Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1895, p. 8

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H * Set*-*'.* •M u* • KomA Agwmt One «( the dangers which menaced travelers in the early history of Cali- flMMttk Wttari attack by hig-hwaymea. driver who drove over a ^ long line between San Jose and Los Angeles relates an interesting incident of those early days. He says: I remember once, says a writer in the Youth's Companion, in a lonely coast- range canyon, through which the road wound, we had a little experience that was thrilling for the moment. It was a moonlight night, and I was pushing Ahead at a good speed, with a stage full of passengers, and a heavy treas­ ure box. . Just as I got around a bend in the road I saw the figure of a man on horseback beside the road. He yelled out for us to stop, and 1 saw a gun bar­ rel glean, in the moonlight. The horses were going at a speed < that might be called breakneck, and I made up my mind to take the chance of getting through. I saw the gun raised to the fellow's shoulder as we approached. I had my long whip in my hand, and with a desperation born of the peril of the moment, I made a vicious swipe at him. I don't know how it happened, but the lash wound itself around the gun. ind as we dashed by, the whip was drawn taut. I was nearly pulled off my seat, but I"held on, and the gun was dragged out of the robber's hand and fell to the gr ound. At the same moment it was discharged b/ the shock. /*It rattled along the road for quite a distance before the whiplash unwound Itself. I don't know what the high­ wayman thought, but I'll wager ha was surprised. A FUNNY LITTLE STORY. laWfclch Pride to Rebuked la Trot BlM Fairy Book Style. A funny little story, with a moral, Pfwnpg from Ischl, by way of a London exchange. Not long ago a lady who had just arrived from Roumania, took a stroll to Sofiens Dopple Blick, a cele­ brated point of view. There she met a young married lady, accompanied by her little girl. The smart, rather over­ dressed stranger was much struck with the child's frock, which was exquisitely embroidered with forget-me-nots, and advancing, she calmly asked the youth­ ful mother where the garment was "bought. "1 embroidered all her frocks myself; it gives me sueh pleasure," was the smiling answer. At this a shade of scorn came on the questioner's face, and she said, with ill-concealed con­ tempt: "That is only possible with a very small household. People like my- ®elf, who have so many visitors, and move in the best society have no time for puch middle-class pleasures." The other lady laughed, but returned no answer, and the fair Roumanian con­ tinued boasting until at last her hearer mildly: "1 also have to play hostess occasionally. My father, the emperor, favors us^ from time to time with a visit, and the empress often comes to gee her grandchildren, as well as many other members of the imperial family; bat all the same I have invariably leisure in the morning hours to do em­ broidery for my little girL" And be­ fore the stranger had recovered from her embarrassment the ^Archduchess Valerie and her small daughter were gone. F. L. McOmbers. •f lean Save YOB a Big per cut OH anything in the Stove line. This is not merely an as­ sertion, bat tt positive fact. MoMeivy ' " The number bt Stomas and Ranges sotd by His th far this season, is ahead of any previous sale in the' records of our city.;The universal satisfaction given by the; Peninsular Stoves, Their superiority in style and finish* and above the prices at which we sell them is giviftg us THE STOVE TRADB ' :;'v OF THE COUNTY, f all Clothing, Overcoat ̂- Cloaks, Fur Coats, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Shawls, Caps, Etc., I HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY PINE LINE OF Skates from 40c. to $3,75. •Will be unloaded to all sizes and only good goods. ••• full hflfcot seasonable Hardware, always, P. L.' McOMBEB.! THE INTER OCEAN •--•IS TILB- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of ttt£ WtSt And Has fie Largest Circulation. , (witn< TERMS BY MAIL ' DAILY (witfiout Sunday) ..,.I$6.oo per year DAILY (with Sunday).. $8.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean | CI .00 PER YEAR ) ---- PER YEAR. S A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCB*tf keeps abreast ®f the times In a*. respects- It spares neitfcer pains' nor* xpensein seo«rtec ALL TflE L NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. vm The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It has something of interest to each member of the family. I I rs YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. rVH ITS LITERARY FEATURES are unequaled. ' H POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives Its readera lhe_^cne'" »' *be ablest discussions on all live political topics, it also gives them THE NEWS Or THE WORLD. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER, x THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COnrtERCSMflL CENTER OF ALL WEST OP THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, AND 13 BETTER AD API ED TO THE NEEDS OF TH6 PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. It Is in accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature. Pleasew-emember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DQL» LAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago _ .th e -- rV.'v •IF FLOATS* BEST FOR SHIRTS. TH* TIOCTER & QAMBLE CO.. CLIM. Coal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, Oats, Ground Feed. SEC L1GHTNIK RITY ROD CO. Ynu have got to Use them. Get my prices on quantities, from a bag -full to'a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. W.A.CRISTY, WE&T UcB&N&Y&iL BURLIN L'FACTVRER OF ROVED Rods WRITE FOR PRICES CATALOGUE The thumb is an tmfailing lodes of character. The Square Type in. \i <• ' dicatee & atrong will. gTeat energy and firmness. Closely allied is tha Spatulated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideas and business ability Both of these types belone to the bney man or woman; ana Demorest's Family Magazine pro- pares especially for such persons a whole volume of new ideas, con­ densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hour. The Conical Type indicate* refinement, culture, and a love of music, poetry, and fiction. A person with thin type of thumb will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Demorest's Magazine. The Ar­ tistic Tyoe indicates a love of beauty ana art, which will find ratf pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict­ ure of roses, 16)4 * 24 inches, re pro* duced from the original painting by De Longprc, the most celebrated of living flower-painters, which will be pven to every subscriber to Demorest's Magazine for 1895. Tba cost of this superb work of art was $850.00; and the reproduction cannot be distinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pub­ lished iu each number of the Maga­ zine, and the articles are so pro­ fusely and superbly illustrated thai the Magazine is, in reality, a folio of art works of the highest order. The Philosophic Type is ihe thumb of the thinker and inventor of ideas, who will be deeply Inter­ ested in those developed monthly in Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover the entire artistic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demurest'# is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your subscription; it will cost oniv 82.00, and you will have a dozen Magazines in one. Address W. JBSNINUS DmoREST. Publisher, 15 East 14th Street, New York Though not a fashion magazine, i|p pcrfect fashion pages,and itt- articles on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in its small size, slenderness, soft nail, and smooth, rounded tip, thoee traits which b«!ong essentially to tbe iUer sex, every one of should subscribe to '•M«?«ume. If you are unacquainted with merits, fretid for a specimen copy (free), and will admit that seeing these TiR'MliS lias put la the way of saving money by finding in one • m everxtgilag to ^isf^ ,^merar| wiutfe «f I A. IP COMW#**! fwKOCKKlMg. R I P A N S ABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIiPAN& TABC1.ES are ike fieat Medt. stae known for ladlgMtios, BlllousneM, Headache, Omtlvatiaa, Ohroola Liver TniNm, Plrrlari, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, jOffeaslTe Breath, sad all dls> •rders of tbe Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Rlpaos Tabulea contain nothing Injurious to the mosfcdellcate constitution. Are pleasant to take. Safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. Your winter's sui_ from the largest stocl ofgood§ in town.- mw: »-•( . Zr -y w" Owing to the continued mild weather we have too many wain: foods, and are willing1 to reduce pricea in order to redace stoc k. We will mane such price as are in keeping with these times and this kind of a winter, 011 the following lines of good- WINTER MERCHANDISE MUST GOI make room fo<a heavy spriag stock coming time for the season. Overcoat J Heavy Suit#, ; * ' Heavy Wool Pantsj JFelt Boots, - , f Over sho^ ., Underwear, Woolen I X : - !*>&, ' AnjA' - 1 ' •••TV I «> . , Glore«'uid Mitten. Horse Blankets, : .. Lap Robes, -}; % •» . ^uck C6ats, ^ rv. 1 "fWool Jackets,^ Knit Shirts. : • M 1 and Scotch 1 *1*' , j 8, 0 , i , 3 > : *" . '"'A., Weiaye, among other choice fresh groceries to offer yofc* - ^; 90 pounds good Raisins for S1|. h, •?: I11..* PW W/ Q11 Pq Knrri Pf S\Vl o rlao I other dried fruits in proportion. Sugar is cheap. Remember our C W » V ail ± apeX, UUIUCX , Oliauc^.J Jers^ Lily Flour is not undersold in price nor putdflne jn? 11^0 rolls stylish aad cheap wall paper received this mon The best stock ot Shades evfr shown in this tow •0 ^SPRING SHOES '1 m Yours for business for the year JOHN J. MILLER, West UcEenry. Of the well known houses of Douglas and Fargo, now in stock, from) ttppgp ealf to the finest Kangaroo and epmmeled. Various lasts and novelties. R nl>l>ef Goods* Iffl'd waka Knit Wool Boots, Horse Blankets at cost.- 8 doz. Dutchess Trousers just received, from $2, $3 to $3.2$. all wool and warranted. Mayflower Tea, ̂ Arbuckle's, McLaughlin's, Ceylon and Lion, and Mexican Coffees- IN FLOUR JAOOB JUSTEN kcHENRY, ILI, To tlt# Film i tu re W ould be pleased to have you call and see my complete line of We carry Pilisbury's Best, .Chick's Best, Fancy Patent, Famous Sleepy-Eye. Simon STOFPEL. * V P • ' "* I also keep a full line ot samples ot Carpets, and can and the | please you both In-quality and price. isr I*lso have a Karg-e stock of Picture Mouldings and do Our thus far .reliable and carefully handled , IHSITIB ASISl Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and| will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. Bepairiii, Fiefire Frauiii, Etc. y stock ov Furniture of S THE RIPANS CHEMICAL. CO., • 10 SPHtXJE STREET, NEW 10RK CITY. ImmtM tWSMMi NOTIONS. •MM rftWirtiifi /JULIA A. STORY, DKALVB III Drugs (ft Medioinaa. a rvu. ran or- Dress, Chemicals, Dye M, Pain# Otto r>nd Color* constantly on hand. Alto a full MAdtof PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET iUKTIOLBS. AMD A OCMFLBTA STOCK OF ' Stationery* St Drnggltta' Buodrlea. FHT8ICIAHS' FBZECRIFTIOm *T Carefully componiided by a Bofiiterad PbiimMlit, Yonr Patron»g« la vcapeetfally aollettM. -JULIA A. BTdMT. OMiZtoor We* of\RwtrHdt T'oute, McBtnry, 111 Call and look m whei* in "want ot ;«n, kind. UNDERTAKING A specialty, A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnishec at rates. JACOB JUSTEN. Lenry . Jan 1, 1895. N. J. JUSTBN, i:j»ALIEW « I. KINDS, ... We«t HoHenrj, Ul^i A largrer stock of Furniture ever before, which I am o offering' at greatly REDUCED PRICES. 1 also keep in stock a full line of samples of Carpets, and we can give you -anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house in the county. > UNDERTAKING Supplies of all kinds always o# I hand. i ' * ' ^ ^9" A splendid Hearse in con* i nection. N. j. jusjlEN. West McHenry, Jan. 1,1895. OHUJAGO, Michigan Ave. Boulevard and Jackson streets. v Fronting Lake Michigan, i Within two Blocks oi the Cenieroftb* City. Entire new management and popular prions. . Over $100,000 / ha^ been expended in re-modeling and re-furnishing the House, -1 making it one oi the 'most complete and comfortable hotels in Chicago. Steam heat and electric light in every room. Fifty-five ^ bathrooms, Elevator and every modern convenience, Rooms, with meals, from $2 per day upwards. i Rooms, without-meals, from. $1 per day All meals 75 cents each, J - - , • 1̂ " A very desirable hotel for ladies visiting the city unattendr ; and special care will be given them. 4^ DABB & MILLIGAH. CHA8. W. DABB, " Fourteen years Proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Chicago, l| OHAS. F. MBLUCANv : w 2 Five years proprietor oi Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago. 4 ' O r i •• «•' Bootslland Shoes, VOX. 0,1 ILL, From now until January 25th. 1895,1 will 8 It LADIE8' Regard'ess ot$ost. I also have on hand a full line of RUBBER BOOT8. Cverehoee, Felts, Arties and Rubbers, ^ PATENTS | Caveats,and Trade-Marks obtained, and all PaUj | »ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. !OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE J and we can sec ure patent in less time than tiiott > remote from Washington. | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of > charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 5 A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with, | cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries 11 i sent free. Address, i1 C.A.SNOW&.CO. OPP. PATENT Orricc, WASHINGTON, D. C. IF YOU WANT INFOItMATION ABOUT DEALER IN PPOSXTB BISHOP'S MILL HcHBNRY, It^. GEO, W «TflVE8, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLES, ETC. NO) YOU ARE WRONG1 This man is not complaining tliat he has A CORN on his toe, butisshouting gmlter sc Ihswwt »s nwltf As cheap as the cheapest. -M No. 1 goods. Call and see me and I will do you good. I* As BAUBUS. l*ak§ Co, Address a letter or IONS PBOOCBZD JOB -- •MENSI WIDOWS. CHILDREN, PARENTS. . AMh for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In tbs line of duty fta the r«ralsir Army or Navy dnef ttre war. flurrlroni of the Indian wars of 18S2 to lHl sad tbrir wtdowa, MOW entitled. Old and rejected SO^diersT^ MDHILDRI We have the largest stock of Stove in McHenry county, amonf which are the World's Best Acorn Stoves. Driest M If you want a Cook or Heatinf Stove, either Coal or Wood, be | sure and see us before yc},u buy. West McHenry, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Of tb« best mtkee, afid wurranted la I ..Abort. ID oar store can be found any Irtlcle usually keptln »flroto'a«»H»rd t' 'are store, end we will always make | ur prices right. Call and see vs wbeo: ID waotJof any thing In oar It ' • eiji « 'EALKK IK~ Drugs, Medicines PAINTS, OILS*-- TOILET ARTICLES. FOBS WISES AND LI ) FOB^MEDICAL USE. Al»o. Bottled Ale and Porter for KedicalUM, " • •-* • *•. y V, clalty. Tlioasands entitled to blgiwr ntss, for new laws. Vo abarm tot aOnos. VelW •esss*gp'i-:; OVER 1,000,000 HKORN STOVES •-*-% r*' lobMng and Repairing ^ Promptly Attsnoid tot | Hsating Stoves at Cost JACOB BONSLETT, . 'ifW Mj ; ; \ M«1WI I^^The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobaoccf always on hand. ^ ^ Physicians' Prescriptions | Carefully compounded. Give me a call, ' GEO. W. BESLEY. w«|ti^asmy^iHua,i8^. ^ ^ 0 - J A f i ' t "i- ,4i t ,CJ: .. $ ' ' ; ^ r ' Z t * ' - V f Z . .. £ j . I? <•„ j .

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