Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1898, p. 8

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howeyHoon chitchats fflf'-S I £•, tCatfe-Mwrta* Q««*tton ** Opmta* Latter^ «A happy couple were honeymoon- lug in the country when the first pack­ et <if letters from home arrived, and the husband proposed to open ese ad­ dressed to his wife," says a writer in the* Philadelphia Press. ^Certainly not," she said firmly. "But, Philippa," he remonstrated, "surely you are not going to have any secrets from me now that we are mar­ ried?" "I shall not hare any secrets from yon, but Phyllis might," his wife said. "That letter is hers, not mine. I shall probably let you r®*d ft after I have, but not till I am sure that Phyllis has told me nothing but what she would be willing for you to know." "Still, doesn't it imply a lack of con­ fidence when a wife won't show her letters to her husband?" "Not at all. The lack of confidence is shown by the husband when he de­ mands t6 see his wife's letters." This was unanswerable, and Mr. Grant sank back in his chair with amused delight In his wife's perfect unconsciousness of having said a good thing. Presently she added: "I told you so! Here is something Phyllis wouldn't want you to know." "Then why are you going to tell - me?" "I'm not going to tell you what it is. ton are only to know there Is some­ thing you can't know--at present/' "Phyllis is engaged," Mr. Grant re- narked. "And what if she is? "Sou are aot to know to whom." • "To Radcliff," hazarded her hus­ band. "I didn't say so." "But you don't say she isn't" "How could I say she isn't when -V'Y f: p; • IQQQ --$ - iL ^ T, rs Greeting & We will begin the .New Year weft by giving our customers many bargains in Hfcavy -Winter Goods. £v "Is? I really think, my dear, you might as well have let me read that ,, letter." . The Chimney Smoked. tu the designing and construction ,©f houses it has always been the cs- i ipecial fad of Mr. Willis Polk, architect, 1o build roomy fireplace, where great logs can burn, and he has always fplumed himself on the fact that the fireplaces never fail to draw. When he erected his bachelor bunga­ low at Tiburon the fireplace was the chief pride and glory of the establish­ ment. He told his friends about the «olid comfort he enjoyed sitting be­ fore the blazing logs, and, to still further arouse their envy. Polk one night gave a party. To his infinite chagrin, the chimney smoked abominably, the fire wouldn't draw, the logs would not burn, and the bungalow was filled to stifling. Af­ ter they had thoroughly guyed the disconsolate Willis, the disgusted < guests went home to cough it off. Next day Polk made a careful ex­ amination of chimney and hearth, satisfied himself that everything was now as it should be and then gave ^ another party to efface the memory of the former fiasco. He made elab- : orate preparations for this festivity and arranged to give his guests a warm reception. That abominable chimney again spoiled it all. It smoked and smoked. {Willis was n despair, but the next day It was all right again. At intervals after that, Polk entertained friends, and he finally found that the fireplace never drew when he had company, al- ?hough at other times it worked per-ectly. So he set a little trap, which •finally solved the puzzle. It was a lit­ tle cracker boX, placed over the top -(of the chimney, which caused all the jttouble. Some of his friends had thus thor­ oughly covered up the chimney every time the young architect had planned an entertainment.--San Francisco Let" ter. ^ KtMmmikx AH. Duck Coats, worth $1.15, Mvr 90e. * > ^ . $1.05, now $1.35. " > I; * « .. « $2.25, now $1.85. T Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Flan­ nels, etc., at reduced prices. Ladies1 Wrappers from 60c to $1.25. A 1 kinds of Warm Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots at bottom prices. A large stock of Men's and Boy's Sweaters, Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Overalls, Pants, Shirts, etc. * Our Grocery Stocl< Is always eomplcte with new, fresh goods, and priccs always the lowest. Good Raisins 5c per lb.; better grade 8c, 9c, 10c and 13c. California prunes 5c, 9c and lOo per lb. Japan Tea 25c, 35c and 50c. Coffee Sc, 15e, 20c, 25c and 30c. Flour, Graham, Buck­ wheat and Corn Meal at lowest prices. A barrel of Ginger Snaps for 25c: Fresh Crackers and Cookies. Five barst^Good Laundry Soap for 10c. All Goods Delivered Promptly. Ager.t for Continental Fire Insurance Co. ^ Yocrs Truly, M. J. WALSH. - West McHenry. We wish our customers one and all v > •'£$ 7?? * 9 In thanking the buying public for favors shown us in tho past, we hope by close attention to bu incss, fair treatment and right prices to merit a share of your valued patronage in |;he future. L - - ~ • •• « THE WAR IS OVER --BUT JACOB JUSTEN, The Reliable Furniture Dealer Can still be -found at his old statid, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. R s r l o r a n d B e d R o o m S e t s , Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered.!. Call and see me when in waQt of anything in my line. WE CABBY A FUIX LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc, We guarantee first class work in every respect. (to the wife of the accused •ran)--Did you help in this burglary Of the millinery shop? "Sure! What do these men know 4f)out what's in style?" tJnromantic. , Sentimental Young Lady (who has a .t notion for pastoral poetry, to stic)--"Gentle shepherd, where is jpour pipe?" Shepherd--"I left it at 'ome, mum, *>»»» I 'ad no 'bacca." Met Her Waterloo. Jack--"Retribution has finally over* "taken that talkative Miss Chatterton.1 Tom--"Indeed! How, pray?" Jack--"She was married to a pugilist last week." Its In Alter" Tears. When Mary's lamb obtained growth ' He became cross and contrary; One day he chased lier up a stump-- . > And then the lamb had Mary, Vow They Arc Stranger*. He--"What lovely flowers. Do you •• jfrnow, they remind me of you." Sue--"Why, they are artificial." He--"Yes, I know; but it requires i&Me examination to detect It* 27 lbs. of Prunes for $1.00 Large Sweet Oranges 30c per doz. Yourt for Business in l899, JOHN J, MILL.ER. West McH« nry* 111 . vVf: PENINSULAR HEATINO STOVE . „ . „ ' 4 **\ *hich remarked fo htg thiti lii would not sell it f >t $ 00 it he roufd not jrft another I'ke it. This is pleading to us. «MI d< tthtlets is to the I^UIIV ownersof&uch stoves In this and other vraintiefl. Now I am btwdJing the Peninsular. Stoves, „ Ranges ^ ' Ready for the Holidays. JOHN P. SMITH, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler McHEMJY. II^I . I h^ve on hand a new Ptock of Watches. Circles'and Jewelry to which I wish to call the attention of the bnyin ? public, confident that in quality of goods and price 1 cm please any who may see fi to give me a cai. 1 have jiut rrct ived a fine line r t SOLID GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGS.' The very neatest thingr in that line ever brought to this town ft may not be known to evervone that, thure are suttinps that rep­ resent every month in the year, bufc buch is the tact, and for the benefit of thoso who do not know we wdl name tbetn here: January. Real Uiri,et; FeNuary, Amethyst Doublet; March Real Bloodstone; April, Rose Diana- nd; May, Km«rald Doublet; June, Real Apate; July. Ruby Doublet; August, baid ' n>x; September, Sapphire Doublet ; October, Rral Upal; November, Topaz Doublet; December. Imitation Torquoine These rings are ot the very fineit quality and *fe« warranted as ,epresented. Call and see them. 1 hanklul to our friends for favore in the past we hope to mer- rit and receive the saiue in the fntuie. ---- McHenry, Nov. 30. 1898 I0HN p, SMTH. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, III., Sept. 7, 18®8. Honest. Fair Dealing "Wins Hundreds of people will te'l how Sacrificing Profits. Taking a Big Loss KtlURir 18-20 Douglas Ave., Elgin 111., Cutting prices right and left to clear stocks. Costs no longei the selling price on Suits and Overcoats. Everything marked -at prices that must sell. Taking a loss of thousands of dollars to make a clean sweep. This add. does not tell one-hundredth part of the clearing sale saving, chances. No matter what you may want, it is sure! to pay you handsomly to look here for it. Now is the time to turn our loss to your profit. Investigate what the bargain tables offel from now on till closed out. W ill get you the Best Suit of C lothes for the Least Money. Work- men say the game. The best Shoes for the least money. Ihe email boy says they are the best and the cheapest. When Justice la Blind. jj ' Justice certainly acts blind enough it comes to shooting a mad dog. TAMTEO--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY i| Vf peraosi in this biate to manftge oar iHiatneM ID their o»n and nearby coumiea it ta mainly office work conUueted at home MilirT atr igbt KHW a ye*r and exoennea-- oalili*. bonatide. no moi no leBs" ealary. Moatnly, f7.r> References Enclose Be t. •ddieased fuunped envelope, Herbert E peM. Prea., Dept. M. Chicago. 10 4m .1 NUTS and candies and other Chrintmas yooda in abundance at Simon StoSel's. % . Horse Blankets, Bed Blankets and Comforters cheap at Owen & Chapell's, New line of Fancy 0«en & Chaf>ell'8. Dims goods at Get the Snag Proof Rubber Boots over Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers, 45c, Over Shirts, heavy ladies cloth, 50c. Men'i* heavy Wool Socks. 25c Ladies Wool Kibbed Stcckinars, 20*.. Boys Leather Mitts, lined. 23c. Boys Jean Pants, lin«d. 80* -Boys all wool» 4 lb pants, $2 In shoTt my entire stock of Beady Made Clothing Fifty Cent Lower per Than any other ftore in McHenry County. It you are looking for bargains now «s your time to secure them If you will call on us we will prove to you that we mean just what we say. We have the goods that you want and can pave you money. Canned Goods Fresh Every two weeks A New Stock ot Groceries at Very Lowest Prices. E. LAWLUS. ie nans Another immense sacrifice of profits to reduce stocks. A dealing sale with us is a clearing sale. "W hat we want to get rid of must go, no matter how great the loss. This week will be the most tempting bargains of the sale. The reductions are astonishing. CLOTHING AT LESS THAN COST. $8 $6 *or Suits and Overcoats sold .Ov formerly at $12, *13 and $15. for ®u 8 acd Overcoats sold • Ov formerly at $8.50, $9.50, $11. Profits completely sacrificed to clean up our stock. Costs and former selling prices ignored. Every suit marked at a price that must sell quickly. The greatest Money-Saving Clothing Chance of the Season. CHEAP CHARLEY, 18-20 Douglas Ave. •.m* And the foregoing is ,mlv to fcbow tb* true satisfaction this line of Stoves giving. I lnve 45 of the*e stoves sampled on my floor and invite inspection <roni all. It wtft. ^ be worth your time to cail ; nd see them. P. L. McOMBEH?_ * West S'd© Hardware Store* NOW 18 THE TIME to buy a SEWING MACHINE New Machines from ^ $15 to $60. Second Hand Machines from $5 to $10. Every Mar bin v warranted to give natia- raetion or money refunded. Hirhlnf* t^old on monthly time paymekts it deaired J>y purchaser. Cleaning and Repairing at Reasonable Charges. N. A. KEIWAN, McHenry. Ill 8TORV A CLARK ORGANS. The preaaure waa never stronger than tod «y. Dealers *nd retail buyers, not realizing their own inteiest8, clamor for and demano ligures at which honest higH clas* inatrnmentc ranr.ot he prortuc^d. But our orgtns w«r« nfvor better than now No better ones were ever made, or can lie made, ihey represent the intelligent and con tlous application of the gr-at- est of • k'll, inventive lrgenuity. experierce ar<i th- hinr^ea grade of wood, metal fabric. At the bame time w th the improv«m'nts con- etnntly being made in methods of nrooucing we are able to give greater valr>e for anv giv n nmount J1 monet than eve - befor« A"lorgan8 sold on monthly pay­ ments, pigments to suit buyers Organs rented by 'he month-- prices reasonable. Organs put out on trial free of charge. vV- . We Are Headquarters for FARM Of all Kinds. J B U G G I E S I B U G G I E S ! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier And the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles, to hy take chances on inferior, work when about the saine m >ney will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, MoHenry, July 27, 1898. T. J. WALSH. V The Prejudice Against Prepared Paint Yeg, prejudice is the right word; that is, an opinion before I trial. When one investigated fairly he is simply forced to the conviction that a paint composed of the best possible ingredients, selected by thosewho have special knowledge of ihelr nature and their use, and then thoroughly ground and mixed by- special machinery, is better than any one man and one stick can supply. Such paints are THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS They are not patent paints, nor chemical paints, bat sim­ ply the best paints that unusual care, skill and experi­ ence can produce. «'Pain t Pol nts" wiii make painting easier. It is sent free on request. THM SHCKWIN.WILL.IAM8 CO., AMT AND COLO* MMMS. 20B9 Stewart Ave., Chicago; also Cleveland, ̂ Mew York, and Montreal. E . B . P E R K I N S , McHENRY, ILLINOIS. --I Paint and Wall Paper House tf'e sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is non better. Call and sec our Wall Paper Patterns, representing th patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing, first-class job guaranteed* Call and see me. estimates on work. All specialises and a * No troublJ to give mKuw.

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