Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1898, p. 5

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iWH fiiWetlw. WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1888. p; \ Railway Time Table. ni-- T*k)ng eifcct Sund <y> May 29. 1897. at six m- " o'clock A. M. Trains will paw MoHenry ^ •" Station as follows: j£;, OOIKG SOUTH. , M,»ke(5«a»Ti Passenger...A.'*. # t Williams Bay Kx press 8ISS t Williams Bay Passenger .. ... 8:87 F. m. •,* t Lake Geneva freight.... '• s;*;. f Lake Geneva Passenger 6;17 " • £ x ^Williams Bay Pass'ger, Chi only... 7:08 " '* ' J Williams Bay Pass'ger via Elgin 7:21 " ' GOIWC. WORTH. V: \S.; t Williams Bay Passenger............ 10:00 A, M. t Lake Geneva freight ..... ,...10;lW * }WiUiams Bay Passenger ............ 10'56 •' iLake Geneva Passenger... 2:50 P.*. WiA t Williams Bay Express... 4:45 •• &&>'• JLake Geneva Passenger 4:55 » ,, t Williams Bay Paseenger..•:« •* . . " EXI LANATIOK, •-Daily. , ' % t--pally except Snnday..? i--Sundays only. x This train runs from Jane 36 to Bept. 4, T 'Inclusive. . $ B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry. III. M. W. A. ^ Regular Meetings every 3econd and Fourth • .Wednesday evenings of each month, at their ,,Ball( over Evanson & Co.'s store. ROBT, B. HOWAKD, Gonsul. - J. KIMBALL, oierk. a . • 11 in. W. O. O, F. ? A- Patricia Ooart, No. 187, W, O. O. F. meet , t^the First Saturday and Third Wednesday §/ ;'evenings of each month, at Forest Hall. MRB. SSART COBB, Chief Banger. I:.;-? OHABLOTTB MAJJBKJI. fiacretary. ENJOY a pleasant evening by attend­ ing the Ice Cream Festival in the Park on Friday evening of this weak. TUB Willing Workers , will meet 'with Mrs, E. M. Owen, on Thursday afternoon of this week. Every member is requested to be present. > Mm*. J. B. PERRY, Pros* ) Mas. J. VAN SLYKE. Sec. * 1 ^ ^ ____ THE Ladiee'Aid Society of the anything by halves. Church Will meet wittf Mrs. J. R . (Hark, on Friday afternoon of this week at one o'clock sharp. The time will be oc­ cupied by quQtlng. All are most cor­ dially invited. SECRETARY DR. CI H. FEOEUH has commenced the erection of a handsome new Office build­ ing at the West end of his dwelling, It will Contain besides an office, a waiting rooiti and an operating room, each sup­ plied with all the modern convenience necessary for his large practice. That it will be first, class in every particular gdes without saying, as the Doctor never v' '< (Method 1st Episcopal Church. /fe.fcev. J. R. Clark. ..........Paslor iyt' Sunday, 10:30 A. *. and 7 ;S0 r. M. . Sunday School,^H: 5 A. M. "iDr. A, K. AuriDger,........ ...Superintendent Epworth League, 6:B F, M., Rev. J. $. Clark, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. *. Ladies' Aid (Society each alternate week Mrs. J. R. Clark, President, WA Cordial invitation is extended to all « Unlversallst Church Directory. 'jr. J. Walsh,.... President It. C. Mead Oierk James B. Perry.. .Treasurer Eev. J. Straub, D, D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles organ- aatlon.) Mrs. Jas. B, Perry President Mrs. J. Van Slyke. Secretary fclrs. W. A. Oristy Treasurer jlupt, of Sunday School....... A.E. Baechier 4VThe Pastorts Chicago Telegraph Address S Urand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:S0> r. it. A cordial invitation to alL & New Advertisements This Week. T. J. Walsh, McHenry. John H. Miller, ^ John Evanson West Mc|(enry. M. J. Walsh, " " John J. Miller, " " Estate of Wm. Hufl--J.W. Cristy, Jtxecutor. McHenry County Fair. REMEMBER the Ice Cream Festival, un­ der the auspices of the Y. P. C. U., to be held in the Bark on Friday evening of --this week. WE are under obligations to L. Bowen, of Chicago, for a copy of the Na­ tional Bankruptcy Law, passed by the last Congress. JF GEO. SOMKRS, of Chicago, has rented rare. J. P. Going's house, on the West I Bide, and is now occupying the same with -4his family. THE "Merry-go-Round" is drawing large crowds each evening and the young folks are enjoying it highly. They will probablv remain here another week. A KANSAS editor claims the possession of a Persian lilac bush over twenty-five feet in diamater. An editor who can lilac that must be invaluable to his party in a local political campaign. / . THE McHenry Creamery Company are I now receiving about 11.000 pounds of f|' Milk daily. They have sixty-four pa- y irons, and this average is good for this \ aeason of the year. WHERE is the Ordinance in relation to test driving on the streets? There are a few smart ones who need a lesson in A|his respect. It might do them some good. -v. THE Rev J. R. Clark, of McHenry will deliver a temperance address at the M,' E. Church in Ringwood, Sunday evening, July 31st, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. All are cordially invited to be present. . LETTERS of incorporation have beet Issued tp the Chicago & Fox Lake Elec­ tric Railway Company, organized to build an electric line from a point in Lake County through McHenry County to the Wisconsin state line.. ON account of the drying up of the pastures there is a prospect of a milk famine in Chicago. The receipts have / .1 fallen off greatly, and it is thought that \T ~ a price of $2 per can will be paid before N^>ctober around. How many kernels are there in a head of pats? The crop this year is unnaally good and when the threshing com- fuences some great yields will be report­ ed. A farm hand has been counting and found 181 kernels in one head. Next. FARMERS are cautioned against shod­ dy clothing sharps who are operating about this vicinity. They are frauds. - The safe rule is to always buy from re- epomible dealers, at home. Never buy from strangers who drive about the country to offer "groat bargains." JOSEPH JXJSTEN has a full blood Clyde Horse, eight years old, that is one of the ^ w handsomest animals of this 'breed that y , We have seen for many a day. He is a C ^dapple Bay, weighs about 160U pounds, ,i, <; find has the style and action << of a ten „ v - l»undred horse. Farmers who wish to . improve their stock should not fail tosee ' { $bis animal THE Y. P. C. U. will give an Ice Cream Festival, in the Park, on Friday even mg of this week. Ice Cream, Cake and Lemonade will be served and to good social time can be enjoyed by all. Every­ body cot dially invited. IN our article in relation to the manu\ facture of Watches, last week, we omit, ted to state that Mr. Anners was en­ gaged for some time in repairing this class of Watches and makes each part now entirely from memory, having no pattern to work after. This proves that he is a workman of no ordinary ability. A ROCKFOUD lady made a bed tick to send to a soldier at Camp Thomas and placed it in a box similar to one contain­ ing her wedding dress, which she was •Oon to wear. By mistake the bridal robe went to Camp Thomas and the tick was stowed away at home. A telegram sent caused the garment to be sent back. AT the close of the Concert in the City Hall on Tuesday evening it was an nounced that the Lady's Quartette would give another entertainment at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening next Since that time the matter has been re­ considered and such entertainment has been POSTPONED until some future time, due notice of which will be given. ,T>R. J. L. ABT, will on or about August list, moye with his family to Chicago, where he will open an office for the prac­ tice of his profession. During his resi­ dence of four years here the Doctor has made many-warm friends,-beth-profes- sionally and otherwise, Who will much regret his decision to leave us. The best wishes of all will go with him in his new fleli.^ . THE fourth Quarterly Conference of the McHenry charge of the M. E. Church will take place at the church in West Mc-1 Henry, July 30th, at 11 A. M. Preaching by Dr. Hardin, followed by communion service at 10:30. Let every oue hear the Doctor. We trust that all the official members will be present at the quarterly meeting, as this conference closes business of the year. J. R. CLARK, Pastor. Devil's Lake, A strictly first class excursion to this wonderful and my sterious Lake Thurs­ day, August 4. Round trip only $ 1.50. Leave Ringwood 7:25 A. M„ McHenry 7:34 A. M., Terra Cotta 7:46 A. M., arrive at Cliff House, Devil's Lake, 12:30 P. M Returning leave Cliff HOUBS 6:00 P. M. For tickets and information apply to agents C. & N. W. Ry. A ST. LOUIS physician who is a con­ firmed old bachelor, was started out to reform the habit that prevails of dress­ ing babies in long clotheB. He says that it is necessary for the proper development of babies that they shonld have plenty of leg room in which to kick. The St. Louis doctor is no doubt right. This thing of beginning at the very start in life to deprive a free American citizen of the right to kick is in violation of the principle of republican government, and should have an end put to it at once. THE letters (<ss" are to be found at the beginning of acknowledgments and near­ ly all other legal documents, but not one in a do sen can tell what the cabalistic "ss" is for--even some lawyers can't. i"be abbreviation is a contraction of the Latin word "scilicet," which isalsoacon- traction, having originally been written as scirelicate, neither of which, you will notice, has more than one (,s." The word entire or its abbreviated state is equivalent to the old English "to-wit," still widely used, the design of both being simply to call attention to what fol­ low.--Ex.. f As will be seen by his card on the first stage, Dr. David G. Wells, late of Chicago, has succeeded Dr. J. L. Abt in the prac­ tice of medicine In this village, Dr. Abt having decided to move to Chicago where he will have a wider field. Dr. Wells has had a large experience in practice, both in Chicago and Michigan, and comes highly recommended ss an able physician and an upright, honorable gentleman. He is a very pleasant gentleman to meet, and we predict will build up a lucrative practice here. His office a£id residence will be in the same rooms occupied by Dr. Abt, in the Nichols' Block, over the PLAINDEALER offioe. v - ~ . W . C . T . U . I n s t i t u t e . Mrs. Mary E. Hopper, President of Eighth District, will conduct the Mc­ Henry County W. C. T. U. Institute at Woodstock on Thursday, the fourth day ot August. A good programme has been planned, and our state president, M Rounds, has been secured for the even? lecture. The meetings will be held in thl anoieuce ruuui u* luo aj. >_/*****c*i, » will begin at 10 o'clock A. M. A la attendance is urged and expected. Wei* coma and entertainment for all. CLARA ALLEN, Pres. Local Union. The 95th Beunloa- The reunion will be held at llichmond, Saturday, September 3. There will be a business meeting in the Women's Relief Corps hall at 11 A. M. A free dinner to all members of the 95th and their families will be served by the Women's Relief Corps and citizens of Richmond, at the opera house at 12 M. After dinner there will be a short programme. Ad- .Kj u P WaIAA* after which there will be short talks by any comrade who may desire to speak, not to exceed five minutes. Then, will also be music, singing, etc.--Marengo Republican, : FROM a letter just received from our old friend Jehiel Compton, who formerly resided at Volo, we learn that be is rusti­ cating among the Hills of Central New York, the land of his nativity, and en­ joying the scenes and friends of his younger day#. Mr. Compton is an old settler of Lake and McHenry Counties, and is an honored and respected citizen, and his many friends here will be glad to know that he is well and enjoying life to its fullest extent. He is a staunch friend of the PtAINDEALER and remembers us by sending a list of six new subscribers to be added to our list, for which he will accept our thanks. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F., will hold its first Grand Annual Picnic in Gage's Driving Park, on Saturday, Aug. 6th. k*' fine Dancing Pavilion will be erected and good music furnished for the occasion. Dancing will continue during the afternoon and evening. Refreshments will be served on the grounds, and games, races, and contests will furnish amuse­ ment for those who attend. The com­ mittee who have the Picnic in charge concluded that a Basket Picnic would be much more popular than a dinner served by the Court, so all are invited to come and bring their baskets, and spend, a day of enjoyment and recreation. For further particulars see bills. COM. A The Garden Olty Quartet e made no mistake %hen we said that a rich musical treat was in store for our citizens when the Garden City Ladies /Quartette made their appearance at the City Hall, in this village. On Tues­ day evening the house was filled and we do not exagerate when we w»y that the nntertainment has not been sur­ passed by any that has ever been given here. To attempt* to describe it and do it justice would be impossible. It must be heard to be appreciated. The entire audience was held spell bound for nearly two hours, and they were repeatedly recalled by the de? lighted audience. As we said before it was a grand musical entertainment, and should they ever visit this place again it would be necessary to procure a larger HaU to accomodate those who would be sure to attend. A FLOUR merchant at Edgar, 111., let the story get out that while he was stooping over his flour bin a $150 dia­ mond ring had slipped off his finger into the flour. He appeared to be greatly exercised over the loss, got a notice in the local papers, but finally announced with a sigh that he would have to give it up; that the ring was in the flour somewhere; that he supposed it would turn up in a sack of flour, but he had no idea which one. Well, you * ought to have seen the boom that guileless man fiad in the flour trade. For .the next week be had to hire extra help to fill sacks ourof th it bin. One man who never bought a sack of flour from him before came in and laid up in a winter's supply. And the smooth merchant whistled softly as he filled the sackB and winked the othor eye.--fixchauge. A SOLDIER in Camp at Chickmauga gives some timely advice about letter writing to soldiers. "Allow me" he writes, "to advise the people at home who h&ve friends in the army to write often but do not whine; do not tell them how bad you want them to come, they cannot come; do not tell them of your troubles, they have troubles of tfceir own ; do not tell them of the good thingH you have to eat, it does not assist them in digesting army rations; don't enlarge on the parties, dinners or picnics you at­ tend. Write them cheerful letters. Tell them how much you love them fSr being brave men--do not pity them, but be brave yourselves and do everything in your power to dispel homesickness and your boys will make soldiers you may be proud of." * Devil's Lake, A strictly first class excursion to thi* wonderful and mysterious Lake Thurs­ day, August 4. Round trip only fl.^0. Leave Ringwood 7:25 A. M., McHenry 7:34 A. M„ Terra Cotta 7:46 A. M , arrive at Cliff House, Devil s Lake, 12:30 p. M. Returning leave Cliff House 6:00 p. M. For tickets and information apply to agents C. & A. W. Ry. Notice of Xemoval Dr. J. L NAbt will remove to Chicago during the latter part of this month, Dr. David G. Wells, of Chicago, will per­ manently continue Dr. Abt's practice from July 20th, 1898. See his card in another column. Dr. Abt will remain here until J uly 31st, and can be found at his office every afternoon and evening, including the 31st. FOB 8ALB OB TBADE. Shetland Pony and Cart. Apply to C. E. HOLMES, West McHenry, III., P BBSOH AX* G. W. BESLEY and family WW* flood- stock visitors on Sunday. Miss BARBARA \VEIDMAN, Of Elgin, was here on Sunday last. % C. C. CHAPELL and wife spent Sunday with friends in this village. ' " f MARSHALS WALSH AND NEISEN were Woodstock visitors on Wednesday. CARL MEAD was % Xunda visitor^n Sunday. - D. F. HANLY and wife spent Sunday with E. J. Hanly and wife, at Fox Lake. MRS. T. J. WALSH was a Chicago visitor one day last week. GEO. SLIM PIN wasaNunda visitor on Sunday. FRANK SPURLINQ took in the ball game at Crystal Lake the first of the week. A. J. RAYMOND, of Volo, was attending to business in Chicago on Monday. MAT SNYDER, of Chicago, was calling 011 old friends here a few days last' week. Op TON GILBERT was a Woodstock visitor on Thursday last. FRED MCOMBKR.O! Chicago, spent Sun­ day with his parents in this village. Ev H. BREMER and wife, from Chicago, are the guests of Geo. Schaid and wife. M. J. WALSH is attending to business in Chicago today, Wednesday.' A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, was on ovr streets on Sunday. Jos. YUNGKR, of Elgin, is the guest of John Neiss and family, in this village. CHAS. BLOCK was visiting friends at Elgin and Dundee last week. WM. LAUGHLIN was a Richmond ^vis­ itor on Sunday last. G. W. BESLEY was a Chic^o visitor on Tuesday. -- ^ MISS MAGGIE WALSH, of Chicago, has been visiting friends in this vicinity the past week. WM. STOFFEL was attending to busi­ ness in Chicago on Monday. JOHN WALSH, the efficient guardian of the Peace on the West Wide, visited with friends at Palatine on Sunday last.---- PHILIP KANE and sister Anna, of Chi­ cago, were visiting with friendf in and near this village, on Sunday. ARTHUR J. MULLEN, of Woodstock, publisher of the Court Reporter, was a caller here on Thursday last. JAMKS B. PERRY and Misses Agnes and Bernicb Perry, were Chicago visitors on Thursday last. MRS. L. STODDARD, of Belvidere, has been visiting with friends in this village this week. SIMON STOFKKL was attending to busi­ ness in Marengo and vicinity the first of thiB week. MR. C. BREMER, from ^Chicago, paid his weekly visit to his family Saturday aiyi Sunday. /WILLIAM FELTZ has resigned his position HB foreman of the Brand ice Company. HENRY R. BALDWIN wife, of Chi­ cago, were the guests of W. A. Cristy and wife on Friday last. CHAS. PAGE was attending to business for the McHenry Crearcery Company in Chicago on Monday. Miss FANNIE TOBY, of Chicago, was the guest of Mrs. E. J. Hanly, at Fox Lake, ^h® first of th^ week. MAT WEBER and wife are rejoicing at the arrival of a fine boy baby at their ^Jime in this village. MRS. H. T. FULLER and daughter, of Wauconda. was the guest of Isaac Went- worth and wife, a few days last week. A. G. ELDREDGE, and wife, of Algon­ quin, and Harry Eldredge, of Carpenters- ville, visited their home here on Sunday. MISSES KATE HOWE and Clara Wight- man, returned from their trip to Wash­ ington on Friday last. Th*y report a very pleasant and enjoyable time. PAUL BROWN, of the firm of Knight A Brown, attorneys, Chicago, accompanied by his son, spent Sunday with friends here. J. A. GOING and family and L. Bow- en and family, of Chicago, and Mrs. J. P. Going, of th|s village, were the guests of J. Van Slyke and wife Sunday. JOHN L. GAGE, of Chicago, who is visit­ ing friends in this village and vicinity this week, made our sanctum a pleasant catyon Monday morning. F. COLBY, Robt. Kimball, Clarence Draper, Charles Nogle, Guy, Harrison, Fred Kamholtz, Orton Gilbert rode their ^heels to Elgin on Sunday. JACOB" JUSTEN, John J. Buch, Mrs. Joseph Buch and H. McOmber, were at­ tending to business in the County Court at Woodstock, on Monday. MRS. S. S. SHEPABD and daughter, of Barrefille, were the guests of Mrs. E. Hubbard, in this village, one day last week. MRS. C. BREMER, Mrs. Geo. Schaid and Mrs. J. Stadfield were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eflnger, of Waukegan, last Thursday. WILL BEARDBLIY and wife, and John Heimer and wife, of Elgin, were calling on friends here and at Johnstiurgb the Derll's Laks, A strictly first class excursion to this wonderful and mysterious Lake Thurs­ day August 4. Round trip only f 1.50. Leave Ringwood 7:27 A. M,, McHenry 7:34 A. M., Terra Cotta 7:46 A. M., arrive at Cliff House, Devil'e Lake, 12:30 p. M. Returning leave Cliff House 6:00 P. M. For tickets and information apply11 to agents C. & N. W. Ry. hAY FEVER, Dr. Humphreys' Specific "77" cures Bay Fever and Rose Colds; all druggists; 25 cents, or Humphreys' Medicine Com- ttU>» i*vri x\Jia.________ SILVER DRAGON TEA. The best Tea in the market, and bought before the Tax. Sold now at 50 cents per pound. At Simon Stoffel't. C. E. made our sanctum a pleasant call on Monday morning. AMIL FELTES, of Woodstock, and bis sister, Miss Tillie Feltes, Of Chicago, and Miss Josephine Weber, of. Dakota, are the guests of Theo. Bickler and family in this village this week. G. E. WRAY and wife, of the Press Di vision of the University of Chicago, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday afternoon last. They were on a wheeling trip from Milwaukee to Chicago by way of Lake Geneva. MRS. L. BOWEN and son, and J. A. Going aftd wife, of Chicago^ J. Tan Slyke, wife and children, Miss Bessie Going, Miss Cassie Eldredge, and Mas­ ters J. Going and Fred Eldredge, enjoy ed a days outing at McCollum's Lake on Thursday last. TEACHERS ANNUAL INSTITUTE. The Teltchers' Annual Institute will be held in the School House, Woodstock, Illinois, August, 15-19. The First session will be held in the High School Room at 8:30 A. M., Mon­ day, August 15th. The Institute will be divided into sec­ tions and C. W. Hart will have charge of a special section in the sciences of Bo­ tany, Zoology and Physics. All parties who contemplate teaching in the county next year, are expect­ ed to attend this institute. When di­ rectors apply to this office for teachers, those teachers who attend this and other educational meetings will be given the preference. The institute is an excellent opportun­ ity for professional training. Young teachers, and students who are planing to teach should by all means attend. A teacher who does not take interest enough in his work to attend a meeting of this kind, will not take interest enough in his school to make it prof­ itable for directors to hire him. Direc­ tors cannot afford to waste public money on persons who do not improve every opportunity to fit them for their work. In the Renewal of Certificates the num­ ber of days attendance at the institute will receive much consideration. The school law allows teachers three days in one term and five days in any school year to attend Institutes without loss of time. All schools in McHenry County should be closed during Institute week in order that every teacher may have its advantages. School Directors. Since school direc­ tors are a prominent factor in educa­ tional forces of a county, they are cordi­ ally invited to attend any or all sessions of the Institute. Directors should make it a point to attend educational meet­ ings to become better acquainted with the teachers and observe what teachers are interested in their work. We hope to see many directors and friends of education at this Institute. Board. Good accomodations may be had at reasonable rates in the Hotel and private families." W. E. WIBE, COUNT v Sur't OF SCHOOLS. Hebron,. 111., July 23,1898. Fair Pointers. The Fair of 1898 will please all who come. Premium lists can be secured by min­ ing the secretary. It is a fact everybody believes' "war day" should be a success. The grounds are open to all denomi­ nations ior euiing houses. | If you intend to exhibit something in floral hall, commence now and have it ready. We want every child under 16 at the Fair, Wednesdayi August 24. Admis­ sion, free. The day of games for the young'and old is "children's day," Wednesday, August 24. There will be games of all kinds at the the Fair. Let those interested train for them now. If you expect to have a stand on the grounds you can make your arrange- in cuts with the secretary now. Notice the special premiums given by the merchants of McHenry, Ringwood, Marengo and Woodstock--the list gives them all. . fcA. S. WRIGHT, Secretary. ' Only One Chance Offered. There is one chance in a person's life­ time which, if taken advantage of, leads to prosperity and happiness. That chance is offered now and it may be* yours, as it relates to good farming land at |10 per acrp. Why anyone will pay high prices for farms or rent them when they can get this land we cannot see. For information see advertisement in this paper of C. S. Graves, Janesvilie, Wis. Write him. Hotel Arrival*. The following are the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from July 19th to July 25th inclusive: Tuesday, July 19--G. F. Hoog, R. L. Furgason and. wife, Chicago; H. J. Mon- spideto and wife; Bernice Gayo, Marion, End. Wednesday, July 20--W. O. Brown, Chas. Strauss, Mies Italica Massare, Mrs. C. Koeruer, Chicago; A. F. Townsend, Mrs. Townsend, Miss Stevens, Frank Stevens, Evans ton; J. B. Porter, Shan­ non. Thursday, July 21--F. S. Baker, E. W. Dill, A. F. Pierce and wife, Chicago. Friday, July 22--J. Jackson, Mrs. J. Gassie, J. E. Gassie, Mrs. T. H. Elnert, H. E. Ball and wife, Chicago. Saturday, July 22--J. T. Edwards, E. 0. Pierce, A. W. ,McOmber, L.D. Pollard, Chicago; A. F. Rowley, B. C. Knowler, C. H. Wilder, DeKalb. Sunday, July 24-- A. E, Clausen, John Furgasin, F. Donovan, W.M. Walsh and wife, L. E. Smith, Chicago. Monday, July 25--C. D. Stone, T. C. Welsh, J. H. Sypon, Adalph Pike, X}. M. Braband, W. WiHinkley, Chicago; Rob. Warren, Phil Kidgway, Hinsdale.- • Beal Estate Transfers. For the week ending July 25th. M B Filz9immo«s lo Clarence Warner, 2 a i n o X s s e c 3 5 N u n d a ..9 IGO 00 Beka Prickeit and h to Chas Carlson )ta in sej* sec S^Numla 875 00 Alice Bsriien sua b to V* n iicuofliieil lote 3 and sS iioUan'a ad V* 00astock 114 00 Mathias O'Brien to Ellen Ketioe lot 7 blk 30 Harvard 800 00 Edward Blossom et al to Henry Klt- tinger lot 0 bik 18 Union >00 00 Orson Hodgers to la ftodgers pt lot M Ass 1*8 plat seo 35 Marengo... 800 00 Lewis Hatch to Andrew Neisli pt lot 2 blk 6 Spring Grove SO 00 Ann tiarpentsr to Geo Oarpenter lot 2 blk 5 Ayer's ad Harvard 800 CO Alex Smith per exrs to Henry Stoxen e* se5ft »ecl nw V sec 10Coral. 1.800 00 Charlott lngersol! to Samuel Uuekett , lots r> anil 6 b.k 9 Crystal Lake 1,000 00 Surmiah Parker and h to Henry Wight- man to 1 blk 3 West MeHenry... ...1,000 00 Harrier* Lioenses. ffllliam Klips trick.... Kithrine Johonnett... ..Richmond .. Richmond Estate Joseph Buck. Proof of death, Cath­ erine Buck aamx. Bond 13,000. Estate John Flusky. estate. Estate Gideon Buck, claim of $430 allowed. Estate James Williams. Estate Utrriet Deline. otueath. Report of sale of real A. •. McDonnell's Bale bill filed. Wm filed. Proof n. the matter of the final report in estate of G«o. Fhlweber. Bond of $100 filed and ap­ proved. Appeal granted to eircuit court. HOME SEEKER'S EXCURSIONS. first of the week. MRS. SPALDING, and daughter, Miss Ella, started on Tuesday morning for their old home in Vermont. They ex­ pect to be gone about a mocth. FRANK R. JACKMAN and Fred i'ennett, attorneys, of Woodstock, were attending to business in this village and vicinity on Tuesday. y L. BOWK?J, of Chicago, came out oaSat- urday and spent Sunday with bis wife and son, who have been rusticating here for the past week. Mr. Bowen returned to the city on Monday morning. PROF. OSCAR KING, of the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, was out here on Saturday in consultation Willi liin. Aut auu tVc u o j t u c V .LIIu ut Mr. Rossman. , • C. E. CHAKELL and wife, «f Elgin, have been spending a few days with friends at Fifttauqua Bay and McCuilurn's L&ke. PURSUANT to notice through the papers of the county the executive ccmsiittss of the McHenry County Soldiers and Sailors Reunion and Memorial Association, held at Nunda, July 12, was called to order by M. F. Ellsworth, president, the follow­ ing named comrades being present: A. J. Boyington, Marengo; W. P. St. Clare, W. E. Prickett, Nunda; H. C. Mead, Mo- Henry; L. D. Fillmore and S. O. Steph­ ens, Richmond; Henry Ham> Coral; Sul­ livan SLepard. Barreville; Chas. F. Dike, Crystal Lake; H. 0. Mason, Nunda; W. Shales, Nunda, and J. H. Collin, Crystal Lake. After discussing the subject aH were enthusiastic in the desire to see the Association once more a success and the reunions what they q^ce were. It was unanimously decided, in as much as ths present is a busy time, the farmer com­ rades being engaged in lining and so few present, that the meeting be ad­ journed to meet in G. A. R. hall in Wood­ stock on Saturday, July 30, at 1:30 p. M., which fact should be published. On July 19, August 2,16, September 6, 20, October 4 ana 18, the Nortli-Western Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents of Chicago & ^orth-Western R'y, 2-7 w LAKE BLUFF SUMMER MEETINGS. The North-Western Line will sell excur­ sion tickets from points in Illinois to Lake Bluff and return at low rates until August 31, tickets limited for return until August 31. inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North Western K'. REDUCED RATES TO DIXON, Via the Northwestern Line, from stations within 200 miles radius, on account of the Rock Itiver Assembly, to be held at Dixon, July 25-August 11. For dates oi sale, etc., apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern railway. BICYCLE SUPPORT. Best attachment ever put on a wheel. Light, strong, sure, always goes with wheel, stand it anywhere, in the house or out doors, on the road, at the races, ball game, etc. Sit on if desired. All nickeled. #1.50 Express charges paid. „W. E. MORGAN, 2-w7 Peabody, Kansas. BINDING TWINC. We have just received a iafige quantity of the Sisal, Standard and N. Binding Twine, which will be s.>ld in large or small quantities as low as the same can be bought anywhere. Now is the to buy. WILBUR LUMBEB CO. West McHenry, Bl. A Fine Farm for A farm of 200 acres' Junction, Iowa. This ie i land soil. There is one hi under cultivation, fifty acres of land, forty acres of tillable ten acres of timber. Then 1m rvn&tiK'. water on the farm also a deep fftOsl windmill. The place also has a £*% young, bearing orchard and otter brrik Tht house has seven rooms cellar under house. The barn is 89*40 with an addition 20x40 for cribs wagon shed. The Fences are all in |_ condition, Distance to a school only three quarters of a mile, and to chnrelt one mile and a quarter. This place is for sale at a reasonable price and on easy terms. Call on or address. A. J. SCHMOKXR. Columbus J unction, la. Get a Hat that is in Style at Omm. & Chapell's. Try a sack of Monarch, Fancy or Seal of Minnesota flour, every sack warranted. For sale by M. J. WALSH, The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes. "One minute Cough Can is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds, and all throat ami Innct troubles. By J. A. Story. '? | A Good XeoHNry Often saves money and also good health. If you are troubled with cosstip^tei, indigestion or any form of stomach trouble remember to take home a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and health will be restored to you. Trial sizes 10c (10 doses 10c) large As GOe and $ 1, of Julia A. Story. >0 Griping or Pains. ABBOWSMITH, III., Jan. 21,1897^ Dear Sirs:--I have betn bothered for 115 years with constipation and I have tried many preparations in that time. 1 com­ menced using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in the fall of 1895 and unhesitatingly say it is the beet remedy I have ever found for my trouble. No griping or pains after taking. Yours, etc., WM. HUST. For sale by Julia A. Story. ' .'•! l-M Nr $ V/--J The best Coffees and Teas on THE BHHS ket and prices always the lowest at M.J.WALSH'S. Men's Ties and Fine Shirts at Stoffel's. Wanted-An Idea Protect jour Ideas; ther may Mi WrltejOBN WEODEBSURME OO Who can think of some 1 UriactD] neys, Washington, D. C., for their • sad Ust of two hundred Invsectaas The newest styles and makes mer Dress Suitings at Stoffel's. Straw and Canvas Hats, i variety at Simon Stoffel's. gnat Choice Candies purest kind at of the freshest aad M.J. WALSH'S. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and al­ ways with good results" says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small child­ ren we find it especially effective." Eor ale by J. A. Story, Druggist. Do you know that E. Lawlus, Tailor. has taken measures for six, seven and eight suits a week. Good goods low. Prices from $4.80 to f 12. Keep your hand on your pocket book until yon see E. Lawlus. 49|| "I think DeWitt's Witch Hasel Sain is the ft nest preparation on the market for piles." So writes John C. Dunn of Wheeling, W. Ya., Try it and von will think, the eame. It \tdso ewres ecsema and all skin diseases. \By J. A. Story All kinds of harnftns'^goods and hone apparel at A. Wegfener'£ y * ; * a \ *<< v .L Business Locate. See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. Be sure to leave your orders for Pills- bury's or Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. The handsomest assortment of Shirt Waists to be found in the county. The ladies should not fail to call and see them at Simon Stoffel's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and best wear­ ing shoe on the market, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. For Sale.' Feed warehouse and Coal sheds,, situ­ ated at West McHenry, III., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, or J. E. Uristy, Ringwood, HI. 33ti . Buy your Grand Army suits of S. 8tol» tel. All sizes and best goods. ^ Fancy Shirts, Collars, and Ties in the newest styles and lowest ̂ prices. Large stock just received at M. J. WALSH'S One Minute Cough Cure, 1 mi That Is what it was made tor. Patronize A. Wegener, the West lfo» Henry harness maker for any goods in his line. Call at Simon Stoffel's aad aak lap), ft'.' Metropolitan Fashion Sheet. See the laige line of Crash Straw Hats at M. J. WALSH'S. w' . ; the best makes only at Hosiery of S. Stoffel's. THE ladies are invited to call at the store of Simon Stoffel and get the August sheet of Metropolitan Fashions. LADIES Shirt Waists at 50 cents on the dollar at A. P. Baer's Farmers Store. See his advertisement. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve niu* c--«j •u»t uurai. -• v.: if M Hanly Bros. Mill, Hie Mill of Hanly Bros., on the West Slide, which, on account of the damage to the dam, was laid up for repairs, is now again in running order and they are prepared to do all kinds of Grinding on short notice with their usual promptness •and in a saiisiactory manner, unug along your Grists, either for Flour or anything in the Feed line. We are pre­ pared to accommodate you. \ ffiMLI Bxos. West MoBenry. The chief Burgess, of Mileeburg, Pa., say a DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills be ever used in his family dur­ ing forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in result. By J. A, Story. All work first class, neat and reason­ able in price. A. Wegener the West Mc­ Henry harness maker and dealer in all goods in that line. Give a share of your trade to a deserv­ ing, first class harness maker. A. Wegener. ; • __________ Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says thai for constipation he has found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. By J. A. Story. Sick cossti"" tion and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. By J. A. Story. New Cider Mill..'/ The undersigned has built anew btifid- ing and put in anew Cider Mill, and is now prepared to make your apples into cider on short notice and guaranties satisfaction. Every man will get hi* cider from his own apples, where he has ten bushels or over. Remember my mill is all new and good work will bo war­ ranted. firing along ycur apples. Mill oh the Richmond road, near the tery, McHenry. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, Juiy 22,1899. The celebrated Pillsbury Floor ha' found at Simon Stoffel's. It is un­ questionably the moat popelar Flow ever sold here. ___________ • I have made a specialty ot Hie prose> cution of all kinds of damagn casta against RAILROADS* f other Corporations, and Estate^ fifteen years and make no charge unlaw U-ccessful. Call or write me. , „ C. P. BARNES, ATTOBSKV, .. „ tfoodsto* W. P. 8T. CLAIR, JwHceof the Peace and Notary PubK* % Beat Estate and Jttmtranee, | NUNDA, LLLSL W-SV DeWitt's Little Early RIMTSS Tit IHMSI little »Uta!: TGSF attended to. Thousands of persons have been ' of piW by usiajj DeWitt's Witch Salve. It heals promptly and entss ene­ ma and al! skiu diseases. It glna km- mediate relief. By J. A. Story. YI-KI cures corns and warts. 15 oijitf Our Shoes are all up to date pricee to suit all purchasers. M. J. HAVE YO^R HAY Having purchased the Hay Picas ol A L Howe, I am now prepared to Press Hay and Straw on short notice guarantee satisfaction. Call on or RdrirefM me nt MpHobto JJ1_ order will be promptly Prices Reasonable. 1 am also prepared to do Q| all kinds. Give me a call. M. N. WiHK*Lfc W; McHenry, March 30th, 18981 v, 4|l Perseus troubled with diarrhoea wfll be interested in the experienoe of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrancs, Provi- denee, R, I. Me says: "For eevsnl years I have been almost a constant saf> forer from diarrhoea, the freqoeat at- tacks completely prostrating me aad rendering me unfit for any duties at the 1 hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholsia and Diarrhoea Remedy, Much to w mr* prise and delight its effects were iaM> diate. Whenever 1 felt ^ptoSM^ e( IUU U i KUU1U UiJB the attack with a few dosieof 1 able remedy. The result F factory aad almost complete the affliction." For sals by J. A. Druggist, Mil Jj SIP '-&~L 1

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