Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1894, p. 1

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ft* * fiH V MS-r'X'. • • A .IF,"* "S^F ^ T-_ 'TV,' ' -• •«" "-FA" ' "V • ' ^ .. . 1 ' 1 • \,^ • '• _ ^.11IJ IMTFINIJ fledgMl kutt* Truth! M Ubtrt; >Rd Liwi No Favors Wln u> and no Fear Shall Awe.'* ----- 3 . . . 1 VOL. 20. V ' . M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1894. NO. 34. Jfcfjcarj pliiifoli PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BT " • + * * $ . V A N B I A S E S , EDITOR AND PBOPBIETOB. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS SLOCK. V:£>1 - . 1 :r:'5P;!ir# Doors North of Ferry ft Owen's 8 tor*, " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: On* year (In advance) #1 50 If #0* Paid within Three Months... .... 8 00 Subscription* reedtM lbr three or six tlfci I V . RATES OF ADVERTISING " fTe anneunce liberal rate# for advertising «S - LA the PLAIKDKALER, and endeavor to (State &TV r them BO plainly that they will be ysaaijff un- '<£. ' dsrstood. The'y are as followe: I V/ 1 Inch one year - • • "* i"® 5!! fcv • • a Inches one year - - • * S year - * \ * 1 15 00 V- * - ' H Column one year ^ * * , * >• . 80 00 -i :v H Column one year-* *' >. -a- \ 60 Oo ; ' • Oolamn one year <« » < «? • ' » *0® o® ' 5 one nea means the measurement of one *. noh down the column,single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have pv* - the privilege of changing as often as they It, . choose, without extra, ohsrge. ;'r Regular advertiser® (meaning those having . '* standing cards) will to© eotitlBd to insertion fei/'j'of local notices at the rate of ft cento per line - each week. All others will be charged 10 /- 1 cents per line the first-week, and B cents per i"i' • ine foreach subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be cha the rata of 10 cents Pe line, (nonpu & •: ' type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and U"' ~s B cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, . . v • s- 11 ,r»n,es «< At <\fl ff«r nnn iarged pirell he first IBBU ^ iquent issues. , • x 3in"lnoh*advertisemeat will cost $1.00 for one "O-V. "wok, $1.60 for two weeks. 18.00 for three »V£f' " weeks, and so on. Th« Pr 4iwnie»T.** will be liberal In giving editorial notices, but, asa business'«U#.«t - %?wiil require a suitable fee from everybody ^ •< /,. seeking the use of Its columns for pecuniary . • - gain. -- - *f ;/ " BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPABD, WMW^LLOB AT telle Ate. Chicago. ^JOUNSBLLOR AT LAW. Suite #14--JG La • JOS. L ABT. H. D. - '.V' T)H YS1CIAN and SURGEON, MrJHenrv, 111, *' J Office in Nichols Block, over Irlalidealer i >H ' Office. Telephone No. 4. a JBL rSOBRS, X. d- & • .J Wr*-' PHYSICIAN AND SUROBOX, Ills. Office at Residence. A J. HOWARD, M. 1). AND SURGEON. OFFLEE at r?;ti~'WJL the ersldence of R. A, Howard, West MeHenry, 111. . - ,v .^pHYSlOIAN r r DR. A. E. AURINGER, F\-F • TYBYSIOIAN AND STTRGEON. office IN Dr. E . .' Mr Ohilits building, West Mcllenry , 111. P- 'i.Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. r>. - 'Osborne, All professional ealle promptly at. ^ I' r.O.OOLBY,D.D.». ' fvENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special aten- »t* '• ', U tion paid to regulating children's teeth, %'iji ~ Parties coming from a distancewo d dowel { to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal biook corner Main street and PuolioSq are O. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, audi Counselor, Oollectlons'a specialty. WOODSTOCK, U.LIHOIS, * M 'i^i'I" KNIGHT A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, U. S. Express oo.'s Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. * F , CHICAGO, ILL. 1 I- ' ijjiitinjiiii mm'm "m<" • . ' • »* . I.' j , V, 3. LUMLBT. ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, end Bolloltor la A ^'ZBOMROOK. ILL. / • J-,S OIM in Perk House, first floor. - 4:.^' v ,li iiste H. C. MEAD, Justice of the JPeace and General In- turance Agent jnoluding Accident and Life Insurance. Onrios WITH B. GILBERT, HBAB DBTOT, WBST MOHSMKY, III. W. P. ST. CLAIVI, : JutHceof the Peace and Notary PubSc ; &eal Estate and lnwranoe R U N D A , I I I . • A, M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO.On * HuodredTwenty-Five State 8t Ohi-cage, 111. Special attention given to re­pairing!' ine watches and Chronometers. tar A Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN P. SMITH, UStohmaker £c Jeweler „ * MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. P ' ' VINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- i^*/? A. elry always on hand. Special attention ^ i, given to repairing fine watohes. Give me '111* °*lL JOHN P- SMITH. 'f-- Wi V- I-', U. pi, ! Westerman & Son, y MOUSE, 8ION AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, M C H E N H Y , . . . . . ILLIWOIB. We are prepared to do all work in our lla4 on Short notice and guarantee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY! Prloes reasonable and work promptly done. WESTERMAN ft SON. MeHenry. Juiaary 80.1884. m&H C. F. BOLEY, , MEHKXRY, ILL. iAnV«on Hand uriih the Best Beer, -ijjBjfllll'niilpr Tiffin . ! IOC. IOC. Does smoke from yotir«jg9r a^Be Like incense in the air? ' f ^ Or does it only cause a smadjfe* And make your neighbor swear? Why will you stick to cabbage lea res Ana drive your tnenas atar, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigtttT iOe. 10c. BARBIAN BROS. . MAKERS OF| $ Choice Cigars. We ean sell yon one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. WeH Side JLivery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. B>jJ.HAMl4Yt Prop'r. " " WEST McHENRY, ILL. First clai>8 rigs, with or without drivers, furn:sbedtat reasenatde rates- Parties taken tr> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, end prompt oonnectt^n marie with ail trams Our Rig* will be kept in first class shape, fend we shall spare no pains to please our cue toniers at ail times, Give us a call, E. J. HANLY, :-s West HcHenry, 111,, A tig. B, 1SH. loney Agents Wanted t V T T A T . f i n i S T i n u c JOUR MONEY SHOULD OBTAIN FOB T01T - >r ' ̂.f: The Best Goods ii tie Market. That is what we are aat- itslied to make, " Th e He mt ,** und think we eansio demonstrate to you if you will gira um the opportunity. Gall in and ••• the Goods,and be ^ convinced. - ®U8 CARL80N. MeHenry, 111., 1894. Wile B agon DEALKK IN Agricultural Machinery 1 HoHENRY, ILL. JOHN J. BUCH, HfeSTAURANf BO ARDING HOUSE, ll^the ̂ Bridge MeHenry, oarcl by TT\E B&R %R- •reasonabie rates* at ~ HLO> LIMB OF;ROW BOATS AT MR LAMOWO. t,"i -1*" *«re Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars m»' \ always on hand. iw#«eeh Lager Beer eeastoat^ on drmnght. Wy,-. . We have the most complete line of Pumps to be found iu the county, and if you are in need of one it will pay you to caU and see us. We have THE MYERS F0BC1 POMP. WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR, Buggies & Carriages Our entire stock of Buggies and Carriages will be sold AT COST for the next 30 days, WM. BACON. SALOON AND BiSTAURANT | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SCULITZ lilwafe BreiiDii Co's Beer. THE BEST MAD 1. In any quantity from a Snit* Q'lass to 100 barrels. Orders by mall promptly attended to. ALSO ALWATS ON HAND Flfte Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters, choice Ales, Winesi Cigars, Etc* I b^y none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me an-d I will UFP us3 you well. ANTONY ENGILN. MeHenry, 111 , 1894. A G R A N D O F F E R ! MME. A. RUPPERT*S FACEBLEACH Mme. A. Rnppert say* ®*l upprecUte the fact that there are nmr.y thousands ol ladles in tholJiiSted State* that would like to try wr World Benowned Face Bleach, but have been kert from doing BO on account oc Srice. which is $2.00 per bot-e, or 3 bottles, taken to-Kether.SS.OJ. In order that all mar bare an opportunity, i wllfselltoevery culler asjani- plebottlefor 25c,and to those JtvlOfl outside of city, lu any #r^*fc-S^^SEs^TO^ns^e1rpacke<l, p*!n «rapper,anohargaa prepaid, for !5c, sllrer or si amps. In tYerycMe of freckle»t plmplM, nioths, «al.ow- Best, blackheads, acne, ectema, oiUnef s or rougn- ypfMMi, or any discoloration or dtflMW of tbaskiij, and 1mA* A*naail h* fnHai amraRiinn) Face IIF Tllfr n AV Political Revo)Dtion of vr int UMI.'J, OriMs of TO anrt >H Bs.rt)es for bread, OXRTISM. btrlksr, the Unemployed. GREAT LABOR ISRUEB of the present and the future Tariff l,egu!at;on The ai!rer Queetions What Protection ifoes tor the Amerirau Workmen. What Free Trade does for him. A bo k for the hour- Every body wants It, Pri, p on'y #1 50. Sells at sight Most liberal terms to agents, send fbr • irculaxs or send "Oeent* for scent's out At at once f.W ZIEGLBKACO., B23 Market Street, gt. Louis, Mo. SOLBIERS' DEPABTMEIT. BY AN OLD 80LDICB. Ci A R. k' MeHenry Post N'*. 64S holds regular Meet, tnge the first and third Thursdays of eaok month at the City Hall. H. V, MR AD, Oommander, ALBERT SHOW, Adjutant. Comtad© John L. Ransom, the genial manager of the Libby Prison War Mua- enwis leased the mueeura, and is now in fulr^nlrol. iv* . wuuiiiyMiiiij HEAR THE DEPOT\ WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Keeps open for the MttamdMn of tM Public a Flrst-Class Saloon and Restaurant, »p brands of Wines, Liquors and 01 Ifhere he wllL at all times keep the beat j Liquc to be found In the market. PABST'S l£LIwauk*« BIN Wholesale and Rat Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ir&ys on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD 8TABUNQ FOR HOJR&F& WOall and-aee as. RobertBohlesale. R E I D S German 0U6H KIDNEYelJRE- {ont&ins no Poison. Reid's German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria* Sylvan Cum purifies the breath* • ••• ------ .. . I A. HILL, JEWELER OPTICIAN. Firest Lenses, lye-Classes aid SPECTACLES. No Charsre for Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FIT GUABANTEED. Will be at a T. Dlnlel's Drug 81 ore, Algon quln, every Wednesday, commencing July 11. Also, at a Severns's Drug Store, Cary. every Thursday, commencing July 20th. OSMUN BLOCK. sett NUNDA, ILL. DR. FEUTH'S ananraiww -- a cure. Adu.wn municattons or call on M ̂ E. A. 11UPPERT, So, o Ka«t 14th Htrcet, Nevr York City. * All ray preparations, samples, bottles. *<%, osa be "jad. at regular prices from mj local aicent. Next Visit. Friday. Dec. 28. WOODSTOCK* lfc-» At the Hotel W oodstook. DISPENSARY DR. FBUTH, after years of experience has perfected the most Infallible method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and miod, self-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im­ poverished blood, low vitality, and all efloots ot abu«es, excesses, improper life, etc., wbich renders marriage unbappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin DtseaRes, Sores Fi-uplee, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Dan­ cer, I'iU-e, ami Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit asoofor a ease of SEXUAL DISEASE dure. Question list FREK. <>ne personal interview solicited. Consultation free OR. D. O. FRUfH, 3B32 Lake Ave.i Ghleagai » avings.J?^,:^." s k 1 charge. Loans made on time and terms to suit borrower. W* aiNoi£ivt i l D o f a f s f a e e t , g l w n . l l l i T w i w - * r < received and loaned on carefally se­ lected real sstafc® ifcurities and the interest collsctedT A A WS 1 and remitted without J^V/xa.X~ Comrade Horace 8. Clark, of -Mattooti, past department commander, is being mentioned as a possible candidate for the governorship of IUinofs«> Commander-in-Chief LawWnr1, When visits New York, will be entertained by the members of Lafayette Post, 140. Brooklyn will claim him for a day or tiro and he will probably he entertained at dinner by comrades on both sides of tit* river daring his stay. f 1} ^ Arthur Cook, of Wanconda, holds the champion belt of any 6, A. R. man in the county. The first G. A. R. poet in the county was organized at Wauconda, and Mr. Cook was elected its command­ er. In all of the years which have gone since,|he has missed but three meetings of his post, and it meets twiee a month. Who can beat the record? The Woman's Relief Corps, of Illinois, ausiSarj of the Grand Army of the Re­ public, has purchased the old Trobridge farm, near Wilmington, at a cost of f5,000, for a soldiers' home, for indigent soldiers and their wives. At the soldiers' home atQuincy the wives ot the veterans are not received, necessitating a sepa­ ration. LMve-Tftking at the Station. A sqnad of "soldier boys" were about to set off for the seat of war. At thesta- tion a large crowd of friends had gather­ ed and there was the usual amount of kissing, embracing and leave-taking. A loud voiced man was entertaining a group of ladies with his conversation, and he remarked, as one of the soldiers' sweet little wives was passing: "If I was going to the war, and any of my ( friends should come to the station to see me off,' I would shoot them." The little woman look up and very quietly said: "Ob, don't fret; yoa wouldn't have a chance to fire once." If one ever saw a man fish out of the raging canal alive--this fel­ low lookedifhe lik The Hajbr Must be Obeyed* A Maine soldier tells how he got a. tid­ bit while his regiment was marching along a hot and dusty road in Southern Pennsylvania. Orders were very strict against foraging, but in spite of them a soldier suddenly sprang out of the ranks in pursuit of a fat gobbler standing among the sumach bushes on the road­ side. The turkey started off in a hurry with the man after him. Major Brown called out angrily: "Halt! What do you mean ? Halt I" A few harried steps and the soldier had the turkey laid low with a blow from his rifle barrel. "There, dam ye," be exclaimed, as he picked it up; "I reckon you'll understand that when the major says 'halt* he means halt."' Nothing to Fight for. By the way of illustrating how "41m women of the Booth helped along the war," an officer describes a- scene of which he was an amused eye witness. A, gang of "Sherman's Bummers." he says, had captured a plantation on which were many hens and chickens, They wrung the necks of the chickens, and then proceeded to gather the eggs, all the while laughing at the angry lady of the house. Just then some Confederate cav­ alrymen came down on a charge. The Union boys retreated a short distance and made hurried preparations for the fight. The woman ran up to the Confederate officer in command, and declared that she wished to help whip the Yankees. Very, good," he said, "Get lip on the fence and holler at them." The woman, dead in earnest, 'mounted the fence, shook her fist and shouted: Ob, you miserable Yankees! You have taken every chicken on the place!" "What's that?" demanded the officer. Taken all the chickens?" Then there is nothing left worth fighting for. With that he rode away, leaving the woman on the top of the fence shaking her fist at the Yankees and calling them POUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. KinNew Discovery, for consumption, coughfl and colds, each bottle guaran-, teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guar­ anteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is at­ tached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. For sale at G. W. Besley'B drag store. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, Proceedings of the Special December r - rtV TT.wt The honorable board of supervisors of Mc- Henry county met In special session at the S°SR*ou« in Woodstock on Monday, Dec. The meeting was called to order by the chairman. * The loiiowlng named supervisors answered at roll call: Sups. N. Brot.zman, C. P. W right, R. J. Heck, K F Axtell, W. 1>. Cornue, Wm! jDesinond, Q. K. RiohardK, K. E. Stevens, .John \\ eltzit>n, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark. O. W.Conu Geo. MoC onnell, A. ,M. Wray, W. A. Cristy, 3. bundry bills were reported to the proDer committees. The semi-annual reports of county clerk, sheriff and circuit clerk were referred to the committee on fees and salaries. The report of county treasurer was referred to the com m it toe to settle with treasurer. Sup. Axtell moved that the bonds of the Incoming officers be referred to the committee on finance. Carried. Sup. Hoy moved that the reading ol the bills in county clerk's hands be dispensed with. Motion carried. .Sup, Hoy moved that the board adjonrn for committee work uutll to-morrow morning at ten o'clock. Carried. V TUESDAY, DEC. 4,18M. ^ Board met pursuant to adjournment, mem- bers all present at roll call. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. Sup. Hoy moved that the committeeon fees and saluries be authorized to burn up all the cancelled county orders and jury certificates. Motion carried. The committee on finance presented the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I Mcllenry County, f88 . Hoard of Supervisors, December term, Dec !!. A. 1). 181H. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to-whom was referred the bonds of the county clerk, county superintendent ot'schools, sheriff and treasurer would hetr leave to submit t he foi- SS'J'.vJ"! - WU vIK' ill i' IIA i'.^ iivHli'v til' 111 i We have examined the bonds of the several officers, and find them all in proper form, and signed by the following named citizens, residents of MeHenry county. County clerk's bond in the sum of $5,000, signed by G. F. Kusliton, Asad Udell, U.S. Williams, M. W. Lake, W. D. Cornue, F. F. Axtell and Milo Mlinger. County superintendent of school's bond in the sum of $12,000, signed by W. E. Wire, Geo. W.Conu and E. K. Phillips. Sheriff's bond in the sum of 810.000, signed by Geo. Eckert, G. K. Hunker, E. E. Richards and Edward K. Fnrer. County treasurer's bond in the sum ofeOinoo signed by Henry Keyes, E. E. Richards, E. C. Jewett, G. K. Hunker, M. L. .loslyn, M. D Hoy, G. H. Hoy, Edward Morton, E. A. Ford, and I). W. Thomas. County collector's bond In the sum of S4!i,000, signed by Henry Keyes, E. E. Richards, E. C. Jewett, G. K. Bunker, M. L. Joslyn, M. 1) Hoy, G. H. Hoy, Edward Morton, E. A. Ford and D. W. Thomas. We would respectfully recommend the approval of the same. All of which la respectfully submitted. F. E. STKVKNH, Chairman, A. CnrsTY. . T. HOY, B. RICHARDS, JOHN WELTZIBK. The committee on education made the fol­ lowing report, which was adopted! to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I Mcllenry County, f "* Board of Supervisors, December term, Dec. 3, A. 1>. IN'.M. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen olthe Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of county superinten­ dent of M'hools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined said report and find the same correct and recommended that the amount asked for, viz: three hundred and sixty-two (SWi) dollars beallowed. All Of Whtdit te respeetfully subm itted. W. D. Corn IT K, chairman, A. M. WKAV, . tW. CONN, . P. THOMPS©*, P. WKIGHT. The committee to Wttte with the treasurer presented the following report, Which Was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, ( „ MeHenry County, ( Board of Supervisors, December term, Dec. 3, A. D. I8!U. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen o/the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we nave examined the various book accounts and vouchers and find the same correct, showing as follows: Total reeiepts from all sources*) tiO Total disbursements 58,<>20 OK Balance on hand Dec. 3,1894 $ 0,870 51 We also submit the treasurer's semi-annual report, showing official fees received and dis­ bursements made during the last half year: Total earnings 1105 H4 Expenditures, clerk hire 50 00 Miscellaneous 7 50 Treasurer's salary, half year 730 Oo M^ONOMICAL. Mothers your attention Is called to Caldwell's Syrnp Pepsin as the Amplest, most pleasant to take, and at the same time most potent and economical remedy you can give the children to regulate the bowels and relieve from all manner of stomach troubles. It regulates. Try a 10c bottle 10 doses 10c. (For children 30 doe* 10c) at J. 4. Story 1*. 51ml Total f807 50 Allnetf which to respectfully submitted. - Will l)KH5iON», Chairman, F. E. BTKVKNS. JOHN WEI.TZIKN, P. F. AXTBLL, W. A. CKISTY. Sup. Axtell stated to the board that the insurance 011 the court house and contents, also jail, had about expired, and asked for instructions. Sup. Conn also stated that the insurance on the pcor house building had about expired, whereupon Sup. Heck moved that the chairman of the committee on county buildings, also the chairman of the poor farm committee, be instructed to take out insurance on court house and contents aud on the poor farm buildings to the best advantage tor the good ofthecounty. Motion carried Sup. Hoy moved that the bill of Sheriff Udell of 3i)0 beallowed. Hill was forexpenses in recapturing an escaped prisoner by the name of Albert Robbins. Motion carried. The committee on fees and salaries made the follnwing report, which was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I B - Mcllenry County. f Board of supervisors, Dec. 3, A. D. 1894. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board ofSupervisors: Yourcommitteetowhom was referred circuit clerk's report would bee leave' to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined the same and find them correct. 4 Earned. Rec'd. Balance on hand, June report 9 300 30 For recording.... 5SM1 9Q Wl 90 Clerk's fees In suits in court... 8w Iff 629 65 For services performed pre- ® vlous 43 25 For old sheriff fees. 95 40 Total '. war 05 iiwo so Clerk hire f 600 U) Miscellaneous.-... 20 35 Clerk's salary, one-half year.. 750 op 91270 35 Balance due county $ WO 15 we would'recommend that the circuit clerk pay the sum of 16*0.15 to the treasurer of this county. All of which Is respectfully submitted, GKO. MCCONNELL, Chairman, December term, A. M. WRAY, » 1. i.« lOHN WKI.TZIBN, W M. DESXOXD, R. J. BECK. Report of the committee on public grounds and building was adopted, to-wlt: STATE OF" ILLINOIS, MeHenry County, j"* Board of supervisors, Deoemfter term, Dec. 3, A. D. 18»J. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public building would beg leave to submit the following report 011 the matters before them: We.have let the contract to cover the steam pipes iu basement with mineral wool cover­ ing to Baker, Smith & Co., for the sum of $102.56. Said work is completed. W'e have also let the contract to A L. Dean & Co., to put a % inch. 5pi.v drill proof steel floor on the corridor of the jail and put up laticejail work of iron, to be made of aVi by 9b inch iron with 3 inch mesh, for the sum sf $1,100, said' lattice work to extend along state they will be able to ship the work In about ten days. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. F. AXTELL, Chairman, " • * ,•<. T. HOY, * w -C ft. J. BECK, W. P. THOMPSON. Sup. Wright moved that the room known as the supervisors' room be fitted up for the use of the county superintendent of schools and that the committee on public buildings be instructed to make the necessary repairs. Motion carried. v, The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted to-wit; STATE OF ILLINOIS, f „ M c Henry County. (8 Board of Supervisors, Dec. 3, A. D. 18iM. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whofiv was referred the renort of sheriff would be<r tosuonm tne louowing report on tna matters before them; We have examined the sheriff's books and reports, and find the same correct, aud find that be has Earned. Ree d Fees in suits in court....,..!. 9306 40 9174 40 Costs other than court costs.... 341 68 ' vf' erm, 174 7» Totals for half year Sheriff's salary for half year.. 83 9M9 18 600 00 9860 82 Balance due sheriff. We recommend that an order be drawn on the t reasurer for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-two cents ^8250.82) in favor of the sheriff. " All of which Is respectfully submitted, GEO. MCCONNKLI, ij Chairman, - JOHN WKLTZIEN, WM DESMOND, A. M. WRAY, Th«» election. jpade the following report: f STATE OF ILLINOIS, I __ ' • MeHenry County, ("1 : l ' ! Board of Slip ervisors, DeC««fffeef t<^;t)ec. 3, A. D. 1«M. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Sunervisors: Your committee to whom was referred election expenses of the different precincts of Mcllenry county would beg leave to report on the matters before them: We have carefully examined aud compared the bills of expense as received from each pre­ cinct and would recommend that the same be allowed as follows: $ 60 SO 60 20 tk> -0 60 2I> 60 V0 60 20 «0 20 ao 60 2(1 &t 00 « 00 El» 70 69 05 t+uvy Marengo (First) M arengo (Second) Dimham Chemung (First) Chemung (Second). Allien.. llartland Seneca ("oral (i raft on Dorr (First)....; Dorr (Second) Greenwood .ft Hebron Richmond ....... Bu rton MeHenry (First) MeHenry (Second) Nunda (First) : Nunda (Second) Algonquin (First) AIgonqu in (Second).;. .t...., Algonquin (Third) Chas. Keeler, Esq., I day canvassing election returns (6 m). L. H. J ones, same. All of which Is resL to 00 1 <x> $11 20 60 20 «0 20 6!t 90 60 00 6(i 00 60 40 3 60 3 00 submitted, WRIGHT. Chairman, I GEO. MCCONNKUU A. M. WRAY, Wf A. CRISTY, L. T. HOY. Sup. Hoy moved to amend the report on election so as to include the clerk hire for canvassing the electlofo returns. Amend­ ment lost. Motion to adopt the report car­ ried. The committee on poor farm offered the following report, which waa adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, •)__ Mcllenry County, j Board of Supervlsors. Decerafcar teri&t Dec. 8, A D. 1HIM. • To the Honorable Bqard of Supervisors: Your committee 011 poor farm would beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met at poor farm, Nov, lSSMi for purpose of Invoicing stock, etc. v - ^ Farm Stock. 1 bull 9 25 0011 brood sov|^4^#5 00 3 calves 15 00',4 pigs 85 00 16 cows 440 0"',1 boar „.... 30 00 1 5 yr old horse.. 76 <X>;2 fat hogs ...» SO 00 1 3-yr old horse.. 40 00i 10 turkeys5 00 1 span mules 150 (0,125 chickens ...... 25 00 1 chestnut mare 40 0"|20 ducks 6 0< 1 gray mars 85 00;30 guinea bens... 7 50 Total 50 Farm Products. 550 bushels cornS132 0u;2 bushels beets.- 25 tons hay 200 <N>:2 bushels carrots 800 bushel oats.. 240 00,'1 bushel turnips. 1 stuck straw 25 001130 bu potatoes... Com fodder GO 00;2'i bbls pickles... 4 bushel beans.. 6 00;200head cabbage beginning Jan. 1,1805, we hav*onytyidtt. Brown, of Seneca, to fill said poiitkn, (t m salary of eight hundred dollars (WOO) ptryav, he to pjiy the wages of all the help neoMM§9r to be em ployed on or about the pUMMb we would recommend that Dr. E. V. *F|l1lir|illll be employed as physician at the poor li^iM for the ensuing year, he to be allowed tmt and fifty-one hundredths (92JKf dollut visit, and to tarnish all necessary m- "" All of which is respectfully submit G W. Comr, •s Chalranst • WiP.THomgM^ ' • , >• '• > k jr: stviW "' Q. B. RlCHAJKDS, ji ; V The committee on fees and salaries msln * r > the following report, which was adopted, to- •_ -r wit: • A lift STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1__ . « Jj Mcllenry Countv, vHJ f. Board of Supervisors, December tern, , "i Dec. 3, A. I). 1KWL * ; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Botri ouuiauouio, iUUl luiuiuiucc w WXMMH was referred the connty clerk's report woakt beg leave to submit the following report oa the matters, before them: We have examined the same and find them correct. Amt of fees ree'd as per exhibit A- 9773 60 Amt fees earned and unpaid 425 ^ Amt fees earned as per exhibit Bottom June 1 to Dec. 3,18M 2381M Total ...SB579 07 Less amt previous earnings included 96 Ml Total earnings for one*half Salary for half year Clerk hire....... Total ... Fees rec'd Balance due clerk _$ 678 00 •--<¥* We would recommend that an order fcf" drawn on the treasurer for the sum of 9178 IS -- Ibvor o>f the county clerk. ; ' ' ' All of which Is respeetltally submitted. . '•{. | Oao. MCCONHKLL,« *| Chairman, '•< A. ftl. WHAT, - V JOHN WBUCSTUUI '-Ml-a R. J. BECK. W*. l>£S»03TBt The committee on claims made the lbilOV^ 7 ing report, which was adopted, to-wit" * STATE OF ILLINOIS, I, MeHenry County, | ^Board^ of Supervlsora, Deoemt Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Claims would beg leave to report that they have ex­ am in ed all claims presented to them and recommend the payment of the following and that the clerk be instructed to (MM orders on the county treasurer to the claim­ ants for the several amounts allowed, at ftlk lows, to-wit: BILXJS PAin. . Richmond Gazette, pub pr'cdgs Boud4 L Leidig, shaving prisoners ...» 0 S Marron, 2 cords of wood 1 M Mallorv, pub pr'edgs of Board....... J Van Slvke, 500 large envelopes J Van Slyke, notice poor farm com..™.. J_ Van slyke, pub official ballot- ear 50 00 700 00 £ .91450 , . 772 00 W II SO 00 10 AO 19 «» 10 60 mm ton ssoo 1000 a «o 1000 1100 50 50 30 78 00 6 00 4 00 total .9742 80 > Groceries and Fuel. 60 tons coal 9351 00166 lbs tea............ 19 04 7 cords wood 28 00:80 lbs coffee,....™ 80 00 5 gals molasses.. 1 60|3 lbs pepper....... 10 gals vinegar... 1 5();4 lbs soda 115 lbs butter...» 86 75:1 lbs ginger 5 doz eggs 1 0019 lbs starch t> gals gasoline... tiSjlo lbs rice ........... 2 gals kerosene- 20;4 lbs Lewis' lye.. 100 lbs Hour. 1 80:6 boxes yeast ..... -20 lbs corn meat 2u:i lb cloves 46 lbs soap 184; Total »..9«7 02 Farm Implements. 3 set double bar- .1 brace and bits ness and 2 ex-. !l buck saw tra collars 9 95 00,1 ice saw 1 pair bobs 13 00|2 axes I abl shovel plw 8 <'0; 1 post maul, 1 single " " 8 OOil anger 1 potato hiller... 8 00!i grub hoe, pick 1 stirring plow.. 6 00,'l iron bar 1 riding plow.... 85 CO;i log chain ... 2 drags 6 001 square 2 corn plows 88 oola hoes 1 self-binder 80 00|2 forks. I mower 10 00;2 manure forks. 1 corn planter... 15 i:0;2 spading forks. 1 hay knife 1 50:1 hrsfork&rope 1 scythe & snath I o»;l pulverizer. 1 Buffalo robe.... 8 00; 1 teed ctriS powr 75 00 1 wire stretcher 50; 1 spring wagon. 40 00 i ppek measure. ir>: 1 lumber wagon 1 set scales 15 001 truck wagon... 38 grain bags.-... 1 8 i;2 hay racks 2 pork barrls.„.„ 8 50;2 wheelbarrows. 1 grindstone 1 7511 water tank 5 scoop shovels.. 1 501 garden rake 1 barn shovels... 1 00;1 hand rake 76:1 seeder. 1 00 - 25 2 00 75 50 75 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 75 75 1 00 3 (0 10 00 80 (O 20 on o (X) , 3 00 10 00 25 25 80 00 « npnuv,.<M..w<n ** iV|i OU is' l corn knives00!1 horse rake 85 Oo ToUl 9508 80 Household Furniture and Supplies. 51 bedsteads 9300 00,7 hang'g lamps ft blankets 50 0ejl bracket lamp- 42 pillows 33 00 1 step ladder 00 pillows cases.' 6 0t>!i washing mach 80 sheets 24 00!24 butter plates. 40 ticks 86 00;2 sugar bowels... 40 comforters 70 00;2 milch pitchers 12 mirrors 10 00,24 soup dishes.- 11 stands 8 (H)l24 plates 2 bureaus 10 00|2 soup tureens... 3 settees 15 00|25 chambers 80 0<);23 tea cups and 2 00, saucers 10 00,' 10 deep dishes.... 6 C0[32 plates 2 00]41 tablespoons-- 6 (ki -'J tea spoons,...- v.r>i'21 knives Jt folks 2lKi|20iniik pans 1 fS(i;r» n>ops 1 OOjO brooms ft0|3 butcher Knives 1 <>i il hand 1am- the eastend and south side of corridor from 1 office desk 1 table 4 office chalrs„... 1 rocking chairs 1 milk tank....... 9 milk setters.... 12 tin cups......... 2 dish pans 18 pails 16 tin basins 2 padlocks 9 wash basins--, 5 washboards--. 5 wash tubs 1 churn 2 o-gal Jars 1 4-gal jar - 1 3-gal jar - towels ..... 2 platters 24 pie plates 22 sauce plates... 2 bells floor matting 1 bread plate 2 butter dishes-- Swaslibowlsand pitchers - 10 bowls 2 lanterns......-- 4 lard cans.....-- Total.. ...... 6 25 50 1 00 10 00 50 25 20 8 OO 8 CO 1 00 10 00 8 39 1 60 8 80 1 25 1 20 8 25 4 00 1 00 1 «) 1 00 :'5 8 00 2C0J1 range B 0"; tures 100 00 1 00,2 beating stoves 15 00 *0! 1 boiler stove 7 50 S0|l pair handcuffii 3 00 4 £(t;i muff l 00 1 00 JO"ft rubberhose 5 00 8 IMMpr hairclippers 8 50 1 2."),'2 cuspidors 1 5(1 4'b0|l office lamp 1 00 #4 00; 1 clock 8ei 1 meat saw 2o,l cleaver !l milk can........ 2 60J05 chairs 1 60ji cabbage cutter ?5ji sewing mach.. ip 1 00| J dining tables... " & flx- 4 (10 50 75 SO U 00 t 00 ^•4. , 30 00 t fiOjl gasoline stove #> 00 --.4M1 »5 E L Hanaford, oil and gasoline O S Eastman, pub official ballot 0 S Eastman, pub pr'edgs of Board...... Chas F Renich, pub otlical ballot. J A Dufield, pub pr'edgs of Board ..... J A Dufield, pub official ballot E V Anderson, med services at jail. F W San ford, glass and work M C Dufield, pub pr'edgs of Board -- Same, pub official ballot. C F Renich, blanks for county clerk- Walsh & Whittleton, pub pr'edgs board Same, blanks for county clerk Same, pu plishing official ballot H B Begun, pub proceedings BoardJU,!, Same, pub official ballot Jacob Ziminer, ice .x, Chas Schneider, hauling ashes fiioi court house E Windinneller, med services at Jail..-- 7 9H 1 M Mai lory, pub official ballot 1000 J N Burton, 60 tons coal 818 00 Whit son Bros., work and material tar­ nished court house andjall......... W m Pierson, carpenter work on jail.... J H Shearer, soft coal at court housed H M Vaughn, work on courthouse-...™ 0 F Renich, pub proceeding of Board... E Windmueller medical service at jail. Davie & Co., disinfectant for court house and jail W F Geer, repairing rods on coart house C & N W R'y Co, freight on 60tonsooal. J H Shearer, hauling 60 tons coal- Elgin Insane Asylum, care of patients- 72 81 H M Vaughn, sharpening lawn mower and scythe A F Field, coal and oil. . E S McFadden, work for connty clOTk... 11 I 86 25 00 80S 3 SO 16 60 60 00 16 60 180 84 09 sso 1»« I8 60 12 W 18 BO 18 BO 18 80 18 B0 I8 60 18 50 860 Becapltulatlon. Farm stock Farm produce Groceries, etc Household goods. i....-«„„ Farm Implements ~M W» 50 TW 30 457 03 ttl 85 ...-- 808 80 Grand total S8579 47 We would report, that, acting bv authority .... . 1 of a vote of your honorable body, passed at the floor to the ceilingaudabouttwo(i) inches i the September meeting, gtvinir the committee B S Austin, goods furnished Jail-.... I; Benthusen, baliff, May term H D Walling, same, Sept term Win Roach, same M Pease, same J L Hibbard, same H G Ehle, same L Bentheusen, same - J W Hewitt, same J L Hibbard, one day In county eonrt- P F Pettibone & Co., blanks and official ballots 34S B0 Same, ataUoaary M Sft Total ££-.•»*... •„„„ %0l r BII>U nirpAU*, J V an Slyke, pub proceedings of board 25 fli Baker, Smith & Co, covering steam pipes in court house - 162 St Stone <fe Hart, shoes for prisoners Woodstock .sentinel Co., publishing proceedings Board Same, publishing official ballot..." Same, printing woman's ticket Same, court docket Same, subscription, poor farm Same, stationary - xs s Asad Udell, dieting prisoners, Jane 1 to Dec 1, 1894 378 00 Same, stumps, telephone, taking in­ sane persons to Elgin --. 84 SB Same, jailor and janitor, 6 months- 810 00 Same, eleven days probate court-- - 88 00 Same, eight days common law 8000 W E Wire, postal cards, printing envel­ opes, express and stamps 88 60 B S Austin, goods furnished for Jail IB 40 E A Knight, distributing specimen bal­ lots and instruction cards 40 00 Wm Avery, postage, express, telegraph and telephone -- 83 90 F W Streets .t Co.. goods far sheriff...... 1 8K A S Wright, med. fur. prisoners IB |B W F Hutchins, wit fees ease people vs. Chas. Ballard » 80 Same, same 2 80 D W Hewitt, same --....i..--8 89 Same, same 2 80 Same, same vs. Hanson f 80 L Benthusen, same vs. Dewit Comptod 1 90 Same, same vs. Smith 180 Geo Rutzer, same vs. Eugene Archer-- 180 Louis Dennis, same 9 go James DeWane, same - --... 0 20 C J ColUps, same, ,.... -- J «A Wm Koch, same (20 Chas. Goodsell, same vs J K HoeaHCT-- 4 40 Jas Thompson, justice costs, pfg3>ple vs. Eugene Archer y. -- 0 90 J Burke, constable fees, sanik $. gf ,W B Fitch, money furnished/ for bury- ing old soldier .1 35 00 W B Stewart, extra work on tax books Oi <8 Asad I'dell, catching escaped prisoner- 200 00 Fred Arnold, extra work on tax. books. 51 OB Total ms g| Ail of which is respectfully submitted, R. J. B*CK, .i* Z , 5 . C h a i r m a n , 'j~kr4j F. K. 8TB^Mt& • , -.A*.,; N. Bbohuub, §i»B 5JSB3&. Sup. Beck moved that the bilte 1 the county clerk for extra el« _ lowed. The ayes and nays being eiijBI8F8|*> resulted as follows: Ayes: sup Ww * *" Beck, Axtell, Cornue, Desiuon4» & Weltzieu, Hoy, Conn, Wray, Thompmi! --YU nays: Sups. Stevens, Clark, MeConn^, Crlstiw -4. Motion carried. " The following report of Sun. Richards wan read to the board, accepted and ovAnsd printed, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen oft to ofSupervisors: According to a resolntHMI this board one year ago, X was reanMBBBS to investigate the records In regard to the reporting of fines by the state's alUinmj I did so, and made a verbal statement to board at last spring's meeting. Of sows* this would not make it a matter ofMasnL would, therefore, respectfully sotMWtfc tlM> follow ing report; i ; From the records in the circuiteierk*SoAMB I f l u d t h e f o l l o w i n g : . . * Jan. term of court, 1S8S) neltoes Sept. term of court, 188^.--no Jan. term of court, 1880.--f HO 80 Sept. term of coart, 1800.-- IB CO Sept. term of court, 1601-- SB *0 Jan. term of court, 1802. 6 60 May term of court, 18S8 «o fee# May term of court, 1808 --^ Sept. term of court INK...,. Jan. term of court, I80l».... May term of court, 18W Sept. term of court, 18M«:.m Total - - 4;;0> 'fS§ * =t. ,. ao (» oa LM|

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