Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1894, p. 4

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mmm 24, 1894. WEDNESDAY. 8LYKE, T*v , ^TT% ?™ . v^7y ' w»W= -•;/<- . ,»'• •"• ?*?', "v£\ • ^*'*'r I - ; fertt f< : f!*V mr. U: $&£v. 2&- REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. STATE. Jtor State Ireasurer, HXNKT WULFF. Sale Superintendent Public Instruction, S. M. INGLIi. tor Irtuttees Jilinois University, MRS. J. M. FLOWER, ALEX McLEAS, • SAMUEL BU-LLARD. CONGRESSIONAL. Ear Oongressntan Slh Distri t, ALBERT J. HOPKINS. * for fiepresentatives 8th Dixit id, GEORGE UEEI), ROUT. J. RECK, GEORGE U. LION. 1 COUNTY. For County Judge, OB AS. H. DONNELLY. Far County Clerk. GEORGE F. RUSH1{ JFbr She-, iff, GEORGE ECKE! For County Ireasurtr, HENTTY KEYES. County Suprrintendt nt of Schools, W. E. WIRE. Tk. HI tali. Jt JUDGE DONNELLY. Notwithstanding all the vil© slanders and mud-slinging by the sorehead, would be politicians, Judge Donnelly is daily gaining in strength among the Voters of the county, and when the polls close on November 6th will be elected by the largest majority ever given for a County Judge in McHenry county. We inake this prediction from the fact that every day we are hearing the matter dis­ cussed among th'e people, and the more the disreputable methods adopted by the Mugwump-sorehead combination are talked of the more disgusted the peo­ ple are becoming with them, and will put their heel of condemnation upon them and their methods at the polls. The bitterest enemy of Judge Donnelly cannot find one word of fault with his official acta, and the cry of fraud in the convention is all bosh, and every man who is making such charges knows it. If his nomination now is a fraudulent one what would it have been had they suc­ ceeded in the deal which they thought they had accomplished the night before the convention? But the voters of McHenry poonty .are nofc«o easily deceived, and Judge Don­ nelly's majority will be one of which he will have cause td fe**l proud. GEORGE F. RTTSHTON. The energetic canvass being made by George F. Rushton, the regular Republi­ can candidate for County Clerk, not only for himself but the whole Republican ticket, is making him hosts of friends throughout the county who will stand by him at the polls on November 6, and bury his Mugwump opponent so deep that he will not be able to dig out in time for the resurrection. The Republican convention made no mistake when t&ey nominated Mr Rushton for the responsi­ ble office of County Clerk and his election is assured bv a rousing majority. A SAMPLE LIE. The In dependent writer for the Marengo News is either an ignoramus or a con- sumate liar." In speaking of the building of the Woodstock Jail, under the head of •'The Jail Steal," he says: Robert J. Beck, supervisor from the town of Dunham, member of the purchas­ ing committee, was let the contract to erect the building at several hundred dollars in advance of the lowest bid in order to obtain the results of superior skill. Now the facts are that Robt. J. Beck was not a member of the purchasing committee and was not let the contract to erect the building. He was simply hired by the day to superintend the erection of the building, and that he done his work well is evidenced by the fact that under his supervision the cost of the building was several hundred dol­ lars less than the appropriation, and fnlly one thousand dollars lens than other contractors said it could be done for. Voters of the Eighth District this is only a sample Of the lies and misrepre­ sentations being circulated by these sore-head politicians in their vain at­ tempt to foist themselves and their Dem­ ocratic allies into office. The people will respond in November -by casting one vote each for Beck, Reed and Lyop» th» regular Republican nominees. THE FARMERS STORE •\->v Do ymi ktthw that WP «ro r fferinsr som* big' bargains it* feclta', Brents' and children's Underwear and Hosiery. It v»ill pay you to eaU.atuj lp^.i»yer our stock before buying. TO THE BEPDBLICAN VOTERS --OF THE-- EighthlSenatorial District. Youf committee appointed at the last Sanatoria] Convention, desire to call your attention to the necessity of united action in our efforts to elect three Repub­ lican members of the Legislature at the oomihg election. Upon the election of three members from this District may depend the election of a Republican United States Senator from this State, and the control of the United States 8enate after March 4th next. Voting the Republican ticket as print­ ed you will give our three Republican nominees one vote each. By so doing you will insure the election of three Re­ publicans from this District, and make this the banner District of the State. F. K. GRANGER, Chairman. JOHN S. FOOTE, Secretary. Attest full senatorial committee. JOHN S. FOOTE, 1 SAMCEL BATES, .> Boone County. A. W. ROBINSON, J G. H. BURNETT, ) S. C. WELSH, [Lake County. A. W.WHITMOREJ J. B. BAHCOCK, ] A. S. WRIGHT, >McHenry C'O. F. K. GRANGER, I FOB SHERIFF GEOBGE ECKERT The entire force of the Mugwump-sore­ head combination seems just at this time to be directed toward George Eckert, the regular Republican nominee for Sheriff. Lying affidavits are being extensively circulated, their heelers furnished with money in abundance and every device known to pot-house politicians resorted to to accomplish their end. or secure a vote for their Democratic ally. But it will do them no good. Capt Eckert is too well known in this county to be de­ feated by such means. He is making a clean canvass, not only for himself but for the entire Republican ticket, and when the polls close on the 6th of November he will be elected by a larger majority than has been given for any sheriff in this county for many years, and his com­ petitor will be buried in the same grave with his Mugwump friends,and "how few will mourn." , KSf-The Democratic and Mugwump papers and speakers who are so industri­ ously trying to reform the politics of McHenry county, should either muzzle or call in one of their wire-pullers, because if they don't he may let out the secret that their Democratic candidate for Sheriff is the one who is working for himself only and not for the whole ticket. Whi'e in McHenry the other day he made the boast that he had a gallon of whiskey in his buggy and plenty of money to buy more when that was gone, and be want­ ed it distinctly understood that it was not his money either. That fellow was working for Throop. And yet this same individual was distributing lying affidavits against the regular Re­ publican nominee. "Consistency thou art a jewel." But such tactics by the opposition will do the regular nominee no harm. Capt. Eckert will "keep right on sawing wood," and on the 6th of .[November his majority will be larger than the other fellows entire vote. ' - • Boots and Shoefc Just received a large invoice of warm footwear for winter. W* handle Ifee Wi&hawaka all knit boot at priqeaUo rait/lto - GROCERIES,^- For a limited time we will sell ^ bars, 12 oz. Cifaes good laundry soap for-25c. ^6 bars 12 oz. cakes Lenox soap for 25c. ^ 6 bars 16 cz. ABC soap, same as old aualy, for 25c, , 6 bars 12 oz. cakes self washing soap for 25c, Echo Baking Powder. 1 1^4 lb can for 15c, 2 lb can Corn 8c, 3 lb can Tomato# 10. lbs gr^nuiated sugar for $4 50..... * Baer's C hoice" Syrup, in kegs only $1 20. IT If T~~gTW;: To make room for a new JO1 JLilLJP' U car of flour we will eel 1 bleepy Eye Flour for <3 90 per barrel. We are giving you the best flour in the market. None of the other flours that competitors are claiming jusl U as good can compare with Sleepy Eye, It is known ft the world over as the purest, best aud most econ­ omical Flour to buy, Try a and be convinced - Me* mm Four of Our Stroipst Departments Neit M Till to 3 Ib cau Pexches 18c. West McHenry Illinois. EVANSON'S STORE. Children's Day In Cloaks & Suits, Saturday, Oct. 27 We, the Republican nominees for rep­ resentatives in the Eighth Senatorial Dis­ trict, respectfully and urgently request each and every republican voter in the District to vote the legislative ticket as printed, giving us one vote each. By so doing yon insure our election. Any qystem of plumping your votes will in­ vite defeat. ROBES'? J. BECK, McHenry. 43EO. W. REEI>, Boone. GEO. B. LYON, Lake. HENRY KEYES. The regular Republican Candidate for Treasurer is doing yeoman's service for the straight ticket, and makes friends wherever he goes.- " Be is a candid, well informed man, and a Justice of the Peacr in Algonquin, also has served repeatedly as assessor for that township, also as town clerk for twelve years, and has a thorough knowledge of business methods. He served over three years in the 15th 111., Inf., and was a faithful soldier. Since the war he has lived in Algonquin, and is recognized there as an honest, honorable citizen, and well deserves the support of the Republicans of this County for the office of County Treasurer." The bolters' cry that he has not the ability to fill the office is all bosh, and will be resented at the polls by every intelligent voter in the county. He will be elected on the 6th of November by an over­ whelming majority, and Clark, thesore- head, will be heard of no more. The ghoulish vandals, who visited the grave of Mr. Wire's father, to see if they could not rake up something that would help their sinking cauee, should, as they will, receive the condemnation of all right minded people, irrespective of politics. Does Mr. Sheldon call this politics? When men and their cause be­ come so desperate as to reBort to low and degrading acts they are not entitled to even the respect of the public, much less their votes. Voters, remember this on November 6tb, and condemn such acts by casting your vote for Wm. E. Wire for County Superintendent of Schools. This fact helps considerably to some moth­ ers who care for economy, aud who wish to secure comfort for the little tots. This then is the first children's day, and it must have some important features of interest. BRING THEM Saturday. Here is the outfit for the boy: All wool double breasted coat, 2 pair of pants. 1 cap to match, 1 pair lace shoes. All for $5.00. this $5 combin-You can easily use ation. 25 pounds granulated Sugar ."$1 00 5 pounds best 25c, Tea 1 25 1 sac-t best, on record Flour 1 UO 25 bars Soap *. 1 00 1 p^und Pepper o0 1 pound Cinnamon. 30 2 boxes Sardines 15 All this for... CLOAKS. We got stuck on a purchase of about 560 Ladies' Jackets, the materials are fine, none better made, some of them are fur trim­ med. others are not, some are dark colored, some are fancy mix­ tures, at any rate we got stuck because the sleeves are not the extreme large French sleeve, so here goes, every garment at half its market price. A Cloak marked $4 98 for $2 49 A Cloak marked 6 98 for 3 49 A Cloak marked 9 98 for 4 99 Etc., Etc. EXTRA PANTS &STAN1H QRP. MILLINERY. Besides our extreme novelties at a nominal cost we will make a specialty of walking hats. Lot 1.--Silk Beaver Walking Hats, felt trim, worth $2, for $1 19, Lot 2 --French Felt Walftins Hats, best quality, worth $1 75 for $119. Ask to seeouKChildren's Trim med Hats worth $1 50 for 98c. Must Furnish Their Own Ball&ts. Attorney General Maloney on Thurs­ day gave his opinion regarding women voting for trustees of the University of Illinois at the coming election. He says county clerks have nothing to do with ballots for women to vote for school offi­ cers. They vote in a different ballot box with old fashioned ballots, and furnish their own ballots. In printing ballots under the Australian law county clerks will proceed as far as the disribution of ballots is concerned as if the act entitling women to vote had never been passed. |5 00 The above f 5 combination is framed in the interest of our best on record Flour. A new car in this week, on which we offer special inducements in lots of one bbl or more. iS^Ladies's and gents' Mackintoshes, Cloaks and Overcoats. Correct styles, and prices to suit your pocketbook. JOHN EVANSGN & CO. m fe r fV, 19" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday with dull market, 9,300 pounds selling at 20 cents, 14,800 ponnds at 21 cents and 2,760 pounds at 21% cente. Offerings were very.'large. Last week, 23@23% cents. Year ago, 28 cents. Bar Col. Breckinridge in presenting a banner to the precinct that gave him the largest vote at the recent primary elec­ tion closed a somewhat remarkable speech by predicting a day of purer poli­ tics, when hypocricy will not be accepted as Christianity. Hasn't that day already come^in his district? Republicans, each one has a part in the coming election. See to it that all your neighbors turn out and vote the straight Republican ticket; also, do all in yonr power to increase the number of converts to the Republican party. Do it on the proposition that Republican su­ premacy has always been for the best interests of the whole people. Itf^dvices from different parts of the county indicates the election of the straight Republican ticket by largely in­ creased majorities. The nominees on the Republican ticket have made and are making a complete canvass and have been generously the people. It would seem that the people are only waiting an opportunity to express them­ selves through the means of the ballot, and are anxious to record their disap­ proval of the mugwump-sorehead clique and their Democratic allies. WILL E. WIRE Mr. Wire is the Republican nominee for Superintendent of Schools in this county. He has filled this office for the past four years with marked ability and with a high senee of the important responsibili­ ties of his position. He has proven that he is the right man in the right place, and his renominationfor the office by ac­ clamation is a deserved recognition of his abilities as a good official, one whom the people believe will continue to dis­ charge the duties of bis office in the future with the same fidelity that he has in the past. Of his election by an over­ whelming majority there is not the shadow of a doubt. His opponent, J. A. Sheldon, the nomi­ nee of the Democratic party, was a can­ didate before the Republican County Convention, but arose in the Convention and withdrew in favor of Mr. Wire, pledging him his support, and also to support the entire ticket. His interest in educational matters may be gleaned from the fact that he has attended but one County Institute in four years, and then only a part of the time; while be at the same time was in Woodstock where the Institutes were held, but neglected them for other matters that a County Superintendent should have nothing to do with. He is a bolter, and an unfit man for the office on general principles, and will be beautifully defeated along with the entire mugwump ticket Nov. G --Marengo Republican. 1^"Ex-Speaker Reed put the principal question at issue in this campaign when he asked: "Do we want certainty or un­ certainty from now until 1896 ? " If cer­ tainty th8.t the business of the country will not be harrassed by further tariff tinkering is wanted the people w^ll elect aRepublican;majority in the next House. If more tariff tinkering and more "hard times," the Democrats will be kept in control. It is a question easily decided, and politics need notjaecessarily affect the decision. I®" The following from the Lake Geneva Herald will apply to this locality as well: "Now let every Republican stand by his party's nominations. Per­ haps some are disappointed; but it is no time to kick now. It is the supreme duty of the hour to dethrone Democracy. To do this we must work unitedly for the siugle end in view--the Republican prin­ ciples. It's principles rather than indi­ viduals that wecontend for. Democracy is desperate and determined. Weakness or faltering on our part will be taken advantage of by the enemy and made the most of. All should put behind them disappointments that they may have met in the make up of the ticket and work as becomes loyal, true Republicans tor the victory of the party. The battle is as good as won if we stand in line and do not falter or retreat." EDITOR ^LAINDEALEII The poor fel­ lows that are running the1 independent end of politics this fall, C. P. Barnes, L. O. Diggins and E. D. Shurtleff, are bor­ dering on the verge of desperation. When any man or set of men make such absolutely false statements as appeared in the Nunda Herald, (the sheet thf soreheads lately purchased,) there can be no other conclusion arrived at. In speaking of Henry Keyes, that he would come no nearer carrying the town of Nunda than he did the caucus, the infer­ ence to be drawn from that, and it is evi­ dent that is the intention of the article, is that Keyes lost the Nunda delegation, which is untrue. The facts are that it any candidate lost to himself the delega tion it was J. A. Sheldon. Mr. Sheldon came to Nunda and dictated and was instrumental in running a set of dele­ gates that were beaten in the caucus by a good large majority. Every one that was in that caucus knows the delegates that were chosen were not the ones Mr. Sheldon desired. Why? Because he could not get them to pledge their sup­ port to him, irrespective of any other candidate, and claimed that Nunda should be instructed for him. but the caucus concluded not to instruct for any candidate but left the delegation free The voters of the town of Nunda believed and knew they had elected a delegation that would do what they believed to be tor the best interests of the county, and no one complained of their actions or vote in the convention, except a few gen­ tlemen who were defeated for delegates in the Republican caucus, and two or three Democrats, who imagined they could make a little capital for themselves by raising a cry of ring, fraud, steal, etc. Another falsehood they have been telliug which is as absurd and simple as any they have told, and that is that W. E. Wire has tendered his resignation to the Republican County Committee at their last meeting. Such a thing has never been mentioned. Mr. Wire is making a good straight canvass and will beelected by a majority that will make these sore heads feel sick. Nunda, Oct. 2'.), 1894. Hard - and - Sott AIi I WILBUR LUMBER CO. AT THEIR YARDS IN WEST MCHENRY, Have now on hand *ioth hard and soft Cbal, which they will sell at prices ae low as the lowest. GOAL & FEED In Good Supply, -- For Spot. Cash Only. We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee uuequaled by any. Do You Want A steady pavitiir job If JE^ • with lar/est house in the went, U0 years established. With our fa- •Mliiies we ran make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that Is warranted to grow. 26 best varletiea •ee<l potatoes in the world, etc. If you want money write, elating age. L L. KAY ft CO 8t Paul, Minn. Nuraer/men, florists and Seedsmen. (This house is responsible) t^"Delivery made to suit pur­ chaser . Feed! Feed ! Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. Car Lots a Specialty. FSf Tile. Lime, Cement, etc always on hand. Wilbur Lumber Co. A. HII^L. JEWELER OP IICI All. D R I N K MOXIE THE FAMOUS NERVE FOOD BEVERAOE. CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED BOTTLING CO. 14 TO 18 CHARLES PLACE, CHICAGO, III. TELEPHONE. MAIN »T. »OU AOENTS. BEWARE OF POON IMITATIONS. Sold by WHOLESALE DKUGQISTS & GROCER* If your local dealers don't keep it. on receipt of two dollars and fifty cents the sole agents ^11 forward on* dozen BEVIRAGE UOI1K. Finest Lties, Eye-Glasses 8FECTACLES. and the ND Change f r Testinz Eyes. IrE.JFECT Fl" (H ARANTEED. Will be at O. T. Duniel's Drug Store, Algon quln, every Wednesday, commencing July 11 Also, at a Severns's Drag store, Cary. every Thursday, commencing July 26th. OSMUN BLOCK, 36tt i N U N D A , ILL. Prices Reduced Accordingly. It will pay you to investigate. W. A. CR1STY, WEM McHENRY, ILL DB. FFDTH'S Next Visit, Friday. Nov. 2d. WOODSTOCK* IL ., At the Hotel Woodstock. "TVATE DISPENSARY UNDERWEAR. 200 dozen ladies' natural pray ribbed Vests and Pants, better value than our 50c jpxade of last season, this year's price is 29e.. • - " • " '% ' , ' 184 dozen gents' natural gray ] Shirts and drawers, never sold; for les than 50c, our price is 39c, Children's underwear at portionate prices, ^ Blankets and Comforters. A cold wave will oon be here, and it will be well to look up what you will require in winter bedding, in the meantime bear in! mind our prices on Full size blankots 55 < per pair. 10-4 blankets 69c per pair. v 10-4 blankets, white & gray 98c, 10-4 blinkets, white, 6x heavyr $1 35 per pair. 10-4 blanke's, all wool, natural gray, $2 98 per pair. 1 lot comforters, ordinary, 9*c. 1 lot comforters, worth $1 50 for $119. 1 lot comforters, home-made, filled with Elgin batting wortht $2 50 for $169. TiuoOt FJ. iwM, • j GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIR. ILI. O. B. HOWE, A. M., M. D. SPECIALIST, And Originator of the direct method and Amick remedy for disease! of the ear, nose, throat and lungs. i - j A i\ew Process For preparing ahd administering Aeriform fluid for coneuraptlon. aatlima, bronchitis, catarrh, hoarseness, catarrhal deafness, sore throat ana an dfst auea of the air passages, stomach, blood glands ana nerves. Xbe treatment is simple and agreeable and effects a speedy and permanent cure, The accompinying cut illustrates the apparatus used for applying" remedies direct to the diseased surfaces of the entire inspiratory tract. By this method remedial agents are applied directly to th© diseased surfaces of the air passages, subduing inflammation, cleans­ ing and healing ulcers, destroying baccilus, arresting diseased Py°* cesses and restoring the mucous surfaces to healthy action, thu# curing the disease permanently. The direct method and Amick remedy positively cures catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, incipient consumption, catarrhal deafness ana all diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. DR. O. B. HOWE, Physician and Surgeon* Frofessor of dlnenpes of the nos^. throat and ohfst, rhlnologfcal surgery. Cl|» cJnnatl medical college, Consulting rhy.«h-Un to the Cincinnati and Chicago institutes, Member ©f the state medkal societies ol Ohio and Illinol®, DR FRUTH, after years of experience haa pcrfeetcil tho most infallible method of cur ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel'-distrust, poormemory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory , Im­ poverished blood, low vitality, and all ettocta ot abuaes, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi nples, Scrofula, Btood Taint, Eczema, Oan- c«r, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Pot-felt fl)500for a cane of SEXUAL DISEASE Cure, Question list FK10K. < ne personal interview solicited. Oousultation free DR. D. O, FRU TH, 3632 Lake Ave., Chicago* We Have Money to Loan at 6 per Cent, On Farm or City property in any section of country where property has a llxed maiket value. Money ready for immediate loans where security and title is trood, No cominia sion. We solicit applications. Blanks fur­ nished upon request, ALLEN A CO., 40 ft 42 Broadway, New York* Will ba at the Parker House, McHenry, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct 25v 26&27 CONSULTATION FREE. All cases taken under treatment will be furnished apparatus for home treat­ ment and remedial agents suited to each It dividual caee until cured. 2NO CHAIIGKS will be made for apparatus or fee for servicea aske# until the euro is complete and the patient has had no, symptoms of the disease for six months, when the apparatus may be returned and a reasonable fee for cure paid. Small Charge iojf Medicine. No deposit or security required. Honesty only. This Is a new departure from the usual custom, which has been to demand pay in advance, and many ask how we can aflord to treat patienQh ou these terms. NO CURE, NO PAY. ' i:1 The explanation is simple Almost even PI - cate treated by this method, whether jo ' speedily aLd permanently cured. If you are Is optional' aLd of texpiratory diseases It private or huspltal practice, is snfiering froai any of the various forms with $ou to be cured or to neglect v ' Skia Diseases and all diseases of the Blood Glands. Nerves, Stomao^, Heart* Liver, Bowels, Kidnejs, Blodder and Womb skillfully treated. The Doctor will repeat bis vlstw every «lght weeks,

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