#1 4f vMs » k , WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1894. , TILL SLYKE, Editor. |8T Batter OB the Elgin Board of Trade <MB Monday was weak; 54,000 pOQQug offered and 23,100 pounds sold. ,220 pounds went went at 22c, 90,880 at 23c. Last week's 95c; year ago 28<ii;28$5. * 1ST The constitutional amendment voted on at the recent election giving the •tote legislature power to arbitrate dif- lireneee between employer and employee, WM defeated by an overwhelming major ity--only 146,484 'votes being cant in its teVor. It ie fortunate for the working- men that it is defeated, for'while arbitra tion Is the proper method for settling •neh differences, an Illinois legislature, or any other legislature ie not now nor ever vili be competent to act in that capacity. COUNCIL ROOM, NO*. 19,1804. Board men on call of President Went- ^crth. Prsssst hill bcsrd cxccpiTrsstee Jnateo. The object of the meeting was to take some action in regard to the suit now pending against C. & N. W. R. R. Co. After a lengthy discussion Judge Don nelly, in behalf of the R. R. Co., asked a continuance of the suit until Nov. 80, which, upon motion of Howard, was unanimously granted. Ua motion adjourned. ISAAC WE.VTWOBTH, President. F. L. MCOMBER, Clerk. COUNCIL ROOM, DSE. S» 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. The foil ring bills were accepted and ordered M. Niesen, J. Walsh, P. GiUee. 8 8. Stoffel servtetfi r&,; fey" The country editor does not take kindLv to Joseoh Medill of the C. T. His effort to pluck the senatorial plum has not brought forth a degree of encour agement from the press that is at all likely to particularly impress, confuse, or overwhelm this venerable candidate with the "great honor thrust upon him." The sentiment of the press of Illinois is •ot in sympathy with Uncle Joseph's inspirations. And even in Chicago he is backed only by t£ie democratic press and Ikis own journal, the Tribune. Uncle Joseph has not always been square-toed. His policy has not been altogether in Hue with republicanism. He would pre fer to stand on a republican platform with the planks half democratic. He has a hankering after free trade, Joseph Medley has. The press and people do BOt enthuse pver half-breed republicans and do not care to assist such to a chair S a m ' s H o u s e o f L o r d s . -- . Ftthy, Pointed and Pirtiaukt' , • no longer poses as a tamer •I wild horses. He has concluded that less harm will result from giving them a • loose rein. If this congress fails to take some defi cits action on the matter it will be safe to predict another bond issue before the ; *l»t congress meets. Silver has bean more injured by the friendship of the Populists than by the "goldbuga." Senator Faulkner has resumed bis nor- Aai state of mind. It took him some Urn® to get himself untangled from those rainbows, but when he answered Demo cratic election questions simply by say ing: "We were badly licked," as he did As other day, his friends knew that he was again all right. A monetary commission .'properly ae- •rtected might be useful, but wonid its members be properly selected if Mr. Cleveland is authorized to do it. Gee whis I Can it have been remorse - **at madeClsveland commend a "foreign poHoy, free from envious or ambitious national schemes and characterized by honesty and sincerity?" Ttoat f «trtain!y does not describe his policy. , 'Pension frauds" do not occupy so Conspicuous a place in Cleveland's mes- V «ftge this year as they did last. It is g? lasy to guess wfcy. • t Mr. Cleveland says qusstions relating *>our banks and currency have some ^satisfactory features. Have they any ^•thsrkind? °f tronble would be avoided if » tome people wonld remember that the •ditor who retracts through fear of per sonal chastisement is a very rare animal. 8° rar® that many who have spent a life time hunting for them have never seen one. The Republican senators are on general • • ^wnciples right in refusing to allow any farther tariff tinkering, but it would be t both good politics and good business to jJP* th® fr®6 sugar bill and- knock oat we sugar trust. .It will surprise no one should Speaker Crisp this winter recognize big Tom Bead 'Mr. Speaker," instead of "the gen- Heman from Maine," as he has dona for three yean. He'll have to do it next winter. t', Ambassador Bayard in a spseeh at a i Scotch banquet admitted that he was an „ the British Isles, but intimated tihat it was accident, not intention, that . - made him so. About ninety-nine pei * dent of Americans would be pleased il ®®y®rd wonld take out British natural* 9*tion papers and stay over there. ' ^kaps there are some Democrats who fre enthusiastic over Cleveland's finan- woommendationa. bnt they haven't keen located yet. Would Cleveland's message have con- ;, / ; Jained that "taffy" for Japan had China 4! ween ahead in the war? f , Perhaps Cleveland favors free sugar, Si if ®° he neglected to say so in his message to Congress. pl'tf 80 Cleveland thinks the statutory dee- Jaration, "that itis the policy of thegov- ' ernment to maintain the parity between | gold and silver" is wrong. Oh yes, he's A; able financier, he is. Ei'S?. E*cursion» to th« Wast. " - On December 4 and 18, 1894, .$41 00 * 40 75 , > 3 00 3 75 5 20 2 76 3 45 12 30 al police. »••*«««•• Wm. Schreiner, street com .... J. Dermont, labor ., P. L. McOmber J. Bonslett On was tabled: - A proposition toward the settlement of the suit now pending between the city and the C. Sc. N. W. R. R. Co. was made by the company and accepted by the board. On motion by Howard seconded by 4k. nlL iiurwiucqv Tnv Diucnaift wuHintwv Iran instructed to look over and decide upon which side of Waukegan street to lay the proposed new sidewalk. On motion by Granger seconded by Niesen Peter Gilles was appointed special police for New Years eve, to be on doty from 6 p. M, until noon the following day. On motion adjourned. ISAAC WENT WOBTH,>RE8|DENT. , P. L. MCOMBEB, Clerk* Office of Div. Sup. of C. <STN. W. It.' It. 06. Chicago, 111., Dec. 12,1894. Board met on call of President to con fer with Superintendent regarding the matter of protection at railroad cross ings at this village. Present, full board. The erection of gates at the crossings were considered as unreasonable by the Co., owing to the expense of erecting and maintaining same. A proposition was made to station a flagman at the north crossing for all south bound trains, freight trains while switching, and all special trains from either direction, was made and unanimously adopted by the board. The acceptance of which was considered as a settlement of the litiga tion, and the suit against the Co. with drawn. On motion board adjourned. ISAAC WENT WORTH, President. F. L. MCOMBER, Clerk. Insure your property with 3. Stoffel and fed secure. PUNISHMENTS OF CRIMINALS. Northwestern Lime will sell'Homeieek- fir S*CUr^?D tickete from stations -|| , Illinois and Iowa to points: the *jk- in n f k n t i ^ i l l s d i s S t o f f r ® 1 ? v e r y l o w r a t e s l o r t h e v JN>Bud trip; tickets good for return pas- Mg» at any time within twenty days of sate. For tickete and detailed IgaSoraatiojs apply to agents Chicago & ' pqptbwestera R'y. 21w3 tew tk« Qwer Royal Cnrtoa Is Otnamd In UtdagMCWr. A ^«Iaam velnfkirl kftn lately caused a great deal of talk it will not be uninteresting, says London Tid-Bits, to give some account of the strange ceremony practiced at the Malagasy national festival every year, as related by nearly all the travelers who have visited the land of the Ilovaa. Tho !1Fftndroaaa,n or royal bath, was first instituted by King Ratambo, and is held annually, by royal proclama tion, from November 22 to January 10. During this time no business is allowed to proceed. The people of the king dom meet the queen in the silver palace on the first day of the festival, and a red cock Is then brought by the head priest or sacrificer of t,he court. Its neck is wrung, and its blood, being caught in a banana leaf, is carried to the sovereign, who touches with it her forehead, neck, stomach, armpit, finger nails and toe nails. The rest of th« assembly follow the example. Next day the people assemble again for the royal bath in the great palace. This the queen takes in one of the sacred corners of the hall, in a silver bath, being screened from view by "lambag," held by her attendants. Amid the firing of cannon, and the iovnus shouts of her humble subjects, her majesty then passes along the balcony, and from a horn in her hand sprinkies the crowd with the water sheThas just been using for her ablutions, exclaiming at the same time: "Masina, aho!" (I am purified). This sprinkling is said to typify an abundance of rain during the coming yeftr. To be absent from the ceremony would be to incur the royal displeasure, so that the French plenipotentiary minister himself, M. le Myre de Vilers, who is now again on his way to Mada gascar, had to submit himself, in 1880, to this strange ordeal. Every wife, also, must be with her husband at the time, or it is considered that she is as good as divorced. The new year is then supposed to have begun, and for several weeks there is a great deal of visiting and fea^ting^ The Universal Plant. ' " * The tobacco plant his become thoroughly naturalized in ^yery part of the world, and in many parts of Asia sgd Africa has become so completely domesticated that several writers have contended that it is aboriginal in CM or the other of those continents. For a $rood substantial Holiday p'esent callou tie before your selection, you may see something not elsewhere. fI an d kprchief#, TS^MIes. Suspenders, I Bttfct oiiK. i «»Har Bui&oxi«» Heart Pint), Cabinet Oases, 8haviog Sets, Toilet Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes. Plu^h Oap«, wool Jackets, Etti. x*\ * 7 ! Overcoats and Suits. " Remember"that we carry th4 largest assortment of clothing in town. Our overcoat stock will intermit you if you come and ex amine stock and get prioes- Our oV^rcoata must be ^old out thi» season, it may be at your own price, but they will have to go just • he same. An 0verm.1t f*»r the little onos, or an ovcrcott for the big fblfes^wiU .make a pledsant remembrance. • ^ 4 over the extraordinary promises made on paper l5y many advertisers, we wonder that the average reader takes stock? in any. base our claim ior your patronage on the followinff facts: ~ ^ Asnsnnl onrShon stoo Is to the front. Call la and be fitted with Pelts Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. We have a large stock of Gloves and luens, whlch must bs sold for oasb, OenUgocold by negiectln; to buy your underwear. We have the stock, and prices within the reach of all. Uors* Blankets and Lap ftobe*, Choice fresh (Groceries always on sale. «•* % - Remember our Jersey Lify Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Coni Meal. Yours for Holiday trade, JOHN J. MILLER, West MeHeary. Buckwheat Flour STEUBE1ICOI York, ®h« following special bargains just re- jMfosd at Evanson's: _ Imported Fmioh Broadcloth, worth fl'.2o pCTyard, our price this Week 69 Motsb Extm heavy beaver and velvet Shawls value, this week's m briflit shades wool Henriettas, * Traascr«Mlna A* 1*« In * frtnoh PrlMm. Crimes of a serious nature committed In the prison of Melun, France, are ob viously referred to the ordinary tribunals, says the Contemporary Re view, but disciplinary offenses are dealt with each morning in a court room by the governor, assisted by the inspector, the schoolmaster and the chief warder. The punishments in flicted are--first, reprimands; second, deprivation of use of canteen; third, punishment cell, with ordinary food; fourth, punishment cell, with bread and water, each fourth day being the ordinary food; fifth, deprivation of vis its--this, however, is rarely inflicted; sixth, deprivation of correspondence, when the prisoner has attempted to misuse it; seventh, fines; eighth, re duction of scale of proportion of earn ings, and, ninth, discipline room. This latter punishment, which ,may be inflicted for two or more days, not exceeding fifteen, consists of prisoners passing the day from five a. in. to seven p. m., alternately, sitting for fifteen minutes, and walking for twenty min utes, being allowed neither to read, to speak nor to work. The food is bread and water, with soup once per day. On the occasion of my visit there were thirteen men sitting about one yard apart from each other, in rows, on square stools built of stone, with a wooden top. The punishment cells do not appear to be Buch formidable affairs, having a wooden bed fixed to the floor, bedding being supplied at night. The floors are of polished wood. By an ingenious arrangement, the amount of light to be admitted into the cell can be regu lated at will from the corridor with out. Incorrigibles, whom it is found impossible to employ in the work shops, owing to their turbulence and persistent breaches of discipline, work in their cells. This sequestration may be carried on for any period up to ninety days, and gives no claim to the reduction of the original sentence. Sack Is Fate. Long die stood at the window and mused. The rays of the setting sun entangled themselves in her Titian hair or surrounded her glorious height of five feet eight inches with an aureole halo. Proud, queenly, limbed like a goddess, she was indeed a magnificent specimen of femininity. "Strange, she muttered. Then a soft, half-pity ing, half-happy smile flitted across her face like a gleam of April sunshine. "Strange," she said again, "to think that I, who only six short months ago was the quarterback of the Emanci pated Maidens' football eleven, should have lost my heart to a man whose col lar is a size and a half smaller than mine. But such is fate. And I love him!" Carelessly picking up a forty- pound dumb-bell she tossed it out of the window and across the lot, and then sought her boudoir. Quit* Satisfactory. The king of the Belgians went oat for a walk the other day, and entered a farm to ask for a glass of milk. When he had made a remark in English to his companion, he heard the hostess say to her husband in Flemish: "I won der what that long-nosed Englishman will give us for the milk?" Whereupon the king took out a flve-frano piece and gave it to the woman, saying in Flem ish: "Allow me to offer you the par* 4mit of the long-nosed Englishman." Guaranteed Pure Ceods > or no sale, at UNCLE BEN GILBERT'S DEALER IN The December Selling; AT EVANSON'S. "H , » • .on."; * Weans wtvfligr of jt>ur dollars. The reduction sale begins Thnn- ? ay morning on Cloaks, Shawls, Overcoats, Flannels and Yacn. t^gfjOO yards 14c Cotton Flaunel reduced to 8 l-2c. Probably Iflere has never been such a variety of merchandise under any retail roof in the8town as we offer now. It can be said emphatically that there has never been such a stock nt any such value tor the money, and there are reasons why. and here are two; Mudt have cash; Must have room for our Holiday Carnival, as Santa Claus op«ns Headquarters here MONDAY, DEC. 17. fcLOTHI^ 3VAJLV fl I n ptosis - , Any one who expects to buy a new suit for the holidays have probably more opportunity for economy iu the stooi than he real izes, Our aim is to savoyou money oa everything else we sell you *nd why not in clothing-? Comptre ours with what you are asked elsewhere if you think it wjrth while, ttsiiice sale everywhere, N EV&NS0N & CO. ; i"1'"""' H E VIAN % * Batches, DEAAERSIN O C E S , iv-" • ; IEWKLRY. Silver and Plated War*. We have now in stock a fine line of goods ot all kinds, suitable for THE HOLIDAY TRADE, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Drugs. Paints and Oijf. Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Soots & Shoes, Hardware, fitc. "V OLO, XZLjX-I. I wish to announce to my patrons and the public generally that I am now pre pared to furnish them with all goods in my line at the Lowest Living Prices. t3F" FELTS and RUBBER8 at prices that defy competition. A large stock of Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR, the finest stock to be found in this section. The finest stock of Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. The best 50c. Tea in market. |^~5 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 25c. per quart. A No. 1 Fine Cut Tobacco, 20 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranteed. E. RICHARDSON. Volo, 111., Dec. 10, 1894. ALBUMS AT FACTORY PRICES, Also a Fine Line of Cut CUasswar^ Which it will pay you to call and see. - V e have no old shelf worn stock, but NEW ^L»EAN GOODS, and will guarantee to please you both in quality and price. < all early and it we don't have what yoy want will send and get it. U|l ANTPn 8or 10 men to aniicte orders ww nil « (.11 for Harilv Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and vatu able varieties of Seeii Potatoes. Permanent position*; icod salary, ranging from fis to 1196 per month, Apjply quick with references, L. L.MAY A CO., Nurserymen, Florists and Teedmisr? 'nn* United StatesJVarClaii Ajency WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois Prosecuteeall elassse and kinds ot claims against tbe United states for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. • specialty is made la prosecuting old «ad reW ted claims. All communications promptly answered i< Postage Stamps are enclosed (or reply. WM, H. COWLjLZ oiw a* Beeldeaee, Madison St. Woodetoe* W hich we are offering 1 in PBTPFQ TO QTTIQ to the buying public at ) HlMO 1U CUU •St1 HEMAN BROS. S * ^ ^ ' • * ' >>* 3^.1 4' '..V; • ; ; ; \, }l' ,< t rJ ' J . " ""*{r '"f* * close connection with, the largest manufacturers, the large, ness of our purchases, and our long experience in the business, beside that reliable factor, " „ • t 'i . ^ * v 'T4 an f V ^ < o ?!l( * '• Vf: m \ "W - '\ Mpf •yr.* _ JDBUGrS|. ;: i 10 gross Buttermilk Toilet Soap, " . worth 12$c, 8$. The largest and fifiest of triple - extract Perfumes ever offer- ' S ed in plain and fancy cut ^ glass bottles, worth 50 cts., for 35c. per oz. Satchet Powder, worth 50e, for 19c. per oz. All $1 Patent Medicines for 79c. • « *$9c. " 25c. " " 193. Prescriptions fiUed at cut rates. Groceries. Qne car load White Swan Flmt ' guaranteed to be as good as the best or money refunded, !491b. sack.Worth$1.10for 89c, ..0 • , " i' ' Spa Baking Powder, 21b can, 19ciH|§ fe&itS, Eli Pettijohn's Breakfast Food. ^ , 'if llci^i Pail Jellies, (151b) Currant, "\ ;: Raspberry, Strawberry,, or ^4 Blackberry, worth 60c. idt 41e^.p^ •• ' ' c 'J Corse Cigarettes, all tobacco. " ̂ ~ ^ , .yt ioc,,|O» Originator OF Lowest Prices. Universal Provide^ S H O E S . A few crumbs of comfort may toe gathered here and there, but if you want a whole loaf of satisfac tion buy your Shoes ot us. We lay great stress on our Elgin Belle (ladies' shoe) guaran teed equal to any $3 Shoe in the market, all we ask is $1.98. Ladies' Rubbers always sold at 60 and 60% our prices are 38 apd 49c. 400 pairs men's Shoes, some Worth $2.50, some worth $3.00, they all go for $1.98. - Felt Boots, worth $1.25 for 79c. ' V'f. Ladies'Kubbettl ^gi JD^id 90c*. for 39-and 49c. " Fancy Goods, Picture Drapes made of shavings^ the newest fad, 18c,; ^ French Tissue Paper, - - 2c. , Imported Tissue Crepe 24c rolU y Imported Tissue Crepe, tinted, '• 29c. per roll. : ' yjM >Mk Oranges, Crysanthemums. ^ ' Pinks, photo Frames an d otheff Fancy A.rticles made of Frenc|i Tissue Paper, 30c. ^ Tinted Art Squares. 29, £9,^490^ , Ice Wool, per box, 15c. Hand Painted Sea Shells, lt^ £ ^ Our recent immense purchases oif Leather Goods enables us to offer purees at f« ; ">--^ Lot 1. Lota Lot3. 9c. 19c. v 29c(. 5 Worth 20e« worth 30c. worth 5C ? * McHenry, III., Dec. 4, 1894 Poo; Working men please keep your hand on your pocket UNTIL TOU HAVE SEEN THE NEW STOCK OF GOODS 1 Alt SELLING AT COST I mean what I say. t will astotd my stock of Fine Beaver Overcoats, Men's and Bo)s' Suits, Odd Pants, 50 odd Vests. Mats and (Japs, ^ Gloves ana Mittens, tt's, boys' & ladies' fine Shoes AT LESS THAN COST* Please walk slow as you pass. E. LAWLTJS. i r ... 0DW»lt?.BlT).r.iao Hon... We Have Mon y to Loan at 6 per Cent, On Farm or City property in any section of country whore property has affixed maiket •alue. Money ready tor immediate loans where eecuritv and title is good. Mo eommis sinn. We solicit applications. Blanks far. nished upon requen. ALLEN & CO.) 40 & 42 Broad was'. New York DRXZlT M O X I E THE FAMOUS SERVE FOOD BEVEEAOE. CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED BOTTLING CO. 14-roie CHARLES Puct, CHICAGO, III. nWPMONt, MAIN 32T. (OK UMT(. • EWARC OP K>ON IMITATIONS. Sold by WHOLES*L* DHDGOISTB A GROOMM. If your local dealers don't keep it, on reoeipt of iwo dollars ana fifty cents the sole agents Will forward one dozen BBVJEBAGE MOXIE. I'hutOfrm^ibe 1st Day 15th Day THE GREAT REVIVO RESTORES VlUUn.. Made a Weil Man of Me*^ ---- - - 30IH DAY* - .G. V ^XI.E3SR CM HL^3^NSI3ISR' ?^>vo(iu«?es <ho abtt'.e results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and siiickiy. euros wlu n all others fail ifoting ni(;u will i-e«ain their lost maubood. and old Hieu will recover their youthtul vi^or by uuinr 4lISVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous jttess. Lont Vitality, Impotencv, Nightly Kraissions l,08t Power. PuilitiK M< tnory, Watitinu DiseaseK. sue *» effects of self-abuKe or excess and indiscretion Which uufits one for B'urly. buwnegfi or marriage. I; »ot only cures by starting at the seat of disease, bu is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, brim J?!£ back the pink plow to paJe aridV> • Storing the tire of youth. It wards ofT JnsauM and Consumption. Insist on ha-inK UK\ I\ <>, i Cither. It can be carried in vest pocket. By maf 01.00 per package, or si* for 85.01), with a poc live written euarantee to cure or rein the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 53 River St., CHICAGO, ItJ sroii SALE BY O . W, BESLEY, West McHenry . Administrator's Notice of Pil ing Final Settlement 9TATE OF IL LINOIS, ) >sa - MOHRNRY OOTTKTT. \ v r Butste of Michael Winkels,deceased. To whom it may Concern; Heirs nnil Distributee* of said Estate. Yen are hereby notified that on Monde?, the 7th day of January, 1^95, the adntln* Intrntor o» said estate will present to tbe County Court of McHenry Oouiuy, at tbe Court House In Woodstock, 111., his finul re- port of hie acts and doings as sue* Adminis trator and ftstr the f! urt to i>e discharged from ^ny and all further duties and responsibili ties connected »ith said Estate and hta administration thereof, at which time end place you may lie present, and resist suchap. plication, it you cho <se so to do. JAM EH B. PJJKRT, Administrator with Will Annexed. Dated t» is 26th day of N«~vemb'r. 18M. DR. BAECHLEP, Dentiet. and Crown work a special! teeth carefully treated. tot is department we are the acknowledged known Toy or Game can be found here. Our Oceans of Toys, '• Army of Dolls, Cards, headquarters, usual low prices -)"V - - ' %/•* - 'J- ~ A , v/ -.X, •'a,' -:'fJ;^^Booklet% ' - "'5'- < * 'V"; J. -i . , Calenders, Etc» h Etc., Etc., Etc. almost without limit. $ /V- -f'! 5-^ f M GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE *• ?>: ELGII>, ̂ LLt