Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1895, p. 8

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lAKTlfkilT. 4 •, •-*; , M Ladies (t the head ee tmaer the above s W. I credit for tfce T. 17 « no part or < m: M •&r Thty Killed My Fkp» At one of oar seaside resorts last Aug- •Ht a warm attachment sprank op be. twees a lad (4 thirteen and a young man "W v. no had one® bceu famous Yale half-back. The college man i seldom without hie cigarette, to the, it distress of the boy. " Don't smoke 'em," he pleaded again and again, and all inquiries into his objection to cigar­ ettes got the same answer, "They killed my pnpn," Tt vrae true, too. The boy's yoting and talented father had weak longs, which the cigarette poison had weakened still more until consumption found him an [easy prey. Ill our large cities there are a great many "cigar-butt grubbers," as they are called. It beftatBly is pot a pretty name, though very appropriate, for it is ap­ plied to boyB and pi/lewho scorn* the streets in search of half-burnt cigars and •tabs, which are dried and then sold to be used in making cigarettes. \ Bat this is not all, nor even the wont of it. "Havana flavoring," wluch is used lor making some cigarettes, is imported by the thousand barrels. This flavoring $8 made from the tonka bean, which con­ tain^ ^ deadly poison. The wrappers are sometimee made of common paper, and sometimes of the ragmen's filthy pickings bleached white. Think of this, boys, the next time you pick up a cigarette, and drop it as yon would a coal of fire. The latter would nmply burn your fingers; the cigarette barns up good health, good memories and good faculties. A bright boy of fourteen took to cigar­ ette smoking. He grew stupid and sub­ ject to nervous twitchings, until finally he was obliged to give up his studies Tke family placed all the blame of his tradition on his cigarette habit, and when asked why he did not give up smok­ ing entirely, he said he had often tried to, bat could not. "Does cigarette smoking injure the longs?" asked some one of a leading Mew York physician. For his answer the doctor lighted a cigarette, and, inhaling A mouthful of smoke, blew it through a corner of his handkerchief, which he held tightly over his month. A dark brown •tain was distinctly visible. "Just such a stain/' Baid the doctor, "is left upon the lungs." If you ever smoke another cigarette, think of the stain you are Making. F. L. McOmber's it i;n life West INoM.n-y lean Save Yos a Big par ctat ' ON aayming in the Stove 4fa& This is not merely an as­ sertion, bat, positive fact! The number of Stoves and Ranges sold by us thus this a«w3os, is-ttlbsad of .aay insreioss la ths records of our city. The universal satisfaction given .by the IT A A, mtsm «BIW Their superiority in style and finish. Mid above 1 the prices at which we sell them is giving us THE STOVE TRADE ) all OF THE COUNTY. ^ make room for a heavy spring stock coming fHh' f t 1 time for the season. r .. .. " ' i.:, ' • Clothing, Overcoats^ . Cloaks, Fjjr Coats* blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Shawls^ Caps, Etc., - ' FINE LINE OF I HAVE AN EXCEPTION ALL Skates from 4Qc/to $3,75. ' T" Will all si w my Wa full bne ot seponwble Hardware,talways|| L . M c O M B E B >:f;; *:;• <tV' I •i THE INTER OCEAN -13 THE- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL ' DAILY (without Sunday).. DAILY (with Sunday).... $6.oo per yew $8.oo per year The Weekly Inter Ocean [ Ct .00 PER YEAR J *r * yt* >* . V fv r". I5k PER YEAR... AS A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of th« tliMS In respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing AU. inn NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. : . I The Weekly Inter Oceart r AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It has something of Interest to eacfi member of the family. ITS YOUTH'S DEf IT FLOATS "«k SPARTMENT is the very best of Its kind. fV| ITS * "TERARY FEATURES are unequaled. II POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its reader* the'ben**" of the gUest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NBWSOr THE WORLD. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. JJIST'ER^/F'ALL'^WEST'"'OF"'ALLEG'M ANY' MO'"\T'AINS.A A^I^^IS^BE^TER ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY ' PAPER FARTHER EAST. It i» in accord with the people ol the West both In Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean Is ONLY ONE DOL­ LAR PER YEAR. A4d«s. THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. X H. Coal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran, Oil Oats, Ground Feed. SEST ror SHIRTS. •me WOOI FEW a GAMBLE CO. OMTL ELECTRIC TELEPHONE gold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapt©! to City, Village or Country. Needed in every horns, shop, store and office. Greatest conven­ ience and best sel ler on earth Acral* make from *5 to §S(l per day. One in a residence means a »a)e to all tno neieliborf-. Fine instruments no toys, works, anywhere, nny distance. Complete, ready for nse when *hiH ed Can be put up by any <in<v never o-it of order, no rpnairins;, lasts a life tin*, Vurrinted. A money raitker Write • ; W. P. Harrisen&Co.. Clerk 10. Columbia, QL * You have get to Get my prices on quantities, from a bag -full to a car load; be­ fore buying elsewhere. W. L CRISTY, WEbT UcBZNR Y^JUUL. BTJRLXN MANUFACTURER* WMST.R OP W R I T E F O R PRICES > CATALOGUE e M •A The tbamb is so unfailing indcK of character. The Square Type in­ dicates a strong will, great energy slid firmness. Closely allied ie- tfiie BpatuiiiU'd Type, the thumb of those of advanced" ideas and business ability Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; ana Deraorest'e Family Magazine pre­ pares especially for ench persons I whole volume of new ideas, con­ densed in a small space, so ihat the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hour. Tbe Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a love of BUHic, poetry, and fiction. A person with thin type of thumb will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions, of Demorest's Magazine. The Ar­ tistic Type indicates a love of beauty ana art, which will find rait pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict­ ure of roses, K14 x 24 iucheg, repro­ duced from the original painting by Be Longpre, the most celebrated of living flower-painters, which will be given to evtry subscriber to Demorest's Magazine for 1895. The co*t of this superb work of art wss $850.00; and the reproduction cannot be distinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pub­ lished in each number of the Maga- Kine, and the articles are so pro­ fusely and superbly illustrated that the Magazine is, in reality, a pc:„ folio of art works of the highest order. The Philosophic Type la the thumb of the thinker and inventor of idens, who will be deeply inter­ ested in those developed monthly in Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover tbe entire artistic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the daji. Demorest's is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was lone ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your subscription; it will c,.Sf ntiU' *tt nnt you TfiH ha~6 a dozen Magazines in one. Address W. J ESKIMOS DUMBEST, Publisher, 16 East 14th Street, New York. Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pages.and its articles on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in its small size, slenderuess, soft nail, and emooUi, rounded tip, those traits whieb belong essentially to th« gentler everyone of whom should subscribe to ftemorest's Magsztfie. If you are unacquainted with tte saarila, send for a specimen copy (free), and admit that seeing tbeee THUMBS has pat «u of saving m«ney by finding in one BTOfythlng to Mtls^ Ow litmqr wanU ot I A. BAERUS, DBALBB JH CHQIC* *AMILT CiMOtlMMi'ES; JIOTIONS. Boots avid Shoes, VOLO, OX, SSSeSSSSSSSSSSSMSSI R I P A N S ABULES Tour winter's supply stock of goods m tO Wll<e--• largest irtEiibHAiibisi idt too many ^aric ^ v; to reduce stock. * , 7" v V i Owing to the continued mild weather we have goods, and are willing to reduce prices in order Wo wHl nM^ y ̂ ^ch price as are is keeping zvith tfci^e t i jae? SWM1 tfeie kisd of a wint^RJ OH folloTrisjg lines of good^, ' . J * * ^ % , l«V* j-J? ^ { ^ a *" V Gloves and Mittens Horse Blankets, Lap Robes, „/V\ t ck Coats, ill T unloaded to your benefit and dor loss, as we still have and only good goocfak 'i - lew'Wall Paper, Overcoats, Heavy Heavy . Felt Boots, Overshoes, •r . Underwear. „f. v Weolen Bbdet#k , onades. 1100 rolls stylish aad cheap wall piper received this montk. ' X h s b e s i s t q p k o t S h a d e s e v e r s h o w n i n t k U * \ . SPRING SHOES (3f the well known houses of Douglas and Fargo, now in stock, from common ealf to the finest Kangaroo and enammeled. Various lasts and novelties. It iit>t>ei» Goods' and illm*m» waka Knit: Wool Boot#t| 5-A Horse Blankets at cost. 8 doz. Dutchess Trousers just received, froffi $2, $3 to $3.25. all wool and warranted. -Mayflower Tea, Arbuckle'S; McLaughlin's, Ceylon and Lion, and Mexican Coffees- IN FLOUR We carry Pillsbury's Best, Chick's Best, Fancy Patent* and the Famous Sleepy-Eye. SIMON STOFPEL Our thus far reliable and carefully handled XNSUZSANCOH BuSIZfBSS Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday an< will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. v SIMON STOFFEL. PVlpwVVW k HEMULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPAN8 TABCLES are the beat Medl. elne known for Indigencies, BUloueiieii, •eadache, Coaatlpatlon, bynpepala, Ohreale IJvcr Trouble*, DUilncu B»«i €omplezloB, Vjieaterjr, Offensive Breath, end nil dla* •rders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Rlpans Tabulee contain nothing injnrlons to the most delicate constitution. Are Pleasant t ttte| aaf^^ffectual, and give immediate relief. Are pleasant to • me dlate relief. J , I'ackaoe(IbozeSL J •I. May be ordered through nearest druggist. J or by m*fl. Sample tree by mail. Address THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO 10 8PRUUB BTREET, NEW \ORS; CITT, ress f CO., t :rnr. f »•»«•••• vti. if From now until-January 25th 1895,1 will s II LADI#8' SHOES Regardless of Cost. I also have on hand a full line of RUBBER BOOTS, Overshoes, Felts* Arties and Rubbers. PATENTS | [Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- \ , i ent business conducted for MOOCRATC FCE*. fOun Orrice is OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT Orncc _ and we can secure patent in less lime than those ~ remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo.,, with descrlp-'1 tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of'[ charge. Our fee not due til! patent is secured. ! > A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," WITH" cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ; sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO OP*. PATKNT Orncc, WASHINGTON, D. C. IF 10U WAKT INFORMATION ABOUT ; JULIA A. STORY, f ' DJEALKK IN . Drugs A Medicines. Akvuu una c.» Drois, Chemicals, Dye Stift, Faints. Oil* and Ctolort eontfanUp OH hand, AUo a tvM WMfaf PATENT MEDICINE8, TOILET ARTICLES. AWD A OOMFLKTB STOCK OT Stationer;] & jDrnggists' Sundries PHYSICIANS' FBEECEIFTIONS •# * WW Carefully compounded by a Registered Pbarmarlst. Tour Fatronage la respectfully solicited. JULIA A. QTORY. r One\Door Weit ofXRnertld* I cute, Meffemry, ill* DEA.LER IN IOPPOBJTB BISHOP'S MILL MCHENRY, ILK*. STOVES. TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. NOI YOU ARE WRONG! This man is not complaining that he has A CORN on his toe, but is shouting Addrew a letter or postal card to nl PBm ciiAois i As cheap as tlie cheapest. All No. 1 goods. Gall and see me and I will dio you good. I. A; BAKRU8. JOHN WE00ERBURN, ^Ko. Bos WA8H I COHPART, Adai|kj. A 8HIN&TX)N, SOLDIERS?1 CHILDRI ON3 PBOC0BED FOR WIDOWS, EN, PARENTS. We have the largest stock of Stove in McHenry county, among which are the W orld's Best Acorn Stoves. If yon want a Cook or Heating Stove, either Coal or Wood, be sure and see us before you buy Table and Pocket Cutlery, Of tbe best makes, and warranted. ID Bbort, In our store can be found aoy j&&:<r«rtktfe usually kept In a first e»ass Hard -^are store, end we will always make Xlpor prices right. Call and see us when In want of anything In our ll«f» Jobbing and * epatrln .Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of ?! '•£&*• 1 dBtyln the rejralmr Army or Navy the war. -- in?' SrSSrfSa OW® 1,000,000 ACORN STOVES „ specialty. ' Thousands' entitled to . romptly Att#« Hsating Stoves at Cost JACOB BONSLETT, . n:i! * '.? "W.' . r r P.' -rv#1 ti ' i : v Wool Jackets, ' ""' X #: Knit Shirts, " , X ;"J ^ *<** 0*2 .J W"e hare, among other choice fresh groceries to offer yoi^ SO pound8 good Raisins for Sl| Femember onr» Other dried fruits in proportion. Su^rar is cheap Jersey Lily Flour is not undersold in price nor outdone in quality. • ; r- / ? srf,Tr; , ;• <-*, ^ ' i v; ' Yours tor business for the year 1895. - ^ ,**»•' 1 • •• •• •' 1 ' it 4 'i vfeK. JOHN J. MILLER, West MeHenry^ JACOB JUSTEN CBESBT. I lit, N. J. JUSTEN, To the Furniture traditti Would be pleased to have yon call and see my complete line of • ALEE IK W0ALL KINDS, I also keep a full tine ot samples ot Carpets, and can please you both in quality and price. ®ri also have a large stock of Picture Mouldings and do Bepairiai, Picture Framing, Etc. Call and look my when in want ot F any kind. UNDERTAKING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnished at aeasonable rates. JACOB JUSTEN. Ilfeilenifjf. Jan 1, 1895. Wesit McHenry, Ul^ A larger stoctc of Furniture ever before, which I am offering at greatly ^ REDUCED PRICE®. •Mi •m V'A stock over urniture of 1 also keep in stock a full line, of samples of Carpets, and w#i can give you anything trom th cheapest to the finest Brussels lower prices than any othe|: V^ house in the tounty. ' r •f » UNDERTAKING Supplies of all kinds always o» W' hand. X FZBTA splendid Hearse in con­ nection!̂ N.J. JUHTEN. i: .,j f i'-' ;-v •*% enry, Jan. 1,1895 i * ^ %. S * - X > - WWiWIWifj Four of the Mills of tbe bury-Washburn Flour Mills Co » limited made the woek ending Deo, 1st, 1894, the enormous amount of 122,483 1-2 barrels, makings total weekly output of all five mills Q| 130,000 barrels of the ^ BEST FLOUR ON EARTH, The Pillsbury "A" Mill average#4 tor the se me week a daily product tion of 9,323 5-6 barrels of flour. vr , _ The necessity for this ext'sordii^ j v ^^ ary output is found in the unpaiv ' alleled popularity of Pillsbury's Bee|^ > ? 1 he rillsbury Mills lead all other# not only in quality but quantity c# ill flour produced* , . r - the Tbanking you for past patronage and hoping fors continuance of J e same, we wish you a Merry Christmas anda Happy New Year. 4 McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. •s •*' £ ' » : " W - I mm tm mm m . r;> Dm West MoHenry, III. 'DBALSS IH- Drugs, Medicines* ^INTS, dlLS^I TOILET AKTICLli PDBK VINES AND LIQUOBS FOB MEDICAL Usi. -»> : I -;rV Aliii Bottled Ale and Porter % jMatl ITffT.c if Sfest brands of Cig iw and smoklnp and chewirir TobaoM always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions! y compoandod.. Uivo me a call, GEO. W. BESLEY, I-I West McHenry, Jan* 2,1895 * y t"\ m t 'v,, ^ ^ J' jt ,J*\. fl i V\i .""i,* 'l'i 'i * * * •

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