Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1898, p. 12

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WM:O <• j . 1 - r r - r r fe-:i TOFFEL MpHBNRY, IVX*. If V* Mtlwtsrtfc* Boys of the Third o«t «f tf» ferno*. at win be asked to master tfe* tag* of the Third Illinois oat of the ton the grounds that the war with Spain is over. The following petition! has been started at Roehelle which sent: ooe of the campanies to the front, and { will be circulated in the other cities re^i pnsentml in the Tfcird : "To the President of the Ignited States:! Ws, the citizens of the towns from which t tfce soldiers composing the Third regi­ ment came, do hereby request that the president discharge them from United States service, inasmuch as the war with Spain is over and no reason apparent why they should be detained longer. When the United States went to war and danger threatened the country the sol­ dier boyn did not hesitate to lay aside all personal feelings and go to protect their beloved country. "Now that the object of their sacrifice has been accomplished, many of them mast feel that they have battles to fight at home. Many of them have business that suffers materially by their pro­ longed abscence; many of them are suf­ fering as were they whom they fought to relieve. For these and various reasons •t once apparent to the thoughtful mind we do earnestly beseech the kindly officers of the president in our effort to replace the brave regiment of Illinois volunteers in their peaceful homes, that we may by peaceful means give to them the comfort Which they fought to give the Cubans." WASTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this state to manage our bnstaesR in thetr own and nearby counties. It in mainly office work conducted at home. Salary »tn ight f900 a year and expenses-- definite, bonaflde, no more, no less salary. Monthly, fl5. References Enclose se t- addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Cess. Pres., Dept. M. Chicago. i0-4m COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' DAY, OMAHA EXPOSITION, SEPT. 24. On account of above, September 22-23, agents of the Northwestern Line will •ell tickets to Omaha at reduced rates, good until September 26, 10-w2 ANOTHER REDUCTION IN RATES TO £ OMAHA. Tourists tickets via the Northwestern line, the pioneer line west and northwest of Chicago, will be sold during September at very low rates. Apply to agents lor tall particulars. Get a 1 [at that is in Style at Owen & Chapell's. Remember the great closing out sale of Summer goods at Owen & Cpapell's. The celebrated Pillsbury Flour can be found at Simon Stoffel's. It is un­ questionably the most popular Flour ever sold here. The editor of the Evans City, Pa, Qlobe, writes. "One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds, and ail throat and long troubles. By I. A. Story. Be Bure to leave your orders for Pills- bury'sor Washburn's best at StoffelV Delivered promptly to any part of town See the new Dress Ginghams and Calicoes at Owen & Chapell's. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2. " Worms, No. 3 " Infants' Efcseae^ No. 4 " DiaPFhea. No. 7 " Coughs, "No- ** 8 Cure* Neur&i{$tfL No. Q •* Headache. No. tO ** Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IB " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 28 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases^ No. 28 Ctires Nervous Debility. No. SO (y\J Urinary Diseases No. $2 . V* Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. ; No. 77 " Colds and Grip. t>B. Humphbets' Homeopathic Manual Of Diseases Mailed Fbkh. Small bottles of pleasant pellets, fit the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid npon leoeipt of price, 25 cents, except Nos. 28. ana 82 an made $1.00 size only. Humphreys* Medi­ cine Company. Ill William St., New York. y Money We Room We Must Have. * Both of above vfcry essential Iff preparing for XFAV FALL A In view of the above we hav« Divided the Price The newest thin? in Black ftress Goods, and the finest »n^ HOst fashionable in the market. Something' never before offered n this tow**, Also braids and trimmings to match- Also in Cotton Goods • . - ' , . , p . - "" We have a full line of French Percailes, Ginghams and other desirable patterns. ^Tbe finest and most fashionable stock oi * CLOTHING, HATS, and CAPS, [' To be found in this County, / 1 I I U M On many Summer Goods and are desirous of Showing you the Result.. "T '• CALL SOON. J. E. OR1SXT, .Kingwooa, ill We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY - H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL. OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT.' "Por Piles--Externa! or Internal, Blind or Bleedings Vjmiitia, In Ano: Itching or Bleeding of the bectam. *he relief U Immediate--tbe cure certain. /*E10£S 60 OTS. TRIAL SIZE. 23 OCT. s y -Sold hf Druggists, or Not post-paid on recelpfe of firfcu. '•fhnupjuyjjg.UihCO., usj, UK wuoasBt., KBW10U iiDeLand's || "Gap Sheaf " Brand Soda. ESTMUfttfB THE m 5 • WORLD. Of all Kinds, BUGGIECSI BUGGIES I Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier am the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work When about the same money willM ive you the best vehicles that/skill and careful supervision can pro uce* Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable andstyttshi There are none better. WAGONS AND TftUOKSi Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, anu rrc are only too glad to show out • stock whether you wish to buy or not. ~ Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. i ; ,<-Z* *> « ' FT* 1 '• -V" V: * 'i t ^ For jour own benefit, and that of those who furnish th ^,. • . . •'where-witht" is. - ' lite' Directioi Where jron will find a choice offering this w DRESS Underwear Selling, of the Summer| Kind, never sold them at these? Prices before, but you must, come quick if you want then ̂ ** 3 cts. for good ribbed garments, 10 cts. for the 25c quality, " ̂ * but no more for sale at these prices after Monday, Sept. lgthr * A New Line of Fancy Shoes Just received. In Ladies we have the newest and stylish shoe ta the market For beauty and durability they cannot be beat tnywhere. In Gentlemen'a wear we have all the new styles, and lety competition in this line. Summer Goods at Cost. In order to made room for our large stock of Fall and Winter Soods now arriving, we will, for the next fifteen days, sell all Summer Goods at Cost and Below. SHIliT WAISTS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. ~ Another Car of Pillsbury's Best this Week. SIMON STOFFEX.. West McHenry* 111. Sept. 7, 1898. ... V#py Truly Your®, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, July 27,18f£. " Saving rat the Spigot N Wasting at the Kung That's what buyiag poor paint< means. Paint may be low-priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to the poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too tat£< IS save. Start right and use THE SHERWIN-WIUJMI* PAINT HATIonal flags, -Set ot thirty cards showing the natit»a 1 •al flags of the principal nations of the< k world. One of. these cards Is packed inj each large package of cap sheaf soda, Plf a complete set is desired) we will matt Lsame on receipt of Jive one pound Capi ^Sheaf wrappers. Give your name aad4 ost office plainly written. BeLAOT k CO., FMipart, B. y. r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ >»»»•»< SDR. CALDWELL'S YRUP CURES IKDlOiC WELL'S mm PEPSIN OCSTION. II Hade to paint buildings with. Ask yoar dealer fee It. A about good and bad paint free. THE SHEHWIN-WlLUAaf CO,, FAtmr AHO HtAKmBM. 100 Canal Street. Cleveland. „ 2MB Stewart Avvnne. ChtcagOb Wt Waabinston Street, New Yorl& » W. Atnoine dimi, MiiBA E L B . P E R K I N S , H^HENBI, XIjLINOIS. We sell tliecelebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Cailanet see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are be yond c ompeltition.. I AMIR Mooldbigs to Match all Waft Paper. Grainin g, Pape r Hanging, Sign Writing. AH specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to givej< ^tiuiatos. on- work.. - B B* • FBttHHWI, SELZ' HAPPY FAMILY t The honest original pro­ ducers of the hides entering i n t o t h e m a n u f a c t u r e o f . . . Selz Solid Shoes We will give ycu 25 per rent di«ponnt on all Ladies [^boes and .OIT- r«idi uatll our fall stock of shoes arrive. CLOTHING. It fcaeofgeary for u* to make room for our large line of winter goodo bought and now coming In, and are offering bargains all along the line accordingly. It, in the meantime, you can use anything in a man's, boy's or childrens' sultwea-eln chape to do you some g«>od. 1 uri' your want* our way for your underwear. Buy your Trutiks and Tel­ escope* of us for your travels. GROCERIES. W« still have about Five L'best* of Tea, bought befrre the war fe?ptme was aftxed, It all goes at the same old price. Use Jersey Lily, or Hard to Beat Flour Get prices on our coflee. Try a mres of our Sweet Pota'oes. Yours for trsde, JOHN J. MILLER, West. MoHenry, III. The Fall Underwear ^ •1 W-Will be in complete Readiness next Monday mornings if you hei'e we will see that you don't pay too much. We havo ^ " ; made and are making great preparations for^ a big , ^ v fall trade, but you must co-operate with , V. ^ " -us to bring success. *•' ' , \ +Hf< Njw Shoes, New Boys' Clothing (few Dress Goods, Trimmings, etc., are here in abundance. JOHN E^ANSON & CO ̂ West McHenry.*Illinois.I * ^ ' , -S (Pictqros and Rhyme), by PALMER COX -IN, o Inter-Ocean, Sunday Inter Ocean, Beginning Septeilsr 11. Weekly liter Ocean, Bepnifli Sejteitier 13. /? NEW STORE West McHenry, Illinois. New Fall Goods Are now arriving and we need room, so have determined to close out all summer goods regardless of cost. Summer dress goods, Shirt Waists, Light Wrappers. Gauze Underwear, etc., at your own price. A Few More Tan Shoes to Close at Reduced Prices. Our Stock of Fall Shoes Is the largest and best selected stock in town, all the newest styles and lasts in Titan Calf, Willow Calf, Box Calf, Vici Kid, etc. Our prices defy competition. In all the newest effects, Ginghams, Percales, Calicocs, outing flannels. Our new sample book of Fall and M inter Clothing just received. Neckties and Furnishing Goods in endless variety. IN We have a complete stock and prices always the lowest. Goods delivered promptly. West MoHenry. M. J. WALSH. Order from Newsdealers or by Mail from THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago, III. • A.n#ai a DEALEB 1ST DRUGS and MEDICINES • FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, t Paints, Oils and Colors COMSTAVTLT OH HAIft Full un or PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions j Oanftllj compounded by ft Registered PbMmftoist, • Tour Patronage la reapeetfally solicited. -- -- JULIA JL titl' tf tDoor Wtttof hwrmtit 1», M cBenry,lll t1-*, - V • THE WAR IS OVER, -BUT- JACOB JUSTEN, The Reiable Furniture Dealer, Can still be found at bis old stand, Jour doors north of the - Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites this attention of the buying public. Parlor and Bed Room Sets J Lower than the same goods | can be bought anywhere in the' ; county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class- ~ of Furniture, quality of goods J considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in My- t line. ' . w# "fV; <*r-11 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF W Caskets, Coffins; Burial Robes, Etc,-.-?,; We guarantee first clftss work in every respect. • ---- Call and see me before purchasing. .... , ' 1 .^ . . ^4 . .L .C.?^ l i McHenry, III., Sep^/T, 1898 V • > f a . A

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