Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1898, p. 4

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]fleJJmtj ffciiifeilM. 7, 1898. WEDNESDAY, 8LYKK, W Batter offerings on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday were larger than usual, 424 tube. Sales were 50 tube at 21c and 252 tubs at 22c. Mar- Let steady at 22c. Last week 22c, one year ago 22%c. It was decided not to change tbe session of the board from afternoon to forenoon. MTOne of the first results of American v possession of the Philippines will be t!he squelching of Aguinaldo and his pinch- baek government and the diebandment of his army. Officials do not anticipate that any trouble will follow when Aguin- aldo is ordered to disarm his • followers and to tell them to resume their ordinary occupation, bat if there is any trouble it will be short and decisive, as there are enough American troons now at Manila to make short work of whipping Aguin- aldo's forces into obedience, should it become necessary. 3>V- • s_ Wf"A Washington correspondent says: "if Congress acts promptly as it is ex- { pec ted to do on the bill providing for an increase of the regular army to 100,000 s> ̂ Toeo, it is not likely that any of the vol- 3- unteers will be sent to Cuba. Nearly every *3^ \ Senator and Representative who has come to Washington has called at the 1$%":.' War Department to request that some ' regiment of volunteers be mustered, out, ~i$ - # because the men while willing to fight arn't n willing to remain in the army to perform 4 k garrison duty. The President is anxious } ' to meet the wishes of the men, but it can- t • y not be fully done until Congress provides " • lor the increase in the regular array -P" Already orders have been issued to send ,1" about 6,000 regulars to Manila, in or- ;' i-,o v. der that Borne of the volunteers may be V brought home." Tin* Oyster's Beard. Old fashioned cookbooks invariably order us to "beard the oyster." "I Was quite an experienced housekeeper," taid a well known cooking authority, "before 1 knew what the beard of an oyster was. It is, I believe, tbe little frill. "The question then occurred. Why should this portion be removed? Witn our American oyster there is no occa­ sion to remove it, and we never do it." No doubt many a new housekeeper lias felt guilty of omitting to do some­ thing that should be done when she Served her husband oysters with their "beards" on. She felt doubly, guilty When he praised them and declared they were the best oysters he had ever eaten. Probably she kept the secret until she consulted some old housekeeper, who promptly told her she didn't know what the beard of an oyster was, and that cer­ tainly no one nowadays ever removes it. This expression is generally found in old English works of the order of the Complete British Housewife. It is prob­ able that this portion of the oysters of Great Britain is especially tinctured with their coppery flavor and was for­ merly removed. Certainly no one today who eats his oysters at Delmonico's or at any famous restaurant finds tbe frill or anv portion of the mollusk, except the shell, missing. < Adam Knew the Flood Wu Coming. An apocryphal book called the " Less­ or Genesis" and well known to the early Christian fathers tells a wonder­ ful incident in the life of Seth. the third son of Adam and Eve. When the goodly Seth washout 40 years of age, he was "rapt" up into heaven by a trio of an­ gels and there told and shown what was in store for mankind. Among other things, the coming of the great deluge was made known to him, as was also the coming of the Saviour. When he re­ turned to earth, Seth told bis parents What had happened and of what he had Been and heard concerning tbe future Of the human race. "And Adam was much grieved when it was made known to him that the world would be de­ stroyed by water on account of the wickedness bf his own children, but a great peace and calmness came over him when Seth told bow the face of the earth would again be repeopled. * * * His joy was exgeedingly great when Seth related what was in store in the coming ages, and he was particularly glad to know that redemption should finally come through Jcsup, the Christ" tp. VC\' • p §? I- V sit -jsadt-j,* Ki & I" P'.. S& r. MVRepreeentitive Danford, of Ohio, is one of the millions who believe in our ability to meet every responsibility which confronts us, whether it be as­ sumed from choice or from a sense of duty and humanity. He said o| the subject, "That the American peoble are com­ petent to own and manage the territory wrested from Spain is in the nature of e self-evident proposition. Mr. Carnegie is making more fuss by the expression of his fears as to our competency than anybody else, and I suspect that if Mr Carnegie's doubts were analyzed it would be found that his antvaxpausion views grow out of his diilike to seeing England, Germany, France, et al., admitted to equal trade privileges with the United States in the Philippines. If he could get * shade of advantage for the sale of his steal products over these, 1 think, he would beasgood an 'imperialist' as any." fancy Stock Breeders Meet. Btoeders of SolBtein-Friesian stock from all parts of Illinois met in Chicago and effected a state organization, aux­ iliary to the National Holtsein-Friesian Association. Matt S. Campbell, Wm. Hill and L. W. Pickering were appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws which will be submitted to the new board directors for approval. The meetings of the association will be held annually •t Springfield on Wednesday during state fair week. The officer* elected are as follows: President. S. N. Wright, Elgin; Vice President, FrankWhitc, Dana; Secretary, •nd Treasurer, Wm. Hill, Chicago. The board of directors is composed of M. S. Campbell of Genoa, and J. Hatfield of Normal, elected for one year; J. H. Cool- Idge, Galesburg, and G. W. Pickering, Wayne, elected for two years; and C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, and H. A Severy, Somonauk, hold office for three yearB. The Pompoaa Colonel. The following incident occurred at a ball in Berlin. A colonel advanced to­ ward a young lieutenant, who bore on his breast as sole decoration a large badge richly set with diamonds. "Tell me, young man," he said, "what is that thing you have got there?" "It is an order, my colonel." replied the lieu­ tenant. "An order!" exclaimed the colo­ nel. "It is not Prussian, then, for I don't know it." It is an English order, my colonel," responded the juvenile officer. "Ah, indeed," said his superior, "who, for goodness' sake, could have given you such an order?" "My grandmother, my colonel," was the reply. "Your grandmother!" ejaculated the colonel, bursting out laughing. , "What is her name?" "Her majesty Queen Victoria, queen of England," answered the young lieutenant, who was none other than Prince Albert of Sleswick-Holstein. The colonel suddenly disappeared. ftiotoffrapiiy Beats the Ikkln. The Indian "mango" trick, in which a plant iB seen to grow up from tbe Seed in a few minutes, has been done in a new way by M. Michael Corday of the Ecole Polytechnique in France. M. Corday employs tlje well known cine­ matograph, or apparatus for producing "living photograph "--that is to say, photograph io images endowed with movement and apparently with life. A rose plant is photographed at intervals during its growth until the flower buds and blooms. The photographs thus taken are combined by the cinemato­ graph and projected on a screen, so as to represent the development of the plant in a short time. The number of photographs taken in six months should be equal to the number which the sen­ sitive band of the cinematograph will continue. Obviously the same plan will be able to show the changing aspects of the country during the seasons in one progressive illusion, and we venture to suggest that it might be employed with advantage in illustrating various scien­ tific experiments and natural processes of an evolutionary or gradual sort.--» I.ondon Globe. ° Two Pistols and a Bowie In One. Chief of Police Keefe has in bis poa> session probably the most unique weap­ on ever seen in the city of Jacksonville;, it is a combination double barreled pis* to! and boWie and was used in Mis? souri by a "regulator" when that state was going through the throes of the pro and anti slavery discussion. The blade of the bowief is abont H inches long and protrudes from a hilt between two small pistol barrels, each about 6 inches long. The hilt and the hammers are one and the same. When the hilt is cocked into position, two triggers, concealed in the stock, come forth, and then the weapon is ready for business, with both barrels and 12 inch­ es of cold steel. A number of men, it ia said, belong- ing to one organization in Missouri were armed with these weapons, wljich were secured direct from Paris. This one in particular seems to be almost new. --Fiona* LUib«~ - ' A Heal Bargain* s "Dear," she said, and her sweetes and most engaging smile illumined hex face, "if you had a handsome lap robe, could you use it?" „ "Certainly not," he replied. "Yon know very well that we haven't a vehi« cle of any description." "That'swhat I thought,"she return­ ed, "so I have packed it away. Later, when we are wealthy and keep horses, we can"-- "Packed it away!" he exclaimed, in­ terrupting her. "Packed what away?" "Why, the lap robe, "she answered sweetly. " But we haven't a lap robe," he pro­ tested. "Oh, yes, we have," eba returned. "I happened to stumble into that de­ partment of one of the big stores today*- and they had marked them down so low that I felt I ought to get one of them before the opportunity slipped away." "But we don't need"-- j "Not now, but we may," she intq£ rupted. J'It's just as well to get thess things when they can be had at a bar­ gain, and this was a real bargain. You men are very thoughtless about such things. You would never have thought of buying this robe now. You wouldn't have the foresight, but would have waited until you had a horse, and then, very likely, you would have to pay a dollar more for it. "--Mercantile Jour­ nal. iM : 6 sr.-.. THIS BOUNDS KOBE LI KB IT. A WASHINGTON DISPATCH SAYS THE THIBD WILL BE LET OO. A Washington correspondent in the Tribune makes this encouraging state­ ment in regard to our soldiers: Rumors of a wholesale reduction in the volunteer army are still current here, but there is no ground for them, oth^r than •he fact that five or six volunteer regi­ ments which recently returned from Porto Rioo will be discharged at the expiration of their leave of absence. When these regiments, returned to this country, they were given leave of thirty and sixty days with the understanding that they were to resume military duties at the expiration of that time, but since the signing of the treaty of peace it has been decided to discharge them. This is the only reduction that will be Bade in the volunteer army until con­ gress provides a regular force large enough to garrison its West India po*- seseions, and those in the Philippines and Sandwich Islands, besides providing guards for this country. Your Doctor Knows Your doctor knows all about foods and medicines. The next time you Bee him, just ask him what he thinks scou's Emulsion of Cod-Uver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. We are willing to trust in his answer. For twenty-five years doc­ t o r s h a v e p r e s c r i b e d o u r Emulsion for paleness, weak­ ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all diseases that cause loss in flesh. Its creamy color and its pleasant taste make it es­ pecially useful for thin and delicate children. No other preparation of cod- liver oil is like it. Don't lose time and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried. Keep in mind that SCOTT'S EMULSION has stood the test . for a quarter of a century. Soc. and $i.oo; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. The Holidays are Here ftO MVJW | USIMON NTOFFEL I WEST McHENRY, I. L. With a larger stock of Goods in all Departments than ever before, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. CLOAKS AND OVERCOATS At 20 per Cent Discount for Cash. Bed Blankets from 42c to $4 per pair, Undorweat, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Overcoats, Rubbers, Etc. We have-in stock the celebrated & •( Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots In eQdless variety, which has no equal. Call and look them over. IN HOLIDAY GOODS We can't fail to please you in almost any line. Wo have F^ncy Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy Ooods of all kinds. Styles the Latest. For Ladies and Gents, found id this section. FI1E SHOES. The largest and best f»sortment to be Another Car of Pillsburv's Best this Week. SIMON West MeHonrv, III! Dec 7, 189!. All Kinds of Sanitary Mint PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs* Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and lot Water Heating. Complete Rtock of all frizes Galvanized and IMack Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show lloom in Jacob Bon- elett'e Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL. W ANTKO--REV KRAI, TRUSTWORTHY * f A * MURDER WILL OUT, Several years ago tbe rush was for on Improved farm land tfiat was cheap. Many people are looking for the same chance now, C. 8. Graves, Janesville, Wis., has an advertisement in this paper offering land well Supplied with fuel and good water, centrally located for all the great markets north, south, east and wait, with good school privileges. The best of farm land can be had at $10 per » terms* rt wUI pay yau ^ ' •*"' ~ v "W*' i . kit it . iii atlM*-*. Lirtk'j. X. . * " w ;fe"' PreMhtri ud B&llroadj, The announcement that the railroad! throughout the country will continue daring next year to grant half rates to clergymen has been received with un­ feigned satisfaction by a majority of the members of the cloth. But not by all. A prominent^ and respected preacher, commenting upon the matter, said: "i had hoped that the railroads were finally about to wipe out the semideadhead privilege extended to the clergy. It is a relic of the times when preaching meant poverty, and under the changed condi­ tions it is not only affair to the rail­ ways and the general traveling public, but it ia destructive of tbe self respeel of its beneficiaries. The railroads hav6 been chafing under the clerical half fare system for a long time, and for several years some of them have been trying to do away with it. Times have changed since the church was poor and preachers underpaid, and the railroad people are quite sensible of the fact."--Philadel­ phia Record. WANTED! Reliable man wanted in this vicinity to open small office and handle my goods. Position permanent ftnd good pay. If your record in O.K. and you want steady employment, here is an opening for you. Kindly mention this paper whpn writing. 17-12w A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. The finest line of Wool Hosiery in town at Simon 8 toff el's. For Sale. Feed warehouse and C al sheds, sittk- nted at West McHenry, III., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For 'urler particulars apply at once to W. A. C"'sty, West McHonrv, or J. E. (Jristv, Ringwood, 111. 33tf busiiiPB" lii th«ir own ar»l n»»i*rl»v ronntl»e. It is mrtinly office work crti untetl at home. Salary ttraiKi'i »i)00 a year and expen^es-deflnite, bnnvliiin. i>o more, no le«. salary, Monthlv, |75. Reference0, Enclose telf-nddreased stamped privet p<9, H rbert E. Hess, Prest,, Dap'. M, Chicago. 10 4m The celebrated Pillnbiiry Flonrcan bp onnd at Simon StofTcl's. It i-* un lueetionably the most popular Floor '•ver sold here. at Men's Duck Coats, all sizes and grades, i M.J. Walsh'*. Wanted--«EVBKAii irustwosthy persons ie this stste t> nun fee our bnsine«B in their own i»nA nearby 'rourttea It is mairiv office work conducted at home salarv straight *900 a year onl expen-es-- definite, boniflde, no mo e, 110 le*s talary M' nthly, |75, Keferencen. Knclose aelf-addr*sne<i stamped envelop' Herbert E Hess, Piest., De, t., M, » hnago. HMin SANTA CLAUS Has decided to make his head quarters at our store. Holiday Goods In large quantities have already arrived and tnore are coming. There are presents in abund­ ance for old and young, and PRETTY TOYS To make the little one$_ hajafvy. Our stock is before, and the selection has been made very carefully, to please. Examine our stock for bargains. than ever with a view JULIA A. STORY. N. B.--Our Drug department is still in good running order prescriptions are as usual carefully compounded. McHenry, December 6, 1898. and A Complete Stock, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade PAarks Designs - Copyright*. &c. Ativone sending a sketch inul description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably putentable. Communica­tions strict ly confidential. Handbook on Patents aent free. Oldest agency for securing txtteuta. Patents taken throngh Munn ft Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jfoierkan. riely Illustrated weekly. Ijiirueul elr-f any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a • months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. & Co.36,B",«-s" Hew York Office 025 F St.. Washington, D. C. Branch < HOMK SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUR­ SIONS. On Ontobpr 18, No/ember 1, 15, De­ cember <» to 20, the North western Line will pell home eeekere' excursion tickets, with favorable time litcitB, to nttmerona points in the west and South at excep­ tion all; low rates. For tickets and in for­ mat ion , apply to egeoto (<bicago it orth western K'y. ^.5-eow-6w We have within the past thirty days invested large sums in the improvement of our stock with the desire of making it one of the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock to be found anywhere. It is our desire to lead in prompt service anc correct goods at the lowest possible prices. DIAMONDS and all kinds Stones we lead. of Precious You will do well to look us over before making your selection as our stock now is complete. All the latest patterns in Sash Buck* s. Pins. Bracelet* Chains, Buttons* Kings, Ladles Hair Ornaments* Watches and Clocks To-be found anywhere* Don't fail to see our Silver Noyelties Picture Frames, Calendars, Jtf^tch Safes, Ink Stands, Childs Sets, Pin Trays, Looking Gileses and Pomades. In Fancy Glassware We Can't b« Beat. HEAMAN & SCHNEIDER. g.. vrji: ., » - (SUCCESSORS TO PERKT * 0WK». Store is Chuck ' ,, [ • • 51 I * , i H -v '.H r r >J<(' AND GOODS. Never Before has our Stock been so Complete and PRICES SO LOW. in Call and Look Over Our Goods and Prices Wllili PAT YOU. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. ^ OVERCOATS. In looking for «n Overcoat, it is } olicy to look where they keep the largest assort me it, the best quality, the latest styles, the newest goods lor tbe least money. We have theui. Do you think it policy to give us a look? * !;OOTWEAR. Our Footwear trade has been good this fall. It pays to carry the stock and ehow them, letting people select what they want. We carry the line, irom the cheapest to the best mads. To get an idea of our Glove and Mit- ton stock you must see them. UN For Men. Women and Children. Fur Robes, Fur Goats, Plush Robes Horse Blankets, Duck Coats and Winter Gaps. Car Flour Just in. Get Prices. Rye, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal. Onions OOo per bush. Potatoes 45e Fiveqts cranberries 25* Yours for winter Irade, JOHN J. MILLER. West McHcnry* ill / Ready for the Holidays. JOHN P. SMITH, . . • Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler MoHEABY. IH.T-. I have on band a new stock of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry to which I wish to rail the attention of the buyin g public, confident that in quality of goods and price X can please any who may see fit to give me a caM . 1 have just received a fine line oi ^ SOLID GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGS. The very neatest thing in that line ever brought to this town. It may not hie known to evervone that there are settings that rep­ resent every month in the year, but buch is the fact, and for the benefit of those who do not know we w.ll uame them here: January. Real (jrtruet; Febuary, Amethyst Doublet; March. Real Bloodstone; April, Rose Diamond; May, Emerald Doublet; June, Real Agate; July. Ruby Doublet; August, Surd ' nyx; September, Sapphire Doublet; October, R*al Opal; November, Topaz Doubl't; December. Imitation Torqwone These rings are ot the very finest quality and are warranted as .epresented. Call and see them . Thankful to o,ur friend-* for favore in the we hope to mer- rit and receive the same in the futuie. \ McHenry. No? 30, 1898. n)p. smth. , V \

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