WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1898. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Snn<Hy, May ». WW, at six SV^Iick A. M. Trains will pass MeMenry hUion as follows; GOISO ^OUTH. , •Lake Geneva Passenger ,..y ...i7:34 A M. 1Williams Bay Kxpress Williams Bay Passenger .. Lake Geneva ffreigbt.. .......3;27 ^ Lake Geneva passenger .. ....Stju xtWilliame Bav Pass'ger,Ohl only...7-<H $ Williams Bay Paaa'ger via Klgin 7:2* OOIKO HOBTH, ...10:00 A, *. ....10:56 •• ... 2:50 r. st, ... 4:45 •' ... 4.55 " ... 6:66 " 1 Williams Bay Passenger Lake Geneva Freight William* Bay Passenger Lake Geneva Passenger... .. Mr li iami Bay Express... .... Lake Geneva Passenger {Williams Bay Passenger- SXPLAHA.T10K, v , »-Dally. . . = ; t--Daily except Sunday, 7--Sundays only. : x This train runs from June 96 to Sept. 4, ftfcClualve. ^ BUSS, Agent, McHenry. Ill, M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenlngB of each month, at their Ball, over Evan BOB & Co.'6 store, > ROUT. B. HOWARD, Consul. J, KIMBALL, Olerk. w. o. a F. St, Patricia Court, No 187, W, O. O. F. meet tlw First Haturday and Third Wednesday evenings of eaob. month, at Forest Hall. IMRB. MAKY COBB, Chiei Hanger. OHABLOITB MAODEW. (Secretary. MASOHIO. 4 U OH ihit LODOB, NO. 168, A. f. and A- M.-- Regular Communications the second and ffrnrtb Mondays In each month. M W. A. ORISTY, W. M. Methodist Iplscopal Ohurch.i • -lev. J. B. Olark ... Paatotl \ Preaching Sunday, 10:80 A. M. and 7 ;80 P. K. ¥•• -v Sunday School,til: 6 A. *• . ' ttr. A, K. Auringer, Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 r, Rev» J. IB. . Olark, President. 'prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. v. j Ladies' Aid iSoolety each alternate week £rs. J. R. Olark, President, j r »5t~A Oordlal invitation la extended to/all ' II n I vers all st Church Directory. *. J. Walsh, ... i President H. O. Mead - • .Olerk JsmeR B. Perry Treasurer J. Straub, D, O. Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ- Mtion.) prvm. jas. B, Perry ' President Mrs, J. VanSlyke Secretary Mr* W. A. Oristy Treasurer * |upt, of Sunday School, A. K. Baeohler Assistant,.. W. A. Oristy 4WThe Pastor's Ohicago Telegraph Address S Grand Crossing, preaching services at 10:30 A.M. and at 7;80 m iQ«viiiaIQ *»w« * w" -- *-- --\ -- KM. A cordial invitation toalL New Advertisements Thia Week. Owen & Chapell, McHenrv. John P. Smith, " John Evanson & tSo., West McHenry. M.J.Walsh, " - J. E.Cristy, Ringwood. , E. J. HANLY last week sold his hand some young driving horse "Pat Down ing" to parties from Chicago. Price-re ceived $150. J. H. MILLER erected a fine Monument yesterday at Richmond, for the William Drake family. The monument was of Quincy Granite. MRS.J.H. SPAULDING and daughter have just received a complete stock of winter millinery and will receive a fresh supply every week daring the season. Miss IVA MEAD will lead the T. P. C. U meeting at the Universalist Church on 8unday, evening next. Subject, "Prison Sunday. The;Social Ideal." All are cor dially invited# , E. S. WHEELBB, of Rose Lawn farm, has had the misfortune to lose about fifty hogs from cholera: c atly. He had about ninety and fears he will lose them all. This will be a great loss to Mr. Wheeler- S. 0 BOUGHTON has purchased the in terest of his partner, S. E. Anderson, in the Hebron Tribune, and will hereafter "go it alone." So it is announced in the last issue of that paper. THE \Y. C T. IT, will meet with Mrs. I\ J. Walsh on Tt ursday afternoon of this week at the n*ual hour. AH members are earnestly requested to attend. SECRETARY. MRS. FRANK WARD had the misfortune to fall, on the sidewalk, in front of the M. E. Church, on Monday after noon, breaking her leg. The fracture is just above the ankle joint, and will pro bably lay her up for some time. Dr Wells is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ward have the sympathy of this entire community in their misfortune, THE Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet with Mrs. A. E. Aurin ger on Friday afternoon of this week at two o'clock. The annual election of offi cers will be held at this meeting. All members are requested to be present.' UORA WIL8OJJ, Secreta-y. WE are raquested to say to all who subscribed corn and oats for the benefit of the Fair, to be held by the congrega tion of St. Mary's Catholic Church, that the same can be left at the warehouse of JohnJ. Buch Or Joseph Heimer, where they will be taken care of. Such sub scribers are requested to leave them there as soon as convenient. PROP. W. T. BEST, the Chicago Opti cian, has bad so much business during his stay in McHenry that he has decided to return, and will be at.the Riverside Hjouseon the 22d and 23d inst, and will be pleased to meet anyone requiring his services. Prof. Beet is not in any way connected with the optical wagon that has been through our village. REMEMBER the Social Partjr, *to be given by the members of St. Patrick's Parish, at Stoffel's Hall, on Wednesday evening of next week, Oct 26. The best of music will be in attendence, a fine sup per will be servd and nothing left un done to make it pleasant for all. The proceeds will be used to pay for the new Organ. Let all who ever dance turn out on this occasion. DIED--At her i>ome at North Hyde Park, Vt., October 8, 1898, Mrs. C. E. Cobb, mother of Linus Newman, of this village. C. S. Cobb and wife were former resi dents of this village, where they have many friends who will be pained to bear of MrB. Cobb's death, and who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband and relatives in their sorrow., A PARENT wrofe to an editor for in structions as to how to stop his hoy from smoking cigarettes, and received the following reply: "We suggest bri bery, persuasion, instruction, orshutting off his allowance: then if he remains ob stinate uee rawhide on his raw hide Welt him until he is ready to hold up hit- hands and premise never to smoke another cigarette. II that does not work drown him. A drowned boy is better than a boy who smokes cigarettes. JACOB .1 LISTEN bas commenced the work of enlarging the lean-to On the east side of his furniture store, now occupied by J. J. Bishop as a Barber Shop. He is widening the Barber Shop four feet and lengthening the building so that it will be fifty feet deep. The room in the rear will be used for undertakers supplies. The four feet in width added to the Bar ber Shop will make it a pleasanter and much more convenient room. The im provement is a good one for all concerned. As will be seen by the change in his ad vertisement this week, John P. Smith, the Jeweler, can still be found at his place of business the latter part of each week, ready to do aIlkinds.of Watch and Clock repairing in a workmanlike manner and guarantee satisfaction. He visits Algonquin the first part of each week, but all work left at his store here during his absence will receive prompt attention. Anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewel ry line, if not in stock will be ordered and delivered without unnecessary deldy. Read his advertisement in another col umn. GRAND BALL. Yourself and Lady are cordially invited to attend a Grand f. Ball given by the Members of|St. Patrick's Parish, at Stof fel's Hall, West McHenry. III., Wednes day evening, October 2Gth. 1898 Floor Managers, Mat. Weber, McHenry. T. P. Walsh, West McHenry. Richard Walsh, Terra Cotta. James Green, Ringwood. H. F. Greely. Richmond. Vincent Mar tin, Wauconda, John Lane, Fox Lake. Music by Reed's Orchestra. Tickets, in- eluding Supper, $ 1 50. BY ORDER COMMITTEE. A full stock of Fall and Winter Mllin- ery, in all the latest creations, in shapes and colors. Trimmed hats, a specialty, at Mrs. M. A. Searles. THE McHenry post office is being newly pered and painted this week, and will present* a neat and more invititig ap pearance hereafter. Postmaster Waite is also making other changes that will CD ike it more convenient. PROF. A. BRYRN'S Dancing Academy . will open the season of 1898, at Stoffel's Hall, Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd. Grand Free night, Thursday eve., Oct. 27th. Yourself and ladies are cordially invited. WE will pay a salary of $15 per week and expenses for a man with a rig to in troduce our Poultry Mixture in the country. Only good hustlers wanted. Reference. Address, with stamp, Eureka Mfg. Co., 502 Mo. Ave., E. St. Louis, 111. H. F. SCHNEIDER, who has been night watchman at Woodstock for about fif teen years, was struck by the Woodstock passenger train Sunday night and in stantly killed. He was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and large family of children. O. C. CsorooT, 65 years old, was killed Wednesday of last week, at Edison Park ;i$»hite walking on the tracks of the Chica go and Northwestern railway. He was itruck by the Lake Geneva passenger train. Mr. Crofoot had lived at Park Midge for about ten years. He was a fBsmtwr ol the G. JL B» DR. C. H. FEGERS has just had the fix tures put into hij residence and office, and hereafter they will be lighted by Acetylene Gas, which next to electric lights, is pronounced the finest light now used. In fact, there are many who prefer the Acetylene Gas to the electric light. The Doctor has put in fine chandeliers all over his house and now bas this beautiful light in every room in bis resi dence and office, from basement up. \b we have said before about these lights they are neat, clean and a great Baving in time over the kerosene lamp, and withal much cheaper. We predict this light will come into general use at no dis tant day. Dr. Fegers is the, first to put it in his residence here. From Fort Bheildan, Oct. 15, 1898. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--On account of the Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry coming home, all reporting here are held. No extension. There are several Co. G bqys here. Alex. Dalrel, Gny Hall, Wm A1 warden and myself. There are in .all about. 100 volunteers here from different regiments. Yours truly, HEKHERT BENNETT. REPUBLICAN MBBTIHG8. Frominant Speakers to Appear in THIS County Before Bleetiou Day. The Republican county central com mittee has arranged for a number of campaign speeches In this county before election day, in the hope of arousing enough interest to get out the vote on Nov. 8. Speakers have been assigned to the following named places on the dates mentioned, and it is hoped the people will turn out and give them enthusiatic reception*: Col. D. W. Munn at Hebron, Oct. 24. Congressman Geo. Edmund FOBS at Woodstock, Oct. 25. Richard Yates at Richmond, Oct. 28. Lieutenant-Governor W. A. Northcott at Harvard, Oct. 31. State Senator O. F. Berry at McHeury, Nov. 2. Senator W. E. Mason is expected at Marengo on Oct. 26, and Horace Clark at Nunda, Nov. 4, although nothing really definite has been learned as yet re garding these last two meetings. PRINCIPALS CON FEB. The Principals ot Schools of McHenry county held their regular monthly meet ing in this city last Saturday. The fol lowing Darned persons were present; C. W. Hart, Woodstock; A. M. McDermott, Marengo; Charles Shaffer, Marengo; F> E. Thayer, Ridgefield; D. M. Mills, Rich mond; W. J. Sullivan, Uuloo; W. C. Smith, Crystal Lake; C. M. Manley, He bron; E. W. Bobbins,' Greenwood; R. Otis Moon. Capron; G. A. Collins, Ca- pron; Arthur S. Snyder, Belvidere; M. Moore, Belvidere; F. E. Augevine, Mc Henry; P. S. Harrison, Ringwood; J. S. Brazier, Harvard; W. E. Wire, Hebron. The following subjects were discussed with profit to all present: "Slant Writ ing vs. vertical," led by F. E. Angevine; "Flexibility of Course of Stuiy in High Schools," led by C. W. Hart; "Methods in the Study and Teaching of Litera ture," led by Montgomery Moore. These meetings are of great benefit every member of the Principal; Associ ation.--Sentinel. Jarori for County bo^rt. The following named persons have been dra« n to serve as Jurors in the County Court, at the November Term, November 14tb, 1898: M arengo--J oel Stull. Chemung--W. W. Lake, FredN. Smith, and W. R. Rollins. Alden--Michael Nolan. Hartland--Wm. Cooney. Coral--Lewis Humbrecht. Grafton--F. F. Pendleton. Dorr--F. l)e Yarmond. Greenwood-- H*»nry Hartlett, jr. Hebron--A. Bungard and Geo, Finch. Richmond--J. Howard Vinton. McHenry--George 8. Curtis, John Stock and Chas. Nordqueet. Nunda--S. S. Shepard, Chas. Buck and John Frisbee. Algonquin--Henry Rosenthall, Fred Peterson. Volume on Dolbeetlc Animal®. * A volume of 500 pages, giving the treatment, cure and care of domestic animals, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry: sent free: Humph reys' Medicine Company. Cor. Williams & John sts ; N. Y. Our Overcoat Sale will last from Oct. 22 until Oct 29. Wi^h you could make it in your way to eome and see the 1898 line. It will please yoa. Ringwood, III. J, E CBISTY We can undersell them all in Jackets, Capes and Collerettes. OWEN ft CHAPLBLL An isditor'a Prayer The talented editor of the Tex&rkan- inn is said by an exchange to have at tended church service a few days ago and when called upon to lead in prayer re sponded in this fashion: \ "Almighty and kind Father, pho from Thy throne, looks down on the govern ment of men and delinquent subscribers, draw near unto them and whisper a few thiuga into their ears that the statues torb d 11s to print. Thou knowest our wants but the subscriber knowest them not and seldom steps in to inquire. Let it be known to them that there are large patches on the homesttad of our pants and there is an aching vdid in the front of our back and that we hunger and thirst and he asketh us not to sup with him. Thou knowest, Lord, that our print paper and ink costs money, but the subscriber knoweth it not and careth a darned sight lees. Thou knowest that we are cold and .the subscriber bringeth not the wood be promised and we are shivering and shaking while he roasteth his shins before the red hot stove of his mother-in-law. Tell him all these things. Lord, and if he then bringeth no succor, banish him to the lower regions to dwell, among the calamity howlers and Thine shall be the praise through our newspa per career." The Way We Take It. The way an exchange expounds "envy" greatly meets Sur fancy. It reads like this: "Envy is rottenness in the boDes. Its presence indicates some thing radically wrong with the charac ter. Men envy you those things for which they are not willing to work and sacrifice as you nave worked and sacri ficed. There is something noble and he roic in the inan who can appreciate in you your best and greatest excellence, and then you can earnestly set to work to win those same^ great qualities for himself. He never envies you, bnt rather rejoices in your excellencies. And he rejoices also for himself as he declares heroically in his own heart. "I shall soon, by the grace of God, be the happy possessor of those same splendid qualities." * To Good Co Be Lost. The Boone (la.) Republican records the following bit of history, which, while vouched for es being true, reads as though the truth was hard pushed; "Seven years ago a Hitchcock county farmer, whose modesty forbids the pub lic ition of his name, hung his vest on the barn yard fenee, a calf chewed up a pocket in the garment in which Was contained a! standard gold watch. Last week the ani-j mal, a staid, old milcb cow, was butcher ed for beef and the timepiece was found in such a position between the luhgs of the cow that the process of respiration, the closing in and filling the lungs, kept the stem-winder wound up and the watch had lost but four minutes and two and a half ticks in the seven years. It is one of the most remarkable cases we have ever heard of." If you are going to buy a new Jacket or Cape buy an 1898 style. They will be old enough by the time they are worn out. Our stock is new. \ Ringwood, 111. J. E. CfUBOT* FBBSONA.I* MRS. E. W. HOWE attended to business in Chicago on Thursday last. E, J. HANLY and wife wet| Beloit visitors a few days last week. MRS. SIMON STOFFEL was buying goods in Chicago on Thursday of last week. HON. F. K. GRANGER was a Chicago visitor on Thursday of last week. T. J. WALSH and wife were visiting with friends in Chicago one day last jweek. HARRY HANLY, of Chicago, spent Sun day with his parents in this village. MAT WEBER took in the Peace Jubilee in Chicago the first of'tke week. MISSES LIZZIE AND GIRTIE ENGLEN, were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Miss ANNA BICKLER is visiting with friends in Chicago this week. MRS. H. MCOMBER was on the sick list for a few days last week. MISS LETTA STEVENS, of Richmond, was visiting with friends here last week. MRS. M. MERRIMAN was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. GEO. W. OWEN, of Elgin, was on our streets the first of the week. DR. C. H; FEGERS, was attending to business in Chicago on Monday* L. H. OWEN attended the Peace J ubilee in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday. A P. BAER was attending to business in Chicago on Tuesday. DELL NOONAN was a Chicago visitor the first of the we<>k. REV. FATHER Kinsch was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. MARTIN WAGNER attended the Peace Jubilee, in Chicago on Tueeday. PETER J. FREUND and wife were Chica go visitors the first of the week. WM. HOLTZ attended to business in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday, H. E. WIGRTMA& and wife are visiting with friends in Chicago this week. S. SHERMAN and wife were Chicago visitors today, Wednesday. E. J. HANLY and son George were Chi- cogo visitors today. ISAAC WENTWORTH took in the Peace Jubilee at Chicago to-day, Wednesday, MRS. PETER WALSH was a Chicago passenger today. G. W. GRISWOLD, of Callao, Mo., a former well known resident of Ringwood, is visiting with friends here this week. HON. F. K. GRANGER and son, Ed., were Chicago passengers this Wednesday morning. E. W. Owtoand wife took the train for Chicago today, and will help swell the crowd at the Peace Jubilee. Jos. J. MERTES, of Pistaqua Bay, was attending to business in Chicago the first of the week. C. M. ADAMS, of Johnsborg, made his regular business trip to Chicago On Wed nesday. MRS. H. T FULLER, of Wauconda, was visiting with her parents, Isaac Went- worth and wife, on Saturday last. WM. SMITB and wife, of Elgin, were visiting friends here a few days the past week. JOHN I. STORY, wife and daughter, Miss Edna, were Chicago visitors the first three days of this week; MISS KATIE FOHAEFER went to Chicago on Sunday mo'ning, where she expects to remain during the winter. DR. TYRREL, of Elgin, was attending to professional business in this vicinity one day last week. R. A. HOWARD and wife, < f Elgin, have been sjending a few dajs With friends in this village the past week. W. T. WELLS, of Chicago, spent Satur day evening and Sunday with bis brother, Dr. D. G. Wells, in this vill«ig§, A. A. CHAPELL, of Elgin, has been spending a few days in this village, the guest of his brother, S. S. Chapell. R. WAITS and wife are visiting friends in Chicago this week, and taking in the Peace Jubilee. MR. AND MRS. D. F. HANLT have been entertaining their cousins, Albert Hnnt and wife, of Chicago, the past week. ANTON SCHNEIDER, of Chicago, was calling on friends here the first of the week. Miss ETTA SIMES went to Chicago on Monday, where she exoects" to remain during the w inter. ORTEN GILBERT and War then Kimball attended the Peace Jubilee, in Chicago, on Tueeday. MRS. M. A. HOWELL and son Warren, were passengers for Chieago on Tuesday morning. FRANK WATTLES and wife attended the Peace Jubilje in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday. JOHN FLUBKY and wife were seeing the sights in the big city by the Lake, the first of the week. L. E. BENNETT expects to go to Racine the latter part of this week to visit with his daughter for a few days. MRS. L. BONSLETT visited friends at Kenosha, Wis.. Fridav, Saturday, Sun day and Monday, returning here on Tuesday. JACOB JUSTEN is in Chicago this week attending the annual meeting of the Undertakers' Association, of which he is a member. DR. D. G. WELT^S and wife are spending a few days with friends in Chicago this week. They will return on Friday morning. G. W. BESLEY, wi'e and daughter, Mies Mami?, returned from their trip to Omaha on Friday lasted report a very enjoyable time. HARRY F*Y, who has %een a faithful employe at the Riverside House the past four jears, went to Chicago on Saturday last, where we understand he has secured a lucrative position^ ALBERT WILLEY. a member of Com pany G, Third Illinois Volunteer In fantry, arrived here on Sunday on a sick leave, and went immediately to his home at Dighton, Lake County. HERBERT BENNETT, of Co. G Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, who has been at home on sick leave, re ported at Fort Sheridan on Friday last. Proceedings of Village Bbard. COUNCIL ROOM, Oct. 17,1898. Adjourned meeting. Present lill Board. Business laid over Trom last meeting, appointment of Water Works Tax Col lector, and also to take some action on the Water Worke. The President appointed H. M. Mc Omber as Tax Collector subject to the approval of the Board. Wentwor£h moved that the appoint ment of the President be approved. Seconded by Freund. Carried. Granger moved that the Board ad- ia+ ^journ subject to call of President. Sec onded by Wentworth. The Board rhen adjourned. W, A. CRISTY, Pres. J. S^OFPEL, Clerk. Real Batata Transfers. For week ending Oct, 17, Inclusive. Anna Winchester to Wihbef Kcnderg and w po in aeX serf 35 Marenpro $ 700 00 Freii Voss to Pretl Oswold lot 8 Klap- prick's sub-div of frl swM (ee "8 McHenry 380 00 JSlizi Tartar to Marengo B & L Assn lot 8 l>ik n Jackson's ad Marengo... 45 00 J08 Brewer and w to Eliza Campbell lots 2 and 3 blk 1 Alden and pt wjf seX sec 15 Aiden ... . 600 00 Chas Hansen and w to H T Shannon 3a in se frl nwV sec 19 A giu.qum 800 00 M 3 West and w to free Methodist Ohurci,. of IT a lot 1 blk 3 Algonquin 60 V) D C lioolittle and w to J 8 Andrews pt lot 2 in nw cor Smith's ad Wood. stock 700 00 Margaret H.rndman to Jane Walter lots 3 4 5 (i blk 3 Wooeier. Toby & Cook's add Chemung 8*0 00 Jas Andrews and w 10 Abram Dygert Ins 1 3 blk 1 Smith's ad Woadstookl.000 00 Marriage Licensee* Wm. Rled Cora Griffith Washington Porter .. Myrtie Moore JonnSchReier Anna Scinnitt DeKalb . Marengo .Garden 1'rairic Marengo .. .. Johnsburg Johnsourg A New Xoney Order Bn'e. A rule has recently gone into effect which greatly modifies the present pos tal money order system giving, it a wider scope and making it more popu lar and useful. Heretofore money orders were issued only on foreign cities. The new rule al lows oilers to be issued from one person to another in the same place, as well as making it permisable for a person to take out a money order payable to him self or herself, which is good for one year from date. To persons who have no bank-account, formers, etc., the rule is espi cially welcome as it saves much time and labor. This adoption of the rule practically transforms the postal money order sys tem iato a postal savings bank system, and will be welcomed by the multitude as the government stands behind each order. R I N G W O O D . J. E. Cristy went to the city Monday. Mr. Bich spent Spnday with his family here. N. D. Stevens and wife whre at Wood stock Saturday. Eli Chase is building a new barn on hie farm opposite the depot. Mrs. Bradley bas been' visiting friends in Chicago for the past week. E. W. Bobbins, of Greenwood, was in town Saturday. Miss Hodge and brother Guy, of Solon Mills, were in town Saturday. Our new minister, Rey. Whipple, occu pied the pulpit for the first time Sunday. The farmers are busy get(ing their corn husked. A large yield is reported Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. F. A. Ingalls are visiting Elgin friends at present. Do not fail to cfill and dee the new Fall and Winter Millinery at Mrs. 0. N. Rich's. Robert Bacon, wife and sister, of Lake Geueva, spent a few days with C. Bacon's family. lite an extensive sale of clothing is being: conducted at the store of J. E. Cristy the-present week. A series of lectures, conducted by the order of Latter Day Saints, began Mon day evening at Woodman Hall and will continue through the week. F. E. Fay has moved into his hd'use re cently vacated by Simon Kelley. Mr. Little now occupies the house which Mr. Fay vacated. Nearly one hundred head of cattle passed through here Friday on the way to Antioch for shipment to Chicago over the Wisconsin Central. R. It Mr. Shang has bought a go >d many carloads in this part of McHenry county all of which have been driven to Antioch for shipment. RIDGEFIELD. Myrtle Bobbins is quite sick at present. Mrs. Ja 'iee was at Dundee Thursday. R. Salisbury, of Rockford, is visiting relatives here. < I). L. Gibson and wife were in Wood stock Sunday. Mrs. J. Whiston has been ill for some time with neuralgia. Miss Emma ErickoB and sister Clara, were in Chicago Saturday. Geo. Whiston, wife and daughter Lilly, were at Terra Cotta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and daughter, were in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Alice Button, of Terra Cotta, visi ted at Mrs. N. Jacobs Friday. A large number from here attended the convention at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Lafore and Mrs. Hall visited friends at Elgin the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Wood and daughter Sadie were in Dundee Thursday. Scott Thayer and family are now occu pying their new house. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter Blanche, were in Harvard Thursday. Mrs. Hunt is having her house repaired for Mr. Kahl's occupancy. Miss Anna Morse spent ^turday and Sunday at her home as usual. O wing to the rainy weather Thursday evening, there were only a few people at the sociable. No size too large, no garment too cheap to be made to fit. We strive to pl« ase our customers, for our satisfied customers are our greatest advertise!*. Ask them if we do as we advertise. Ringwood, 111. J. E* CHISTV. Buy your Jackets, Capes and Collar ettes of Owen & Chapell. We ure now showing the largest line of clothing ever shown in McHenry at one time, this is not in your mind, or on paper. If you call we will show you the gopds to prove assertion correct. JOHN J. MILLEB, W. McHenry She Got the Gtoode. A lady not a thousand miles away sent the following order to her grocery u{>on which comment is unnecessary " Mr : Please Havana bring me one pound Manilacakes, two Schley chickens, one pound Philipine spices, one dozen Porto Rico bananas, one packaae of Oregon rolled wheat, one dozen oranges Santiago de Cuba, two pounds torpedo crackers and three Dewey's blackberries. P. S.--If I don't get these things in good shape, remember the Maine. My yard is laid with mines. Don't Tampa with me." Exchange. DB. BULL'S Cough Syrup has saved the life of many a child. This wonderful remedy always cures croup, whooping cough and measles cough. It has never foiled. Price 25c. % We can save you money on Jackets, Capes and Collarettes. OWEN & CHAPELL. See the Collerett< s at Owen& Chapell'e. Get your Clothing and Overcoats of Owen & Chapell. See tlie Neckties at Owen &ChapeU's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and beBt wear ing shoe on the market, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUR SIONS. On October 18, November 1, 15, De cember 6 to 20, the Northwestern Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep tionally low rates. For tickets and infor mation apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 15-eow-6w CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Buy your Suits and Oyercoats where the stock is largest, clean and new. You can suit yourself best. JOHN J. MILLBR, W. McHenry. New Prints just received, Latest Paterae, and at prices lower than ever before. Simon Stoffel. Call and leave your measure for a suit of clothes or overcoat only a moderate profit charged and perfect fit guaran teed at M.J. Walsh's Business ljncal*. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Pilea, Scald*, Bun>*. New stock of Ladies Wrappers, Flan nelettes, Percales and Calicqes. Just received at |M. J. Walsh's. A fresh, supply of the finest candies received'every week at M. J, Walsh's. We save all cash discounts in buyinor our clothing.Those getting their Over coats or Suits of us •' will get the cash benefits.," JOHN J. MILLER. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate respite. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. By J. A. Story«,v • *• Don't be deceived. The "Snag Proof 'lubber Goods can only be bought at Owen & Chapell's. They are sole agents for this town. All other Snag goods are imitations. WANTED-SKVEIIAL TRUSTWORTHY persona in this state t> m*n«ge our bnelneee in tbeir own and nearby counties It is mainly office work conducted at home Salary straight |900 a year an* expenses- definite, bonaflde, no more, no less salary Monthly, S75. References. Enclose self- addressed stamped envelop?, Herbert E Hess, Prest., Dept., M, Chicago. 10 4m Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., savs that for constipation he has found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. By J. A. Story. It is now an undisputed fact that we carry the Clothing Stock of McHenry. When in want of anything in that line give us a look. JOHN J. MILLER. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eoze ma and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. By J. A. Story, Good pantaloons overalls 50c, 75c, 90c and fl.00. Duck coats, $1.00, f 1.25, $1.50, $2 00, «2.25 and $2 50 at. M. J. Walsh's. WANTED--°EVEBAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in thia state to manage our busines' in their own and nearb.' counties. It is mainly office wo-k eonductel at home. Salary straight |9J0 a year and expenses-- definite. b>n»flde, no more, no "ess siUry. Monthly, 9^5. Riferenoes Enclose self, addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E Hess, Prest,, Dept. M, Chicago. l0-4n> SDR. CALDWELL'S B| YRUP PEPSinl CURES CONSTIPATION. • 1 The celebrated Pillsbury Flour can be onnd at Simon Stoffel's. It is un luestionably the most popular Flour sver sold here. $1 00 FOR 10c. A gentleman from Farmer City, writes: "I have used your remedy, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup fepsin, and find it an excellent medicine. My whole family use it. Our baby is only 6 months old and takes it freely. I would not be without it if the 10c size cost me $1 00--Lincoln S. Payne. In 10c, 50c and $100 sizes at J. A. Story's. Get your husking Gloves, at Simon Stoffel's. Prices way down. rrrANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY Vy persons in this state to manage our tiuslnnsa in the'r own and nearby counties. It is oiaiuly office wort con'lueted at home, ialnry straight 1000 a year and expenses-- definite, bonallde, no inoi r, no less salary. Monthly, 175. References. Enclose se f- td.lressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. lie«. Pres., Dept. M, Ohicago. 10-4m The editor of the Evans City, Pa., itobe, writes. "One miuute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. By J. A. Story. Awarded Hiehest Honors--World's Fair, DR. CREAM POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Old fashions in dress may be received but no old-fashioned medicine can !• place Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera Mj Diarrhoea Remedy. For by Story. One Minute Cough Cure* rrniji That ia what It wma sande fee. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billioueness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many 1 emedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. ' IT LEADS. ; if- Wherever it has been introduced, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin leads all other remedies in curing Constipation, Indi gestion and Sickheadache. It only costs 10c for trial size (10 doses for 10 cents). Lar^e Bize 50c and #1.00. At J, A. Story's. , i DeWitt's Little Earfy Riser** The famous little ptlla. . t## For Sale.' Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, situ- nted at West McHenry, 111., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, or J. E. t'risty, Bingwood, III. 33tl How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are SOtyKt to attacks of croup. Whenever an at tack is coming on my wife gives t&em Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy and it al ways prevents the attack. It is a house hold necessity in this county and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. More of it is sold bars thin of all other cough medicines com. bined.--J. M. NICKLB, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sals by J. A. Story. Sick headaches, biliousness, constipa tion and all liver and, stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. By J. A.Story. 11? sure to leave your orders for PillS- bury's or Washburn's best at Stofisl'a Delivered promptly to any part of town. Clothing and Shoes are onr specialties, hence it is easy to see that we can do you more good on those lines than you get elsewhere. JOHN J. MILLER. Remember in buying your do thing at Miller's the price is made to fit the goods you select. JOHN J. MILLEB. 'I think DeWitt's Witch Hazal Salve is the fi 'est preparation on the market lor piles." So writes John C. Dunn of Wheeling, W. Va., Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. By J. A. Story I have made la specialty ot the prose cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, lw fifteen years and make no charge naless ucceBsful. Call or write me. C, P. BARNES, ATTOBKBTJ. Woodstock Bb i . '• r'JA . t "yk, * --- ̂ i <*>} ' > 2M ' LITTLE MAID O' DREAMS J Never dreamed of anything so pood Ipr the human race ae Dr. Caldwell's S^rup" '.'4$ Pepsin. So pleasant to take and so po- tent as a cure for Constipation, Indiges- v tion and Sickheadache, three of the greatest troubleef that tlesh is heir to. In 1 10c, 50c and f 1.00 sizes of J, A. Story. u Cotton Bate, the best stock in tl^m* At Simon Stoffel's. ^ ', .. Three Doctors ia Consultation. , fj|, From Benjamin Franklin. • "When you are sick, what yon Uks best is to be chosen for a medicine in the Jig first place; what experience tells you is beet, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (i. e., Theory) says is best is ,'./ to be chosen in the last place. But if you can gut Dr. Inclination, Dr. Expsri- *,, ence and Dr. Reason to hold a consulta- . tion together, they will give you the best \ Jr advice that can be taken." . When you have had a bad cold Dr. Inclination would recommend Chamber- - Iain's Cough remedy Dacauae it is ptsa* > ^ santand safe to take. Dr. Experience would recommend it bectuse it never 'jJj fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would reorumend it M' because it is prepared on scientific priori- >>f§. pals, and acts on nature's plan in relisy- ing the lungs, opening the secretions and * restoring the system to a natural and), % ^ healthy condition. For sale by J. A* Story. GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION A Full |Set of Six War Memorial Sporas Absolutely free to Every Family la tk« United States. For.sixty days we'll give absolutely without cost a full set of six war Memo rial Spoons to every family sending US a cash order for Household Furniture se lected from our catalogue, no matter whether the order be for f I or #1,000. This means that we're going to add fifty thousand namee to our list of per manent customers. We're going to de monstrate that it pays to Bend direct to the factory for furniture. This dis tribution will cost us thousand of dollars --and make us thbusand of frieuds. Each spoon is of a different design-- ^ Four U. S. Battleships, including tte "Maine," Soldiers in Camp in Cuba, and Morro Castle. These spoons are not the cheap kind advertised extensively at f 1.00 to f 1.50 a set,. They are warranted best coin silver plate on a base of pure nickel silver (not low grade brass). They will wear for years and become a priceless heir- loom for future generations. Send for a copy of our catalogue today. Yoa should enclose a stamp or two to help . pay postage. _ Y; QUAKER YALLna Mf'U. CO., 353', 355& 357 W. Harrison St., Chicago* 9-ton v Do you know that E. Lawlus, Tailoiv has taken measures for six, seven and eight suits a week. Good goods low. Prices from $1.80 to f 12. Keep yoar hand on your pocket book until you see E. Lawlus. 1 The chief Burgees, ot* Mileeborg, Pa.. says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the beet pills he ever used in hie family dur ing forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in riN but itreat in result. By J. A, Story. E. C. Biatiks, of Lewbville, Texas, writes that one box of I'eW itt s Witch Hazel Salve was worth f ">0.00 to him. It eur«d his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it It also cures eczema, skin diseases and sores. By J, A. Stoty*