Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1895, p. 5

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EDRESDAY, JAN. 23, 1895 Railway Time Table. i -vOWmenolnK at Noon Sunday, Jone 10, MM PasMnger inuu will pau (tiii atatloa as QOIW0 SOUTH# T> T-ak* 6*nm Paaaenger... ~ Wll' Itey T.sprMs.u..". •VilliamS Bay Straight .... K Williams Bay Paaaeager.. OOIKO MRA, E William* Bay PaaMBgvr... B Williams Bar Freight B Williams Bay Kxprasa ~ ~ ke flram Paasanger.,. - junke Geneva Passenger .. D D.,?"""™*- .....7;* A. M. ,,,8:*4 A. M. ... 1:15 P. M. ....8.«8 P. M. ... 9:56 A. M. ... 11:45 A.M. ... .4:55 P. M. 6 ...'. B Dully except Snniay. b Sunday • only. B. BUSS, Agent, MoHeary, 111. MASOVIO. HaHnrBT I/ODQE, No. 158 A. V. MM| A. JL- Regolar OommnnlcatHna the aeoond MM! fonrth Monday a in each month. F L MCOXBMU W. Mr OBDER Of THE EASTERN STAB. Kegnlar Meetings the First and Third Wed. neaday evenings of each month, at Maaonle EUfcll MRS. BARBARA VAH SLTK*, W. M, F*. L. MOOMBBR. Secretary. - K: o. T. M. VoBem LODOI No. 77, K O T. M--Reg­ ister meetings second and f»nrth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O T.M.Bali. Geo. HASIBT, Oom, N. HBUMAW, R. K. / "r"y H.E. WIGHTMAN bag sold his residence j/ hi this village to Nick Schneider. Con- .<> jrjsideration, $1,300. ^ FOB SALE, a good second hand Coal ^ Stove. Will be sold cheap if called for at y ^ once. Inquire at this office. H. DOLBEER informs us that he saw a Meadow Lark on bis farm one day last week. We imaging be will find * cold berth there this week. " "how can § THERE will be a Social at the residence 4 of Isaac Wentworth on Thursday even­ ing of next week. A good program will •4 be giyen. More particulars next week. MEETING of the Executive Committee of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, at Woodstock, on Monday next. See notice elsewhere in this paper. A SUBSCRIBER writes to us to know I prevent snoring?" Easy enough, clamp a clothes pin on your 'probosis. A. P. BAEB, of the Farmers Stow, West : McHenry, is expecting a car of the cele­ brated Sleepy Eye Flour, in a day or = two. This Flour is meeting with an un­ precedented sale, and is giving perfect • satisfaction. QUARTERLY Meeting will be held in the McHenry Methodist Episcopal Church, ^Sunday, January 27th. Preaching at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. u. by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Caldwell. All are cordially ^invited. OF MRS. ORPHA C. KNIGHT, sister of Mrs. Lawlus, died in Chicago Jan. 20, 1895. Her funeral will be held at Clinton Junction, Wis , where she will beJaid be- side her husbend who died some years Mm. M. H. COLTER, of Elgin, was call­ ing on friends bore last week. O. N. OWEN and wife spent Sunday with friends in Elgin. HON. G. W. ELDREDGE, of Richmond, was on our streets on Monday. GEO, SMITH and wife spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. (J. D. -LODTZ attended to business in Chicago, to-day, ."Wodacrnlay. "? • Y. 8. LUMLKT, of Woodstock, was on bur streets oil Monday last. Miss EDITH CURTIS has gone to Wau- conda to live with Mrs. Geo. McCollum the rest of the winter. L. DIMMED and wife, of Woodstock, were the guests of Barbian Bk>e. on jSunday last. MRS. ANNA TINCKKR, of Elgin, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cristy and family over Sunday." C. P. BARNES, of Woodstock, was .-at­ tending to business in McHenry and vi­ cinity on Saturday last. MRS. LIZZIE WINKLES and daughter, Annie, spent a few days with friends in Chicago last week. * / WE learn that a ten pound boy arrived at the home of 'Tony Barbian on Satur­ day last. Tony is acting as well as could be expected under the circutr- yjf»ces. READ the new advertisements of John Evanson & Co , West McHenry, Fred Sauer, Elgin, and the Ripans Chemical Company, to be found in this paper. THE Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Chnrch, will meet with Mrs. Dr. Auringer, on Friday afternoon, January 25tb, at 2 P. M. MRS. W. D. WENTWORTH, Sec. TUB Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. John I. Story, on V J Thursday afternoon of this week. Pres­ ent work requires a full attendance. MRS. J. B. PERRY, President. • . J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. sent the new and popular War Drama, "Down in Dixie," in Columbia Hall, Al- gonquin, I&( Friday evening, February 1st, 1895* CAST: "*"• Harvey Welle .....J. M. Edsall Georire Washington Barge....G. H. Helm Maj. Bradley ...,E. C. Peter Corporal Hooligan. .. A. J. Doig Hon. (*. J. Puseit berry......D. W, Thomne Hezekiah Suiffius. 8. Chapell Opel© Mosley. Geo. Keyes Biiiiugs,..., ..Geo. E. Morton Helen Trevor.,.. ...Miss Jennie Chapell Molly Martin .). Miss Kittie Doig Mrs. Dusenberry .....Miss Grace White Susannah ....Miss Amelia Adamek v 8YNOP8IS! " ACT 1.--Washington in 1861. A ras­ cally Yankee and his fcheme. ACT II.--The Trevor Plantation in Vir- ginio, 1864. Bangs, the Artist. Captur­ ed. "Betrayed, betrayed by her." ^ ' ACT III.--Libby Prison, Richmiohdi 1865. The musical Mick, freedom. "Now what do you think\ofJ^' Yankee's .-V ti".; T.V- , PREPABATIONS are being made for a / Grand Masquerade Ball, to be held at t the Riverside House, in this village, Feb. It is expected to be one of the grandest Masquerade Balls ever held in tMe~* county. More particulars next •.; weik. THE next Social* under the auspioes of the Ladies of the tlniversalist Society, ^Kill be held with Mr. and Mrs. John I. *T%ory, at the Riverside House, on Fri­ day evening of this week, Jan. 25. An ' interesting program will be prepared for the evening, and refreshments will be ed.- All are cordially invited. THE monthly temperance meeting, at : the City Hall, on Sunday evening last, H drew out a full house, and the exercises were of the most interesting character. Remarks were made by Dr. H. T. Brown . and H. C. Mead, which were well received by all, while the vocal and instrumental music was highly enjoyed. THE publishers of Horn* Life, a Family Paper, will send free to any boy or girl a : handsome American Watch, stem wind and stem set, (fully guaranteed) as pay- • ment for a few hours work. Send a 2c stamp for full particulars and outfit, witl^ testimonials from many who have re­ ceived and worn these watches to HOMJ LIFE Co., Caro, Michigan WE inadvertently omitted to melSTTbnl the fac^that Miss Grace Stevens has ac­ cepted the position of teacher in the pri-j mary department of the Woodstock Public School, and entered upon her, duties some two weeks since. Mine Stevens is one of McHenry county's best teachers, and we congratulate onr Woodstock friends on being able to se-! J?pure her services. ATLINCOLN KIRK, Impersonator and Bnmorist, will give one his Entertain­ ments, for the benefit of\the McHenry Public School Library, at the City Hall, jpn Wednesday evening, Feb. 6. Mr. Klrf has few equals as an elocutionist and character imperspnater, and our citizens can look out for one of the finest entertainments of the season. The even­ ing's entertainment will be interspersed with a fine programme of vocaf^tnd in­ strumental music. We shall have more to say in relation to this entertainment next week. _____ HORACE GREELY was right when he •aid: "It is strange how close men read the papers. We never say anything that men don't like but we soon hear of it and everybody tells us about it. If, how­ ever, we happen to say a good thing we never bear ot that--nobody seems to notice it. We may pay some man a hun dred compliments and give him a dozen puffs, and he takes it as a tribute to his greatness--never thinks it does him any good. But if we happen to say anything this man doesn't like, or something he imagines a reflection on his character, see how quickly he fires up and gets excited about itu All our evils are charged to us bat we never, apparently, get any credit lor 1I» work watifc" ' " THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. H. C. Mead. Thursday af­ ternoon, Jan. 24th, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. MRS. A. E. AURINGEB, President. Mas. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. " XoEsnry County Fair. The Executive Committee of the Mc­ Henry County Agricultural Board will meet at Woodstock, on Monday next, January 28. A full attendaace is de­ sired. By order of the President. % G. B. RICHARDS, Secretary. THERE is a verse in the Bible which con­ tains every letter in the alphabet, and it is said there is only one such. It is the twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter of Ezra and reads: "And I, even I, Ar- taxerxes the King, do make a decree, to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven shall require of you, it be done speedily." So says an exchange. But where's the j ? JANUARY 23 and 24 have been selected as the days for the meeting of the Illinois Stock Breeders' Association. The con­ ventions will be at Springfield as follows: Illinois Sheep Breeders' Association, Jan. 23, at 10YA. M. ; Illinois Swine Breeders' Association, Jan. 24, at 2 P. M. ; Illinois Bhort-Horn Association, Jan. 24, at 10 A. M.; Illinois Horse Breeders' (for or­ ganization) JfUi. 24. at-10 A. M. United meetiugof all the associations, Jan. 24, at 2 r. M. . / --^ j ; QUITE a nutnber of new reeidsncss wil1 be put up in this village early in the spring, preparations for which are being made now. Among them are John J. Miller, who will build on his lot east of what is known as the widow Beckwith house, on the West Side, Simon Stoffel will build a small house on the lot north of his residence, facing Waukegan street, and the new German society will build a parsonage on their lot south of the hurch. There are others in contempla- n of which we shall speak hereafter. love. ACT IV.--The Trevor Plantation, 1865 (lapse of a week.) Peace. "And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph still waves o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." The Algonquin Orchestra will be in at­ tendance, Free dance after the play, until 12 P. m. Admission, 25 cents. jChildren, 15 cents. Reserved seats, 35 nt«. Reserved seats for sale at Peter'o tore. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Per- ormance begins at 8 sharp. D. W. THOMAS, Manager. THE Richmond Gazette says: "The re­ mains of C. Fred Tryon were brought to Richmond last Saturday on the 10 o'clock train from Chicago, where be died Jan. 9, in one of the hospitals. The body was conveyed to the Tryon's Grove school house, where brief funeral services were held, conducted by Rev. E. J. Rose, pastor of the Richmond M. E. thurcb. Interment was at the Stewart cemetery, just west of tbe corners. The deceased was about 40 years of age and bad been a resident of this section nearly all his life. For a few years past he had made his home in Chicago, being employed at different times on the cable cars and ele­ vated road. Lately be has had no steady employment and had spent con­ siderable time at Woodstock with rela­ tives. He was sick but a few days, dur­ ing'which time he had tbe very best of care. PEOPLE who cannot refrain from recit­ ing some tale owoe when they go to visit a sick friend would best remain away. Fancy yourself lying ill in bed, and having some friend (?) call and tell you of somepne who died from an ail­ ment from which you are apparently suffering, or tell you of what caused tbe death of all his or her (we are sorry to say that it is very apt to be her) rela­ tives and friends died of, how they died, what their last words were, and a lot of other harrowing things. Do you imag­ ine it would make you feel encouraged? Certainly not. If you can't put on a cheerful demeanor, or do something to make a sick person feel cherful, bfr aU means never enter a sick room. v,'fv;, ON Wednesday evening of last week, Jan. 15, occurred the installation of officers of McHenry Chapter No. 222, Order of the Eastern Star, at which time the following officers were installed: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Barbara Van Slyke; Worth Patron, W. A. Cristy, Associate Matron, Mrs. Lor« Eldredge; Secretary, F. L. McOmber; Treasurer, Mrs. Nina E. Cristy; Conductress, Miss Kate Howe; Associate Conductress, Miss Ella Parker. Points of the Star--Ada, Mrs. Effie McOmber; Ruth, Miss Mary Wentworth; Esther, Miss Julia A. Story; Martha, Miss Hettie Wentworth; Electa, Mrs. Julia E. Story. Warder, J. Van Slyke; Sentinel, George Hanly. After installa- N&p»«Jlj>artook of a sumptuous banquet which was in waiting, and the balance of the evening was spent In a pleasant and f S c Real Estate Transfers. Recorded up to and inclnding Jan. 14,18K. U Rugptee to R Olark awjtf asc 22 (ex by And rv) Chemung ..$1610 00 F F A xtcll and w to D Iieriey njf MX see. lOOlieirung 2213 00 A J Murphy an<l v to T J Kelley It 0 ti'k 14 Spring City ydn Wo<*Uto«e... 10C 00 0 Lareon and wtoG" Stone It 9 blk « > eame 1 .. 1660 00 A.Mi'dnmb «nri w to W A MrComb wjtf nwj»' 2i Dunham; 1 00 J o Blak« an<l w et al to G McQnade Ka 8 or »>l k 25 Harts a 'n Harvard 1SS 00 J Marsh to G Bur bank It 218 assra pit nr% so , 18 Dorr 400 00 li K rstmg and w to OOhnatensen lta linn 2 sec 6 Barton 8800 00 H D Wyman and w to P McGarry 110a in seo 4 Mcllenrv . 6800 00 Marv Barton to G Wheeler njtf nejf and neitf n" sec 24 Dorr 5500 00 P He dktoiz 'o EUziijeth Snyder swX L nwM aec 22 Greenwood 2200 00 JG l.eedlf* ano w to J LceklenwX aejtf | and wX nt»ii sec 11 AMen. ... ... . 4000 00 pakwood Om Aeen to D Rlodgett It 28 / blk 8 O'kwood i fm, Dunham 10 00 B H Purrly etal to Richmond Uera Aan 32?i in awJ4 sec » Kicl rooms, 150 00 ff Pblll.p# etal to Co of McHenry for n«e Algonquin ce« pt nwjtf aeX see 27 Algonquin 100 00 Dr. Parkhurat'a New Word. Dr. Parkhurst has coined a new word, and its aptness and clever construction are quite likely to raa*e it famous. The eminent reformer's word is " Androma- ini»," and of it he says: \ "There is an element' in the feminine world that is suffering from what I shall 1 enture to call4 Andromania.' The word i J not an English one. for the reason, I cuppose, that the English language i aakers never supposed that we should i ieed such a term. It is constructed on 1 he same principle as the word ' Anglo- i nania,' which means a passionate aping of everything that is English. 'Andro- iaania' means similarly, a passionate I iping of everything that is mannish." Dr. Parkhurst makes his new word terveas the title for bis first article in he next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal, and uses it for a vigorous treat- neut of the type of women for whom he nvented it. , enjoyable manner. THE Chicago Record of tlie 14th said that" tbe pulpit left vacant by the de­ parture of Conrad Haney a month ago was filled yesterday morning by the Rev H. B. Long. "Worship" was the subject of bis sermon. The Lake Avenue Union chnrch was filled with those who came to welcome the new pastor. After the ser­ mon Mr. Long formally accepted the call of the congregation. J. A. Coleman, of the.trusteesj jtaade a speech in praise of the young nnnister aqd gave notice of the meeting of th^ongregation to-night to ratify tlie action of tbe trustees. Mr. Long will cqfme to the K$iwood church from a Congregational church at Bloom- ington, 111. He has held charges at Woodstock, 111,, and at Iowa Falls, Io. He is a graduate of Dickinson college, Pennsylvania, and at first entered the Methodist ministry. His first pastorate was in Marble Rock, Iowa. • Mr. Lovg is a widower, but next month be will marry Miss Dora Alice Beeley, of McHenry, 111. The congregation is said to be more closely united now than ever. About $600 has been raised for Mrs. Haney. Hanly Bros, are grinding feed for only six cents a bag. Read their advertise- . . FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls for sale. Also, Ply­ mouth Rock Fowls, of both sexel. 2otf FBANR COLE, Spring Grove, III. Cabinet Photographs $2 per Dosen. For the next 60 days I will make Cabi­ net Photographs at the low price of f 2 per dozen. Satisfaction g varan teed in every particular. Do not wait until the last day but call at once. L. E. BENNETT. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. |HEATING STOVES AT COST. We have a fine line of Heating Stoves which we will eell at Actual Cost for the balance of this month. Now is your time. Call and see us. 27w4 „ JACOB BONSL»TT. THE GREAT NAPOLEON Was extremely careful about bis personal habits, and no man ever possessed a keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are suffering with constipation, indigestion, or other formi of stomach or bowel trouble, at on take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald1 well's Syrup Pepsin can give, you mo relief in this respect t win ajiy other rem­ edy. Ten doses 10 c<m*Miarge sizes 50 cents and $1). At J. A. Story's. 18ml 15 per cent discount for cash on all Winter Goods during January 1895 at f§. StofM'a. Call earit?. f. } " ' * &i. ' ,J>.L ̂ .1 wL: WW- T. S. Huntley was over from Huntley Sunday. J. B. Perry, of McHenry, was here on business Friday. * Chas. Brink was home from Chicago over Sunday. Geo. Brink spent a part of last week in Chicago. . j*' Mrs, B. F. Ellsworth visited friends in Chicago the first of the week. E. R. Murphy, of Chicagp, spent Sac* day with his parents here. Will Bolgth' itrtd li. J, Young cetfteft on friends at McHenry Sunday. S. E. Trut x, of Chicago, spent Sunday at hiahome here. Mi*s Anna Nisb, of Cary, was the guest of .Miss Alice Corlett a part of last week. Cj P. McManus, of Chicago, spent Sun-r day with his parents here. «' Mr« R. P. Mead is visiting "relatives and friends at Elgin this week. Postmaster J, F. Callahan, of Algon­ quin, was in this city on business last Saturday. C. Thompson and Geo. DuBoyne, of Harvard, attended the opera here Fri­ day evening. C. W. Morton and wife, of Algonquin, were the guests of Henry Keyes last Saturday. Jos. Beck, of Oregon, stopped off here while on his way to Maine, to spend Sun­ day with his Uncle, G. F. Mills. M. Rooney, of Chicago, visited! with relatives here the latter part of last week. Mrs. Geo. Schmidt returned tip her home at Cary Saturday alter a pleasant visit with relatives here. Mrs. E. S. Sprague and son returned on Saturday from an extended visit at Huntley. Mrs. E. B. Allen returned on Saturday from a pleasant visit with friends at ttockford. The next shoot of tbe Woodstock Gun Club will take place on the Fair grounds on Tuesday, Jan. 29. Circuit Court adjourned on Saturday for one week, Judge Goodwin being call­ ed elsewherte this week. A heavy rain storm visited this sac Hon Sunday night and filled up cisterns, which, in some instances were_ nearly empty. C. F. Renich and wife, O. G. Mead, Misses Lottie and Mamie Renich and Emma Bach man attended a masquerade at Harrington last Friday evening. The Woodstock Amateur Dramatic Association is rehearsing a play which will be given in the City Hall some time next month. The "Suinmer Blizzard" Company ap­ peared to a good audience in the City Hall last Friday evening and all report it the best performance of its kind given here in years. Arrangements for the Guards' reception and ball to be given in the (ity Hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 28, are nearly completed and it promises to bef/ieevent of the season. Smith's orchestra, of Janesville will furnish the music. The brewery company shipped ice to Harvard by rail the latter part of last week and filled their ice houses at that point. The ice was cut from their lake at the brewery, was IH'4 inches thick, and" is the finest quality ever harvested here. Warren Goddard brought a red fox to this city last Saturday and sold it to Attorney Lumley. Mr. Goddard shot the animal in John Stewart's slough, in Greenwood, and is the third one shot at that place this winter. Another business change was consum- atfed in this city last Saturday, G. F. Gaulke, of the firm of Gaulke & Kilian, proprietors of the meat market at the southeast corner of the square, sellinir out his interest in the business to ,T. E. Evans, of Chicago, and the firm will here­ after be known as Evans & Kilian. Tbe continental tea, given in the City •Hall last Thtwaday e^rnriifr-tfhder tbe auspices of the ladies or tbe different churches, was a grand success and net­ ted them the snug sum of $50, which will b» used for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A., of this city. Supper was served from 5:30 to 7:00, after which a fine program wasxe^4ered by local talent^.. f RINGWOOD. Ft. W. Allen was in the city Friday on milk business. Squire Robbins, O. W. Owen and Cbas. Eldredge, of McHenry, were here on busi­ ness Thursday. Messrs. Marble and Toles, of Green­ wood, were calling on friends here the first of the week. Mr. Small, our harness maker, reports a good trade for this time of year, of which we are glad, as Ringwood needs a harness maker. / The little son of Cbas. Prickett is quite sick at this writing with lung f»y@r. Dr. ^Aupinger is in attendance. Jas Lfcdd and wife returned to thmi* home in Iowa last Tuesday. H. C> Allen and wife entertained Mrs. Butterfield, of Chicago, a few days last week. She also spent a few days with P. K. Allen and family, at Richmond. t Tabor Jk Ingalls are pressing acarload of straw for Geo. Yogle, of Solon, this week. "Mike" does the tying,. Quarterly meeting services were held here Sunday afternoon. Presiding Elder Haight delivered the sermon. Burton Stevens, of English Prairie, was calling on friends here Saturday. E. Ingalls and family are entertaining riends from Shar6n this week. If your cows are bothered with garget or milk fever don't delay, but call on Prof. Carr for bis remedy, which he guar­ antees to cure or no pay. He is making a canvass of tbe county in tbe interest of tbe dairy in this line. • Pay no attention to slanders or gossip mongers. Keep straight on in your course and let their backbiting die tbe death of neglect. What is the use qf lying awake nights brooding over the re­ marks of some false friend that ran through your brain. What's the use of getting into a worry and fretover gossip that has been set afloat to four disad­ vantage by some meddlesome fellow who has more time than character. These th'ngs cannot permanently injure you unless you take notice of them and give them character and standing. If what is said about you is true set yourself right at once If it is false let it go for what it will fetch. If a bee stings you would you go to the hive and destroy it? Would not a thousand come upon you? We are generally losers in the end if we stop to refute all the backbiting and «gossip-| ing we hear. They are annoying, it is- true, bnt not dangerous so long as we doJ not arato to expostulate and scold aboun them^|«t us always bear in mind that^ culfritn^ors may usually be trusted to the slow but steady ^ ?nion. • DO NOT WAIT. > *, I iu are troubled with constipation „ s, which are usually a result of this disorder, go at once to your druggist sndget. a 10 cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. And for indigestion noth­ ing can equal it. Large sizes 50 cents aMfl. At J. A. Story's. 18ml y Only the genuine time die Rubber Good* TAXW TAX*S ! The undersigned, Collector of Taxeefor the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 21st, 1895, be at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said tbwn: Mondays--At the' store of Lay & Ad­ ams, in the village of Johnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays--At the store of John J. Miller, West McHenry. Saturdays--At tbe of Parr/ A Owen, McHenry. All persons having Taxes to pay should call at any of the above named places at as early a day as possible. ' ^ ' 'v^-. *JOHN H. FRF.UND, Collector. Vrv , ' * NTTNDA TAXES. The undersigned, Collector of Taxes of the Town of Nunda, will be at thejfollow- ing places for the purpose of receiving taxes of said town: Tuesdays--At Barreville. Wednesdays--At the store of Smith & Throop, Nunda. ' Thursdays--At the store of Simon Stoffel, West McHenry. ^Persons having taxes to pay are re­ quested to call at any of the above namoH nlfimi ' , f- 5k ' S. E. F. MATTHEWS, Collector, vguitmII 8.. . . . . . . . ^ 3 " Insure your property and be insured. ANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years age. Apply to W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor. Plush Caps, Gloves, Mittens and Un­ derwear, at way down prices at Perry 4 Owen's. Buy your Holiday Presents 'Miller, Vfi-M McHenry, ' A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in (either, only f2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Low prices in fall underwear at Pierry & Owen's, and a monster mock to select from. « Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry ft Owen's. ^ Celuloid Jewelry Cases, Celuloid Frames, Celuloid Cnrda and Card Cases and Celu­ loid Brush aud Comb Cases at Besley'»» I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term 'of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. THE "iim T," one of the best five cent cigars in town, at Besley's. Save the big discounts on fur and cloth Overcoats at S. Stoffel's. Flannels, suitings, line serges' and new dress goods at Perry & Owen's. School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry & Owen's. Horse goods of the 5-A brand only at S. Stoffel's. Large stock of Overcoats, turned into cash this season, Miller's, West McHenry. must be at*J. J. A beautiful book for only 35c, to be found at J, A. Story's, inst the thing for a dainty gift. * x' Unheard of reduction €toaks and Jackets at S. Stoffel's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the comma® one^,, J£$imd only at Perry & 0wen'8' ^ OCEAN T1CKET8,. V To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of tbe world. • SlMOK SfO»*-«L. ECONOMICAL. Mothers your attention is called to Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as the simplest, most pleasant to take, and at the same time most potent and economical remedy you can give the children to regulate the bowels and relieve from all manner of stomach troubles. It regulates. Try a 10c bottle 10 doses 10c. (For children 20 doses 1.0c) at J. A. Story's. 51ml Still in the insurance business. S. STOFFRL. ' Don't Tobaeeo Spit or 8moke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, . the only harmless, «*jajante«d tobuepp-habit cure: If you want to quit and cau't use "No-to-bac." Braces up uicotiuized nerved, feliftffiiates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight aud vigor, t'ositive Cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St. ; New York 10 Spruce St. 9yl. Look over our carefully selected stock of Fargo and Douglas ShoeB for all, only at S. Stoffel's. - FOR SALE CHEAP. Three fine residences, with large gar­ den lots, located in the center of the vil­ lage. Some of the choicest, building lots in McHenry and West McHenry, at very low prices. Term*' reasonable. Also have farm property and lots of 1 to 5 acres in River Forrest subdivision, sotuh of the village. Inquire of O.. N. OWEN, 23tf At Bank of McHenry. Pillsbury's, Chick's and the famous Fancy Patent Flour at reduced prices at S. Stoffel's. V " i HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. The brick house and lot, kpown as the Walsh place, in West McHettfy, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire of Mas. W. PARKER, At Parker House, West McHenr.v, III., Dec. 11,1894. 23w6. HsVe you bought a Suit or an Over­ coat of J.J. Miller this season? If not calrj learn prices, aud you will buy one. Low Bate Excursions to the West. v On December 4 and 18, 1894, the Northwestern Line will sell Home-Seek­ ers' Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for the round trip; tickets good for return pas­ sage at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed information apply to agents .Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 21w3 • BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of tbe finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will to Call and see them. » I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD. Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Perry & Owen's, f 20 suits now $15. f 18 suits now f 14. Ail very low inlwrice. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHemyv •' . .... We am getting our stock re­ duced in readiness for ear spring stock, which will earlier than usual this year, are getting first eholce from early importatlone* All will bought far spot cash, and leel^ • <- for bottom prices In all lines Spring wear alt "winter goods must Come in and see us To TUB LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VICW- ITY I would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six" months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. PERSONS desirous of purchasing Piano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is one of the best pianos for the money on tbe market. O. W. OWEN, Agenfr Notice to the Publle! I have just completed a Patent of ai article that will be of general use to tbe public. It is a tool for cutting Brass, Copper, Steei or Iron, and can be used by hand quickly and easily. Has a Ro­ tary Motion, Spindle or Gear Pressure, und is one of the most useful articles for general usee ver invented. As soon as prac­ ticable 1 shall commence their manufac­ ture and will then explain it more fully^ Patent applied for. MA* ISNTTLBN. McHenry, Dec. 1,1894. FOR SALE. The farm known aB the John Fitisim- mons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS, Ifbutt A d ministration. NOTICE. Having secured tbe services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call 4^4£ork warranted and done promptly# ^4-. 41 BISHOP. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. No merchant In the county can match aur fine line of ladies' and gents,'boys' ond mifsee' fine shoes. ' JOHN J. MILLER, PROTECTION THE CRY. " Protect your children from tbe Jearfnl fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair ol those "Best of AH"6chool shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem­ edy for constipation, indigestion,Chronic nick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in 50c and f 1 sizes by J.A.Story, McMenry 7ml SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do you know that if you keep your sys­ tem open and |ree from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc­ tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's byrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures coastipar tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large size 50c and fl. At J. A. Story's. 18ml FOR SALE. MUD I MUD! Every scholar going to school needs a pair of good school shoes and the best rubbers. We bare tbe best and the cheapest. > PERRY & OWEN. Tbe brick block known as the Pekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea1- onable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. • iw - * Awarded Highest flonors--World's DR FUR f FUR! I Will pay the highest market price, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinds. Call on or address me at West l^cHenry, 111. WM. C. HOWARD, West McHem-y, Nov. 27,1894. 2lin4 Winter founats Bates oa ths MortMFs«t- / era Line- Tbe North-Western Line is now selling excursion tickets, at greatly reduced rates, to the health and pleasure resorts of California, Florida, Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi. Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama. For tickets and full informa­ tion apply to Agents Chicago & North­ western Railway, 7 29w6 ^ Underwear, Flannels, Shawls andBIan- i ^ Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free kets almost at yaur own price at S i from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, StofM'f, I . ' /spn Y , f; 40 YEARS THE, CTANDAip^-/ " "4 • V •:•«*< ' - • S'--.'"* * • . > . » j.)f •' .r. CREAM POWER PERFECT MADE. In eenseque go out $$ ftAit'-" 1 iV' ' v At m , ,S v-WJSllVlWX ,"?* if •5s % 1" W" 1 » tV * SV / n * * J v * ! We are overloaded with heavy winter goods, owing to the late fall, and want to unload at oBee» .: therefore we will make prlett low enough. Have all bizeB of^ tbe famous Mishawaka wool knit Boot, . . . . . . , WHEN YOU ARB OUT IN THE COLD AND WET 3 your feet require taction. There s oottlBf world as good as IB MhhnnlnMMUl WML BOOTS. Three ttaos as amtbUjeafWl boo* made--Hwtt jpi*.. Wateh tor tra««MHat* "Biil;? awd lnrod. All Otnetf Mtimltatioas. P>uea«e<» aa^nadeby •QHAWAKA WOOLEN MFT. QFC, We 'are also agents for the fsmon# ^ ^ Snag Prrtof Rubber Boots and Over»fc ~ » They are the t>«stJ Beware ef others such as Nou Sosg. Anti Snag. Never* ^nag and many otbcrslmit^tlllg the'; ' ,:j:| genuineSuagProof. . . \ have customers who bemj fat these overs of us in 1^92 and are.n] wearing the same ones to-day, without a bole or crack in them. These same persons woie oat t^o to four pairs of the beefc or- ; , dinary rubbers each season before.. getting the 'snag proo^' Ttebj-y best ordinary rubbers are^oot in it with the 'snag proot.' |3g"Tho Snag Proof overs and robber boots can be bought at no other place towns atelliie; sole agents, # Perry" & Owen, M IGeneral Merchants ̂ MoBjBNMY. ILL. TEM&Y * OWU. BsakMS. MoHKNRY^- - .This Book racftves emd mil* Arefem and ekajigie. and do* a - wHMil i+uQTAmr Banking General We endeavor to do ail tfntstod to owr core in a upon (esmn entirety automaT* and rt public patronage. : MONEY TO On RaxI WUnlt MMl |H» toatrity, tmtion*. XJStm

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