Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1895, p. 1

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VA.'i/ • •> ¥& fK:' - '*0 . " " */ w r*>:* f, •« ' •«* '•>&: 2*3 H- r ' f o ' / M i i i - i ' f ; i ^ ,'irr;r ,jN , ,n.^.ii :, ,1111-|.ifi^ 1 V1^" r«tsj', so Li^rtT. «•»« M*WJ • Mo Favors Win US Poai Shall Awd." . VOL. 20. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 189E| Hi ty*'-' * x ***. » «= ' > f.,- . *? MV-^J "BLMSB ETIBT WEDNESDAY BT N 8 L Y K K . - OR AND PBOPJUETOB. "" ^ OFFICE IN THC NICHOLS SLOCK. Vwi Door* Northof Perry 4 OvtB'i Stor*, 'T§M: TERMS or susffcitfrrioti: ~lttly«W(laidnMti......... ......W If «o* Paid Within Three Months S M Subscriptions rtwifitu for thm or six month! ia the ssmeprooortion. V ' ' *- \l RATES OF ADVERTISING: W aaa*an«e IIMitl ntM for advertising a lh« PtJiimiuM, mad endeavor to state them eo pluinly that they will be readily m t<nretood. *heyap<^«^p| v ^ Hush one year |#» . t laches one y %?» 10 ®® S lachea one year . » - '* .»"• 15 I f C o l u m n o n e y e a * . c . ' 4 * • . 8 0 0 0 If Ooiumn one year- - •' » « 80 00 Column one yea* - - • . 100 00 One nch means the amwkttt of one meltdown the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of oh&nging as often aa they ohoose. without extra charge. Regular advertiaera (meaning these having standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notioea at the rate of ft cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 6 cents per ine for each subsequent week. transient advertisements will be charged at~the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil typo, same as this is set In) the first issue, and S cents per line for subsequent Issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, |1.B0 for two weeks, 11.00 for throe weeks, and so on. The PLAIITOIAUBK will bo liberal In giving editorial notloes, but, aea bneiness rule, it will require a suitable foe from everybody seeking the use of its oolumns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. - FRANK L. SBJEPABD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 8ulte 514--« La Salle (It., Chicago. JOS. L. ABT. M. IX OH? 8101 AN 4HD SURGEON, McHenrv, III, J~ Offleo in Nichols Block, over Plaiudeaier Office. Telephone No. A 0. H. riV4WR8» K, D- IHT8IC1AN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence. MeBeary a 4. HOWARD, M. 1>. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at the ersldeneo of B. A, Howard, West MoBenry, 111. DR. A. R. AUR1NOKR, DHYSICIAN AXD8URWEON. Office In Dr. X Olsllds building. West Ucllenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly*!, tended to, S V. C. COLBY, D, D. A. DENTIST, woodstook. IIL special atea. tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance; will do well to give timely notioe by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and PubiteSg tiiWiiiTinjiii '< I I I I.II'I III' s C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR;" audi Colleetlonsa specialty. WOODSTOOK, uxnron. KNIGHT A BROWN, TTORWBY9 AT L^W. U. S. Express Co.4* Building, 87 and §9 Washington SCu * CHICAGO, ILL. Y, S. LUMLEY. A TTORNEY AT LAW, and A °*"~WboDeTOOK. It Office In Park House, first fi< la L% oofc H. C. MEAD, 3%utticeoj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent including Accident ^ a n d L i f e I n s u r a n c e . >".r v'k "M®|WK» WITH B. GILBEBT, HBAB D*f©», ' , WHT MoHsmtT, III. In*- .. *V ... . * ' • . * W. P. 8T. CLAIM, x JtwtU&Qf the Peace and Notary Pi^bUc heal Eatate and Insurance* 1IUIIDA»1I •« • t, V.* . < itV1 %X'< m A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler NO.On i HundredTwenty-Five State St Chi-oaae, 111. Special attention given to re- palrlngF ine watches and Chronometers. «f*APul1 Assortment of Goods in hisltao JOHN f- SMITH, Watohmake# <k «J eweler MoHKNRYe ILLINOIS. A FINE stook of Clocks, Watches and Jew-elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing &m watohoa. Give mo mMtL JOBS P- BM1TS. Westerman 4 ̂Sonf flow®?. SIGN AMD OARHIAOS VAINTKSS. MCHKWKT, iLLnoif, ' 1$e are prepared to doall work in onr llBe on short rotlce and guar*ntee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTK. Prices reasonable and work promptly 4°B6, WESTERlfAN * SON. MoHenry, J uttiary SO. 1894. JOHNJ.BUOH, RESTAURANT * *•.« t ' f w,-"» t;-."'.'----A»f-- Vj * " .. ' Boarding House, fjiv V«r the Iron Bridge, McHeary, ' ft by the Day or ^ fsok i M t o n a b i* r a t s i , 4. ion Lrxn OR^W BOATS AT MR LAIRONFO. , Pnro Wines, LtaaagMaACbOlce Cigars al IV»Fn«hl«»fer: C. F. BOLBV, Fropriel«r of IcHenry Breier?, MCHENRY, ILL. - - w Aheayson Bar^uuth(he - IOo. Dose smoke from your dgar arias Like locense in the air? ., Qt does it only cause a smadgs And make your neighbor swear t t Why will yon stick to cabbage leavss And drive your friends afar, When yon can purchase for a dim* "Our Monogram" cigar ? IOC- 10c. BARBfAN BROS. 9 MAKERS OF| ,v Choice Cigars. We can sell jou 090 or a Ui*iusand--retai> or wholesale. ' YOUR MONEY •SOULD OBTAIN POB YOU l The Best Goods ii the lartel That Is whatweareaat- iMlled to malice, " The Bent* *•'. and tbinlc oan MO demonstrate to you If you wlil give twlihe opportunity. We^t Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. EL jr. HANLY, Prop'r. ' WE8T XcRENRT, ILL. flirt olass rigs, with or withoat diirers, fnra'shediat roasenable rates- Parties taken t» and from the Lakes In Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains Our Bigs will be kept in flrst class shape, and we shall spare no pains to pleas* onr one tomers at all times. Give us a call, „ „ „ R. J. HANLT, West McHenry, 111,, Aog. 15, isnl Agents Wanted VITAL QV18TI0IS ftf,' TIICT n*V Political Revolotton of ur 1 ne. UMI • vs. Oruis of *98 and •»*. B&ttles for hreau, nozBTtSM. ttrike«, the Unemployed, GREAT l.ABom Ittum of the present nn<l the future Tariff Legillatlon The ^ i'.vcr Qi.eetioas What Protection doss lor lb* Amwirtu Workmen. What Free Trade rioes for hitn. A bo >k lor the hour- K very body wants It, Prl<-f on'y #1 60. Sells at sight. Most liberal terms to agents. Send for I'lrculord or 8MH *-'« cents for agent's out at at once. p. w zitouna * no., an Market Street, fit, Louis, Mo. n UM y " f ^ Call In and see the Coodi and be convinced* CU8 CARLSON. McHenry, 111., 1894. WM. ISAC^N PBALGR Of Agricultural y> >• Machinery! ' MoBEN R Y,IJLL. W'iave the nonet complete line of Pumps to be found in the county, and if you are in need of one it will pay you to caU and see us We have TBI MYERS FORCE POMP, WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR, Buggies A Carriages Our entire atock of Buggies and Carriages will be sold AT COST for the next 30 days, JL. Bngeln's SALOON AND RESTAURANT Ml CHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Recall/Agent ifer SOOLITZ ililvaitee Brewicc Co.'s to, T H E BESTRRAGlp. In any quantity from a Snits Glass to ICO barrels. * Orders by mail promptly attended to. AUO, ALWATS?ON BAND Fill# Kentucky Llcftior*, French Bitters, choice Alea* Wines, Cigars, Etc Ib iynone but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call end see me and I will us use you well. / ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111 , 1894. a C R A M P O F F E R ! •ME. A. RUPPERT'S ' FACEBLEACH Rime. A. Roro«rt W*. "ijipviroclate the fa«t that there & e many thousands of ladles In tbe United State* that would like to try 'my World Renowned Fi Blea * - * ace „ leach, but have been kept t from doing so on account cc ~ prioe. which ts $2J» per bot- Ue. or 8 bottles, takeis to- JteU»er,|5XX). In order *. hat al] BUT have an opportunity, I Will sell to every cal!ora»am- Mebottlefor Sic, and to those Jfirlbk outside of city, ta wi; part of the worid, I will ipnd it safely packed, plsia*5ew prepaid, for 25c, sUreror stamps. wrapper. In eTerycaaeoffireckiest ptmples. moths, sal tow- " " 'teada, acne, eoxema, olltness or rough- discoloration or disease onhenUn, and 4as!a! t. ^ Mtti'ri mm nriiiT «iU&!3S «aot massed by '«iSa! jt Bleack removes absolutely. It does not coyer up, ooametles do, but Is a_cur^ York Cltyl 4 . r-4 r c i iv -- ' r .. u„\ .* ..v..- All my preparations, samples, bottles. Aa* can be at regular prloea from ray local agent, Mrs. 8. A ROBBIN8, Mo Henry, IIL 11 rJ}. """'"""wui v ' Jx ^ -.r '*" •" : ; NSAS THE DEPOT* WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Keep* oi Publloa ?! »b Cor the Aenownrttn-- MtM rst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the best , Llqn to be found in the market. »p brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars ket PAB8T*S IDlwiit&e* UgM Beer in Large or Small K«fs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quail. ty considered. Orders by mdll ^romptlf to, GOOD BTABUIfQ FX>M SOMtaFB IWQaUaad-see as. Robert Schlerate. RE1DS German OUGH KIDNEYS URE. <oms,ins no Poison. Reid's German Pills <c,ura Constipation and Malarias Sylvan Cum purifies the breath. HII^L JEWELER & OPTICIAN. lirnt Ltoiffi, Kye-Glassa ai 8PECTACLES. NoXharsre for Testing the Eyes. iPiUFKCT^FIf GUABAMTEED. Will be at O. T. Daniel's I^nf store, Algoa • quia, every Wedaeeday, commencing July II Also, at a Severns's Drng Store, Cary. e^ery Thursday,commencing July 96th. OSMON BLOCK, NUNDA, ILL. 36tf ' >fl Next Friday. Feb 29. • it WOCDSTOCKt IL.» At the Hotel Woodstook. FfflB DISPENSARY D&. FRUTH, after yedrs of experieneo fell perfected tbe most infallible method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel -dimrust* poor memory, weak eyes, stunted iieveloDment, lack of memory, im- poveribbeti blood, low riUlity, and all ettoeta ot abutes, excesses, Improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and Ufa miserable. SFKCiALTiES--Omtarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi nples, Scrofula, Btood Taint,Bcsema, Can­ cer, Files, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit SSOOfor a ease of SEXUAL DISEASE Sure, Question list FBEK. one personal interview solicited. Cousultation fres DR. O. Or FMI f H# 3532 U»k« AVA( Chleagpi A c. ir>L> MON«T A V 1.1\ Ijl O. nd snrplas fua^e d aud loaned on carefully rral esinte ••curitiee and tbe t e o l l e e t e d f A A M C Ditttd withooti^ v/ il i ' . Loans made on time ind tiw# . borrower. J. W. BANSfKAiV )tl imPage street, ICIsau. Illinois. Hard CO All t vrasra LViBES n. AT THKIK YARDS IN: *.'£ WKST MoHINRY* Have now on hand Doth hard and soft Coai« which they will sell at ptices as low as tbe lowest. We are handling the Celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee unequaled by any. |gy Delivery made to suit par- Phaser Feed! Feeclt Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. Car Lots a Specialty. erriie. Lime, Cement, etc always on hand*. Wilbur 00 You Want TTT^I, ? .. A steady paying-joL V V VJ.X J3k. e Wltb lsr. est bouse i>i the west, 90 years established. With our fa­ cilities we oan mske a goorl Suleiman in two weeks from raw materia!. Nursery stock tbat is warranted to grow. 35 beet vaHetiea leed potatoes In the world, etc. If you want money write, stating age. L L. MAT * CO. Bt* Paul. H»' Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. (This house^is responsible) |lf AUTrh 8 or 16 men to solidt orders Vf nillbll for ffardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Orn&mnntal* ; ;ilan new and valu able varieties >f See I Potatoes. Permanent p^sitloni; g< od salary, ranging fr >m f?5 to lilt i»er Htoatlt* Apply quick with retcrenoaa, ft.. L. MAY A CO., St <*«UN iMinru Nurserymen, Florists and Seedmen, Doited States War Claim Apci WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstook - - Illinois Prosecutes all alaasas and klotfa of claima against the United States tor ex-3oldtero, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims, All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, B. COW LI A oSee at Baahlaaaa, Madlaon It Woodstosa E, RICHARDSON, DfcAMCB III PMYSoobs, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Drugs. Paints and Oils. Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc. VOLO,I3LIj. * I wish to Announce to my patrons and the public generally that I amTiow pre­ pared to furnish them with all goods in my line at the e* FELTS and RUBBER8 at prices that defy competition. A large stock of Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR, the finest^stock to be found in this section. The finest stock dfe* Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. The best 50c. Tea in market, lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 30c. per quart. A No. 1 Fine Cut Tobacco, 26 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranteed. E. RICHARDSON Yolo, 111., Dec. 10, 1894, 1st Day 15th Day RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY. % ' r t V /m. - . su Mkde A Well Man of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. rkxiMroa HUMJUJU ¥ produces the above results In 30 days. It sets powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail JToung meu will regain their lost manhood, aud old men will recover their youthful vmor by usinr RKVI VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous- ntse. Lout Vitality, Irupotency. Nightly Emission*, Lost I'ower, Failing Memory, Wastintr Diseases, and •11 effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. Which unfits one for s udy, business or marriage. It Bot only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but IBs great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring­ ing back the pin It glow to pale checks and rs storing the tiro of youth. It ward* off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVJVO, no i/ther. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail •LOO per package, or six for SK.OO, with a post tire written guarantee to cure or refunc the money. Circular tree. Addrs-- ROYM. MEOtCINE CO., 63 River St, CHICAGO, IU. FOR 8AJLK; BV O. W, BKSLET, West McHenry. ALIEN LANDOWNERS IN AMERICA. Bid* of Tryhi* the Rack KwHa| SjyMaoa In Tills Country. That English aristocrats ehonldl rnla large domains in the United States and rnle them from London ia at first a dif­ ficult. thing to grasp. Not until it Is borne in mind that peers and peeresses Of Great Britain are large landed pro- prietors in our country--Viscount Scul­ ly alone owns 8,OOO,OO0 acres in Illi­ nois, Iowa and Nebraska--does the sig­ nificance of absenteeism in landlords become apparent But now the matter Will be brought; home to Americans more directly than it has ever been brought home yet, for there is shortly to be a union in London of the Ameri­ can landowning interests, and a series of drastic measures are scheduled, which, it is believed, will not only in­ crease the annual rentals of the vast do­ main involved, bat which will greatly affeoc the destiny of the hundreds of thousands who dwell upon it. For some time past it has been evi­ dent to the foreign landowners that concerted action on their part was essen­ tial to their interests. It is well known to those who have over casually looked into the matter that foreign landown­ ing has much impeded the development of the western commonwealths. These great landowners positively refuse to sell. They prefer to establish a system of agencies and bailiffs, with the result that very serious complications have re­ sulted. The state legislatures have done their best to deal with tbe question, but heretofore with only indifferent suc- oesa Viscount Scully is, rightly or wrongly, made the scapegoat of this whole business. He has for years been a thorn in the path of one state admin­ istration after another, and his shrewd­ ness in evading every provision of law directed against him has extorted the admiration of thousands. Thus Scully practically owns in Illinois the bost parts of the counties of Logan, Living­ ston and Tagewell. The state in 188? passed an alien land law, directed solely against Scully. To evade it he insisted beforehand upon a clause in all his leases stipulating that the lessee should pay all taxes accruing against the prop­ erty leased. The result was the creation of a large and solid body of voters in the Scully counties, as they are called, opposed to propositions of public im­ provement by taxation.--Boston Herald AUTHORITIES ON SNOBS. • Cfcolly Indorses McAllister, and Both Jump Onto (he Society Toads. The end is certainly drawing near when Mao begins to write autobiogra­ phy. He took up the question of snobs yes­ terday, a subject upon which no living man is more capable of writing, and said: • "A snob toadies to the rioh and prom­ inent persons of society, feeling that he owes bis social support to them, and is utterly indifferent to those who do not wear the garb of society." Hits the case exactly I Do yon see? Do yon understand? And again: "If we should examine into the meta­ physics of snobbery, I qhould say that a snob is the result of two component forces. Given a man of absorbing ambi­ tion and place him in an environment Where this unscrupulous ambition for social supremacy will be cherished and encouraged by those who thrive on adu­ lation, and yon have the snob." Don'tcherknow? Yes, we all da Nobody in New York has got such I distinctive and distinguished social po sition that any one need bother his head to toady to him. PersonB of the best scoial position are of course women and men of the best birth and breeding, who lead the most correct lives, yet these are not the per­ sons beset by toadies. It is money and what it brings that we ~Mac, you and 1--are jail frfter. The toady doesn't care so much to be seen walking on Fifth avenue with aStuyve- sant or a Hamilton as he does to drive with a Vanderbilt or spend two weeks in the country with a Webb. He may never tell you about his walk, but you are sure to hear all about his dinner and visit. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your swell acquaintances and glorify you accordingly is the snob's gospel, the toady's creed.--Cholly Knicker­ bocker in New York Recorder. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. S / f ° > * • > JO.*: .... t' ; The Surprising Dilemma of sn Illinois fDongrestiman's Constituent. An Illinois congressman is now go­ ing about the corridors of the capitol wondering what is going to happen to one of his constituents. Last spring he was requested by the said constituent to exercise in his behalf one of the func­ tions of a statesman--to wit, to send him some garden seed from the depart­ ment of agriculture. The member has­ tened to comply, and a contingent of seed was at onoe dispatched to the Illi­ nois man. They went, of course, in a government envelope or envelopes by mail, with the usual legend, "$300 pen­ alty for private use." In due course the congressman, to show his interest in the welfare of his constituent, wrote to hyn asking if tbe seed had been received and if they had grown all right. The constituent replied tbat they had been planted and had come up finely, ' 'but," said he in his letter, "what shall I do with the stuff I have raised? I notice there is a penal­ ty of $300 for private use, so I don't like to take any chances." This was a construction put upon it which the congressman had not before thought of, and the more he thought of it the more he wondered what would happen to that constituent in Illinois, and he is 6till wondering.--Washing­ ton Letter. Victoria's Household Students of economical housekeeping will be interested to know that the ex­ penses of the queen of England's house­ hold last year amounted to $866,000, three-quarters of which was salaries. „ V C ' > /***- * " . ABRUPT CONAN OOYLE. I Soglish Novelist's Queer AvHti Sa Massachusetts Towa. Dr. Doyle, the story runs, wt» engag­ ed to leoturo in Morristown under the 'auspices of St. Bartholomew's school, and the 25 boys of the school were in a quiver of excitement at the prospect of seeing and meeting the creator of Sher- look Holmes. The head master, the Rev. F. E. Edwards, with th© most hospitable intentions, invited. Dr. Doyle to dinner before the lecture, inviting also at the same time Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stockton, great friends of the clergyman. Dr. Doyle declined the in­ vitation, to the great regret indeed of the host, the two guests and four or five boys that had been.,specially favored by being asked to meet the big author. At the dinner hour, however, to the sur­ prise of Mr. Edwards, he received a telephone message from Dr. Doyle at tbe station, announcing; "I'm here. What shall I do?" ' Why, we didn't expect yon, but do come right over. We just sat down to dinner." Swinging along, the Englishman soon appeared, but despite diplomatic coax­ ing could not be prevailed upon to enter the dining room. He wouldn't, he said, meet any one. No! Although assured that only Mr. and Mrs. Stockton and four boys were pres­ ent, that the dinner was very informal, he still remained obdurate. "Can't l ettt my dinner alone?" he asked bluntly. \ So he ate his dinner alonet devouring several plates of roast beef and frequent relays of vegetables with lightning ra­ pidity. Unknown to any one in the house, the brawny Englishman soon fled and was next seen in the lectnre hall of the school. A large audience was pres­ ent, and every courtesy was extended to him. After the lecture, with insulting haste, Dr. Doyle pocketed the $300 fee and hastened to the train. The only person, in fact, tbat met the distinguish­ ed British author was Mr. Stockton, and as the author of "Rudder Grange" in trod need the lecturer the latter couldn't very well avoid meeting him. But the 25 boys were sadly disappointed at not shaking hands witlvths hero of their \maginings. The x^hole proceed­ ing of 'the talented aujjtfor was, lq fact, so foreign, to what been reported ftf him by men -and papers that Morris- town's Four Hundred are wondering whether Dr. Doyle could possibly have thought the town a jay plaoei, and thatV he therefore dreaded meeting buoolio enthusiasts.--Boston Beacon. SENSITIVE MODELS. THEY L< PalilleHnu of "Trilby" Causes SoiiM^-fe' Resign From the Profession. Women models have always bean a little sensitive about their profession, says a writer in the Boston Herald, and since "Trilby" has been the favorite topic of studio gossip some of the best of tbem have felt that sensitiveness in­ crease and have declined to pose for the nude. Child models who have been in the profession since before they could walk have been forbidden to enter stu­ dios, while wonjen who have supported their fumilies bf posing have refused to mount the model stand. Miss Arabella Gold, who is known as a famous figure model to the best New York artists, has recently sent in a pub­ lic resignation from the profession. She wrote to one of the 'leading New York .papers requesting that it publish the fact that she would never again pose for the figure. Miss Gold's resig­ nation is a decided lo6s to. the artists. She is said to have one of the most ex­ quisitely formed figures in the world. Of late she has been posing for a num­ ber of Sarony 's living pictures. In one of the most celebrated of these she repre­ sents an almost perfect facsimile of the famous painting, "Psyche." Many models whose forms have here­ tofore been prominent features in the portrait exhibitions declare that they, too, will renounce the business entirely. It is not that they object to posing nude, they claim, but the notoriety which em­ barrasses their profession has become intolerable since the publication. The majority of models interviewed have not read the book, but claim that Trilby, whoever she was, has seriously degraded the profession. Some spoke of Ifer as a New York model guilty of some despicable crime. Other* believed her to be a reformer. Soft thsjrWUl Fiffht to Protect ) aad Their Wives From the Although no great poMMft| able to find an exenne, good in < for interference in behalf of gasy, it is not an exaggeral that the public opinion of unanimously opposed to plans for the subjugation of Much sympathy for the islanij cited by the description of ceremony of the bath receive! don this week. Madagascar iSj out her old man eloquent. minister, addressing the "We will defend you and ovfi land to the last breath. We " cannon, powder, shot and all saries of war ready and prepared! heard what women say. They say l Flench are bad and wicked, and know a good deal about it. But: sured we will never again •wises and daughters to be tafclifl French. Yon. our queen and: love peace. So do we, but price the French ask for it. therefore resist. We will fight1 die rather than submit.1 Strangers in Antananarivo nual feast were surprised to i illation given up entirely to ti|s| making which accompanies which the queen and all h«i|j take once a year. Nobody was j apparently by the knowledge f vading army being gathered 5 them ot their independence.* Letter. A Wondertal The death is announced month, England, of the Revp Csesar Malan, one of the guists of the age. In addition tfel German, Latin, Spanish, It Greek, he was master of file skrit, Chinese, Armenian,1 Ethiopic, Sabidic, Memphitte^ Georgian, Slavonic^ Arabic, " Tibetan, Japanese, Anglo-Sa and many other languages. work, completed just before "Original Notes on the Book* erbs," contains nearly 16,000 i quotations culled from the thei» In the Rodl«ian lihrwr£:jt is a volume containing a ] by him in more than 80 la was the son of Dr. Ctesar Ma neva and was born in 1813.- Post. ONLY FOOLED HER Aa Impetnmlous Husband Who I Trick 'He Plajred on His y I have a friend who is w»U off, with a reasonable good investments and a good! but he has a weakness for us freely, says a writer in tto|l| J o u r n a l . H e h a s a l s o a g o o d / ' * J "a frugal mind," and by a dc rangement she exerts a salut on the liberality of her spouae^' sionally he exceeds his ello'ShU indulges in tricks on his Sil secure a little pocket money, ffiiijj he does not desire to render a I count. Not long1 ago he ne hat and bought it, reporting toil wife that it cost him tl that sum was duly cha his personal expenses,1 paid but one dollar arnj "mark-down" sale, and amount to "blow in" wit In a little time, however, called his attention to the faetl hat was looking shabby and that he should get a new one, j the remark that the hat did to have worn well, and he mt cise more care in his next Having forgotten his "little the husband replied hastily thought that the hat had done good service for a cheap one. can't expect anything from a and fifty-cent hat." "How's that?" says the wife, forthwith she exhibited her book with its charge of three and the husband was forced to i his fraud and promise better in future. There is peace just that family, but when he bringaj a purchase the wife calmly but asks him to turn in a receipt from the salesman. OVERRUN WITH MICE. A Most Remarkable State of AArirs la the Province of Kharkoff, Russia. One of the most unpleasant places in this world to live in just at present, ac­ cording to Russian papers, is tbe prov­ ince of Kharkov, In the land of the czar. The country is now overrun with mice--millions of mice. The cats have become so accustomed to the sight of the little animals that they no longer catch tfepa or even play with them. They are said to be a greater pest than the rabbits were in Australia a few years ago. Provisions for the table, can­ dles, soap, books, shoes--everything, in fact, is eaten up by the animal in the nighttime. The furniture even is not spared. Sleep for ;many of the poor inhabitants has become almost impossi­ ble; All of them virtually have been obliged to place their beds in the mid­ dle of the rooms. Some of them even have been forced to sleep with their feet in basins of water, the Russians of that district believing tbat mice will not touch a person so sleeping. If these precautions are not followed, the mice dan je a genuine "saraband" on the re­ cumbent figures and on the bed and even bite the sleepers. Almost all the wheat has been de­ stroyed. A number of wealthy women --landed proprietors--have been obliged to abandon their homes and have gone to St. Petersburg to get away from the scourge, for such it has become. In the fields the mice are so numer­ ous that men kill 800 or 800 itf" five to ten minutes. SELF-WILLED AND AMBITK 1>«I noli IfSmpreH Frederick of • Woman of Triumphs and Of all the daughters of toria ex-Empress Frederick naughtiest when a child, self-willed, a perfect tomboy full of pranks as her brother, tti£ of Wales, says a writer in the ' York Advertiser. On one when an old sailor had carried a yacht and setting her down on < said: "There you are, my little f the little girl replied: "I am tie lady; I am a princess!" whe her mother said: "You had bett the kind sailor that you are not I lady, but that you hope to be ona | day." As Princess Victoria her disposition did not alter*, willed and ambitious, after h£9r| riage with Crown Prince she antagonized Bismarck and ) the German court by her iixdepei She often said that she would press of Germany, if only for a Her wish was gratified, and aftefcl brief reign of a few months she shamefully and disrespectfully tc by her son, who now calls her the] Intelligent woi%n in Germany, press Frederick's life has been larly sad one. She is won like her mother in appearance, they are very devoted to one i She is exceedingly shrewd and* highly educated and the su{ tpte^eet of most German matrons. V DELICATE OF FLAVOR. Refined and perfect in itasl ., . well's Syrup Pepsin, theev^jwN pation, indigestion and si(% fee* Try a sample bottle (10 doaw 10 < at J. A. Story's. Note Eransoa'* Spsdttl 8«te< Goods Saturday. pits'. i .3* iii

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