J I - . ir$DNESDAY. 10. 1898. 8LYKE. Editor. ftCMCMBER TMK '. LETTERS FROM THE Executor's, Notloe, EBTATK of Wlllam BntL Tho nnderslraeff h"vl The underslpH*! h«vinir bMtt *ppol»t«d ntorof the last Will ud TMtameit ot s*« ' ' u *< O W E N B.EPUBLIOAK IXOBJET. STATBT jhtf Stale Trea«urer-- FLOYD K. WHITTEMOR*. Superintendent of Public Instruction-- r ? S ALFRED BAY LISS. fphit Traatee* of the State Unlvewtty-*- 1% FEED L. HATCH, A. F. NIGHTINGALE, Use. ALI'JE A. ABBOt*. Hi#", ' " & OOSGK«88IO!»AU . ' '-lOt Umber of Congress, 8th District-- ALBERT J. HOPKINS. LBOIBLATITB, fit Representatives, Eighth Diatriot-- ' GEORGE K. LYON, of lake County. D. A. FULLER, of Boone Ooanty. COUNTY TICKBT, 9m OeaatytJudge-- O. H. GILLMOKE. Jar Oraity Clerk-- GEO. r. EU8HTON. for County Treasurer-- FRANK F. AXTKLL.1 Far Sheriff-- HENRY KEYES. ;**» Oouatr Superintendent of Sohoo)»-- W. E. WIRE. PORTO RICO, Aug. 1,1898. DRAB FATHER--We arrived here last night after an uneventful voyage, and expect to land this morning. We ave laying among a fleet of 1. 8. war ships at Ponce, a city of some importance which our forces have recently captured. San Juan is about fifteen miles from here. Oar view of tjhe island is rather small, a range of mountains coming down nearly to the coast. The weather here seems to be cooler than at Newport News, but it may be warmer in the interior. There is a report here now that Spain has sued for peace, and it may be that we will not have a very hard campaign. Well I must close as the mail is about to close. Ex cuse paper as you can not get any for love or money here. I have carried this from Chickamauga. Give my regards to all the folks. Am feeling fine but hungry. Hastily, • JESS. PONCE, PORTO RICO, Aug. 1,1898. We had a very delightful trip on the water, arriving alongside Sampson's fleet at 8 o'clock in the evening. They looked like a city with all their lights and sig nals,, as it was dark when we came up The Cincinnati and Columbia are fine boats. When we came to anchor we found that Miles' army was ten miles distant and every town had surrendered, except San Juan. The band played for an hour and then we rolled up in our blankets and had a good sleep. The coast of Porto Rico is quite mountain ous. It is a pretty island and we expect to have a fine time while here. J ust be fore we arrived we received our "first aid packages" and a belt full of cartridges. The boys wish they had smokeless pow der. It is quite an honor for a regiment to be the general's escort. When he came on board a salute of ten guns were fired. All the boys are well and ready to fight Spaniards. Qood bye, - HERBERT L. BENNETT. S ; 8PAIN SAYS SHS VAVT8 PBAOE The inevitable has come. Face to face with a depleted treasury, a bankrupt and disunited people, on the blink of aational disruption, defeated on land and on sea, proud Spain is on her knees suing for peace with the United States. The French embassador presented the request to the authorities at Washing ton. The United States has sent to through the same channel its What these terms are has not yet been made public, but that they will be made honorable to victor and van quished is sure. In a general way these teams are known, or are supposed to be known, and have been published in dif ferent papers. They are probably cor rect so far as they go. They are to the effect that Spain must cede Porto Rico to the United States; that she must re linquish all sovereignty in Cuba and cede that also to the United States that we may establish a government there; that she must withdraw all her forces from the western hemisphere and cede to us some island in the Ladrones. Not so icuch is known of the terms Sflth reference to the Philippines, but that the United States will not allow them to revert to Spain without first establishing some satisfactory form of government is felt certain. The con dition of the treasury of Spain is snch that no indemnity can be expected, or at least none of any size. That some ar rangement may be perfected whereby we can control them for a time, or obtain a revenue from them, is possible. The latest news from these inlands is to the effect that the insurgents defy both Spain and America, and that it will take a large force to obtain possession. If this is so we may not want the islands. If the insurgents are out in sufficient force to wrest a victory for themselves, it may be beet to allow them to do it, and estab lish their own kind of government. But in our judgment President McKinlqy will do what is for the best when the time comes. Whatever is done we may be sure of #•0 things, that the honor of the United States will be upheld, and that in the minds of other nations for a time inimical to us we occupy a large place and have won their respect for our fighting prowess. Hereafter it will not be the United States against the world, {for many wish to be on the winning side. Spain may accept om- ierms. and she may not. In the mean time our prepara tions are being made for future fighting. Porto Rico is practically ours without bloodshed. PONCE, PORTO RICO, Aug. 1,1898. We arrived here all right after a pleas ant but uneventful passage. Most of the ieg:ment was sick and paid their tribute to Old Neptune. Herbert and I were not sick a bit. We sighted two sails and two steamers. We had our guns trained on the steamers, and all the soldiers were ordered to go below, but both were U. S. I cannot write much as the mail is about to go out. We got the news when a dis patch boat came up that the island had surrendered, except San Juan. We are right in the midst of Sampson's fleet. Albert sends regards to all. He was not sick either. We may have a fight, but 1 doubt it, and still expect to see home by Xmas. We are having a delightful time at the expense of Uncle Sam. We had very poor grub on -the voyage. Canned tomatoes, corned beef and beans, and no salt. We had hard tack. Will write again soon. Regards to everybody. FRANK BENNETT. feF* JBntter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was firm; offerings, 164 tubs; sales of all offerings at 18%C; butter last week, 18%c; one year ago, 16C, sales Of the past week, 10,500 tubs. The men behind the guns and in front of the boilers are the brave fellows who ruined Spain's navy. Admirals, Commodores and Captains may pose in gold lace attitudes but the whole brood of them did less for their country than any one of the "black gang" who shovelled coal and sizzled down below. I^Sagasta's contention that Porto Rico cannot be claimed because it was not possessed, when peace terms were asked is a suppositious, indirect fugitive fashion, is absurd. There is nothing to prevent a claim for the Canaries or Ba learic islands. Spain cannot pay cash war indemnity. The compensation must come in islands whether, they have yet been touched or not. Foreign diplomats are amused at the absurdity of Sagas- ta's atttiude. It iB not probable a grand stand play for home effect. SF"The haste of the Porto RicanB to throw themselves into the arms of the invading "imperialists" fairly takes the breath of the latter away. When the Americans appear in force, on the water, and the general in command of the land forces is rowed ashore, they find the peo ple gathered in multitudes cheering the invaders. General Miles app; oaches the municipal building in a carriage to the tune, "Bee, the Conquering Hero Comes, played by a Ponce band. Not a shot is fired. An intelligent people, rejoicing at the liberation from Spanish rule. The hostilities of a "conquered" city pressed upon the conqueror. Regard less of party the sober, sensible manner in which President Mc- Kinley has conducted the war, from its inception to the present hour, has com mended him and his administration to his countrymen. He knew the unpre- paredness of this nation for hostilities and was slow to accept war. He knew the unpreparedness of Cubans to rule Cuba and resisted acknowledgment of Cuban rule. He knows the character of Spanish diplomacy and will not permit treacherous advances to introduce com plications with other nations nor halt hostilities upon flimsy pretext. The president has exercised a reserve, con servatism, soundness of judgment and an elimination of everything theatrical throughout his direction of the current unpleasantness. He has the confidence of the people of this nation and deserves to have it. Any settlement that he may recommend, when the time for settlement comee, is likely to be the beet attainable, and it will be accepted as such, to the exclusion of all individual preconceived plans and notions. s >jWTN°w that peace is at hand, upon *tr own terms, President McKinley is L feeing congratulated for his successful Conduct to a speedy conclusion of the war. He receives these congratulations ^ very modestly, as he thinks that no -•mall portion of them are due to the fteople who have stood so solidly behind Mm from the day that he asked for the first war appropriation. He is particu larly gratified at the unanimity with which the press of the country have sup- ported his efforts--no such support has ^ been given to any other administration to the conduct of a war in the history of country, and he has every right to feel proud of it. Although the occupa tion of Porto Rico is going ahead at the *ate 01 a town or two a day, and without opposition, more troops are being sent to Gen. Miles. It is expected that a ces sation of hostilities will take place before mi attack ie made upon San Juan, but m Jk'orto Kico is to become American territory it is thought that the presence of a considerable American army will , Itave a good effect upon the inhabitants, Who are so favorable disposed to the ex change of the Spanish flag for Old Glory that no large army will be needed for a t permanent garrison of the island. More troops are also to be sent to Gen. Mer , ritt, and it is feared that they will be : needed to properly deal with the Philip pine insurgents. ; Remember-the great closing out sale of I far68AddrimtPiirjfrt-jl. j* j?0**?88 tet- fommer goods at Owen & Chapell's. ' Chicago, N? Baking Powder to., A Cook Book Free. , "Table and Kitchen" is the title of a new cook book published by the Price Baking Powder Company, Coicago. Just at this time it will be sent free if you write a postal mentioning the PLAINDEALKR This book has bssn tried by.ourselves and is one of the very best of its kind. Besides containing aver 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery, there are many hints for the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter the dining room, etc.,; a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and richest as well as of the most economical and home like, is E E f ° n V R e m e m b e r " T a b l e a n d Kitchen will be sent, postage prepaid, to any lady sending her address (name own and Sta£) plainly ~iv3B. A copy in Jjerinan or Scandinavian will be sent Executor . Wit "am Huff, deceased, late ef tbe County of McHenry and State of Illiaoia. hereby giva notloe that he will appear be. tore tbe Oountj Court of MoHanrjr Oonnty at the Court House tn Woortatoei, at the SeptemlHir Term, on the first Monday ia Sep tember next, at which time all pereons having claims against «*<•' noti<i«r! «»j 73. quested to attend tor the purpose of bsvtBjr the same adjusted. Ali persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate ment t* the undersigned, tied the 18th day of Ju ORMTT, ; GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. Notice of Application to Ml Real Estate. or ITATE or ILLINOIS.) COT7HTY or MUHEKBT, R Se In the County Court of Mallear* Oimitv. sptemoer Term, 1898. • io&ii Persons Concerned; Take notice that the undersigned, guardlaa 1 Ethel May Owen and Jennie Adeiatd Lnlu Owen, minors, will apply to the County Court of said County at the next Hepttmbtr Term thereof to be hoIr|«n it the Court House tn eau! county on the flrst Monday in September next, for an order to sell the following de scribed real estate belonging to ssid minors and situated it the County of McBenry. and State of Illinois, to wit: Oommenoln* it tbe south-east oorner of lot numbered one (1) in E. M. Owen's estate addition to West Mc. Henry, 1U., running thenee north 15 degrees «5 minutes east, twelve (12) rods, thenee easterly parallel to Waukcgun ro*'\ fonr (4) rods, thence south 15 degrees 45 minutes woet, twelve (12) rods and to the north Ho# ot Waukegan road, thence westerly along the north line of Wmikegan road four (4) lots to the place of beginning, being a part of the »outli-w«»t nuMtor aectfou 2", in town north, range i? east of the 3d p. m. Sad tbat tbe petttion tnereof is new on file ia the office of ihe clerk of said court. - „ . OLIVER N. OWEN, Guardian of Ethel May Owon, and Jenaie Arielaid Lulu Owen. Dated this 18th >*y of Jnlv A. D, 1806, MsBenry.IlL 4*4 The McHenry garble and Granite Works. All Kinds of Cemetery Work st Low Prices. A Fu Line of Finished Work Constanty on Hand Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. J. H. MILLER, McHenry. Having had several years experience sell ing farm and other sales. I now call attention to the fact that I feel like getting a »f GREAT "HUMP On myself and sell your term sales la tfeUenry as well as Lake Co with & great DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain good results these okm times, 1 am satisfied that it requires the same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm Sales and be 8ucc«»#ful ae it dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ax kansas. either of which I am wilting to ao when called. Most of you will know that 'I have bad and still have much dzpirionoe ee ling just suoh goods and stock as you will r ffer at public auct on thl§ spring. There fore I shonll know their value and hew to get at selling the same for the mesl money, dropping the article with the one that some times pays his note, I am quite a nood bid der and sin always looking for bargaiae. I believe I can do more for you than can the others for the same or less cost, If I did not feel suio of the above and was not sn dead earnest and willing to try, on short notice, I would not bs so well equipped An alarm turned in jby postal may reveal unexpected results. Try Us a Csupls of Times Tour obedient and unsystematic friend - T. V.8LOCUM. Wauconda, ill ' Wednesday, August 24th, HARD WOOD TIMBER UNO FOR SALE Over One Half Millie* Acres ot splendid hard wood limber land in northern WSOOMIR and Michigan for sale by tbe ChloigoftNorttmNton Railway. Tbl teat land proposi tion ever made to set tlers. Tbe timber more than pays for tbe land. For prices, terms, and all details, write or apply to J. F. cLh \rKTiA ND, Land Comr. C. A K. w. By., Ch Iosco. i. <t ;>.4 No. 1--Egsr Raoe. No. 2--100 yards <fcsh. No. 3.-Pipe Race. No 4-22 yardi rac®. No. 5-1-2 Mile Bicycle Race, boys under 16. No. 6--1 Mile Open. No. 7--50 yards Slow Baoe* No, 8--1-2 Mile O^en. Races to commence at 10 o'clock sharp. Procare entry blanks from * F. Wi Streets, Woodstock. Entries close Saturday, August 20tb. Farmers' Races Friday, August 26th. Novelty Race for Ladies. Purse $5 and $3 Farmers' Race, Purse $5 and $3, Mule Race, according to American Racing Rules, Purse $3 and $2. Matched game of Base Ball, Marengo and Algonquin, Purse $30 and $20. See next week's Program of Fair in this space next week. JOCB8SOB8 TO PERBT * OWSSA i « „*,S I. • L V ; -4i ri-3!§ 4 v -4 * * ' •*%\ , *V' • C * * i , WS- Summer Goods a £. Is3 C: Big Discount •r-n Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Straw Hats, Lawns, Organdies, Fans, Summer Shoos, Oxpords, and everything in the Summer Goods Line we will sell at a big discount. Call and get our prices. All Summer Goods Must " • «*-- go before Sept. ist. OWEN & CHAPPEL McHenry, Illinois. A.'S. WRIGHT, Secretary. Farms for Sale! » SIMON SvTOFFEL l ""' WE8T|MoHENBT, II L. Your Best Move. For your own benefit, and that of those frho furnish the ••where-with," is to Move in the Direction of Our Store Where you will find a choice offering this week in NEW DRESS GOODS 1 he newest thing in Black Dresa Goods, and the finest and most fashionable in the market. Something never before offered in this town. Also braids and trimmings to match. Also in Cotton Goods _ We have a full line of French Percailes, Ginghams and other desirable patterns. • The finest and most fashionable stock ot CLOTHING, HATS, and CAPS, To be found in this County, Choice Agrtciltuftl Lands In Wisconsin Minnesota CLARK, WOOD lud other Counties In LION, YELLOW MXDICIHB and other Counties la BBOOKINOS, CODINGTON . And ot.hAF flonntlAa Improved Farms, $15 to $25 per acre Unimproved Lend, $10 per acre. irDDUC Improved Farm*, to % down. I EinHO Unimproved Land, one-fifth down. Here is an opportunity to obtain « farm In Ike healthiest section ot the U. S. at a very low Pnce and which is sure to soon increase in value. These Lands are Desirable, TIM Toruw tire Easy. OQ The Boll is Rich and Fertile. P Of Rapid Increase in Valae. 83 Of Excellent Market FaclHtteft. O O' Pure Water and no Drouths. O Of Good Roads, Schools and Chorehaa. m In the vicinity of neighbor* and friends You can Boon ood crops, and g<x So own a farm, raise as get as good prices as in uthernWisconsin or Northern Illinois, ^ We know you ts4U be pleased If yea will investigate. Address, C.a GKAVB8, JTanesville, Wis. «OOD UVE AUKMTS W4KTIO. A New Line of Fancy Shoes . U8t '•©•ived. In Ladies we have the newest and stylish shoe !nJ£tm 6T ^For,l>eauty and durability they cannot be beat •nywnere. in Oentiemen's wear ®e have a]1 fka nAm a(„i.9 competition In tM. line. -- -jr-oe, D. Merchant Tailor. MCHENRY, ILL. New Fall and Winter Samples Just Received To which I invite a careful inspection, both as to Quality and AVING made arrangements f: with one of the largest and t most successful Woolen Houses in the - world, l^ now! prepared to make to order' ^ Full Suits or Single Garments , e ' 'I" On short notice and guarantee perfect fits every time. On account f of the War all Woolen Goods have advanced in prico, but we are 4 Still making suits for our customers at the old prices regardless of |. the rise. Call and see our new samples. You cannot fail to P t o ~ \ J D . L O D T Z : Mc'Henry, August 10, 1898. Deliand's "Gap Sheaf "| Brand Sedaj Goods at Cost. In order to made room for our large stock of Fall and Wintei Goods now arriving, we will, for the next fifteen daya. sell at1 Summer Good* at Coet and Below. J - O W N P R I C E , SHlbtT WAISTS AT YOUR Another Oar of Plllsbury's Best this Week. SXMOXT W«t McHenrf* 111., Aug. II), 1898. NATIONAL FLAGS. Set of thirty cards showing the nation < '&1 flags of the principal nations of the j world. One of these cards la packed In^j iach large package of CAP SHEAF SODA.. If a complete set Is desired, we will mail j same on receipt of five one pound Cap ̂ 'Sfuaf torappert. Give your name and 4 post office plainly written. BeLAHB & CO., Falrpert, H. 7. MILO L. HOWE. DEALER IN PIANOS, ORdA Musical Merchandise. Of til Kind » * West McHenry - Illinois SDR. CALDWELL Y R U P 'CURES CONSTIPATION. WELL'S 1| PEPSlN »TIPAT!ON.I 1 Tfeouassds of persona heve heea csr@d ol piles by using DeWitt'a Witch Bazei 8a lve. It heals promptly and cures ecze ma and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. By J. A. Story. V. v w ^ Bjt'is Take to Fiaio Stocls Naturally. A growing girl whe has no Piano misses a great or enjoyment, and day by day^-^*- uCCG&iCo at & great disscl?ftutag6j^js^i' - socially. We make a specialty off?1 ? I ^ good, honestly-built Pianos, at!* ^ low prices. Our stock is all--. embracing--we exhibit the finest^" Pianoa ever shown in this village," y~r$f but we take equal satisfaction inlv ^ * extremely low-priced instruments.^ A Visit of Inspection ̂ Will Surpriae You^ " ^ Pianos Toned and Rep ireJ. On short notice and Batistac- tion guaranteed. , MILO L HOWE. * Dress dress and UQ« V.