Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1894, p. 8

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F. L. McOmber s. - pj«W V ^ 'f t JSi-WiT > : r>4 - #? tf •*; IJ «• * "j, r* ^rr»v*' v- f | „ „ *»• . ^-sv*}^ -|V . - |J -ic: ;-: z •? '*>> r & *g ,A ̂- I CAN SAVE YOU BIG MONEY S*« 4 f t YVf"'* "iilk^Vr^'"•'" •4: :.Z¥>CX& The Best Made, The Most Durable, The Best Looking, The Most Convenient -The Best Baker, and Tne Best Heater, For the Least Money. 11 Remember this and call and see what I have. A written guaran­ tee with ©very stove. F . L . U c O M B E B . Dealer in General Hardware, Weet McHenry, III. i JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN Drugs & Medicines. X FULL LINK OF Dnis, Chemicals, Dye M, Faints, Oil* and Colors contUmtty an hand. Alto a full Une of PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. AKD A COMPLETE STOCK OF Stationerj & Drngg ists' Sundries. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS 4V Carefully compounded by a Registered Pbaimaclat. Tour Patronage Is respectfully solicited. ̂- JULIA A. STORY. One Door Wut of JttcerMde Eouse, McHenry, 111. CZ=* SHOES AHD CL0T1ING Are the most important of a 11 wearing apparel this time of the year The above two lines form th© main part of our business. We buy for cash and save all discounts, hence it looks reasonable that i* will be for your interest to call on us when in neea ot either of the above lines. Overcoats and Suits. / W« have just loaded down our counters with one of the largest itock ot suits and overcoats that we have ever shown at one time Clothing has never been as cheap during our time in business as it at the present time. Call on us for Will make the benefit mutual. your clothing wants and we fv '• SHOES AND RUBBERS. khoes and rubbers form no small part of our business and now is the time to keep your fee! dry to insure good health, Bring along your feet, call on us, we can give you all sizes and fit all ages, at the lowest living prices, J3H Underwear, horee blankets, lap robes, caps, gloves, mittens. Have just ordered another car of Jersey Lily Flour. Fresh Groceries as usual JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. Piliiri &Waiii's Best Flnur I THE PEOPLE Will Have it. Hx>\v» THE BABIES cry for It. "For Sftle at Wholesale and Retail a^t&Tin at the J^t Price- Daily capacity of mills, world Ko ntW 1n TU8 a°d Pronounced the best all over (be tut L t Via:rcratL™d?utput-and who can doubt Makes more Bread, Makes Better Bread, Makes Whiter BreaJ, . lry l8ack of either of these two • brands and satisfy yourself that .he above statement is true, and if | true when m need of flour you will want the best, and it you wi I leave your order at the mill we will see that^ou get it. ! MCHENRY ROLLER MILLS. <3 CQ G 0-> u <u a, cn O • h H s p a w-F 5 EH g PH „ rd s 1-3 = rl • O 3 J U £ 0 * w h r? •- o * "P3 P3 O t-S K I523 w > -u s.< h-3. O >H 2 <1 > & C O? , £ < 0 H f o 1 ̂ u 0 H P5 - > g 5H K g pq 5 d as, a £ • A. s o •S C ! ttq lO so sW u- 52 M <3 O o w H P3 O te «s w O T ^ •Ss W > U 2 C «s w 12 o o • • • i p£ $ 1 I 1 I ! g ;3 *3 .tj I s s ^ © 9 ^ $* fi" r '• 1 r 1 1 1 1 I | § e «> h a .s o . » 6 « •» I ^ 1 « rt o y a 3 * fl 8. 3 2 8 - ® fl sc 1 s . ^ a) i 5 w 5 -a a l i s •J ^ 0 '-3 -2 SP •o S .S * 2 « -1 -9 S CL, o o DO ? 2GC •• * fSl £8 w o t-s £ i-3 tw 3 O . O •<1 w H o GC 2« PH CS3 W CO t-H ta- K*" 5» w O w •fs^r - !o 1*5 |ad § W O "32 o J/2 fc HH nnna a ^ i M l l|ISW! S25 ^ (34 o 1-3 o "2 <-i S.OO d £ « " - d ^ SOQ- 2 ^ w ^ •••I I - s PQ §Ph < 2 ^ 6S ^ o IB O ?« sM Ue . - PQ < W QO O W A s o ^ S )_3 c sW 3 U ê4 ]•••[ I ••••• Cheaply bought, ice now being received in large quantities Iff SIMON STOFFEL, On the Weat aide Profits wiii irn nnVy ^ defray actual expenses.~ ^election. Correct ah/lei, <xn& JotgM Prices. PATENTS. FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. frlti DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys. Inventive Affe Bulldlnc, WASHINGTON, D C. •••k trmm Maatioo this papa* Insure your property with S. Stoffel and feel secure. 25 boxes new, large California raisioe fl.25 per box at Perry & Owen's. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted to Cits * Viilii&e or Count ry. Needed in every home, uhop, Htore and office. Greatest oonveii* iencf and bftwt nel ler on earth Aifiitii mak» f)roiii 90 l«i> S50 One m a residem-© nieiinn a sulo to all the neighbor*. Fine instruments, no toys, workn anywhere, any di«tancfn Complete, ready foi3 nae when wliipn^d. ran h® put up by any «med never out of order, no repairing, luflt* a li^ time. Warranted. A money muker Writ# W. P. Harrison a Co.. Clerk 10, Columbus, 0. School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry & Owen's. "•"MMO tMttUu Niew Serges, Henriettas aad Flannels. ; Oashmerese Ginghams, rfelteoleh Capi'al City Flannels, SiiStT ings and Blankets. CLOTHING I r > ' J * 0 * ' * a n < 1 c b i l d r e n 'a wear jnat received in larjre quantities fr m (he veUkpovrn housefl of R W. Klmt *£ Kuh, Nathan and Fiscber* - lVV.W nTn«rto •. »« -- Will soon follow in large lots, all of the ncwrnt eiylea deaign, 01 Jos, lielfeia & Co. a uitke, Ottli 00 ua for your Fall Underwear Inspect our New Fall 8hoes and Bubber Goods, New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Fall Wall Pajer. Fail styles fiats & Caps. Trunks, Valise?, Satchels. tSir'Beloit Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Coats and Pants, all warranted. its here lp*» the famous Mayflower Tea. "'HOICE GROCERIES, Arbueklo's Arioma and Java Oolfees. PILLSBtJRY and FANCY FLOUR. Big stock of Far go's and Douglas' custom shoes For Fall and Winter goods of any kind call on, Yours truly* SiHiON STOFPEL. In the best^nd most liberal companies forms no tmall part of our business, and will be continued at the old stand on same business principles, by "Yours truly SIMON STOFFEL CP UT TRfTP Ai the Bakery, • I V s I X L J 1 3 l L I \ ^ M c H c o r y Having secured the Agency of the WASHBURN GOLD*"** MEDAL"*" F1.0UR. The Best in the.World. Is now prepared to furnish customers the seme, either by the sack or barrel, at Low Prices, and guarantee tatisfaction. There is no better flour offered to the buying public, a trial of which will convince the most skeptical. Call and get a sack and bd convinced that what we say is true. Also, a full lice ot Fresh Family Groceries and Bakery Supplies always on hand. 0. E. HUBER. McHenry, 111., 1894. JtTSTEN BROS., DEALERS IN FIWE FUBIflTUBB OF ALL KINDS, Genera) or looal Aflanfft. S7S a week. Kxclusive territory. »H Kapld DUhWftfchrr. Waahes alltlM dishes for a family in one sniaaU. Washes, rinses au<l dries then without wetting the tiauda. Twi push the button, the machine dot* the rest. Brlaht, polished dlthea, and cheerful wives. No scalded fingers,nosolledhandsor clothing. kN.< broken dishes,no muas. Cheap, durable, warranted. Ci rcularsfiea. «r. P. HAKKIHON 4c CO.. Clerk «•. I*.»ib»fc •. With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public * . A Larger Stock oi all kinds of FURNITURE Tbao ever before, wlifcb we c are ofleriog at greatly Reduced Prices. Now is the time to B»y. t&»We also keep In stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we cafe give yoh anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than ^ aay ether house in the county. *^ TRUNKS AT COST. Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Perry & Owen's. f20 suits now flG. f 18 suits now $14. All very low ia price. We ha^e taken great pains in selecting our UNDERTAKING- : - SUPPLIES, Coffins, Cnskeis autl Trluiurioge ot the lateet d<signs. Everything new artf»- elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when ia want of anything in our line. 8PLKNDID ti£AR&E ia connection, will te furrlshed at Reasonable Rates, JUSTE1T BROS ••M,: • m.

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