Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1894, p. 8

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\ bBBW 'WHW wNMIW " jr (be 1/tdiM < txhfi W, C, T, O ]atm« no pars or erodii tor tM , • -- 9fc» World's W. C. T. U. convection wVt»lH-Iri IB Ixradon in 1895, in con- •Setjoa with the annual council meeting of the Britiah tfoman'a Temperance Aa- , probably in the month oiJonaJ il#*e \«f T * Arrangements are already being made to iMrare a large «utd representative at- tendance. A prominent phvwielan of Saa FVawi^ 5 * 00 Mjra: "No cigarette that I have ever #.3' |Hrd of is free from opium. Beyond question the boy who smokes cigarettes : fltante his growth, wrecks his netvss and Weakena his heart and kiflneya long be- f Ibre b« mdwB mAithood." Word awl Work says: "There is one . . Waal! village in thesoath of Ireland, with * f 4,900 inhabitants, in which there are * actually fifty-two licensed public houeea Ittr the sale of strong drink. It requires thirty-two polk* to keep the inhabitants Of that village in order. k: Pr S^;-- In Great Britain some fifteen lecturers go forth every day into the day schools Of the country, teaching the principles o §hymology and temperance, and within the past four years no less than 10,000 Of the elementary schools of that conn ' try bare been reached with this subject. >*>• ~ Although the importation of intoxi Sating liquors into Alaska is prohibited 5- ly oar government, the collector of cue- I- , loam, upon whom is laid the duty t*f Iteeping the liquor out. has been furniah- '..tidwitb only a single row boat with which *&n patrol and guard three thousand inika 1 • , . ' O f c o a s t s . Are the most important of « 11 wearing apparel this time of the year The above two lines form th® m<tin part of our business. We buy for cash and save all discounts, hence it looks reasonable that it will be for vour interest to call on us when in neea ot either of the * . #• -i" MS:' We have just loaded down our counters with one of the largest •stock ot suits and overcoats that we have ever shown at one time- Clothing has never been as cheap during our time in business as it is at the r resent time Call on us for your clothing wants and we will make the benefit mutual* » t A*,/.?-. ... " . «" 'linnmujt fmyljn' "i'IHI/I^'IIH"' iny'iiniiWin *T* SHOES AND RUBBERS, r Shoes and rubbers form no small part of our business and now is the time to keep your feet dryto insure arood health, Bring along your feet, call on us, we can "give yon all sizes and fit all ages, at the lowest living prices, |^' Underwear, hor-e blankets, lap robes, caps, gloves, mittens. Have just ordered another car of Jersey Lily Flour . , , Fresh Groceries as usual JOHN J. MILLER, West Mm. CU F. BOLIY, ProDrielnr if McHary Brewery, f MeBEXRT, ILL. on Band with the B&i Beer% IOC. fcte. •htfk - on -E arth I BARRUS, OBALU IB CHOICE fiXlLT Does smoke from your dgar arise Like incense in the air? • Or does it only cause a smudge , '* ^ 'i And make your neighbor Bweajfti-'i: Why will you stick to cabbage lea res - And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a * 1 "Our Monogram" cigar? 10c 1. SCBIESSLE, NEAR THE DEPOT. WEST McHENRY,- ILL. Keeps open tor the Mooaaotttm oftae Publlo a Firat-OlaM Salooa and Restaurant, Where he will at all timee keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors ud Cigars v#| be found in the i bum***, PABST>8 MAKERS OF Choice Cigars^ We can sell yon oae or a SBonand-rtttfl or wholesale. 1TOUR MONEY LD OITitt fOB TOD The NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, l tOLO, ILL, Owing to the hard times aad the ^ wwreity of money I will II ; For the Next 30 Days* 'Sell you Boots and fehoes at Rock Bottom Priccs, for Oash. & Ladies' Fine Shoes f om 80 cti. upward, warranted a first class article. * J^Men's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As | good as sold elsewhere for $2. >. iA splendid Kangaroo Shoe, which ; always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3 75. Can't be beat in the county. I • choice line of fresh Grocer- f i?f/ " ios as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere. P^< Must be sold as 1 need the Kv;plt:r money. t/ 1^* Fine butter and soda crackers. | 20 lbs. for $1. I ft/ eri am now running a p, J,v wagon to Gi-ay's lake, Fox gj t LfUte, Moneyville, and the sur- ^ f'-pi rounding country, and can sup- f ply you with Shoes or Groceries ify ' P" ' your door cheaper than 'you can buy the same of any firm outside of the city, Call on g; p-1 me at my store or '4wait for the if ' wagon," p g , \ Just received, a full line of §4, % \ men's pants, shirts and jackets, gr Y-1 for summer and fall wear. !§*• A full line of Rubber Goods ||; | ;• Mid Felts for ladies and gents. \ ^ - I. A. BABBUS. ,L feto,Lake Co, 111, June 4. 48ml ' That to whatweare«tt" fts i ied to make, ** The Best, " and think we can *»o demonstrate to yon rif you Will tfive tl»e • opportunity. Call in slid tee the Oeede end be eonvlnced. CU8 QMilSQU. McHenry, Dl., 1894. « Milwtvlm Lagn But At Wholeaele end Retal Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al raya on hand, cheaper than any other* qwli '.j oonalderod. Ordara by mall promptly attended to. QOOD BTABLllVGr.rOR BORSF9 se-Oall aad-aee aa. Robert Schieuto. Bard - and - Soft WILBUR LUMBER CO First class rigs, with or withont <lriv»re, lorn sbed|at reasenabte rates- Parties taken to and from the Lakes In Easy Rig*, and - prompt connection made with all train% Our Riga will be kept in first class aha pe. and we shall spare no pa!ns to please our eus tomers at all times. Give us a call, AT THBIK YARDS IN *$< WEST McHENRY^ . Have now on hand »toth hard anrt soft Coal, which they wilt sell at prices as low as tbe lowest.; m• We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we ||wrant^B imequaled by any. / * J**' , w : bt advacawtlftftml will be lower than last season but whether lower or higher we guarantee to meet all prices anc satisfy purchasers, Wilbur Lumber Co. OF THE KITCHEN 1 With one h%ad you can drain tbe watar 8?" 5^ur«m *etoble"aDd ilielmpos»lbleto Aar child that can carry the Teasel can operate it with ease simply by pressing the two bails together in theMnd. «A Btetsing to Housekeepers. Saree Time. Vegetables and Pain from ••aide aad Burns. WILL SEUb AT SIGHT. MRS. C. W, 8LAFTIR. <r0gjm% tuc McBeary and Vicinity, Or. Price's Cram Bakiat Powdw DO YOU KNOW -WHO SELLS-- |6 00 Pan #426 6 00 Harris CaaBimere Pants 4 36 20 00 Riverside Mill* Suit. ..16 50 5 00 Suit 3 50 Fancy Good Pante $1 50 to 1 75 2 00 Boys Conftrens Shoes 1 25 2 50 MeD's Fine Shoes 1 75 Also Groceries and Canned Goods fresh every two weeks. E. LAWLUB _ Oppowte REIffS îSGerman S^COUGH \ e"0U AND fQP KIDNEY Cu"*' ^orttwns no Poison. Ileid's German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria* Sylvan Cum purifies the breath*;:. n in .nil ii'mi i» -iiiniiM»^4<ii»ii^riiij(iii|ji*i'ji|iiii«j West Slide JLlvery, ' FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. J. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. F. L* MeOmbers, MoHenr* I CAN SAVE YOU BIG MONET The Best -Made. { fJi ' -vll' The Most Durable,.. The Best Looking, The Most Convenient, *fc; »v-?' ?L. * 1 |For tbe Lea%t Money. ; Itamtmber this and call and eee what I have. A wrftton gaaran> tee with every stova. : #tli. McOMBERf Oealsr In Geaeral Hardware, West «clMHt> ! JULIA A. STORY, lT7 r" , j; X>KALKB IN rugs A Meaicmes ̂ Drugs, Chemicals, Dye M, Faints, j and (Mara eotutemtljf on htmd. 4ta a Atfl KM of ; / #ATCNT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, •VD A COMFLKTX STOCK OF iPHTSICIASS'PBEBCE1PTI0KS & Carefully eompoaaded toy a Registered Pharmacist.' Your Patronaga l* respectfully sollelted. , Ome Door We* of R*xer$idi Poum, Stelfmry, "****' t 1 . T"U, JI MI,!I(I; .II... IIR I I I N I I - I IIIFIIIMIJH'^II^IIIIF'II8IAI»IIII|III :fc- ta*aMMaaa«aaaia«aMM « • Cheaply bought, are now being leceived ia lurge quantities bv Profits will be only charged to defray actual expenses. ^ JJew Sergei,' Henriettas acd Flanrifls. * Csfthmeresa Oinghams, flalicos Capi'al City Flannels, Suit" ings aad Blankets. 5 OLOTHIN0I for men, boys and cbihiren'a wear just received tn larire quautaiea fr k the ss^.v.rv'.a.g-*- --•"* CLOAKS a JASETS $ViU soon follow in large lots, all of the newest styles dasign, ot Jos, Belfela & Co.'s wake. Call on us tor your Fall Underwear Inspect oar New Fall Shoes and Rubber Hoods. % w ^ u:/, t "1 , ' •̂ rrq\ ? r 'h V ̂ * DEALER IN LOPPRSITE BISHOP'S MILL KcHENRY. ILL. r STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC* We have the largest stock of Stoves in McHenry County, among which are K. J. BANLT, West MeHenry, 111,, Ang. 15, 18W. W. L. DOUGLAS \$3 SHOE S. Ami other ipecUdtlM for CtontleiBco, udlei, Boys •ad Hiases are the Best in the World. Bee descriptive advertise- meat whkl appears la this paper. Take no Satstltate. Insist on having W. L. DOVGLAB' SHOES, with name and price •tamped on bottom. Sold by 8- btoffet. West Menenry. The World's ACORN STOVES Aleo a Itue line of - v < - ~ 5 ^ : . . . . - v i " Over one million in use, and every one warranted.; > ISF'lt you want a Cook or Heating Steve, either Cotil or Wood, be sure and see us before you buy, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, v ' -- Of the beet makes, and warranted. In «thort. In our store can be fouod any article usually kept In a first c'aAB\Hardware storv, and we will alw,a;|i IDSije, our prices right. Call and see us when In want of anything In our Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, Milk Cans and ail Dairy supplies at Bottom Prices, -lobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to;--- 7ACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. SALOON m RESTAURANT MoMCHRY, 1LOMOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent f&r SCULITZ liliaiies Mm Co 'i M . THE BEST MAM. in any quantify from ft Snita Glass to ICO barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ALSO ALWAYS OM HAHD Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters.Sch Ice Ale% Wines, Cigars, Ktc f r j I buy none but the best sell at reasonable prices. Call aod see me and I will ns« use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. ^ •; McHenry! Ill , 1894. JK^I' JUL Cr> for It# j m •*4»t FOP Sale at Wholesale c|nd Retail. The World's Best, and at tfc/e right price. Daily capacity of mills 1750C bbls, and the m«nr used and pronounced the best all over th< world, No other Than any Flour i brands and satis true when in n e >nw'v- '.KjRfHF'-tut>sfsa -'•fvv • si i:£.5?3r-: the s such an output, and who can doubt u c h a r e c o r d s ' , c s ; s . - • - . -V ". i - Bread, ' ' Bread, tf; Iter Breads > V 4 rid. Try a sack of either of these two f that the above statement is true, and if r you wilt want the best, and if you will ill we will see that >ou get it. Trunks, Valisef, Satchels. l^PBeloit Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Coggfe and Pants, all warranted, t Ageats heretor the famoua Majflower Tea. , % ;'j • « •• ,-.;fprOIOB5 OROOER rE», • •• 1 1 7. Arbucklo'w -Asriosa. and Javiv Oclfeeei. PILL8BURY and FANGTFLOUR* *"T< 43F*Big stock of Fargo's and Douglas* custom shoes • : ^ ^ y,£! For Fall and Winter goods of any kind call on,«Tours"Ifuljfc : SlIWON STOFPEL. PltOl'EllTY. In the best and most libeial companies f>rms no. mall part of oar business, and will be continued at the old stand on lame business principles, by Yours truly At the Bakery, McHenry. ng secured the - > v : WASHBURN The Beat in the Wor'c|. i i - p •fs v 1 • . Is now prepared to furnish customers the same, either by the sack or barrel, at Low Priccs, and guaraatee satisfaction. v'-i\ There is no better flour < fferrd to t'he bujing public, a trial of | which will convince the most skeptical. Call and get a sack and be convinced that what we say is true.: r> " ? „ T \ \ 1 £ v -r > ^ ^ Also, a full line ot Fresh Family Grocerifea and fiakery ^oppJlBS always on hand. . -J 0R.HUBEB, McHenry, I1K^1^|| '.. 1 JUSTEN BROS., DEAL BBS III rf,' •; ,£ J ' I f ' U FIHK FUBNITUBB fi, ' a*- OF ALL KINDS. '* *, •'> With 1 wo stores. ooe on the West side and or e *• side, < McHenry), they present to the buying public al l kinds of pen iv rruRE ; ""Th»n ever re, «h!cb We ^vy-4" ireoflerlt|{ at graatly Bedaeed Prieee. Now Ik the time to Buy» f nlpo keep In «tock a full Hoe of aawplrg of CARPETS, and *w#4i#^ iitve yoh aoj thing from (he i-heapest to the flja««t Bruucls at lower price* than any other bouse in the county. t r*\%f ̂ TRUNK8 AT\ COST. , " s m :4* rg have taken great pains in selecting on ^ U N D E R T A K I N G - : - S U P P L I E S , CoffioB. Cuskete and Trimmings of tbe latest designs. Everything new a»4l elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do net fall to call and see us when to want of anything in our line. tijfiABfSR ia eeenectfon. will be forrlshcd a* Reasonable RatoSki Mr-, plfif T ffWlalaEfl • * * - , .. ^ . J, > » " --- , *• - , •», - L j ,, / --*• n % > * } * , > - , ' * 2 . - ^ / ' * r y J W , * J $ ; S i t ' A • T ' K

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