yonas. of drfftktag ilf 1*, |>Ut*ts Barsaparllla as a safeguard Mai nut attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsapsrllla, makes pare blood, and thus guards the system from all these perils. It creates an ap petite and gives sound and robust health. » piled in i tors, Mood's A £«MMa 8ar*a- pmrfttm Cures "I have Ti«wi> o«lng Hood's Barsaparllla occasionally for the last three years. I ' W <%%%%% have suffered from malaria fever for live yean, and have tried many kinds of medi cine. bu* found no relief till I commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have all confidence in it, and believe it to be far superior to any other tonic." P. J. FITZ- OKBAZ.0,121 Ninth St., South Best on. Mass. Hood' s Pills core all liver ills. ate. /. Invest Now In the best, most welcome and most vala- : able reading obtainable for 1895. The Youth's Companion offers unequaled value and good reading for all the family, and costs but Si. 75 a year. Mr. Gladstone, two of Queen Victoria's s; daughters. Rpdyard Kipling. Mark Twain. J. T. Trowbrld.ro. and more than one hun- dred other eminent writers contribute to :: the volume for next year. New subscribers who send SL 75 at on6s receive The Companion free until January , *!??'-, Miuluaiu,, viuif* oaridi- mas and New Year's numbers, and a year's ,*»bi<»ipUoa beside* * " »» , THB YOUTH'S COMPAWION. "V " " ' Boston. Mass ' A Great Work. The Chine-e Fncyclooedia meets a long-felt want and no family should be ?• without it. It was published in Fekin : in 5,000 volumes, and at the price ol $10,000 is the tame as given away. Misery After Meals. The oppressive embargoes levied upon th* timer man by his inveterate enemy, dyspepsia, r after meals, are lifted and the yoke oast off by that sovereign medicinal liberator from bodily • ailments, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Heart- bum. flatulence, oppression at the pit of the stomach, the presence of bile where it does not belong, are alike remedied by this potent re- ;; former of a disordered condition of the gastric organ and the liver. It is the prince.of tonics and stomachics, invigorating at the same time i that it remedies. Both appetite and sleep are | Improved by it. A wineglass before or after >;'! meals, and before retiring, will be found an i efficient restorative of the ability to digest f and assimilate and to rest tranquilly. Use It l for malarial, kindney and rheumatic trouble and for constipation. For the aged and infirm it is highly beneficial. ; Comparative Strength of Materials. v Ca t iron weighs 444 pounds to the ' pubic foot and a one-inch square bar will sustain a weight of IP. 500 pounds; » bronze, weight 525 pounds, tenacity 3,< 00; wrought iron, weight 480, ten- : acity 50.0 0; hard "struck" steel,weight f; 490, tenacity 7f,000; aluminum, weight j 168, tenacity 2ti,000. We are accus- tomed to think of metals as being stronger than wood, xnd so 11ey are, : generally speaking, if only pieces of : the-sare size be tested. But when J: equal weights of the two materials are compared it is then foun l that several , varieties < f wood are stronger than or dinary steel. A bar of pine just as heavy as a bar of sieel an inch square , will hold up 125.010 pounds, the best ash 1< 5.000 pounds, and some hemlock v 200,OIK) pounds. Wood is bulky. It occupies ten or twelve times the space % of 6teel. The best steel castings made for the United States navy have a ten acity of 65,000 to 75,000 pounds to the square inch. By solidifying such cast ings under great pressure a tensile strength of 80,00) to 150,000 pounds ' may be obtained.--Railway Review. To Help Sick Women, " I want to tell you what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash have done for me. i "I was so bad with falling of the womb and Leucorrhoea that I could not stand. a I had doc tored so much without bene fit I was en tirely discour aged. I ex pected to die. ^•»One evening I read in the • Herald' about this medicine. I went to the druggist, got some, and took 2 bottles of the Com pound, and used one of the Sana tive Wash. "I am now well and strong, am never troubled with either of the complaints. If more women would use Mrs. Pinkham's medi cines there would be less suffering Mthe world" Mr<- IDA CASTER, « L.1C V¥Ui-U« uilre Street, Syracuse, N.Y. Ihfi Greatest Medical Discovery " ir of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY." DONALD KENNEDY, OF RQXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from tiie first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a weeK after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonfuljn water at bed* time. Sold by all Druggists. UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIM Sold dlrcct to consumers AT LOWEST PRICES gs'iyw ever before offered. Buy direct from Im porters and manufacturer*. Wo ship WITH PKIYItKCK Or HAMMATIOH. We save you from 90 to SO per cent. A tailor fit suit, •».«). Fall or winter overcoat*, $IJM. Bojn* combination Suits S2.1B. U K OTKWOATS A SMH1A1.TT. Send to-day for»'KEE mammoth catalog. Address OXFORD MFG.CO..CMhi»*i>rPi. T.i* 344 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. *. N. U. Mo. 4.%-9* HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Cabinet w Buckles. Be Mounted in six pmuui Cabinet Photo Frame. Tortoise.Hairpin. Garter Belt Buckle, Hatpin. Side Combs, all The entire get of best silverware. The en I for One Dollar. W( L one dollar for the satire ««t to C0N0VER * AULT, 6 Harrisdi St., N«w Yerfc six presents for One Dollar. We want local •cents, bead c Wtasn wiM eooeeit* • And lit fay flaring metsoll When all was crazed uid out of tnaa-- Yet Mid the mnale of the moon. II »e could dare to write aa ill As some whose voices haunt as Perhaps even wo might call our owit Tbair deep enchanting undertone. Sa are too difficult and nioe, »learned and too ororwise, ®BO luiitiii ti! fiiulS-t .1-0= lig The llulcs ot bold fdiicerity, -j-*, ^ For. as this »weet life paeaaa by, ^ f v\ ' We blink t«nd nod with critic oye| •, Wa've no words rude enough to giM 1' lta charm, so frank and fugitive. Tl»« green and scarlet of the puk, t>*' Tbe undulating streota at dark. The brown smoke blown across tba bla% This crowded city we walk through. The pallid frrea fall of pais, Tba tteld-ssiell of the passing wain. The laughter, longing, perfume, S&U% The daily spectacle ol life: Abt shall this be given in rhyme. By rhymsters of a knowing time? Ant for the age when ver^e was glf Being godlike, to be-bad and mad.-* *4Pall Mall Magazine. »5si OLD DAN'S DARLING. No wonder Dan Marston was ex cited. Here, after ten years, he re ceived a letter that Cousin Angienette Was romintr on to viflit. him Mnri hU sister Hannah. The old man had •ever forgotten "the chipper little «irl" he had been so fond of in bis younger days. . Hannah didn't like the idea of hen relation's visit, she was fearful (knowing Dan's feelings), as to what it might lead to, Dut there was noth ing to do but consent. "You'll have to write the letter, Daniel. I don't seem to feel like It* my stomach's so weak. 1 s'pose I I shall be sorry 1 had her come. I don't want her meddling with mr cookin'." That day week the three were seated in the best room, which led out of the kitchen. It was a mere box of a room, and had a musty odor, it was so seldom opened. Two large, old maples sbaded the windows, and grew so near that they seemed like grim sentinels, forbidding the light of Heaven. "1 don't see you look so much old- er*n you did ten or fifteen years ago, Angienette," said Daniel, as he crossed oue leg over the other, and tried to make himself stationary in the slippery horsehair chair with its hard, unvielding seat. "Wa'al, I don't know's I feel old; I've got health 'n seven nice children! They alnt nothin' they dont' try to do for me, seuce their poor father died. But I'm 55 next month. That's older'o you, Hannah, by three yeara" "I hain't never had sech health as you've bed/' said Hannah, as she left the low chair and took a seat in one the back of which was tall and straight and stiff. Her tlgure was little and firm and her complexion, though colorle s, had the hue of health. •'Why, you never was sick hut once, Hannah." said the brother, "'n that was more'n twenty years ago." ••Well, I aint been real sick, but I don't seem to feel so strong as 1 was. I git dreadful tired washin' 'n ironin' the same day." 4,I sh'd think you would," said her cousin; ' what makes ye dp it?" "Good land! 1 alwuz did. You don't s'pose I'm going to have it 'round two days, do ye, for iest Daniel 'u me !n Hiram. I want to set down Tuesdays. I'm pieclo' calico to make Bome quilts. I'd ought to make thrqe thi« fail, ef 1 can." "I'll take holt 'n help, ef yoif want me to, Hannah--ef I shant be'in the way; I like to sew." "Air your eyes good?" "Eyes good? Why, yes, of course j they be; what's to hender? 1 don't j never use glasses, nuttier; 1 was al- I ways sort o' near-sighted, you know, home say them kind of eyes is 6tronger'n others I don't Know. Why, you aint feelin* like an old Wo man yet, air ye?" "Trouble makes folks feel old, An gienette. We lost a cow in the spring, 'n our chickens aint this morbid*. The windon* axity in discipline was ap- for the cfiiwri* entkmt animal at length stopped short wad turned her l^ad to look at the couple behind, beeing that hei1 master was in his usual place, she broke Into a gentle, satisfied trot. The lake was in view and the air grew more invigorating. As they neared the water's edge the sun burst forth and poured down on the glassy surface a shower of diamonds. Tiuy waves curled up on the seg ment of beach and a soft breeze stirred the little ringlets under An- gienette's straw bonnet, which had been trimmed by the village milliner only the day before. "Go 'long, Jenny," 6aid DanieL "She don't care much for what I say," he added, looking across the water to the dark mountain beyond. "That's cause you're gentle with ber, Daniel. I guess you never abused a dumb animal." "No, I couldn't do that" Then after a pause, "I alwuz thought, Angle, that somehow I'd ought t« a' Din merried, ef I'd found anybody that would a' cared about me. But 11 s'posa it's too late to be thinkin' o' j that now." J "You ain't sixty yit, DanieL" I "No, but I'm close onto Go j'long, Jenny." J : J-'UU TUTI O caiieu tne ADgie before sence the day I told you I'd send you j my ambrotype. 1 nev^r knew whether you got it, Daniel." "Wa'al 1 couldn't seem to make up my mind tp say anything about it, but it's rolled up in a little silk band- kerchief I meant to a'sent ye for a weddin' pf senu My courage kindo' give out, so ye never bed it. Go 'long, Jenny." , '•Couldn't I hev it now?" "Do you want it, Angie?" .No answer came. Daniel from out the tail of his eye at the round cheek with its pink tinge and saw two generous teais pouring down. "Whoa, Jenny. 1 don't know's you'd do it, Angie, but--can't ye come back 'n live with us in the old house after y've bin home 'n seen the folks' Hannah, she would be dread ful pleased ef ye would--to be her Sister, ye know. Angle." j "1 was jest thinkin' o' that, Daniel --I didn't know how she'd take it." 4'I know--she told me yistcrday." A robin teetered along and with a glad chirrup circled in the air, like Kichter's lark, "with a loud day in his throat." "The birds'll be gotn' BOW Wore long. Cousin Angle." "We'll see 'em together, next year, please God,"said Angienette. "Go 'long, Jenny," said Daniel Marston.--New York Journal. (N A MEXICAN MARKET. Boiled Parrots, Puppies, Scrap Iron, and Oraashoppers for Hale. The articles seen in the market I will here give as .they were written down during a recent Sunday morn ing visit, says a writer in the New York Advertiser. One department is under cover and is tilled with assorted fruits, including oranges, lesuocs, limes, pineapples, pears, peaches, plums, bannaoas, quinces, alligator pears, cocoanuts, and many other tropical fruits, most of which, owing to the high market tax and costly transportation, sell at about New York prices. The streets and side walks in the vicinity are lined with men, women, and children, who are seated on the ground surrounded by their market products, which Include besides the ordinary vegetable market product, parrots, pigeons, un- weaned puppie's, game chickens, pet lambs, haltered pigs and kids. Then chere are heaps of old iron, bird tages, cheap cilt^o, brass jewelry, boiled corn, potatoes, stewed pump kins, beans, pepper, cooked and raw pigs' feet, sheep heads, hearts, lights, and entrails. There are also flints and tinder for starting fires, metal- mounted stune for grinding corn, roots, Dark, and medical herbs and dye wooda Close by we see fried shrimp and grasshoppers. Each are cooked whol - and eaten so. The lat- _ ter are about the si e of our common done ' grasshopper, but are entirely red„ but well this summer. Five died, or more; we'd ought to hev fifty ef they'd done welL" "We've got tome beauties left," said Daniel, ^n the man that keeps the hotel up by the lake says he'll take all we can spare, 'n give a cent a pound more'n anybody else will. The money's-all Hannah's, though. I don't want none of it. She works hard enough running after 'em." He did not say that a good share of the running after was done by him* self, save on the few occasions when Jbe chanced to be from home. The second week in September had come, and Cousin Angienette's visit was almost over. Mie was to leave the next day but one. "I wish you'd ride up to the lake with me to-morrow mornin'," said , Daniel. "I'm goin' to see about: a shoat Sim Perkins has got a ter rible nice one, 'n 1 want to hev it ef he don't charge too much." "I hadn't ought ter leave Hannah; she's got the bread to bake 'n the kitchen floor to wash, 'n 1 don't know what el-e. "You go right along!" said Han- nah, in what was for her a very cheery tooe. "There aint any more work than what I kin do well enough. You've helped me so much sense you'vp been here that I feel! more like what 1 used to be than 1 i have this ten year. 1 declare for't Angienette. I'd grt to be so down hearted I didn't seem to be one thing nor annuther. I thought I wanted somethin'. 'n I l*elieve in my heart 'twas you I wanted all the time; 'n Daniel, he aint been go chirked up I don't know when." '•IVpose you want to start early, Daniel," said his cousin. "I was calkilatin' ef we could hev breakfast by half-past five or so we might get off about half-past six, while it's cool; we're goin' to hev a hot day, jedgin' from the^ signs. The sun set awful red to-nigtrt." A thin mist hovered over the earth, and the grass was heavy with deWx ' The air, already autumnal, encircled the mountain tops with ashen veils, softening the tints and blurring the outlines. The old wagon, with its worn buffalo cover ing hanging over the back of the seat, was drawn by Daniel Marston's twenty-year-old mare. She jogged along with the reins dangling more loosely over her head than ever, If could be; and the frequent jerk was as to looks I would just as soon tr> to go the common "hopper" of the North. Besides these the natives gather the eggs of the swamp fly and boil them into a paste and eat them with 6alt, chili (pepper;, and tortil las. The fly and its egg are each sold in the market The former is some what smaller than the house tly, while the eggs are about the size and color of a hayseed. In lact, everything is eaten here that the human stomach will digest, or anything that is capa ble of being converted into soup, Saw Hid Error. *1 have just called, Miss Simpson," said the angry lover, "to say fare well, but before I say it I want you to know that I have discovered vour falseness and I despise you for it!" ••Why, Billy, what is the matter?" "Oh, you know well enough. May be I didn't pass the -gate last even ing and >ee you with your head on another man's shoulder. Who is the unhappy man?" "But, Billy, I haven't seen any man but you, dearest; honest, I haven't." "No, I suppose not. Then, maybe, X am blind, deaf and dumb, and an idiot Maybe you didn't have com pany last evening?" "No one, Billy, but my best friend, Emily. No, I didn't and 1 think you area wretch." "And you didn't stand at thegate?" "Oh, yes, we did. We were count ing the stars in the big dipper--mak ing wishes on them." * "Oh. yes. I suppose I was blind. Now, maybe you'll describe Emily to me?" "Why, she htid on her Knox hat, her black blazer suit, a white shirt waist, with a black satin tie, and a white duck vest. You know Emily, Billy." Billy--"Um-m! I see." And what might have been a mod- er i tragedy was averted and Billy made up at once.--Indianapolis fceu. tinel. ' • . f Light Wood. ^ Light wood is one of the most use ful Southern products, especially in Florida, where it is used by all sorts of country folk, and particularly by the hunters. A cord wood stick car ried into the wilderness will cut up into fragments with which a dozen meals may be cooked. The rich, resinous pine makes a quick, hot tire, especially suited to ojwn air cooking. • CASEY WAS OlSGUSTfLD, / w Those Uss» on the 8b tools Depot War* To® Much to Stand., Nearly every stranger who comes to Sty Louis has something to say or something to suggest with regard to the architecture cr the arrangements of the new Union depot. One of the most startling discoveries was male yesterday by Dominick Casey of Kan sas City, a QjBuiuer iu kooq standing of thf the t.rianplc faction of the Clan-na-GaH and a patriot who has freed as much of Ireland as any man of his years and weight in the United States. Mr. Casey viewed with approval the long reach of the arcade plat form, and he found nothing to cavil at in the disposition and furnishings of the waiting-rooms and offices, then he went across the street to Car- mody's to get aconpd'oeif---they have them for lo cents, says the St Louis Globe-Democrat From this point of vantage Mr. Casey approved even more highly ot the structure than before; there were suggestions m it of the custom-house on the Liffey, and the great stairway is strikingly like the entrance to Kilkenny castle. But as from the consideration ot the whole facade Mr. Casey came to the examination of details his brows darkened and his teeth shut wlt,h a. sbap. tie walked across the street to pake sure, not wishing to utter any statements under a mistake, and he glared at the great lanterns that em hellish the front, each of which beirs a rampant lion that evidently "had flew the coop" out of the royal arms of England. "Well," Mr. Casey said, reflective ly, "I'll be hanged." Then he said it again. Next he went up to a sym pathetic policeman and made the remark onc^ more. The policeman followed Casey's accusing finger with his eyes and grasped the fact of the lion. Its tail was up and it was making motions with its front legs ID the air. Its mouth was curved op in a mocking smile, and its mane and back were as fancy as so much Sor rento work. "They talk about the American Protective Association running Kan sas City." Mr. Casey said, "but I'll be hanged if they could put u.p their signs and tokens on a pub ic building )n our town without taking them down again. Who did it, anyhow?" The policeman meekly admitted that he did not know, this being the first time his attention had been called to the outrasre. "Well, can't you report iCnow you see it? D'ye mean to tell me nothing will be done about a thing like that? Why--but language withered un der Mr. Casey's deep disgust, and he turned his back to the new station and haughtily declined even to look at it again as he walked away. WHERE INSECTS DO THRIVE. HAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF WE AUSO MANUFACTURE THB FOR TOUCH UP SPOTS " The latest investigations United States and Cai dian Governments' show the Royal Baking Powder supe* rior to all others in purity ana ^fflfpeavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers # tke contrary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications.. of the official reports*, f 1v k^ ; _ % . • ' i - total BAKING Experiences of a Trareler Through the Mountains or Montserrat. One of the first things that struck me in Montserrat was that nearly all the plantation houses were sur rounded by white sand. Wheo I asked about it I found the reason sufficiently startling. There are serpents In Montserrat, and great spiders as large as a child's head, and centipedes and scorpions and myriads of small green and brown lizards. It is to keep these creatures away that the sand is brought up from the beach and spread around the houses. Snakes and spiders and other crawl ing things do not like to make them selves too prominent, and they hesi tate to cross a wide strip of white 6and. When they try it they are easily seen and killed. I had a chance to spend only one nijpht in the mountains of Montser rat, but then I learned the necessity of surrounding the houses with white sand. Of course no such pains were taken with the mountains cabins,and I made the acquaintance of a-fine variety of insects. My arrival at the cabin was very different from the way in which I went to the Jamaica cabins. There the colored people, though hospitable, were entirely independent; and knew they could either take me in or send me about my business, as they chose. In Montserrat tbev are more depend ent upon the planters, and when Moses, my valet, rode ahead t& JLeli the people of the cabin that he and a guest of "Maws Colonel" would do them the honor to spend the night in their house, the effect was very- much as if some Englishman in New York should receive a cable saying that the lJrince of Wales would be over in the Campania to spend a week with him, Moses made no bones about having everything taken out of the room we were to occupy and making a thor ough search for insects. He even pulled up some of the floor boards and poked into the thatch. The first thing he unearthed was the most savage looking tarantula 1 ever saw. This fellow when in motion looked quite as large as the crown of a derby hat; but when we killed him he coiled up into a lump about as big as your tfst After killing the ground spider, as the negroes call it, Moses found a pan full of centipcdes and scorpions in the walls and thatch and drove out a tew hundred small lizards. I do not mind the lizards, for they are as playful as kittens. They are not slimy like our northern lizards, but clean, and always very pretty. They are are precisely like the chameleons the New York girl had a fancy for wearing a few months -ago., --New York Sun. Incombustible paint for woolwork may be made by, mixing the desired color in powder in water, saturated with potash, t > which a little starch paste has al-o been adried to stitven it. Woodwork coated with this paint will npt burn nor blister in the neighbor- boo 1 of a stove or gas light. A "polish" pre'erab'e to varni-h for furniture may bo made by boiling a saturated solution of pofcish in w ater, and aid ing, while it boils, pieces of beeswax. W hen cold this make * a mass of the consi-tencv of soft si ap. whi h may be applied with a brush, and which, with a brisk rubbing, will give a fine polish. Much of the artistic ironwork now in use is hel l together by tcews and nuts. These are liable in time to be come loose, and it is well to know that the oints may be made tight again by simply hammering the nnts on the edge, which makes them smaller and enables one to screw up the piece as firmly as at first. To THE devotees of TFRANT! opera and the amuse meat-xotux public In general the an nouncement that the 'IStvary Grand Eng lish Opera Company would be heard at the Chicago Opera llouse, commencing with Suuday night, hai attracted the greatest attention. Marie Basta Tavary is without a peer, and the fact that she appears under the sole direction and management of Mr. Charles 11 Pratt is especially gratifying. There is no manager In America to-day more capable to present English grand opera thau Mr. Pratt, who in the past has managed such tours a* that of Marie Rose, Clara Louise Kellogg, Annie Louise (Jary and the late Emma Abbott. Marie Basta Tavary has attained the height ot artistic fame, aud the success with which she has appeared In the most difficult roles has made her a famous singer. Hor voice possesses the greatest volume, being true and crys tal-like in its purity, and characterized by sympathetic sweetness and flexibility, the ftas a pupil oC Marches!, and her past achievements have repeatedly made her the heroine of the hour in the Grand Opera Houses of St. Petersburg, Munich, Milan. Paris and Covent Garden in London. The organization which will support Madame iavary will be most notable, Mr. Pratt's am billon heinff 1/1 nnu.nt nrunil stronger in cast of characters and greater in accessories and perfection of detail than lias ever before been attempted. The or chestra carried by the company Is under the direction of Slgnor Amerlco Morreale. from the Italian opera In the City of Mex- lco. He is a genius as a musiclun, and is said to possess tlio greatest of capabilities as a director. The repertoire of works to be interpreted during this engagement is 1 articularly notable for its groat variety, and will be presented with a preciseness heretofore unknown in English grand opera. The list ,of artists in support of tfailam«"iavary 'includes Emma Narlaal, Henrietta Dreyer and Sophie Ro- uianl, prima donna sopranos; the nieizo- hopranc being Mme. Thea Derre; con traltos, Helen Von Doeuhoff and Dora i-cott. In A. L. Guille. Manager Pratt has secured one of the greatest living primo tenors. Payne Clarke is another celebrity selected as prlmo tenor, us well us Will iam Warren. One of the most brilliant baritones of the stage to-day Is William Mortons, who occupies a prominent posi tion with the organization. F. L. Hill and & Dudley are two other baritones of note. Win. H. Hamilton is the basso, and William Schuster the basso cantata These are but a few of the names that go to make up the Marie Tavary Grand English Opera Company. ihp repertoire arranged for the first week Is as follows: Sunday. Mon day, and Saiurday nights. "II Trovatore;" Tuesday and Wednesday nights. "Bohe mian Girl:" Wednesday evening and[Satur- day matinee, "Cavallerta Rustlcana" and "I Pagliacci;" Thursday, "Carmen;" and Friday. "Faust." Bogus Coffee. Everybody knows that much, per haps most, of the f-o-called Mocha cof fee sold in the United States is no such thing, but only a few persons know how some of the counterfeit Mocha is nade. The berries growing on the highest limbs of the coffee trees in } r-izil are often shriveled in the sem blance of the true Mccha. and these are carefully set aside, shipped to some port famous for Mocha cotiee, and sent thence to the western world as the true thing. Mr ay. "You might draw off all the water in Fox River," says ex-Governor Hiard, of Wisconsin, "and we could supply it with milk, and on the surface we could f oat cargces of butter and cheese, or when you are ready to open your new ship canal fiom Chicago to joliet you might let the dairymen Know and they would till it with milk, just to illus trate to Chicago how much milk of human kindness there is in the hearts of the mea who live with their tieraa." A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syiup of Fisfs when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be-costive or bilious tfco most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should haveabottlo on hand. AT a late meeting of the Royal Botanic Society, the Secretary raised the question of the vitality of long- ke| t seeds. He said that fifteen vears was a i long as he had undoubted evi- cence of a seed being ke; t and then germinating. He scouted the idea that 6eed from the hand-f of mummies had ever developed. The evidence of such a claim was unscientific and untrust worthy. ^Sir B. W. Richardson, at the same meeting, said that he had plant ed many seeds found with mummies, but none had ever developed. J lOO Reward. tlOO. The rearters of this paper will be to learn that there is at least one disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting directly upon tfaft blood and mucous surfaces of the avstcni, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving "the patient strength by btifldinf up the constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. The proprietors have so tnuch faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a S9*Sold by Druggists, 75c. beaded Enormous Life Insurance. The King of Portugal has just ef fected an insurance on his life of £-10,- 000 with an English ofr'ce, the risk being subdivided among several com panies. A Gloomy Outlook Is that of the dyspeptic, but his face will brighten when he knows that Ripana Tab ulia cure that terrible disorder *nd will make him a cheerful and happy man. We Have a Great Country. If all the people of the United State? wore placed in Kansas, California and Nebraska, those States would not be so thickly settled as England is now. SEKD your full name and address to Dob bins' £oap Mfg. Ca, Philadelphia. Pa., by return mall, aad get. free of all cost, a coupon worth several dollars, if used by you to its full advantage. Don't delay. This la worthy attention. *• Centenarians in Chill. . Chili has 481 centenarians, accord ing to her latest census. BxACTirui. birds and fragrant flowers are nature's charm, but a divinely lovely com plexion comes from the use of Glenn's Bui- phur Soap. ILL company makes this earth a helL --Omar Khayyam. IN a great many case^ of Asthma. Plso's Cure for Consumption will give relief that is almost equal to a cure. 25 cents. MAKES NO OUST, IN 5&L TOE ONLY PERFECT Morse Bro&.Pwrs OwroMfe$& LIST • WANTS If yon wish to liny. Sell or Efckaan aw putl» alar article, new or m rond-hmnd, write to : AMERICAN LISTING COMPANY 203 TJtCOMA BUIUMM, CHICMO, ILL. tor copy of Bntee and Oeaeral Information. n» ? % Meat Direct and Simple, Cheapest and Beat >'i method of reaching the party who Wants What You Have H ^ Has What You Want Send for free Sample Copy ot "Sl'mr AK» - DEMAND," the only journal of itskiadin Amw- • !"», \ tea. Issued weekly by the Company. * W/f/irs<r/r/*/*/*/+/+/*/ • i 2? YOU HAVE | A Headache, | A Furred Tongue# | Spells of Dizziness, | Hot Hands ancKCold Feet| | Bad Taste In the Mouth, | | Distress after Eating, | Loss of Appetite, | Irritable Temper, ? | Broken Sleepy : ItS, Vc * "« YOUHr V"*/' ' •' - r , l'"i K; • ~"p T A K E | Liver I land Kidneyf r 'if-*' !#i.oo BOTTLE| | OF ALL DBUQGISm S ' ^ - ^ MAXurAcnnutDvr a , . i The Dr. J.H. MoLeaa | Medicine Co., | 8T. LOUIS, MO. 'WM x used Ely's Oream I Balm for catarrh and have received great ben efit. I believe U a safe and certain cure. Very I pleasant to take.--Win. Fraser, Rochester, N. Y. \ ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens snd c>ans<>8 the Masai Passages, Allans Pais and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Protects Sin? Membrane lrom Golds, Restore* the Senses ol TsMa and smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed andgivs* reiiel at once. A particle is applied into each nostril and Is agree abt*. Prico 50 cents, at druggists or by mail. ELV BROTHERS. 56 Wanvn Street. New York. MONTHLY, illustrated. Tampa. Fall ••a AMIk B facts about this charming St»te. |»1 I1HII1B Cheap Homos Farm all rear. One • "WIIWII 00, y and line Florida Picture, Si ets. One year and 12 fine .Engravings, |i. Paris Doctors on Bicyling for Wo men. To the queetloo whether the use of the bicycle in moderation is good for women, the Paris Journal de Mcdicine has just received answers from forty-three doctors, of whom thirty-three say yes, and ten say na THB German tfoverument has is sued an edict to the effect that the names tor new babies must be taken only from the Bible and the roll of princes and national heroes. MEASUREMENTS of human hair prove that its fineness depends much on color, an£ that it varies from the 250th to the 6u0th of ao inch in diameter. IT is said that the lies to Genoa is the journey in the world. ride from Can- finest railroad Do NOT sacrifice the fat family beefsteak upon the altar oXttw beai man. w GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) ol Dr. Pierce's-- Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast m ON TRIAL - They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil- iousness, Constipation. Coated Tongne, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Livgr and Bowels. W. L. DOUCLAS CUAP I8THCBCST. OflvL NOBQUEAKINa $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMEULEDCALF * $ 5.£0 POLICE, 3 SOLES. $2s^2.W0RKIN6HENs ** EXTRA FINE. ^ BOYSSCHMLSHOEI •LADIES* SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL.* DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Too can save money by veettring tke W. L. Douglas 83.OO Shoe* . Because, wo aro the largest manufacturers ot tillsgradeof shoes in tbo world,andguarante® their value by stamping tho same and prlco on tbo bottom, which protect you ajalnst high prices anil the middleman's profits. Our shoes ciuai custom work in etyle, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices tot tbo value given than any other make. Take no sub- Btitote. It your dealer cannot supply you, wo can. FREE! Ruppert's FACE BLEACH1 Appreciating th« fact that thousands of ladkft of the U. S. have not oaed my Fact Bleach, on account of price, whkh is $2 per boUU, and In order that ALL may it a fair trial, I will seed a Sample Bottle, aaf«]y all charg«t prepaid, on receipt of 25c. FACE BLEACH remove* and cures absolutely all freckles, pimples, tooth, blackheads, sallow. BNI, acne, eczema, wrinkles, orroughoeaaoC skin, and beautifies the complexion. Addrssi Ume. A. RUPPERT. Oeot. E. 6 E. 14th St.. N Y. City. It not surprising ' a remedy That has been Thel i Physician's Tramp Cud Tor a century--His »o»ot trn Should now, For the first time. Be so prepared as' To make It possible To offer It to the pubilo " ' In a form i Available for immediate ass ' And capable of being pceMrvaS Without loss of virtues For r» decade?-- J Or wit!l the occasion arts--> ; SlUfSVfla t • '? ^ • Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." , The substitute costs the dealer /ess. It costs you ABOUT the samel HIS profit is in tke " just as good,** WHERE IS YOURS? Address for FREE SAUKJE, jp W*pe"«ary MetfkaJ Asaodtths, X IkMVJtaliSLsMffifitta,** PATENTS. TRADE MARKS. Examination and Advice as to Pattuufa lityof In vention. Send for li^entors' Guii<e. orHowtoGet a Patent. PATRICK O'FABHKUL. Washington. D. CL HH WITT'S Tobacco Antidote Tablets. The tob t coo habit quicklv.tuti.ely.i>ermaiicntly cured. Particularly ivo >mmend"d to: CIOAKKITE KAi-lT. Three boxes guaranteed to cure. |3. HEWITT liEMEDY Co.. > uero 12 per box; i> boxes DtAYitc Co.. Texas. NO KISK WHATEVt: K--by pun-lias.n* Puiviucau on the Stock Market and > avuijr them intelli gent v worked in A \v.BAltN.\ltD Hanker. OO and 68 Uroadwsv, Sew York. Send tor Proopsctos. OPIUM Morphine Habli Cared tu lO to JM» tlaya. No My till mml. OR. J.8TEPHENS, Lebanon. Ohio. Mrs. Winslow'f SooTanra Knnr for Childxaa teething: softens the etuns, allays pain, cures wind coUc. K oeaia a bottte. Irtti Victor Bicycle, used lit In line shape, to hlctie~t oaah bid< particulars. IJCt-MX 2N, Aim* * Suchsnyjirtae eiisata • - - $ - ' t-' J , Ripans Tabules. « ̂ Mpsns Chemical Co., 10 Spruce St., Srnrn fosSu ? rice, SO cents a box, of druggists or by reali. s CURE YOURSELF FRENCH J3PKCIFIC never faili f the urinary or Full directions wi diseases of ctmdition. Full directions wffh bottle: • l.OO. Sold by E. I.. STAHL Druggist ravw Bureo Street, corner Fifth Avanoe. Ohicwio. KllMls. Kent by express on receipt of r " TANSY PILLS. i wrapper on receipt of Spaals&J- " " Helmble. Safe, S ThB S^Sn^lnl SMialne. - - _ .-ri - •dlclneCu.. 393 _ „ ... .. plain t price Sl.OO Ber box. MISM nTBiun «niiwr» pumt iTfgggg" K N. (J. No. 43- know what mediums pay them best. 'i-'x : WM .. . . . ... ; -V4 - " s i * 1 / ** * , - c 1 - * . / r , • , - i - ? ' si ' ^ ' V " * ' * ^ " Z