Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1895, p. 1

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VOI,.. 20. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBR we JkiiMer. •*' PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B* s-y*Sty VAN SLY KE,- CDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Xwe Doors North of Ferry A OvtB'i 8tor*. 1TRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ana year (la advance) <...(1 BO : Not Paid within Three Months... ... t 00 Subscription* received for three or atx months lathe ittme proportion. V&. -- • RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising the PLAISDBALXB, and endeavor to state em so plainly that they wiU h§ W4ilj on *r stood. Thejare*«toltoJ"i*;"" ' ""- Inob one year Inches one year Inches ene year - Column one year Ooturan one year- Column one year Son 10 CO 18 00 looo •000 ~ 100 00 r Y; - Tf*:. Jf£;' I I f ' On* nob means the meaiareirent of one mob down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have e privilege of changing as often as they oose, without extra charge. , Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion mt local notioes at the rate of 6 cents per lino each week. All others will be charged 10 Mnti per line the first week, and 5 eoata per vine tor eaoh subsequent week. < ' Transient advertisements will be charged ' hk the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same a* this is set in) the first Issue, and 8 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, An inoh Advertisement will cost # 1.00 for one week*. ®J„S0 for two weeks, gl.OO for throe ^jfeeks, and ao on. The PLAIHDRALIB will be liberal in giving SfUtqrlal notices, bnt, a* a business rule, 11 §ul require a suitable fee from everybody eking the use of its columns for peeuniary tin. BUSINESS. CABDS. c A'--/"' FRANK L. SHBPABD, lOUNSELLOR AT LAW. finite 514--88 La S»Ue St., Chicago. ^'/r. ... t JOS. L. ABT. H. D. nryticiAir AND SURGEOH, MCHIIRF, til, Office in Nichols Block, over 1 lain dealer fflce. Telephone No. 4. O. H. FIGEB8, M, D- PHT8I01AK AND SUBOBOK, Ills. Offloe at Residence. MeHenry O. J. BOWABD, M. D. ^ 'HTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. Oflce at the eraldenoe of R. A. Howard, Wost oHenry, 111. DR. A. E. AURINGEB, HYSIOIAN ASDJ«*JR«KON. one* I« Dr. Ohtids building, West MeHenry, 111. Resilience, house formerly occupied bv Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at* wO, F. O.OOLBT, D.D.ft. rvENTl^T. Woodstock, 111. Opeclaf aton. XJ tion puld to regulating children's teeth, fartles coming from & distance, will do well to giye timely notice by rati!, "Office, Kendal tjjjfook corner Main street and PublUSq are . • 7 a P. BARNES, TTOBNEY, Solicitor, and I Oonnaoior, Qollectlonsa specialty. WOODS-TOOK, UXIHOtS. C. F. BOLIY, PrDarsLelor ef Mary Brgierj, McHKXBY.'ILL. ' - ' Always on Band with the - Beat Beer, • ' 10c. IOC, Does smokeirom your cigar trip Like ircenseiu the air? . , Or does it only cause a smudge; v' ; And make your neighbor swear f Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "OurMoMgnun'-cigwt. IOo- IOc. BARBIAN BROS mmi ori Choice Cigars. We can sell yon one or athousand--retau or wholeealo. YOUR MONEY " ---SHOULD OBTAIH VOX to|r The Best Goods in the Market That la what we aretet- iislied to malce, 44 Th e * Beat, " and tl&inlc we <m,n «o demonstrate to 70a if you will ffire wM|tlte opportunity. v Call In siid tes th* Coods and be convinced. GUS CARLSOM. MCHMUJ.DI., 1894. WM, BACON DEALEK IN ^ > i Machinery! MoRENRY, ILL. «#<* KNIGHT * BBOWN, TTOBNEYS AT LAW. U. 8. Express OO-'S L Bnlldlng, 87 and 89 Washington 8U .CHICAGO, ILL. We have the m >st complete line of Pumps to be found in the county, and if you are ill need of one it will pay you to caU and see us We have THE MYERS FORCE POMP, WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR, 0 t t, 8. LUMLBT* •- ^ a'TTOEMIY' AT LAW, and'^iteiirtiol Is iff. Chancery, - WOODSTOCK, ILIJ. -•-•^Qjggg la Park Honse. flrst floor. , H. C. MEAD, ; Justice 0} the Peace and General In­ surance Agent including Accident ana Life Insurance. Orvios WITH B. GILBERT, HU> DBFOT, WHT MOUlHBt, iLU W. P. *T. CLAIR* . Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Jfceal Eatats and Insurant*. KUNDAflll* A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO.Oni HandredTwenty-Five State St Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing? rae watches ai*d Chronometers. sVA Fall Assortment of Goods in hi* ltao JOHN P. 8MITH, Watchmaker Ac Jeweler MCHENRY . ILLINOIS . FINK stock of Clooks, Watches and Jew- a. elry always on hand. Special attention Ivan to roppuring line wstehes. Give mo 0aU" JOHN P. aM 1TB. , We8terman A So* MOUSE, KIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, MOHKHBT, Itxroois. We are prepared to do all work in onr lino On short notice and suark a tee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A 8PECIALTK -y ' Y Prices reasonable and wcrk promptly •;>; • FOBE* WE8TEBMAW ft SON. ftv - ty»J tDl"ry 30- 189t- JOHN J. BUCBT, :ift T. BOARDING HOUSB, |mr the Iron Bridge, MoHenijy r •oard toy the Day or ffaak at Raaaonabi* rataa* JA NTON LTHB or;Bow BOATS AT MT LAIDIN. Pare Wines,(I-|quoj« andCholeo Cigars '-i^rrnik Lager Boer eensteatly M - %*£' ".v* ^ ' r* * t . > ^ " V , ' • £ . Buggies & Carriages Dur entire stock of Buggies and Carriages will be soljgl AT COST for the next 30 da^gj ' • A. Sngeln'a SALOON AND RESTAURANT m cHINRY, ILLINOIS. Wholaaala and Re*fill Agant ifor 8CIJLITZ BrewiDE Co j Beer. THE BESTMAOp. in any quantity from a Snitx GHass to 1C0 barrels. Or promptly attended $o. >< AUK>. ALWATSjOK HAK1> Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters. choice illeSi liflnes. Cigars, Ktc,^ I b iy none but the best and sell at rfasonab e prices. Call and see me and I will u& use you well. . ANTONY ENGELN. SteHenry, III, 1894, A G R A N D O F F E R ! MME. A. RUPPEBT'S FACE BLEACH wrapper. In every I) oraa Dime. A. RSFMRTB*T«- I appreciate the fact that there are many thousands of ladles in the united States that would like to try my World Renowned Face Bleachybuthfavebeen kept t from dolnno pn aoconnt oc nay have an opportunity. I will sell toe* err caller asam* aiebottlefor So, and to those firing outside of city. In any part of the world. I will send It safely packed, plain _ _ aid, for25c, surer orsismps. free kiwi, pimples, moths, sallow- ten*, aosema, olllness or rougli- >raUon or disease of the skin, and by faeUl expression) Face .eirTlt- West Side JLlvery, r FEED AND SALE STABLES ;; m jr. HANLY, pro^ r; WK8T McHENEY, ILL. \ First class rigs, with or without drir*rs, furnished|at reasenable rates- Partlee Wkeii to and from the Lakes in Eaej Bige, ana prompt connection made with all trains Our Bigs will be kept in Brat class shope. and we shall spare no plains to please onr cue towers at all times, titve us a call, ^ JR. J. UAKI«T, Weat MeHenry, 111,, •ug.'b, 18M. M«y« Agents Hfanted V I T A L Q U 1 S T I 0 H S AC TUC IIAV Political Revolution of "• • ••t UHT . m, Orirls of and "94. OOXBTIBM, strikes, the l of the Battles for bread. Unemployed. GRKAT LABOS fSSCU present and the future Tariff Legtllatkm The Silver Questions What Protection does for the American Workmen. What Free Trade does for him. A bo k for the hour. Everybody wants it, Pri<-e only #1 50. Sella at eight Most liberal terms to agents. Send for circulsrS or send *0 oenti tor agent's oat fit at once P. W ZWQC.BB a Co., 638 Mark*! Street, t>t, Louis, Mo. NEAR THE DEPOT, VTBST MoHEN BY, ILL. Keep* open for tli« Pnbllo » rirat-OlMs •TIM Saloon and Restanr&st, Where he will at all times keep the boat brands of Wlnea/Llquore and Oifui to he found in the market. PABST'8 UilwankH lagw . 8m At Wholesal* and RetartfcV':1;. Beer in Large or Small Kags or Bottles al- irays on hand, oheaper than any other. qnaU- ty considered. Orders by mail proaptlj attMdad t<v> „ OOOD STAB LI NO FOR BOM8M* WOkll and-eee aa. Robert Sohlessle. R E I D S OUGH KIDNEY etf RE* ^ont&ins no Poison. Reid's German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria. 6ylvan Cum purifies the breath* Hard - and - Soft WILBUK .LUMBER CO. AT THBIft TABDS IN WIST MCHENRY, C Have now on hand Doth hard am soft Cjoai. which the? wilt sell Bi. prices ae low as the lowest, f WeatG handlinp th€rgelebrate( Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal which we guarantee unequaled by any. r- chaser ! Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. Car Lots a Specialty. etc File. Lime, always on hand. Wilbur Lumber Co. He You Want WrvrTr? A steady payingjob YV U1 XL e with largest honse In the west, 90 years established. With our fa cilitiea we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that Is warranted to grow. 46 best varietiea reed potatoe. in the world, eto. If you want money write, stating age. 1 L- L. MAY * CO. 8t< Paul, Mtaa> Nareorymea, florists and seedsmen. (TMs honte'ls responsible) WAMTCI1 for 10 men to snliclt orders « W • «l for Hardv Nursery Btoek Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and vain able varieties f Seed Potatoes. Permanent position*; grod salary, ranging frtm #75 t< •IK par month, Apply quick with references, L. MAY it CO., St Paui. Minn. Karserymen, Florists and Seed men. DH, A. HII. Nunda. 111. KB, SPECTACLES. NolCharse for Testing the Eyes. WIIISM; at O- V; Daniel's Drug Store, Aigon quin, every We lne^day, and at the office of Dr. An ringer, West Mc Henry, every Satur­ day, commencing Feb. S3, HWft. Offiee with D^Werden, Nanda, 111, D1 fBUTE'S Naxt : Friday. Maroh 23 W00DST60K* ((..» At the Hotel Woocl*toclc. FRIITH PR DISPEHS aess,ora Bleach i^MOT^abaotatelr- It^JeWloot coy or np, AUmy preparations aamploa, bottles, to, can be had at regular prieea from my local agent, Mrm S. A. ROBBINS, ^ K V ' j , 'S 'tis-. I ^ M.. Jo, .» DR. FRUTH, after years of experience has perfected tbe most infallible method7 of ear. JDK Nervous debility, decay of body and tnino, sel'-disirust, poor memory. Weak eyes, stunted il@veloument, lack of memory, Im­ poverished blood, low vitality, and all effects of tibuees, excesses, improper life, etc., wt.ich renders marriage unhappy (MULJite miserHble. SPECIALTIES "Catarrh, 8kin Du| |i Pi-nples. Scrofula,Biood Taint,T, Vilf-s, and Diseases of Worn] We Guarantee to Forfeit SSOO SEXUAL DISEASE H Dare, Question liat S'REK. < ^ interview solicited, Ooasitltatloa OR. D. O. Fi Oiited StateiJVarCliiii Aihk] WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois Proeaoutaaall elasaas and kinds of «lalmt> against the United States tor ex-Soldiera, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty ia inaae in prosecuting old and rejected claims^ All oommunicationa promptly answered If Postage Stamps trsaeloNd Cor reply. WM, JB. COWL1X OletlllMMmN, llidlioa St. Woodato MALES GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Drugs. Paints and Oils. Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc. VOL.O,ILL. I wish to announce to my patrons a tbe public generally that I am now pro- pared to furnish them with all goods in rnj liae at fch§ Lowest Living Prims: FELTS and ^RUBBERS at prices that defy competition. A large stock of Bed Blankets^ Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR, the finest stock to be found in this section. The finest stock of Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. The best 50c. Tea m market. 1^5 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 30c. per quart. A No. 1 Fine Cut Tobacco, 26 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom, prices and good goods guaranteed; E.RICHARDSON Volo, 111., Dec. 10, 1894. rhotofru|>he4 iros U(«, REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a 1st uar. \riii s ffp MFk Man 15th Day. Of Me THE GREAT SOth nzmoiCY prod acre the above results In 30 day#. It aot« powerfully and quickly. Cures when all oQierf) fail iouiig men will rega»u their lost manhood*, and old iteu will recover their youthful vigor Mr usinf KliVIVO. It quickly and surely restorelnervotis- aom. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly JnniNHioDB, tost Power. Fsiliiig Memory, Wastine DlaealKs. and $11 effects of self-abuse or excess and inalscretion. which unfits one for study, buKintBH or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of dijsease. but •a a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink flow to pale cheeks and re storing tbe Are of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on baring REVIVO. nc other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall •l.OO per psokage. or sis for 98.00, with a poel tlvs written faarantee to cor* or rstnnc tbe money. Circular fres. Address ROYAL MCMCIIIC CO., 63 Rim St. CHICAGO. IU- ' VOBULBBV O. W. DJcuuti. t* wsi MeHenry. Police Msdt Even Lad; Soi All London is a bit of testimony that w&a gi^pfn the hearings on Lady Henry Somerset's crusade against the London music halls. Not to be behind onr own Dr. Parkhnrat when he began his crnsade, Lady Hem Somerset determined to take the bnll by the horns and collect evidence her­ self. She secured another lady as zeal­ ous as herself as a companion, and the pair obtained the services of a young curate of their aoquaintanoe as male es- cof*- ' / Now, it happens that Lady Somerset is a womau of very generous proportions and witlial so handsomely made that some of the ungodly have been wicked enough to suggest that her ladyship would make an enchauting living pic­ ture herself. It chanced also that the lady who was to accompany her was of a similarly generous build, if anything rather the larger of the two. On the other hand, the young curate was slight and weazened, with a pale, mild face, that bore a perpetual air of melancholy. The trip was made, and when the de­ tective party was plaoed upon the stand during the hearing the justice asked her ladyship if in her travels about in the slums she bad been molested or accosted in any offensive way. Lady Henry was compelled to reply that 6he had not, but that, on the contrary, she had rather re­ spectful treatment. Her companion gave similar testimony. When the little curate took the stand, the judge asked tbe same question of him--if be had been aocosted. "Tea," replied the little man in a shrill voice, ' 'and very offensively too." "Well," said the judge, "what did the women say to you?" "Well, sir," the curate declared, with comical indignation, "in one of the musio balls a couple of women came up to me, and one of them brazenly ohuoked me under the oh in and said, 'Why so sad, Willie?' " Even Lady Henry Somerset could not snppress her laughter.--New York Her- "•'-'^BACTiRIOLOQV. fkk Bacillus Business Haa Spread So aa to Make Us All a LltUs Nervous. Of Campbells lives of the lord chan­ cellors, in the succession of which there was a possibility (hat ho might himself appear, Lord Brougham said that it had added a new terror to death. Life has been so stuffed with new terrors by tbe bacteriologist that there is hardly room for another, and beside him the most prolix and prosaio historian and biog­ rapher becomes an innocent and harm­ less figure indeed. There is hardly any physiological or moral condition which is not now fitted with its bacillus, the proportion and structure of that micro­ scopic reptile being given with diabol­ ical accuracy and verisimilitude. It would really be a relief not to know quite so mnoh of the minute organi­ zations which accompany morbid path­ ological states if there were any way of escaping it. The doctors have to know, of course, but the knowledge might be confined to them, as the sacer­ dotal mysteries used to be to the priest­ hood. It would save no end of popular anxiety and alarm. With every symp' torn the patient is now assured that he is assailed by a new and virulent micro­ coccus, and the constantly published re' searches of the microscopists tend to iu- flatne his imagination and increase his alarm. Here is an Italian bacteriologist who says he has discovered the bacillus of old age, and when he has found ont tbe right sort of salt to jput on its tail its ravages will be at an end, and old age, as a condition, will pass away, subsist ing only as a theory or remote retro spect. He has not yet disclosed the structural outlines of this curious reptil­ ian debutante, and it may be only an after dinner vision, to which science will deny a recognized place, leaving old age, as it was before, an incurable condition, with an invariably progress ive tendency, in no heed ofjbagjraia to accelerate it--New York Tribom -- :-- ) Colored Florldlans In Clover. Nothing will kill a young negro but A charge of dynamite, and their stom­ achs must be wonderfully and fearfully made. The freeze was an unmitigated blessing to them, and they luxuriated on frozen oranges for two weeks after­ ward. It was fun to see them. They would gath'br around the various ship­ ping points, and when a lot of fruit was ordered to tbe cremator they would help, themselves before it was hauled away. Some of the boys would eat two dozen frozen oranges at a sitting, or standing, rather, and tbe feat did not seem to harm them in the slightest. Some of the bootblacks and newsboys made a point of buying 5 cents' worth of frozen oranges every day for their dinner. They eould get a dozen )arge ones for a nickel, and they would eat them way down to the yellow hida A white boy who attempted the same performance would have had several different kinds of cramp colic in less than 15 minutes. --Florida Times-Union. 'Hears With His Month. A boy whose month is wonderful, in ;/( at it does the dounle service of tasting and hearing, was in San Antonio today. ' -•"i His name ie john Mihand, and his home is at Sabinal^ He was born ten-years ago. Both ears were closed at birth, and they have never been of lervice to him. But by a remarkable freak of na­ ture his mouth has done what his ears Bughfc to have done, and he is not in­ commoded in the slightest Several locpl^ doctors examined and tested the powerp of tbe m^utli and pronounced the oaso a pbenomO^on without a paxalleL---San Antonio (Tex.) Dispatch. CHOLLY AGITATED. M good looking rich M Willie Onr Actors. It is a remarkable fact that most of the so called Irish comedians in this country are Americans,, and most of the English actors are Irish.--New Orleans Ptc^une. M Prtnoo Batten- it alltboMohap- I and main, itted to wan- created by vert fiist er of is and AJ>S can, yet ity of Bai burg, pies st: If tbe der through such an engagi to the high boi the young advent® Marquise de Caste! on air, as only Fren still maintaining the stately their old French chatoanx. Imagine the cable received from adored son gone to the uttermost of the world to search for the withal: "J'ai gagne tout, belle, riohe et reuse"--I have won all, lovely, rioh willing to give op! Already the news is known in Paris, France and all over Europe. Already other frtigal parents are bid­ ding other adventurous sons good by and good speed on their departure for New York in quest of other heiresses. We will soon be inundated by otb'T "students" of American institutions, who will hope to take something more tangible than "impressions" back with them. I never read of an engagement like this without considering the uproar in­ to which it throws Europe^ 1 have already made referenoe to the "Mothers' Mutual Amerioan Heiress Emigrant society," formed in Germany by noble but impoverished women for the purpose of raising funds with whioh to ship their sons to America. The success of Count Caatellane will be oertain to cause such societies tu spring up all over Europe. By Jove, the government ought to in­ terfere ! This is contract labor if qver there was such a thing, and our heiresses are equally responsible under the law I They bring these fellows out here, they induce them to come with promises of employment, and, by gad 1 old chap­ pies, I don't think it's fair to us at all What show have we plain "misters" got? V We may be as lovely aa Baity Wood­ ruff and belong to as many clubs as Bill Harriman, yet we are not the kind of fellows those girls want to marry. It's the handle to the name, the dreary old tumble down castle, that catch the rioh girl's fancy, and we have neither of those commodities. Upon my word, it makes my heart sick, and persuades one to go out and get lost in the blizzard, to think that a little frog eating Frenchman can blow into New York and in a month's time accumulate $15,000,000, with a wed­ ding present of $2,000,000 thrown in. If the law won't help us, I say that we dudes ought to organize into some­ thing like an old time Know Nothing association and hamstring every decent looking foreigner that arrives on these shores and cannot prove that he isn't after an American heiress. What do you say, Brock Cutting, Ham Carey and Jim Farley; are yoat wid me or agin me?--Cholly Knicker­ bocker in New York Recorder. FRENCH KLEPTOMANIA Bow Be Was Nipped and the KMBOM Goethe Medallion Recovered. The superb medallion of Goethe by the famous sculptor, David of Angers^ was recently missed from the Paris Louvre. Watch was set upon the other art treasures in the room in which it had been 6hown. At length an old man, respectably dressed, was discovered try­ ing to open a case by unscrewing the hinges. • On being arrested he declared that he was tightening the screws of the hinges, not taking them out He was detained in custody, and a search was made of his rooms. Here was found the missing medallion, together with a large number of other art treasures and bits of bric-a-braa There were alsotools not unlike a housebreaker's. The kleptomaniac, who is a bachelor of 63, has been ascertained to be a man of considerable fortune, who spent large,' sums in artistic salesrooms. It is pro­ posed by tbe magistrate to keep him ip custody for a few days and then release him, his friends depositing 10,000 fraiics as security for his good behavior.W Paris Letter. ^ A Shocking BotH* ,,1 A hotel in Chicago is so heavily charged with electricity that the guests cannot move around without getting a shock which is often painfuL It is so bad that when one walks \across the room a spark will leap over)a space of two inches. The guests have had some funny experiences. One man came near getting a gash cut in his face when he went to get shaved, because he was so startled by a spark from the razor. Then another man thought he bad stepped on needles when he got into a bathtub. This peculiar condition of the building puzzles the electricians, and some think the whole house will have to be over hauled and spondent The Name Disgraced. In Tbe Journal Officio! appears a no­ tice to the effect that another Captain Dreyfus of the artillery and of the staff, is desirous of changing his name to that of Deslaurens. This officer was born at Nancy in 1855 and is stationed at Per- pignan. There pre now 38 officers of the name ef Dreyfus in the army list. Seven are in the artillery, 19 in the infantry, one is in the engineers and eight in the territorial army. Death Ito Train A bill to make train robl offense has been in trod souri legislature. ?i^cL--Chicago in the Mia* Re Thinks th* Ttaae Haa Come IK B|» Crowd to Orgnnlaa Against Fotalga--m Bravo, little count! Milles felicita* tions on your pluck and perseverance! i't every young Frenchman who to Amarira to oomplete his piek »p a girl like Anna |i 5,000,00') into the bar. ELECTED WHILE IN JAIL. BOOM Blair Will Serve Poor Weeks and Then Assume His Offle*. "I'm the only man in Bai that kin reach up an pull a outen the top uv a persimmon ttand C feet an a half even in my j in feet. I bin lick air man in Hill district, an my name is Bee Houston Blair, called 'Mouse' B1 short" The rugged looking mount braced back hi9 broad shoulders, his slouch hat down over one eye ' began to stride rapidly down tbe cor­ ridor of the jaiL House Blair is a man of His influence is paramount tn i^ai regions about Mount Airy. Poiit he is a tower of strength. He is a j dable enemy during election tim^i ill fares the unfortunate ,,fellos chances to incur his wrath. There was a municipal elect j lis district; recently. House! His natural procii Eaeturing mountain dewl ito be transported to Neither the absence his power. gathered t0ftwi • were counti^l Blair had ana itwaS elected among his"1 the result wa sent a letter to tl him "to hurry up an^ his sentence; that the i were awaitin on him." In altitude the Hon. Benja? ton Blair almost rivals the rugged ' of the Blue Ridge. His face is as the sunset about Mount Air bis scant, unkempt beard is sugg of the scrubby growth on its precij sides. His voice is deep, like ti tant rumbling of a cataract, and smile is as broad as the limits face will allow. He wears a brimmed slouch hat, which he is ||p habit of pulling down over one i ^ bine striped shirt and a pair ofj sers stuffed in heavy high top; complete his costume, "Now, the boys tnk on themaelj eleo' mo to thar office uv bailiff, office, as you uns knows, is in nv the people. I wasn't a-saek but they jes' give it to uio toal they didn't koer how mooh then ft&«* j revenues got onto me. "Does I make moonshine? 1»< I da Bin niakiu uv it far ther j years an never wua reported time. An 1 never would a bin < then but some nv them nratt what we boys bent out endorimj las' election tnk • noshnn that a-kecpin a still an told thar about it. ' 'That still were pnt up in my i house ten years this las' gone N< ber, an she made stacks 'an eoif|| good ole corn fer me. Ye see, 11'"* keep any smokestack, an nobody < see the smoke, as she jest floated^ uv the rafters. My ole lady's bin nin uv it fer ther las' two yeanfc she kiu make jes' as good doublin's i anybody about thar. "I live lacMn jes' two milea an quarter from Mount Aizy^ an I Ida- walk thar in a quarter of an hoar any |§ day. I'ze ergoin back thar charge as bailiff an stop makia shine, as this here feed don't agreei my waya uv livin." * "~"S House Blair has only four weeks moBe || to serve. He is waiting impatiently fori., tbe time to come when he shall golNtaig^ to take charge of the Center Hill trict as bailiff.--Atlanta Coustitatto^/ TKLEQRAPHIC TYPEWRITER. 1 Nevel IMM mt News MatrihaMs* 9*. "' tewed In Parte. ' '-^1 L'Agenee Havas, the great distritatf* of news at Paris, has introduced reoBath--lJi ly a system of telegraphic typewritwi \*\ which for rapid spreading of in fornix ;• tion exoels anything known. The ma* V1 chine was invented as well as perfected by an American, Mr. Wright, and. aft- er some adaptation necessary for the pe- •<.•:$$ culiar purpose it had to serve, prinnti ^ now the perfection of an apparataRB fat the news bureau. A typewriter ha the central station works the machine, and all the subscribers receive the identinal information in less than one-third -the time required by ordinary telegraphic transmission. Absolute accuracy ia guaranteed, the operator sees what he ia writing, and mutilation or dropping of words is impossible. The system of news distribution is very complicated, bpt great pains have been taken to secure it against any like­ ly interruption of the service. All the wiring is through underground cables, one cable being allowed for a group of 16 subscribers, but there are SO wires in each cable, allowing a reserve of five wires for each circuit ' The machine is quite different from the old Amerioan tickers, in that tbe paper used is not a strip three-quarters of an inch wide, but a roll of paper 6 ̂ inches in width. Tbe principle is that of a typewriter, each key of which is connected with a special communicator, allowing an electric cur­ rent to pass through tbe line, upon which are disposed a given number of receivers with typewriting attachments, but without any clockwork. A typo reel guided by the current from the cen­ tral station prints upon a roll of paper as in a typewriter. The comm mentioned above is set going by a electric motor receiving its energy firow ,, a battery of 60 Tudor aoramnlatarii,~~ Nature., • .. Particular Notice. •• All persons knowing: ed to the late Cbas. Kuhnert, eitawf note or book account, are requested settle the same on or before A pril I as the books umst be settled by time. All persons having claims u the deceased are requested to pr them to the undersigned as sooni possible. Miss BSMHA MeHenry, Feb. 1895. 15 per cent discount lor vmb Winter Goods daring January it

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