Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1894, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1894, Railway Time Table. Commencing at Noon Sunday, Jam 10, WW Pamenffer Drams will put itola lUtkm h follows; QOIXO IOS1& I>Uk*eca«n Paaaangar.... J;FFL A. M. X Wll'iam* Bur Kiprau ,8:3W A. M. C <ViUUatf Bay Freight 1:85 P. M. X William* Bay Psaaengcr 3.28 p. M. -eome MM. X Williams Bay Paasenper 9:M i. M. {Williams Bay Freight. .11:48 A.M. Williams Buy Express tdS P. M. X Lake Geneva Paaswagar Ml •* S Lake Geneva, Paaaenger S;18 ** 'JR^ J^XFLAHATIO*. D Daily. X Dally except SuHy. ... S 8iindaya only. B. BUSS. Ageat, McHiwrMH. J ; v MASONIC. MOHKNRT LoD<JKt No. 158 A. P. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. F. L. MCOMBKB.1 W. M. ORDXB. OP THE K AS TERN STAB. Bagalar Meetings the First and Third Wed­ nesday evemngs of each month, at Masonic Hall Has. BAR%AKA VAN SLTKB, W. M. HU. LOBA ELDKSDOK. Score tary. f c \ * K. O. T. M. VOBENRT IODQI No. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg- alar meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K.O. T, M. Ball. GEO. BAHIIBT, Com, N. BIVKAI. B. K. Universallst Qhureti Directory. O. N. OWCP ...Olerk B. T. Brown ..........Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladiee organ­ isation ) Mrs. W. A, Cristy.... ..President Mrs. O. N.Owen... ... Secretary Bev. J.JHraab, D. O Pastor Preaching services at 10:30 A. x. and at 7:30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. THE PLAINDEALKB and the weekly Inter Oee&n both one year tor $1.75. DB. BABCHL.GR,' Dentist, makes good plates for F 10. All work guaranteed. PHOF. DALY, Phrenologist, at the City Hall every evening this week. Don't fail to hear him. REMEMBER Dr. Howe wilt remain bat one day. At the Parker Honse on Satur­ day of this week. WHEN yon want neat job work done •; ; eome to the PIIAINDEALER office. Prices reasonable for first class work. . ;V: / THE Concert, by the German Society / will take place at the McHenry Honse \ Hall, one week from to night, the 26th. PKBMOIAli. JAY COOK and W, McLean, of Waucon- da, was on our streets on Friday. PHIL. FREILER, of Elgin, was attending to business here one day last week. MRS. G. W. BBSLSY visited with friends in Waukegan a part of last week. { MRS ETTA KITTLE, teacher in the Nunda Public School, was calling on friends here Saturday. MISS DORA BESLKT, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with her parents in this village. ISAAC WENTWORTH WAD wife were Visit­ ors in Waukegan and Chicago three days the latter part of last week. PUIIXIP GIKSLER, who has resided at Fairfax, Iowa, the past few years, was MILLING on old friends here Tuesday. IF you want the PLAIN DEALER and the weekly later Ocean both one year for $1.75, send your order at once, as the time for this offer is limited. EDWARD BELLAMY, the author of "Looking Backward, is to tellin the nest issue of The Ladies Home Journal what he believes a "Christmas in the Year 2000" will be like. Business JUocals Flannels, suitings, fine serges and new dress goods at Perry & Owen's. No merchant in the county can match our fine line of ladies' and goats,' boys' and mis-see' fine shoes THE Ladiee' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. W. A. Cristy, on Thursday afternoon, of this week. Let there be a general attendance. Mttg. W. A. CRISTY, President. MRS. O. NOwjfeju Secretary. THE Ladies' SOCIETY.'̂ PIIEET with Mrs. Evanson TJGStcfiday, DQC. £0, at two o'clock,, p. M. cent teat from five UNTIL Stffren. . .MRS. W. D. WENTWORTH, Secretary. CBBISTMAS exercises are to be held in the M. E. Church, on Monday evening next. There will be a Christmas tree, singing ana speaking by the Sunday School, and other appropriate exercises. All are cordially invited. \ /ROUEN BROS., at their market near th flron Bridge, killed one of the finest sheep one day last week, ever butchered in this FIOCHON, It weighftd 122 poiinds. and for lovers of mutton made a delicious - feast. I Rouen Bros, are sparing no pains Mease their many customers. ::4-' RVV REGULAR meeting of McHenry Chapter No. 222, Order of the Eastern Scar, this Wednesday evening. Election of officers and other important business. NEW advertisements can be found in our paper this week from John Evanson A Co., Miss J. A. Story, Wm. $acou and Dr. Howe. Read them. C SEE the notice in another place of an Auction Sale on the farm of Albert Pad­ dock, east of Volo, on Saturday of this week, the 22d. PHILLIP FREILEB, of Elgin, will accept Our thanks for oue of the finest Calendars for 1895 that we have received this season. It is indeed a beauty. , JOTST ode week from next Tuesday Bight occurs the New Year's Party at the {Riverside House. Slocum's Orchestra, assisted by a Bass Soloist, will furnish the music. • _ " MUSICAL GOODS of all kinds, such a* Banjos, Accordeons, etc., at Beman Bros,. Also all kinds of Goods in their line suit­ able for Christmas Presents. Do Ml fail to call and see them. THB New Year's Party, at the McHenry Bouse, occurs on Tuesday evening, >1an. 1. Smith's Orchestra will furnish the music, and a pleasant time for all who Attend is assured. HON. GEO. W. ELDHEDGE will accept thanks for a copy of the Proceedings of the Illinois State Board of Equalization, session of 1894. We shall have some­ thing more to say in relation to litis in the future. LADIES, your husbands or gentlemen Mends will derive a deal of comfort and enjoyment from smoking some of Bar­ bian Bros*. "Empire Cubans" or "Mono­ grams" Cigars. Why not make bifn a Christmas present of a box. WE would call particular attention to the notice of an Auction Sale, by Nick Schneider, which takes place on his farm, one mile northeast of this village, on Thursday, (to-morrow) Dec. 20, com­ mencing at 10 o'clock A. ||| «R Xi Granger is the auctioneer. V? DON'T spit your life away from chewing ««ul smoking, but take Uncle Sam's To­ bacco Cure. There are three men in this town who used the weed 15, 85 and 40 years are made happy by being fully cored. Sold by E. Lawltw, agent for 3McHenry, 111. AM will be seenby his advertisement tn jgugotiier column, Dr. Howe, the special­ ist, will be at the Parker House, in this village, on Saturday next, Dec. 22, for one day only, for consultation with those who may wish his services. The doctor jhas been eminently successful here, and as he remains but one day this time all ahould call early. Read his advert ise- . jftent in another place m this paper. . ONE evening a traveling man was in ' 4 town where a protracted meeting was held, and not knowing what else to do, went to church, but during the ser­ mon he went to sleep. When the pastor r hV finished hie sermon he said, "All who want to go to Heaven will please rise." fivery one in the house except the travel fag man stood up. Then he said, "ill who want to go to hell please rise." The traveling man awoke just in time to hear the last word, "arise," so rubbing bis eyes, he arose and looked aronnd and mot seeing anyone except the pastor Standing he said, "Elder, 1 don't know What the question is, but whatever it is • you and I seem to stand in a hopeless minority." Dolls, dressing-cases and toys of all ~ ?s. THE Knickerbocker Ice Company havj their men at work here getting things ii readiness to cut ice on tli« pond as sooi as it is of sufficient thickness. They wil put up four new sections on the soutl itid of their large building, to take th< of those which blew down a yeai This will be good news for th< rorkingmen of this village, as it wiUj it to quite a large number. DON'T miss the,, course of lectures on Phrenology, by Prof. M. S. Daly, from New York city. Every night this week at the City Hall. Subjects to be lectured on: "Choice of Pursuits, or What can 1 do Best," "Love, Courtship and Mar­ riage," "Eyes and Noses/' "Organic Quality and Temperament, and the Laws of Heredity." Fun better than physic. InetructiDg and useful. TAKE NOTICE.--A regular communica­ tion of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M. will be held on Monday evening next, Dec. 24, at 6 o'clock for the pur­ pose of electing officers for the ensuing year. It is held at 6 o'clock so that the members may be able to attend the Christmas Tree exercises at the churches. Let every member be on hand promptly 6 o'clock. PER ORDER. TI£BBE is no one ditstosS that so alarms the general public as diphtheria, and its bRgttttng touch has toft many sorrowing hearts throughout our land. It will be remembered that a few weeks ago we mentioned the death of Willie McGee, of Harvard, by this dread disease. Last week an older sister was taken down with th« DISEAIW, and ALTHOUGH attended by the best physicians in Harvard, she gradually/grew worse. On Wednesday of last week Dr. Fwgers, of this village, was sent for. and he found it a case of diphtheria of the most malignant form, and one which the common remedies would not touch. He came home and immediately sent to Chicago and was fortunate enough to get two doses of the new remedy for this disease, lately dis­ covered by Dr. Barring, of Berlin, called Anti-Toxiue. It is used by injecting under the skin. He gave an injection on Friday and the patient began rapidly to mend and is now on the high road to recovery. This remedy is now hard to get in this country, at the present titne there being but a few doses of it in Chi­ cago, although arrangements are being made to procure and keep it on hand. Dr. Fegers has one dose on hand in case OF "»TI NMOWSNOT HOWN to A supply in due time. While we HAVE no diphtheria in this section at present there is no knowing when it may pay us a visit. This medicine is a wonderful dis­ covery. /'JIFFI*,1-. --~ Concert and Ball A grand entertainment and ball will be given by the ladies of the German Catho­ lic Congregation ̂ for the benefit of the new German Catholic Church, at the McHenry House HALL, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 26, PROGRAMME--PART 1. 1* Overture... Mendelssohn Barbian Bros. Orchestra. 2. Address Rev. Father Kirsch 3. Christmas Song... School Children 4. Address, Welcome Caroline Rothermel. 5. The Boasters Two boys Math. Thelen and John Neish. 6. Die Schoenste Blume, (the most beautiful flowtr) 11 girls Annie iuiiier, Katie Heituer, Kate Weber, Francis Buss, Mary Weber, Lucy Myers, Lillie McGee, Emma Thelen, Maggie Schreiner, Carrie Neisen. 7. Die Yogel Orsel Farce for 8 boys Orton Zens, Fred Bishop, Chas. Buss, Geo. Schmidt, Wm. Weber, Wm. Giiles, Wm. Myers, Gottleib Boley. PART 2. 1. I wish I knew my letters ...Dialogue Matthew Rothermel, Willie Heimer, George Schreiuer, Willie Weber, Jos. Schrower, Louis Miller. 2. Mamma's Help Recitation Lillian Winkels. 3. Dialogue 4 children Now Bumble Bee Mary Eugeln My first type.. Martin Stoffel Rosebud or Thorn,...L. Lawrence 4. Representation Of all Nations of the World School Children 5. Christmas. Recitation K«te Karges. 6. The .lolly Picnic of McHenry, (Comedy) 7 little gitfs Bossie Justen, Lillie Hnimer, Annie Bickler, Barbara Schreiner, 8u« sana Weber. Emma Weber, Mary Miller. 7. Tableau The Crib Anna Heimer, Kate Freund, Lillie Heimer, and the children's choir. Music will be furnished by'the McHenry Band and Orchestra. Admission, 50 cents per cou pie. Come all, and help the good cause niwwooD. Having seen ttot^ing in the PLAIN- DEALER from this way for some time we thought It no more thau right to let the poopf* of our neighboring towns know that we are all UN* yet, and do not know any better way of getting the news to them than through the PLAIN DEALER. James and Anna Green attended the dance at -lackman's Hall, Friday night. Ben ii ohnnef't, of Solon, was seen on our streets Sunday. Our little town seemed torsafcen last Thursday, Nearly all the male inhabit­ ants were over to the county seat on the Ladd and Thompson suit, which was postponed till next Tuesday, the 18th. Ingalls and Tabor are pressing hay on the old Waterman farm the present week. Tabor says that if any One has any pressing to do why, just callaround, they will warrant them a good job or no pay. Chas. French is moving his house down by the cemetery, P. S. Harrison was transacting busi­ ness at Spring Grove, Saturday. ituss Christian, of Sulon, is the guest of Lucy Dodge for a few days. Harry Lancaster was on the sick list a few days last week. Mrs. Wesley Ladd is somewhat better at the present writing. W m. Bigham, of Richmond, was call­ ing ota old friends here last Friday. TL £.;« «c;v ztovzz add grcatJjib-tfcB appearance of the M. E. Church. Everybody is invited to the Christmas tree and oyster supper at the M. E. Church, Christmas eve. A good time ia assured all who attend, as it is expected to have Frank Hall's hit of the season sung that night, entitled "The Demo­ crats and Republicans." The M. W. A. gave a surprise to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Saturday night, which was a very pleasant affair, but not a very pleasant evening, owing to the rain. Edwin Johonnett is expected home Christmas from 8pringfield, Mo. Our barber is enjoying a good trade. If you want a good shave or haircut give him a call., We are to have a harness maker in a few days. He will take up his abode with the barber. Let the good work go on. What does Ringwood want next? New sidewalks, but it don't seem to catch on the way to get themj This will be all the readers of the PLAINDEALEH can stand this week, and we will save the rest for next time. at 6 o'clock. / WM. C. Ho* jbhis vicinity, HOWARD, who is buying fur in mnde his first shipment a iFew days since, as follows: 105 skunk skins, 107 mink, 952 Musk rats, 16 coon, 3 house cats and one grey wolf. There hag beefi" so ErTtich trapping hereabouts for the past few years it seems almost incredible that sojmany could be found, bnt Mr. Howard informs us that he is receiving quite a supply every day. A FARMER and bis wife owned a pi? and they wanted to weigh it. The man weighed 100 pounds and his wife 185 pounds. THTY put a board across the fence so that when they sat upon the end of the board it exactly balanced. They then changed places, the man taking the pig in his lap, just balancing the board again. What was the weight of the porker? I AT the Dniversalist Church, on Christ­ mas Eve., preparations are being made nor an istructive and pleasant time. Santa Clans will be there in person and distribute a host of fine presents, while a handsome Christmas Tree will be loaded with a bountiful supply from his hands. There will also be a fine literary pro gramme during the evening. Everybody is invited. Exercises to commence at 7:30 o'clock. DIEW,--At Women's Hospital, Chicago, Decembers, 1894,Dr.Stella R Medbury, aged 38 years, 7 months and 12 days. STELLA Reading was born in the town of Nunda, this county, in 1856. Was mar­ ried to Edgar E. Medbury, of Putnam, Conn, Dec. 2, 1879, who died about three years ago. She graduated at the Women 's Medical College, Chicago, April 2,1889, after a three years course, Bince which time she has practiced her profess­ ion in that city. She was a member of the Congregational church, Chicago. Her remains were brought here for in terment, her funeral being held from the M. E. Church, her remains being followed to their last resting place by a large con­ course of relatives and sympathizing friends. *, TZIOKIDA AND THE SOUTH. VIA BIO FOUR ROUTE. This line is the natural tourist line to the South via Cincinnati. Magnificent daily trains from St. Louis, Peoria, Chi­ cago, Benton Harbor, Sandusky, Cleve­ land, Columbus and Dayton, connect in Central Union Station, Cincinnati, with through trains of all lines with Sleeping Cars to Florida, New Orleans and all points south. For full information call on nearest agent or address \E. O. McCORMICK. B. B. MARTIN. Pass. Traffic Man. Gen. Pass* Agt. CINCINNATI. Christmas Cards in great variety at Bssley's. ifl= NUNDA. School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry & Owen's. A beautiful book for only 35c, to be found at J, A. Story's, jnst the thing for a dainty gift. Waltz this way for your winter Suits and Overcoats. Large stock at Simon Stoffel's. _____ 25 boxes new, large California raisins $ 1.25 per box at Perry & Owen's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Insure your property with 8. and be insured. Books cheap, nice bound only 20 apd U5 cents at, J. A. Story's. ^ " WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years of age. Apply to W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Bring in your feet to be locked up in a pair of our Fargo or Douglas Fine Shoes, or Candee Rubbers at S. Stoffel's. Send your entire female alliance at FOI' .CKGAAT NO"" Jacict3 or Capes. Over choose from at S. Stoffel's. ^PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair of those "Best of All" school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. Come forward now and selectyour win­ ter supply of Dress Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Yarns, Blankets, Robes, Mittens, Caps, Footwear, Horse Goods, etc., at S. Stoffel's. ' A second shipment of those fine St. PAUL Fur Coats just' received at S. Stoffel's. Prices from $10 to $35. All sizes. ' DO NOT WAIT. If yon are troubled with constipation or piles, which are usually a result of thit- disorder, go at once to your druggist and get a 10 cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. And for indigestion noth­ ing can equal it. Large sizes 50 cente snd SI. AT .I. A, Storv'fi.• 18ml Low prices in fall underwear at Pferry & Owen's, and a monster stock to select from. ______ Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry FT Owen's. , Several dozens of the newest styles in gents' ties came in this week at Perry FT Owen's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years, lltf H. C. MEAD. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD. An immense stock of Morris mill and Albert Underwear and Hosiery at S. Stoffel's. E. Lawius, tailor, has ta&en orders tor some fine suits. Call in and save 25 cents on the dollar. BSLOW Thanksgiving turkey and raffles are things of the past. Horse sale at Nunda Dec. 17th. One horse brought two dollars. Mrs. C. E. Irwin was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Mable Philp, who is attending school at Normal, is expected home to spend the Holidays. The hardware etock of D. L. Barney has been purchased by F. W. Covalt, and the business will be carried on at the old stand. Geo. Skinner's team ran away Satur­ day. No damage done. W. E. Wire, County Superintendent of Schools, was a Nunda caller last week. W. P. Thompson, of Algonquin was on our streets last week. M. A. Foote drove from Irving Park to Crystal Luke Thanksgiving, making the distance in about six hours. J. J. Wilson, of Chicago; was a Nunda visitor last week. A. Swanson'S new hall was dedicated Friday night, the young people having a social dauce. The Columbian furnished the supper. Mrs. Elvira Ballard.' of Grafton, re­ ceived her draft for $2,000 la&t Satur­ day, for which her Bon, Lewis Ballard, held a policyin his mother's favor in the Maccabees. This is a reliable insurance association, but was little known here until last spring, when a representative of the association came here and organ­ ized what is termed in the order Tent NO. 86. Quite a number of the citizens of Nunda joined. Mr. Ballard placed his application with the recorder about the middle of October, and was initiated the 12th of November. The 18th of Novem­ ber he was taken sick with diphtheria and died November 22. His mother re­ ceived an order for the amount of policy Dec. 15. Less than twenty-five days from the date of deith the beneficiary re­ ceived the amount in full. This shows a promptness that is commendable in an insurance company. The campfire, held at Marengo last week, by Harley Wayne Post, was a suc­ cess in every particular. Commander-inr chief Lawler was present and a good time was had. Commander Lawler gave a fine address, and convinced all who heard him that the interests of the G. A. R. are perfectly safe in bis hands. After the speaking a banquet was served by the W. R. C. Nunda Post, No. 226, G. A. R., Jheld their annual election last Tuesday night. The following comrades were elected: Commmander, W, P. Thompson: S. V. Commander, 1,'N. Powell; J. V. Com­ mander, W. H Hoffman; Q. M., L. Beck- ley ; 0. D., J. H- Collen; Chaplain, W. P. St. Clair; Surgeon, F. Westfall; 0. G. G. A. Piatt; Delegate, E. H, Groosbeck. Installation, January 8. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The brick house and lot, known as uie Walsh place, in West McHenry, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire of MRS. W. PAHKER, At Parker House, West McHenry. 111., Dec. 11,1894. 23w6. Celuloid Jewelry Cases, Celuloid Frames, Celuloid Cards and Card Cases and Celu­ loid Brush and Comb Cases atBeeley's. AUCTION SALE. The* undersigned, having rented his farm, will sell at public auction, on his farm, 1 mile northeast of McHeury and 2 miles southeast of Johnsbnrtth on Thurs­ day, Dec 20, 1894, commencing at 10 o'clock the following property: 15 milch cows, 3 heifers coming in in the spring, 1 bull 2 years old, 1 team horses 4 years old, 1 team horses 8 years old, 1 team horses 15 years old, 3 sets double har­ ness, 1 set single harness, 4 fly nets, 15 ehoats, 100 chickens, 2 lumber wagons, 1 double buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 hay rack, 1 binder and truck, 1 mower, 1 pulver­ izer, 1 hay rake, 1 seeder, 3 cultivators, 3 plows, 1 drag, 1 corn planter, 1 corn marker, 2 sets bob sleighs, 1 fanning mill, 1 wheelbarrow, 700 bushels oats, 600 bushels corn, 60 bushels winter, wheat, 10 tons tame hay, a quantity of corn fodder, 1 large kettle, 2 cook stoves, 4 milk cans, and other articles too num­ erous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest NICK SCHNEIDER. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. - The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on the C. D. Smith farm, what is known as the old #HAW place, 1% miles east of Volo, on Saturday, Dec. 22,1894, commencing at 10 o'clock the following property: 16 cows, new milch and spriugerB, some with calves by side, 5 yearling calves, 15 sheep, 3 breeding sows, 1 sow with 5 pigs, 1 brood mare 9 years old. 1 mare 8 years old, 1 mare 4 years old, 25 tonB timothy hay, stack Hungarian hay, stack corn fodder, stack oat straw, 1 roller, 1 corn cultivator, 1 hay rake, 1 mower, 1 top buggy, 2 large watering tanks, 1 stone-boat, 1 light driving harness, and other articles not meutioned.l TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under cash; over that sum a credit «^F one year will be given on approved notes at 6 per tent interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. ALBERT PAUDOCK. WALTER WBITE, Auctioneer. > CHRISTMAS GIFTS. FANNY Plush Toilet Cases, Manicurf Sets, Perfume Cases, 3ilk Handkerchiefs, Chenille Table Covers, Gent's Ties, Kid Miti a, Purses, Collar and Cuff Sets, etc. at Perry & Owen's. For fine holiday candies, fruits, nuts and bakery goods go to Simon Stoffel's. FOR! FUR! I will pay the highest market priee, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinds. Call on or address me at West McHenry, 111. WM. C. HOWARD. West McHenry, Nov 27, 3894. 21M4 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Plush Caps, Gloves, Mittens and Un­ derwear, at way down prices at Parry & Owen's. ______ ^ FOR SALE CHEAP. Three fine residences, with large gar­ den lots, located in the center of the vil­ lage. Some of the choicest building lots in McHenry and West McHenry, at very low prices. Terms reasonable. Also have farm property and lots of 1 to 5 acres in River Forrest subdivision, south of the village^. Inquire of : O.N.OWEN, 23tf At Bank of McHenry. " Buy your Holiday Presents 4,- "J. Miller, West McHenry. Notice to the Public! I have just completed a Patent of an article that will be of general use to the public. It is a tool for cutting Brass, Copper, Steel or Iron, and can be used by hand quickly and easily. Has a Ro­ tary Motion, Spindle or Gear Pressure, and is one of the most useful articles for general useever invented. As soon as prac­ ticable 1 shall commence their manufac­ ture and will then explain it more fully. Patent applied ior. MAT ENOLEN. McHenry, Dec. 1,1894. Large stock of Overcoats, must be turned into cash this season, at J. J. Mdkr's, West McHenry. A - ^ « V * NEW YEAR'S PARTY, : Yourself and ladies are cordialty m?it- ed to attend a grand New Year's Party at McHenry House Hall, McHenry, on Tuesday evening, January 1st, 1895. Floor Managers: John J. Bishop, John J. Barbian, Stephen Smith, Jos,Freund. Music by Smith's Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per, box. For sale by G. W. Besley. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell'E 8yrup Pepsin--A palatable, certain rem­ edy for constipation, indigestion, Chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in 50c and FL Bices by J. A. Story, McHenry _______ 7ml SPEAKING OF C 01TS, Do you know that if you keep your sys­ tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc­ tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's hyrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures constipa­ tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large sine 50c and $1. At J. A. Story's. 18ml FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reaI enable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD , West McHenry. Don't Toba?oo Spit or 8moke your Lifs Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. 9yl. Holiday Goods at Perry &, Owep,'*, ^ Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. Tbey cost but a trifle more than the common ones. Found only at t erry & Uwens. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. ^ SIMON STOFFEL. Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Perry & Owen's. $20 suits now $15. $18 suits now $14. All very low in price. JOB. Beifield & Co. have just sent a third large lot those stylish ladles' and misses' Jackets and Capes,and children's Cloaks at a reduction even from forma* low prices. Our entire stock will, and must be closed out in the next two weeks. Call early on S. Stoffel. SAVE 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Call in and be measured for a suit pants or vest, made of the very best of cloths, first class in every respect. A fit warranted or no sale. • 0 - E» LAWLUS. - Opposite Riverside House. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent?. 1 can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry, • V""-- • Of Cloaks and Jackets, Jin ladies and misses* garments of all sizes We are overloaded and close them oat before Jan 1st. Come early and get first choice, There are some extra baxgains that will pay you to investigate. Remember all must go wilfc^a days, and the prices will surely » i ' Vy j mnst ; #1* * i • . To THE LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VION- ITY 1 would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. Holiday Goods I Holiday Goods! tame ntarfhings in Christmas Gifts, both useful and ornamental, ̂ Plush Manicurt ftnd Ifoftet Set*. Alb«r/C»ff ColUr Sersin fyfe Leather goods; , Chenille table covers, napkhfs, tancy silk handkerchiefs and mufflers, ties, caps, kid mitts and; gloves, and a jn^eat variety of fanoy articles. V Call and look them over.̂ w:,'1: -IJWYJSFT, V ^ ^ • VLV PERSONS desirous of purchasing a Piano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is oue of the best pianos tar.TFIE money on the market. O. W. OWEN, Agent. ST. PAUL FUR OVERCOATS Just received direct from the factory. All sizes and kinds, and prices to please all at S. Stoffel's. DRY FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. WiH deliver in any part of the village in quantities of one cord or more. Orders may be left at the Ag­ ricultural Warehouse. WM. BAOON. New decorated tea and china sets, glass sets, cuspidores, mugs, cups and saucers, pitchers, chamber sets, at Simon Stoffel's. • New plush, leather and wood work boxes, toilet cases, albums, cuff and CQI- lar boxes, jewelry boxes, manicure Bets, etc., at Simon Stoffel's. Fine patent ball, $1.7&- leather Shoes, for the JOHN £VANSON & Co. Getafiae Henrietta or Silk Dreas for Christmas at Perry & Owen's. Have you bought a Suit Of1 !TTFT:0veiv coat of J. J. Miller this season? If not call, learn prices, and you will buy one. FUR SAL%/ The farm known as the John Fitssim- monsfarm, situated three MILES*!north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% seres. This is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. ^ For fur- tbsr particulars inQuirs g,t ths f&rm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMOJM^. JAMES FITZSIMMON^-; V 19m6 . ' Administrators. Stationery, a fine stock and new de­ signs at J. A. Story's. See those elegant new silk handker­ chiefs and mufflers, initial handkerchiefs, fancy table, stand and dresser covers, at Simon Stoffel's.' REGISTERED CATTLE FOR SALE. We offer for sale the following register­ ed Jersey Cattle: 1 Heifer 14 months old, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Bull 3 yeare old and 1 new milch Jersey Heifer. Are all fine animals and wiUbe sold reasonable. Call on or addreil ' BUCKLAND, op Ringwood,_IU. FOR SALFE A 6 ft. Water Tank. 2% ft. staves. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. ^ I7T2 F. A. HEBARU. THE GREAT NAPOLEON Was extremely careful about his personal habits, and no man eyer possessed keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are suffering with constipation, indigestion, or other forms of stomach or bowel trouble, at once take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin can give you more relief in this respect than any other rem­ edy. Ten doses 10 cents (large sizes 50 cents and $1). At J. A. Story's. 18ml We are overloaded with hearjf•! winter goods, owing to the lat#r fall, ana want to unload at once|r therefore we will make prce»\ low enough. Rave all sizes ol the famous Mishawaka.wool knit Boot, • ^0 WHEN YOU ARt » | OUT IN THE COM*! AND WET ' jronrfeet require comfortaln* lection. There s noUtins IS world as good as , Mishtwakt AII-iaN WOOL /"TTTf ̂ H0TICB. ^ATFOFEFTCURED the services DF Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call. All work warranted and done promptly* ^ 41 Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. THE "Jim T," one of the best five cent cigars in town, at Besley'S. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers wiU JDO call and see them. '•'.•J}'-" -------- P $ •; s, MUD! MUD? > Every scholar going to school needs a pair of good school shoes and the best rubbers. have the best and the cheapest^ vi PERRY ft OWBK. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund- erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per­ mitted to make this extract: " I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junctiori she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it eeemed as if she could not survive them A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at G. W, Besley's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. Three times as dnrablaaaMSM boot made--WHM p0T Watch for the traw^ea* *• Bud in red. Alt* are imitations.. aod made by ' i-1 WSttAWAKA WOOLEN Ufa. ft* We are also agents for the famous Snag Proof Rubber Boot* snd Ovei% They are the fees*, Br ware of oshers, such as Non SnSgyAnti Never Snag and many others imitating tko We have customers who bought ; these pvers of us in 1892 and are ; ̂ wearing the same onos to-day* without a bole or crack in them, ^ These same persons wore out v two to four pairs of the best OP» - . dinary rubbers eSeh season before > getting the «snag proof.' The Best ordinary rubbers ate net IK it with the «snag proof.' * ̂| ®-Tho Snag Proof overs and - j r ubber boots can be bought at no other place in town; w« ia» th»f ^ ? sole agents. j ; - v Perry & General MiHENBT, IHm Highest Honors--World's Pair,, •DR; CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free fagn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulteffli!, V 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ? FK&&Y * own, MoHKNKY, - - ilLUNQlS. Tflit Bank M and softs Fbreign tmd chcmge.cmddoma, General Banking Business We endeavor to do att kbu*imtm *•»» trusted to our ears in a manner ami (MMtonuri pvbUeptttnmaff*. j MONEY TO UMNt ^ OmBMtStUUamiotHtr frH afcM seeurtfr. Sfroetml crtfenffow fliii <!•»> Isetions, . ^ INfei'SlANC® Ji. Jfrsl Ctem Ctmpr*** 4f 1 Lamm Jtoies. FONTS wwt »MTMY PUBLIO, "

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