Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1894, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19,1894. VAJV 8LYKB. Editor. fir Butter on fthe Elgin Board of Trade Monday was active; 44,340 pounds log at against 23,100 pounds at 82@23c last week. f gHHWMMMMMMMI ; I8T Congressman Hitt has called for Ifch* correspondence between Secretary Sresham and Great Britain in the iBehring sea matter. He want® the house to find oat why $422,000 Should be paid to England as recom­ mended in the President's message. Mr (Congressman Breckenridge now as- ^Jpifee to the seat in the United States * Senate occupied by Senator Black born, 'ft is hoped ^hat the wdmen of Kentucky wil! beat him so badly this time that he 'will have no trouble in making up his mind that politics is not his forttk ~ 1ST* A perfect saturnalia of criroe, rnur- ! der, suicide ^d arson seems to reign throughout the country. At Minneapo­ lis a women was brutally murdered to . obtain the sum of f10,000 she was insur­ ed for; in Chicago a horrible crime of the Cronin order was committed on account *. of jealousy, while thecolumns of the daily press fairly reek with accounts of crimes sS of every description in various parts of :^the country. ' )W During the protection administra­ tion of President Harrison the national *§!debt was decreased by two hundred and fifty million dollars, bnt during twenty- 7 one months of tree trade administration of President Cleveland, the national debt - has been increased one hundred million dollars, showing an increase of our na- • - tional debt under free trade Democratic v| administration in about the same ratio pashas been the decrease under Republi­ can protection doctrine. Which fa pref­ erable? * ; IVIt is announced that China has de­ rided to send a special envoy to Japan, fully authorized to negotiate a treaty of . peace. She is willing, it appears, to con­ sent to almost any terms short of the ^cession of Manchnria, to prevent Japan's troops from entering Pekin. Bnt it is rumored that Japan entertains the idea " of taking Manchuria as part of her in - demnity, and of erecting it into a "buffer state" between China on the one hand and Korea and her own island* oa the other. ^ name "tatee late b« dit President Cleveland has sent the name of Gen. John C. Black to theUnited tates Senate as U. S. Attorney for the te of Illinois to succeed the recent in- bent, Hon. S. Dixon, deceased. Mr. 's appointment is an excellent one dit should be confirmed, and no doubt will be, without any unnecessary delay. Gen. Black was a valiant soldier daring the war, bearing numerous scare from the conflict, is a lawyer of high standing and in exery way well fitted to fill the im­ portant position of United StatesJAttor- aey. He is now serving the state as Congressm an- all arg a. Pithy. Poititod and PnrttMUt. Gen. Booth, of salvation array i&rae, should have remained in Colorado until he converted Gov. Waite. The moving spirit of the Chicago mob that attacked a church was precisely thj$ same as that which caused the notorious anarchist riot in the same city. It is it thoroughly bad an un-American spirit which should be ruthleesiy etrangled wher­ ever found. ID- Senator Butler, of South Carolina, will never be classed with those who volun­ tarily retire from public life; but he will have to go just the same, as Tillman has got the drop on him as well as on that seat in the senate. The Georgia legislature may not be composed of Solomons, but it is difficult to believe that it has,two members silly enough to fight a duel, notwithstanding contrary reports. Republicans in congress should remem­ ber Gen. Grant's words--"The best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it strictly"--when the appropriation to put the income tax into effect comes up. The people rely upon the> Republicans to defeat the administration scheme for free shins. En ouch American industries have already been crippled by the Dem­ ocrats. Congressman "Champ" Clark, of Mis­ souri, says Congressman Bryan, of Ne­ braska, is "The greatest tribune of the people ever in congress." Congressman Bryan's opinion of Clark is now due. Colorado and Michigan can skakd. Each has one Democrat in its legislature. The Boston Post says Josiah Quincy isn't an easy man to question. That is wrong. The Senate Printing committe which investigated Quincy's connection with a government contract secured through his official influence as Assistant Secretary of State, found him easy to question and easier to trip up. It may or may not be true that Sena­ tor Hill remained away from Washing­ ton to avoid taking part in the caucus of Democratic senators, but he should not be blamed if he did. A caucus of Demo* cratic senators is anything but a pleas­ ant gathering. The administration has abandoned hope for the popgun tariff bill, but thinks another American industry ©an be killed by getting the free ship bill through con­ gress, and is accordingly trying to do it. But Republican senators will attend to that. The report that Cleveland is anxious to know what the people think of his message is doubtless true, but there seems no way for him to ascertain. The people can't be made to read back num­ bers. Jerry Simpson said of the Populists in a recent interview: "The party has been divested of many' of its former crudi­ ties." Name 'em, Jerry, name 'em. Where was Don Dickerson when those Michigan Democrats adopted the plat­ form for the free coinage of silver? Can he be on duty in the White House sentry box? C H R I S T M A S While wc have NO TOYS i For the children we h ayea choice line of Buggies, Road Wagons, Car­ riages, Etc., at Rsre Bargains. : Let the white crystal come, we^ can please you with a dainty tur$-, out on runners. Give the little ones a ride.i5 Thanking you for past patron­ age and wishing all prosperity for 1896,1 am, yours truly, - WM, BACofe" Buckwheat Flour SkV.-l ^ • STEUBEN A%:p- New rk, Guaranteed Pure Ceoda or no sale, at UNCLE BEN GILBERT'S E, RICHARDSON, DEALER IN & IPEOJt AU8T. Md opginatpr of the direct method and Amick , - v ^ ? 0f >he ear, nose, throas and luni i ' $ I pippi 'i Jc j rX " •m For preparing aid administering Aeriform fluid for voneumptfoo. aathms, bronchitis, catarrh, hoarseness, catarrhal deafnes», sore throat and all . diseases of ibekirpMsages, stomach, blood glands and nerve|i^ xfie treatment isaimple and agreeable and effects a speedy and per­ manent cure. When" we look over the extraordinary promises made on psper t>y many advertisers, we^wonder that the average reader takes stock in any. We base our claim lor yourpatronageonthe following facts: bur close connection with the largest manufacturers, the large- ness of our purchases, and our long experience in the business, beside that reliable factor, i •*••• '• * f ^ V J" 'w'\ -j ;v We Buy and Sell far Spot Cash.. % , r '.~r ' v.1"/ J ' ii ii -. The direct method and Amick remedy positively cures catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, incipient consumption, catarrhal deafness and all diseases of the nose, throat and lungs> Slugging matches and collets foot ball are synonomous in the cultivation of brutal in ftincts. A few week ago Fitz- simmons killed Riordan by a stroke in a boxing bout, and at New Orleans on Fri­ day night last Lavinge killed Bo wen in the same way, and at the Harvard and Yale foot ball contest, thirty men were pat hors du combat , some of them crip­ pled for life if not fatally injured. If the colleges would run more to brains and less to athletics they would turn out men of intellect nal power and worth rather than semi-respectable rowdies whose college years are marked with a species of ruffianism from "haze" to a«l«h that is to be deplored. IW*The Waukegan Gazette, in speak­ ing of the Senatorial flight says: "There is in political circles considerable interest In the senatorial fight. Practically the contest is between Mason and Cullom. Medill never had any chance, if he ever w as a candidate, and Davis is not in it a little Int. It is probable that quite & number of votes will be cast for local favorites, but the bulk of the vote will be divided between the two leading candi­ dates. Very many of the members are non-committal as to their choice and it looks as though they wish to confer with their associates when the General As­ sembly convenes. But the selection Bhould be made from among those who have done yeomen service for the princi­ ples upon which the Republican party is founded." P! - < a: tl s« m &£ Parkhurst and Women % Dr. Parkhurst has entered into a con- ^"la-act with The Ladies' Home Journal by \ which he will practically become a regu­ lar editorial contributor to that magf - ziwrfor some time. The great New York preacher says that he has for a longtime past been desirous of saying some very eceasary things to women, and he now announces that he will say them through these articles. He will take up all the social, moral and equality questions which are so uppermost in the minds of women to-day. Dr. Parkhurst will begin this worfc at once, his first article appear­ ing in the next issue of the Journal. I«ow Bate Excursions to the West. On Decembet 4 and 18, 1894, the Northwestern Line will sell Home-Seek­ ers' Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for the round trip; tickets good for return pas­ sage at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed THE A&BIOULTX7BAL, BOABB. Proceedings of the Annual Keetlng. The annual meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Society was held at the court house, in Woodstock, on Mon­ day, Dec. 3, 1994. A large attendance was present, every town in the county having representatives. The meeting was called to order by. the president, R. J. Beck, who stated the ob­ ject of the meeting, preluded by a few timely remarks in the interest of the society. Minutes of last annual meeting read; also minutes of meetings of executive committee during the year, and on mo­ tion approved. Reports of secretary and treasurer were read, on motion adopted and or­ dered published in connection with the minutes of this meeting. Motion made and seconded that a com mittee of five ladies be selected to act as an executive committee of the ladies' de­ partment. After considerable discussion as to the manner of selecting the com­ mittee, and before coming to a vote, mo­ tion was made to lay original motion on the table. Carried.^ Motion made that the constitution and by-laws be so changed as to include one lady member «£ the executive com mittee from each township. Motion lost and decided to leave the matter of ar ranging ladies' committee with the exec­ utive board. The next business in order was the election of officers for ensuing year. Fred Hatch made motion that the present officers, consisting of R. J. Beck, president; G. B. Richards, secretary; C. F. Dacy, treasurer; A. Bourne and O. M. Hale, vice presidents, and R. Forrest general superintendent, be re-elected. Motion being put by Hatch was unani­ mously carried. On motion adjourned. G. B. RICHARDS, Secretary. DBTC^OODS; GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Drugs. Paints and Oils Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc. VOLO, TT iT i, I wish to announce to my patrons and the public generally that I am now pre­ pared to furnish them with all goods in mylineatthe Lowest living Prices. t5F° FELTS and RUBBER8 at prices that defy competition. A large stock of Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR,' the finest stock to be found in this section. " The finest stock of Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. • / The best 50c. Tea in market. lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 25c. per quart. A No. 1 Fine Cut Tobacco, 26 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranteed. E. RICHARDSON. Volo, III., Dec. 10, 1894.- information apply to agents Chicago & n R'y. 21w3 Northwestern That portion of the report of the Inter State Commerce commission dealing with railroad pooling appears to have been prepared for the purpose of allowing the commission to get down on the same side of the pooling fenoe that Congress Holiday Excursion Bates Yla the North- vfjeatern Line. On December 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31 1894, and January ,1, 1895, the North­ western Line will sell excursion tickets at very favorable rates, good for return passage until January 2, 1895, inclusive. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'v. Winter Tourists Bates on the Vorth-West- er Line. The North-Western Line-is now selling excursion tickets, at greatly reduced rates, to the health and pleasure resorts ot California, Florida, Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Vf°u^'a' Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama. For tickets and full iuforma- tion apply to Agents Chicago & North­ western Railway. ^ 29w0 RTIw finest Smoker's Set* i» town at 1̂1 an!Hee the fine line of Christmas and New Year's Present on exhibition at Besley's. y°ur property with 8. Stoffel and feel secure. ' ' •- ii* The HOLIDAYS •RE ALMOST HEBE, AND SMITH, THE JEWELER, Is prepared to meet you half way in anything you may need in his line. It he has it not in ^tock he will order it, and at 25 per cent less than you can get it of other dealers. . t^r Call in and see us, as we know we can do you good* J. P. SMITH. McHenrv, Oct. 30.1894. DR« O. B. HO HE, Physician aria Surgeon, Professor of diseases of the nose, throat and chest, rhinological surgery, medical college; also consulting physician to the Cincinnati and Chicago insti­ tutes. Member of the state medical societies of Ohio and Illinois. 1 Will bo *t lluf PARKER HOUSE, McHenry, For One Day Only, December 22nd, *$££*& . ... • . ... v.. 1 • _ .. CONSULTATION FRESL All cases taken under treatment will be furnished apparatus for home treatment and remedial agents suited, to each individual case until cured. NO CHARGES will be made for apparatus or fee for services asked until the cure is complete and the patient has bad no symptoms of the disease for six months, when the apparatus may be returned and a reasonable fee for cure paid. (^"Small charge for medicine. JNo deposit or security required. Honesty only. This is a new departure from the usual custom, which has been to demand pay in advance, and many ask how we can afford to treat patients on these terms. NO CURE NO PAY. The explanation is simple. Almost every case treated by this method, whether in private or hospital practice, iB speedily and per­ manently cured. If you are suffering from any of the various forms of respiratory diseases it is optional with you to be cured or to neglect. Skin Diseases and all diseases of the Blood Glands, Nervrs, Stomach, Heart, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Blsdder and Womb skilfully treated. The Doctor will repeat his visits every eight weeks. SANTA CLA^S SAYS. --V# Administrator's Notice of Fll* ing Final Settlej^pt* itor ILMNnlS. i 9TATEOF ILLINOIS, r" > M Hc^ENBT CorirTT. I * Estate of Micbael Winketa,deceased. To whoa it may Concern: Heirs and Distributee* of said ftntate: Yon are hereby notified that on Monday, the 7th day of jannary, the admin­ istrator nt said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry "Coun ty, at the Court House in Woodstock, 111., hia final re­ port of Ills acts and doings as sue** Adminih- iratoi' at*d a«k in*? C> urt to !j6 discharge.'! from 'ny and all further duties and reaponeihlll. ties connected m lth said Estate and hi i administration thereof, at which time and place yon may be present and resist such ap­ plication, it you chouse so to do, James B. Pkrrt, Admtaisi?* tor W^!! Arnik,,A'1 Dated this 26th day of Nr vember, 1894. Poor Workingmeo please keep your hand on your pocket UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE NEW 8TOCK OF GOODS IAU SELLING AT COST 1 mean what 1 -i m my Bt Fine Reaver Overcoats,^ Men's and Bojs' suits* Odd Pants, 50 odd Vealf*' Hats and Caps, - Gloves and Mittens, Men'l* boys' & ladies' fine Shoos AT LEeS THAN COST. PfaMMr walk stow as you pass. E. Lawlub. ~v Opposite Riverside House. Santa Glaus says that the newest, cleanest and most useful Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS to be found in Town is at Evanson's, Be sure and look it over. Buy if you have to.-- Dolls at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 cts, "Would you care to buy a Shawl or Cloak? We will give you special Christmas Discounts on them. Also Overcoats and Suits, Remember. Come, it will pay you. HEMAN BROS.* DEAAEBS IN WATCHES, C L O C K S TEWELBY. Silver and Plated Ware. We have now in stock a fine line of goods ot all kinds, suitable for THE HOLIDAY TRADE* 1 PRICKS TO SPIT TBI TIMES. W hich we are offering to the buying public at" ALBUMS AT FACTORY PRICES, Also a Fine Line of Cut Glassware, : ' Which it will pay you to call and see. fill e have no old shelf worn stock* but NEW CLEA^I GOODS, and Will guarantee to please you both in quality and price. C^ early an| it m? don't hare what you want will send and geMt, - HEMAN BROS. -, iWi':. DRUGS. 10 gross Buttermilk Toilet Soap, worth 12£c, 8c. Tho largest and finest of triple extract Perfumes ever offer? ^ ; ed in plain and fancy cut > ? glass bottles, worth 50 cts., 1 for 35c. per oz. Satt^JPowder, worth 50c, ' - for 19c. per oz. All ii Patent Medicines for 79c. " &0c' -••"-t-- . > :?9c- " 25c. " "" . ' " » ' 193. Prescriptions filled at cut ratee. - Groceries; v, ~p'i: *:4"€vi ;i i >>• One car load White Swan Flour guaranteed to be as good as V the best or money refunded* 491b. sack, worth $1.10 for 89c. Spa Baking Powder, 21b can, 19c, fc Eli Pettijohn's Breakfast Food* Pail Jeilil^; ̂ l51b) €&rrant^ Raspberry, Strawberry, or Blaekberry, worth 60c. for 4le. Corse Cigarettes, all tobacco. Ww»'^ -- . • ... , worrh 10c. for 8e, v1 Originator OF Lowest Pr&ai: Universal Provide m IdcHenry, III., Dec. 4,1 S M 0 £ S. . . J A few crumbs of comfort may be gathered here and there, but if you want a whole loaf of satisfac­ tion buy your Shoes ot us. We lay great stress on 6ur Elgin Belle (ladies' shoe) guaran­ teed equal to any $3 Shoe in the market, all we ask is f 1.98. Ladies' Rubbers always sold at 50 and 60c, our prices are 39 and 49c. 400 pairs men's Shoes, some worth $2.50, some worth $3.00, they all go for $1.98. Felt Boots, worth $1.25 for 79c. Ladies' Rubbers worth 50 and 60c., for 39 and 49c. ft! Fancy Goods. Picture Drapes made of shavings, -;V the newest fad, 18c. Frefieh Tissue Paper, - - 2c. Imported Tissue Crepe 24c roll. ^ X®ported Tissue Crepe, ' 29c. per roll. "Oranges, Crysanthemunis". Pinks, Photo Frames and other Fancy Articles mad%^ i^ncfc J Tissue Paper, 30c. • Tinted Art Squares. 29, 39, Ice Wool, per box, 15c. Hand Painted Sea Shells, 19c. Our recent immense .purchases of Leather Goods enables m offer purses at Lot 1. Lot 2. JLot 9c. J9c. 29c. *- worth SOe, worth 30c. Wibrth 60©. v . ^ '» - " • v',«.} Toys.-DoHS, GameS ' ' ! v '- ' * * J'1 '• i; In this department we are the acknowledged headquarters.- known Toy or Game can be found here. Our usual low vail. Oceans of Toys,' - ; An Army ofDolls, \>'z/ Every | ^-Jl 'MM* * .V . Xmas Cards, Booklets, ;• x Calenders, Et<?. almost without limit. V':;f •» ^ "ifW'rr-r 'P: ,A' •• •*> * V 7 - -V-** VIw? ^ ll »*:WTHHO.. F.. Bwak, GREAT DEPAB.TMENT !TOBB fn(/: K-. ^ f ELGIIN, 114^, •Mi -5^;i 11ft-

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