5 v 5 . WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1895* Railway Time Tabte. 1- t V Commencing at Noon 9un<tajr, Jn«e 10, MM rrai^k will paap jp* Ittttm M OOIHO WBIfc " •» *t •• V* £*.•»*»»--•* . . , & tVil'lam* V-" v (.">»*••*•« •.,. -Jtt HfiiiiiMiM ».» V • »»«, K Williams" Bay PaMenge*.., OOIHO WORTH. E WllliAma Bay Paaaenger.. E Williams Bay Freight...... £ William# Bay Kxpress E Ultttianm Passenger.. S bafce Geneva Passenger rjKXFLAMATIO*, p.*. '<• -'<*> Dally. o . K pally except Sua. Jay. Sundays only. B. BUSS. Agent, MoHenry, 111. ^ A, *?. 8: *4 A,- M. •*. j - j ± J M. ^.SJi P. M. .... 9:M 4. tf. ...11:45 A.tf< ... ,4:55 P. M, ,... 6:51 " # J MASONIC. % HoSmT LODOa, No. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- &eiular Oommunicatî ns the seoond and frarth Mdtadays in each month. F. L- MOOMBKS,IW.M. ORDER OF THE EASTERN ST J Regular Meetings the First and Thinl W*d- jMisday evenings ol each month, at Masonw F. It MRS. BARBARA VAS SLTKS.W. M. MOOMBHK. Secretary. KI ' K. O. T M. !"*n > - ' McBEIfRT LODftl So. 77, K.'O. T. M. R®?" I; .alar meetings second/ and *»«*»)» i,w -f evenings of each month. at K. O. T, M. Hall. U- :GKO HAHLST, Oom, L~ N.Hickah.B.K, VAJU. Mm. WM. BACON was rioting with friend* at VOIQ a part of last week. PBOF. W. H. STBAYEB waa a CUeago visitor on Saturday last. Mas, H. E. WIG HTM AN spent a part of last week with friends in Chicago. L. J. SCHATIB, of Chicago, spent Sunday adth friends in this Tillage. v* pi.' v.-, v,~ v*» .,5.. . -.-U Jk i*AAUk 41 vuubuuw ̂• fltth* LEW HOLMES baa been tinder the doc-£ tor's care for the past two weeka, and ia r improving very slowly, fi Miaa CAROLINE STRAPS spent a faw days of laat week with her father, Rev. J. Straub, in this village. W. A. CRISTY is atill doing jury duty in Chicago. Ha came out Saturday night nturninic Tuesday morning. MRS. C. H. GRANGER has been' on the sick list the past week bat is now report- ad better. MRS. C. A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, ia visit ing with her parents. Dr. H. T. Brown and wife, in this villttyge. « / JOHN MILLER, the junior member of the; jBrm of H. Miller & Son, rejoices over the arrival of a daughter on Saturday Weight 8Ji pounds. > NOAH PIKE, of Chenoa, It!., Uras ON our ts the first of the week, and was the ̂ % * rt -t * "**• 'V,* *,'r f" , Fo» SALE, a good second hand Coal t gtove. Will be sold cheap if called for at j; •pnoe.- Inquire at this office. \ THBBE will be a Social at the residence \ of Isaac Wentworth on Thursday even- ! ;|ng of this week. A good program will lli^.be given. Ail are cordially invited. A proceaa has been invented to distill t>randy out of basswood. Now, what Bortof a Chance have the temperance sieties when a man can go out and get Irunk with a fence rail. THE women of Dundee have organised "anti-gossip society." Thoae who f lail from grace and break its by-laws are subject to fluea. Every town needs such , society. ' POUND, on the streets of McHenry» 6 small Gold Ring, with set. The owner can have ihe same by calling on E. W. Howe, proving property and paying for this notice. > FBEEPOBT claims to handle more mail rthan any other city in the State outside of Chicago. Thirty-one mail trains ar rive and depart from Freeport every "day. ' ; IF yon do not wish to miss a rich treat do not fail to attend the entertainment for the benefit of the McHenry Public School Library, at the City Hall, ou Wednesday evening of next week. ; Jos. HEIMER, at the McHenry House, „ ^.advertises a Masquerade Ball for Feb. !. -i'. 25th. Smith's Orchestra will furnish the .-music, and a general good time may be expected.' See notice in another column. WE have been experiencing some very ild weather in this section the past week, the thermometer registering from 12 to 20 degrees below zero, while the storm of Friday and Saturday , was the ost severe known for years. MRS. W. D. WENTWORTH entertained twelve of her young friends on Saturday evening last, the 20fch, at her residence in this village, it being her 19th birth day. It waa an enjoyable occasion and one long to be remembered by AU who were present. FHE Belvidere Standard of last week says: "Mrs. Fred Hatch ia improving rapidly, her mind getting clearer every dut She begins to realize that aome- thing haa happened to her, but it is hard lor her to comprehend jqst what the ac cident was. Mr. Hatch's mother is here now with her." lestof Mr. and Mrs.JolmJ. Story, at le Hotel Riverside. f 3os. J. FBETT. of Chicago, was calling >n old friends nifo Sunday. He ia en-. {aged in Vilaa ft Bobbins' Packing P oups, on Halated street,. Jj REV. H. SLADE, of Lodi, Wia., was call- •* ing on friends here the first of the week. ® He came here to officiate at the funeral^ of Mrs. Stevens on Sunday. i- HOWARD STEVENS arrived home from 'J Dakota on Monday evening. He waa de- it layed on account of the severe storm ia .AS, ' is K A i 'life, i ^-rs. A ripple aloee she was six of age, haa been offered treatment by a medical institution it she would collect one million stampa. Over three million stamp* have already been sent* her, and (there seem a to be no way of stopping it. {The postmaster has been compelled to lure an extra clerk to handle the mail, 6M»d nil who *ri?l sfrt j are fnn.iK^.oti with n of- letter;: addressed to Miss Brown, which they can open and trim the canceled stamps. , AN exchange very truthfully says: "Do the daily papers say anything in regard to your locality? Do they contain touches of your echool, churches, im provements of interest which your home paper publishes? Not an item. Do they Hay a word calculated to draw attention to your city and county and aid their V enterprises? Not a line. And there are en with contracted views of this mat- tr who think that unless they are get- ng as many square inches of reading atter in their own as they do in the city papers they are not getting the worth of their money. It reminds us of, • the man who took the largest \>oot8 in the box because the price was the same as the pair much smaller which fitted him." raging in that section. He should have | been here on Sunday morning. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. H. Nordqueet, on« Thursday afternoon of this week. Pres- ent work requires a good attendance. a MRS. J. B. PERRY, President. 5 MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. *- L"t • n DIED --At the home of her parents, Mr. ? and Mrs. N C. Coaxes, at Neenah, Wis.,; on Sunday, Jan. 20. 1895, Mrs. Ida ^ Coatee Qilson, aged 36 yeara. , The subject of the above notice wjas a ̂ cousin of Mrs. J. Van Slyke, of this; village. ( )IED_.--In this village, on Saturday | diorning, January 26th, 1895, Mrs. H. i W. McLean, aged 59 years. ' f Mrs. McLean had been in poor healtli * for y#ara, and for the past year has been f onfined to the house most of the time, p he leaves an aged husband, and fourv WE were shown a few days since a new nvention, called the ' Case Washer," hich is a little the finest thing in that ne we ever saw and one which is sure to rove a blessiDg to the women of our was not until 1881 that he made his llrst and. It is claimed that with this wash- appearance upon the floor of the €haml»erer the washing of a common family can be done quicker, easier and with less wear of Deputies. Since that lime he has bee) an Under-Secretary of State iu thr<? Cabinets, serving in the intervening poll iods as a Deputy, and for a brief term 0 Minister of Marine in the Dupny Gat inet. I Until the temper of the French peopl can be ascertained it will bo impossibl to foresee the possible effects of the eletj tion. What is most important just no| is that a definite and early decision of tH to the clothes, and better than by hand or any other way. In short a lady can get her washing out before breakfast, if ehe so desires, and so easily that she will never know she has done a washing. D. F. Hanly, West McHenry, is the agent in this section, and will call on our citisens, show them the machine and the work it Presidental contest is a good thing f<U , _ . , . France. It was more important that th«W]" do. It is a little wonder and no one Presidency Jshould bo lilled than that thashould fail to examine and give it a man elected should be exactly the right^orough trial when Mr. Hanly call*, man to fill it. The avenue through whieto j 1-- danger menaced the Constitution lay] The Oirl Aerosa the Way. through a possible deadlock in the Assem-/ We haT6 jai|t a copy of the bly, with the result of a final usurpation' of authority. This danger has been avetf ed. Whether M. Fan re is the man to co$ ciliate opposing factions and maintain neutral, conservative government is y to be seen. •» the same place. The fact that he live for more than a year has fceAii^hcli Won dered at by the local physician#, i \ v SCOTT'S BODY FOUND. above song and chorus, which is the lat est hit, composed by Alberto Hinwan. FIRST VERSE. Oh, have you ever seen het, -kf:fkr Thia pretty, winsome miaa, " v 1 This maid who stole my heart away, And filled my soul with bliss? She is my dreams at midnight, 4 My song at break of day; ; I have a thought for nothing boS , The girl across the way. *CHOBUS. Remains of fho Misslns: Treasarer «*| I'm in lOVS witE the girl o'er the way, Holt County, Nebraska, FotmdJ The botty of Barrett Scott, tho .lofai I'm in love with the girl o'er the way. Price 40 cents per copy. Our readers Children, two sons and two daughters, to $&•' Do' not forget the entertainment by A. Lincoln Kirk, Impersonator and Humor ist, for the benefit of the McHenry Public Bchool Library, at the City Hall, on Wednesday evening of next week, Feb. 6. This will be one of the finest entertain ments ever given in this village. Do not fail to attend and thus help along agood •cause. mourn her loss. Her funeral was held^ from the Universalist church on Monday j- ftfternoon,Rev. J. Strau^officiating,andh vTasltttended by a goodly number dt sympathizing friends, who followed her j_ remains to their last resting place inp Woodland cemetery. * j1 THE tickets for the grand Masquerade ^ Party, to be held at the Riverside House, ® Feb. 25. have been issued, and everything v promisee one of the grandest times ever | held at this popular dancing resort. ^ Mine host Story will leave nothing un-••• done to make it pleasant for all who at tend. See one of his tickets. His terms are so plain that no one can misunder stand them, and the price the lowest ever known for an entertainment of this kind. Slocum'a Orchestra will furniah the music. THE Ringwood Young People's Aid Society will hold its next meeting at the residence of Mra. Mary Dodge, on Thurs day evening, Feb. 7,1895. .The follow ing is the programme. Recitation Flora Piano Solo Recitation .'. M Song Recitation Wi Inst. Duet.7. Lucy Dod Reading Duet C. E. Recitation. e<; JOB. J. MERTES ia building a new Sum mer Resort Hotel at Pistaqua Bay, to be known as the Of k Park Club House. He expects to be ready to open about May 1st. Everything will be new and in first class order, and as Mr. Mertes has had experience in hotel work he is sure of giving satisfaction to all who may favqr him with their patronage. COURT is again in session at Woodstock*this weak, Judge Goodwin, presiding. All who have had any business in thia court, either as attor neys, clients or jurymen, speak in the highest terms of praise of the manner in wfiich he conducts business. He holds court six days in the week, and no one is allowed to delay proceedings by any little technicality. It ia predicted there will be more real business done this term of court than any held in years. JJ£ CIRCUIT ( Ft f \ Woodstocl •v ^"WAurora, Sr'i 't*' -- u..A:nA herhurne >ishop ii* New Year's eve, was fired upon by party of vigilantes, and after bein wounded was dragged from his carriaj; blindfolded and then placed into anoth vehicle and taken in a northerly dire tion, was found alrnut JO o'clock Sato day night in the Niobrara Kiver, aboi: 300 feet below the bridge on the Boy County side, close up to the bank and about seven feet of water. He was ii his shirt sleeves, but hRd his watch ani chain and other persoual effects on ju^ as he wore them in life. The body wai taken to an undertaking establishment and there placed on a board, just as take< from the river, frozen and disheveled the rope around the neck, hands tied bo hind him and clothing and hair filled witlij . sand. Wonnds in the right ear and bad p,,gRr or a box of matches with every of the head are plainly visible, but then bill of paper, Of course he would have is no other evidence of violence. Yet t to charge a little more for the paper, but will receive a copy by sending 20 cents in postage stamps to F. W. Helmick, Music Publisher, 26 Sixth Avenue, New York. AN exchange hits the nail on the head in the following editorial: As an off sett for what the printer* loses when ]a mer cantile firm orders a bill of goods from a wholesale jobber and gets a thousand baking powder statements or a box of envelopes, with a soap ad. on them, thrown in as a premium, the printers are now looking for a wholesale paper dealer who ia willing to give a few pounds of 0 WOODSTOCK. Lent begins Feb. 27th. Jas Oermont, our popular well man, is putting down a well on the McConnell farm, near Richmond. P. W. Blanchard, W. A. Hoschild, Jas. Logue, I'. E. Saut.ders, Jaa. Lake, A. B. Digging, S. E. Conklin, H. B. Smith, J. W. (Jroesbeck and D. M. Brown, all of Harvard attended a meeting of their brethren in thia city last Thursday w. f. and iV. A. Thompson. Of Algon quin, were Woodatock viaitors on Friday last. Miss Gertrude Austin left on Monday for an extended visit with friends in Vinton, Iowa. Miss Edith Austin returned Monday from a visit with friends at Elgin. A. R. Murphy and wife ^visited frienda in Chicago on Sunday; ^ P. J. Ilarlett and daughter and Alvin Pfeifer left Thursday for a visit with rel atives in Chicago. P. Cain an, of Chicago,'visited friends here the latter part of last week. T. Simmons left on Friday last for Crand Rapids, Mich., where he will make his future home. Mrs. W. H. Jewettia visiting relatives in Chicago. Dr. Primm was in Chicago on buaineas Monday. Guy Pratt, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents here. C. N. Wright, of Chicago, apentSanday at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. John Becking rejoice over the arrival of a daughter at their home Monday. W. F. Geer was up fronf Crystal Lake this week on busiueaa. J. P. Brink returned Sunday evening from a visit with friends in Chicago. 0: S. Mead spent Sunday with friends at Elgin. R. J. Beck, of Harvard, waa here on business Monday. RINGWOOD. Good healthy weather this. Only 20 degrees below. R. Jones was visiting his sister, Mra. Thompson, Saturday. John Thompson, of Minnesota,is visit ing bis parents here. Will Dwelly, of Chicago, was calling on friends here last week. Lee Andrua waa taken quite sick Mon day, but at thia writing is somewhat better. Jonathan says that it was copied from a Minnesota paper. Show your proof please. Will Sherman, of Richmond, was a call er Thursday. We believe he hasengaged Mr. Burkman as first violinist in an or chestra he is organizing. Mrs. I). Clinnin is visiting her mother, in the city, the present week. Miss Anna Green is visiting frienda -at Woodstock. Nate Brown and best girl, of Green- | wood, were callers Monday. There was a good delegation from Kingwond to Mcllonrv- in spite of the inclemency of the weateer to hear the suit of May and Pint. We believe May was given judgment. On Monday, the 21st, the many friends of J. M. Carr and wife made them a pleas ant surprise, it being the celebration of their china wedding. J. H. Freund, our tax collector, was in town for the first, time this year on Tues day? He report# the taxes a little higher than last year. Our readers will please excuse us this time for the staleness of our items, but owing to the weather and the dreadful condition of the roads we cannot get around to gather items. Will fcgsv and do better next time. Insure your property with S. and be iosatvd. WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve yefcttW Of age. Apply to . j W. A. CBIBTY^Superviaor. WfHw* m*i? Fir*" df-rwoMT. ,'at down nrrceSi at Perry * Owen's. "f ofM. Buy your Holiday Presents Miller, West McHenry. ' A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Low prices in fall underwear at Perry & Owen's, and a monster stock to d$ect from. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen'a. " Celnloid Jewelry Cases, Celuloid Frames, Celuloid Cards and Card Cases ancl Celu loid Brush and Comb Cases atBesley's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them., > Buy your clothing at the "new sched ule" priees at Perry & Owen's. f20 suits now $J,5. $18 suits now $14. AJtoJ low in price. Loans Negotiated, Do you want money ? 1 can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 1 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. To THE LADIES OF MCHENBY AND VI< rrv I would say I atill have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river^ a!x months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. ! MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. I Wi Iff fVICInf wr II06K 19* duped in readiness for onr large spring stock, wMeh will eeme earlier tKan usual this year, are^ getting first choice from the early Importations. All wHI *bo bought for spot cash, and look < ' for bottom priees in all lines of Spring wear*. , Ilk consequence all ^winter goods must go out cheap. Come what torture he maj' have been subjectei before death came to his relief can onl be conjectured by his friends and rot vealed by his murderers. The body wa immediately taken charge of by Coron« Hoover,,of Boyd County, and an inquei wa» begun. The credit- of finding the body xr; largely due to the energy and enterprif of the citizens of the vicinity of Northei Holt nnd Southern Boyd Counties. Ti day after Scott's disappearance some we would get th^' sugar, and it would seem like finding It. If merchants who buy of this class of men would in»i«t on their keeping their stationery, and de ducting the price from the bills of goods purchased, they could use stationary ad vertising their own business only, and not have it cost anymore than thecheap stuff which is said to come. /DIED --In January 9, OBITUARY. Chicago, on Wed need 1895, C. Fred Tryon, THE University : of Illinois is asking for larg# appropriations with which to en large its work and we think it should be met in a liberal spirit. There ia no good reason why the state of Illinois should not puraue as broad a policy in support ing its State Univeraity as Michigtn, Wisconsin and Minnesota. We cannot afford to have anything but a Univeraity of the first class and the higheat grade gtand at the head of the public educa- U£fcal work of Illinois. POSTAL authorities are diecuaaiog a scheme to insure fourth class mall mat ter. The sates proposed are as followa: Five dollara in value or fraction thereof, 10cents; for additional value up to and including $10,15 cents; to and including $20, 20 cents; to and including $50, SO cents, and to and including $100, 40 cents. In consideration of these pay ments the government would pay for all matter lost or destroyed. If the scheme is adopted many packages now handled by the ex press companies will be Bent tfepough the < & • AN exchange says that a eingV page in a single issue of the Century, taken for advertising, coats $590, Harper's, $490, other magazines $100 to $350. A year ly advertisement of one column in the Chicago Tribune coats $28,550 for the lowest and $86,000 for the highest-rate. In the New York World $46,200 for the lowest and $59,000 for the highest priced column. These figures will probably aatoniah men who apend from $10 to $40 a year with a paper for advertising space and seem to think they are liberal ad vertisers. HE Social by the ladies of the Uoiver- ,list Society, held at the Riverside ouse, on Friday evening laat, was, not- ithstandinsc the severe storm, well at- nded and a moatenjoyable affair. The storm was one of the worst of the season but atill there were between forty and fifty present, and a good old fashioned time was enjoyed by all. Some were aBgent who were on the programme, but nevertheless it waa carried out success fully and waa highly appreciated by all. Mine host Story and bis estimable lady done their part, as they always do on occaaiona of thia kind. ̂ Sheriff Bckert's Appointments. Sheriff Eckert has made the following appointments as deputy sheriBs in their respecti ve towns : M. W. Lake, Harvard^ N. S. Robb, Marengo. | L. Benthusen,|Nun J. L. Hibbard, Wood H. L. Holmes, McDenry. ' siZ, H, G. Ehle, Richmond. \ s_ The W. C. C. Corset can be found in several atylaa at Perry & Owen's. A large stock haa just come in. A perfect fit ia guaranteed or money refunded. BOOKS! BOOKS! The beat author's works nicely bound for only 25 cents. Also a cheap line of paper bound books, at J. A. Story's. Try the Lj ron, Arbuckle, Ceylon Mexican Coffees at 8. titoffel's. anuary 40j£ara The funeral services were held on Sa' day, the 12th inst., in the old sch house at Tryon's Grove, where he had so'; often sat as pupil*, conducted by Rev. Rose, of the M. E. church, Richmond, and interment took place at the old family cemetery, where on that day forty-seven years before, the remains of hia grand father were laid at rest. In Fred'a life there are only "to narrate the common, ordinary events "that hu manity everywhere meeta. He was the oldest son ofG. F. Tryon, who, with his brother, C. H. Tryon, and their parents, in 1837, were the first family to settle in the town of Hebron. Left an orphan at the age of twelve yeara his boyhood days were passed in the home of his grand parents, where, in the midst of those who' loved and car ed for him, he passed the happy years that maturer manhood always recalled as the Eden of hiB life. Poaaeaaed of fine natural abilities he filled several positions of responsibility and trust, was a ready, interestin writer, had corresponded large ly for jthe country and city press, and for vears was one of the ablest of the Wood stock RentineTB able corps of correspon dents. But the world cares little for post mortem praisa or blame, and the flowers that deck a coffin lid, may not hide the thorns that have torn the wounded breast within. "Friendships fade and love dies ont, And hearts will break agd give no sign, Save whitening lips and fading tresses, , Till death pours out his cordial wine, Slow dropped from misery's crushing presses," Earth rolls so near to Heaven, and ha lf manity ia pasaing so rapidly to other fehores that we live only in hearts' that iovetui, , GOOD BYE FRED. f You wltt speak to ua many timea through the higher themes-of life and be one more link in the chain of love that lures us toward the eternal bills lit by the unfading sunlight of immortality. Good bye, but not farewell. COM, Valentines, a fine assortment just come atylulia A. Story's. FI lia A. Ise Faces, etc., a nice variety itory'a. FOR SALE. torn Bulls for sale. Also, Ply- k Fowls, of both sexes. BANK COLE, Spring Grove, 111. juarters.for the famoua Douglas Fifle Shoes for ladies and gents, at S. Stoffel'st Six dozen new "Dutchess" all wool Pants just received. Prices $2, $3 and $3.25, at S. Stoffel's. * Hanly Bros, are six cants a bag ment. rinding feed for only their advertise-a .1>1 *k.j. \ uX.i BRONZE TURKEYS FOR SALE. A few choice full blood Bronze Turkeys for sale, both Gobblers and Hens. quire of HENKY HOBART, 80w3 sj ;i'*v West McHsqigr, 111, j A nice and complete assortment of box stationery, cards, invitations, progress ive euchre tally cards, etc., to be found at Julia A. Story'£, who is constantly adding to {his line of goods. The will ml^ur Coata tie balance of our St. Paul be sol«h£! 1MB than cOat. S. STOFRWU New stock of choice S. Stoffel's. Dried Fraits at At Perry <S/owen's only can you get Heinz' Sauerkraut and Apple Butter. Also the finest mixed Sweet Picklelin the world in bulk. Go to Hanly Bros.' Brick Mills for your feed grinding. Only six cents a bag.' Cabinet Photographs $2 per Dosen. For the next 60 days I will make Cabi net Photographs at, the low price of $2 per dozen. Satisfaction gvaranteed in every particular. Do not wait until the last day but call at once. L. E. BENNETT. At Perry & Owen's you can get bast New York Full Cream Cheese. the Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Unheard of prices on all Cloaks, Over-' coats and all warm goods at S. Stoffel's. HEATING STOVES AT COST. We have a fine line of Heating Stoves which we will sell at Actual Cost for the balance of this month. Now is your time. Call and see us. 27w4 j..--. JACOB BONSLETT. 1100 rol&'new W all Paper received this week by S. Stoffel, ^35 per cent discount for cash on all Winter Gooda'during January 1895,at 8. Stoffel's. Call early .Buy qnly dee BiibNr genuine time tried at 8. Stoffel's. J Can ALGONQUIN. Miaa Jennie Chapell ia entertaining lady friend from Chicago. JD, W. Thomas' meat market ia head- rarters for choice meats of all kinds, Ousters, fruit and vegetables in their season. J. Van Slyke, editor of the-PtAiN- DEALER, was in town Moutlay, A. Doig, our popular miller, 1B putting in a cob crusher in his mill. F. Yerkes, our marshal), has been on the aick list the paat week A Ed. Morton waa in Elgin Friday. Mrs. E. M. Dodd, of Elgim ia visiting her daughter here. \ Ask Sherm how the sleighing was laat Sunday. Mrs. G. E. Dodd ia quite aick. Dr.. Na aon is in attendance. Geo. Helm waa a Woodstock visitor on Monday. Don't fail to attend the grand Drama at Columbia Hall, Friday evening. Chas. Wandrack, our boss harness maker, is rushed with work. If you need a first-class harness call on "Little Charlie." CaJU at the Morton House (or a good meal, THE GREAT NAPOLEON j Was extremely careful about his personal1 habits, and no man ever posseaaed a keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are Buffering with constipation, indigestion, or other forms of stomach or bowel trouble, at once take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin can give you more relief in this respect than any other rem edy. Ten doses 30 cents (large sizes 50 cents and $1), At J. A. Story;#, 18ml FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons fahn, situated three miles north- east Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. Thia is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county aud allimprovGuieutG are lirsl class. Is in a good stale ol cul tivation. .Will be aold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS, ~ ; 19m6 Administrators. IX) NOT WAIT. If you are troubled with constipation or piles, which are usually a result of this disorder, go at once to your druggist aud get a 10 cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. And for indigestion noth ing can equal it. Large siies 50 cents aud$l. At J. A. Story'a. 18ml NOTICE. Having secured the services of John C. Young, who has had jears of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, Will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call All work warranted and done promptly. 41 R. BISHOP- PERRY & OWEN. rt ; . , We are overloaded with heavy l\v, ': winter foods, owing to the late ~ lull, and want to unload at therefore we will make prices low enough. Have *11 bixee the famoua Mishawaka wool knit Eaot. . „ ^ '• • ' /*f WHEN YOU^ARE. OUT IN THE COUP AND WET ' yonrfeet require comfortala* tection. There s nothing In «M world as (rood as - Mishawaka AU*UH WOOL BOOTS. Dr. Price's Cream Baklag Powder ' - World's Fair Highest Award. Jfo merchant in the county can match aur fine line of ladiee' and gents,' boys' ond missea' fine shoes. JOHN J. MILL>EB, Flannels, suitings, fine serges and new dreaa goods at Perry & Owen's. Large stock of Overcoats, must be turned into cash thia season, at J. J. Miller's, West McHenry. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. At Perry & Owen's you will find alarge stock of the latest styles in Wrappers, fleeced, for winter wear. New colors and designs. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. '"SIMON STOFFEL. Have you bought a Suit or an Over coat of J.J. Miller this season? If not call, learn prices, and you will buy one. New Clothing, Shoes and Dress Goods now arriving at S. Stoffel's. Low Bate Excursions to the West.. On December 4 and 18, 1894, the Northwestern Line will sell Home-Seek ers' Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for the round trip; tickets good for return pas sage at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. • 21w3 BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes .ever brought to this marked Smokera will do well to call and aee them. FUR I FUR ! I will pay the higheat market price, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinda. Ball on or address me at West McHenry Ill.\ . WM. C. HOWARD. ^ West McHenry, Nov. 27,1894. 21m4 Underwear, Flannela, Shawls and Blan kets almost at yaur own price at S. Stoffel's. - PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair of those "Best of All"school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out t" ~ thick mud they are all trampingin. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem edy for constipation, indigestion, Chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doaea 10c) and in 50c and $1 aizea by J.A.Story, McHe nry 7ml SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do you know that if you keep your sys tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's l?yrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures constipa tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large size 50c and $1. At J. A. Story's. 18ml Three times as durable as twMI ; boot made--positively moth Watch for the trade-mark "Ball Band in (ed. AllOtHm are imitations. Patented aud made by MISHAWAKA W00UM Nf* 0»* We are also agents for the famous',:; Snag Pr' of Rubber Boots and Overs, Tt»ey are the best. Beware of others ' such as Nou Snng, Antl Snag, Never* Snag and many others Imitating the Tannine Snag Proof. 'Mi -As, - <3®. ^4 t-i a e have customers who bought ** these overs of us in 1S92 and arejil $ . FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con tains one large , store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Tnquireof 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Awarded Highest Honors ^World's Fair, DR CREAM BAKING mm ' ' v ' •ik. ~ . \ 4 r v ' , d t k - V : OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. ^;,,...';:;340 YEARS THi i*. ** tf* wearing the same ones to-day, without a bole or crack in them. These same persons wo;e out '.yt',^ two to four pairs of the best or-* v dinary rubbers each season before . if ' * the 'snag proof.* Th^^v^^ t ordinary rubbers are not it with the 'snag proot.' - g^-Tho Snag Pro6f overs and rubber boots can be bought at BO nf » ^ other place ia towni we sole agents. Perry & Owen ̂ General Merc f̂&nts* mam a owza. Basket tsSil|fe- MoHKNRY, - - ILLINOIS* ^ Thu Bank 9«emve§ defXMife, and teU* Foreign and Dmnmtic change, and does a General Bankitg Batisese We endeavor to do aii trusted to our care in a meomer OMI upon te.ms entirely satwfattar? to m* customer? and respectNUg aofrctf ttf fmblic patronage. ̂ MIONEY TO LOAM <: ion Beat Estate and tdktsr fir* ztem eecurity. Sjpeeiai aiimittm *«•»» lections, wirnstmAMom ; • In first €Mam Oomtr*--* erf IA* XOHMM XOtfTi JX MIMIY iMll^ prwoft. .