Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1898, p. 1

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. - I f H-X [A. n -• V • •• --Vc ' .i, " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law i No Favors Win us and no Fear 8halt Awe." VOL. 24. • v». '• / M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1898. NO. 19. '^e^eirj ̂ laiileali PUBLISHED ETEBY WEDNESDAY BY < ~ | f . V A N 8 L T K E , EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK tvo Doora North Owin ft Chap«ir« Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) $100 If Hot Paid within Three Month* 4 00 Subscription* received for three or six raobths in the same proportion. RATES OF ADVERTISING: WesnnoiiDoe liberal rates for advertising In the PLAIMDSALSB, and endeavor to state thnm so plainly that they will be ireadlly un­ derstood. They are as follows: i Inch one year... « 6 00 B Inches one yaar 10 00 8 Inches one year 15 00 X Column one year ......... 80 00 X Column one year 60 00 1 Column one year 100 00 One inch means the1 measurement of one Inch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege cf changing as often as they ohooae, without extra charge. Begular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 6 cents per line eaan week. Alt others vill be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged At the rave of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and fi cents per line tor subsequent issues. Thus, fen inch advertisement will cost 91.00 for one week, 91.50 for two weekB, *8,00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIMDBALBR will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, a« a business rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody Seeking the use of its columns lor pecuniary gain. 49" All Foreign Advertising payable quar­ terly, in adyanoe. These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS CARDS. W. C. ANNERS. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. BBSLSY'S DRUG STOnl. O, H. GILLMORB, ATTORNEY Probate work a specialty. Office in Kendall Block. Woodstock 111. J, t . OA3BY, ATTORNEY and Ooun»elot at Law. Offioe in Josiyn's Block, Woodstock, III. Spec­ ial attention given to trial oases. KNIGHT & BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ICO Washington Street, cmoago, 111. FRANK L. S fEPABD. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, suite 80--182 ' Clark Street, Onieago, 111. O. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, ami Counselor Oollei lions a specialty. Woodstock, 111 FRANK R. JAOKMAN, ATTORNEY and Counselor ai Law. Prompt and oareful attention to all mat ters left in my hands. Money to loan. OHlce In Hoy block, Woodstoek, 111. Telephone-- office, ,55* residence, 69, 86yl DAVID G. WELL8, M. D.v PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Nichols Block, over Piainoealer offioe. McHenry. Telephone No- 2 O. a. FEGER), M. D. PHYSICI %N AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office at Residence, • <R. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door west o* A. P. Baer's store. West McHenry, 111. Residence, b»use formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne. All professional calls promptly attended to. W. P. ST. GLAIR, JttsHeeof the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance, NUNDA. Illil JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker JSc Jeweler MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stook of Oloeks, Watches and Jew- n. elry always on hand. Special attention Irea to repalnng fine watehes. Give me •all. JOHN P. SMITH. W. A. CRI8TY, «Juetloe of tlie Peaoe. WEST MoHENRY, ILL, Speelal Attention paid to Collections. Will be in my Office over EvanBon's Store, every 8a' urday and Monday, until further notice. H. C. MEAD, Justice 0} the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WUT MCHkhkt, III. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Speelal attention given to repairing Fine Watches an t Chronometers. A. Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. AUCTIONEER! Having had several yesrs »*r<erlenne fell­ ing farm and other sales. I now call attention to the faot thst 1 feel like getting & GREAT "HUMP" 5 On nyself and sell yr-nr farm sales in - SUHeary as well &s Lake Co with a great ( DETERMINATION '.'Necessary to obtain rood results these olo*e < times, lam satisfied that it requires the S-SNs '; :same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell farm sales and be sucnessfal as it dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either of which I am willing to ao wh«n c%ll*d. Most of you will know that I have had snd still have mi«h experience ee'iing just sueh gcotls and stoek as you will rff<»r at public auct on tbia spring. There fore I shoui t tnow their value and h w to get at selling the same tor the most money, dropping the article with the one 'hat some, times p*ys bis note, I am qui'e a Food bid der and em alwavs looking for bargains. I believe I can do more for you than can the others for the same or less cost, If I did not feel sure of the above and wss not in dead earnest and willing to try. on short notice, I would not be so well equipped •n alarm turned in by postal may reveal unexpected results. Try Us a Couple of Times gy Your obedient and unsystematic friend _ T. V. 8LOCUM, ..JpffOTMitfa, 111 Or. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST MoHENRY, Office over Besley'e | Woodstock Office Drng Store, | Ken all Dental Parlors, Will bo at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thurs­ days, Fridays and Saturdays. EXAMINATIONS FREE. MILO J. 1^, HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) __ -- _ . _ r McHenry. Tuner & Repairer. ) --: All Orders Promptly Attended to, v ' DR. BAECHL ER DENTIST Plate Work and everything per­ taining toJ>entifetry. Parties from a distance should drop a oard a day or two before coming. Office. McHenry, C. F. BOLEY, Prourielflr of McHenry Briery, MoHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beer m . GEO W. BESLEY, u, :• WEST MCHENRY, ILL., --DEALER IN-- SMOKERS I When io Want of a Good Ciiar CALL AT B&RBIAN BROS) Cigar and THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. PERRY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, . - ILLINOIS, This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus­ tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First Class Companies at the Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, ' PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public. A Money Saver I FOR YOU. CUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in stock the finest as­ sortment of Robes, Blankets and Whips To be iound in McHenry County. 1 have something new in the Robe line that was never before offered in McHenry County. Call and see them. It is something' Neat, Durable audi Cheap If you want to save money call and see me. Also on hand a fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. Itiuir"A.IH,IrvCi Promptly Attended to Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. cus CARLSO . McHenry, 111., Oct. 10, 1898 '"kw NEW HOTEL AND Boarding House Water Street. McHenryJ• iz* ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my new building I am now prepared to take " Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo­ dations, and at KEASONABLE BATES. ' My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY £NGELN. McHenry, 111., 1897. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Pur­ poses, also Bottled Ale and Porter. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. 1 C. W. BESLEY. West McHepry, Nov. 1, 1898.- "FVANSON'S You are interested in buying to the best advantage. Just a little.of your time and attention and your good judgment will tell you that ours is the alore to tradeat FOR CASH. HERE ARE A FEW HINTS. 20 lbs best Granulated Sugar, $1,00. 3 lbs extra fine Jap Tea, $1.00. 12 Bars Lenox So^p, 25o. Finest Cape Cod Cranberries, 8c qu. Finest Elgin Corn, 2 lb cans, 9c, doz $1.05. Mustard (glass full) 5c. 1-2 pint bottle Worcestera here Sauc«, 5c. When you need Hosiery of any kind be sure and look, over our stock. Just received, an immenbe stock of the famous Rock ford Wool Hose at way down prices. Look over the underwear, no stock so complete in this town. We tell you the same story about the Shoes--but be sore and come in and look us over. You can tell. We arrange a Special Underwear Sale for your b eneflt Saturday, Npv. 12th. JOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry. Illinois. Furniture and Undertaking THE West Side Furniture and Undertaking Store is the place to buy, as they have the largest and most complete stock in the county* They have the largest assortment in ,t Carpets, Chamber Suits and Extension Tables Of all kinds and at all prices. A complete stock of all goods as is usually kept in a furniture store. Undertaking a Specialty. As we have Caskets and Shrouds, from the cheapest to the very best, in stock at all times to select from. You can see what you get. N. J. JUSTEN. We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. BUGGIES 1 BUGGIES! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier And the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better . , WAGONS AND TRUCKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, July 27,1898, 41 00 3 00 50 17 25 18 70 80 82 60 4 39 11 40 28 50 28 50 28 50 27 00 24/00 age Proceedings of Village Board. COUNCIL ROOM, NOT. 7,1898. Regular meeting. Present; foil Board. Minutes of regular and special meetings read and approved. Tbe following bills w«sre approved and ordered paid: Geo Woods, filling stand pipe,.....$ 1 75 John Walsh, p( lice service 40 0O M M Neison, police service and meals J Slimpin, sidewalk labor Wm Quinn, hauling seats.. Thos Halpin, sidewalk labor........ Geo Meyera, labor and uravel for flliiog water works ditches...... 17 70 A 0 Frindley, merchandise *2 73 G W Beseley,'oil... «.i. 'I 62 Geo Meyers, street labor J Herbes, gravel Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber...7„... M Engeln, oil and matches E W Howe, labor Ed and Wm Quinn, for board o! lofcal improvements for |I. A Keith & Co 2 50 W A Cristy, salary L9 meetings... 28 50 A P 1 aer, " " " P J Frieund,* " " " C H XiranKer, " " " John Heimer, " 18 " J R Miller, "16 " I Wentworth, " 19 " II C Mead, 6 months salary as at­ torney John Stoffel, 6 month salary clerk 'i he semi-annual report of the v: clerk was read and approved. The preliminary report -of the village treasurer, showing a balance on hand of f2,196.62, was read and approved. Motion by Heimer, second by Freund, that a street lamp be put up near the north end of East Front street, and also one near the crea nery on the west side, and also that the street and alley com­ mittee purchase six new street lamps. Carried. Motion by Miller, second by Heimer, that the building of a sidewalk or cross­ walk on East Front street be referred to the sidewalk committee. Carried. The following ordinance was intro­ duced and read: ORDINANCE NO. 20. , See. 1 Superintendent:--That the board of trustees shall, at the regular meeting in the month of May or as soon thereafter as practicable, in each year, appoint a superintendent of waterworks, who shall ho id his office for on© year or uutil bis successor is appointed. See. 2 Duties of superintendent -- The superintendent shall, under the di­ rection of the waterworks committee, have the immediate control and man­ agement of all hydrants, machinery and parts of the system. He shall supervise and direct the laying of all ser­ vice or water pipes in the streets, alleys and public grounds of said village, and the making of all connections with the water pipes or mains for private or pub­ lic use. He shall keep a complete record of all taps inserted, their exact location, number and size, and length of service pipe laid; he shall act as engineer and fireman in pumping water for said sys­ tem: he shall, in addition, perform such other duties as are required of him by ordinance or resolutions of the board of trustees or under directions of the water works committee. \ Sec. 3 Duties of clerk:--It shall be the duty of the clerk of board of trustees to receive all applications for the supply of water, keep an accurate account with each consumer,co lect all water rente and other moneys due on account of water works and pay the same to the treasurer; he shall report to the board of trustees at the first regular meeting of each month, all applicstions received, all moneys received and the names of all persons who owe the village for water. Sec 4 Applications for water:--Ap­ plications to connect service or supply pipes with the distributing* mains shall be made to tha waterworks committee upon printed blanks for this purpose, to be had at the office of the village clerl; such applications to state all the purpo­ ses for which water is to be used, the size and location of tap required, the size and kind of service pipe to be used and the location of premises. If the wateworks committee approve of such and the ap­ plicant shall have paid the tapping fee herein required, the clerk will issue a written or printed permit granting the applicant the right of connection with t ie distributing mains, according to the terms of his application, and the ordi­ nances and regulations governing the use of water. Sec. 5 Tapping Mains;--No person except the village tapper or his duly authorized assistant shall tap any street mains. The village will tap all maius, insert a tap cock and connect to it the service pipe which shall be extra strong lead pine, and lay the same to lot line, and there erect a curb stop cock and b< x. A uniform fee of ten dollars ($10) will be charged for the same and shall bo paid before the issuance of any permit. Providing that no service pipe will be laid by the village more than fifty (50) feet. Sec. 6 Service pipe not to run across lots. Along streets where mains are laid service pipes shall not b? laid from one lot to another but must be taken from the mains immediately in front of the premises or some point adjacent to same; Sec. 7 Extension and alteration of Plumbing:--Before any extension or al­ teration of the p'umbiDg, beyond that for whirh a permission may have been granted, is made, it shall be necessary to make a special application and obtain permission of the water works committee. Sec. 8 Consumers to keep Fixtures in Repair:--Persons taking water shall keep the ir service pipes and all fixtures con­ nected therewith in good repair and pro­ tected from frost at their own expense and shall prevent all unnecessary waste of water. Sec. 9 Access to Premises:--The su­ perintendent and hie duly authorized as­ sistant shall have free access at all rea­ sonable hours to premises where water is used to ascertain the location or con dition of al1 pipes and fixtures attached to said works and for the purpose of ex- aminicg and inspecting meter; and in case he finds that there is unnecessary waste by negligence or want of repairs he shell if such waste is not immediately remedied stop the supply of water. Sec. 10. Hours of Sprinkling--The hours of sprinkling shall be six to eight A. M and from five to eight p. M., but must be shut off at any or all times when there is a fire or an alarm of fire, provid­ ed those who have meters can use water at any time except in cise of fire. Sec. 11. Claims against the Village:-- It is expressly provided that no claim shall be made against the said village of McHenry or any of its officers or em­ ployes on acconnt of the breaking of ma­ chinery or th» stopping for repairs^ The village reserves the right to stop the sup­ ply of water without notice for repahs. Sec. 12. Meter Rates:--The following retes will be charged for a consumption of water: First thousand gallons per quarter, 30c per thousand gallons; 2d, 3d, 4th und 5th thousand gallons per quarter, 25c per thousand gallons. All over above amounts stated per quarter, 20c per thousand gallons. In no case will a charge of less than $ 1.00 a quarter be made by the village to consumers water. Sec. 13. Meters:--All meters to be sup­ plied by, and the property of, the said \illage of McHenry. Sec. 14. Scale of annual water rents- fiat rate: Dwellings occupied by one family, not exceeding six rooms $4 00 ten •• 5 00 Each additional room above ten rooms 25 Boarding houses same as dwellings Barber shops, one chair 4 00 Each additional chair 1 00 Bath tubs, private house, one tub.. 2 00 Public bath tub 5 00 Butcher shop ; 5 00 Blacksmith shop, one fire 4 00 Each additional fire 1 00 Building purposes, stone work, per perch.... 10 Building purposes, brick work, per thousand 10 Building purposes, wetting brick, per thousand 10 Building purposes, plastering, per one hundred yards 15 Horses r*.nd cattle, one horse or cow, each 1 00 Additional horse or cow, each 50 Lawn sprinklers, % inch jet, 5hours per day for season, 50 feat front 3 00 Each additional 50 feet front 2 00 Water closets, self-closing, for pri- vate house, one bowl 2 00 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 Each additional bowl General store Boot and shoe store Har iware store Oilices, each ... Additional office or room, each...... Special rates for purposes not enumerated above. Private water trough, 8 months... 5 Hotels, same as dwellings School houses, meters Livery stables, meters . Saloons 5 00 Brewery, meters.. Cigar factories 5 00 Marble works 4 00 Drug store .' 4 00 Doctors office 4 00 Soda fountain.. 4 00 Club room 5 00 Bottling establishment 10 00 Pool and billiard room, each table 1 00 Bakery 4 00 Bank ".... 4 00 Tailor shop ? 4 00 Dent<a| office... Ice cream parlor or restaurant, 5 tables or less Photograph gallery.. Printing office Street sprinkling, per month dur­ ing season 10 00 Urinals, hotels, saloons or board­ ing houses TTrinals, banks, stores and offices.. Urinals, private houses Wash basins, stationary, 1st basin private family, free, each ad­ ditional basin ; Yard hydrants, dwelling or board­ ing house rate Wherever a tap is made rate for dwel­ ling will be collected whether the water is connected with house or not, unless the supply is cut off from premises. _ All rates except for lawn sprinkling which shall be paid with the May install­ ment for the entire season, except in case where a connection has been made during ti^e season, in which case a prorate for six months, to November 1, shall be col­ lected, the season commencing May 1 of each year. Persons paying for any additional 50 feet for lawn sprinkling, Bhall be entitled to three additional hours for each 50 feet additional front paid for, or may use any extra sprinkler or sprinklers during the prescribed time of five hours. The above rates, rules and regulations shall be subject to change or amendments without notice, by resolutions of the Board of Trustees. All wagons or carts used for the pur­ pose of street sprinkling within the vil­ lage, shall be charged for a license, each the sum of five ($5) dollars per annum, which sum shall be in addition to tse sum charged for permit to use water from the village hydrants for said vehicle; provided, however, that before issning such license, the Superintendent of Wa ter Works shall prescribe the kind of vehicle to be used, specifying particularly the capacity of the tank, the number and size of the holes in the sprinkler, and the distance of the same from the ground: and also such other general regulations as he may deem necessary concerning the use of riaid vehicle upon the public streets, and the use by them of the village hy- rants; for the due observance of which he may require from the person taking such license a good and sufficient bond. Sec. 15. Opening Hydrants:--No per­ son except the Superintendent of Water Works or the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department shall take water from any public hydrant, fountain, fire plug, hose or pipe except for fire purposes or for the use of the fire department in case of fire, nor in any way take or use water for private use from the water works, pro­ vided that person authorized to sprinkle streets may obtain water for that pur­ pose under supervision of the superinten­ dent. Sec. 16. Not to Delegate their Power. --No person authorized to open public hydrants shall in any case delegate his authority to another or let out or allow any person to take the wrenches from any hose house of the village except for purposes connected with the fire depart­ ment, except as provided in Section 15. Sec. 17. Use of Hydrants as Hitching Post*:--No person shall use any public hydrant or fountain as a hitching post for horses or other animals or in any way obstruct the free passage to and from such hydrants or fountains. Sec. 18. General management of the Water Works:--The general management and control of the water works system under the provisions of this ordinance is hereby committed to a committee of the Board of Truste to be composed of the president and three trustees and known as water works committee. 8aid mittee shall b - annually appointed hf the president and shall have control a§ the entire system subject to the approval of the Board of trustees. All qnestkioa undetermined by ordinance or resolntiott of the trustees as to the practical agement of the system shall be by adjusted. Sec. 19. Tapping:--Al! taps made i>ty; ̂ the mains of said village of McHemy shall be at least 30 inches apart and ip -;t no case nearer the end of the pipe ~ 18 inches, and no pipe shail be tappiMf on the hub or bell. No tap larger thiMj,v three-fourths of an inch in diameter shaft : be made in any main in said village ex- cept by sptcial permission granted i* 4^ writing by the water committee of sai& villngc board. All taps in the w&tetr ̂ mains in said viliage shall be made by the village tapper. . ¥ Sec. 20. At the time of the appoint* ment of the village tapper and befort; the entering upon the duties of his office he shall execute and file with the village ' ̂ clerk a bond with one or more auretie* \ to be approved by the Board of Trustees \ ̂ in the penal sum of $500; that he will in» - 1*% demnify and save harmless the villag# f of McHenry against any and all d*un» ages caused by him to the property ol ;• said village by reason proper or v| careless work done by hiaror his assist ̂ .J ants. He shall promptly execute tht'- work of tapping when called upon. \ Sec. 21. Kules and Regulations:--Any i damage which may be sustained by any , meter, the property of the village of Mo« , Henry j resulting from the carelessness of any owner, tenant or agent of premise* or from neglect of either of them properly secure and protect the same, at : well as any damage that may rssnlft from allowing said meter to becomtr" c"' frozen or injured by hot water or steam , < setting back from a boiler, shall be psu# .: to the village of McHenry on demand ̂ b y s a i d o w n e r , t e n e n t o r a g e n t . i f - If a meter gets out of order and fails to register, the consumer will be charged • at the average daiiy consumption a* ; ̂ shown by the meter when in order. All water passing through a meter wUh ̂ be charged far whether used or wasted. . No meter shall be removed or disturb* ̂ • ed without permission from the water committee. Any violation of this rulf shall subject the person violating tM same to a fine for each offense to b# hereinafter prescribed. The owner or tenant shall providt ready and convenient access to the t*r so that it may be frequently and examined by the agents of the village ; Sec. 22 Penalties;--Any person violej. • ' ting any of the provisions of this ord$> * I nance shall, upon conviction,, in mfdltioi. : to the enforcement of the forfeitures ̂ liabilities, stipulations and reservations.. herein mentioned, shall be subjected to ̂ fine of not less than five dollars nor mora 1 than two hundred dollars. Sec. 23 This ordin knee shall beknowa. as Ordinance Number 20. ' Sec. 24 This ordinance shall be ii force and take efiect from and afar lawful publication. Motion by Wentworth, second by • - Freund, that the ordinance be adopted* . • i Carried. J Motion by Miller, second by Freund» .. that the ordinance committee bs GD> - " powered to secure tapping machine and : - necessary material for making conneo» ' ̂ " tions with water mains. Carried. ; Motion by Heimer, second by Granger, that Prof. Scott may have the use of ths ̂ city hall by paying for fuel and oil used.. Carried. . " * js. Motion by Wentworth, second by Granger, to adjourn subject to call of the president. Carried. The Board then adjourned. i W. A. CKIBTY, Pres. J. STOFFBL, Clerk. i Kn. Gtrundy Bays: Some people have to die in orte to. head a procession. That it sometime hard to distinguish^ between the prodigal son and the fatted calf. That the road to ruin to broad ̂ order to accomodate thetrayd. ̂ That the man who gives himsslf away/ ' in not worth having. That the loafer spends his time beat' ing other people out of theirs. That the way of the transgressor hard; it has been traveled so often. That many of our citizens are ous to a fault--if that fault is their own. That some of the beet blood in Mo? Henry runs through the veins ol the mos> quito in warm weather. That when a man says he is perfectly contented he can't see a possible chaw* to get anything more. Vft'-Av V?.' ! SOKE SAMPLES OF SFSUJOfO. A druggist is making a collection ol the queer orders he receives from people who send children to the store for tliiagf; t they need. Here are a few samples ot'- them: "This child is my little girl. I sent five cents to buy two sitless powders forg a groan up adult who is sikfe" p Another reads: J "Dear Doctor, pies git barer 11TS ssaat worse of Auntie Toxyon for to gargfe babi's throte and obleage." Another anxious mother writes: "You will pleas give the lettle boi trf cents worth of epac for to throw up in a five month babe. N. P.--The babe Ins *i sore stummick." This one puzzled the druggist: "I have a cute pane in my child's dia* gram. Please give my son something $n ̂ it." /'M' This KMU YOU. If yon are not making money or arqk not doing as well as you wruld likemakf a cbange and the best thing you can d<f is to buy good land cheap, in a good country and get the increase in value. Don't pay out all you earn for interest and rent. Write to C. 8. Graves, Janes* ville. Wis., (see advertisement ia this pa« per) who sells 'and at $ 10 per aort easy terms. It will pay yon. A few Mens Overcoats at gains for cash at Eyanson'st

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