Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1895, p. 8

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^y:A.?Km > „ • »\ ." . '•• N . " - .- x / + ' •'• V? ' ,; , ,-1! 'f .-•'?*? SHI WAS OVER EIGHTEEN. ^IIMI W the Groom, Agen »«*«»: y£r»* Ea«lly Got a, LIMMS. <Jfaristmaa morning Comity Clerk Fes- (fjWvrasiii his offico attending to certain' imperative work when the iron door, -Which was slightly ajar, was polled slow­ ly open, and a tnan, whose hair was as white as the driven snow, With a beard . *-..•«<- sn anni •>vn»pn i-»«rmn into r; :••• aiitl Walked V'-i' (" "Say, you yoaug. man over there," tMR>' the ancient gentleman, "is this 'are the place whar they giv' op c'tifi- catea fur tu git mar'ed?" "This is the place where marriage uses are issued,'! said Mr. Fessler, whi> added, "Do you desire a marriage ^jse?" •That's 'bout the size uv it," said i old man, and he shambled over to license window. , "You will have to produce a witness Who can swear that the lady is over 18 years of age." This was the information given to the antiquarian. "Well, you jist waitaminit," here- plied and then disappeared. Within a few seconds he reappeared, and with him came ft lady whose hair was as white as his own, and whose appearance indicat­ ed that she was but little behind him In the race of life. , ( "Now, look here, SOD," said the old man, "this 'ere lady is tu be the bride. ~T Jon't think she is tu giddy not fur tu kno' her o'n mind, do you?" No further questions were asked. The affidavits were drawn. George H. Wil­ son swore that he was over 21 years old, while Mary EL Ausman made affidavit that she was more than 18 years of aga "Say, son," remarked the old man as he took the lady by the hand and start­ ed for the door, ' 'say, son, I'm 75 years old, and she's 72." They were seen going down the Dela­ ware street stairway hand in hand, ap­ parently as happy as though their foot­ steps had not passed the border line of threescore and ten years.--Indianapolis Sentinel. a F. L. McOmbers. f - - • I' West MoMen-y !!m, AT FLOATS m , t, rata msT FOR SHIRTS. T^ .raOCTEB & GAMBLE CO.. CIHTI. 2vT ^ Iij 11 A ll i lean j Save YOB a Big per cent ON anything in thct Stove ."j* This is not merely an as­ sertion, but a positive faefc. Ji umber of'Stoves and Kano** W w» • ihw# t ^ j > J* -*v r* 1UU4) vi,.; V iU lAiV t-T or y*-" - • ' < * » , "-J i X ', %.A\ records of our city. The universal satisfaction given by t-hp: '**'** * if • > **• * r h - * •* - v Their superiority in style and finish, and above all the prices at which we sell them is giving us STOVE TRADE OF THE COUNTY. "^ I^HA \ ixOEPTIONAKLY FIKl Mfe 01^ Skates from 40c. to $3,75. lW" f^jgpA full line otseasonable Hardware, always^ L . M C O M B E R . ; THE INTER OCEAN -IS THE- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Sunday)$6.oo per yett DAILY (with Sunday) . $8.oo per yeftr The Weekly Inter Ocean ici .00 PER YEAR » T1 BY MAIL ~ \ AS A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the tUae^ in ali respects. It spares neither pains ncr expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Oceaii AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED B? 1HY. Hi It has something of interest to each mertiber of the family. I I rs YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. f«B ITS LITERARY FEATURES are unequaled. II ^ "" POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the lest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEW5 OF E WORLD. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COrtHERCIAL CENTER OF ALL WEST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, AND IS BETTER ADAPIED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF 1 HAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. It is in accord with the people of the) West both in Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price of Tl^c Weekly Inter Ocean U ONLY ONE DOL> 1SAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. •' The tlinmblS MJ imfailine index "of character. The Square Type in­ dicates a strong will, great energy and firmness. Closely allied is tl Snatiiiuted Type, the thumb of those or advanced ideas and business ability Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; am Demorest's Family Masazine pre­ pares especially for such persons a •whole volume of new ideas, con­ densed in a small space, so lhat the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hour. The Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a love of music, pottry, and fiction. A person with this type of thumb will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Demorest's Magazine. The Ar­ tistic Type indicates a love of beauty and art, which will find ran pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict­ ure of roses, l(i?4 x 24 inches, repro­ duced from the original painting by Be Longpre, the most celebrated of living flower-painters, which will_ be given to every subscriber to" Demorest's Masazine for 1895. The cost of this superb work of art was $350.00; and the reproduction cannot be distinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pub­ lished in each number of the Maga­ zine, and the art cli-s are so pro. fuselv and superbly illustrated tha» the Magazine is. iu reality, a pd_ folio of art works of the. highest order. The Philosophic Type is the. thumb of the thinker and" inventor of idens, who will be deeply inter­ ested in those developed monthly in Demorest's Magazine. jjl •very one of its numerous departments, which iover the entire artistic and,- scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest's is simply a perfect Fiimilv Magazine, and was long ago crowned C^iieen of the Monthlies Send iiv your subscription; it will <?ost only £2.00, and you will have a dozen Magazines in one. Addre.«s W. JKNMKGS DKXOREST. Publisher, 15 East 14th Street. New York. Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pajres.and its articles on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those posses^irg the Feminine Tvpe oi Thumb, which indicates in its small Size, slenderness, soften ail, and smooth, rounded tip, those traits which belong essentially to the gentler sex. even- one of whom should subscribe to Demorest's Magazine. If you are unacquainted with It* merits, send for a specimen copv (freei, and jfou will admit that seeing these THUMBS has pat joa in the way of saving money by finding in one Magazine everything to satisfy the literary waste if Ike whole fauuljr. Oe&erat or loofcl A aaanto ^a'lics or c uts. 9/v a woe*. rxcluFive territory. Tfc* liaptri Ul»h Washer. WubenftllUM dUh^tfor a family id one mioata. Waab'0, rjuieu aud dries ibe* without welling the hands. You push the button, the machine doe* tbe r'gt. Rrieht, polished dishes, aud cheerful wives. No scatdefl fing'T*,oosoitedbaudsor clothiDf. No broken diabes,DO muas. Cbeap, durable,warranted. Circulartfrw. P. HARRlfeOBi & CO.. Clerk Mo. IS, Mmbu.1, X HAVE Coal, Shorts, Middlings, 'W% Bran, Oil Oats, Ground Feed. Ynu have got to Use then "TGet my prices on quantities Iroi^aHaag full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. >=* W.A.CR1STY, WEST McllEN£&ZIIL _ r|t4 E -- 7 S E C U R I T Y UCBTHif JOD CO. BURLIN MANUFACTURER' OP AND DEALERS IMPROVED ** m. W R I T E F O R PRICES A CATALOGUE © R I P A N S ABULES! ^'RAPIO I A. BARRUS, DUUB nr OBOim mar &EOCIBIIS; NOTIONS, Boots' and Shoes, VOLO^IU^ REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPANS TABL'LKS are the best 8Iedl» dae known for Indigestion, ItilloUfiieM, Headache, ConstlpstSou, l^j'Mpepota, Cltroula Liver TroubleRt IKztliiciw, lludComplexion, Sjicnterf, Offentilve Breuth, and alt di*. orders of the Ktomueh, Liver and Bowel*. Rlpans Tabulea contain nothing Injurious to the moat delicate eonstitution. Arc pleasant to take, Hafe, effectual, and give immediate relief. Frico -Box (0 via Is), "Seent^j Package (4 bosort. May be ordi-rrd throuKh nearest druggir^ or bj jfltafl. Sample free by mail. Address RIPANS CHEMICAL, CO. Your winter's siirmTv of srooda . t i i e l a r g e s t s t o c k - i a i o w x i | WINTER MERCHANDISE MUST COl " # ^ 4 ̂ ̂ ?JLt > ' ^ 7 ' • • •-'*' • ' 1 / - j - - : ̂ • \-t Owing to the con tinned mild weather we have too many w*nr. 9»A -re v?H!!r: vt\cw in 07<\«r to ««oek. Wo v;iii euvit price as are in keeping with these times and this kind of a winter, on the following1 lines of good*, Kg***.;; 1 , • Tp make room for a heavv spriag stock coming in , .7^ " V time for the season, *. ^ otHing, Overcoats, Cloaks, Fur Coats^ Blankets, Hpsieryy -IJiidefwear^ Stawkl Gaps, Etc., / £ Will be unloaded to your benefit and our loss, aa we still hav# 11 jw^es apd paly good goods^ ; Tr"~ 1 - Papef/Borcler, Shades. ,iv- ; • ' a 1100 rolls stylish aid cheap wall piper received this month ;J The best stock ot Shades ever shown in this town, Sit' fibe well kn6%n houses of Douglas and Fargo, now* tfl stdck, frdtn common ealf to the finest Kangaroo and enammeled. Various lasts and novelties. Candc^ Hubber Goods' and wnka Knit Wool Boot^' ' 6-A Horse Blankets at cost. 8 doz. Dutchess Trousers just received, from $2, $3 to $3.25. all Wool and warranted. Majrflower Tea, i Arbuckle's, McLaughlin's, Ceylon and Lion, and Mexican Coffees IN FLOUR S carry Pillsbury's Best, Chick's Best, Fancy Patent, |«id the Famous Sleepy-Eye. . - . SIMON <f- vj'< Overcoals, * ^ ^ ^ Heavy Suits, Heavy Wool Ptnte, Boots, Gloves and Mittens, Horse Blankets, . Lap Robes, Our thus far reliable and carefully'handled IlfSUBAMp KUS2NS3S Will be kept up in future. Will'visit the city every Thursday and will fiH all special orders of a reasonable nature. ' SIMON STOFFEL. 7^- !\ I i JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN Drugs A Medioi&e«. A tlJVf. UVB ff-- - Briti!;, Chemicals, Dje M, Faints, Oil* *nd (Mori conttowtiff im hanO, Alto a fxM UMiof PATENT MEOICIKE3, TOILET ARTlOLtS, AKD A OCMPLETK STOCK <T @tationery| & Drugg ists' Sundries. FBY8ICIANS' FBI8CBIFTI0NS IflT Carefully ccmpoubded by » Reglstfersd Pbaimiwlat. Your Patronage Is respectfully •ollcited. m*--JULIA A. STORY. ' One\Door Wtsi of.Rtvtrtide J" cm»e, Mctienry, 111 10 8PKCCE STREET, NETV "SORK CITY. I | J ELECTRIC TELEPHONE V r>ntrinht. no r**nt., no royalty. Adapted Villane or Country. Neeued io^Bverr - , .. . . .-'everj horfte, ;-hop, Ktore and ofiic«. Greatebfcyonven* if>nc6|U0d neJier onenrt-h. Agcntu make front Dd io 850 per day. One in a residence nutans a *n)e to ail tho neiirbhnrfi. 1- in« instrument*, no toyn, works nnywivjr©, any distance. Complete, reudy fo^. use vvh«n phipj pd. Can he jmt up by m»y on« never ont of order, no reyinirinti, lastB tim«. • Wi'rrnnted. A money maker. WriL, W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10. Columbus! N TS. RCRI pnoTtcrioH, NOT FOR LIRSI^EFJT. friti DUBOIS k DUBOIS, Patent Attoroejfc liw^ntlve Age Building, X WASHINGTON, D. C. -U iMkKnf Potion tbla From now until January 25th. 1895, 1 will s 11 , • LADIES' SHOt i Regardless of Cost. also have on iiand ft full lin« of V*- RUBBER BOOTS, tverehoes, Pelts, A and Rubbers. As cheap as the cheapest. All No. 1 good8. Call and see me and I will do you good. I . A ; B A R R | 7 £ ; Yolo, Lake Co, 111, Nov, 84. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ ent, business conducted for MODERATE FEES, butt OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OrrtCE v and we can securc patent ia less lime than those ? remote from Washnipton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. \Ve advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "I low to Obtain Patents," with J i cost of saifle'in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, , C.A.SNOW&CO. I ^OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. DEALE8 IN ^OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL. McHENBY, ILL. K~1~ -- STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY 8UPPUE3, ETC. IP VOU VANT INFORMATION ABOUT I-!! W: 4 Address a letter or postal card to THEPBEM CLAIMS COHPIRT, JOHN WEDDERBURN, P.O. Box 463* Managing Mtornaf, WASHINGTON, D. 0. . PFVBIOHg PROCURED FOB SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, .. CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers snd Bailors disabled In tbe line ot t Specialty. Mna for no .. •rtUsuccesoltO, [l€L _ _ Thousands entitled to hlgker^ates. laws, llo charge for advic*. Kolao NO I YOU ARE WRONG1 This man is not complaining tiiat he has A CORN on his toe, but is shouting 3f 4 ,? <sfj Overshoes, * -'-Underwear, Woolen Hosk^^ Duck Coats, Wool Jackets, iCnit Shirts, d f j e have/among other chpice fresh groceries to offer yon# * <tfc,4 20 pounds ^ood Raisins Othttrr dried fruits in proportion. Sugar is cheap jFemernber our, v Jersey Lily Flour is not undersold in price nor outdone in quality. Yours tor business for the year 189$. JOHN J. MILLER, West McBenry ,̂ ;; iaOifii JACOB JXJSTBN McHENRT, ILI , To the Furniture trade. Would bi pleased to iiaVe you call and see my complete line of also keep a full iine ot samples ot Carpets, and can please you both in Quality and price. Lr I also have a large stock of Picture Mouldings and do fiepairiiis, Picture Framiot, fie. Call and look my stock over when in want ot Furniture of any kind. UNDERTA KING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnished at reasonable rates. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry. Jan 1, 1895. N. J. JUSTEN, "^Bealeb IN .•Ot ALL KINDS,: West MeHenrj, 111. .y •"" A larger stock of Furniture tluur ever before, which I am offering at greatly ^ f REDUCED PRICE*. 1 also keep in stock a full line of samples of Carpets, and we can give you anything Irom the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower pi ices than any . .:p| house in tbe rounijw UNDERTAKING Supplies of all kinds always OK hand. S3F" A splendid Hearse in con­ nection. N.J. JC8TEW. - West McHenry, Jan. 1,1895. M HECOHD. I We have the largest stock of Stove in McHenry county, among Which are the W or Id's Best /v • Acorn Stoves.1 ̂ If you want a Cook or Heatiifjf Stove, either Coal or sure and see us before you bu|\ Table ang Pocket Cutlery, U , pf the best makes, and warranted In , ibojrt. In our alor* can be found IDV :^rt ie3^ usually kept In aflratc'aitHard Ware store, and we will alwaya make eur prices right. Call and see us when ,|n want of any tiling in our llt^K Jobbing and Repalrln Promptly Att«n ^ « Heating Steves at Cest ; AERUMaoit»:Tfi>ES JAMB B0KS1ETT,; IN USt AND FOR SALE By J • <s i i>'-V ftlSlL ««2l iLM KiU'is' REATS Four of the Mills of the Pills- bury-Washburn Flour Mills Co., .: limited, made tbe woek ending Dec, ^ 1st, 1894, ihe enormous amount of 122,483 1-2 barrels, making a totto) weekly output of all five mills of 1 130,000 barrels of the 1 BEST FLOUR DN EARTH, j The Pillsbur^ '*A" Mill averaged for the same week a daity produc- rr tipn of 9,323 5-6 barrels of flour. The necessity for this extTaordin- ary output is timnd in the unpar- | alleled popularity of Pillebury's Bebt' l 1 he I'illsbury Mills lead all othera not only in quality but quantity o! | flour produced. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance o( ,•> the same, lye wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. J McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. J iittwu-fcn mom *•5 % %i2- •• : 1 .A "BALKB 1H----. . , , ( , •>£r.- 1 i I * Drugs, Medicines,. > FAINTS. OILS. TOILET ARTICLED, McHenry, 11^. • ii , •M ••5 . PUBS 1JNES AND LIQUQBSp, m, }•(: * : ;< Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Fa* r 5 • The best brands of Cigars and smoking and chewirg Tobaccos alwa}s on hand. *yr/i '* ' * ' I- Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, , w. .BBSLBYi-:!-! ,v;. V" , West i i im .

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