Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1895, p. 8

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.. '*•. liPC ^THt PUTuwE or iufioee. fkMb tk« Fremb BMtortea, riulMi «B Oriental Influx. ifbe French historian Le Bon In a re- imt article predicts that Europe will Income the seat for despotism and later for barbarism and incur the same tote \ m the Byzantine and the Persian em­ pires. Next the Slavs will destroy the old culture, and then Europe will be overran with the orientals, particularly the Chinese and the Hindoos. ^ According to Professor Le Bona views, a general European war will be Wicceeded by terrible economic condi­ tions. The orient is already commenc­ ing to be the producer for Europe in- dead of being the consumer, and Eu­ rope, in Bpite of its tariff protection, will find it impossible to check the flood. India is now exporting its prod" noe, which, in spite of transportation expenses, is sold at a lower figure than the European, and India, provided with machinery, is now competing with Eu­ rope in the manufacturing market China, when its war vfcith Japan is over, will follow India's a&ample. When India and ChinaAwith their enormous deposits of coal, nave a mass of factories in operation, they will over­ whelm the European markets with their products and place the European work­ man in the position where he must ei­ ther starve to death from lack of work or starve on absolutely insufficient wages. The oriental workman will not, M experience has shown, desert their ©heap food--tea and rice--for our more expensive food or European luxuries. Professqr Le Bon's views, says Le Temps, may be drawn in dark colors, 'but every one familiar with political economy must to a certain exrent in­ dorse them. The European markets in certain of their branches are now and have for some time felt She killing in­ fluence of economical competition from the oriental countries, mnd when such Conditions exist now what will they be When these countries 'fill be equipped- ' With European macf ducing its articles will? ity as is now done in E not come in our time, but. a eration will have a difficult problem solve. . ̂ 2 • F. L. McOmberk Save Yon a Big par caat Tbe Dumber of Stoves and Kanges sold by us thus far this season, is ahead off any previous sale in the records of our city. The universal satisfaction given by the J toves, ON anything in the Stove ^J«e- This is not merely an as­ sertion, but a positive fact. Their superiority in stjfe and finish, and above the prices at which we sell them is giving us THE STOVE TRADE •n QF THE COOfTY. WINTER MERCHANDISE MUST CO! make room for a heavy spring stock com tug in time for the season. ^ ; Clothing, Overcoats, Cloaks, Fur Coats, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Shawls, s, Etc.,- ,. . • riaiiitt have an exceptionally fine like of Skates from 40c. to $3,75. Will be unloaded all sizes and only good goods, * . A full hnl ot seasonable Hardware, always. F . L . M c O H B E R ^ THE INTER OCEAN -IS THE- MAIL Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Sunday) D A i L IT FLOATS * SHIRTS. "NtT "^OCTCr! £ GAMBLE CO.. CIM'Tl. $6.oo per year . $8.oo pe'r year e Weekly Inter ucean PER YEAR ; « SPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times In afe It spares neither pains nor expense In securing AJLL IIUS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. y* The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. II It has something of interest to each member of the family. BflF* ITS YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. rVK || ITS LITERARY JREATLRES are unequaied. .• II i POLITICALLY IT IS ^EPUBLICAN, and Rives its feadere the benrfit ofttej ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEWS Ol- THE WORLD. <s IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER; CENTER ^^^AL^WEST^'OF'T^HW*ALLEO'IIANY' MOUNTAINS* ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. It is in<accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DOL­ LAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. • V-.\; • §V- * • • r M'. : 0 • m V* 'j The thumb ii an unfailing lade* of character. The Square T)jx> in­ dicates a strong will, great energy and firmness. Closely allied if the Spatulated Type, the tliamb of those of advanced ideas and business ability Both of these types belon* to the busy man or woman; ana Deraorest's Famiiy Maeazine pre­ pares especially for such person* a whole Yolame of new ideas, con­ densed in a small space, so ihat the record of tbe whole world's work for a month may be read in half aa hour. The Conical Tvpe indicate® refinement, culturt-. and a love of music, pot trv, and fiction. A person with this type of tbuiub will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions -- of Demorest's Magazine. The Ar- tistic Type indicates a love of JfcCfv Ja beauty and art, which will find ran O pleasure in the magnificent oil-plct- • #» -'"lire of roses, 1654 x inches, repro- anted from the original painting by De Louepre, the most celebrated of living nower-paintere, which will he piveu to every fuliecriber to D'-morest's Magazine for 1895. The cost of this superb work of art waa I $850.t«; and the reproduction I Fo fil cannot be distinguished from the j original. Besides this, an exquisite ] oil or water-color picture is pub- i lished in each number of the Maga- j 2i stine. and the articles are so pro- j _*?* ial fusel y and superbly illustrated thai the Magazine iB, in reality, a pCL.' folio of art works of. the highest j order. Tbe Philosophic Type is the thumb of the thinker and inventor I of idens, who will be deeply inter- | ested in those developed monthly j in Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover the entire artistic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest's is simply a \>erfect Family Magazine, and was lone ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your subscription; it will cost onlv $2.00, and you will hare a dozen Magazines in one. Address W. JKN SINGS DKMORKST. Publisher, 15 Ea«t 14th Street. New York. I Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pages.and|ts articles on family ami domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those "Possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in its small size, slendemess, soft nail, and smooth, rounded tip, those traits , which belong essentially to the ' gentler sex, every one of whom should subscribe to Demorest's MHgazine. If you are unacquainted with its merits, send for a specimen copy (free), and you will admit that seeing these THUMBS h»B put {ou in the way of saving money by finding in one tagazine everything to satisfy tha literary Aa whole (watt*. Coal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran," Oil Meal, Oats, Ground Feed. LIGHT® ROD CO. BURLING [TON, WI8. MANUFACTURER • • • OP • • • •' • . ̂ You have gat to Use. them. Get my prices oil 'quantities, from a bag -full tujja car load, b®~ fore buying elsewhere.. W. A. CR1STY, WEST McHEN W R I T E F O R CATALOGUE e PRICES tYour winter's supply of goods ^from the largest stock in town. : • Owing to the continued mild weather we have too many wain ^oods, and are willing t«i reduce prices in order to reduce stock. will name Buch price as are in keeping with these times and t h i s k i n d o t % w i n t o r ( o » t h e f o l l o w i n g l i n e s o f g o o t b ' f , 7 , » ^ . Overcoats, # v, ; , % Heavy Suits, Heavy WooUfantSs, Felt Boots, Over shoe#, • " " , UnderweajP^ •:v^oolen Hosiery, New Wall Paper, Border, Shades. 1100 rolts stylish aid cheap wall p tpfer received* this month The best dtook ot Sha^s ever showp in this SPRING SHOES Of tfie well known houses of Douglas and Fargo, now in ntook, from common calf to the finest Kangarooiand onauunolpd Various lasts and novelti Candee Rubber Goodi waka Knit Wool€l Ml«ha> k>oM, P&T 5-A Horse Blankets at cost. 8 doẑ )utchess Trousers just received, from f3 to $3.25. dj^fool and warranted. ayflowerTea, Arbuckle's, McLaughlin's, Ceylon and Lion, and Mexican Coffees IN FLOUR, " ffl" We carry Pillsbury's Best, Chick's Best, Fancy Patent, and the Famous Sleepy-Eye. ' SIMON fiJTOFFEL. Jur thus far reliable and carefully handled* IN^uiunce Husinbss Bry'Tbutgd^rai SIMON STOFFEL. Will be kept up in future. w)ll visit the city every will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. Gloves and Mitte||^J Horse Blankets* . ' Lap Robes, 2 7 s'-. Duck Coats, Jackcts, Shirti, ool and Scotch Caps, etc. We have, among other choice fresh ̂ groceries to offer you* - / 7 A ' ' ' v ' pounds good Raisins for SI. Other dried Aiiits in proportion, n oheap. Bemember our Jersey Lily Flour is not undersold in price nor outdone in quality. Yours for business for the y JOHN J. MILLER, HctSfif: JACOB JUSTEN McHEXKY, 1U, To the Furniture trade, W ould be pleased to have you <^a[^and see my complete line of . J. JUSTEN, DEALEB IN OF ALL KID os, VTe«^ MoHeury, R I P A N S ABULES I A. BARRUS, DBALBB W OBOIOB fUULT / REGULATE THE STOMACH, UVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD, RIP AN 8 TABULE8 tbe licet *«41- known for l>4lg(i>llon, BIllouaM^ llcadacke, Constipation, Dyspepsia, CbroaU Liver Traiblc*, I>lzclae*«, Bad Coniitlexlopi, WyResiterr, Offensive Breath, @n<l all dU- ordera of the Stomach, Liver snA Bowels. Kipans Tabules contain nothing Injurious to the most delicate constitution. Are pSeaHant to take, safe, effectual, and (five immediate relief. JULIA A. STORY, • r r DEALER IN Bruga A A FULL LIMB CF Sri:, Meals, Die Stats, Faints. Oilt ond Colort contlur.Up on hand. Alto a full Untf.of PATENT MEDICINE8, TOILET ARTICLE#. ADD A OOMFLSTBfiaTOOK OV Stationery! & Drvg^ists' Sundries. FBTSICIANS' FBX8CBIPTI0NS Carefully | componbded by a Beglatertd PbainMlct. Tour Patronage la respect folly aolieltid. tm • JULIA A, hTO&Y. One\Doort WtM of\Rwtrtidt 1 cute, McEenry, Jit \ / I also keep a full line ot samples ot Carpets, and can please you both in quality and price. •- o «?T Ialao have a large stock of Picture Mouldings and do. BepiriiiL PictBre Framioi, Itc. Call and look my stock over when in want ot Furniture of any kind^ UNDERTAKING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnished at seasonable rates. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry . Jan 1, 1895. A larger Htocfc of Furniture ever before, which I am otFering at greatly • REDUCED PRICES. Price--llosnfl vials), 75cents; lockage (4bozeij, May ]^e ordf rea tbrouffh ne&reat druggtote or by maH. Sani|>ie free by mail. Address THE RtPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sl'Kt CE STREET, NEW tORK CITT. JACOB BONSLETT. DEALER IN NOTIONS. Bootslland Shoes, TOL«l ILL. waaU d &*• ELEOTRIG TELEPHONE Bold mitrijzbt. rent, no royalty. Adapted to Pity. Villan**r»r Country. N^f<iod in *very honie,hhf)p« ^tore and office. Greatest conven­ ience and l>e*t Holier-on earth. Acrnu mak<i from fo g50 per dav. One in a residence means a ^aletoalltho tieifcfhborH. J'Mne inptrument«t no toys, works anywhere, nny distance. Complete, ready for use when shipy.ed. Can be put up by ony one, never out of order, no rej>uiriny:, la«t« a life time. >Nnrrnnt^d. A money maker Write W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Columbus, a •Sr. AVINGS..11,".®, rpl'iti rrcrived and lonued on cui.fuily *•••• lectfd real entnta »«runtie« HIKI thi ictereit collectKIT / \ .4 "V^ ^ I and ipmitt»d -withom lAi O. F charge. Ix>nn» maoa 01 tin>« and icrrni to *mt borrower J. W. UA.S£>t tAl). U uurtljt •tre«l. iClum. Jilinoi*. P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. IrlU DUBOIS 4 DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys. ^nventlve Aae Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. nwtfwtw. From now ttatinfonuary 25th. 1895, 1 will sell , LADIES' SHOC8 Regardless of Cost. I also have on hand a fall line of t RUBBER BOOTS. Overshoes, Felts, Arties and Rubbers* As cheap as the cheapest. All No. 1 goods. Call and see me and I will do you good. I. Ai BAKRUS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, «nd all Pat­ ent business conducted for MODCRAT'C Fees. < OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICII and we can secure patent in less time tuan those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, sC.A.SN0W&C04 ! I OPP. PATENT Orricc, WASH,N6^^^^^ IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Vr PW8ITE BISHOP'S MILL j MCHENRY, ILL. TOVES. TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. '7 NO! YOITARE WRONG! This marul^q^ com p!ain!npr^hat he has A CQB Ho n his toe, but is shouting Address s letter orposUl card to THE JPRjEIM CI.ArM« COMfAWTt WA6H1MC ros JOHN WEODERBURN, P.O.BoxMS. PBNMONB PROCURED FOR SOLDIER8. WIDOWS^ CHILDREN, PARKNT8; AIM, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled la the line of 1 * 'intbe " " * duty in the rernlar Army or Navr atneo the war. Survivors of the Indian_wars_of 1W^ to 18tt|^ % m W e have the lat^rest stock of Stove in McHenry county, among which are the World's Beet Acorn Stoves, if you want a Cook or Heating Stove, either Coal or Wood, be sure and see us before you buy. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Of tbe best makes, and warranted In abort. In our store can ba founrt an? article usually kept In a ftrsl o'ats Hard ware store, and we will always make oar prices right. Call and see us wheo la want of anything In our lloe. Yolo, Lake Co, 111, Nov,! V: pXV ;'•* .; tbclr widows, now entitled. Old and rejected claims § specialty. Thoasands entitled_to •JJ4 MO : OVER 1,000,000 ACORN STOVES W '4:ip USE ANO FOR SALE/BV^f-. -V" A "5 ' , • .. ... * j j j 1 M . . 1 . x < * : mnd Vlepalrln^ ^ Promptly Heating Stoves at Cost^ I JACOB B0NSLET!| * • M«XE«MtaPV.Ui. 1 also keep in stock it full lijDe of samples of Carpets, and we can give you anything from the cheapest to the finest^Brussels at lower prices than any other house in the t ounty. • • > " UNDERTAKING Supplies of all kiuda alw^y# oi hand . iy*A splcndid Hearse in con­ nection. • N. J. JCSTENi West McHenry, Jan. 1,1895. ^ . CHIdAGO, Michigan Ave. Boulevard and Jacknon streets. ^ Fronting Lake Michigan, Withiu two Blocks ot the Center ot the City. Entire new management and ^pular prices. Ov^r $100,000 ha-< been expended in re-modeling and re-furnishing the Horn making ,it one ot the mobt complete and comfortable thotels in Chicago. Steam heat and electric light in every room, bathrooms, Elevator and every modern convenience. Booms, with meals, trom $2 per day upwards. Rooms, without meals, from $1 per day upwards. •5s All meals 75 cents each, iar Avery desirable hotel for ladies visiting the city unattend­ ed, and special care will be given them. DABB & MiLLIGAN. CHA8. W . D A B B , Fourteen years Proprietor ot the Commercial fiotel, Chicago, CHA8* F. MILLICANV Five years proprietor oi Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago. GEO W, BESLEY, - \ - McHenry, 111. '« ^.»EAL1R IN Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLES. PURS WINES AND LIQUORS Fob Medical Us«,+S-P3 Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Ifedieal̂ to. t * > '. ; ̂ , The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco tlwij# on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, v GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHonry, Jan. 2, 188£. %-'\t ; - ifim " : 1 ̂ •: ? tJ' e . M i 1 ^ b J- ^

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