Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1894, p. 4

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WBONESDAY, 17, 1804 8LYKE, Editor. i.-- * IPBL1CU HOMKATIfllS. STATE. tor Stale Irwurer, ' H;;x- > BSNRT tUtff. State Superintendent Public, 8. M. INGLH. JNt* Irvatee* Illinois UniuertUy, - MBS. J. M. FLOW BR, ALEX MCLEAN, %•(- r SAMUEL BOLLAfltell;; f„r. \ CONGRESSIONAL* £%C _ ., |j T \' jjhbr, Otmgrettnum 8th Dittri t* ALBERT J. HOPKlKtk ? *" , * J* _----_» ! «• | 4 k ^ J tfyr Representative* Sift Dbkki, 'X GEORGK KIT EI), , V BOUT. J. RKCK, • - GKOBUE R. L10H> : , Mi re- i-., &3> . . 4^.%,' i •a COUNTY. JUr County Judge. OBAS. B.iDONNKLLT. fbr County Clerk. UEORttK F. RU3HTO*. fbr BhailT, 3A GEORGE KCKKRi, " tor County Jreaaurtr, BENKT KEYE4. faulty Superintendi nt of School*, W. E. WIRE. iisr M ?"W Thellpp»3iiij^^ who a*e attempting to defeat the Repub­ lican ticket m this county under the gaiae of Independent*, find nothing too low for them to do in order to farther their ends, bat ofc times they overshoot the mark and their mud-slinging poli *y acts like a boomerang to these already badly demoralised soreheads. Lying in their stock in trade, Mid it looks now as if they were ready to resort to perjury in their frantic and expiring efforts. The last thing that has emenated from these pot-house politicians is a circular headed "$100 Reward," in which is a pretended affidavit from A.J. Shurtleff, D. A. Steadrnan and H. T. Hale, in which they state that the Republican candidate for ^herfff, George Eckert, stated to them that the Republican County Con­ vention of May last, was a " Dirty Deal, and that he had palled oat from the reg­ ular Republican ticket for that reason and was working for himself and no one else." No honest Republican will take any stock in so preposterous a statement, bnt notwithstanding we wish right here to say that we are authorized to pro­ nounce the same a dirty and malicious lie, and that the parties who signed said affidavit, (if it an affidavit, which we very ranch doubt,) are perjurers of the deepest dye. It only goes to show how desperate is their cause when they have to resort to such villainy. Capt. George Eckert is too well known in McHenry County to be injured by such tirades from these blatherskites. Seeing sure defeat staring them in the face, and one by one their former friends dropping away from them, these Mugwumps and their Democratic allies are becoming deperate, and are ready to adopt any means to further their cause. But the honest voters will not be deceived. This lying circular will react on those who promulgated it, and Capt. Eckert will be elected by an overwhelming majority in November. 1^" Cheap sugar before election is the result of a deal between the Democratic bosses and the sugar trust. The trust will get even by raising the price after election. ' <MT0n the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday, with a steady market, 38,400 lbe butter sold at 23c; 2,700 at 23%c> offerings and sales were both large ; last week's price was 23c ; year ago 29c. * 4Sr'Senator Hill never came nearer to •peaking the literal truth than when he •aid: "The Democratic party is con­ fronted with a great crisis, which sub­ stantially involves its existence as a political organization. M^David B. Hill consents to ran for governor of New York. The people of that state will fail in the duty they owe to the w hole country, as well as to them­ selves, if they do not tarn down this pes­ tilent and dangerous demagogue by giv­ ing Morton a tremendous majority. W*The Woodstock Democrat in ooe column cries "vote the straight Demo­ cratic ticket." and in the very next column says "vote the entire Independ­ ent ticket." And the next thing we Bhall aspect to hear from this self-appointed reformer will be "where are we at?" After November 6th you will be in the soup, and politically will be despised by both the Democrats and soiled In­ dependents. LOOK TO TOUR LEGISLATIVE TICKET. Every Republican voter in the Eighth Senatorial District should take particu­ lar pains to vote and work for the straight Republican Legislative ticket, for on the result in this district may de­ pend the election of a Republican United States Senator the coming winter. See that your ballot reads one vote each for R. J. Beck, Geo. R. Lyon and Geo. Reed. Let there be no plumping. If the ticket is voted straight as printed the Eighth District wiil as surely elect three Republi can members of the Lower House as the son rises on the 6th of November. Let no false friendship induce you to cast your vote for other than the three' regu­ lar nominees, and for them one vote each. Under the new Democratic tariff law "the man who was able to buy only one Jssifc of clothes a year will hereafter be •ble to boy two suits.--Dem. Ex. Where will he get the money wherewith to do so ? Unfortunately, the Democratic hard times have pnt many workingmtn in the position of a man who was offered £ thousand acres of fertile land for a jpule. He wanted the land bnt he had fiot the mule. J Agrieultural gjM Moil EN RY. ELGIN, ILL. •3; jirnm J f 19*Our congressman, Hon. A. J. Hop- kina, received a fine endorsement from governor McKinley, on Wednesday last. Ifhe great protectionist, while on his way fb Springfield, passed through Morris, tte county seat of Grundy county, which forms a part of this congressional dis­ trict. In his brief speech to the people tbere assembled, he urged the voters to look well to their congressional ticket W>d be sure and return his old friend, Mr Hopkins He said there was no abler or more patriotic man on the floor of the House than A. J. Hopkins, and he should hp* returned by an increased majority. * WTEdward F. Getchell, the weO-known ml estate dealer, of Chicago, is another .Democrat who has had enough of Democ­ racy. He says: *'The Democrats have given us an object lesson demonstrating their incapacity and inability to govern the country. I look upon politics just an X do a business institution. If I am a stockholder in a bank I vote for the Officers that I think can beet conduct the business of that bank. I would want to •ee men with the greatest ability ap­ pointed to the various offices and that is Why I have decided to vote the Republi­ can ticket hereafter. I have always been Democrat, but the condition of this • country to-day shows that it Is time for a change. The Chicago Journal says that Con­ gressman Hopkins is a Senatorial possi­ bility. His speech at the MarquetteClub banquet in Chicago Tuesday night at­ tracted great attention. His peroration particularly, was an able effort He said: The marvelous growth of Illinois in everything that goes to make a great State attests more clearly than any words mine the splendid achievements of our party within this State. That the 5.000,000 of people who find their homes within the limits of Illinoisinl892 nhould have forgotten what the Republican party has done for the State and delib­ erately for the time turned their backs upon the great names and sacred mem­ ory of the party and placed in power the old_ political organization, which since 1856 they had every four years repudi­ ated at the polls, is one of the marvels of the extraordinary times in which we live. Think of Altgeld occupying the position that has been # o honorably and so glor­ iously held by Yates, Ogles by, Cullom, and Filer! A people that had once grazed upon the fertile fields of Republican ad­ ministration to be fed upon this moor of democracy. There is but one parallel in all history that fitly illustrates the great fall of the people of Illinoisand their sub­ sequent humiliation under the adminis­ tration of Governor Altgeld; that is found in the history of the children of Israel, who on their journey to the prom­ ised land, not being fully satisfied with all that was being done for them, turned tbeir bacKg upon the Lord, chose Aaron for leader, and set up a golden calf to worship. History records the fact that they soon repented of their course, sought forgiveness of the Lord, and under hie guidance were ultimately led into the promised land. MSFTTBLIOAH LSAQTJB Mrabm of the Executive Commute* from this District There were three candidates for the presidency of the Illinois Republican league--John A. Russell of Elgin, C. W. Raymond of Watseka, and J. Homer Tice of Menard. Tice withdrew just be­ fore the meeting opened, and the friends of the other two agreed to make Ray­ mond President and Russell Secretary, which was done by acclamation. The vice president from this district it G. H. VanEman of Kane. The members of the executive committee from this district comprise R. G. Earley of Kane, T. S. Rogers of DuPage, Charles Patch of De- Kalb, L. W. Mason of Kendall, Gen. Bon- nell of Gruudy, and 3. Van Slyke, of McHenry. far Women Vote** AH wOBtH in Illinois eligible law can vote for three university trost||| All .women who are 21 years of either native born or naturalized dfctoene of the United States, who have rsaidsd in the state one year, in the county ninety days, and in the ward or school district prec:nct thirty days preceding an election can vote for the three university tons tees on the state ticket. A foreign tiorn women becomes a citi­ zen of the United States if she has mar­ ried a man who is a n$tyre born or who has been naturalised. She can therefore vote for the trustees. This being a gener; 1 election all women must register as men do. In Cook county, outside of Chicago and Cicero, and in all the state elsewhere, ex­ cept East St. Lou is, the general election laws are in force. The days of registra­ tion are October 16th and 30th. Let every Republican woman go to the registration place with her husband, father or brother. She will then be sure no man stays at home. If she has no male relatives, let her go with her women friends, and she must be sure that alt her friends go. The three trustees on the Republican ticket are Alexander McDean, Samuel M. Bullard, Mrs Lucy L. Flower. A2TOB TO BE • SOLDIBK. An Examination for Selection ol a Can­ didate for Appointment as Cadet to V. S. Military Academy at West Point. To THE PUBLIC : There will be a com­ petitive examination held at thej Court House, at Geneva, Kane County, Illinois, Thursday, the 22d day of November, 1894, commencing at 10 o'clock, •. M. of said day, for the selection of a candidate for appointment as cadet to the U. S. Military Academy, at West Point, from the Fifth Congressional District of Illinois. The qualifications for such appoint­ ment is as follows: The age for the admission of cadets to the Academy is between seventjasn: and twenty-two. Candidates mast be unmarried. At least five feet in height. They must be actual residents of the Fifth Congressional District of Illinois. They must be well versed in reading, in writing, including orthography, in arith­ metic, and have a knowledge of the elf- ments of English grammar, of descriptive geography, particularly of the United States, and of the history of the United States. Each candidate will be subjected to a rigid physical examination. For farther particulars as to the academical examination I would recom­ mend that any young man desiring to take the examination write immediately to the Adjutant General of the War De­ partment, Washington, D. C., for infor­ mation relative to the United States Military Academy. The appointment to this place will be on merit alone aiid^furnishes opportunity for a deserving and ambitious young man to secure an education at this fa- mouaschooL \ • A. J. HOPKINS, M. C. , Fifth District. IBetliodist Ministers, The annual session Rock River Confer­ ence closed at Galena, Monday. The next session will be held at Elgin/ Fol­ lowing are the appointments for Rock- ford District for ensuing year: Rockford District--Presiding elder, W. H. Haight; Alden and Big Foot, J. P. Davis; Barrington, T. E. Ream; Belvi- dere, Wm.Craven; Blaine, J. M.Cormack; Burritt, to be supplied; Capron, W. H. Tuttle; Cherry Valley, W. A. Adron; Dundee, J. L. Walker; Elgin First Church S. Earngey; Elgin Grace Church, M. E Fawcett; Esmond and Rand to be sup­ plied; Fielding and Monroe, J. G. Shad- ford; Garden Prairie, J. E. Fluck; Genoa W. C. Howard; Hampshire and Burling­ ton, C. H. Hoffman; Harvard and Che mung, N. A. Sunderlin; Kingston, E. D Hester; Kirkland, M. E. Frarer, Maren­ go, C. W. Thornton; McHenry and Volo, Jos. Caldwell; New Milford, J. Adams; Nunda and Cary, A. H. Kestler; Palatine W. H. Smith; Plato Center, A.H.O'Neal; Poplar Grove. W B Doble; Richmond and Hebron E. J. R6se; Rinsrwood, Wm. Nickle; Rockford, Centenial, J. N, Hall; Rockford, Court Street, W. O. Shepard; Itockford, Grace Church, F. I). Sheets; Rockford, Ninth Street, G. L. Wiley; Roekford, Winnebago Street, F. Farini- loe; Rockton, H. E. Clark; Roscoe and Harlem, W. A. Cross; 8outh Elgin,E. W. Ward; Winnebago, E. D. Hull; Wood­ stock and Franklinville, F. R. McNamer; Union to be supplied. J..,1"'." J1L 1 tif^r »# wSke. a crtum mark the*4l®» of the name of each BUi KLEN S ARNICA SALVEL ; The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer*, salt rheum, fever sow, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. THE LADIES' TAILOR SYSTEM. Will be thoroughly taught by Mrs. Moore. Has five years experience and first class references from scholars now holding steady situations. Ladies' gar­ ments of all kinds, ulsters, jackets, capes, fancy wraps, etc. Evening classes, two per week, 50 cents, or $5 for a term of three months. Those wishing to join must send in tbeir names to E Lawlns* store, opposite the Riverside House, McHenry. _______ Don't Tob&'oo Spit or Smoke yonr Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bae, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive ©ure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad- Xlress The Sterling Remedv Co., Chicago, 45 Rand^h St.; New York 10 Spn*oe NOTICE- : Having secured the services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumpe, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call AU w.prk warranty and done promptly. u 41 ILBIBHOP- /ft A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at T. A. Story's. Can and examine. COMING I TO HE^AN BROS' STORE, MCHENRY, III. Tuesday, Oct. 23, ONB DAY ©NLY. And will continao every sixty day*. A Great Opportunity to have your Vieien Made Perfect* We have the m et complete line <>f Pup)pa to be found in the county, and if you are in need of; one it will pay you to ca'l and see us We have rU MYIBS FORCE POMP WITH WIND. ftljpLL BEGULATOB, Buggies & Carriages • Our entire stock of Buggies and Carriages will be sold AT COST fbr the next 30 dt*y8, GOAL m'm- p -> ! • - j 3 " or Spo 'V v'€;: niyi Price«;|Reduced Accordingly. Ki:;*: *.'V; : It will pay you to investigate. W. A. CR1STT, ,1 Great Are going on throughout the house. Every department is being enlarged. More space is being devoted to snch departments as have shown a large increasing trade , Some of our basement depart­ ments are being moved to the main floor; one entire basement sales­ room is being rearrange*. WJ*en we have finished we will oflfc BIGGEST GRIST OF BARGAINS - , Not only from one bat from eech of our seventy departm^it®* 11 In the Meantime, From our Drug department all 11.00 Patent MHHtm <ro lb* Prescriptions accurately filled at cut rates. ^ \ /**< P ' I! *! * .J^our Tft-lerwear department, 200 doz. ladies' natural grayg ribbed V>sts and Pant*, the same grade, the same weight, as last -a: * p* f - Vu , i eeasoa's^ SQe qualittf; this year's price is From our Grocery Department! 1000 cans (2 lb) Spa Baking Powder, worth 2000 bars alpha! 30c, go for 30c, r SoaP'wortJi m ® - Manila PROP. MOSES President of the Columbian Optical Com pany, 81 Ctiamplain b uilding, n rth and west corners Staie ami Madison atre- ts one of the olUert and most celebrated opticians of Chic­ ago, who has had twenty-flve yars experi­ ence in adjusting glasses fn ait diffi- ul t cases when all others have failed, as will be seen in his circulars. PROF. MOSE* hae established an agency with fleman Bros , McHenry, and at their fltore you can And the celebrated Sight Res toriug Krench Crystal Lenses lor ah normal eyes at reasonable prices. 4ETALL EYKS TESTED FRCE. Murdering Old Soldiers. I- Frosa Dayton, Ohio, comes a story fall Ol shame for our government. Dayton ^ , is the site of one of the largest Soldiers' £«• Homes in the country. Many or most of tte inmates draw pensions. The fourth '*> of this month was pension day, and two ukf ^the oW 8ol<Jiera were 'ound murdered. •fi "Now comes the shameinl story that dur- p .log the last few years forty of theinmates J* 4>f the Dayton Soldiers' Home have been murdered in cold blood, and not a single " mrmt has been made, and no special ef fort has been made to ferret ont the W ^'iM»isrers, 1 ~ That such a state of affaira could exist ; y 1, ll a reproach to the government, and, if need be, the whole secret detective force Of the nation should be called on to un- ISF If any veteran of the late war is in donbt in regard to the attitude of the National administration and its sup­ porters towards the defenders of the Unions he carefully read the speeches ef Representative Sayers of Texas in Con­ gress and at home, on the stump in his canvass for re-election, A few days ago, he stigmatized the ex-Union soldiers as 41 those fellows who cime down here and murdered our people," and in speakiuR ol the action of our present Congress in dealing with pensions indulged in the boast: "We havettken f11,000,000 away from the pensioners, and when Congress meets in December next we will take $11,000,000 more." P&trials, liOW does that sound to you ? »V?^ - BARMAN BROS, have just put in line of the finest pipes ever brought to GUARANTEED CURE. Vie authorize our advertised drnggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, Coughs and Colds upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a cough, col l or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will une this remedy as di­ rected, giving it a fair trial, and exper­ ience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Darge size 50c and $ 1. CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yieid to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In ?ases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cento at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. CIDER MILL. ' The undersigned having put in a first class Cider Mill, is prepared to make your apples into cider in the best manner and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your apples along and we will be sure to please you. Mill at my residence, just north of the cemetery, McHenry, 111. NICK WINKLES. : ' a a new this market. Sm^kgre wU pell «*Uaadseethem. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Hlshest Medal and Diploas. 8TOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem­ edy for constipation, indigestion. Chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in ZQfiWt&U by $AclJenry. The isicisKbscket Special, A MBW OLLLF MIH BETWEEN ST. LOUIS. PEORIA. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, New York and Boston. Through the Beautiful Mohawk . Valley and down the Hudson. Lv. St. Louis, 12 00 Noon. L*. Peoria 12 30 p. m. Lv. Indianapolis,.... 7 00 Ar. Cincinnati, 10 45 Ar. Cleveland..... 2 10 Ar. Buffalo............. 6 50 Ar. New York..*,..... 6 30 Ar. Boston 9 05 p. m. p. m. a. m. ,m. |m. p-lm. V Pi1 n* i DISPENSARY DR fRUTR, after years of experience iui perfected the most Infallible method of car­ ing Nervous deb llty, decay of body and mind, sel'-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im­ poverished blooil, low vitality, and ail etloeta of abuees, excesses, Improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and lift miserable. SPKCIALTIKS-Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi-nples, gcrofula. Stood Taint, Eczema, Oan- C«r, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit S500 for • o«M of SEXUAL DISEASE Oure, Question list. FREE. < ne persons! interview m>l!cUe<'. Consultation free DR. D. O. FROTH* « 3B32. Ave.# Chicago:. , Superb Equipment, Wagner Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars, VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE Lake Shore, New York Central and Boston and Albany R.B, M. E. INGALL8, President. K. O, McOORMIOK D. B. MART N, Paasenger Traffic Bi'gr. Gen, Paa.T'k't Aft , O, WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstock • - Illinois. Prosecutes all alaasM and kinds of claims vgainst the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Helra. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Poatage Stomps ere enclosed for re ply. WM, S. COW^J* W&oe at Rasldenea. Vadlsos St. Woodsy a M O X t E •sat FAMOUS HEBVS FOOD BEAB&AOX. CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED BCPTUNO Oo. 14 TO te CHAHLCS PLACE, CHICAQO, LU." tlUWOM. MAIN WIT. , SOLI SCWARE or eoon IMITAVtONS. Sold by WHOLEHALB DBUOGIS™^ 0R00I»A. If your local i! enters don't k«etfn, on receipt ol two dollars and fifty cents the sole agents will forward one dozen BKVJERAtiK MOXIK •w^a- lLoi^i at We Have Monty 0 per Cei On Farm or City property conn try whore property value. Money ready t< where serur«tv and title' slon. We solicit applle Blahed upon re<jue*i. ALIKX * CO., t»«C! B^dwsy ew Twk, any section of il xed;maiket ifnmediate leans ood, So commit ions. Blanks far- -,r •:ji0 Agents Wanted V I T A L Q U I S T I O H E |\F TUC n AV Political Revolution of Ur 1 fit HUT, » 2. drtf is of '93 and '94 Battles for bread, <'«XEY!SM, btrikef, the Unemployen. GRKAT LAHOR ISSUES of the present nnil the future Tariff herniation I'he Silver Questions. What Protection does for the AmrrKan Wfrkmen. What Free Trade noes for him. A bo k tor the hour- Everybody wants it, Pri-» only *1 60. Sells at sight Most liberal terms to agents. Sent, for < irculsrs or senrt <>o cent? for agent's oat Tin PDTTfpn'C! Me*t v,#,t*-- ? UD. Ill U la 0 Friday. Ifov. 3d. ; WOODSTOCK* IL At the Hotel Woodatook. FF"!!? A. HIXJIJ. JEWELER & 0PTICL&N. Finest toes, Fye-Glasses ail No the C harge for Testing Eyes. P*B?ECT FIT GUARANTEED. Will be at O. T, Daniel's Drng Store, Algon­ quin, every Wednesday, commencing July 11. Alao, at a Severna's Drag Store, Caifvevery Thuradar, commencing July Wtb. : ; OpMUN 96tf BLOCK. ;KUNDA, ILL ADULTERATED WINK is injurious, but nothing gives strength and tones up the stomach like a pure old port wine. ' Boyal Ruby Port," so called tor its royal taste and ruby color, is on account of Its purity, age and strength, particularly adapted for invalids, conval­ escents ana the aged. Sold only in bottles (never in bulk) while cheap wine Is sold by the gallon and gives a nicer profit to the sella' but less to the user. This wine is absolutely pure, and has the age without which no wine Is fit to use. Be sure you get "Royal Ruby": quart bottles flt pints 00 cts. Sola 1 w, BBsut. fM* The followhifr depattatMito are offering exce^mnal valuoa Marine the month of October: ® Dress Goods. Flannels, Cloaks, Suit* Underwea^ Clothing. House-furnishi ng Good8« Crockery and Glassware. '4< HMO* ©WAIfi GREAT DBPARTMENf STORE .. */ /'• Sir? ILI Collies of an haven't a Cloak or an Overcoat. evening now Is Itftttetsomf if ydts He have them new. gy~Vou will have no difficulty about the prices. Our GLOVE connection brings us the best for what we pay* Fou shall have the benefit of any. Always a perfect fit, good wear. Will you need Sheeting, Quilting Calico or Cotton Bate* Here are a few special things; Yard wide Sheeting 4 1-2v Stand­ ard Prints 4c, Good clean Bats 7c per roll. .. 'r:;., '•" v-- .• ^ !'• ̂ ..'4- j v rV ' ' 4 <- *1 -L i. Are the Children at School! ' A special School Shoo sale for mothers who care for economy« Shoes with cork soles; they are fbr long and comfortsblc service* would be pleased to have jrou tiy a Record Flour. •- EV&NSON&CO. THE: farmers stoke. 4 Cold weather is heret so is our stock ot winter goods, consisting ot Blankets, Woolfchawlr, Yarrsand Underwear. . .erin Hosiery we take the lead as usual, and have some big* Snaps. Men's all wool ^ocks 18c, former price 25c; men's cotton socks 5c, fornjer pricc 8c ; men's colored balbrigan pocks 8c, former price 15c atcf many other drives too numerous to mention. , 1' |3y Heavy yard wide musHn 5c. Heavy yard wide bleached mus-t ^ lin 7<\ and all others In proportion / 1 " ^ tgg'In Piints we have them to suit in pi ice /nd tyles, . ^ r' Boots and 8h V ' - ^ v - • ' . "A'V- - D. Wells & Co. Boots '• 1 t •• Remember we handle the well kneWn and Shoes, acknowledged the world over as the best, GROCERIES.--- Well, we are right in it. The largest and freshest stook in town* and at prices that make them move light along. ^ Fancy table Syrup, in kegs, "Baer'a Choice, best in the market. The Chief h <s come, ,'•.-•'4' Old Sleepy E)e has | come to stay, and has won the confidence oft V hundreds of families. Try a sack and be con- ^ vinced. The only flour taking first premium at - "It1 the World's Fair. : ^ Just received, new Buckwheat ' FliOUB. Meal and Graham. I rm-i it Illiuoi*. y.t "1. L5" < >•*( * \ -v «,» si 1. t- W.: fJh&B a v . - J'M., Mi*-- • V t Z:

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