Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1895, p. 1

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vie aged t»ui to Truth, to Libert? Sf*a Law | h?j ravers* Iftfiti «»•> t>iiu nu ?*?»? cba!! •sSilEr**** i ( .V . W^1 VOL. 20, J-fif ••/X- ¥." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY: 6, 18)5. BlP'Sfe' salrsa V'-? * •J"* 'T* <fc> • mm, Jfeflwy {HiiaMer. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY S3 N 8 L T S CDITOB AND PBOPHIETOB. orrict IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. .TweDoora North of ferry A Owaa'a Star*, ^ TERMS OF SUBSCnimOH: |>ne year (In advance) ......91 SO If No* Paid witbtn Three Months... .... * «0 "• Subscriptions receive tor three Or six Siontba in tlie wn« proportion. 1 : - - : : fip RATES OF ADVERTISING: f a intsB^a ilWrsl tatss tor zarsrtlsi&g the PLAWDBALKK, and endeavor to state on ao plainly that tbay will be z«mU1# um- acatoodT They ara »a follow*: 1 Inoh one year t Inches one year . Ml Inches one year - k Column one year < 1 * \» m Column one year- Vt; '<• Ooiumn one year M one non means the measurement of one |peh down the column, single column width. ti Tearly advertiaera, at the above ratea, have Ibe privilege of ohanglBg ai often as tkt; ghoose, without extra enarge. '- f\ Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion st local notices at the rate of 6 cents per line lach week. All others will he charged 10 vents per line the first rreek, and 0 cents per 8|ne for eaoh aubaequent week. transient advertiaementa will be charged it tbe rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil n) the ilrat laaue, and , aame aa thia is set in uent issues. ¥hus, $ too for one .00 for three jToente per line for subsequent lei in inch advertisement willooat f eek, 11.50 for two weeks, H «eks,»ndsoon. ^ The PLAIITDBALBB will be liberal In giving •ditorial notices, but, as* business rule, 11 frill require a suitable fee from everybody Seeking the uae ofitacolnmna forpeounuury !*»»• ^BUSINESS CARDS. PRANK Lj. 8HBPABD, IVV..VJLLOB AT ] r 8aU« St.» Chicago* ^QOUNSELLOK AT LAW. Suite 814--W La 1^;,",! JOS- L. ABT. M.B. £-vt V^k>H*S10IAN and SURGEON, Mc^larr, ill, :?;J• Jl Office in Nichols Block, over Jtlaiudeaier : f)fllce. Telephone No. 4. O.H. FaiGsaa, M, ' v / - ^ . OHTSIOIAN AND BUBaSOK, . t, it IUa Office at Retldenoe. ? • MeKenry a J. HOWARD, M. D. HTSlOIAN AND SURGEON. Office at the eraidence of B. A, Howard, Weat oHenry, 111. *4>. DR. A. U. AURINGER, HT8TCIAN AND SURGEON. OUTPS It Dr. Ohilds building, Weat McHenry, 111. ueaidenco, house formerly ocoupled by Dr. aborne, All profeaaional ealla promptly at. aded to, .. P.O.OOLBY, D.D.R. . flTvENTI^T. Woodstock. Hi. Special aten- jLJ tion paid to regulating chiltlren'a teeth. Parties coming from a distance, will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal bloek corner Main stroet and Public8q are a P. BARNES, TTORNEI, Solicitor, and! Counselor, L Oollectlons;a specialty. WOODSTOCK, lumots. < ~ ' -- i • i ^1 j*,y ' KNIGHT ft BROWN, -V TTORNETS AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'a L Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. ........ ..^HIOAGO,-ILL. • . _ _ V, S. LUMLBT. . ii TTORS'KT AT LAW, Snd SoUeltor |n °teHCe^'bOD8TO0K, ILL. 1 Ottoe in Park Houae, Irat loor. . . . H. C. M1AD, J; rK Jwtiee oj the Peace and General In- wrance Agent tnctitding Accident N4 ana Life Insurance. OirrioE WITH B. GILBKRT, mi DWPOT, » . WlST McUSHBT, IlJU. W. P. 8T. CLAIR, - Juttieeof the Peace and Notary Public s Meat J&itate and Insurance. RUN DA, Ills * 6-- ^ J A. M. CHURCH, ^ifatohDiiaker and Jeweler NO.On i HundredTwenty-Pive State 81 Oh»-caae, 111. Special attention given to re ^IpalringF ine watches and Ohronometers. i'i sar A Full Assortment of Goods in hie line Ifgr JOHN P. SMITH, IjlpJWatolMnaJker 3c Jeweler MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Oloeks, Watches and Jew. elry always on hand. Special attentioi i|iglm to repairing fine watches. Give m JOHN P. SMITH. a call. Westerman & Son, &>• MOUSE, 8ION AND OARfflAGE PAINTERS, ' ̂MCHKITHT IlXIMOIB. We are prepared to do all work in our line ' ie satisfaction. PECIALTK reasonable and work promptly ' " on abort notice and guarantee aatisfaction '• eY PAPER HANGING A 8PEOIALTK » i« f Prices -> T - done. . WESTERMAN ft SON. % MeHa»ry, J tnnary so. 1894. JOHN J. BUCH, "rra Near the Iron Bridge, MoHenry, Y, Prourielor tf ItHeir! Brefery, NoHENRT, ILL. - H Always on Band with thud' y Bed Beer. i in. • * r i' niii'ir Vjw i 1 i i i f BOARDING HOUSE, Board by thm 9** m--k •* > . „ - Reasonable rat«s, A Naon Liirx oriBow BOATS AT MT LAWDIWO. Pure Wines, Liq uors and Choice Cignra alwaya on hand. P^tlwsh Lager Beer constantly on draugi^ ,»r \ 7 • '"<• 10c- IOc. Does smoke from yorn cigar ariae Like incense in the air? - ; Or does it only cause a smndgf v; And make your neighbor swear? Why will yon stick to cabbage leavee And drive yonr frionds afar, When yon can purchase for a dime "Oar Monogram" <sigtp$T' IOc- IOc. BARBIAN BROS. MA.KKR8 OF| Choice Cigars. v We can s«U you one. or a thousand--retai> or wholeaale. ^PURMONEJT SHOULD OBTAIN FOE TOV . Tie Best Goods ii tbe Market That 1» whRt we are Mat* tailed to make, " Th e B ât, " and think we oaa «o demonstrate to you If you will ,giTB nw| the opportunity. Call In tnd we the Cdotls and be {\s.*r ' ' eenvlnced. ^ OU8 CARLSON. McHenry, m., 1884, WM. DEALEB IN Agricultural Machinery I v.). • HoHBNRY, ILL. , We have the most complete line of Pumps to be found in tbe county, and if you are in need of one it will pay you to caU and see us We have THE MYERS FORCE POMP, WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR, Buggies A Carriages Our entire stock of Buggies and Carriages will be spld JtT COST for the/next 30 day*, West Side Livery, I FEf D AND SALE STABLES • E.J. HANLY, protfjj$<r;; WEST MCHENRY, ILT.. First class rige, with or without drivers, furn'sh^d'at reas»Daiile rates- Parties taken f» and from the l.akea In Kasj Riga, and prompt connection made with all trains Our Bigo will be kept In first class shape, and we shall 8^»are DO pains to please our cue tomers at all times, Give us a call, E. J. HANLY. ' Weat McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 18M. Wanted **TS«£g^„w. V I T A L Q U E S T I O N S fir TUr nAV Political Revolution of "» int UAI • », j, Orif in of *93 ami *94 Rattles for bread, <*»XETI8m. httikea, the liMmninjeii; «»k*t i.inos ixsnia of the present and ttie future Tariff ].<>filiation 'the uiiver Questions Wiiat Protection Closa f ir tfce Americau Workmen. What Free rade rtoes frr him. A lio k tor the hour. Everybody wants it, Pri- «> only *1 50. Sella at fight Most liberal terms to agents. Send for< lrcul*raor aenrt '0 ceuti for agent'a out lit at once P. W ZtEObBB * Co., MS Market Street, tit, Louts, Mo. NEAR THE DEPOT. WEST MeHEJNRY, ILL. Keeps open for the aooownodatun oftne Public a rlrat-Olaaa Saloon and Restanrant, Where he will at all timea keep the beat 'a of Wlnea, Liquors and O found In tee market. ep Oi PABST'8 Mwftnkn Lagif Bin lit Whoiesaltt and Reta||U Beer In Large or Small Kega or Bottlea sl> ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. ©r-fsrfl by mil prossptly tt)« GOOD BTABL1NQ FOB HO&am WOall and-aee us. Robert SchieMle. REIDS German 0UGH KIDNEYCURE. (^Tt&ins no Poison. Reid's German Pills eyre Constipation and Malaria. Sylvan Cum purifies the breatti, , SALOON m RESTAUR AM m cHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent ifor SOIILITZ lilTaotee Brewics Co 's THE BESTMAOB. la any quantity from a Snite Glass to 1^0 barrels. • v Order* by mall promptly -• ALSO. ALWAT8*ON HAN» Fine Kentucky Llquorsv French Bitters, choice JMes, ^Wlnesi Cigars, Eto. I bny none but tbe best and sell at reafonab'e prices. * Call and see me and I will us. use you welt. ANTONY ENGELN. citenry, 111, 1894. ; A C R A W P O F F E R I ML A. RUPPERT'S FACEBLEACH Mm, A. RuppertBays; "fa apioecitrte th© fact, that there are many thousands of ladles in the United States that would like to try my World Renowned Fa rorld Renowned Face tleaeb, but have been kert t>m doing so on account oc price, which Is <3.00 per bot­ tle. or 8 bottles, taken to- gather,$5.00. Inorderthafcali may have an opportunity, I > will sell to every caller af>am- piebottlafor 25c, ai< to those JlYlwr ontside of city. In an; Itos f part of the world, I wjl »end It safely packed, plain WTmpnw-eh^MMg urepaitL for25c, surer or s tamps. Ill mill twiiiirfr»ftln*iflnir^i""'1" sa!!ow- Mrs. 8. A. ROBBINS, *"* - -s &!v-- *M-l A. HIX^L, JEWELER & OPTICIAN. FM Lmes, Fye-G lasses SPECT ACLE8. No Charffe for testing the Eyes. PSBFECT F I T GUARANTEED. Will be at O. T. Daniel's Drnf Store, Algoo . qnln, every Wrdnerday, commencing July 11 Also, at a Severas's Drng store, Cary. every Thursday, commencing July 90tb. OSMUN SLOCK, aett NIJNDA, ILL. Next Vielt.--^ Friday. Jan» SO. WOODSTOCK. IL« At the HTotol Woodstock. »E DISPENSARY PR. FRUTH, after years of experience has perfecte<l the most infallible method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, pel'-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory , im­ poverished biooil, low vitality, and alleBuota of abufes, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES-Catarrh, Skin Disease, Sores Pi-nples. scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Oan- cpr, Pil<»8, and'D'seaees of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit SSOOfor a case of SEXUAL DISEASE KKSJ"£?.•£ Cure, (Jiiehtion list FREE. » ne personal intQitTieir sollelted. Oouaultatlon free DR. O. O. FRU fHb 3632 Lake Ave.* Chicago' • 6 <• . ? /' ' ' •At »*. rJt ' l • \ 1TIATP C IDLS" - ffOWOT A V JLiM IJf O. and anrplns tuade r»cejved and loaned on carefully ®e- lectt'd rpal entHt« B»curitie« nnd the interest coliectodT / \ A "VJ C uixl iemitted witln.'ntJ-iV/XXX,l O# cii a rue. Luans made o< time andti*rm» to suit borrower J. W. KANsiiislaL), iiagi^JUAULillilUUL ... ^ ~ » , sVA? + ... . Hard - and - Soft WHBUS. LUMBER AT THEIR YARDS IN MoMEIiftY, Have now on band both hard and soft Coal, which they will sell at prices ae low as tbe lowest. .V- . Wi III" handling the eeteto&tod Gross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee uneqjualad by any. t^"D»Ht»rynrt(le to Mltpttr- chaser ' : Feed! Feed! Feed of ail kinds constantly on hand. Car Lots a Specialty . |3y Tile. Lime always on hand. Cement,^) Wilbur Lumber Co. Da Yen Waat TXTfvY'lr ? A steady paytrrjrJot llw \J JL JE^ • with Ur. est house In the west, 20 years established. With our fa­ cilities we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that ts warranted to grow. 96 be*t rarietiea ead potatoen in the world, eto. If you want money write, staling age. £• L MAT A CO. Bt* Paul. HUaa. Naraerymfn, Florlata and Seedsmen. (Thia houtella reaponalble) ^ *¥!w lAI AlilTErri ?l «>r 10 men to solicit ordere « Mil I Cll for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties fSeed Potatoes. Permanent P'-atttoa<; (rod ealary, ranging fr >m $75 t' •13S per month, Apply quick with retorenoes, L> L. MAY & CO., 8t *>auu Minn. Nurserymen, Florlata and Saedmen. Oniteil States War Clain Apcy OF WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock Illinois Prosecutes all olaasas and kinds of claims against the United States for ex>Soldi«rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made lu prosecuting old and rejected claims, iromptly an a wared If need for reply. WM, H. COWL1A 0*oe at Reahleaee, Madiaon St. Woodatoca »iec All oommunicatlona Poatage Stamps are ene ,„•» 1 * •C- ^ k •; DEALER w : DRY (&ood^, iGROGERllS. CLOTHIKi - Drugs. Paints and Oils Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc. VOIiO, ILL. I wish to announce to ray patron® and the public generally that I am now pre­ pared to furnish them with all goods in my line at the ; Lowest Living Prices. ts~ FELTS and RUBBEB8 at prices that defy competition. A largo stock of Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR, the finest stock to be found in this section. The finost stock of Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. The best 50c. Tea in market. l^gT'5 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 30c. per quart. A No. l Eine Cut Tobacco, 26 cents per pound. « , In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranty. E. RICHARDSOU Volo, 111., Dec. 10, 1894. CM UKa. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a iati>»y. \n^^> Man. 15th Day. Of Me. ^ THE GREAT 30th Day. PRE3XTCII mUMBDY produces the above results in 30 dnj-s. It arts powerfully and (jiuckJy. Cures when all others fail 1'OUUK men will regain their \ont manhood and ok men will recover tli<-ir youthful vmor by usip' UKViVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervoiin ness. Lout Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Eiaif-sioti* lioat Power. Failing M< mory, Wasting Diseases an< all effects of self-abuse or esoess and indiBcretioi: which unfits one for s'udy. businesK or marriage. 1" not only cures by starting at the neat of disease, bin is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, brinf ing back the pink glow to pale checks and re storing the lire of youth. It wards off Jnnanifr and Consumption. Inaiet on having RKVIVO. c other. Ic can be carried in vest pocket. By ma:' SL.OO per package, or six for SS.OO, with S JKW tive written gavrantee to cure or refill; the money. Circular free. Addrew ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St., CHICAGO, 1L. FOB SAXM BY FUN FROM A PRISON. -*f-\ f t A Convict Editor Who Baa Ability nl la Open Tor an Outside £ncagemeat. Some of the prisoners of the state penitentiary at Joliet edit and publish a monthly paper called Up To Diite. The January number contains the fol­ lowing account of a difference between the deputy warden and the prison or­ chestra. It may be necessary to esplain that Ispen is an abbreviation of Illinois state penitentiary: 1. Concerning the tribe" of Ispen, which dwelt in the valley ot the Dcs Plaines rivev. 2. ^nd tbe tribe of Ispeo numbered 1,600 souls, and they were in bondage. S. There was then no king In Ispen. A deputy ruled over the land. 4. And Josephus, the deputy, was a kindly man. albeit he was a mighty man--a man of great stature and valor. 5. And it came to pass that Josephus, the deputy, singled out the musical members of the tribe of Ispen and com- manded them to appear before him, as was the custom in those days. 6. And he gave unto each atTinstru- ment, every one after the kind he de­ sired. ?. And he said tmto them, "This day shall ye have a new name." 8. And he called them the "Orr-Kess- Trail," which is the mighty men of noise. 9. And the Orr-Kess-Trah was favor­ ed above the rest of the tribe of Ispen. 10. And i t came to pass that the Orr- Kess-Trah became grasping and proud beyond warrant. 11. And they took counsel among themselves as to how they should dis­ tinguish themselves from the common tan. 12. And it came to pass that they re- solved that they were Samsons, and their strength was in the hair of their heads. IS. And it oame to pass that each one did get his hair cut, eaoh one after his own fashion. 14' Now, Josephus, the deputy, albeit he was a kindly man, remarked the style which the Orr-Kess-Trah took unto themselves, each one after his own kind. 15. And he issued a proclamation fofr- birlrting the Orr-Kess-Trah from this pompadour stylo, which was only worn as a mark of high degree in the tribe of Ispen. 16. Now, when the Orr-Kess-Trah heard this edict, they took counsel among themselves. 17. And it came to pass that they made for themselves a banner on which was inscribed, "No Pompadour Hair Cuts--N9 Music." r8. Now, the rest of the acts of the Orr-Kess-Trah, and all that they did, and the hair that they lost, an# the privileges thai they no longer get, are they not written in the book of the "Chronicles of the Deputy?" Here are 6ome items gathered at ran­ dom from the pages of the paper, show­ ing that even a prison has its newsi Present population, 1,593. v Last consecutive number, 3,958. December discharge list, 73. Fresh fish since last issue, ISO. Received during 1894, 945. Sent to insane hospital, 2. Why haven't we got your subscrip­ tion? The editorial staff of Up To Date spent Christmas in its nsnal hilarious manner, and we wish to remark right here that it took us all day to spend it Three hundred and six visitors passed through the prison in December. Seven thousand four hundred and twenty pairs of socks darned, 509 new shirts, 19? pair new drawers and 58? new handkerchiefs were made in the female prison in December. Try to be kind and civil to yon* cell­ mate. Remember that he has his own troubles and no doubt feels that he is just as much abused as you are. Quarreling doesn't pay. You don't get any satisfaction from it, and if it is kept up it leads to a row and then the hole, so, yon see, the best you can get is the worst of it. Don't worry the guard with tales about any one else. He has his own troubles. Up To Date extends an invitation to all members of the press to drop in and see us, even if they don't stay as long as we do. Special Notice.--The editor of Up To Date, having nearly completed tbe sen­ tence under which he has been confined1^ here, is desirous of securing a position on some newspaper where he can en­ large the experience obtained i|B ran- ning this paper. ^ A Clever Swindler. The French police have put a stop to a fraud which is so clever that the swin­ dler almost deserved the harvest of francs which he has been 6teadily reap­ ing. The man has been making the round of fairs and other gatherings sell­ ing a rat powder which was perfectly harmless, but struck rats dead ou the spot. Jn order to convince any skeptical man he first powdered a slice of bread with the stuff and ate a piece himself and then put the remainder under a glass case in which was a rat. The rat ate the bread and instantly fell dead. At 10 cents a box the powder went like hot cakes. The police looked into the matter and found that the powder was nothing but sugar. They also found that the glass caso was connected with a powerful electric battery, and the mo­ ment the rat touched the bread the cur­ rent was turned on, thus killing the ro- dnet The man was sentenced to 15 days in jail.--Paris Dispatch. Sutro Will Be Mayor Two Honrs a Day. Mayor Sntro devotes two hoprs to the duties of bis office daily. The hours are from 10 a. m. to 12 m., which is the time he announces he will give to pub­ lic affairs. From 12 to 1 o'clock he will lunch. Having refreshed and rested his system after his morning's toil, he will give two hours to his private affairs. Promptly at 8 p. m. he will leave his office, on Montgomery street, and call the remainder of the day his own. ---San FiancisfiQ fihrnniftlfl. THE GOLDEN KEY. Maftllai Proof That It Will Unlock tfc* Gate to English Society. It is now pretty generally understood both in England and America that a golcl ?n key will unlock any gate in the society of this country. Perhaps the 'most striking demonstration yet made was given last week by some one who responded to an advertisement offering to introduce a lady into the "smartest society in London" at terms of £1,000 a year. An answer to this card was made in behalf of a supposed American young lady whose parents desired to se­ cure for her a court presentation, eto. The writer said: "Though not averse to these ambitious prospects, she does not enter into them with the zeal neces­ sary to their accomplishment. She is fully aware of the disadvantages catssed by her defective education and lack of knowledge of the usages of that society of which it is desired she should become a member. It is to overcome this that a chaperon is needed. This lady must be of irreproachable character, high birth and capable of introducing the debutante into the sooiety of the English upper classes as an equal, for the young lady referred to is high spirited. * 'Considered from the American point of view of feminine beauty, she is very pretty. I feel it my duty to inform yon that there is one fearful drawback-- that is, illegitimacy. Of course this is known only to a few, and there is no reason on earth why the fact should be circulated." In reply to this came » letter from a lady of title whose aame is known throughout the world and of the highest social position ontside of actual royalty. Furthermore, it was ascertained that there was no doubt of the genuineness of her offer. This, among other things, she wi-ote to a perfect stranger: "First of all , I prefer an American. Lady Randolph Churchill is a friend of mine, but I am very fond of Americans. Either I will not undertake it at all, or your friend will go to oourt and be in the smartest society. I know yon will not think me vulgar if I say that we are in the best society. For instance, the Duke of Cambridge dined with us last night. My husband holds a high official position in London. Nothing but want of means prevents my being ft leader in society more 01 less. "But first I must see the yonng lady and form my own opinions, and, second­ ly, I confess that the drawback of birth would make me more exacting about money, as more would have to be done to overcome this difficulty than other­ wise. The fact of illegitimate birth would not affect my power of introduc­ ing her into the best society, but there are a hundred things to be considered, and to receive a large sum would not induce me 'to undertake anything I could not carry out. I shall be at home from 3 to 5:30 p. m. tomorrow if yon would make it convenient to call." Not having received a reply to this letter, the lady wrqte again, saying that her correspondent must decide quickly, jas two other ladies wished her --London Cor. New York Sunf FEARS OF RADICALISM; The Hagnatea of l<ondon Stirred Hp Ova* the Coming County Council Election. The elections for the London connty council, the body which governs the whole of this vast metropolis except the tiny area known as tbe oity, will take place in March, and it is now evident (that they will be fought on strictly po­ litical linea Tbe magnates who own the greater part of the land upon which London stands, including men like Lord Salisbury, the Duke of Bedford and the Duke of Westminster, are so frightened by the increasingly radioal, not to say socialistic, character of the present council that their purse strings, usually kept tightly tied indeed, have been unloosed, and they are prepared to spend $500,000 to help the Tories ob­ tain a majority. Several noblemen even consider the emergency so great that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to the extent of becoming candidates and sitting in the council with quite common people, even with their own tradesmen, if they oan find constituencies to elect them. T^e music hall people have also thrown in their lot with the Tories, and One of them, Mr. George Edwardes, manager of the Empire, has sacrificed his feelings like the noble sufferers just referred to and is contesting the division against Mr. McDougal, one of the leaders of the so caUed purity crusade.--London, Let- Cold Weather Chlekena. A Louisville (Ky.) man who says he never drinks tells of a farmer who has produced a breed of fur bearing chick­ ens, which sport in ice water and cackle briskly in the midst of almost eternal snow. This was accomplished by skin grafting a selected cock and hen with rabbit skin half an inch at a time. The process was painful, but succeeded ad­ mirably. Eggs of the new breed sell rapidly at $1.75 a dozen and are hatch­ ed out by the ordinary hens, who in­ variably die of fright upon peroeiving the strange appearance of their .off­ spring. ' A lively Houae. During the heavy rain and hail storm which prevailed here at midnight Sun­ day night a two story farmhouse three miles east of town was blown 90 feet from its foundation. The building, hav­ ing made two complete revolutions, landed on its side intact. The family, consisting of Mont Mattnx, his wife and three children, were in bed at the time of the accident, and all escaped in­ jury except Mrs. Mattux, whose arm was dislocated.--Breckenridge (Ma) Dispatch. . - White Houae Silver. A Wallingford (Conn.) silver awn- factoring firm has received an order for sterling silverware to be added to the service at tbe White House. The mem­ bers of the firm decline to give a de­ scription of the plate, but say the carder ssrUT LINCOLN'S GETTYSBURG SPEECH, f Sublime sad Immortal, Though IXattltei) ̂ s -as - 1 VAmold Bad Never Heard of it, rfetood close by and heasd that ielivered. It came upon ponderous and elaborate rhetoric of Eel* . y ward Everett like a blaze of real fir*, v after a msftchless picture of fire. II: ^ sprang, like the strophes of old, oat a chastened heart almost broken witlt the weight of conquest, but still less in its American faith, and tteaMNt who spoke the words was, for inent, transfigured for us, and his rowed face and gaunt form toehfeC^' the light that never was on ft## sea, so that he became the arcbetylp qf the people themselves, uttering betfcit than he knew the great prayer of that finer and better humanity that oar fa» thers and we believed was to com# liberty and equality out of storm stress and an unshaken confideaoa man. But I don't think way of as knew how masterful Is the speech of the human heart when it comes the furnace to these great occasion) plants its sad sincerity by the side «f mere scholarship and the grooved thun­ der of rhetoria % We had to live oh for a qnater of H century and see that brief speech burn* ing with unquenchable flame in our schoolbooks and standing out with1DM3$- est majesty on our page of rsooM history to comprehend how God OMt touch with a living coal the lips of • rail splitter just as he touched tlwlfer of a tentmaker of Tarsus and lifted tttt Untutored heart of the shoemaker. Stint* yan, into communion with the tala * - Turn it every way yon can, the Get­ tysburg speech stands unique as a brief literary and patriotic oompositiatiL Uh the noblest condensation into the fitta&t vords of all the emotions, and sentiments that millions of people wanted at that moment So inwrought is that speech wj^^ij* ; heart of the occasion, and so iimjfwflo ally does it sweep over into the tiSttto 4 come, that I should think all men every* .TM where would discern its intrinsic quali» ty. But that is not the case. "• i I remember talking with ^ Arnold when he was in this about Abraham Lincoln- JOT? member that he said of Lincoln tim| had no "distinction"--and I c&Uedlj ftia attention to the Gettysburg iqmek Bhall never forget the £mpert«riiS$i Saturday Review stare with Whtofc J|o asked, "Ah, what is the ! speech?" He had never heard of it I when he went back he asked Bryce what it was about, and wiiif was hunted up in an American _ _ _ book and shown to him he read ly and put n away with commisorattQg reticence. Suppose yon ask M. Boui'get, who k looking into the American heart by tin way of the American bodicg asd lA space rates, if he has read the Gettys­ burg speech. I happen to know of own knowledge that Robert Stevenson had not heard of it ythm Was exploring our continent, and .! Lepel Griffin and Rudyard Ki an idea that it was a newspaper The current number of The Saturday Review lies open before me, and thia m what my eye falls on: "The common American dsi«i|||fc that there have been a number of gffft American poets, that there is such a thing as American lit disports itself with unusual pom; It is impossible for these lit prigs of a special cult to und that there may be stimulant tions of national life that wak* 'f^fO tumultuous activity all the Uglier ifl better functions of the soal prior tof£|! chartered formulation of them art, and that it is in these periods 0 awakening and not in the after rspoeo of an elaborate scstheticism the most precious heartbeats of the race have made themselves beard and felt, some­ times in half articulate tones, but often- er in organ Jjlasts which have set key of liberty and fixed the of hope and victory. Before eloquence or poetry was an art it was a burning soul and fetched ifep ^ style flom the agonies and mysteries of| an untutored nature. Let us by all means confer di tion on a deathless utterance by ing it in bronze. If we add 1 and surround it with the Oxford, future Matthew ArooKii join the pilgrims and throw tlie JS&gliK|fc||,j tribute of a well turned phrase -- the tablet, which, after all, to tali tkl weak hieroglyph of the record in 70,* 000,000 hearts.--Andrew CL Wheetep uMb* York Sun. v -- ; '$**1 v; A Carrier Ptgeoaft:' Eight months ago a cs longing to John C. Dinan, the Hillside Homing club erf 1 Pa., was released at Manassas, Va.,; lw>* ing one of a number engaged in si^(|ppr the Shamrock Silver club on T« Dinan's bird failed to return houttt last evening it appeared at its otd.«d^ An examination of the bird showed tlH* its wings had been clipped. As the feathers grew again the bird's stinct turned it homeward.- phia'Ledger. •J-iM ^ j/ A Speaking Bcpeater. The latest thing in watches is a peater which pronounces the hours quarters, and so obviates the trcmbhM oounting necessitated by tbepraseirfH tem. M. Silvan, a Swiss is credited with having succ* adapted Edison's phonograph 1 produce this ingenious seanlfc York Post. . ifittadetphi* *weaa«sfe*» < The Philadelphia Reootd telj oareful citizen who cetnser to the middle of walks are slippery, tmoaftseif 1 slip down and gnstalp mi.'*" sidewalk heco^:a£gpi^! the city, while IMI vgalkius in the lot i^&S '•Ctes

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