ilri r*5t7/>v/5 Si' . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 1894. | Railway Time Table. n e w f t l f 0 l ) " 1 0 , 1 8 9 4 - 'JfOllOWSS ' drains via pas* tfeia elation M «,« , „ GOJKS O Jjiitee Q«rn*va Passangsr,... £ Wii'iama Bay Express.... v. 9 *lilia<ii8 Bay freight E Williams Bay Paeeenger... ,7:M A. IT .8:** A. M. • 1:86 P.M. •8.88 P. M. TOOIITO HOKTQ, William* Bay Passenger. .9:56 A.M. Williams B«v Freight..... 11:45 A.M. - 6g p 51 •• _ :BXPUA.NATIOM. * 1 •" ? . D Daily. B Daily except Snntay.1 S * 5 S Sundays only. B. BU89, Agent, McHenry, 111. ^ ; MASONIC. MCHSHIT LODGE, NO. 158 A. W. aad A. 1L-- Begular Communications the second and fourth Alondaj s in each month. F. 1. MCOMBNB.IW. M. OBDBR 0» THE EASTERN STAR. fe'N Regular Meetings the First and Third Wed- ,/ , aesday evenings of each month, at Masonic [ . ifiall »I," MM. BARBARA VAH SLTKR. W. K. gjr,, ' *•>. LOBA ELDRBDQR. Secretary. M 'B EITKT LODGB No. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg. v-Blar meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O. ?, M. Ball. " GEO. HAHUBY, Com, K. HJTTTMAN, R. K. t Church Direotory. .nierk .T?6ASUR@F (the ladles organ- President .Secretary Pastor :80 A. M. and at 7:30 to all. rs, o J. Preach! 1P.M. A PBOF. WI Monday even THE "Jim T, Cigars in town REGULAR »0. 222, Or Wednesd WHEN OOmeto t tsaeonab THE shovel and sa H Dju, five cent Henry ChafjSfer tern Star, this job work done LER office. Prices s work. took L. D. Lincoln's to return it at once A word to the wise." Dentist, makes Bridge 'find Crown work a specialty. Children's teeth carefully treated. THE ladies of the Willing Workers Society are preparing to hold a Bazaar in a few weeks. The exact date will be given hereafter. .. MRS. BURTON HARRISON is writing a •eriee of articles for and about society girls which The Ladies' Home Journal will begin in one of its early issues. NEW advertisements this week from John Rvanson & Co., John J. Miller, Berry & Owen, and Geo. W, them. BESLEY has the new style of Cabinet biases, that takes the place of Albums. The nobbiest thing out. Gall and see ? » ' THE Willing Workers are making ex- tensive preparations for a grand Bazar Jfchd Supper for Friday evening, Dec. 7th. Foil paw iculars will be given hereafter. f*. Do not fail to go to the City Ball on Monday evening next and bear Prof. Williams lecture. He will show you some of the finest views ever seen on canvas. A THE boys went skating on the pond test Sunday. That is, the bad boys did, because no one was drowned. It the good boys had gone they would have been drowned--of course. THE Universalist Choir will bring out jK' !'The District School," at the City Hall, . early in December, the exact date and §y~ farther particulars of which will appear In these columns later. IEMHIMBER the Thanksgiving Party at lie McHenry House, Thursday evening, Nov. 29. Music, Smith's Orchestra. All who attend are sure of having a good fB learn thajja man by the name of jwn, of Seneca, has been engaged as Superintendent of the Poor Farm in the place of N. S. Bobb, resigned. He will ^commence his duties January 1. WHEN his present American visit is con-i atuded Conan Doyle will write an article for The Ladies' Home Journal on Ameri san women, telling "How Your Women 3ta)pressed Me." SD, at Racine, Wis., Nov. 19, 1894, ' a brief illness, Alice, infant daughter ' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sorensen, aged five tenths and nine days. Mrs. Sorensen is [ft daughter of L. E: Bennett, of this | Tillage. DR. TAYLOR, the Gold Cure Specialist, sow at Woodstock, will be located per manently at the Riverside House, in this village, about December 5th. The notice b our last issue was somewhat prema ture, by mistake. / WE learn that the Knickerbocker Ice [Company 'have secured a lease of the mill poiTd for a term of years and will prob ably put up ice here the coming winter. The houses will be repaired and probably ^enlarged. This will be good news to the rorking men in this vieinity. PROF. WILLIAMS wfff"give one of his grand entertaining, instructive and : Itmusfng illustrated lectures, at the City l^l&all, on Monday evening next, the 26th, ng a Calcium Light of 2,500 candle wer. No one should fail to go. Chil dren 10 cents. Adults, 25 cents. Iff-/- • THE money it costs a business man to - * advertise is a part of the legitimate el- pense of the concern just as much as is UK the rent, the clerk hire or- the buying of 1^ goods, The fact is not generally recog- ^ sized, but it is a fact. Too many buei- t v, ness men look upon the money spent for 1 . advertising as money given in charity. £•-- , The best business men of the world never look at it in that way. PERCY HILL, Chicago, spent 8unday with friends in this village. CHAB. £. SMITH, of Chicago, was on our streets on Friday last. * Miss JULIA A. STORY spent two days in Chicago last week. Mas.C.B.CURTIS, of Elgin, has been visiting with friends here the past week JACOB WBNTWOKTH, of Pingree Grove, waj calling on friends here one day last week. . V P. S. MAYES, who has been at Pingree Grove the past summer, has returned here and is nowengaged with A. L. Howe. MRS. A. D. WHITING returned on Satur day last from quite an extended visit with her daughter in Dakota. W. A. CRISTY and Hon. F. K. Granger went to Harvard Thursday evening last to attend the ratification meeting given in that city by the ladies of ^Larvard. They report a good time. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with .Mrs. John I. Story, on Thursday afternoon of this week. Let there be a general attendance). X MRS. W. A. CRTRTV PROATDON* MRS. O. N. OWEN, Secretary. LOST, on Tuesday morning, between Barbian Bros.' cigar store and the poet office, a large, red Morocco Pocketbook, containing a quantity of money and papers. The finder will be liberally re warded by leaving the same at the Cigar Store. • EPHRAIM GOODMAN. Party, by the Young People1 cial Club, at the City Hall, on Thurs ay evening last, was quite largely at- nded and all report a good time. A goodly number of the older people were also in attendance. The Quintette Or chestra furnished some excellent music- or the occasion. i Thfe arrangements for the Annual Thanksgiving Party, at the Riverside House, in this village, are all completed and the dancing public are assured of a grand good time on that occasion. Slo- cum's Full Orchestra will furnish the music. Thursday evening, Nov. 29th is the date. / THE Oyster Supper, under the auspi joi the M. E. Church, held at the City Hal on Friday evening last, was well attend ed and everything was served up in fine style and to the entire satisfaction of all. X^he entertainment which followed was* first class and altogether proved a suc cess, financially and otherwise. PROF. TILDEN, who is making arrange ments to open a Dancing School at Riv erside Hall, was here on Thursday even ing last and will be here again this Wed nesday evening, when it is expected be witl commence his school. Those wbo have not already done so should be on hand to-night and join the class. AN exchange warns farmers to keep their eyes open for swindlers. They are working in the state and are liable to drop among you at any time. They are canvassing with a fine grade of wheat, which they allege will yield an average of 58 bushels to the acre. The grains are large and there are mure of them on the stalk. You will be required to sign a contract, and if you don't lose your farm you will be in luck. A FARMER in Jo Daviess county sold twenty-two head of wheat-fed hogs. He weighed the porkers before he began feeding them.» He fed exactly thirty-five bushels of cracked wheat and the hogs gained 110 pounds for each hog. He paid five cents a bushel for having the wheat crafeked and the hogs sold for five cents a pound on foot. By a little figur ing it will be observed that he realized f 1.52 for his wheat. THE quaint little women of Kate Green- away are to be seen in a magazine for the first time since their creation. Miss Greenaway has heretofore always drawn them in color and for book publication. Now, however, she is at work upon a special series of her curious tots for Tt)e Ladies' Home Journal, and in that periodical they will alternate with A new series of Palmer Cox's funny "Brownies." (THE pupils of the Ringwood School 'will give an entertainment Saturday evening, Nov. 24, at the Band Hall, in Ringwood. The proceeds to yo toward paying for a Cyclopaedia lately*put into the school. The programme will consist of recitations, songs, tableaux, drills, etc., to conclude with the farce entitled, "In the Wrong House." Entertainmen begins at 8 o'clock. Admission 20 cents, children 10 cents. R. H. OWEN will be in McHenry on Thursday of this week and remain for three or four days for the purpose of tuning pianos. Mr. Owen has the envia ble reputation of being one of the best tuners in Chicago, and as he is well and favorably known here, *hij old home, those having pianos to tub«lwill not hes itate to intrust their instruments in his hands. Remember he will be here on Thursday and hand in your orders early. Miss EVELYN STODDARD, piano teacher and graduate of ttje Chicago Musical College, is at McHenry Thursday of each week. Those wishing to take lessons in quire of Mrs. Stebbins, East McHenry. Miss Stoddard has been teaching in this village for nearly two years, and we but voice the sentiments of all when we say that she has given universal satisfaction. Any one wishing to take lessons on the piano can do no better than to secure the servioss of Miss Stoddard a« a teacher. Insure your property with Stoffel ATTENTION SPORTSMEN. There will be a live bird and blue rock shoot in West McHenry, on Thurs day, Nov. 29, 1894. Plenty of birds, and lots of fun may be expected. There will also be a grand raffle on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 28 and 29, for poul try of all kinds, which will be furnished in abundance. Sportsmen turn out and have a good time. C. H. OSTRANPEB, Proprietor. An immense stock of Morris mill and Albert Underwear and Hosiery at 8. - * -V philosophical reaflon for quitting the bus iness. A child is born, the doctor in at tendance gets $10, the editor notes it and gets 0; it is christened, the minister gets f 4, the editor gets 00; it marries, the minister gets another fee, the editor gets a piece of eake, or 000; in the course of time it dies, the doctor gets from f>5 to $10," the minister gets another f4, the undertaker gets f 25 to $50, the editor publishes it and receives 0000, and the privilege of running free of charge a card of thanks. AN exchange says no man is satisfied with his lot in life. One man is strug- ling for justice and another is flying from it. One man is saving all his money to build a fine house. Another is trying to sell his for less than it coat him. One man is spending all he earns in taking a girl to the theatre and sending her flowers in hopes of making her his wife, while his neighbor is spending all the money he makes to get a divorce. One man goes through many battles of war without a scratch and gets killed on the railroad. Another man escapes all dis eases the flesh is heir to and dies a suicide. AN exchange has the following: If you would increase your happiness and pro long your life, forget your neighbor's faults, forget the slander you have heard, forget the temptations, forget the fault finding and give a little thought to the causes that provoked it. Forget the pe culiarities of your friends and only re member the good points that make you fond of them. Forget all personal quar rels or of histories that you may have heard by accident, and which, if repeated would seem a thousand times worse than they are. Blot out as far as possible all the disagreeables of life, they will come; but they will only grow larger when you remember them; the constant thought of the acts of meanness--worse still--malice --will only ta^d to make you more fami liar. Obliterate everything bad from yesterday, start out with a clean Bheet for to-day, and write upon it for sweet memory's sake only those tilings that are lovely and lovable. OOHINGH OOBKINGI fhtthd, entertaining, instructive ttnd amusing illustrated lecture. Prof. Wil liams' Views of the World. Brilliantly lluminated illustrations, showing the most celebrated places of the earth by one of the largest and most perfect ap paratuses ever consumated. using a Cal cium Light of 2,500 caudle power. P>of. Williams has been traveling the past twelve years, and spent time, and money besides, making it a study to procure the most historical and interesting views in the world. He has been two years in the regions of perpetual snow, during which time he became acquainted with the Esquimeaux, their language and customs and general mode of life. Prof. Williams desires to gi ve to the public the benefit of his labors as he has been several years getting together this marvelous exhibi tion. Popular prices. Prices that will allow everybody to attend. Children 10 cents, adults 25 cents. Will be at the City Hall, McHenry, Monday even ing, JNov. 26th. Doors open at ?o:«lock. Commencing at 8. IN the Doland, South Dakota, Timea- jRecord, we find the following: Died, on Monday afternoon, November 5th, 1894, at 3:30, of typhoid fever, anies Fryfir, aged 62 years. Mrs. Fryer was born at Corsley, Wilt shire, England, November 13.1832, and at the age of 22 was united in marriage with James Fryer, after which they came to America and located at Rome, N. Y In the spring o£)l872 they came west, settling at Rochester, Minnesota, but moved to McHenry, Illinois, the same spring, where they resided until 1886, when they moved to South Dakota] with the exception of two daughters. They settled on a farm near Doland, where they have resided ever since. Mrs. Fryer leaves to mourn her depart ure a husband and ten children, five boys and five-girls, all of of whom live near Doland, except Mrs. Claxton and Mrs. Page, who still reside near McHenry, III. The funeral services were held at the Irving church, Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock, and a large concourse of pie were present to pay their last re- ipects to the memory of the departed ne. IN MEMORY OF OUR DEAR MOTHER. We have laid her down to rest. . Her weary march is o'er, And how blessed is that rest With God and angels forevermore. Our dear mother she has left as, She was always kind and true, Always had a kind word for us, When she our troubles knew. Every day we will miss her, As our duties we perform, To look around about us And not see her dear form. From that home we would notcedl her, To this world of pain and care. Though our hearts are filled with sorrow And it is so hard to bear. But we' are'reconciled to the will of Him Who is always just and right, For we know that she is happy In that blessed land of light. s.r. PARTICULAR NOTICE. The time having come when I must close my books, all knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle the same on or bef»re December 1. JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Nov. 14,1894. 19tf -A-' GRAND TURKEY RAFFLE. There will be a Featherless Turkey Raffle, at A. Engeln's Sample Room, on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1894. Everybody invited to come out and win a turkey. ANTON ENGELN. THE GREAT NAPOLEON Waa extremely careful about bis personal habite/ and no man ever possessed a keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are suffering with constipation, indigestion, or other forme of stomach or bowel trouble, at once take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin can give you more relief in this respect than any other rem edy. Ten doses 10 cents (large sizes 50 cents and $1). At J. A. Story's. 18ml Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei : • > jfroit Perfect WOODSTOCK. '/ Udell was at Harvard last Sheriff Sunday. F. W. Streets and J. C. Choate left on Monday for Springfield. Herb Michels spent Sunday with friends at Elgin. Bars, to Mr. iud Mrs. W. G. Conkiin, Jr., on Thursday, Nov. 15, a son. Representative elect R. J. Back, of Har vard, was here on business last Satur- day. D. D. Manny and M. C. Duffield and son, of Marengo, were here on business last Saturday. Mrs. L. B. Compton returned on Satur day evening fram a pleasant visit with relatives in Chicago. Will Quinn and daughter, Audry, of Chicago, visited with relatives and frieods here over Sunday. A McHenry county Sunday school in stitute was held at Marengo on Satur day and Sunday last. Chas. Hohe, who several years ago was in the draying business iff this city, be gan operations again on Monday last, and Woodstock now has five draymen. Supervisor W. P. Thompson, of Algon quin, was here on business la«t Satur day in connection with appointing a a superintendent of poor farm. The committee on poor farm met in the Court House in this city last Satur- uay to receive bids and select a new sup erintendent of poor farm to succeed N. S. Robb, whose term expires Jan. 1st. E. H. Allen has sold his store in the Sherman block to W. G. Conkiin, Jr., who took possession and has moved his stock from his old quarters in the Primm lock to his new location. A large delegation of Woodstock people went to Harvard on a special train last week Thursday evening to attend the ratification meeting given in that city by the ladies of Harvc rd. A grand good time is repotted. The social dancing party given in the City Hall last Friday evening by the Bachelor's Club, was quite largely at tended and all report a glorious time. Chestnut's orchestra furnished excellent mnsic for the occasion. The next lecture in the Public Library lecture course will take place on Tuesday , Dec. 11, at which time Frank Lincoln, the world renowned humorist and trav eler, is booked to deliver his lecture in the City Hall. A flower show was given in the City Hall on Thursday afternoon and even ing, by the Presbyterian society. Chrys anthemums were sold and supper was served from 5 to 6. The exhibition of flowers was very beautiful. The net re ceipts were $74. Sheriff Udell is having his residence at Harvard overhauled and put in order preparatory to moving therein at the expiration of his term as sheriff of Mc Henry county, which will be on Monday, Dec. 2. The people of Woodstock will be sorry to lose Mr. Udell and family as residents of this city but they will be given a hearty .welcome back to Har vard, their former home. a Botd A|sat 1 Stall* Driver Disarms with a Lash. One of the dangers which menaced travelers in the early history of Cali fornia was an attack by highwaymen. An old stage driver who drove over a part of the long line between San Jose and Los Angeles relates an interesting incident of those early days. He says: I remember once, says a writer in the Youth's Companion, in a lonely coast- range canyon, through-which the road wound, we had a little experience that was thrilling for the moment. It was a moonlight night, and I was pushing ahead at a good speed, with a stage full of passengers, and a heavy treas ure box. Just as I got around a bend in the road I saw the figure of a man on horseback beside the road. He yelled out for us to stop, and 1 saw a gun bar rel glean: in the moonlights The horses were going at a speed that might be called breakneck, and I made up my mind to take the chance of getting through. I saw the gun raised to the fellow's shoulder as we approached. I had my long whip in my hand, and with a desperation born of the peril of the moment, I made a vicious swipe at him. I don't know how it happened, but the lash wound itself around the gun. and as we dashed by, the whip was drawn taut. I was nearly pulled off my seat, but I held on, and the gun was dragged out of the robber's hand and fell to the ground. At the same moment it was discharged b^ the shock. It rattled along the road for quite a distance before the whiplash unwound itself. I don't know what the high wayman thought, but I'll wager he surprised. h • * Vitv A FUNNY LITTLE STORY. la Which Pride la Rebuked ta Tra* Blaa Fairy Book Style. A funny little story, with a moral, comes from Ischl, by way of a London exchange. Not long ago a lady who had just arrived from Roumania, took a stroll to Sofiens Dopple Blick, a cele brated point of view. There she met a young married lady, accompanied by her little girl. The smarfc^rather over dressed stranger was much struck with the child's frock, which was exquisitely embroidered with forget-pe-nots, and advancing, she calmly asked the youth ful mother where the garment was bought. "I embroidered all her frocks myself; it gives me sueh pleasure." "was the sailing answer. At this a shade of scorn came on the questioner's face, and she said, with ill-concealed con tempt: "That is only possible with a very small household. People like my self, who have so many visitors, and move in the best society have no time for euch middle-class pleasures." The other lady laughed, but returned no answer, and the fair Roumanian con tinued boasting until at last her hearer said mildly: "I also have to play hostess occasionally. My father, the emperor, favors us from time to time with a visit, and the empress often comes to see her grandchildren, as well as many other members of the imperial family; but all the same I have invariably leisure in the morning hours to do em broidery for my little girl." And be fore the stranger had recovered from her embarrassment the Archduchess Valerie and her small daughter were gone. ' " Women In the World. A French scientist figures that the number of women in the. world is nearly equal to that of men. In France the numbers approach more nearly to equality than in any other country, there being 1,007 women for 1,000 men. For the same number of men in Swe den there are 1,064 women, and in Greece only 933 women. In the French colony at Reunion there are 457 Creole wome* for 1,000 provincial French men, colored men included. In Hong Kong there are 1,000 men for 336 w o m e * . „ , v J * ; , . 0 - ; Flasnel*, suitings, fine mm and new idress goods at Perry & Owen's. School shoes for the girls aild boys, with cork sole dampnuss protector, at Perry & Owen's. A beautiful book for only 35c, to bd found at. .T. A. Story'H. inat ths thing for a dainty gift. Waltz this way for your winter Suits and Overcoats. Large svock at Simon Stoffel's. 25 boxes new, large California raisins $1.25 per box at Perry & Owen's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Insure your property with ' 8. Stoffel and be insured. of WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years age. Apply to W. A. CBISTY, Supervisor. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only <£2.25, at JV A. Story's. Can and examine. jr. , Bring in your feet to be locked up in a pair of our Fargo or Douglas Fine Shoes, or Candee Rubbers at S. Stoffel's. Send your entire female alliance at once for elegant new Jackets or Capes, over 2UO to cnoose trom at M.iStoftei's. PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calliug on Perry & Owen for a pair of those "Best of AH" school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. Come forward now and select your win ter supply of Dress Goods, Flannels. Shawls, Yarns, Blankets, Robes, Mittensj Caps, Footwear, Horse Goods, etc., at S. Stoffel's. / A second shipment of those fine St, paul Fur Coats just received at S. Stoffel's. Prices from f 10 to f35. All sizes. . • THANKSGIVING PARTY. • Yourself and ladies are cordially in vit«l to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at McHenry House Hall, McHenry, 111., Thursday evening, Nov. 29, 1894. Floor managers, John J. Bishop, J. J. Bar- bian, S. Smith, Martin Smith. Music, Smith's Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem edy for constipation, indigestion, Chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in 50c and fl sizes by J. A. Story, McHenry 7ml No merchant In the county can match our fine line of ladies' and gents,' boys* and misses' fine shoes. Low prices in fall nnderweur »t. P«rry & Owen's, and a monster stock to select from. ______ Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry 6 Owen's. Several dozens of the newest styles in gents' ties came in this week at Perry ft Owen's. ______ 1 have calls for money on first dsss real estate security for a term of years. Htf H. C. MEAD. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. CI. MEAD. E. Lawlus, tailor, has taken orders for some fine suitB. Call in and save 25 cents on the dollar. Snagpr the SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do yGB know that if you keep yonr sys tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's t-yrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures constipa tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large size 50c and F 1. At J. A. Story'B. 18ml roof rubber boots are ftaHng better than ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the common oneR. Found only at Perry ft Owen's. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFEL. WANTFII Sor 10 men to solicit orders ww nil I til for Hartiy Nursery Stock r ruit ana ornamenta!8 ; also new and vain able varieties vfSeevi Potatoes. Permanent PrAl^'on*' K,0(^ salary, rauging from #75 to #125 psr month. Apply quick with references, !>• I* MAY A CO., Ifnrserymea. Florists smi seeiimen?'"'** SAVE 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Call in and be measured for a suit pants or vest, made of the very best of cloths, first class in every respect. A fit warranted,or no sale. ^ E. LAWLUS. ^ v Opposite Kiverside Home. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. To THE LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VICIN ITY I would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. FOR SALE.? The brick block known as thePekovBky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other^ business, in first story, and also flue liv-^p A ing rooms in second Btory. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea' onable terms. Inquire of 4tl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. PERSONS desirous of purchasing a Piano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is one of the best pianos for the money on the market. 0. w. OWEN. Agent. ST^PAITL FUR OVERCOATS Just received direct from the factory. All sizes and kinds, and prices to please all at S. Stoffel's. REGISTERED. CATTLE FOR SALE. We offer for sale the following register ed Jersey Cattle: 1 Heifer. 14 months old, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Bull 3 years old and 1 new milch Jersey Heifer. Are all flne animals and will be sold reasonable. Call on or address -;r <1, V. BUCKLAND, OB - P. S. HARRISON, Ringwood,1111. 18w4 Don't Tobaaeo Spit or Smoke yonr Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you wunt to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. 9yl. ECONOMICAL. Mothers your attention is called to Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as the simplest, most pleasant to take, and at the same time most potent and economical remedy you can give the children to regulate the bowels and relieve from all manner of stomach troubles. It regulates Try a 10c bottle 10 doses 10c. (For children 20 dosss lOc) at J. A. Story's. 51ml FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- monsfarm, situated three miles north east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. TbiB is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS, . 19m6 Administrators. FOR SALE. _ 6 ft. Water Tank, 2% ft. staves. v> ili be sold cheap if applied for soon. 17t2 ;F. A. HEBABD. We are overloaded with h«avjr winter goods, owing to the late £ fall, and want to nnload at once, tberefo r© we will make prices ' low enough. Rave ail bizes of tt<Uaaio«» lluhavolu wool knit WHEN YOU ARB • .nv • OUT IN THE COfcD 1 AND WET yonr feet require comfortable dao- tei'tion. There s nothing la thy world as Rood as v . Mlshawaka All-fall ; WOOL BOOTS. V boot made--prnttity/y moth proqf. Watch for the trade-mark "Ball Band In rtnf Ail others are imitations. Patented and mad* toy UISHAWAKA WOOLEN NFCL We are also agents for ibe famous ^tisg Prrof Rubber Boots and Overs. They are the toeet. Beware of others, such as Non Sn»g, Antl Snag, Never -oeg at d many others imitating tkef genuine Snag Proof. S N A G P F F O O F M * e have customers who bought these overs of us in 1892 and are wearing the same ones to-day, without a bole or crack in them. These same persons wore oet two to four pairs of the best or dinary rubbers each season before getting the 'snag proof.' The^ best ordinary rubbers are aot in it with the 'snag proof.' ? iV- rftf J y\ : t5ir~Tho Snag Proof overs and • rubber boots can be bought at no •' ̂ other place in town; we ace tfce VjJ sole agents. ^ ^ ; We are selling lots ot warm 3 shoes, German socks, school ^ shoes and arctics and rubber#^ - . all sizes of the best makes, _,1 $ A large tine of ladies' and nia ̂ es' Cloaks and Jackets, at cut prices. ;SS"; We Have Money to Loan at* 6 per Cent, On Farm or City property in Country where property has &py sefttion of . where property has a fixed maiket value, Money ready for immediate loans DRY WOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. Will deljver in any part of the village in quantities of one cord or more. Orders may be left at thp Ag ricultural Warehouse. J WM. BACON. MILLINERY. Mrs. J. H. Spaulding and daughter^H^ now have in a full line of winter millin ery, to which they wish to invite the at* tention of the ladies of McHenry and vi* cinity. Call and examine before purchase ing. We shall endeavor to keep a full line of trimmed hats and bonnets on hand to select from, also many fancy goods and notions. We would say to those ladies wishing a perfect fitting and comfortable corset or corset waist that we have a full line of the finest fitting corsets to be found, in different styles to fit the different forms. Also, dress-mak ing the same as ever. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING A DACGSFFI&A. FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. Kings New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaran teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys. Bucklen's, Arnica Salve, the best in the world, andf Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are anteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is at tached herewith will be glad to tell you where security an«l title is (rood, No commit sion. We solicit applications. Blanks fur nished upon request, ALLEN A OO.i 40 & 42 Broadway, Mew York NOTICE. Having secured the services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call. All work warranted and done promptly. 41 R. BISBOP. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund- erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: " I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery ; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at G. W. Besfey's drug store. Regular size 50c. and fl. THE LADIES' TAILOR SYSTEM. Will be thoroughly taught by Mrs. Moore. Has five years experience and first class references from scholars now holding steady situations. Ladies' gar ments of all kinds, ulsters, jackets, capes, fancy wraps, etc. Evening classes, two per week, 50 cents, or $5 for a term of three months. Those wishing to join must send in their names to E. Lawlus' store, opposite the Riverside House, McHenry. f^Ftrr Coats, Clothing below the best cash price of any merchant in the county. Ber sure and see on? Clothing before buying. Are having great success in taking measures tor tailor madfe suits at about half the usual prices for such work and we guarantee fits to be perfect* •"•-fl our immense stobi of stamped tidies, dresser scarfs, sideboard covers: table mats, etc. Have ten times the stock of any ot the other merchants. Silks, linen and cotton ent shades. ̂ • 1 ' ^warded. x , . ' • ' 1 ' ' Bigheit Bonora-.'Warkl'f Fair. sa- CREAM BAKING POWDER SgMOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free „ , i > from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant more of them. For sale at W. Besley's drug it<*», ' ̂ A full line of Bqd Blankets, Gloves and Mittens, and a great stock of ail the grades and sizes in men's, bojs\ ladies' and miss es' Underwear, Don't forget the coffee we have said so much about, the flavor is ahead of the common kinds. Pillsbury's Best, Boss, Dancer and Polar Star Flour at prices. Perry & Owen, T General Merchant*. " 'A" C" J(•HENBY.1LL. J,f •i"-, vi i SJ® lVi / \v •• "A • 1 .$• * - "f#, FEBBY * Owl*. Binken. MoHENRY, - - [ILLINOIS. ^ I«i4ps^». feye and mUs JFbretgn and Dnmmiffij 'chang<$%a»ddom a General Banking Bitiaesa We endeavor to 'do ait ̂ dusteess en- trusted to our ears in a manner mm* upon tesm* entirety #®twfactory ta ewr MONEY TO LOAN; (to Rectf Eitate and other flnt * wcufitf/. Sbeeiai attention g1men leciionMt • Jim date GomfKn**' «Hfte Hameu JtMee. Vmre PKItftY f«9TMT rUBklOa :• '• I Vt' - 4 A -• wit \* - ± i