. Richards moved that the committee 1 on public grounds and buildings be instructed ! „f ihmn I to repair the jail as they think best. Carried. JP° Report of committee on fees and salaries lQJrS Vn$ ov01* School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, ai Perry & Owen's. If yon wish to see the prettiest Hats for f 2 and 92.50 that were ever broaght of Mctlenry, call on Mrs. Beaky. No merchant in the county can match our fine line of ladies' and gents,' boya* and miesee' fine shoes. Buy your clothing at the "new ule prices at Ferry a Owen's. $20 sulti - 4 NOTICE. -. i' ... P W. S. Robb, superintendent of poor I farm, has decided not to apply again for the position. Any person wishing to ap> : ply for the position can send ap{&catk»« .1 and letters of rtx'ommendatioa to tfcfe* \ < chairman of the poor farm committee, G„ W. Conn, Bebron, 111. All application* j, must be in by the 15th of October. .V! FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more thaa make good all the advertising claimect v. for them, the following four retnediea ^ y have reached a phenominal sale. Dr. /J King's New Discovery for ConsutnptfcM^ -R Coughs and Colds, each bottle guana* teed--Electric Bitters, the great for liver, stomach and kidneys, tak* lsn's Arnica Salve, the best in the worts* and Dr. King's New Life Fills, whieh MS a perfect pill. All thaw remedies aM guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whM •••••IS 'II Mi attached herewith will he gkad J* Sold & W. 1 k: ft

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