piwilwJw. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 30. 1898. -- J, VAN 8LYKR, Editor. £ • mt Batter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was firm; offerings, 183 tabs; withdrawn on bid of 22c, 7 tub*; sato, 175 tabu at 22c; same price Mt week and one year ago. Next Mon day the board will vote on the proposi tion to change hoars of the session to morning from th«> afternoon. K: • r f .i ^ ? K * ; MP* A special dispatch to the Inter Ocean from Springfield, under date of Nov. 25th, says: "Captain Wainwright stated unofficially to-day that the Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry will not be mustered out, but will be retained in the service uneil the regular army has been reorganized, ttP"3ecretary Long will reccommend the construction of thirteen battleships in his forthcoming report to Congress. It anything should happen to this fleet the "yellow press" fallows and their ilk that have no newspapers will point with pride to the superstition that 18 is an vnlacky number. f i^FLatest dispatches confirm the press report that the Spanish commissioners have agreed to the Americans proposi tions concerning the"Philippines and that the Treaty of Peace will be drawn up and signed in a few days. 'Tie well. Had Spain come to her senses some time •go her humiliation wonld not have been so great. M^Thoee mugwumps who are dis. turbed over the unanimity of popular sen timent in favor of territorial expansion will experience difficulty in findii>g any other country in which their ideas pre vail, in case they decide to change their place of abode, unless they go to Spain. That nation is not troubled just at pres ent over any proposition looking to ter ritorial expansion. MP" Hon. George Kirk died at his home, in Waukegan, on Saturday. Nov. 19th, aged 74 years. He had been slightly troubled with heart disease, but his condition had not been considered aerious, as he kept around and was con versing with a member of the household leas than five minutes before he expired, llr. Kirk was at one time State Senator from this, the 8th Senatorial District. NJSWORAND ARMT. Ths Rev. Frank C. Bruner, of Chicago, past chaplain in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, on Sunday last, preach - ed a memorial sermon for those who died iu tae Spinhh war. lie said in part: "They were God's heroes, their soldier ship was as much a divine call as that which inspired the old boys in blue 16 defend the union. The heroes of 1898 were made up of not a few noble men. It was an army of extraordfnary intelli gence. It had a large representation of the common classes. In character it was a symmetrical army. Its patri otism wa* of the most intelligent kind. It was more cosmopolitan than that of the soldiers of 186 L. The old comrade in blae had a love which beat intensely countryward, while the new boy in blue bad a country love which spiiled over the rim of his glowing sbul and beat on the full gallop world ward. Their sphere of activity reached beyond the seas, while that of men who won at Shiloh and Gettysburg was for the enslaved at home. "The new brare hoys had an inspir ation which launched them worldward, for alt the tired bondmen of earth. They were a fearless army. They saw na tions emerging from centuries of night by thtir valor and march through the morning of heaven on the golden hilltop of end lege noon. They were made up of one of most united and liberty-loving nations in the world. They were the off spring of the best military blood that ever throbbed in the heart of man. They tingled in their veins the rich, ripe blood of the noble Huguenot of the Southland, and that of the sturdy old New Engend ers. Their cause they were assured was God-born. It was an event in the hie- tory of the race, whep Jehovah sent a sword instead of peace. "Infidelity rounds fie idea of a war- god, bat admits the fact of the redemp tion of the rac« as a result of the Spanish and American war. If anything brought our Nation iato distinction in humanity's uplifting it was the march ot the new boys in blue to the emancipa tion of enchained Caba, which, became a key to unlock the Iron doors beyond, that all the tired world might be free. "War demonstrated the potency of American creations. It brought at once above the horizon the sun of our great < nees, and gave a ne* day to the history the world in inventive genius. The markmanship of our army and navy electrified the world: the new blue-clad boys have augmented the evolution of commerce on the high seao, have given impetus to civiliz ition, religion, and - V The Hub's Department lathe Largest In • •*"4... i CHICAGO, ILL. r i Superior Values ha | Hen's Derby " and Fedora Hats i at$i.jfe**; HENRY C. LYTTON, N. W. CORNER STATE ST. & JACKSON BVD., . _ ***** You Can Always Save Money by trading at The Hub, which !s the greatest, clothing store, in the world. EVERYTHING A MAN OR BOY MAY NEED TO WEAR 13 HERE I We guarantee to fit any man or boy, of any size or shape, with better material and at lower prices than any other clothing store in existence. It you cannot conveniently come to the city, send for our free , illustrated mail order catalogue. Goods sent C. O. D., on approval. Try them on. If they are not satisfactory we will pay return charges. Our finnrial I ASHAVO* A"**®0' Rwfws $3.95. Men's All-Wool KerMy Overcoats f 10. ) P Boy's 2 PitceAH-Wool Suits $2.95. Hell's All-Wool Suits $10. In every case where goods are not satisfactory or entirely as represented your money will be returned without question or argument. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story of the Philippines" by Marat Halstead, com missioned by the Government as Officia Historian to the War Department. Tbi book was written in army camps at Han Francifco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, iu the American treaches at Manila, in the insurgent, camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpia with I>ewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free Addrefs, F. T. Barber, Stc'y, Star Insur ance Bldg, ( hicago. 17-4 in IVAn exchange is responsible for the following item which to say the least is suggestive of what is coming in the use of electrical apparatus: *'So many cross country telephone lines are being built io Missouri and farmers are taking advan tage of them ao rapidly that it won't be long till every well-to-do farmer may get the prices of things in all the towns •bout him while the hired man is hitch up." (earning for the enlightenment of the Orieiitil side of the planet, without which superstitious night would have tarried 100 years. They are worthy to be praised as the new Gr *nd Army of the Republic. Ail hail! The world rolla into l -ght. It is daybreak every where." Hacking COUGH A hacking cough is a grave-yard cough; the sooner you get rid of it the better. Don't wait until it develops into consumption, but use the cele brated Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. It is a wonderful remedy for all throat and lung affections, and will cure a df ep-seated cough or cold in a few days. Good for old and young. Dr.BulTs Cough Syrup Will cure a Hacking Cough. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. OBOBOB IWIIXIT8 DBAD. "l " 'Word has been received here of the death from sunstroke, at San Juan, Porto Rico, of Geo. S. Willits, a well known Chicago financier. He went to Porto Rico last July to investigate in tie interest of Chicago capitalists, the railroads and other enterprises of that country. He was prominent in politics •ad was a golfer of some note. He was 41 years old. " Mr. Willits came into prominence in Hwkte politics several years ago and in 1192 be was nominated forcongressman- •t-large, running with Dick Yates on the Republican ticket. It was the year of the Democratic land-slide in Illinois and both were defeated. JVAD concerned are to be congratu- teted upon the satisfactory settlement of tfce long lockout at the Virden coal mines, and especially the miners who have made such a determined and suc- tisssful fight for the payment of the regu lar scale price. Their notable victory (Deans much to all of the coal miners of tile state as well as to themselves. Had tkey been defeated, and had the opera tors succeeded in resuming operations at the reduction they proposed to pay, their product would have unsettled the markets and eventually forced other mines to reduce the prices paid to min- a *8, and it would have been impossible to maintain the existing scale. By conced ing all that the miners asked in the first place, the coal company practic illy ad- mite that it was in the wrong and that •11 the trouble there, including the loss life, would have been avo ded had it iept its agreement with its employes and faid the scale price, as it has now agreed L r *>do Its action clearly fixes the re- & •ponBibility for the trouble that Has P* _ Second. Ir p°ly*amy and Society jjjjj*'* *®IMcians are being somewhat stirred /•-** Hp over the fact that Utah's newly elec- • led Democratic representative to con gress, while a Mormon of the strictest , ̂ is also a polygamist and is livi* *?? *ith three different wives. But the agi- .y ' tation in political circles will be a mere Iv v!!PPlea8COmpared with the commotion %( /that w,u 1)6 Produced in Washington # Society circles should the Utah congress- wan take his three wives with him when be goes to the capital to attend theses •y< . felons of the national legislature. There Is talk that he may be unseated, or • ; felled from the House, but such action is ^ ^ikely to be hedged in with technicalities #nd legal entanglements, and Mr. Ro lf Iberts may thus escape expulsion. Pro- iceedings against the Mesdames Roberts $ ?y-win 1)6 mach more summary when their ca*ftaken iu band by the Washington A ^society autocrats; and they will be put under the ban without precedents being consulted, or their legal status inquired Jftto. Western Effrontery. Just as a Cincinnati drummer was writing his name on a register at a Kan sas City hotel, a bal-bug appeared and slowly meandered across the page The drummer dropped his pen and remarked: "I have been bled by Chicago fleas, bitten by St. Louis spiders, and interviewed by Fort Scott gray backs, but I'll be darn* d if 1 ever was in a hotel where the bed bugs examined the register to find the number of my room. I guess I'll go down and sleep on the railroad bridge." I Advice to 1 Consumptives: There are three great reme- X dies that every person with | weak lungs, or with consump- t tion itself, should understand. I These remedies will cure f about every case in its first stages ; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and Scon's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forget that Scott's Emulsion is the oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en dorsed of all remedies for ; weak throats, weak 1 ungs and : consumption in all its stages. 1 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. ' SCOTT fit BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Frazer Axle Grease MR "L"wUVERV. «p!| Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial! Paris and World's Fair. "•""FT*™1 FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., Factories: Chciaoo. St Louis. New YOHL M. J. WALSH, West NfcHenry, III*, EXACT METHODS, LIVING PRICES, LATEST STYLES, Are drawing the trade our It is evident that buyer* ate becoming more convinced every Ffflbon that the energetic hurt ling, rflifcbTe ftoie managers are 1 he people to do business with We ^eHeve in working bard to furnish our customers with coed? that are riphfc in price, quality Pno st> le. The m»jor question with Ur» is not will such and s ich go< d« e ll and pay a profit regardless of st>le or quality, but rather will they satisfy the buyers. M e are offering many b rgains ,-n Underwealr, Jersey Shirts, Over alls, Buck Goats, Etc. fc LEG'ANT STOCK OF Shoes, Felt Boots Overshoes and . all kinds of Rubber Goods to Select From. AND GROCERY STORE. Just Received a new stock of Caps, Neckties, Gloves. Mittens, Muf flers, Handkerchiefs, etc., for Holiday Trade. , !few Dre^s Goods, Flamel*, Blanket*, Hosiery, Corpetg ShawK Fascinator?, Wool Skirts Table Linen, Towels, atd Napkins just received. Full stock Groceries and Canned Goods. Another Car of Fiour Just Received. Orders for Overcoats. Ulsters and Suits Carefully Filled. Goods Delivered Promptly. Agent Continental Life Insurance Co. Y.wr* Trtjly M. J. WALSH. HCIMER'k BLOCK. Opposite J. A. Story's Dru? ^tore ." • McHENRY. ILLINOIS F1RST-7LASS GOODS. Wteit, Gr*h"ui anrl Rye Bread. Cukes, Tin etc., fresh uaked every day. Also a line line of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. The patronage of the publio !• respectfully solicited JOHN HAUPKISCH, McHenry, Ju-e 6 |»M WANTED--SKV KRAI, TRUSTWORTHY persons in tnis state to manage our bu*itipa« in their own ac<l nearl# countfrs. It is mainly office work conducted at home "alary straignt |9ij0 a year and expenses-- definite, bonaflde, no more, no !e*» salary. Monthly, §75 References, Enclose telf- addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M, Chicago. 10-4m E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box ot DoWitt's Witcb Hazel Salve was worth f'lO.OO to him. It cared his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also curfcs eczema, skin diseases and obstinate Hores. By J. A. Story. Ladies and Gents black Gloves and Mitt« for Sunday wear if necessary ^double knit tips 2f» to 50c. Nothing so ̂ •*<"»*. at The celebrated i'illebury Flour can be ound at Kiraon S toff el's. It IH no I ues tion ably the most popular Floor •ver sold here. Waxtrd--«kvkrai- trustwoithy persons in this state to in*?» ge our business in the r own an<i nearb.- count'es It is nriiniv oflice work conducted at horn's Salary straight |9(0 a year and expenses- deflnite, bonatide, no more, BO lees salary Monthly, |75. Ueferenc.es. Enclose self addreti«ed stamped envelop*, Uertert E Hess, Prest, Dept., M, Chicago. 10-«ua Farms for Sale! Cli ice A^ricn'lnral Latdj la CXAH-v. Ti*OOD t.iid oilier H iu r/FON, VKf,I,OW MEDICINE and other Counties In BROO I£IN<;8, CODINGTON and other Countius lu own lifrli down. Wi corsin Minnesota Dakota hnproved Farms, $15 to $25 per acre Unimproved Land, $10perecre. TCDUO Improved Farms. ^ tn '/ lull nil} L'nini proved Land, one lifll H< rc i* mi opportiinitv (o obtain a farm in the healthiest --e tion of thf U. S. at a verv low l'ric« inJ which is sure to soon increase in value. These Lands are Desirable. 09 The Terms are l'*any. tn Tlx-Soil tw Kit'h and Fertile. {3 Of ICapid In« r« a e tn VHIOA. gj Of F*«-ellent Market FaellitlCS. O Of l'ur« Wat«-r mid no Drontha. O Of <1O«M1 Koadn, Nchool* anil Chnrche*. PQ In the vicinity of neighbors and friend*. You can soon own a farm, raise as good crops, and get as good prices as in SouthernWiscon&m or Northern Illinois We know you will be pleased if you will investigate. Address, C.S. GRAVES, Janesville, Wis. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED. For Sple. Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, situ- nted at West McHenry, III., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenrv, or J. E. Crist.v, Ringwood, III. 33ti M^n's Duck Coats, all si zee and grades, at M. J. Walsh's. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all I'at-i ent business conducted for MODERATE Fees. ' OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICEI and we cln secure patent in less time than those1 remote from Washington. ] Send model, drawing or photo., with dcscrip- ti j i t . We advise, i f patentable or not, free of' charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent @FnsK, WASHINGTON, 0. C. J(8UCCE8SOB8 TO FEBKT * OWEH.) V" *_ ""K v"" _ f j -;X vr • Jf Honest. Fair Dealing Wins Hundreds of people will tell how Will get you tho Boat Suit of Clothes for the Least Money. Work men say the same. The best Sh es for the least raoney. Tte small boy says they *re the best and the cheapest. Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers, 45c, Over Shirts, heavy ladies cloth, 50c. Men'n heavy Wool Socks. 25c Ladies W ool Kibbed Steckimre, 20). Boys feather Mitt«, lined. 23c. Boys Jean Pants, lin^d, 80 J Boys all wool, 4 lb pantst $2. Ia short my entire stock of - Ready Made Clothing Fifty per Cent Lower Than any other store in McPem-y County, for bargains now is your time to secure them. us we will prove to you that we mean just what we have the goods that you w mt ai d can save ^ou money It you are looking If you will call on say. We Canned Goods Fresh Every two weeks PREPARE yourselves for • long, colA wintc&-~ i-i so say all the weather prophets--also the :• uskrats for they are building their bouses large and / . igh. Never before has our stodk of winter goods Jk?;!, been so complete and prices so low. We are prepared ^ 1*111?W0 to show a large and well selcctcd stock ot. / f r Clothing; Overcoat^; Hats Caps and Underwear • r . V'if In all grades and prices. SHOES built for winter HfA wear front Pingree & Smith and C. M. Henderson which assure you they are made right and of the prober .&.v material. Ladies', Missos' and Children's : t S Jackets, Capes and Collarette ̂ In all styles and prices, ^ o can certainly save you money on these garments. Ofell in and see the line of DRESS GOODS They can not be excelled by any stock in town in aily way. Wo have, a fine assortment of Babies' and Children's Cloaks from $1.25 to $5.00, in all colors. ' '̂ v!l SNAG PROOFS--Don't forget that we arc sole agents for the Snag Proof Rubber Goods--they are by long odds the best on thai i- - • market. They will outwear two pairs of any rubber boots or overs J J on the market. Every rubber company in existence try to imitate the Snag Proof goods so you can see they must be right or other firms would not be trying to fool the people. V e lead them all in GROCERIES, There is not space enough, -J to quote you prices injhem all, but if you will call and ask we witf ; ^ convince you that we sell the best goods for the least money. J H )rse Blankets Id great abundance. We have a large stock of horse blankets in all grades and can mike prices that will surprise you. Come and see what we have. Groceries. 11 Get our prices on grccerips ot all kinds and don't forget where you can get the GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. 5 OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. A New Stock ot Gro3"rl<* . "f.th ^ 1- . A. * .\/'J ~ »' Very Lowest Trices. E. LAWLUS. OVERCOATS. In 1 )oking for an Ovrrroat it is j olioy to look where they keep the largest assortment, the best quality, the latest- styles, thft newest goods for the least money. We havei thcui. Do you thinlir it policy to give us a look ? !;OOTWEAR. Our Footwear trade has been good this fall. It pays to carry the stock und fhow them. letting people select what they want. «Ve carry ihe line, from the cheapest to the best made. To get an idea of our Glove and Mit- ton stock you must see them. UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Olnildren. Fur Robes, Fur Coats, Plush Robes, Horse Blankets, Duck Coats and Winter Caps. Car li^lour Ju^t in, Gret Prices# * R>e, Buekwrfieit, Graham-and Corn Meah OnlsniSO perbuih. Potatoes45o. Fiveqtsoranbdrrlej 98» lours tor Winter irade, JOHN J, MILLER. West McHenrv, 111 Ready for the Holidays. JOHN P. SMITH, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, I have on hsnd a new stock of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry to whi^h I wish to call the attention of the buyin; public, confident that in quality of goods and price X can please any who may S(e fit to give me a call. 1 have just received a fine line ot SOLID GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGS. The very neatest thing in that line ever brought to this town. It may not be known to ever\ one that, there are settings that rep resent every month in the year, but such is the tact, and for tns benefit of those who do not know we w ll uame them here: J maary. Real G vruet; Febuary, Amethyst Doublet ; March. Rfal Bloodstone; April, Rose Diamond; May, Fm^rald D »ublet; June, Real Agate; July. Ruby Doublet; August, jJard • nyx; September, Sapphire Doublet; October, Real Opil; November,. Topaz DouM t; December. Imitatioo Torquoi\e These rings are ot the very finest quality and en} warranted as .epresented. Call and see them Thmkful to our friend for favore in the past we hope to mer- rit and receive thf same in the futuie. MoHenrj, Nov 30,189$ JOHN P. SMTH.