/ V * 5 ^ vvii cc Pledged butt? Truth, to Liberty and Lew9 #lo Favors Win us end no Fear Shell Awe." VOL. 24. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1898. »0. 6 m O. - PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BT V A N S X r Y K J P y * - •HDITOB AMD PBOPRIETOE. ^ OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK , two Door# North Owen A Chapelt's Store* r"~ ¥cifMs or «uiisc«irrio*»J {•me year (in advance) t Not Paid within Three Month*. .9100 . 8 00 Subscription* received (or three or six months in the same proportion. |IATE8 OF ADVERTISING: " We announce liberal rates for advertising mthe PtAi(.»KALBK, and endeavor to state tnem no plainly that they wili be readily u%< derst">od. They are as follows: 1 inch one year.. BOO g Inches one yaar... ....... 1000 8 Inches one year ... A.. 15 00 ii Column one year ......... ......... 30 00 M Column one year 60 00 1 Column one year 100 00 r One inch means the measurement of one lneh down the column, single column width, Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Begu lar advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line east) week. All others will be charged 10 oents per line the iirst week, and 6 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged a>t the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil type, same as this Is set In} the first Issue, and K cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost 01,00 for one week, f 1.50 for two weeks, 18,00 for three weeks, and so oo. The PLAINDSALXR will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it Will require a Bultable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns lor pecuniary gain. # 49" All Foreign Advertising payable quar- terly. in advance. Those terms will he itrl^ly to. BUSINESS UAKD8. W. C. ANNER8, TACTICAL WATCHMAKER, WEST MCHENRY, ILL. a«SL*V*» DRUQ •TOnB, O. H. GILLMORB, TTORSEY. Probate work a L Office in Kendall Block, Wood specialty. Utock, 111. J. r. OA9BT, ATTORNEY and Counselor in Joslyn'e Block, Woodstock, III, Spec ial attention given to trial oases. KNIGHT ft BROWN. TORNEY (AT L AW, 100 Washington Street, Chicago, 111, C FRANK L. 8 <KPABD. OU MS EL LOR AT L*W, suite Clark fetreet, Chicago, 111. 80--188 C. P BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, and Colle t lions a specialty. Covn&elor. Woodstock, 111, FRANK R. JACKMAN, ATTOKNEY and Counselor ai Law. Prompt and careful alter tlon to all matters left m my hands. Money to loan. Office in Hoy block, Woodstoek, 111. Telephone-- office, 55, residence, 50. SOyl DAVID G. WELLS, M. D, PHYSICIAN ANt> SURGEON, Office In Nichols Block, over Piaiuuealer offioe. McHenry. Telephone Wo 4. C. H. F EG EH 4, It. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office at Residence, • R A. E. AURINGER, * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office In the Stroner building, one door west of A. P. Beer's store. West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne. All professional calls promptly attended to. W. P. 8T. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Meal Estate and Insurance, HUN DA, Ills JOHN P. 8WITH, Watchmaker «St J eweler MoHENRY. ILLINOia. A FINE stook of Cloeks, Watches and Jew- A. olry always on hand. Special attention Iven to repairing fine watehes. Give me JOHN P. /SUITS. W. A. CRISTY* JuKtice of the Peace. WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. \ H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General ln- mraboe Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WKST MOHENBY, III. BO YEAR8* EXPERIENCE PATENTS DCSIONS COPYRIGHT* AC. .nyone sending a sitetrti,and ckly ascertain _onr 0$?}™J™ it Invention is probably strictly confidential Handbook on Patents sent free, o'ldest agency lor »ecurtagp»t«^i. Patents taken through Mann ft Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely ilMstifcted weekly. ovation of any scientific Journal. Terms. W a {war; four months. $L 8old by all newsdealers. HUNN&CO."1^'New York Branch Office. 836 F St.. Washington, D. C. Dr. Walter C Besay, DEJNTI8T WEST MoHENT. Office over Besley's 1 Wood at >ck Offioe Drng Store, | Kendall Dental Parlors. Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tueslays. At .Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thurs days, Fridays and Saturdays, KXAMINATIOKS FREE, tjMILO J. L. HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) M -- Tuner & Repairer. I --NRY* All Orders Promptly Attended to, DR. BAECHIER DENTIST. ^lot# Work and everything par- talnlwg to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a eqgtL a day or two before coming. v Office. MoBenry. A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary • Surgeon, MoHearj* XII. attention ment o! Cows. given to the treat- office at residenc«\>n Wankeran street, one door saNt or Hotel Hark. C. F. BOLKY, Pronrielor of McHenry Briery, MoHENRY. ILL. Ahways on Hand with the Beat Beer SMOKERS I WTA ii fast of a GSOD Cigar! CALL AT BARB IAN BROS) THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c, Barbian's Bestihand made 5o The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. a I • ;F1BRY ft own. Bankers. MoHKNRY, - - IILLINOI8. This Bank reeewee deposits, and sells Fbreign ami Domestic change, and doe* a General Banking Busineti We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and«ther first class security. Special atfnHon given to 00- lectionSt INSURANCE In first date Companies at the Lowest Bates. Tours Respectfully, PERRY &&WEH, Notary Public A. Ml. CtvUftCH, W«tob maker and .Jeweler Ao. 126 State Streett Chicago. Bpeelal attention givon to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. «9T A Full Assortment of Goods in hie line. PATENTS 'Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ient business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICII |aru! we can secure patent in lass time than those ifemote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- jtijn. We advise, if patentable or not, free of; | Charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 'A PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents," with Jcost of same "in the U.S. and foreign countries «es& free. Address, C.A.SNO WDT CO. MORR. PATENT omcc. WA8HIN«TOR, D. E. SUMMER Horse Goods! CU8 CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has just received a fine line of Summer Horse Goods, consisting of Fly Nets, Lap Robes. Summer Blankets, etc. To which he invites the attention of the public. He will guarantee to please yon in quality, price and style. ALSO, A FINE STOCK OF SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains., „ „ CUS CARLSON MCHMUT, III., JULY 12. 1898 NEW HOTEL -AND- Boarding House Water Street. McHenry. ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having building I take completed my new am now prepared to W A R ! ! We havelnat made arrangeraan • hf whieh we obtain oontrol of a special edition of Cram's Big War Atlas, The Best Book of Its Kind It is just what you want and &H yon want to foliow the movements of our fleet* and our armies. It contaius 16 pases of lar«e eo ored maps, 2ixlt inches, and llxlOK inches in slie, covering all territory where a conflict could l>oi>sit)ly occur, * COMPLETE STATISTICS* Naval and military, and history of all ountries and possessions Involved, all the flloial documents, ate. It answers all Wai* Questions, Settles all War Arguments, Strictly up to Date. Even if you have another Atlas you need this one to keep posted. While this special edition lasts we will send copies postpaid, to- Re ther with four Issues of our profusely Illus trated eomio paper "UP TO DATE" tor * cents In stamps or silver. Address UP TO DATE. Menon Bids. Ohioage ' ACENTS WANTED • In every county to supply the great popular demand for America's War for TOLD IN PICTURE, AND STORY COMPILED AID WKTTIH BT Senator John J. Ingalls. Of Kansas* The most brilliantly written, most pro* fusely and artistically illustrate'), and >nnat Intensely popular hook on ttte snbjoot Of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations From Photographs taken specially far this great work. Agent* are making t&0 to (100 a week selling iu A veritable bonanza for live canvassers. Apply for description, terms and territory at once to Mi Di THOMPSON PUB. CO. St> Loala, Mo., or New York CLTY- CONSOLIDATED Field Fencing. Is made In 16 different styles and Is guaranteed to tnrn all k li dff stock Nothing but Large Galvenized Wire of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construction A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEP8 ITS SH&PE. Crimp and Joint. The hinge |jolnt at each Intersection cf the wires makes an adustable fence and prevents at«y wires from bending. mn I wire provides for expan sion and contraction and prevents stay wires from moving out of place. MAVCI-AOTUBBD BT CONSOLIDATED STSSL * WINS OO , CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Those wishing a fence will do well to see this fence aad get our prtees before pure ha»l eg. • Oall on or address E. H. THOMPSON, 9m4 West McHenry VEAX THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Pnbtic a First-Class, Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the best branas of Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be lound in the market Mors by the Day or Weak, Give them the best accommo dations, and at REASONABLE BATES. My Rooms are all newly far- nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will bes spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONT ENGBUf. HoRenry, UL» 1887. PABST'S HSwaakts LSFTT BM, At Wholesale and Retail. Beer in large or small Kegs or Bottles al> * ays on hand, chaaper than any othar,guallty aonsidered. Ordeis by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB MOSSES ew Oall and see na. Robt. Schlessie. '.-Welt McMenry, Hay % 18SS. hem lif AMTSrn School Teaohers, lie mtll WW MIV t CU ebanles, Farmers, Ma> chine Agents, anyone honest and willing to hustle, we wf<l p*y good wage® and steady employment. With our facilities and per eonai help Mid man fully alive an* willing to work can w>n a i>ayiBgposition with us, Ay sly qniol., stating age L. L. MAT A CO., Naraerymen, Seedmen & Florists, st. FSUU Miaa, THE BQABD OP SUFSBVISOBS. The honorable board of enpervisors of McHenry count v met in regular session jit the court house in Woodstock, III., on Monday, the 11th day of July, 1898, for the purpose of transacting such busi ness ae might properly come before them. Meeting called to order by chairman, W. A. Oist.y. At roil call all supervisors except 8up. Beck were present. The report of grand jury of the May term of the circuit court, 1898, was read to the board. On motion of Sup. Brotz- tnan it was ordered printed with the pro* ceeding, towit: In circuit court of McHenry eonnty, at the May term. A. D. 1898. To the Hon. C. H. Donnelly, Judge of said Court: The grand jury of this court would respectfully submit to your honor that they have completed their work, so far as has come to their knowledge. Thoy have examined the county jail and find the same in a good, cleanly condi tion ; prisoners well cared for. They far ther find that the court house and county buildings are in a fair state of repairs and have no suggestions to offer to this court other than t hat they may be discharged from further duty at this term. JOHN CARROLL, Foreman. J. C. BREWEB, Clerk. On motion of Sup. Hoy the semi-an- nual reports of the county clerk, circuit clerk, sheriff, county superintendent of schools and county treasurer were re ferred to the proper committees without reading. Petition of H. S. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J. Luck to extend the franchise for electric railway from Har vard to the s tate line was read to the board and referred to the committee on roads and br dger. Petition of h: Marengo Telephone Co. for the privilege of erecting poles for telephone lines a.oig the highways of McHenry county wat read to the board and referred to committee on roads and bridges. Sup. Hhurtleff iTiove^ thnt the chair- man appoint a committee of three to in vestigate and ascertain; possible, if it remained the duty of the Loard to equal- iee the assessment as returned by the as sessors for 1898. Carried. Sup. Cnsty appointed 8ips. Hoy, Shurtliff and Weltzien as b^ch com mittee. Petition of C. & N. W. R. R. Oo. for purchase of 3-100 of an acre of land from oor farm was presented to the beard by np. Hoy, and on motion of Sup. Shurt leff, was referred to the committee on poor farm. Sup. Hoy called attention of the board to the fact that the quota of McHenry county at the Northern Hospital for In sane was more than full, and that the poor farm was crowded beyond its facili ties for taking care of the insane. Sup. Shurtleff moved that the matter be referred to the committtee on poor farm, they to investigate and report to the board as soon as practicable. Carried. On motion of Sap. Clark board ad journed until 8 P. M. THREE P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call all supervisors answered to their names except Sup. Beck. Sup Brotzman moved to adjourn until Monday, July 18,1898, at 10 A. M , so an to give the special committee on equalization and poor farm time to care fully look into the matters before them. Carried. JOLY 18, 1898, TEN A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call all supervisors answered to their names, The committee on roads and bridges made the following reports, which were adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee 'o whom was referred the petition of H. 4i. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J. Luck for an extension of time on their electric railway in the township of Che mung, would b*g leave to submit the fol lowing report on the matters before them : That the time within, which H. S. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J. Luck, their heirs, successors and assigns, were to build and have in operation an electric railway along certain highways in the town of Chemung, as authorized by this board on July 13, 1897, and which was fixed by section nine (9) as expiring in September, 1898, be and the lame is hereby extended for the period of one year/ or until Sept. 1,1899. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES NISH, Chm, N. BROTZMAN, &AM'L E. CLARK, J. H. GBACY, JOHN WELTZIEN. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of the Marengo Telephone Co., asking the right to erect telephone poles along the highways of McHunry county, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we would recommend that said petition be granted upon condition that said poles be so placed as not to interfere with the proper use of said highways for travel or repairs of the same; also so as not to interfere with any private entrance from or private crossing of said highways; also provided that before erecting said poles the petitioners of the Marengo Tele phone Co., shall file with the county clerk a good and sufficient bond of $4,- 000, to be approved by said county clerk, conditioned to forever indemnify and save harmless the icounty of Mc Henry against and from any damage which may be recovered or obtained against said county by reason of the erecting, maintaining or failure to erect and maintain said telephone line or lines, reserving the riirht to grant like consent to any other telephone company. All of whieh is respectfully submitted. JAS NISH, Chm, J. H. (JRACY, SAM'L E. CLAHK, N. BROTZMAN, JOHN WIWZIEN. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors; Your committee to whom WAS referred the quarterly re port of W. E. Wire,. cour.ty superinten dent of schools, would beg leave to sub mit the following report on the mat ters before them; That we have ex amined said report and vouchers at tached thereto, find the same correct and recomend 'ts acceptance and that the amount, three hundred and sixty- four dollars ($364), due the superinten dent, be allowed. " All of whL'h is respecmillv submitted. W. D. CORNCE, Chm, F. W. HATCH, H. F. JONES, E. D.SHARTLEFF. JAMXSLAU, op Of I On motion of Sup. Beck board *ad- journed until 3 P M. to give other com mittees time to complete thuir reports. 3 p. M.--Board met pursuant to ad journment. At roll call all supervisors present. The special committee appointed by the chairman presented the following re port, to-wit: i Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisor: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of the equalization of the assessments between the several towns in said county for the year 1898 would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them : That your committee are of the inion and are advised that the board supervisors in said county have no right or authority to equalize the assess ments between the various towns in said county as made by the assessors for the present year and returned. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. D. SHURTLEFF Chm. L. T, HOY, JOHN WELTZIEN. The ayes and nays being called for vote being taken, resulted as follows: Ayep--Sups. Brotzman, Shurtleff. Beck, 4Lake, Cornue, Desmoni, Mills, Stevens, Weltzien. Hoy, Clark, Jones, Covell, Gracy and Nish--15. Nays--Hatch--1. , The committee on fees and salaries made the followiug reports, which were adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the reports of county clerk, circuit clerk and sheriff would beg leave to Bubmit the following report on the matters before them: O'SOUIT OOUBT. Earned. For recording.. tll'>0 <0 Clerk's fees in aattelneeuirt.. 1190 6B Ooart costs..... Totals... ... , Expenditures; Olerk hire Postage and express ... Clerk's salary half year. Total ?..., Bai&nce due county.- SHERIFF. ^Earned Beod. (1100 40 342 50 123 46 06 (1566 35 600 00 46 44 750 00 11206 44 279 91- R«od MIS Vs Sheriff's fees In suits In ooart.t 61& 80 1 182 25 On executions... Miscellaneous 58 92 Bll 70 58 92 42 20 Totals riff's si Balance due $1186 02 Sheriff's salary half year. sheriff. # 283 37 600 00 8 M U COUNTY CLMBK. Earned. Beod. For probate fees and clerk's tecs in suits in rourt 11535 IS | 650 00 County -icrvioes 768 K Miscellaneous services 116 25 116 26 Previous earnings 451 55 Totals: Olerk hire..., Postage, express, etc Olerk's salary half fear.... Total Balance due olerk .$!41S 96 11234 SO 700 (0 49 4:; 7 B0 01. •1499 43 M6 13 vice of the superintendent and physic ians, selected the following, classed as bondud patients, which we would recom mend for dismissal according to the rules prescribed in such cases, namely, by a request from the board of super visors,,^ the hospital authorities, to notify thl bondsmen, for the patient, that they at once remove said patient: Geo. W. Goodrich, Coral; Joseph Sey mour, Algonquin; Jared Tut tie, Coral, Margaret Kennedy, Dorr ; Mary E. Wil son, McHenry; Johonna Hayden, Al- den; Mary A. Thompson, Chemttng; Mary A. Carr, Dorr; John McGuire- Hartland . George Godfrey, Richmond,, The following who are classed as county cases, of those who are unaccom panied by a bond, we would recommend be discharged, or paroled, as room is re quired for other cases sent from the in A D Osborn, electric supplies..*.. Wager & Joslyn, telephone*erv4 ; H George, sup elec Hjfetet Mn McHenry Oo Demcr't, pig Hi J C Choste, waste paper 1 W l Pond, aervioee as cowtty Das Volksblatt. printing ... . WoodBtoeK -sentinel C >. printing... W RA Shorn*, eocene .. City uf Woodstock, lamps Sumo, electrie lights Holmes & Wright, pat pnweodtngs J Van Blyse, same K L spencer, asme Diii Volicsblatt, same Walsh A Whittieton, saa J V Bsatty, same.. Hebron Tribune, same .. McHenry Journal, saaa%.. M Cbnrch, bailiff ....jS., G Ehle, same J I. Uitibard, same....... I. BenthuseD, same... ... M W Lake, same N » BoM), same.... ,.. ., s (1 Green, same H D Holmes, same...'...., J L, Hibbarct, same sane court, and that those discharged J same' * or paroled be returned from the town- « Ana we recommend that orders be drawn on the county treasurer for the amounts due them. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. DESMOND, Chm. Joan H. GBACY, 8. E. CLARK. r R. J. BECK, JOHN WELTZIEN, The committee on poor farm made the following report, to-wit: To the Chairman and Honorable Board of Supervisors: Your committee on poor house and poor farm beg leave to Bubmit the following report: March 23, 1898, committee met at poor farm for the pur pose of auditing bills and ascertaining the cost of keeping the poor from S«pt. 1, 1897, to March 22, 1898, inclusive. Members of the committee present: Stevens, Nish, Cristy and Chairman Hoy. The following bills were approved and ordered paid: Whitson Bros, hardware repairing 9 8806 A D Ost»orn, groceries .... 6140 F W Streets & Co, clothing.... v.i .... 1200 Murphy & Mullen, dry goods...... 1284 B 8 Anst n, groceries 17416 Cowlin Bros, boots and shoes .. . .... 656 A 8 Wright, drugs and medicine* 6040 W Dis^ro 7 & Oo, groceries 16 64 Evans & Kilian, meat 2040 O G Mrud, tfroceries 9 61 O F Tborne, clothing 18126 M D Hoy & Son, dry goods 19 26 J O Ohoate, dry go ds and groceries... 16 19 F W Bueil. feed Bmer, polling place, town N Frame & Hon, grinding feed... C T Donovan, b'acksmithing (.... A 1) & J A Kennedy, groceries .. 118 90 13 13 38 85 77 4<> 21 SO 15 76 16 66 44 77 3610 666 2^ 9026 8000 40069 146 75 12 90 H A 8 one. boot* 3uucts.. Alois ureyer, harness A B Pratt A son, meat F M Bunker, groceries Bunker Bros, groceries and hardware T H Brown, supt salary ... Same, mdse ami nloek E V Anderson, physician Paid bills audited: Peabody Coa»Co, coal V 8 Lumley, cows Walters & McLean, farm Implements.. Total bills audited $2343 :iti Jtivided an fallows; Permanent improve mente, *74 33, clothing, (260.50; tobacco, #11.- 68; medical attendance and medicine, fUMO. running expense*, §1856.56. Supplies on hand Aug, 31,1897 ..f 193 18 BillB for running expenses Mar. tt, *08 1856 56 Total ..f20»9 73 Less supplies on hand Mar. 22. 1818.. . 466 8!) Le*8 board Mrs Brown 29 weeks, 72 50 Less board Mrs Lawson 29 weeks...... 87 00 Less board Mary o'Bouka tt weeks.... 35 79 Leas cows and hogs sold 213 00 Total 98 Leaving cost of Wo 4 7 weeks heard.. 1185 75 Coil per week 128 Bills were sent to indlvidualsas follows: N Brotzman for town of Riley...... ...9 4ft 82 IDhi urtieff for i^wn of Mxreago 81 98 F F Axle 11 for town of Chemung 62 37 W I) Cornue for town of Allien.... .7.. 4i* 87 Wni Desmond tor town of Hart land 28261 Joseph Mills for town of Seneea 99 47 F E Stevens for town of Coral 3967 John Welizien for town of Graflpia,... 50 72 L T Huy for town of Dorr i#o37 a F Jones for town of Hebron 87 18 S E Clark for town of Greenwood 105 21 W A OrUty for town of McHenry. 8' 65 John Gracy for town of Bunds 178 70 Jameu Nish tor town of Algonqula ... 96065 E E Kichards for Mrs t. aw son Si 01 Daniel O'ltoukc for Mary O'Kouko 8805 Respectfully submitted, L. T. HOY, Ohm, F. E. STKTBHS. » W. A. CBISTT. JiMllKllH. The committee on poor farm made the following report which was adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your poor farm COiuLuii lee, who were directed, by a vote of your honorable body, to^port some feasible plan for providing room for the insane of this county, would respectfully report that, after consultation, it was decided to visit the insane hospital at El gin, 111., and make an investigation as to the condition of the patients there confined, from this county, and aecer- certais how many and whom could with safety, be discharged or paroled. We visited the hospital on Friday, July 15, and were afforded every facility for making an intelligent examination. We found twenty male and twenty-three female patients from this county under treatment there. Of this number several are incurables and will probably be re moved to the hospital now in construc tion at Peoria, when completed. Sev eral are recent additions and must re main under treatment until it can be de termined whether they can be cured or aiotOf the remainder we lu^p, by (head ships from whence they originally came and turned over to the proper author ities ; Kate Hezlep, Marengo, Herman Tony an, McHenry; Albert Reed, Che mung. We are of the opinion that our courts and juries should exercise the greateet care and caution in finding verdicts in cases where insanity is charged, to the end that our insane hospitals, which were designed for the treatment and cure of the insane, be not converted into con venient shelving places for those who become old, and helpless or feeble minded, and who oftentimes have had abundant provision made for their care and comfort at home. We also desire to Btate that we found the patients irom this county well cared for and with no complaints to make. We also desire to thank the trustees, superintendent and all in charge for the kindness and attention shown your committee. Respectfully submitted. L, T. HOY, Chm, R. J.Beck, W M.DESMOND, P. E. STEVENS JAMES NISH, The committee on elections made the folowing report, which jwas adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your commit tee to whom was referred the selections of judges of elections and poling places in the different towns would beg to sub mit the following report on the matters before them : Riley--Judges: N. Brotzman, J. Brotz man, P. 8. Griffin; poling place, town hall. Marengo, 1st District--Judges: E. D. Shurtliff, B. F. Itenwick, Geo. Beldin; polling place,A.J). Stedman's shop. Marengo, 2ndTDistrict--Judges: 0. W. Tyler, R. Gault, C. P. Wright; polling place, A. 11. Park hurst's place. Dunham--.1 udge«. R. J. Beck, F. C. Wells, Wm. Bweeney; polling place, school house District No. 1. Chemung, 1st District--Judges; F. F. Aztell, F. O Thompson, P E Saunders polling ploce, Rolling & Dobyne's office Chemung, 2nd District--Judges; James Lake, S. H Callander, Peter Carpenter; poling place, new engine house. Alden--Judges; W, D. Cornue, H. F. Manley, Daniel Sullivan; poling place, town hall. Hartland--Judges; Wm. Desmond, Cornelius Nolan, Wm. Forrest; polling place, Deep Cut school house. Seneca--Judges; Jos. Mills, Henry Sheldon, C. W. Dietx; polling place, town hall. Coral--Judges; F. E. Stevens, A. 8. Peak, C. L. Kren hall, Union. Grafton--Judges. John Weltzien, H. F. Ellis, Henry Sinnett; polling place, J. S. Cummings office. Dorr, 1st District--L. T. Hoy, 0. D. Judd, E. S. Austin; polling plane, room under county clerk's office. Dorr, 2nd District--Judges; Fred Grif ting, G. W. Frame, R. H. Couant; polling place, room under sheriff's office. Greenwood---Judges; 8. E. Clark, M. Dassow. John Raycraft; polling place, town hall. Hebron--Judges; H F Jones, Lewis Fieher, W 0 Bui town hall. Richmond--Judges; E B. Covell, A. 3 Wright, J. T. Bower, polling place, Bur ton's opera house. Burton--Judges. Fred Hatch, J B Richardson, B A Stevens; polling place, town hall, Spring Grove. McHenry, 1st District--Judges: John V. Bucklaad, J W Cristy, M J Freund; polling place, old Congregational church, Ringwood. McHenry, 2nd District--Judges; W A Cristy, Simon Stoffel, John Kimball; pol ling place, village hall, Mcllenry. Nunda, 1st District--JudgeB. J 3 Gracy, S S Shepherd, Wm. Vannatta; polling place, Bremer's store building, Barreviile. Nunda, 2nd District--Judges; O M Hale, D B Warner, Emerson McCullom; polling place, village council room, Nunda. Algonquin, 1st District--Judges; Chas. VVandrack, John D Keyes, G D Jayne; polling place, Morton's hotel. Algonquin, 2nd District--Judges; Jas. B Robinson, J P Kroeger, C F Dike; pol ling place Geo. D. Williams' store, Crys tal Lake. Algonquin, 3rd District--Judges; Jas Nish, Sherman Burton, Emil J King; polling place, L E Mench's office. Cary. All of which is respectfully submitted, JAMES LAKE, Chm, F. E. STEVENS, L. B. COVELL, FBED HATCH. S. F.. CLAKK, The committee on claims made the fol lowing report, which was adopted to-wit. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims pre sented to them, and recommend the pay ment of the following and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the clutiuauts fur tu€w?t)ral amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: BILLS PAID. A D Osborn, hardware, pipe, etc 9 219 42 Hnntzioaer Bros, meals for juors, ete.. City of Woodstock, light and water.... Mis Nor Hoep Insane, clothing, eta ... Woodstock Sent Co print'gand stat'y.. M W Lake, bailifl 34tv term J COhoate, waste paper baskets....... Harvard Heraid, print's »nd ahttton'y Oity cf \Vood8t< ck, lights Lincoln Asvlutn Feeble Minded,tnpVs Citv of Woodstock, lights Same, same -- Hoi m-s & Wright legal blank* .. p x eettioone a Oo, stat'y and safpl'i Same, s»me A D Osborn, soap and supplies p F Petti bone & Co, stat'y aad suppl*a Same, same Buntzihger Bros.dieting ....... Eckort & Young, supplies sheriff T H Brown, care Fannie Brown .. .. Hotel Wooostock, Iward jurors 77 aala. F S nl&keslee, stenography Whitson B os, hard ware, etc Walsh & Whittieton, printing J B Babcocfe, printing proeeed?ags..\. WmSharno, eocene. W 88kiaae*j(ir%«'tl»QM«lM U«ht jugton; polling place, 1260 1299 57 74 78 00 500 2 15 250 3 17 9 04 499 355 700 H4 0i as 89 81 17 §.'37 '201 33 22 25 IU 10 52 50 25 99 8 35 41 to 26 ,Xi 25 OU 6 m no oo Benthusen, same J L Hiobavd, same .................... \ N 8 ftobb, same H I) Ho'wes, same........... J L Hibimrd, same....v.. Elgin Asylum, ol'th'g and inetd espas E w.LdmueUor, medioal attsadaie*.. L T Hoy, drugs, stationary, ete J J s ta lfo rd, oflee etair Harvard Inpependent,pubproceedings Chas acoBela, same Wm sharno, eocene ii At Vaughn, filing eaw Walsh & Whittieton. lettar hda,nrsMt F M Hunker, mdse for ooart trnue Woodstock sentinel Oo, printing M o'Leary, 41-8 cords wood C rtis & Wienke, repairing flag at«g..#j W ni Sharno, oil ..... Elgin Asy 'tun, clothing supplies Holmes & WriKht, cro# blanks A F Field, eoal Walsh & Whittlet n, printing, ete..... L T Hoy, committee work F E Stevens, com work poor farm ~ ~ ~ * '• -- '-lOefeOAce ««• P F Petti bona a Oo, supplies I Total.. .(KM* BILLS HO? BIBBNIOU FAOb L H Jones, fees Wilson laroeny 4 ASi Same, fees J comiafcv laroeny .. 11SS Same, feesF J Kellay.. 719 Same, same 94ft Same, fees W W Wltliama ,. • 1ft same, fees A F uav<8 eiai 140 W AUriity, burying soldier...... I60S E V Anderaon, medioal serrtoee 6 09 <i Eckert, jailor and hoarding ptlsenrs 97850 Same, baluff probate and oonnty ooart 105 00 name, miscellaneous, janitor,jafasr..... F 01 Arnold, 45 days extending taxse.. W E Wire, ntat'y and offioe oxpenass*. ualiahan & Co, books..., Maine, same V i Lumiey, insane ease L Morse...... Same, same Kate Mad 8alift), eame Myron L Olothler.. Same, stationery and doeketa.... ..... Same, insane oaseU P Baraea ila ir.hai. & Co, books ....... Einmett Coven; trans Lt W Bennett..•• J T BsUiiu, same OhasDiets V a Lumley, insane eaae Minnie, J US.. Andrew Henderson,.witness fee ys Lock wood Levi Francisco, same J Conley, same ......... John Morns,same ... Same, game....'. .... .............. L Beuthuser, same ...*.. Andrew Henucrson, Mime. John Morris, Si me.... .. ................ John Pervorse, feo vs Woodstk. Br Oo Henry flansman, same i£ari Hillman, same Ed Muldoon, same. •J ohn Collier, same,.......... Fred Joorfetz, same 0 B Lyons, Peo vs Hammeretadt Geo Kane, same Peter Hughes, same....--. T Halltsy, same S H Calender, same W M Barber, same. Chas Brainard, same...... Dr 0 M Johnson, same.... F O'Brien, same........ J F Ryan, same C G Hammerstadt, si 1'has Ratzlcff. same.. mn 3 60 850 #00 sue sen IS 00 500 J® too IS 16 SOO too *8 ..... ' i;-,i*SO . ... . 10* 100 . 190 100 100 t i e 110 110 110 110 110 *30 920 >00 2 30 220 990 990 990 990 990 990 240 IS Michael Gavin, same. 190 Hicken, insanity Minnie JuiM. 190 John Meier, same,... 180 tl H Ford, same 180 C C Watson, same tl M Brown, Peo vs Barnes efe a!... Arthur Miller, same 9 90 Jas Campbell, same 930 Henry Matthies, same.................. 990, M Column, same...990 .... 220 900 940 990 970 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 .E MMA>«ONE»»M*W. Frank Stupfel, tl W Metcalf, same W H 1' rooCObtj same.. Ohas Krause, same •J T Beldin, Peo vs H RHMA Chas H Nichols, same A Miller, same T-H.,™,,..,,.... Ohas Rogers, wmw..... , , Chas Ward, »ame....„ J D Pringie, same....M.„.. J T Beldin, same. Wm Miller, same Martha Gaulke, same. Best-ie Anderson, C H Nichols, same. C F Rogers, same.. Don, Grey, same Burt Laiming, same........ Fred Hance, eame, Arthur Miller, Bame,._...., Carjie Talbott, satne»..M...... J F % ilsos s&SsS.Mt< D Brown, same Mort Tucket, same........ lohn Starks, Bame Chas Talbott, same........ 3" 910 910 890 890 890 8S0 *20 820 890 a OA 890 M &90 820 890 Mrs Geo Fox, Peo vs Wollert. 9 60 .... *60 940 .. 950 950 960 M 190 ~ 950 ^ 9 90 .. 990 990 »90 920 990 990 >90 990 220 E90 Chas Wandrack. Wm A Nason,same John Johnson, same...... E A Ford, same R B^McKee, eame... L Benthusen, same A J Doig, same ....„ urton Gilbert, Peo ve Comieky.., Henry Block, same VV C Itesley, same.. Mrs Kate Schnorr, Fred Schnorr, same..., John Walsh, same.... Dr. W C Besley, same W F Gallagher, same............ Orton Gilbert, Bame.................. Henry Block, eame..............„^., Fred Schnorr. same.... ttatnieaststM E Benedict, iinsanity M L Gtolldir C A Welbon, same. Harley Benedict, same.. Herman Wirth,sama.... 11 J Conn, same... H F Jones, same... Jos Shafer, Peo vs Bogart. J ohn Shatter, same. «... Geo Nell, same J Burke, insanity Clarence J W Groeebeck, same... A W Anderson, insanity L Moraa. L R Lines, same............... Peter Leo, Peo vs C L Brown.,..-.. T TT W-- W!» « SA vv/uvt?} a w ve «*iu rv uovw****** L Benthusen, Peo vs Bennett....*.* Cornelius Nolan, P«o ve Keily •J Kitchen, inquest Anna Onrwu. 1 Schroeder, Pw ¥® Jofcn " 980 >80 980 980 >80 830 >60 960 >60 990 990 110 110 990 110 190 980 920 2H0 E D Shurtlefi. committee work...... 1110 W D Cornue, same. N J Justen, burying old soldier L Benthusen, serv mitt and mil^ age L Bennett W Deeuiuud, 3 <1«yscom work am* expenses F E Stevens, committee work.. Jas Nish. 2 days committee worit L Benthusen, case M Hoar.........** L T Hoy. com work and 820 8600 1900 £3 j.-IsAsWl. . I