Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1898, p. 4

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. i,X T ». * ^'.. _ ^, -WIUNESDAY. .VV» VAN H.V '; ,v'v... You are interested in buying to little of your time and attention and your good you that ours ia the store to trade at FOR CAS heat advantage & notl----: ARE A FEW FLOYD K. WHITTEMORE. TICKET. REPUBLICAN 8TATB. •SlorBteteTrMfliirer-- • FLOYD K. WHITTEMORB. Superintendent of Public Instraction-- V ALFRED BATLIS8. I p 9 C X m e t « « a o f t h e > S l f t t e U n i v e r s i t y -- £ V 4 FEED L. HATCH, )j -. : *" A. F. NIGHTINGALE, MES. AI-HK A. ABBOT*. t..: .t ... OONGKKBSlONAt* #®r MWober ofJCocpress, Sth District-- iv* AIAERT J. HOPKINS. fra LKGI8LATIV*. ®or EepreeentatlTea, Eighth District-- GEORGE R. LYON, of Lake County. » D- A. FULLER, of Boone County. OOFifTY TICKET, War Oov&ty J ad re-- O. H. GILLMOKK. For Oramty Clerk - GEO. FVRUSHTON. ^for County Treasurer-- FRANK F. AXTKLL-I -'for Bheriff-- HENRT KETES. For Oonnty Snperintendentfof School »-- W. E. WIRE. 1 " < IV On the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday, Butter was firm; offerings, 175 tubs; a!! sold at 22c; butter last week. 21&; one year ago, 23c. *irNo public good can result from tbe ©lection this year of a congress opposed to President McKinley. The condition of the country is now better than it was before McKinley took his present posi­ tion, and the condition *ill continue to improve if the nation will srstain Presi dent McKinley in the fall elections. It would be a mistake for the people to now elect a congress that would hamper and oppose tbe Republican president. X>0 HOT VOTK FOB SPAIN. is nothing sut prising ia the m- viogs of certain Democratic garding the suggestion that it is im portant for all good citizons to vote candidates for Congress at the coining elections who will uphold tbe hands of President McKinley in dealing Spain in the settlement of the questions growing out c f the but its frenzied fulminations will count for anything until it is able to give reason why its candidate should ;>e Whfttthe election of a Demo­ cratic congress would mean at the pre-, sent time and how seriously it would eui- President McKinley in conclud­ ing a tr eaty of peace with Spain is point­ ed out by William E. Curtis, the well known Washington correspondent, in an article in The Chicago /tecord, in which he says, referring to President McKinley: "He would deplore a Democratic vie-5 tory because of its effect upon the Span­ ish government and the negotiations now in progress at Paris. Peace is not yet made. The treaty will not be signed for weeks, and may be delayed for months, perhaps inditlnitely, if the November elections should deprive the adminstration of the support of a majority in the house of representa) ives. Should such an event occur in a Euro­ pean country the government would b« compelled to resign office and a new cabi­ net, representing a new policy and differ­ ent principles, would assume power. That would be the casein Spain, and therefore the Spanish people woi:fd re- gnrd a Democratic victory in the I'nited States as a rebukt to the president and a repudiation of his conduct of the war. The immediate effect would be to stimu­ late the resistance of the Spanish com- miss oners to the demands of the United States, if it did not cause them to be re­ jected altogether. The result in Cuba would be the same, and very serious complications might follow. "Realizing this, the president of course is extremely anxious to have the people express at the polls their approbation of bis official acts and send men to con- greFS who will sustain his policy." Those who desire that the fruits of the glorious valor of American sailors and soldiers shall be preserved will vote for the Republican candidates for congress in November and show Spain that the American people sustain President Mc Kinley in the demands he makes of that nation. Any other vote will practically be a vote for Spain. IV There is only one practical and ef fectiveway of indorsing the course of President McKinley during the war and of reinforcing bis < Sorts to secure sub stantial benefits for this country in ne­ gotiating terms oi peace with Spain, and that i£ by voting for Republican candi dates for congress. The election of Democratic congress next month would inspire Spain to fight for better terms and might cause a renewal of the war. Floyd K. Whittemore, Republican candi­ date for State Treasurer, was bora in the state of New York, but came to Illinois at an early aire with his parents, who located at Sycamore, DeKalb connt v. He was educated at the public and high schools at that place. When James H. Beveridge, brother of Gov­ ernor Uevoridffo, was elected State Treasurer he induced youns Whittemore to iro to Spriujriield to takecliaiire of the State Treas­ ury.* While filling this engagement in thi Treasury Department he attracted the at­ tention of Jacob Bunn, at that time the owner of the largest financial institution in the state outside of Chicago, and accepted the position of cashier of the Bunn Bank, which he filled with marked ability until the organization of the State National Bank of Springfield, when he was chosen its cashier. Mr. Whittemore held the latter position for more than twenty years. Afterwards he became the Acting Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Chicago, under Pres­ ident Harrison, where he superintended the receipt and payment of more than five hundred million dollars. In January, 1895, he became Assistant State Treasurer, which position he now holds. Mr. Whittemore is essentially a business man, and has been uniformly successful. In addition to other enterprises he has for many years been engaged in farming oper­ ations in Sangamon and Madison counties. Mr. AVhittemore always has been a staunch Republican and a zealous advocate of the party's principles, but has never before been a candidate for office. During his long residence at the capital he has acquired a wide acquaintance t hroughout the state, and has enjoyed the close personal and political friendship of Governors Oglesby, Beveridge. Cullora, Hamilton, Fifer and Tanner, as well as of the state officers who served with them. He was nominated JuneHth by acclamation --being the only Republican candidate who ever received the unanimous endorrv " of his party for that office. •lbs best Granulated Sugar. $1.00. / lbs extr« fine Jap Ten, $1 00. • 12 Bars Leoox Sot.p, 25c. 7inest ( ape Cod Cranberries, ®e qtf * finest Elgin Corn, 2 lb cans. 9c. doz $1 OS. [ustard (glass full) 5c. 1-2 pint bottle W orceal ersbere Sauc«, 5c When yon need Hosiery of any bind be sure and look over our stock. Just received, an immenbe stock of the f.mou* Kockford Wool Hose at way down prices. - X. >v Look over the underwear, no stork so eeraplete io this town. We tell you the samestory about the Shoes--but be sore and come in and look us over. "You cjn tell, Should you need a Jacket. Cape or Overcoat It will pleasure to show you how a dollar or two can be saved. be a *TOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry. Illinois. Furniture and Undertaking csa|iieut j IfiTBrezil was friendly to us at a time during tbe war with Spain when nn friendliness would have considerably uf- set our plans. To show that this country appreciates that friendliness, Se­ cretary Long has ordered the battleships Oregon and Iowa to stop at Rio Janeiro, on the way to Honolnlu, and participate in t|)e celebration to be held November 15, at that place, in honor of the anni­ versary of the establishment of the R public of Brezil. It will be remembered that the cruisers Albany and New Orleans and tie anxiliiary cruiser Buffalo were sold to us by Brazil; alto that the Ore­ gon was allowed to coal at Brazilian portp, on her long trip from the Pacific to Cuban waters. Seven or eight months before the end of the last war in which the govern­ ment of the United States was engaged prior to the war with Spain, the Demo­ crats of Maine held their state conven­ tion at Bangor. Their opinion of Presi dent Lincoln's administration, of its general efficiency and in the management of the nation's affairs, was set forth with uncommon vigor in the subjoined decla ration: "Resolved, That the Administration Jby itd corruption and imbecility, has shown itself incapable of a sure ssful prosecution of the war and from its levity, tergiversations, and its bad faith, is manifestly incapable of negotiating an honorable peace." That copperhead record is being dupli­ cated by the Democrats of to-day, who, forgetting the glorious achievements oi the army and navy of the United States the war with Spain, are growling and complaining about the way in which the most successful war in 1 istory has bt>e» conducted by this Republican adminis­ tration. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED every where«for "The Story^of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, com­ missioned by the Government as Official Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, ii> Hong Kong, in the American treaches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpie with Dewey, and in the roar of battlb at the fall of Manila, i Bonacz* for agents Brimful of original pictures taken b\ government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books Outfit free Addrees, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insur­ ance Bldg, Chicago. 17-4m T^HE West Side Furniture and Undertaking Store is the place to buy, as they have th9 largest and most complete stock in the county. They have the largest assortment in Carpets, Chamber Suits and Extension Tables Of all kinds and at ali prices. A complete Stock of all goods as is usually *kept in a furniture store. IWTSf WW '-xj4 MP"The official news from the Ameri­ can Peace Commissioners has not been made public, but it is satisfactory to Secretary Bay, as far as it has gone, and it has gone ad far as it was expected, under the circumstances. Speed and promptness are unknown to the 8panish character, but Spain has been made to understand that what 8pain is pleased to call the Cuban bonded indebtedness would not be allowed to figure in the negotiations at Paris. It required no new instructions to the American Com­ missions to accomplish that result They understood from the first that President McKinley was determined that the United States would have nothing whatever to do with either paying or guaranteeing the payment of a single bond issued by the Kingdom of Spain When the Philippine question is taken up Spain will again be shown that tbe United States is dictating the terms of the treaty of peace, not playing a game of diplomacy. ••"The sneak campaign through which the democrats hoped to capture the House by lulling republican voters into a feeling of oversecurity that would prevent their voting will not succeed Every day makes that more apparent. Republicans everywhere now realize the absolute neeessity of continued control of the House, not only to keep the good work of the campaign of '96 from being undone, but to carry out the war policy of President McKinley. The prosperity Of the country, as well as the prestige of the government abroad, is at stake. A few weeks ago there were many republi cans WHQ did not realize this; to-day there are not so many by thousands and before election day there will be none, and the result of this awakening will be a rousing republican victory and endorsement of the grand achievements of the adminstration, both in peace and in war. The democrats are already be­ ginning to realize this, as they are begin ning to discount their defeat. They BO longer claiming that they will elect a majority of the House, but are begin •ing to let themselves down easy claiming that they will cut down the poblican majority in the House. Bevere Storm. The earliest severe winter storm of wind, rain and snow on record swept the western states of Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, last week, where the temperature fell to the fre- zing point, and the cold wave extended as far south as Texas. Rain commenced fulling in western Nebraska on Sunda y night Oct 16. It soon turned into snow, sev eral inches of which fell in the States of Iowa. Nebraska, parts of Mssouri and Kansas. Telegraph and telephone wires went down from the heavy weight of the snow combined with the sf rong wind wbbh ] blew a gale and in some nations reached the dignity of a bl zzard. rommunica- tionby wire was almost entirely cut off and a great manjj cities in the middle west were pratically isolated, a few eas­ tern connections alone being maintain­ ed. Throughout Illinois there was a heavy fall of rain the entire week, while in Chicago, where the great peace jubi ee was in progress, a strong wind blew down arches aud decorations and the vast throng congregated suffered great discomfort from tbe sudden inclemency of the weather. Delicate (Children Undertaking is a Specialty. As we h ve Caskets and Shrouds. tr<>m the cheapest to the very beat, in stock at all times io select from. You can see what you get. They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, arid so you call them delicate. • What can be done for them ? | Our answer is the same that ji f the best physicians have been ^ j£ giv'ng f°r a quarter of a cen- ~ If tury. Give them g scon's Emulsion 5 of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- K phosphites. It has most re- jf markable nourishing power. K It gives color to the blood. It K brings strength to the mus- $ cles. It adds power to the j£ nerves. It means robust a? health and vigor. Even deli- $ cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount V three or four times each day. 6 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. £ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. N. J. JUSTEN. We can undersell them all in Jackets, CafesaiidCollerettes, QVIES &. CEUU'LKLL - f Silk * • . PEOPER TREATMENT. In the little village of Beddick, in Kan­ kakee county, a furious mob of 100 farmers nearly killed two lightning rod agents whose business methods did not meet with their approval. The men were knocked down, kicked and pelted with stones, and one of them named Van Duzen, aged HO years, was seriously hurt. William J. Unz, a German farmer who understands little English, was ap­ proached by the agents, who agreed, as he believed, to protect hi* barn and house from lightning for $20. Tuet-dav the men finished the work and presented a note signed by Unz for $440. I'DZ raised a row and then the men agreed to take $300. The farmer came to town to borrow the money, when his frfends in­ duced him to have the agents arretted. They were finally released, when the crowd set upon them, knocked them down and clubbed, stoned and trampled upon them. They finally escaped and were chased a mile out of town. I®*The United States fiatr has been raised over Porto Rico, and that is­ land has attained to the dignity of being a territory of this country. The admini- station will insist that tbe Spanish for­ ces shall evacuate Cuba by the first of December, and the local Spanish govern­ ment relinquish its domination, which it appears loth to while the peace commis­ sion at Paris is deliberating. : The editor of the Evans City, Pa., iiohe, writes. "One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, coldB, and all throat and lung troubles. By i. A. Story. IIARfl Over One Half I Hilto Asres WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE of splenclli) hard wood timber lurid In Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the Chicago & Horthwestern Railway. The best land proposi­tion ever imule to set­tlers. The timber more than paytt for the land. For prices, terms, and all details,'write or apply to J.F.CLEVELAND land Comr. C. <fc N. W. Ry.,Cbica«o. OAN YOU FIND THE SHIP? IP SO, YOU WILL GET A SILK FLAG FREE! .. These shipwrecked sailors are anxious to escape from the island upon which they have been cast. There is a ship concealed in the picture which will enable them to do this. Can you find the ship ? If so, cut out the picture, mark the outlines of the ship with pencil, and forward to HOWARD, AINSLEE & Co., 8rFulton Street, New York, and they will send you. a SILK AMERICAN FLAG, 8x12 inches in size, postpaid and free of all expense, provided you enclose with your solution fifty cents, to pay for six months' subscription to AINSLEE'S MAGAZINE, the most phenomenal success in its line ever published. AINSLEE'S MAGAZINE has (28 PAGES, elegantly illustrated, conceded to be the equal of many of the highest priced magazines, and contains stories by Anthony Hope, Stanley J. Weyman, Opie Read, Bret Harte, Robert Barr, Col. Richard Henry Savage, etc. -- the greatest writers of the age. It is a most remarkable magazine, many times the subscription price. Remember, the magaeine will be sent you six months by mail, postpaid, for 50 CENTS. The flag is given to you free of all additional expense, as a prize for solving the puzzle. HOWARD, AINSLEE & COMPANY, 81 Fulton Street, New York! ^ jpREPARE yourselves for a long/ cold winter--* eli so say all ihe weather prophets--also tbfj muskrats for thoy are building their houses large and high. Never before has our stock of winter good# been so complete and prices so low. We are prepared to show a laitgft.fl.nrl wnll aaWtiul Overcoats, Hats Caps and Underwear Ih all grades and prices. SHOES built for winter wear from Pingree & Smith and C. M. Henderson- which assure you they are made right and of the propejr material. Iiadies', Missos' and Caildren's jackets, Capes and Collarettes, In all styles and prices. We can certainly aave yon money on these garments. Call in and see the line of DRESS GOODS They can not be excelled by any stock in town in toy way. We have a fine assortment . of Babies' and Children's Cloaks from $L25 to $5.00, in all colors. u'A'A • Vfv.i"-,. i SNAG PROOFS--Don't forget that we are sole agents for the Snag Proof Rubber Goods--they are by long odds the best on the market. They will outwear two pairs of any rubber boots or overs on the market. Every rubber company in existence try to imitate the Snag Proof goods so you can see they must be right or other firms would not be trying to fool the people. We l ead thein all in GROCERIES. There is not space enough to quote you prices in them all, but if you will call and ask we will convince you that we sell the best goods for the least money. On Saturday, Oct. 29,1898, we will sell 11 Bars Lennox Soap, 25c; 19 lbs Granulated Sugar for $ 1.00; 21 lbs C fc*'ugar $1.00; 4 gal. keg Honey Drip Syrup 90c. OWEN & CHAPPEL. McHenry, Illinois. and is worth L. U for Sale. Cii to kfrico Inral Lacdi in ind onur fi corsii LYON, YELLOW MEDICTNE lHnT»ooftt unr! other Counties In MiuuCoUli BBC >KINos, COOINOTON rtaknta aud other iu WUUlu rmproved Parms,$1.5 to 025 per r.cri Un .mprovei Land, S>10 per aero lirproved Farm*. yitn % ('own. luuutij I'niiuprovcd I auil, o»« fifth down. If- n: is :v; he:i;; Si'.st m which 1: fibtaia a. .(arm. io the ti I-i<t llu: U S. UI :I vttv low I'rice siiru- t'> fcoun increase in value. Thcso Lands are Dcsh&ble, © The To m> ar< K»sy tfi 1 I11; So1' I* It <-li ami Ferlllp. (3 of * npi<l Iin r.ii «• In V»lu« gj Of Kx<-«*H«*nt Market FttrilltlM. O Of I'uie \V»t< mnil no llmiitha. <0 Of UIHMI unit Chnrrlifw. jg Iu the vlc;nity of neighbors and frlendt You can soon own a farm, raise as good crops, and get as pood prices as in Southern Wisconsin or Northern Illinois. Wi know you will be pleased if you will investigate. Address, C S. GRAVES, Janesville, Wis. GOOD LIVF AGKNTS WAMED. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler* McHENBY, ILL. Having opened a s'lop in Algonquin for tha Repairing of W«tehee. Clocks and Je*elry, [ I snail spend the first three diysof each wrek in that village, but durins my absence my stor* in McHenry nrill be open for business, land all repairing left there will recei prompt attention on my return. The lest three days of the week I can bs I io i'nd at my store hera, and will sell yon any­ thing in line at Bed-Ilqck Prices. Any f:oods not in stock will be ordered and de-ivered with the least possible delay. REPAIRING OF FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. From a lonsr experience in the business I I am confidents can please y^u In every par­ ticular. Gall and see me, JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, Oct. 18,1898. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. [STAT* OF ILLINOIS, I MCHEKRY OOUHTY, T Estate of Leonard Bonslrtt. deceased. To whom it may concern, belrs and dlslrlb- tees of said rstate: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the seventh day of Nov., 18S»8, the Kxecu- I tors of said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, their llnal report of their acts and doing* as such execu- tors, and ask the Cojrt to be dlucharged from any and all further duties and responsl- biitles connected with said Bfttate and their [administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present acu resist such ap­ plication. if you choose so to do. 1 MARGARET BON8LKTT, VH BONSLETT, BEN. BONSLETT, .Executors. The McHenry Marble and Granite Works. All Kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A Full Line nf Finished Work Constantly on Hand. Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. WANTED-SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons In this state to manage our i>u*itiei»<i In their own acd nearby countler. It. i« mainly office work conducted at home >-;iiarv btraignt |U()0 a year and expends-- definite, bonafltl*. DO more, no less salary. Monthly, |7. r> Reference?, Enclose eelf> addressed stamped envel pe, Utrbert E. Beta, Pre«t„ Dept, M, Chicago. 10 < SDR. CALDWELL'S YRUP PELPSI CURES CONSTIPATION N J. H. MILLER, McHenry. t;. Buy your fall and *i>d dock coat* a$ winter Underwear M. J Walsh's.. The celebrated Piilebury Floor can be ound at Himon Htoffel'e. It i-< un juestionably tbe most popular Flour iirtiwtoldta*. MEN'S. AMD CMS BOY'S (LOIHING TV7E are prepared to fill orders for Highest Grade Ready- to-Wear Clothes in the market. We offer you the advantage of an immense line to select from, our samples covering the latest most up-to-date novelties. Every Garment we sell bears the above trade-mark. IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS, Overalls, Pants, Jackets, Sweaters, Underwear, Blankets, ijobes, etc. In endless variety. ( Our at<~-ck oi Rubber Gocda ot the Boston make is complete, v ith first quality goodfc ana prices guaranteed* SHOES in all grades and sizes at prices to suit the purse A. New stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings, .Table Coven, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, etc, 4 Large stock of Fmh, Ttas, Coffeep, etc. Another Car of Flour just received. Goods delivered promptly. West McHenry. M. J. WALSH. A Customer of Mine using a N HEATING STOVE. 'For which be paid me $30. remarked to his neighbor that he would not Bftll it for $100 if he could not get another hke it. This is pleasing to us; and doubtless is to tbe many owners of such stoves in this and other vicinities. Now I am handling the • « Peninsular Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces And the forrgoirg is onW to show tho tru* satisfaction this line of btcves are giving I have 45 of thesa stoves sampled on my iloqr and invite inspection from all. It will be north your time to call and see them. W®st F. L. MqOMBER. Side ] Jardware Storey * > .u'. j?

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