Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1895, p. 8

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1ST. L sesre the tti&t t here is a the powe* of h&imy afMmlar work, ill the "way as there is a diurnal rise fall In bo$% temperature and It is reoMttlHfcble, however, that sad of the greatest amount of work feeing done, as might have been ex­ pected, on rising in the morning, after * good night's rest, it is found that at 0 a. m. the smallest amount of work is aceompli»hed. the powers of doing IptF muscular work in Dr. Harley's case in* - Jl ereaotag each hour up to 11 a. m. |*> Immediately after lunch there is a ? marked rise, followed an hour later by f • 4'ihil* While again an hour later, or JS5*- about 3 p. m., the amount of work ae- if oomplished reaches its maximum. tef :; Then, from some unexplained cause, there is a notable fall at 4 p. m., which itjt succeeded by a rise at 5 p. m., rafter ! which a progressive fall takes place daring each successive hour until dinner. Even during a prolonged fast 5- more work was capable of being exe­ cuted from ll:3p a. m. to 4:30 p. m. than at fi a. m. WMt McHeivy I can SaveYon tt Big anything in the Stove line. This is not merely an as­ sertion, but a positive fact. Ithe number of Stotes ftfcd Ka«*e# sold bf us thus far this season, is aheal of any previous sale In the recordaof our $ty«». Theju^ivecgftl salistaotion given by f• M Peninsu la r S toves , •|i : „ "<$0( * §eii; superiority ia style and finish* and ab<$ve all the prices a$ which we Sell them is giving tit THE STOVE TRADE OP THE COUNTY. ':'W: i?r'" * • I HAVE AN EtCCEPriGNAl,!Y FINE LINE OF from 40c. to $3,75. Skates f f u l l j y ^ o t , 9 e a s o i i « b | } H a r d w a r e , - a l w a y s ! ! • ^ f- • F . L . M c O M B E R . -|-'PqE \u.xs, TS HECOH D. IT u OATS* milK BEST FOR SttlKT THE PROCTER & OAMBLE CO, ENRO. WW 4£rf fi iiinl mMimWA Toilet, Odor and Jewelry Case#. Glove* Boxes. Music Rolls^. Smoking and Shaving sets," Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure sets. Cuff and Collar Boxes, Fancy Thermometers, Mirrors See our elegant Silk Handkerchiefs & Mufllere 4 l«rg« sfetlk of Lio*n ii.itJ nilk initial Handker- : chielH for Indies and gouts. Colored and white Hankerchiefa in lace aud solid ^ a (? Table, stand feed dresser covers, With a suitable souvenir from onr large, carefullyselected stock off HOLIDAY GOODS! 4 Which is too extensive to ©numerate here, but which will be fully shown with pleasure to all who favor us with a call. LINEN SETS. Towels, scarfs, oapkios and table cloths. Impfct our new china, crockery and glassware. All of the latest makes decora'ed tea. dlnne r and chamhersutts. - v Cuspidores, mugs, * * , Piano, stand and barging lam pi. Fruit plates, cups and saucers.' - Toy Sets, Dolls* V n Toy dwsses, toy cradles, etc. ? « f: Fancy box paper. Silver and triple plated table wir#. fyant but not lent. Holld&jf oandlea, fruits, nuts and bakery goods. _ GREAT REDUCTIONS • IRfill positively be made on all ladies', misses' and children's Cloaks, Jackets. Cape», - "" 1 ' Jiuits: Overcoats. IT "H,,, ?I*ELS, SHAWLS; BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, MITTENS, and all warm goods, to reduce stock by Jan 1. Call now* The thumb is an unfailing Index of character. The Square Type in. dieses a strong will, great energy raness. Closely allied is the ».*$ 1 •ad firmness. Spatnlated Type, me moron m uiustj of advanced* ideas and businfs# abUitv Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; and Demurest's Family Magazine pre* pares especially for such persons # whole volume of new iueag. con­ densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hour. The Conical Type indicate; refinement, culture, and a love of music. poetry, and Action. A person with thi* type of thumb will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Dem crest's Magazine. The AJV tittic Tvpe indicates ft love cm beauty aiid art, which will find rait pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict­ ure of roses, x 24 inches, repro­ duced from the original painting bjr De Longpre, the most celebrated «rf living flower-painters, which will be given to every subscriber to Demorest's Magazine for 1S85. The cost of this superb w ork of art was $350.00; and the reprodnciioB cannot be distinguished from th» original. Besides this, an exquisit® oil or water-color picture is pub­ lished in each number of the Maga­ zine, and the articles are so pro­ fusely and superbly illustrated thtf the Magazine is, in reality, a pcz„ folio of art works of the higheet order. The Philosophic Type is the tbumb of the thinker and inv. ntof «f ideas, who will lie deeply inter­ ested in th«'»«! developed monthly te Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover the entire artistic ana scientific field, chronicling eveiy fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest's is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was lone ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in vonr subscription; it will cost only* 52.00, and yon will haw S dozen Magazines in one. Address W. JENNINGS DKMOBEST, Publisher, 15 East 14th Street, New York. Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pages.and 11 s articles on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in its small size, slenderness, soft nail. *na smooth,., rounded tip. those traits which belbng essentially to die gentler sex, everyone of wltoui should subscribe to Pemoreet's Magazine. If you are unacquainted with Hi merits, send for a specimen copv (free), and yon will admit that seeing these THUMBS has pot fon in the way of saving money by finding in one llagaeine everything to satisfy the literary want* «f . >Jk* mboin twniig, mmlSim wmwwtmwwmwvm 1 WJJfc.' li\\ eP V" W | LM 'Y*A' iCl Four \ of the Mills of the Pills- bury-VvWhburn Flour Mills Co., H# limited oiade the woek ending Dec, 1st, 1894\ 1 he enormous rmount of 122,483 1\2 barrels, making a total weekly output of all five mills of 130,000 barrels of the 3 BEST FLOUR DN EARTH, The PilliturJ "A" Mill averaged for the same week a datly produc­ tion of 9,328 5-6 barrels of flour. The nfce4ity for this extraordin* ary output ik found in the unpar­ alleled popularity of Pillgbury's Best '1 he I'illsbtffy M ills lead all others not only in quality but quantity of flour produced. We so * carry an extensive lino of W' Douglas' and C. H. Fargo & Go 's custom made fine ana ^ medium Footwear, in all sizes, and such lasts as 4 are iu demand. Our prices rarga from $2 to $6 and frota split leather to the finest Kan faroo fl^Hole agents here for the anions Fargo box tip school shoe. A FULL STOCK OP . ' fandee's Rubber Uoods, , iHittens and Hosieyjh Hats and Caps. Carpets, *uge Oil Cloths. Pattern# Horse Blankets, Fur Robes, Stoneware, - h,-"~y oice Groceries AND FLOUR, A continuation of your is respectfully solicited by ^ Your? very truly, «iIHON NTOF if 11 Thanking you for past jlatronage and hopingVogs continuance of the same, we wish you a Merry Christmas and aHappy New Yeatfv^ McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. Insuring PBOFEMTITs In the best and mo^t liberal ccmpanies forms no fmall part of our business, and will be continued at the old stand on same business principles, by Yours truly STOFFEL. f. ' I • R I P A N S ABULES Shorts, i jMiddlings, .'S Bran, 1 .•:/ v«> Oil Meal, |^i||||Oats#^ Ground Feed. S E C LIGHTHIN IURLIN|TON,Vl$ wmmm:- MANUFACTURERi • • • OF IMPROVED •'rl. 0£AL»5 lltf GOPPI YMl have gst to Use thes|; "• ii-v' ' V Get my prices <|n quantities, from a bag-full to a car load. be- fore buying elsewhere. PRICES A ) CATALOG I fi C J JULIA A. STORY, DBALBR iir Drugs & Medicinea. " , - _ - w . ^ *!"<**-- A MVLb LDI9 CI--» Jt,'< firms, Chemicals, Dye Stni, Paiifc, Oil* Wî Ootm».eon*u»>ttv (on hand. AUo a fvU 'Jtm of PATENT, MIDICINET,^TOA|T ARTICLES, . ' AMD A OOHPLKTE STOCK < V . . PHYSICIANS' FBESCBIFTION* WTC&refully compoaiided by a Registered Ptuumaetst. : v^|T4a* Fatrosage Is respectfully soiteited. • » --juLi4 4< /m»*> ; i: "I "*!! mM w - ,v ,5 ^ btiginator of ti)6 direct melitod and Amick Remedy % of he ear, nose, throas an<l lunge- m ,V/; * ^ . For preparing «i,d admlnlefering Aeriform fluid f«r «>oMutnption. |«ihDDa« , v , IwoiJChifcls, catarrh, hoareeneia, catarrhal df afuess sorS ihruat atidkli vT' diEeaces of ibe air passages, stomach, blood glands and nerves. ' Y .• . The treatment is simple and agreeable and effects ia speedy and per-" ,manent cure. •- %\'t The direct method and Amick remedy positively cures catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, incipient conpmp|^p, \ diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. . „ ' •' ' - j-4 ' O. B. HOtWB, Physician and Surgeon, *'* X Professor of diseases of the nose, tbroat and chest, rhinological surgery. Cincinnati medical college; also consulting pbjeician to the Cincinnati and Chicago insti­ tutes. Member of the state medical societies of Ohio and Illinois, W'-i * Will bo*ttl)e PARKER HOUSE, McHssry. u AY, TBUR8DAY, FBIDAT AND SATT7BDAY* January 2d. 3d. 4th and 5th» 1896. i^ONSULTAqriOIV FREE.' I Aff ettBt* Wlfeti im^ler treatment will be Inrniehed apparatus for and remedial agents suited to each individual case until cured. - - - •« , NO CHARGES will be made for apparatus or fee for services asked until the cure ' ia complete and the patient has had no symptoms of the disease for six months, ^ when the apparatus may be returned and a reasonable fee for cure paid. Jg^Small charft-e for medicine. iNo deposit or security required. Honesty only, "*• This is a. new departure from the usual custom, which has been to demand pay itt advance, and many ask how we can afford t;o treat patients on these terms. *-*" NO CURE NO PAY. The explanation is simple. Almost every case'JM treated by this method, whether in private or hospital practice, is speedily and peri- ^ manently cured. If you are suffering from any of the various forms of respiratory «vl diseases it is optional with you to be cured or to neglect. <•£ Skin Diseases and all diseases of the Blood Glands, Nerves, Stomach, Heart, ' V l i i ve r , Bowe l s , K idneys , B l sdde r and Womb sk i l fu l l y t r e a t ed . - - - J j The Doctor will repeat his visits every eight weeks. ij- ^ OK f C L O C K S W A T C H E S , TEWELHY v\n • £{• * C-v - War#. We have now in stock a fine line of goods ot All kinds, suitable for THE HOLIDAY TRADE, -FRICIS TO SUIT TBI TIMES. Wy. W hich we are offering to public at •y W.i . CR1STT, REGULATE THE STOliACH, LIVER AND BOWELS l AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. { B.XPAK» ¥ ABULES are tbe beat Medl. • •tee knows for Indlceatlon, BlUonanesa. t Btwisflie,C--tlpatiiiii, l»y»pep»la,Chronle J UmlrraklH, Dtnlariw, IIud Cunplexlea, • Brieittrr, Steuive Bri'uth, sod all dla> J order* af the Stomach, Uvcr and Bowels. J Rlpans Tftbuleii contain nothing IninrionB to • the most dedicate Are pleasant to • # toke, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. X 1'r'ce--Box (fi vial •*). 75 cent; l'acka^i #J. May he ordered through nearest or by man. Sample free by mail. Add !4fv si^;: tji'l < THE RIPANS CHEMICAL 10 BPHDUE STREET, SEW 10V.K CITY. Poor Workingmen please keep . your hand oa your pocket UHTKL TOU HAVE BEEN THE NEW STOCK Of GOODS AKSELUHGATQOST J. A. BARRUS J OKALEK IH CHOICE FAMILY EN MY: DEALER IN HOTIONS, ; -pt Boots and Shoes, voto. Caveats, and Trade-Mwksobtained, and all Pat­ ent business conductef for MODERATE FEES OUR OFFICE IS Orrofrrc U. S. PATENT OFFICC* lit; Du^nt nt in ICdS urns luose ana we can secuie pu ALBTJMS AT FACTORY Pi ; ' Also a Fine Line of Cut Classwarf, Which it will pay you to call and see. W e have no old ehelf worn stock, but NEW OLE and will guarantee to please yoa both in quality and C all early and it we don't fripi^iiat you want will se McHenry, III., Dec# 4,1894 •1 »remote from Washington. . [ Send model. diawi»g or photo., with descrawi f 'tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ], i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , i ' A PAMPHLET* "HOW to Obtain Patents, with; | | cost of same in the *J. S. and foreign countries; sent free. Address,; C.A.SMOW&CO. •y. toekf of Fine Beaver CVvercoais^v ¥ pien's and Bo>8'8ui<4 | ! , Odd Pants, 50 odd A^at| ,\#ate and (Japs, . VL, ^ t Gloves aha Mittens, Wo) *- la^ioa' Una |||p^i,oy^ * ladies' fine AT LESS THAN COST. T\mm inuk «u>» a« yoa pass E. LAWLUS. }-j/ it WASHINGTON, D. C Ki% OM». PATENT INFORMATION ABOUT letter or CLA • Manawng Attorne*. WASHINGTON-», a torn now until <$itttuary 15th 1895,1 will sell '% LADIES' SHOE# ess of Cost* " \ /AOPPOAJTE BISHOP'S If ILL. " 1 , KcHENRT, ILfci" T0VES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIER ETC. NOl ARE WRONG! We have the largest stock of ThkmanX • i • • ' +i L Stove in McHenry county, among Thls manAnot complain,ng that ha which are the World's Best n his toe, butis shouting 0?̂ Acorn Stoves. iONS PROCURED FOR WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of duty in the regalar Army or Navy ilaee the war. Barvtvon of tpe Indian wars of 1832 to 1842. and their widows, lgow entitled. Old and rejected claims e oi| hand a foil line of RUBBER BOOTS, rshoes, Felts, Arties and Rfi&ers, As cheap as ths eheapest. No^t jfoodH. Call and see me and I trill do >ou good, 1. Ai BAKKUS# Bend fornewywa. Bo charge for sdvicc. K»(M ; • r;^-; t J < - ^ " No?# 34, HMACO E AND FOR rice. d and get it^ HEUAN F1KB FVltNITIJKB -I,I, ; f OF ALL KIHD8, wo steles, one on the West side snd one side, (McHenry), they present to the bu|ii] If you want a Cook or Heating ^ ptove, either Coal flfc^Food, be |ure and see I f# '"W ) the Easi public M:p ; ? • ; if w ^ U D 1 , C •j£II k in of \ Tbao ever befcr«, wtalcb w» are ofleriog at greatly you buy, tlery, Reduced Prloe«. and warranted. In Hort^lfS"- our store can be toutxi any jiferifcle usually kept in a first c'ass Hard Now ia the time to Buy. V- . •iu^e lfor lteep ID ttock a full line of samples of CARPETS, *cd we^k give yoh an j thing from tbe cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower pnees tbas any other bouse in tbe county. -Aware store, and we will always make bur prices right. Call and see us when ID W&nt of In our -- U Jobbing and Rtpalw, I Promptly Attwidbd to: TRUNKS AT COST. •f: .i We ha#i taken greatipalnslin selecting our | ; ; , ; U_N DE RTAKINC SUPPLIES, ng ww b Us when lit Coffins. Caskets and Trimmings ot tbe latest deigns. Everj thL elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see want of anything In our liBe. 000 ICW STOVES " ^$AC0B BONSLETT, . WD) be forrisbed at Beatontble Rates : •? --f .at

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