rf.-v •; " '" " *^ tV \ "* T V0*^ ^ Vf^<,£r',v4* V*. r'r*~ '^ *» '«* *k "k*- '-" *<*• j*4A 4 *«," ' *&*' ,a* jo ,«. f ?, ^ ^ >> * \ r K , ( * +**+»+* P9P:'#'1 r-s? '-\*.- * ^ ' vV . £ msmm W/, £7"$ * h >rt* y '" ^ VT 1 CV xr ' * « .v " '^H *-% ^ ^ « • - 7 ®" * '* f^- ilf'^ >r ? mA • VH" Warn 8Sfe wm •'S'." ,.'v „» " -f , -..fa- " ,. rj- n| , ^ u Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty atid Law| No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.'* VOL. 24. " - M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1898. -- NO. 8. • Wfivi jiteg ••. . . V< •_ fl Wtof Plaialeilw., PUBLISHED EVKBY WEDNESDAY BY --JT^ VAN SLTEEr -* BDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. ,tifrHCB IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Door* North Owen & Chapelt'* Store, %S' „ * TE«MS OF SUBSCRIPTION: «*•' > oauryeaV DO advance)....... »••] J| i '• 'St No* 1\»K1 wuUin Three Moirtha., 2 Oft i- ' Subscriptions received for three or *ix rtf/* tnonths in the ssine proportion. ^vL&eLt' • RATES OF ADVERTISING: 7?y We urnounce liberal rates for advertising ^ in the PLAI!«DEAI.BK, and endeavor to state •.-.ttiem so plainly that tbey will be readily un- ••' derstood. They are as follows^, L* 1 Inch one year .......,....; ^||2 Inchea one yaar. ..,.,. f > 3 Inches one year '••• :' j< Column one year .... X Column one year 1 Column one year..-- . 5 00 . 10 00 .15 00 . Du oo . 60 00 . 100 00 One inch moans the measurement of one inch down tiic column, single column width. Yearly advertiser*, at the above rat®*, have the privilege of changing as often aa they cinme, without extra charge. Eegular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will he entitled to insertion of local not.cc.s at the rate of 5 cent* per line each wee*. All others vill be charged 10 oents per line the flrat week, aad 6 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient n'lveiUsenient* will be charged at the rate of l<> cents per line, (nonpareil types KC'.wid ft« thM is jj<*t In) thfl lirst lflsuc, ind 6cen is per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an incii idvei •.isewent will cost §1.0*1 for one week, *1.50 lor two weeks, |3,00 for three weeks, and so on. The !*LiAiM>8Ai.NB Will be liberal in giving •ditoi- i.il no i:«s, but, as a busineaa rule, it will rcj-are a suitaiiie fee from everybody seeking the useof its columns tor pecuniary gain. 49* All Foreign Advertising payable quar- terly, in aa vauce. These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS OARDH. W. c. AN,<J;IRS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. WZST MOHCITRVF ILL. •ssisva onus STOBB. O, H. GILT.MOUS, ATT r>Tls"EV. Probate work a specialty. Oili<'e »r Krndall Block, Woodttock, 111. J. 61. UA8KY, ATTOVN'SY HT»<i Counselor at Law. Offloe in Joalvn'a Biook, Woodstock, III. Spec ial attcui^oa given to trial oases. C ::, s: & FCNOWK. ITWSKT 4.T I-AW, 100 Washington L titree*, 0«10».;.;>», IU. R R**K T>. <J TJIJF ARi> lOU*f9KI. LOit AT LAW, suite 80--182 Oiam t. Otiaago, 111. O. I'. HA11NK3, TTOUSKY. Soitcitor, and Counselor. L CoU*> .;ons a npeclalty. Woodstock, 111, KBASK B. JACKMAN, ATT(jfO-!-V ami Counselor ai Law. i'l'oiupt iii/. careful attention to all mat- te.-fl left m raj n vads. Money to loan. Offloe in I'o b•'*«;•», ~ oo .e'ook, III. Telephone-- 55, f fiO. 85yl V DAVID G. WELLS, M. O, PBYSK T -vH AN I> flUBGKON, Office in Nichols .Block,' over Plainaealer office. Mcfleury. Telephone Wo 4. C. H. FEOEIU, M. D. •HTSIOIIH AND AUKUBON, KcHemy, 111. oaice at Residence. , K A. E. AUB1NUE8, PHYSICIAN' AN D 8 IT KG ICON. Office in the Stroncr building, one door west of A. P. Baer s «tr>r«.. West McHenry. 111. Kesidence, house fomiMlv occuri«d by Dr. Osborne. All profetsR'oiiil calls promptly attended to. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Juttice of the Peace and Notary Public Eeai Estate and Inturance, NUNDA. HI* JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker AC Jeweler McHENRYi ILLINOIS. AriNK stock oi clocks, Watches and Jew elry always on hand. Special attention Iven to repairing line watches. Oive me call. JOHN jP. SMITH. W. A. CRI8TY, Juctlee of the PEACE* WBST MoHENBY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Oolleotiona. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General in- MIranee Agent. Including Acddtnt and IAfe lnmrance. WEST MCHEHBT, III. 60 YEi EXPERIENCE PATENTS DCSIONS .... COP Y RIGHT* AC. Anvono sendtng a sketch and description may ANTRKLT jiscertain our opinion free whether an SlTcntior' is nrobnbly patentable. COMMOJIICA-UONA strictly hunfidcritial. Handbook on IVRT«»TA aeiit free. Oluest. aeeney for securing patwjtg. Patents taken throusb Munn A Co. receive mtcial notice, without clmrge. in the Scientific Jlmerica*. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lars^t clr mixtion of any sclenttflc Journal. Terms, frfa yeiir; four mouths, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN S Co.*"*""1"" New York Branch Office. 025 F St.. Washington, D. C Dr. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WKST McHESBT. (Mice over Besley's I Woortst ick Office . Drag Store, | Kendall Dental Parlors. Will be at McHenry office Mondays aad Tuesdays. At Woodstock office WedaeeJays, Thurs days, Fridays and Saturdays, . EXAMINATIONS fRBE. MILO J. L. HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN) „ -- Tuner A Repairer, f -- n' All Orders Promptly Attended to, DR. BAECHLER DENTIST PLATS Work and everything psr- talnlng to Pentnuy. Parties from & distance should drop a oard a day or two before coming. Office, McHenry. :PKBRT * 0W11, Baakera. MOHKNRYF - - IILLINOI8. This Bank receives depoeim, mtu$ and $eU$ Foreign and Domeetie JR ekanff®, and doe* a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all buetemm >sift- tr%uted to our ears in a manner ana upon te.ma entirely satisfactory to our ouetomer* and respectfully toftctf the public patronage. TMOHEY TO LOAN; On Real E»tate and *4her flrat class security. Special attention given to eo- A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker AND Jewel«r ltd. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. A JT'TII Assortment of Goods in hla C.F. BOLEY, Pronrielor of McHenry Bf McHKNEY, ILL. Always on Hand voith the Best Beer BMOKERSI Un in Want of a Good Ciaar! CALL AT BARB IAN BROS, Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. THE OLD RELIABLE OTJB SPECIALITIES: Dur Monogram, 10C. 3arbian'sBestlhand made5c The beet cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. INBURANOE In first Oku» Companies at the Lowest Satis. Tours Respectfully, PERRY A OWEN, Notary Public ~ SUMMER Horse Goods! CUS CARLSON, At bis Harness Shop, near the iled Bridge, has just received a fine line of Bummer Horse Goods, consisting of Ply Nets, Lap Robes. Summer Blankets, etc. To which he invites the attention of the public. He will guarantee to please you in quality, price and style. ALSO, A FINE STOCK OF SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. McHenry, CU8 CARLSON ,Tll„ July 12. 1898. NEW -AMD- PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and aU Pat ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., wstfi QStup-r u'.jfi. We advise, if patentable or not, free of] | charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, a PAMPHLET " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same 'in the U.S. arid foreign countries; | sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASMTNETON. D. C. Boarding House Water Street. McHenry. ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my new building I am now prepared ̂to take « Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo dations, and at KEAHONABLI! RATES. My Booms are all newly fur nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. McHanry, 111., 1887, A. C-SPURLING, Veterinary • Surgeon, West McHenry, 111* Special attention given to the treat ment of Cows. ' Offioe at rosidence on Waakeg&n street, on* door east of hotel Park. A R I ! We hare juat made arraegemen s by which we obtain oontroi of a special ea ltion of Cram's Big War Atlas, The Best Book of IIA Kiiiif" It U.juot whatTon want and aU yoa want to follow tbe movenionie of our fleet" and our ar<»ie». It cot>i&ios 10 paae* of lar/e co ored maps, 21xH mchee. anil uxlOX inches in size, covering all territory where a couflict could jotsibij occur, COMPLETE STATISTICS, Naval and military, and history of all ou a tries aad possessions involved, aU the fllcial documents, eto. • s It answers al l War Questions, Settles all War Arguments, Strictly up to Date. Bven if you have another Atlas yon need this cne to keep posted. While t.ht« special edition lasts we will send copies po-tpaid, to. geiher with four Issues of our profusely llius- trateit comic paper "UP TO DATE" for 28 oente iu stamps or stiver. Address up F O DATE, Monon Bids. Chicago MILO L. HO WE, DEALER IN \ PIANOS* ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. Of *11 Kind • M > West McHenry * Illinois ACENiTS WANTED I n every county to supply the Kreat popular demand for America's Tar for Humanity. TOLD IN PICTURE, J AND STORY COMPILKD AKD WHITTKN BT Senator John J. In gal Is. Of Kansasi Tbe rrost brilliantly written, most pro fusely and artistically illustrate -, and -nost intensely popular l»o<>k on the subject of th* war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations From Photoiravtis tnken specially for this great work. Agent* are making #50 to |100 a week selling it. A veritable bonanza for live canvassers. Apply for description, terms and territory at once to N. Di THOMPSON PUB. OO. j» - 8t Louis, Mo^ or Now York City. Bat es Tale ti Piano Stools Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise YOU^ Pianos Tuned and Repaired. ON short notice and satisfac tion guaranteed. MILO L. HOWE. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. Air Ms of Sanitary Flnliiii PB0MPTLY ATTENDED TO & ,Has just received a very com plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and lot W&tet Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and lUack Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett'S Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL. Kri. Oruady Baya • That if all flesh is grass men ought to be less shy of lawn mowers. That if a man finds a dollar he spends two in celebrating the discovery. That if a barber goee over a man'S face only once he's less apt to strain his voice; That TT a woman could retain her beauty forever she might get along with out brains. That if a girl can't marry her ideal she has to content herself with some other ^girl's. That if yoa see a yonng man out driv ing with a girl, and but one of his arms is visible, the other is round somewhere That the married actress often tries to make a hit by posing as a miss. That it is easier to make a record for laziness than it is to make a good living. That girls who affect military airs now speak of a chaperon aa a "convoy." That any man will believe you and stand up for you if yon flatter him judiciously. That the incubator will never succeed in driving the old hen out of business. That experience teaches people lots of things they would rather not know. That some kind, of love may grow cold, but the kind a man has for himself never does. C0K60L Field Fencing. Is made in 16 different styles and I* guaranteed to tnrn all k slock Nothing but Large Galvenized Wire of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construction A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS ITS SHAPE. - The bingo Joint at eaci intersection r.f the wires makes an ad us table fence ami prevents stvy wires from bending. The crimp in the strand _ | wlro proviaes for expan- Orlnyaaddsisi, sion and contraction and .prevents Ktay wires from {moving out of place. MAKCFACTUBSD BT CONSOLIOATSO STSBL * WINS CO V CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Those wishing a fence will do wall to see this fence aed get our prloe* before purchas ing. Call ou or aildreea 9M4 E. H. THOMPSON, West McHenry. NEAR THE DEPOT. WEST McHENRY, ILL, Keeps open for the accommodation of tbe Public a First-Class. Saloon and Restaurant, Where h<> will at all times keep the best brands of Wines. Liquors aud Cigars to be found in the market PABST'8 X&wifekM Lt£M At Wholesale and Rota Beer in large or small Kegs or Bottles al- « ay s on hand, o baa per than any other,quality sonsidereJ. Ordeis by mail promptly attended to, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES V Oall and see us. Robt. 8chlessle West McHenry, May 2,18B8. urU UiAMTCn School Teachers, Me tRwR »• «-»« » • «.•» cbanics, Furmnre, iia. chin? Agents, anyone honest and willing to hustle, we will pvy pood wage* and steady employment With our facilities and per soil a I help and man fully alive an<i willing to work can win a paying position with us, Ap ply quick, stating age Li L. MAY A CO., Nuraerymen, Seedmen ^ Florists, Faving had several yeara experience fell ing fRrm and other sales. 1 now call n:,i«ntion to the faot that I feel like getting a GREAT "HUMP" On myself and sell y<nir farm sales in MaHcnry »s well aa Lake Oo with a groat DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain good results these close times, l am satisfied that it requires the same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm sales *nd be anccesstul as it dees to cnop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either or which lam wJllmg to do when callsd. MMt of vou will know that I have had and still have mvcb experience sealing jnst sueh goods and stoek as you will "ffer at public auct on this spring. There fore I shouli know their value and h^w to get at selling the same tor the most money, dropping the article with the one that some times pays hie note, I am quite a pood bid der and sm alwave looking for bargains. I believe I can do more for you than ean the others for the t:m.t or less cost. If I did not feel suio. of the above and was not in dead earnest and willing to trv, or short notice, I would not be so welleqnlpped An alarm turned in.by postal may reveal unexpected results, Try Us a Couple of Times Tour c bed lent and unsystematic friend T. V.8LOCUM, Waueonda, III Executor'* Notice, ESTATE ot Wiltam Huff, deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of William Huff, deceased, late of the County of Mcllenry and State of Illinois, herebv gives notice that he will appear be fore the Oonnty Court of McHenry County at the Court House in Woodstock, at the September Term, on the first Monday in Sep tember uext, at whioh time all persons having clatyns against said estate are notified and re quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated the iMltdsv of July, A. D-, 189s, J, W. CBIBTT, Executor. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE, Notice of Application to Sell Real Estate. STATIC or ILLINOIS, I.. -- OOUHTY OF MOFLBNHV, F"" In the Oounty Court of McHenry Oonnty, Septemoer Term, 1SW. To all Persons Concerned; Take notice that the undersigned, guardian of Ethel May Owen and Jennie Artelaid Lulu Owen, minors, will apply to the County Court of said County at the next September Term thereof to be hoiden at the Court House in said county on the first Monday in September next, for order to sell the following de scribed real estate belonging to said minors, and situated in the County of McHenry, and Stat* of Illinois, to-wit: Commencing at the south- cast corner of lot numbered one (1 > In E M Owen's estate addition iu West Mc Henry, 111., running thence north 15 degrees 45 minutes east, twelve (12) rode, thence easterly parallel to Wankegan roa<i, four (4) rods, thence sonih 15 degrees •& minuter wee' twelve (12) roils and to the north line ol Waukegan road, thence westerly along the rortli line of Waukegan road four (4) rons t« the place of beginning, being a part of tbe aoulh-w*! t quarter iswjf) of section 26, in town 46 north, rsnge ̂ e«st of the 3d p. m, hnd that the petition thereof is now cn tile in the office of ihe clerk of said court. OLIVER N. OWEN. G -ard'an of Ethel May Owen, and Jennie Adelaid Lulu Owen. Dated this 18'-h 'ay of July A. D. 18PB. MeEenry.IH. - *** FSH CRY F OR IT 'KXULW' rubbed on any bait, attracts the fit- li. T h r y cannot reaist it. Good for »U kinds of lk-lung SOe per bottle by mail. Sole Importer, A. O. LIKPK, 1412 Green Bay Ave., Milwaukee, Wif. write (or circular*. 02 2m HONOR JO WHOM HQNOB, IS DUB. BT a, a. tOOTT, THE BUHD MtTtlCIAV. Burst forth ID joyful jubilee. For human slaves new hope we aee; Let angel* join the holy glee. And swell the anthem higher. Old Glory gl«ams In triumph high, Her eagle ecrnams. the victor, ery; Her Stars and nars illume the sky. With freedom's hollowed -Are. Dead heroes, dying in the fight For liberty, mid Ouban night. Shall radiant shine in glory'* light, On history's fairest page. To worthy one* be honor given. Where honors due at court of Heaven; - To martyr* who for light have striven, 'Gainst vengeful Spanish rage. Let bird* their sutgaof tribute bring. To General, to Chief or K ing; For rank and flle my veloe shall ring. For Uncle Sam's best b'ood. No high-priced, well fed soldiers they, With gold braid trap* on chargery gai, Wbo country serve more for the pay, Than for the nation's good. Then iet onr flag new luster gain, When borne by hand* without a *taln; Privates, who have on alter lain Their all, for weal or woe. Shifting the Revenue Tax. HOME of tbe manufacturing druggists throughout the country have paid the war revenue tax according to provisions of the law, while a still greater number have not only added the tax to the price of their manufactures, but have put on a certain amount at whole sale which has forced retail drug gists to advance the price of patent medicines materially. It is to be hoped that this attempt to extort will be re sented by the puoiic in not purchasing the class of goods on Which prices have been raised uutil the manufacturers|pay the revenue tax levied upon their goods, and cease the attempt to shift it upon consummers of their nostrums, which to SAY the least are often not very condu cive to the public health. Petit Juror* for September Term. Henry Shearer Chas. Keller < Edward Nolan Robert Redpath. J. B. Parker H, H. Megran A. W. Pramer Clayton Qoodsell .1. W. King Irwin Labrec. E. E. McBroom. Dell Sanford Frank Barnes Geo. Ross Jr.;.......,.,.,.... C. A. Thompson....; Jos. Aahcraft A. M. Disbrow I-has. Kasten J. F. Weltzien John Brown WM. Bennett E. C. Burger .... J. J. Stowart Walter Stewart A. S. Wright Elliot Cropley... Chester Stevens M. J. Walsh.... John Slimpin C. B. Murphy Chas. H. Wright Walter Bolger Earl MD'OLLUM E. A. Ford Henry Leeseberg.... "T" Riley Riley ..Marengo Marengo .Dunham Chemung Chemung Chemung ......Chemung Alden Seneca Seneca Seneca Coral .....Coral Coral Grafton Grafton Grafton ..Dorr ..Dorr Dorr Hebron Hebron ...i Richmond .1..Richmond Burton ......McHenry McHenry McHenry r ......McHenry Nunda Nunda ....Algonquin .... Algonquin Timely Advloe A western p^per speaking of the cy clone season says: If you see a cyclone coming put your trust in Providence and strike Out for the cellar. Be advised in time. When the black cloud with a switch end rolls up from the southwest, while the leaves on the trees are at a dead standstill and the air tastes as if all the life bad been squeezed out of it, grab the children and scoot for the cellar. If the storm comes not you are all right- If it comes and finds you above ground yonVwilI soon understand you have made the mistake of your life. SOME DELIGHTED HUMOR. The One HOSS-Shay and Other Humor ous Poems.bv Oliver Wendell Holmes, is issued by John B. Alden, Publisher of 440 Pearl St., NTew York, at the price of 3 cents a copy. It is a good 50 cents worth of fun. Send and get it. Matchless flour--every sack guaran teed, st Owes & CbitpvU'B, RINGWOOD. Thos. Burke, of McHenry, was in town Saturday. Mrs. C. W. French has been on the sick list for a fey days. Miss Katie Frisby is aF Big Footecare- ing for the sick in her b' THEN family. James Ladd was a caller at Lake Geneva on Monday C. W. Harrison - iti' ave fourteen head of his Holsteins »T the Fair this week. J. A. Strang,, of Antioch, was looking after fat stock IN this locality on Mon day last. Richard Laweon, of Elgin, was attend ing to affairs on his farm the first of tht week. Mrs. Jane Carr and Mrs. M. M. Chase spent Saturday with Wm. Langham and wife near Woodstock. Mrs. Kemerling returned from Hamp shire on the evening train Sunday. Little Hilda will remain a few days. P. S. Mayes, of the PLAINDEALGR, was looking after the interests of that paper in our burgh on Monday. The remains of Mrs. G. A. Lumley were brought to the Ringwood Cemetery from Greenwood on Sunday last. Mrs. Lumley had been a great sufferer for some months and wets taken to Chicago but without avail. Mrs, Lumley spent her girlhood on the farm now occupied by E. A. Smith, and was a pupil in the Ring- wood school for maDy years. In looking back over our pchool days, recalling the names and feces of our classmates how many there are who have crossed with the silent boatman, many of whom sleep in the Ringwood Cemeteries. The sym pathy of alj is with Mr. Lumley in his be reavement, and w h i l e he mourns t h e death of a helpmate, we mourn the death of a classmate, and AS we recall that poem in Edward's Reader entitled "Twenty Years Ago" it is with very different feelings than when we read it that many years airo. NUNDA. Miss Daisy Benthusen was a Chicago visitor Monday. I>. D. Streeter have opened a car repair shop at the old pickle factory. J. L. Baxter with friends spent Sunday at the River, returning to the city on Monday morning. The Depot at Crystal Lake station has been tastely painted and looks well. The C. & N.-W. R'y never do by halves. A sad accident occurred last week Toes day, August L(>th, two and a half miles north ol Nunda, ou the G. L. Beckley farm, now owned by Robert Shields, of Chicago. Mr. Shields and family spend a few weeks each summer on the farm dur ing the hot weather and had been out from the city enjoying their summer out- iBg for a week or more. Mr. Shields left the place Mdbday afternoon for the city, leaving his family at the farm, with some friends of the family. Tuesday forenoon Miss Shields, a young lady about 20 years of age, ascended the wind mill tower; when near the top her clotjhing caught in the shafting in such a manner that it was impossible for her to ex tricate herself, and in her efforts to do so her left arm was caught and drawn around the shafting until the hand and arm was broken and crushed, her hand ON^ ARM HAIVTH' NF TH0 Her screams brought her friends to the spot and one of the young men went up on the tower and cut her clothing loose from the machinery and carried her down. A messenger WAS dispatched on horseback to summon Dr. Watson and Hull. They both drove as rapidly as possible to the ^IIOVC UI AVVIURUU> T PUU UAUUSIUATIIVU Ui the arm by the physicians it was found that the bone was so badly crushed above the elbow that it was necessary to amputate near the shoulder. The am putation was sucessfully performed by Drs. Watson and Hull of this place. The young lady was brought to the station and took the 2:41 o'clock train for the city. I)r. Hull accompanied her and she was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Hull says she bore the operation and removal to tbe city remarkably well, and when he left her ehe was as well as ooold be expected. RIDGEFIELD. Miss Hazel Druary spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Doc Dufield. Mrs. Terwilliger, of Nunda, spent Sun day with Mrs. N, Jacobs. Lawyer Jack man and wife, of .Wood stock were the guests of Mrs. Jack man'S parents last week. Mrs, J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mabel, was in Nunda Saturday. J. Robinson and wife were in Wood stock one day last week. Arthur Vermilyia, of Woodstock, was n Ridgefleld one day last week. Miss Sadie Wood and brother, Orson, are visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss Mabel Lynch attended the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Carpenter at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. Philips, wife and daughter, Blanche, of Marengo, visited their daughter, Mrs. Parks, of this place last week. J. Fisk and wife, of Nunda, passed through our burg on their way to Woodstock one day last week. ^ Mrs. Ira Jaynes and little daughter, of Algonquin, visited with her parents W. H. Munroe and wife, last week. . Mrs. Hubbard and children, of Elgin, spent tbe latter part of last week with her parents here. Seth Carpenter, of Nunda, pjessed through Ridgefield Sunday on their way to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. J. M. Carpenter, who was killed by the train Friday. „ Do Ton Want A Messags From President McKlnloy. If yon send us 25c. in silver or stamps and we will send you the most popular war song published. "For Country Dear" dedicated to the President and containing hie approval on back: or the only march, viz; "American Victory" and a sample copy of the National Home and Mnsic Journal, the most popular musical magazine published, containing 24 full sizecr pages of copyright mustc, literature and reading for the home. Send without delay or you will miss an excellent opportndity to obtain at least one dollar's worth of high-class music for twenty-five cents. NATIONAL HOME AUD MUSIC JOCRNL, 266 Wabash Are. Chicago III STORY OF LOSS AND GA1H. Vkea the Desisnatle B*g*ff*A la the HamfiMtM* •« When the democratf ol the Joliet penitentiary went IsM the harness making busine wasted the people's money Just l did in other lines. A. F. EUaer, I maker, under an old contract, failed W pay his labor bills to the democrat!# managers, and "the trustees finaUji bought of the firm the plant and BtoekjL to save, apparently, a bad debt. Th«S board's attorneys, Duncan & Gilbert were ordered on July 29, 1893, to de4 mand settlement of the firm. A. Vi Hisser was served with perscnnl soUc# August 16 to pay hia labor bills or gta* security for the debt. By the next meeting of the board an agreement was made for the purchase of the plant and stock. Its value was fixed by ap* praisement and on September Tf* THwinr was paid $11,000 for the plant and 939.10 for the stock, his labor bill of $10,248.64 being deducted. From thia time the business was run on state ao» count. April 18, 1894, F. B. Barldejl was engaged as superintendent of tha department at a salary of $2,000 pe*> year and 40»per cent, of the net profit# after the business developed earning^ sufficient to pay labor 66 cents per da$ and six per cent. Interest on the invest- ment. The business evidently prosify pered, or the managers thought It did^ Barkley was paid commissions and ia 1895 his salary was raised to $2,400 peO • year and the original agreement con* ; tinued. In April, 1S95, the board *•* fused an offer of a southern companj| to take the product of the shop*, be* cause there was at that time contitot* for harness extending into Jaxmuryi, 1896. As late as December 30,1899, thai warden was instructed to keep the hard ness salesmen on the road until fur* ther notice. The following statement, drawif from the general books, shows the EON* ditlon of the business March 1,1887: -R . F Haraess Oepartasat Material State shops supplies. Power Sundries Cash • «•••* IMS* Total.. r I •AA •••< •• tiiBf m i n . i ^ i Cash Bundries Stock March 1.1 Machinery March 1.1MI Total ...!. „.....4»7,A«FLI Credit balance $ 8S.I06 4g The credit of $36,305.42 represents the earnings of 136,74? days' labor, or 26.55 cents per day per man. MAIN* tenance being 42.42 cents per day, thOt, loss is 15.87 cents per day per man, ovt $20,741.75, which represents the loss o£ the business. The general ledger shows a debiii balance March 1, 1897, of $62,469.60^ The democratic inventory of October ,̂ 1896, showed stock and machinerjj worth $60,495.59. The republican LN» ventory c? M at $34,540.42. POOR BusnfEsa • ' TW State Lost aPUs •« Mmmer < , Brsesi Maklac lastrr. :*:v #•> * . J' 'J\' Blind people In Illinois wkts flMAa* living making brooms were in manjj instances shut out of employment bjr. the last democratic administration oik account of it starting a bi*oomfaetor£ in the Joliet penitentiary. The broom department had soch Q- prosaic existence that it never .tern; ceived the consideration of the tros** tees, so far as their records show. If| became a state account shop In April* 1893, and seems never to have had ail manager on commission. .' The physically and mentally aiislT convicts are employed In the BROOM shop, and whatever they earn FT* EAA*' side red as clear profit. FOLIOWKM ^ the statement of the business: ̂ Br-- DepartMai Material jfTfat; Btate shops supplies., Power Sundries Cash.... ,f, «•«..« .... 3 IF .'4# ! Total..•«•«« ... Cash Sundries Fire November 3,1895. Stook March 1, 1897 Machinery March It MW.... Total..... ...... •»•.••»••••«*•*•« Credit balance -t S8 The credit of $6,788.74 represents tb% earnings of 39,738 days' labor, or MM) cents per day per man. Maintenan«M| being 42.42 cents per day the loss 25.34 per day, or $10,069.01. The taxpayers have to settle when* ever the experiment of democrat!# control Is tried. Under Gov. Tanner's aduiitustratfoiti. there is a new order of things. Tha recognition of the businesslike man* ner in which not only the Joliet pen!* ' tentiary but all the state institution* are being conducted Is general and ia only refused by the most prejudice*# of partisans. Ftasaeial Credit ot a Great Hattsa, f The credit of the United States at the present time ia next to that af Great Britain. Our four per sunt* bonds due in 1925 are selling 1m 1®% which makes the interest equivalent to that of a par bond selling for f lMfu per cent. British consols are selling at 111 and pay 8% per cent. Oar bond* ed debt is $17 per head, while that of Great Britain is $80 to each inhabitant. When the last fear of the Utaited Statsa being forced to a silver basis shall have died the credit of the lWt®4 States should be the best of aay eminent in the world. i * Clear Proof. ^ We regard the Onvgon slsctScssas elear proof that the gold standard wftt " win the hearty support of the najM* ity of the people in any state hsciiM fore regarded as doubtful wfeMt ll ll 1»resented in a clear and hflM * on.--N. Y. Times (Ind, * i 11.1 • \i ITV .. it. > * • •