Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1895, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JAN 1895. Railway Time Tabte. OommetK&ag at Noon Sunday, Jan# 10, MM , PMMnger Crams Kill putUi station M 'if follow*: ' ' '• oomo sotr**. ' P > Hkr 6M»«vft Ptwemer ii^t A. ML '•M S ffll'Urai Bay Express ... ,8 :S* A. J*. 3ft S *ini«m8 BNY rrelgbt 1:55 P. M. £ Williams Bay !'aa*en*er S.S8 P. M. 'f aoino (OlTI. jm » WUH*m« Bay PssseB|cor »:5B A. M. WS K WiliUms F reight 11:45 A.M. 3^ E Williams B*y Kxpreee.... «:58 P. M. >;$ K uketi«B"v;i Passenger 6:M •• . » jU*ke Geneva Passenger -V.;..*- ' . rjSXFLAHATUW. V;:j'3i' D Daily. B Daily except SUB LA*. \ „ . to Sundays only, ti B. BUSS. Agent, McHenry, IlL | 'i*. , MASONIO. , 1 - MoSmr LODOK, No. 158 A. W. and A. M.- -- - -- . " • - • •* second aid Mondays in each month. F. L. McOM8K«»|W. H. Communications the pit 1 \ ORDER 0»" THE EA9TBRW STAB. ^ 'f* Regular Meeting* the First and Third^Wad­ s' »';»> t need&y evenings of each month, at Masonic 4 V ^ R M M B S . B A R B A R A V A H 9 L T S C » . W . M . %/'- \ MM, LOKA ELDKBDO*. Secretary. VttltOKAX* ' MRS. M. A:'Howi5t.L, was % Chicago vis­ itor the first of the week. A. P. BAEK attended to business at ioliet the first of the week. E. J. HANLY attended to business at Woodstock on Monday. PROF. W. H. STRAYKBattended to bus- ineee in Chicago on Saturday. F. E. HOLMES editor of the Richmond Gazette, wan on onr streets on Saturday. JOHN PAY, of Chicago, was visiting with his mother a few days last week. MRS. MARION HUBBARD, of Ivanhoe, was calling on friends here on Tuesday. H. E. WIGHTMAN attended to business in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. A. M. WHITE, Superintendent ot the farm at the Elgin Asylum, &calling on friends here to-day. MRS. LIZZIE NICHOLS, of Elgin was at* tending to business in this village' the latter part of last week. MRS. 8, A. DODGE, of May wood, was calling on -friends here on Wednesday last. Miss HETTIE WKNTWORTH and Mi is^'V K. O T M DMOBKHRT LODGSNO T7. K O T M.-Rfcg- iitar meetings second and f>orth laesday : i;- - ttTesings of each month, at K. O T. M. Ball. K. Bxchait, 8. K. Gso HAKUTrOoa* CIRCUIT COURT is in stock this week. session at Wood- m:- FOR SALE, a good second band Coal ' Stove. Will be sold cheap it called for at t: once. Inquire at this office. Do not fail to read the new advertise- :i ment of Qanly Bros., ft) be foand in | another column. ' $» " ------ . * I THERE will be a Social at the Riverside ^ House, Friday evening of next week, Jan 25. A program will be given. More . particulars next week. % A WISCONSIN editor declares times were :i so hard np there last year that snakes could not afford to shed their skins and the birds need their old nests over again. THOSE who wish the PLAINDEALER and ' the weekly Inter Ocean, both for $ 1.75, | must hand in their names this week, as | the time of this liberal offer will expire • on Saturday next. WE learn that)Wm. Covell, while doing^1 jj. chores in his barn, a few days since, had :M the misfortune to fall and break his wrist 2j|which will probably lay him up for a fe fVeks. • m ALL members should remember the reg * ' ular meeting of the Eastern Star, this Wednesday evening. Installation of " officers. Refreshments will be served ter installation. S&V THE fire fiend pud a visit to Genoa Junction on Friday morning last, three stores and quite a large amount of other property being destroyed. The loss was ^>nly partially covered by insurance. BY a notice elsewhere it will be seen that L. E. Bennett is making Cabinet Photographs at $2 per dozen. As the time is limited for this low price, all who desire first class pictures should call at once. NEW advertisements can be found in our paper to-day from Wanly Bros., West McHenry, Theo. F. Swan and Fred Sauer, Elgin, Perry & Owen, Mcllenry ,s, and the JLeland Hotel, Chicago. Read them, ' ' /!'" V ;'! ONE goM thing people do wbogwtmad .? '•! at newspaper men and that is: They go ^ | to work talking about him and his news- -paper, which is good advertising ^that F c j don'tjeost anything but the mad persons wind. • close to Philadelphia, in the thirty-four years he has been in business over $5,000,000 and says if his life was to be lived over he would spend double that amount. ONCE in a while a subscriber who owes a publisher, orders the paper stopped through the agency of the postmaster. It is a mean and sneaking way of doing. If you owe for a newspaper and cannot pay, manly tell the editor and promise him when you obtain the money you will pay. Don't take it month after month, and then sneakingly order the postmas­ ter to notify the publisher that hie paper JOHN WANAMAKEB has the largest store / A HANDSOME PICTURE, in Philadelphia. He has 4,838 etnpJoyW The Catholic# who attended mass at In the sixty 'days before Christina* M St. Patrick's Church, in this village, on sold nearly $4,000,000 worth of goods. Christmas/ morning, were delightfully He is an advertiser who spends nearly sorprisedw find* plated within the High $600,000 per annum. He ha« spent- in Altar, a most beautiful painting of the advertising among newspapers in and Jjirth of our Saviour/ The picture repre- T sents the divine infant laid in a rude crib which has been tilled with straw, with his little arms outstretched as if to em­ brace the world. At opposite sides of the crib are Mary and Joseph, their whole bearing giving evidence of the heavenly joy which they feel on behold­ ing for the first time the King of Peace, J^e Redeemer of the world. ^ The picture, on the whole, is a beauti­ ful work of art, and is executed in a man­ ner which jnight do credit to an artist who had spent almost a lifetime in hard study. It was done and presented to the church by the talented young artist, , « , » . » ... Miss Ella Wekb/who has been studying » no longer needed. It.. a form pi 0k- ̂ rthVihMt period of two year Jand honesty and diserves exposures. f A. SCHCBEROEB, who for the pas% fiilft or so has been running the^JDrystal Spring Butter and Cheese Factory,' southwest of this village, departed aboi; two weeks agd for parts unbnofln, leav-1 surely it is not saying too much to pre­ dict for her a futijre with in, the-W0nd~of ui <• - A FRIEND. Flora Sherbjirne attended the, Te8^tVi>K patrons two or three Months be- Meeting, at Ring wood, Saturday. Miss MAUD DAVIS, of Richmond, was, the guest of Mrs. C.^T. Eldredge on Fri day last. Miss KATE LACGHLIN, of Richmond, is visiting with h^r mother here thi week. Miss CASSIS ELDFTEDGC, daughter df Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eldredge, ^ report© quite sick at this writing. BERT RTEBBINS, who has been at TJFO- ertyvilie for the past few months, is spending a short time at his home, here. HARRY HOLMES is assisting Sheriff Eckert during the term of the Circuit Court, now in session, at Woodstock. MISS BERTHA BARBER, Miss Lois Bald-j lAn, Miss Mary Wentworth and Mrs! fMary Cobb, teachers in1 our Public^ be the rule, and to hide the facts from School, attended the Teachers' Meeting, } those interested is their only aim. This hind with their dividends and his numer­ ous friends outside in sums of from $100 to $800 each, these sums being for bor­ rowed money and the use of their names/ on notes. Taken all together the sums! here and at Woodstock figure up toquitd a large amount. No one appears to know whither he went. He had been here something over two years and had gained the confidence of the peeple to an unusual degree. \ JUSTICE and equity would seem to de­ mand that where legal proceedings are required to remove a cloud from a title, to notify heirs, or in fact any legal publi­ cation, should be published in the paper that would seem to come nearest to ac­ complishing the end for which the publi­ cation is made. But the reverse seems at Ringwood, on Saturday# MRS. FRED HATCH, who was injured by being trampled upon by a horse is much improved. Mrs. J. Sherman, sister of Mrs. Hatch, is here from Chicago to at­ tend her. So says the Belvidere Repub­ lican. /JOHN THELEN, a former resident of this wown, died at Kenosha about ten days 'ago, of consumption. He was a son-in- law of Theo. Meyers, of this village, and at one time was landlord of the McHenry House. He leaves a wife and two chil- jJj»a-to mourn his loss. ' THE Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will meet with Mrs. Dr. Auringer, i on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 17th, at , I 2 P . M - * »*-- ^ U WENTWORTH, 3ec. MRS. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. H. T. Brown, on Thursday afternoon of this week. Let there be a general attendance. MRS. W. A. CRISTY, President. MRS. 0. N. OWEN, Secretary. THE social by the Ladies of the Willing Workers Society, at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Friday evening last," was. notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, largely attended and a very enjoyable affair. The programme was well rendered throughout, while the pic­ ture scheme was both interesting and amusing. / NNN T .... i uikv* umwan been appointed receiver of the Minneola Club, of Fox Lake, by the court, and has /gone to that place to take possession. This club owns a fine club house, furnish­ ings and grounds at Fox Lake, valued at $30,000. The members got into a disa- MRS W. B. NOOLE is -getting np a bar*- I greemont and the receivership is the re- ig and^ may be legal but it certainly is notright. If the law requires such notices to be published it should also require that they be published where there would be a reasonable chance to accomplish the ob­ ject sought. FROM the Harvard Herald we learn that Editor Eastman of the Harvard Independent "was stricken with appo- plexy in his office Saturday morning. Before leaving hi« residence he experien­ ced a peculiar feeling and thinking that it would not in any sense prove serious came down to his office. Shortly after arriving he was stricken and for two hours or thereabouts he was unconscious. Medical aid was at once called and every possible effort Was resorted to to restore him to consciousness, and in the after­ noon he wasconveyed to his home, where he has since been confined. He is gaining slowly and his friends hope to see him in Jiia accustomed place before many days. M.J. Emerson will have charge ot the paper during Mr. Eastman's illness." BEAUTIFTL toces are always features of Hood's Sarsaparilla Calendars, and they were never more charming than they at*> this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla Calen­ dar for 1895 in heart shaped and iw orn«r mented with representations of Summer and Winter. A sweet little face which peeps out from a dainty cap, with the snow flakes.falling all abont, represents the season of ice and snow, while the sun- ohlu6 Ol OUL auutuci rel of.clothlng to send to Nebraska, and any one having any they wish to donate please send her word or leave them at her home, on the Mead farm, west of this Tillage. MANY have renewed their subscriptions to the PLAINDEALER the past week, while the usual number of new readers have been added. All will remember that we appreciate this endorsement and shaU labor hard to be worthy of their future favors. ' , A "GENT" is now working the sur­ rounding small towns on a small fake. He offers to print 1000 note heads for1 $1 .50. The order is taken, 50 cents is paid on the job and the merchant never hears of the note heads. The fakir flftimn to represent a Cleveland firm. WE would call the particular attention of our readers to the new advertisement of the Leland Hotel, Chicago, which can ' 1 ' k® f°ua<* 'n an°ther column. This Hotel HfiP * is centrally located, has all the modern Improvements, and their charges are reasonable. Read their advertisement. THE Genesoa News says: A farmer northeast of town asks the News to warn people to look out for a gang of hog cholera medicine men. They are robbing tile farmers right and left. They present packages of their nostrum to thefarmers and request them to pay for the present. BUSINESS men who have been in the fcabit of using government stamped en­ velopes will note the fact that as soon as -the contract for printing runs out they •can only get envelopes printed at the home office, as the government will stop <$ompetingyvith the printer in printing the addresses thereon. Also, by a recent ruling your letter will be held thirty days unless you have the number of days yon yfoh them held on the envelope. EGGS ate scarce just now. The bens appear to have gone out on a protracted strike. What few are obtained are worth about two cents apiece. The hen that remains in the busfness and attends staictly to her knitting is apt to be pris­ ed nearly as highlv as the ffoose of olden times that laid the golden egg, and it is not likely that the quick witted husband­ man of to-day will take that particular out and kill her for his Sunday \ AT a regular communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. A A. M., held on Monday evening last, the follow­ ing officers were installed for the ensuing year: F. L. McOmber, W. M. E. W. Howe, S. W. George Hanly, J. W. J (Ah Evanson, Secretary, C. R. Hsiber. S. D. S. McDonald, j. D. Wm. Tilton, Tyler. at the left. The design was made by one of the most giftsd water color artists in the country and the work of the litho­ grapher is perfect. Hood's calendar, as usual, presents all the desired informa­ tion about the lunar changes and other astronomical events. Ask yourdruggist Backward, tarn backward, oh time 1% jroo* •light; . > <• , Make me a child again, jus*, for to-night. ! Since the year of our Lord 1844 I have been looking backward, in memory of childhood, as it seemed at that date of my life, and in imagination I meet- many of the old as well as the young. 1 am reminded of the "days of innocence and peace" when no trials entered my young life. Since those days 1 have wan­ dered westward. Have suffered many misfortunes, but my life has not been a blank. I have enjoyed the friendship of prominent persons and have occupied places of distinction. When I unfold the McHenry PLAINDEALER my eyes fall up­ on the tamiliar names of 1844. These people are the descendents of the parents I loved in child life, my old intimate child friends. Notwithstanding the many years that have passed away, I herein offer my hand and write my "child nanwi." HARRIET BURNHAM. < Itsal Batata, Transfers. R*ror3ea lip to and including Jan. 7, ftK. W Fortnan vnd w to Sarah Fish Its 7 and 8 blk 5 Trowbridge's adn Wood- slock, .1 550 00 Aimira Maxiiain ei 11 Rogers ne Ji nwfc A w3i nwk sec 10 Algonui ' D Uughea to J Hughes wjf se3* ana fe sen see 6 Grafton W Pierson and w to H Pierson pt sw if nwtf sec 8 Dorr E 0 Jewett and w to G K Bunker It 10 blk r>, Its 6, 10 and II blk 6, It 6 blk 12, It "i blk 13 Hobart'sadn Woodstock... A R Murphy and w to same It 9 blk 6 same ... G K Bunker and w to J fish Its 9 and 10 blk 5 Holtart's adn Wooiistock Oak wood Cem Aaan to 1> Blodgett It 28 blk 8 Oikwood Oem, Dunham ... -- 6 H Purdy etal to Richmond (Jem Asn 32a in aw)( sec 9 Richmond, W Phillips etal to Co of McHenry for use Algonquih cem ptnwii self see 27 Algonquin H \ Piernon and w et al to 1* Murphey swM nwj* sec32 Greenwood Lena Schumacher (by inas) to J Schmitt lte 3, 4 anil 5, BW J* HUC 1 and Its 3 and 4 nwX sec 12 McHenry 64 On W D Bee and w to Jennie Patrick U S blk 8 Marengo 276 00 TAXES I TAXES ! The undersigned, Collector cf Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 21st, 1895, be at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Mondays--At the store of Lay & Ad­ ams, in the village of Johnsburg. "Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, in the village of Ringwood. . Thursdays--At the store of John J. Miller, West McHenry. Saturdays--At the store £o! Perry & Owen, McHenry. ' 11 pers^uo u&viug Tniw to pay should call at any of the above named places at as early a day as possible. JOHN HT. FREUND, Collector. WOODSTOCK. Dr. And Mffi. E4. L. McAnliff, of Sarnia, Can , spent Saturday aud Sunday with relatives here and in Seneca. Ex-Gov. Waite, of Colocado, was a guest of Eugene V. Debs, in the county jail here Saturday. Simon Stoffel, of McHenry, transacted business in this city the latter part ^>f last week. C. E. Jones returned Thursday to his duties at Berlin, Wis., after an extended visit with his parents here. S. E. Gould, of Chicago, called on the Railway Union officers, in the county jail here, Saturday. Mrs. L. A. Stone and children returned to Chicago Monday after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Hart, who will spend a few weeks iu Chicago. The sleigh bells were jingling merrily on our streets Sunday. ^ The Brewing Company began filling their ice house at Dufield's lake on Mon­ day morning with a fiue quality of ice. The January term of the circuit court opened in thin city Monday with Judge Goodwin, of Aurora, on the bench. Our people made the best of what little sleighing there was on Sunday and near­ ly every cutter in the city was pressed into service. Mrs. J. Tron iel died at her home south of this city last Thursday, after a long illness The funeral services were held from the house on Saturday. The Maro and Battis entertainment, given under the auspices of the directors of the public library, will take place at the City Hall on Tuesday evening, Jan­ uary 22,1895. Miss Emma Bacbma^ entertained about thirty of her young friends at "progressive fan tan?' at her home in this city Thursday evening last, and a most enjoyable time is reported. Fox Br is.' English Pantomine Co. did not. appear at the City Hall last Friday evening as advertised. The company ar­ rived on timt but owiug to the inclem­ ency of the weather it was thought best not to give a performance. THE "Jim T," one of the best ftv# cent cigars in town, at Besley's. Save the big discountsdn fur and cloth Overcoats at S. Stoffel's. Business Locals. Insure your property with 8. Stoffel and be insured. WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years of a** *pply t£ „ . W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor.; \ Plnsh Cape, Gloves, Mittens and Un­ derwear, at way down prices at Perry & Owen's. uin 7300 00 ne ... S00 Ot) 1 0(1 100 OP «#0 00 10 00 ISO 00 100 00 1400°Q0 suit. Th^ property will be sold and a/for a copy, and if his supply is exhausted L. . .« > _ » . «•"" _1 2WM (AH AWA Artlnn/inw r.> *; hen ont and kill her for his Sunday Go to Hanly Bros.' Brick Mills for; ^ ' Awr. fted grinding. HMUente a bag. W - , War. ?*(• eanuiuur the Society of the-lobns- burgh Church will hold a Fair on Feb. 24th, 25th and 26th, the proceeds .to .be- used, for the benefit of the chufch. Each evening TEere wlTI be a grahd Concert in connection with the Fair, and no pains will be spared to make the occasion one to be reruetnbered with pleasure by all who attend. Further particulars will appear in these columns later. THE regular monthly Temperance Meeting, under the auspices of the W, C. T U., will be held at the City Hall, on Sunday evening, Jan. 20. The following is the programme: Remafc^^ Mead Solo Mrs. Hanly Reading...;... ..Miss Lucy McLean Duet ...,Dr. Auringer, Mrs. Gallaber Remarks Dr. H. T. Brown Solo Griffin Singing... ............ All are cordially invited to attend. ONE of onr readers asks, " Why are the winters growing warmer?" We are sur­ prised that one of his judgment should asksach a simple question. A careful study of past almanacs will explain the mystery. For the sake of easy compu­ tation, we will consider that winter be­ gins on Dec. 1st each year. As you will readily observe, this date in '93 was on Friday, in '94, on Saturday, and in '95 will be on Sunday; thus, metaphorically speaking, summer is shoved into winter, and winter is passed on into the next summer. Each year making the winter warmer and the summer colder. A little arithmetical computation will show, that in another century, farmers will make hay at Christinas, and the joyous sleigh bells wfll ring out on the frosty air of June. ^ rk^c Mills foryour t\ •iC: send six cents in stamps for one calendar or 10 cents for two, .to C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Deal Oently wlthlthe Arrlsf. We have just received a copy of thf greatest home song ever published in this country. Th« privilege of publishing in America alone cost $2,000 in gold. It is a song that will reach the heart of every christian in the land. The melody is per­ fectly beautiful; can be played on piano or organ. We give our readers the first verse and chorus. J FIRST VER8E. Deal gently with the erring I Ye know not of the power With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, nor how well, Until the hour of weakness came, And sadly thus they fell. CHORUS. Forget not thou bast often sinned,) And sinful yet must be 1 Deal gently with the erring one As God has dealt with thee. Price 40 cents per copy; can be obtain­ ed by addressing the publisher F. W. Helmick, 265 Sixth Avenue, New York Hall Up Your Poor, When you have Fully decided to discon­ tinue advertising purchase a hammer and a few strong nails, close your doors, nail them securely and in your window dr&ug a placard to inform the public that yon no longer desire their trade, that you\have ceased to advertise and will guarantee protection to all spiders spin­ ning their webs on your goods. To ad vertise and make announcements con­ cerning your goods, is merely informing your friends and those whom you desire as friends and customers, of what you have not the time to tell them person­ ally. Yon talk to the public and you may rest assured it will respond. The columns of the PLAINDEALER are ample proof that our business men talk Hanly Bros, are grinding feed for only six cents a bag. Bead their ment. x ^ OCEAN TICKETS. * To or from any .part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. 1 Sara# 8iwa», NX7NDA TAXES. The undersigned, Collector of the Town of Nuuda, will be at the follow­ ing places for the purpose of receiving taxes of said town: Tuesdays--At BarreviBe. Wednesdays--At the store of Smith & Throop, Nunda. Thursdays--At the store pf Simon Stoffel, West McHenry. Persons having taxes to pay are re­ quested to call at any of the above named plaoes. E. F. MATTHEWS, Collector. Buy your Holiday Presents d J. j* MiUer, West McHenry. ^ i in* A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound m leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. a Low prices in fall underwear at Perry & Owen's, and a monster stock to select from. . - Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. ________ ' Celuloid Jewelry Cases, Celuloid Frames, Celuloid Cards and Card Cases and Celu­ loid Brush and Comb Cases at Besley's. 1 have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. ( Flannel*, suitings, fiue serges and new drees goods at Perry & Owen's. School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry & Owen's. Horse goods of the 5-A brand only at S. Stoffel's. Large stock of Overcoats, turned into cash this season, Miller's, West McHenry, must at J. A beautiful book for only 86c, to be found at J, A. Story's, just the thing for a dainty gift. Unheard of reduction on Cloaks and Jackets at S. Stoffel's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdff World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma* i ECONOMICAL. • ! Mothers your attention is called to Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as the simplest, most pleasant to take, and at the same time most potent and economical remedy you can give the children to regulate t.h»' bowels aud relieve from all manner of stomach troubles. It regulates. Try a 10c bottle lO tloses 10c. (For children 20 doses 10c) at J. A. Story's. 51tul Still in the insurance business. ________ S. STOFFEL. &o*'t Toba eo Spit or 8moke your Life Aw*y. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you j u itxt* » «>uuv wijuiv «»uii «.;<*»* i upc Braces up nicotinissed nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak ineu gain strength, weight and vigor. I'ositive cure or money refunded. Book at- druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. ________ 9yi. Look over our carefully selected stock of Fargo and Douglas Shoes for all, only at S. Stoffel's. FOR SALE CHEAP. Three fine residences, with large gar­ den lots, located in the center of the vil­ lage. Some of the choicest building lots in McHenry and West McHenry, at very low prices. Terms reasonable. Also have farm property and lots of 1 to 5 acres in Iliver Forrest subdivision, souch of the village.' Inquire of " j** O.N.OWEN , 23tf At Bank of McHenry. Pillsbury's, Chick's and the famous Fancy Patent Flour at reduced prices at S. Stoffel's. 4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. C Cabinet Photographs $9 per Dorna For the next 00 days I will make Cabi­ net Photographs at the low price of $2 per dozen. Satisfaction gvaranteed in every particular. Do not wait until the last day but call at once. L. E. BENNETT. THIS WEEK, At Fred Batter's, Elgin, annual sale of black and colored dress goods, odd dress lengths, skirt lengths and waists, Everything to go. .Nothing reserved. $1, $1 .50, and $1 .75 Fabrics, all go, at 50c per yard. Shrewd buyers will fiud the best values ever offered here or else­ where. DO NOT WAIT. If you are troubled with constipation or piles, which are usually a result of this djsorder, go at once to your druggist and get a 10 cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. And for indigestion noth­ ing can equal it. Large sins 50 cents and$l. At J. A. Story's. 18ml Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. THIS WEEK AND NEXT. Mm' and boys' Shirts 20 per cent dis­ count at Evanson's, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hose, Shawls, Cloaks, Jackets, Overcoats, Men's Suits, Shoes and Underwear 20 per cent discount at Evanson. Visit Evanson's 20 per cent discount sale now on. Examine a bargain in yard wide Bleached Cotton, price 7J£c, at Evanson's. Fifteen pound pails Jelly, 45 cents; four gallon ,:kegs Syurp, $1.10, at Evanson's./:i . • HEATING STOFES AT We have a fine line of Heating Stoves which we will sell at Actual Cost for the kflLlanna nf t.hiu mnnth. Nci? JOU» time. Call and see us. 27W4 JACOB BONSLETT. 15 per cent discount for cash on all Winter Goods during January 1895 at fi-StofiaTa. CaiLmrlv. "wiiii"pi1 M w* " T * ' I v;* . t v, " » " } *• t d . ^ H * #. The brick house scd lot, known BS the Walsh place, in West McHenry, is offered for sale on-reasonable terms. Inquire of MRS. W. PAKKEB, At Parker House, West McHenry. Til., Dee. 11,1894. 23w6. Have you bought a Suit or an Over- coat of J. J. Miller this season? If not call, learn prices, and you will buy one. Low Bate Excursions to the West On December 4 and 18, 181)4* the Northwestern Line will sell Hoine-Seek- ers'Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for the round trip; tickets good for return pas­ sage at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 21w3 .< A" • • V , ' " • > ' V • ' ' " ' •1% *,JS r :-X*. will MIM I have caUs for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD. Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Perry & Owen's. $20 suits now $15. $18 suits now $14. All very low in price. , . Loans Negotiated* 1 Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you,want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, WfestvMcHenry, We are tfetiUng aur stoek re« duced In readineas for onrlarfe spring stock, which earlier than usual this year. We are getting first ehoiee from the early importations, Alt will be bought for spot cash, and leek / ^ .a*-. • j for bottom prices lit all lines Sf Spring wssr. In consegueiice stl Npintsr goods must ge cheap. To THE LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VICIN­ ITY 1 would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction pleasacaU at my home, West McLluurj;, ^ - MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. PERSONS desirous of purchasing Piano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is one of the best pianos for the money on the market. ? O. W. OWEN, Agent. Notice to the Public! I have just completed a Patent of an article that will be of general use to the public. It is a tool for cutting Brass, Copper, Steel or Iron, and can be used by haud quickly and easily. Has a Ro­ tary Motion, Spindle or Gear Pressure, and is one of the most useful articles for general useever invented. As soon as prac­ ticable 1 shall commence their manufac­ ture and will then explain it more fully. Patent applied for. MAXEBOLES. McHenry, Dec. 1,1894.7^> \ ^ FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitssim- monsfarm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the beststock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county aud all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at, 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS, Administrators. NOTICE. 19M6 red the serv^W-fofcil'C. Young, who has had years of experience iu fitting new aud repairing old pomps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call All work warranted and done promptly -Tr 'R. Rimnp. mnexrm, " \ . ,,-"1 'V& *• ; W ant 11® e are overTdaflecT^ winter goods, owing to the latsf (all, and want to unlosd at once, therefore we will make pr'oes low enough. Have all bizse oi the famous Mishaw&ka wool knit Boot. * , WHEN YOU ARE OUT IN AND WET require l umEmiam* tO* (There s Dotting in Three times boot made--fMMttive Watch for tbe Band ill rod. are imitations tuid made by BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line'of the fiuest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. , /MUD! MtfD! Every scholar going to school needs a pair of good school shoes and the best rubbers. We have the best and the PERRY A OWEN. F U R ! hest market price, in >f all kinds. Call on t McHenry, III. WM. C. HOWAKD. 21m4 Pest- West mater Touriit a tee * era The North-Western excursion tickets, at rates, to the health and pie! ot California, Florida, Texas? New Mexico, Louisiana, Mi Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee Alabama. For tickets and full inform! tion apply to Agents Chicago & North­ western Railwav " Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. No merchant in the county can match aur flue line of ladies' and gents,' boys' Qyod^eses' fine shoes. . , ' :f; JOHN J. J; ^ ! PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair ot those "Best of Alrschool shoes and get a' pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem- jedy for constipation, indigestion,Chronic Sick headache, summer compluiut or any tr/^nhlo nf tho ofntrinph qt* hnwplfl. For snTe"in Y6c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in 50c and $1 sizes by J. A. Story, McHe nry 7ml SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do you know that if you keep your sys­ tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold ? Doc­ tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's byrup PepsiqJ is pleasant to take, ajid cures constipa-" tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) laurge size 50c and $1. At J. A. , FOR SAL% / The brick block known as the Pekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold {cheap and on rea' onable terms. I n qu ire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry,. »V 7 -3:#- Awarded Hlgtett Honors--W«ri4'4. ISM*. •OR/ ! Underwear, Flannels, Shawls and Blan­ kets a'most at yaur own price at S. Stoffel's. Buy only the genuine time tried Can- dco Rttbt^r Qoodi stiLfltQEBl'Sa« CREAM BAKING filllO; M A pure Gr from Amn rk 4° vm CT MADf- Tartar Powder, any other atiiilte STANPA^C '.'•i • ' •>' Free AITUMNKI nfftni HI nffi, Ca, HUimriaML " ' t ' -1, We'areafso&len^Wtk" Snag Proof Rubber Boon and Oeeri# r»ie,y are the ^est. Br ware of othors such as Noo Snug. Anti Snag. Never* 3nng A' d many otters imitating the & genuine Snag Proof. 1 - J, , \ \ "" A e have customers who bought these overs of us in 1892 sod are' wearing the same ones to-<by*s " ^ without a bole or crack in them. -j These same persons wore out^ two to four pairs of the best or* ^ binary rubbers each season before • getting the 'snag proof.' The | beat ordinary rubbers are ne& Bl ^ ̂ it with the 'snag prool.' V. isr-The Snag Proof overs siHl I?" rubber boots can be bought at wi other place in town j we afirl!" sole, agents. »Perry & Owen, ^General HHerchantfi MiBENB Y. ILL. * OWBV, >«akefrs., MoHCNRY, - - ILUNOIft, This Bank r< and setts FbreigH ahange ®nddO(B*a fienerai Banking We endeavor <• cto all e&w6ws; trtuted to our core in a manners upon te?m» entirety (metomer» and r«pw(i(Ww eonjwf t pmbUc patronage. MONEY TO UkMH On RaaXEttrUe and oM4r Special attmOm In fir* Ctem YtMVS ' Plttv 4 |»sfT«SI

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