Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1898, p. 5

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• v WEDNESDAY. DEC. 28, 1898. Railway Time Table. PUM«nr< Freight Passenger. Paiaeigtr .. .. Taking effect «undar, Oct, 80, 1888, at « f'olock A. *„ taint wui yiu HsBenr; m •A*v§»liowe; .. _ l, ^ OOI>>« WOKTH. ; ....10:00A.M. .....11:» A M. 4:*5 p.*. 8:51 F. M. oonro SOUTH, f Passenger. Passenger «•* 8*• Paiieenger... .. p* M Freight., 3:25 r. *. BXFLiUtATIoife^C' *--Dally. fDtily except Sunday. B, BUSS, Agent, MoHenry, III. % M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at tbeir llall, over Bvaneon & Oo.'s store, ROBT, B. HOWARD, Consul. J. KIMBALL, Olerfc. * w. o. o. r. """St. Patricia Court, No. 187, W. G. O. f. meet Ike First Haturelay and Third Wednesday MVenlngs of each month, at Forest 71*11. !MRS. KARV COBB, Chief Banger. CHARLOTTE MADOEM Secretary. MASONIC. VoawtT LODOS, No, 158,, A. ». Regular Communications the second , and A. M- and "fourth Mondays In each month. W. A., ORHTV, W. M. tlon a»e preparing to give a Grand Ball^ at Stoffel's Hall, on Monday evening, Feb. 13,1899. Proceeds to be used foy the purpose of paying for their new organ. More particulars hereafter. THE ladies of the Universal is t Society will hold a 8ocial at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Wednesday evening of next week, January 4fh. All are cor­ dially invited. Remember the date, Wednesday eveniug, January 4th. / THE Graphophone Concert, at Stoffel's llall. on Tuesday evening, was well at­ tended and a very enjoyable affair. This is something new in the entertain­ ment line, and we predict will become uite popular in the near future. '"W. C. ANNEBS, Wdtshm^ker, West McHenry, while in Chicasro a few days since, bought at a bargain a Repeater Lm< V tlnlvarsatlat Chureh Directory. rjtj. Walsh, •f.O. Mead James B. Perry.... ...... Bav. J. Straub, 0, D....... President ...Olerk .......Treasurer ...Pastor Worker* (the ladle* organ-The Willing : iation.) Srs. Jas.B. Perry «... rs. J. Van Slyke.... ..... Mrs. W. A. Cristy •apt, of Sunday Schort.,.. Assistant, SWThe Pastor's Chicago; Telegraph Address S Grand Crossing, - -iPrsMh'?* Mryjp,«ii at 10:80 a. m. and at 7:80 #fc A cordial Invitation to all. President ........Secretary Treasurer A. E. Baechler W. A. Orlsty ft K? Hew Advertisements This Week. A. P. Baer, West McHenry. * John J. Miller, West McHenry. ?M. J. Walsh, West McHenry. John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. J. E. Cristy, Ringwood. McCall's Magazine, New York. FBANK WATTLES shipped a car of hog* Jrom this station on Tuesday. C. T. ELDREDGE is shipping a car of logs to-day, Wednesday. F BAEBNBTIEN'S Orchestra, of Chicago, ./at the New Yearns Party at Stoffel'p Ball, Dec. 30. IF" THE Chicago Telephone Company have ft gang of workmen here this week, put- ; ting in new phones and potting their nee in order. THE staunch Republican Weeklies, the 4%icago Weekly Inter-Ocean and the Mc­ Henry PLAINDEALEB, nntil Jan. 1, 1900, for f 1.75. S*n(J1n your subscriptions. * THE Holy Communion will be observed • g&xt Sabbath morning at the Universal lit Church at the close of the morning -SSryice. " ; WM. SPIKES, of Odhkosh, Wis., will 'ac Wkpt our thanks for one oi the tastieat Calendars for 1899 that we have seer this year. It is indeed a beauty. REMEMBER that Baernstein's Orchestra ; Will furnish the music at Stoffel's Hall on jlriday evening. There is no better C music in the state. Y? EIGHT or ten coaples from this village /attended the Christmas Party, at Wan- conda, on Friday evening last, and all ireport a pleasant time. A SPECIAL, train passed this station on fonday afternoon last with nine cars of Istock, principally hogs. four from Ring­ wood and five from Richmond. FOUND, near the Iron Bridge, in this Tillage, a pair of spectacles, which the owner can have by calling at this office, proving property and pa} ing for thin v' notice. f Miss STELLA NOBDQUEST will lead the - T. P. C. U. Devotional Meeting, at thp Universalist Church, on Sunday evening ttext. Subject: "Forward, not Back­ ward." All are cordially invited. THOU. W. DAILY'S boarding house, at Cary, was destroyed by fire Tuesday of last week. Nothing was saved but the «lothiog of the occupants. The cause was a defective chimney. Partial in Buranee* THE Ladies Aid Society o f the M. E Church will meet at the parsonage for the purpose of quilting on Friday after t uoon of this week at one o'clock sharp -"A cordial invitation is extended to all. SEC. THE (bTisttnae exeicites at the Uni ^rersalist Church, on Saturday evening were well attended and the programme %ra«of the most interesting character, «nd the Sunday School scholar* were tnade happy by the kind remembrance of )th teachers and friends. | Thb Chicago LoDg Distance Telephone L47om|»any have put in phones the past .week for the following parties: - W. A, Cristy, residence; Public School Librarv; Barbian Bros., cigar factory O. W. Owen, residence; Chicago & North western depot; McHenry Creamery Co L City Hal); Pumping Station. VOLUNTEER soldier s will be interested ' in the announcement that Congressman . Hill, of Iowa, chairman of the house committee on military affairs, has intro ducedabill giving two months extra ; |iay to volunteer troops recently serving abroad and one month for those serving jat hon-j. . E C. HOWARD and family, of the How ard Hon se. Fox Lake, are spending the Winter in Chicago. The house is left .he hauis of competent help and will be kept open daring the winter for the ac­ commodation of those who may w ish to «pend a day hunting or fishing." Mr Howard and wife will return early in the Watch, said to be one hundred years old It is now on exhibition at his shop, in Besley's Drag Store. It> u quite a curiosity. BARBIAN BROS., tJigar Manufacturers, have issued, in lieu of their antfual calen­ dar, a beautifol card, on each one of which is a picture of one of the vessels of our navy. They are tastily gotten up, are an ornament to any room, and are eagerly sought afrer bv all. THE M. E. Society g« ve the children of the Sunday School a Supper at the City Hall on Saturday nfternoon, and also' Christmas Tree, and we believe the change from evening to afternoon was highly appreciated by all. A good social time is reported.^ The Willing Workers Society connected with the UniversaliBt Church will meet with Mrs. D. F. Hanly, Thursday after- ioon, Dec. 29, at 2 o'clock. Every mem­ ber is earnestly requested to bo present. MRS. J. B. PEIIRY. President. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary 4 W. C. ANNEBS, the West Side Jewelu* has shown us a copy of the San Juan, Porto Rico, News. It is printed part in English and part in Spanish, and is in (Treat contrast to papers printed in the United States. The part in English in very interesting reading. THE Waukegan Democrat has changed hands, M. C. Dufield, of' Chicago, a Brother of John A. Dafleld, of the Wood­ stock Democrat, being the new propri etor. "Mel" is a good newspaper man, but is on the wrong side of" the flencv politically. Nevertheless we wish him all kfnds oi good luck in his new field. • JAC >B STORY celebrated his 84th birth- lay on Sunday last, Christmas day. H^ has t>een a resident of McHenry for over fifty years, and is still hale and heart.v T6r a man of bis age. That he may liv<\» to enjoy the good things of this world for many years to come is the wish of hi" host of friends. To many sorrowing hearts the Holi­ days bring sad remembrances. It is a time for memory and for tears. Th> vanished^faces held in becret memory, th» vacant chairs call up happy day$ of long gone years, and the softest airs and sweetest thoughts, cluct3r around tbos^ days of the pa*t that each year grow m.>re distant. IF you are in possession of an item of news, don't let modesty interfere an^ prevent you from stopping us andtellinp- us all about it. The true friend of tb> newspaper man is the one who tells bin1 all about an incident instead of keeping quiet about it and then ceuturing the editor because he didn't know that such an occurrence ever happened. A "MUM surp-ise" consists of half a dozen ladies calling on their friends, sit ting in the house a few minutes withou* speaking, then shaking hands aud depart­ ing. It certainly is a big surprise for six or any other number of women to me«:t and not talk. We would not encourage this new fad. It will certuinly superin­ duce lockjaw or nervous prostration. A farmer bought a stove;of a sharper The farmer says he paid a -big price for the stove but he did not feel very ba^ about that for the firm agreed to ke«p the stove in repairs for five years. In about six months the covers warped badly and the farmer wrote the firm ask ing them to stay by their agree ̂ ient. Ho got a reply something like this: "Turn the griddles over and let them warp back." THE dancing public should not forget that on Friday evening of this week, Dec. 30th, occurs the New Year's Party, at Stoffel's Hall, in this village, under the auspices of the Jovial Social Club, and that the best Orchestra in the state, Baernstein's, of Kimball Hall, Chicago, will be present and furnish the music We expect to see one of the pleas an test parties of the season gathered at tha hall on the above named evening. #prjftg «ad tfke j^eraooaJ cbar#?. sembled at the residence of J. Van Slyke on Wednesday afternoon last, it being the cixth birthday of Miss Maude. That they had an enjoyable time no one who could have been there to sqe them woul J for fi moment doubt. Refreshments were served and as each departed for their hom«i early in the evening they left behiud them numerous tokens of remembrance in the shape of handsome and useful presents, with best wishes to Miss Maude for the future. A f'TEB the »lose of the Christmas Tree exercises, at < he Universalist church, on Saturday evening last, W. A. Cristy. as­ sistant Superintendent of the Sunday School, was visited at his home by his class and presented with a beautiful vol­ ume of Shakespeare. Miss Rosina Reynolds m«de the presentation speech, which was feelingly responded to by Mr. Cristy, who was taken completely by sur­ prise, but nevertheless was equal to the occasion and accepted the token of re­ gard in the spirit in which it was given. AT a regular Communication of IfcHenry Lodge No. 158, A. F. & A. M., held on Monday evening last, the follow­ ing of&cers R ere chosen for the ensuiug' year: ' George H Hanly, W.iif. A. E. Baechler, S. W. J. Van Sljke, J. W. . E. W. Ho t", Treasurer. John EvHiihon, Secretary. : The appointive officers will be ohosen at the next regular communication. AT a meeting of St. Mary's Coort, C. <). F., recently "held, the following officers were elected: Chi»f Ravgrr-- luton j£«ber. • Vice Chief llanarer--Ge?T Rothermel. Recording Secretary--John Neihe. Financial Secretary-- Peter Englen. Treasurer---John J. Barbian. Trustees--Tohn Heimer, Anton Englen Ben Laurer. Conductors--P. Weber, N. E. Barbian. Sentinels--nton Barbian, Clemens Zens. ' Chaplain -Rev. Father Kirsch. Medical Examiner--Dr. C. H. Fegers. THE managers of the New Years Party, which is to take place at Stoffel's Hall, on Friday evening of this week, wish us to particularly impress upon the minds of tbe dancing public that they have se­ cured the u«e of Howe's Music Room, un­ der the Hall, which will ;be warmed and lighted especially for a cutting room for the occasion, where those who wish can enjoy rest from the Ball at such times as they may s>*> fib. This will do away with tbe crowds usually sitting around the Hall when not dancing and make it more pleasant for all. Bear this in mind when you are deciding where you will go tor your New Year's dance, Matin? the Home Attractive* -- William M trtin Johnson, author of "Inside of a Hundred Homes," contrib­ utes the first article of his new series on "Tbe House Practice1" to the January Ladies' Home Journal. In these articles Mr. Johnson will explain how the various rooms, ball ways, etc., of a house may be artistically furnished and decorated at comparatively small cost, The explana­ tion is so clearly detailed that, with the aid of the accompanying drawings, al­ most auyoue with taste may follow the instructors given. The articles will show how thfl iaterior of a house may be transformed from the commonplace into a thing of artistic beauty and coziness. There is no piihjdct of such vital interest to Americans as the improvement of the home, and Mr. Johnson's articles will doubtless prove as poDular and useful as his "Inside nf a Hundred Homes." Ileal Estate Transfer*. For week emting Dec. 36, inclusive. Tharideue Pa-lilock et *> per Master to E F laropke ceX sec 7 and 20a offwslde neX svX sec & Al<on- quin *S,SU000 Andrew Nelson to Nute Knutson lot in sw cor of lot &5of*As8is of s*V see 5 Wooii stock 1,543 25 Knute Knutson and wtoH D Boy et a' same properly 1,745 00 Margaret O'Co inell to J J Murphy nX lot 1 swJi arc 18 Hartland 525 10 Cha- pingry and w to John Pingry efi lot 2 neM sec 3 Alrouquin 1,700 00 Olive Wnite ct a] to IMwin Wallls nw!( in<i neii sec 36; nejf sejf sec 36 Ureenwooti; t)( lot 2 nwK sec 3i and njf lot * swX sec 31 McHenry 300 00 Jay K Tripp and w to Samuel Joiner 6Ja in s w cor seo 2o A id en .2,700 00 Marriage License*. MANY people condemn unqualifiedly and, I think, unjustly the prevailing cusi torn of gift giving at Christmas time True it is often overdone, but those who generally denounce it as a nuisance are those who never give any thing voluntari ly, no matter how full their store, and they kick with the vehemence born oi selfishness because custom forces them into such contrast that they are com­ pelled to give something in self defense --Ex. WORK out the following problem: Put down the figures of the yoar in which you were born; to this add three, then add your age at your next ttTrthd^y^sDrovid- ed it comes before Jan. 1, otherwisKyour age at your last birthday; multiply by 1,000; from this deduct 687,423; sub stitute for the figures the corresponding letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B for 2, C for 8, etc The result will give you a name by which you. are probably known. Or. Bul 's Cough Syrup Is a true friend all suffering with coughs or colds. This reliable remedy never dis appoints. It will cure a cold in one day and costB but 25 cents. be CRANBERRIES, the very finest to ound anywhere, at Simon Stoffel's. C E Dennis Eva l.mkletter Gu» Lemmas. Beile Hanafonl Wm G^echger Anna Jhrlsthneen. Geo Wilson Gertrude Pope John Plump Anna Frens Herman Long Susanna Veddela.... . . Horace Freemen. Mary Barber Edward Ward -- Alice Aiden Woodstock Wojdstoak Woodstock . . . . W o o s t o c k Nunda N inula McHenry .. .. ..Woodstock Hebron Hebron Ridge fle Id .. ... ....Itidrgileid Greenwood Greenwood Roche llo .Alden Probate Business. Tha following estates have claim day next Monday: Estates of Dor tha Sender, Geo W Good­ rich, Dani"l Kane, Nanc) Winch, Henry Schneider, Loriuda La ton, Wilhelm Quits- chow Sr. Pitrick McOauley, Joachim Freesr, Win P Lockword. In rn Mary Marks. Appeal pra; ed and grunted upon giving bond for fl,|09. Estate of Thos O'Connor leave given to sell personat property. Estate of John Itrickley letters of idmlnis tration <te bonus non issued to Margaret Me Oabe, bond $10 ) E-tate Leonard Loekwcod, appeal bond of fl.RCO Hied im the matter oftne claim of Carrie Baiiey. Estate of Tho* Smith, exception te report of realestate. THE PENNY MAGAZINE, New York, wbich is the lowest prioed magazine in America (20 cents a year), and which is owned by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, the eminent American orator, wants a rep resentative in this vicinity. It is a good opportunity for one of our ambitious young men or young women. Applica tions should be addressed to the SUB SCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, THS- PENNY M \GAZlNE, Temple Court, New York City. Dr. Bu i's Cough Syrup will cure croup and whooping-cough. No danger to the child when this wonderful mediciue is used in time. Mothers, always keep a bottle on hand. WE WANT AT ONCE Several reliable salesmen to sell oar complete line of Mill, Engine and Tresh er Supplies. Steady employment all ye^r round. The Crown Supply Company Cleveland, Qbio. PXKSONAI* U. E. WIGHTMAN and Wife spent Christ­ mas with friends in Chicago. 8.8. CHAPELL and wife sprat Sunday with friends in Elgin. WAYNE WOODBURX, of Evaneton, was visiting with his parents here on Sunday. ALBERT REYNOLDS, of Chicago, visited with his parents here over Sunday. ('HAS. Buss was a passenger for Chicago on Monday morning. HARRY ELDREDGE/of Carpentersville, spent Sunday at his home in this village. HARRY WIGHTMAN was ^a Chicago visitor on Saturday and Sunday. S. S. SHEPARD, of Barreville, was call­ ing on friends here on Friday last. HARRY HANLY, of Chicago, was the gneet ot friends here the first of the week. PETER FRETT, of Chicago, was calling on friends here the first of the week. CAL. (URTIS, of Woodstock, wason our streets the first of the week. MRS. E. H. WALKER, was visiting with friends at Richmond the first of the week. MRS. E. LAMPHERE was a Waueonda visitor on Sunday last. MIKE WIRTZ an<? wife, of Chicago, spent Christmas with friends in this village. BEN. BONSLKTT, of Chicago, spent Christmas at his home in this village. J. A. GOING, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Tuesday. : 7- HON. F. K. GRANGER "was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. A. O. WHITING, of Chicago, was on our streets one day last week. FRED GOOI^MAN, of Chicago, spent Christmas with his parents in this village. ED. MARTIN, who is attending school at Wheaton, 111., is home for the holidays* MISS MILLIE FRETT, of Chicago, has been visiting with friends here for a few days this week. Miss LETTIE STEVENS, of Richmond, is visiting with friends in this village and vicinit >,this week. MRS. EARL MEAD, of Gray's Lake, was calling on friends here the first of the week. GEO. ECKERT, ex-Sheriff, was attending to business in this village and vicinity one day last week. A. G. ELDREDGE aqd wife, of Algon­ quin, spent .Christmas with father Eld­ redge in this village. ED. COBB, who is attending school in Milwaukee, is at home for the Holiday vacation. JAY GOING, of Chicago, is spendins Holiday week with his grandparents in this village. Miss BESSIE GOING, who bad been visiting for the past ten days tiere, re­ turned to her home in Chicago on Friday. WM. SCHRKINER has taken a week's vacation which he is spending with friends in Elgin. - S. WISNKR, an employee of the Wauke­ gan iazette-Register, was a caller at this office on Monday morning. MI?8 ETHEL 3MITH, who is attending school at Normal, 111., is spending Holi­ day week with her parents in this village. FRED MCOMHKR arrived here from the West on Saturday and will spend Holi­ day week with friends in this village. PROF. D. M. MILLS, of Richmond, is spending Holiday week with his sister in this village. MRS. G. W. BESLEY and daughter, Mrs. Dora Long, are visiting with friends in Waukegan this week. WM. CAREY, wife and daughter, of Spring Grove, were on our streets on Tuesday. Miss LIENORA STEVENS is visiting with Burton Stevens and family, at Spring Grove, this week. BURTON STEVENS, of Spring Grove, was transacting business in this village the first of the week. DB. GEO. F. BUTLER, of Chicago, is here to-day, Wednesday, called here by the severe illness of Mrs. Dr. Wells. G. L. HUBBARD, of, Nunda, was the guest of his father and mother in this village on Monday. MRS. W. G. MCCLINTOCK, of Chicago, is here in attendance upon her sister, Mrs. Dr. Wells, who is quite sick. FRANK PARKER, of Stoux Rapids, la., who has beeu here for tbe past three weeks, started for his home on Monday afternoon. DB. H. T. BROWN and wife went to Chicago on Saturday to spend Christmas with friends in that city. They expect to remain about a week. ISAAC WENTWORTH and wife spent Christmas at Waueonda, the guest of H. T. Fuller and wife and W. D. Wentworth and wife. WM. REEL and wife, of Elgin, and Mrs. Jacob Bickler, of Chicago, are the guests of Theo. Bickler and family in this vil­ lage. ROBT. H.SHERBURNE, of Akron, Neb., arrived here on Saturday, being called here by the dangerous illness of his brother Fred. Miss NELLIE CLEMENS, Miss Stella Nordquest and Miss Jennie Co veil, who are attending school at Evanston, are spending Holiday week with their parents in this village. GEO. YAGER, wife and children, of Evanston, were the guests of Mrs. M. A. Searles over Sunday. Mr. Yager re­ turned on Monday afternoon, while Mrs. Yager and tbe children will remain a few days. MRS. DR. WELLS, who has been • quite sic« for the past three weeks, was much worse on Monday, and some alarm was felt by her- friends, but at this writing she is reported as some better. Her many friends hope to see her around again soon. ^ H. A. SMITH, who has been in a Chicago hospital for tbe past few weeks, having an operation performed for a bad breach, arrived home on Saturday, and his friends will be glad to know that the< MRS. J. J. BISHOP was a passenger for Chicago this Wednesday morning. MWB KATIE KNOX, of Chicago, is visit­ ing tbiB week at her home in this village. A C. GRANGER, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Saturday and Hunday. GEO. SOMERS and family spent Christ­ mas with Chicago relatives. *" PHIL KANE, of Chicago, spent Christ­ mas with friends south of this village. Miss NELLIE SUTTON, of Elgin, spent Christmas at her home, near this village. BARTEL SIMONS and wife were Chicago visitors on Monday. ED. HERI.T, of Elgin, spent a few days heie tbe first of the week. MRS. E. S. WHEELER and daughter, Lillian, are visiting with friends at Osh- kosb, Wis., this week. BERT PILCRER and Miss Belle Gallaher, left on Monday for Monominee, Wis. Miss Gallaher will be gone about two weeks. VERN THOMPSON, of the Chicago Law School, is spending Holiday week with his parents, west of this village. Miss VILLA SMITH, of Elgin, was visit­ ing friends here on Friday and Saturday last. Miss ETTA RIMES, of Algonquin, spent Christmas with her parents in this village. CASPEK MILLER, of Minnesota, a former resident east of this village, is visiting with friends here tbis week. FRANK R HOBTON, of Elgin, is visiting with friends here and at Waueonda this week. ELISHA HUBBARD, who has been quite sick for the past three weeks, is reported much better and daily improving. GUY HARRISON, who is atteuding school at Dixon, 111., is spending the Holiday vacation with his parents, near this village. Miss KATIE AND ANNA HEIMER went to Chicago this Wednesday morning. Miss Katie will remain till Friday as the guest of L. Kuhnert and family. 1TEW TEAB'B PABTY. Tbe Jovial Social Club are making arrangements to give a grand New Year's Party, at Stoffel's Hall, on Fri day evening, Dec. 30. This is made necessary by the fact that New Year# comes on Sunday. They have secured Baernstein's Orchestra, of Kimball Hall, Chicago, and tbe committee propose to leave nothing undone that will tend to the comfort aud pleasure of those who attend. The following have been selected as ^ FLOOR MANAGERS. McHenry, Chas. Frett; West McHenry, Geo. W. Besley; Richmond, H. F. Greeley; Waueonda, W. E. Monahan; Ringwood, Ed. Whiting; Barreville," 'oene Matthews; Terra Cotta, Geo. Buss; Volo, James Murray; Lake Villa, W. Farrier; Cary, Thos. Daily; Johnsburgh, Mat Itauen; Nunda, Thos. Leonard; Greenwood, Lee Gilmore; Ostend, Edgar Thomas. Music, Baernstein's Orchestra of Chi­ cago. Tickets, including supper, $1.50 Horses taken care of free of charge. Invitations will be issued in the ne*r future, and in the mean time the dancing public caa rest assured that this will be the Party of the season. Bfij^tr in mind the place and date. Stoffel's . Hall, Fri­ day evening, Dec. 30th. The Park Hotel. Those who attend tbe New Year's Party at Stoffel's Hall, on Friday even­ ing of this week, will find the above named Hotel open all night, where they can find warm setting rooms and com­ fortable places to rest when not engaged in dancing. This Hotel is warmed by steam throughout, every room in the house being of an even temperature and comportable to sit in at any time of the day and night, and all who call can be assured ot being well taken care of. Call and see us. MRS. J. DERMONT. West McHenry, DJC. 28,1898. Oi* Oiton Gtet* Beady. Ve soon Bkal har some yolly cheers, Ven Yonuny com marcbin home; An see som poor ol niudder's tears, Ven Yohnny com marcbin home; An Yohnny bae vili getten kiss From many Yankee Doodle miss, An tank he's goin oop to bliss, Ven Yohnny com marchin home. Es tecVIe mae ven Yohnny com, Ven Yohnny com marcbin home; An ven Aye bar dot same ol drum, Ven Yobnny com marchin home. Bot ven te boys go marchin by, l)em vacaut ranks shall mak me cry, For sr Idiers vat march vay to die, Ven Yobnny com marchin home, c Yo bat ve haf base burner tem, Ven Yohnny com marchin home; Not anny teng too gute for hem, Ven Yohnny com marchin home. Hae es te biggest teng vat's out, Yuat com an har yore Ole shont, An har dem odder fellers spout. Yen Yohnny com marchin home. --Denver Times. WOMEN SHOULD KNOW IT. Many women suffer untold agony and misery because the nature of their dis- ijudesto >d. They Ifcve that womb uess of some sort any ills that be- ease is not correct^ have been led to . trouble or female w«i is responsible for t! set womankind. Neuralgia, nerv puffy or dark cir rheumatism, a dri ache in t!?e back, down sensation, pr ply of urine with si ess, headache, under the eyes, ,n<; pain or dull eakness or bearing' use or scanty sup- Dug odor, frequent RINGWOOD. John Mo--ner was in town Saturday. J. E. Cristy reports a heavy Christmas trade. Mr. Grimoldby's people entertained relatives from abroad over Christmas. Karl Scribner spent Christmas in Chicago. W. Foes and wife, of Richmond, spent Christmas with W m. Coatee and family. Mike Dassow and Wm Garrison, ol Greenwood, were in town Monday. Mrs. P. W. Clark and daughter made a short call on friends Sunday. Four cars of stock were shipped from this station Monday by special freight. Mr. Rich spent Christmas witfi his family here. Miss F. A. Ingalls spent Christmas with Elgin friends. Robert Sutton, of Solon, was in town Monday. Eddie Martin was in town Friday even­ ing on his way home from school, at Wneaton, III. Frank Bell said Frank Harrison, of Davenport, Neb., are spending the Holi­ day season with Ringwood relatives and friends. The Christmas Tree, at the M. E. church, Saturday evening, was well at­ tended. Mrs. Santa Clans and Jack Frost were both there. Those stockmen who are so enthnsed with tbe dehorning craze, claiming that it makes the animal more docile, should have been in town Monday to have seen how well it worked. NEW YEAR'S SOCIABLE.--The Epworth League will hold a Basket Social, at the home of Fred Morgan, New Years eve. Saturday, Dec. 81. Come one and all and help to end the old year both pleas­ antly and profitably. Every lady young or old is invited to bring a basket with lunch sufficient, for two. Coffee or tea will be served with lunch. Tbe baskets will be eold to the gentlemen for 25 cents. Children's baskets will be sold for 15 cents. A good progrommeconsisting of music and recitations will be given, also games of various kinds suitable for the occasion. The proceeds aie to be used to pay the janitors. Every one is invited to come and watch the old year out. Following is the programme: Solo H ildal Kemmerli ng Prefer Pastor Recitation Rachael Boyd Solo Clara Kelly Kecitation Carrol Cristy Solo Agnes Stevens Recitation Ray Dodge Solo, guitar accomp't....Mary Goodhand Recitation Melissa Bacon Song Choir Recitation Elmer Francisco Song Choir HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUR- j* SI'JNS. On October l8, No vember 1, IB, De­ cember fi to 20, the Northwestern Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep­ tionally low rates. For tickets and infor­ mation apply to" agents Chicago & Forth western R'y. 15-eow-6w Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu monin. A niece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent tbe threatened attack of pneumonia, 'lhis same treatment will cure a lame back in a few houis. Sold by J. A Story. Bed and Horse Blankets, the finest line to be found in the County, at Stoffel's. desire to pass it witHfeealding or burning sensation, sediment iB it after standing in bottle or commo^i glass for twenty- four hours, are sign^ of kidney and blad­ der trouble. The above symptoms are often attri buted by the patient herself or by her physician to female weakness or womb trouble. H^nce, so many fail to obtain relief, because they are treating, not the disease itself, but a n flection of the pri­ mary cause, which is kidney trouble. In fact., women as well as men are made miserable with kidmy and bladder trouble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is easy to get at aD.y drug store for fifty cents and or one dollar. To prove its wonderful merits yon may have a sample bpttle and book tellingall about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Kiudly mention the THE MC HENRY PLAINDEALER and send your ad­ dress tp Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, New York. HEMAN & SCHNEIDER have just received a lot of Thomas Fouutain Pen Ink, which is made on purpose for Fountain Pens. It is a very fine article. Those Closing out all Clothing at Owen ft Chapeli's. Christmas Candies and Nats at Owen ft Chapeli's. FLASK LCGKT PICTURES- L. E. Bennett has demonstrated, dar­ ing the past seventeen months, that arti­ ficial light is equal to daylight in making pictures. The atmospherical effects are superb and cannot be surpassed by the best daylight work. When expression is taken into account the flash is much superior for tbe reason the exact took can be gotten, providing, of course, if the subject has it. With all these ad­ vantages it will be seen that L. E. Ben­ nett is tbe man to make the pictures of the babies, fathets, mothers, and all the rest of tbe family. Call at once. Get yoar underwear of Oweu ft Chapell Something new in Mufflers at Owen ft Chapeli's, They make a fine Christmas present. Get yonr shoes of Owen ft Chapell. Every pair of Pingree & Smith make guaranteed. ______ Highest grades Ball Band Mishawanka Knit Boots, with Snag proof Rubbers are sold for f2.65 to clear out at Evanson's. Fur Collarette at Owen ft Chapeli's. For Ssla. Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, sitn- nted at West McHenry, III., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, or J. E. Cristy, Ringwood. 111. 33tf Men's Duck Coats, all sixes and grades, at M. J. Walsh's. RELIABLE SALESMAN WANTED. We do not promise great riches, but can make it an object to the right man to sell our Lubricating Oils and Greases. Address at once. The Euclid Oil Com­ pany, Cleveland, Ohio. . Extra low prices on Boy's Overcoats to close out stock. Be sore and call at Evanson's. WANTED--SEVERAL TBUSTWOHTHY persons in this state ti man«ge our business in their own and nearby counties It is malnlv office work conducted at home. Salary straight #900 a year and expenses- definite, bonatlde, no more, no less salary Monthly, References, Enclose self ddressed stamped envelope. Her lert E ess, Prest, Dept., M, Ohi-ago. 10r4nf operation was eotirelj successful. Flannel Shirts and Sweaters almost all yonr own price at Simon Stoffst's. Call and see our large stock of Glasa> ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAKX. Have you seen the new line ol Neckties All the latest styles just received at M. J Walsh's. • New Prints just received, Lateet Paterae, and at prices lower than ever before. Simon Stoffel. ft* of'Shoes are like the American navy, Can t be Beat." M. J. WALSH. A large stock of New Winter Diets Goods to select from at M. J. Walsh'®. We save all cash discounts in bnyinc our clothing. Those getting their Over­ coats or Suits ot us will get tbe cash benefits. JOHN J. MILLER. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and best wear iug shoe on tbe market, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. Remember in baying yonr .clothing at Miller's the price is made to flf the goods yon select. JOHN J. MILLRB. Cloaks and Overcoats at 20 per out discount for cash. SIMON STOFFJBU. AiL •r - ..i.; . < Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR + CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free 0M VoZir/vZ' ss- ̂ Tt [< ̂ their store apd get a bpttle, 1 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. • ... See the Neckties at Owen ft Chapeli's Cotton Bats, the best stock h tOVR At Simon Stoffel's. Ba sure to leave your orders for Pills- bury's or Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town* A large line of samples to select a Suit or Overcoat from, and only a small profit charged at M. J. Walsh's. Bed Blankets from 42 cents to fi pit" pair at Simon Stoffel's^ Table Rugs, Fancy Table Covers, Table Linen, Napkins, etc., in great va­ riety and at the lowest prices, at Simon St.ffel's. Plush Lap Robes at Owen ft Chapeli's. If you want to see the finest stock of Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BABB. Chamberlain's tone, Uholera and Diar- rohea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by J. A. Story. Clothing and Shoes are our specialties, hence it is easy to see that we can do you more good on those lines than yon get elsewhere. JOHN J. MILLEK. CLOTHING CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Buy your Suits and Overcoats where the stock is largest, clean and new. Yon can suit yourself best. JOHN J. MILLER, TV. McHenry. All goods fresh and new and Pricss the Lowest, at the Farmer's Sto*e. Call in and learn our prices. No trouble to show Goods. A. P. BAKE. , House t o R a n t . A good house to rent on the West 8ide. Good bam, well, cistern and all modern conveniences. Inquire of SIMON STOFFM* . * ' • u 4 » " 1 fr * 1* J : $ '1 k Is?. * i 1 , -A - -4$ . i .'Mi r-k ' '-.'I ^ 'I 4 iJb# '1 M' -vu IP?', Don't be deceived. The "Snag Proof 'lubber Goods can only be bought at Owen & Chapeli's. They are sole agents for this town. All other Snag goods are imitations. SPEND your winter in Florida. Best of Hunting, Fiehijpg and Boating on the famous Indian Kiver. Get over youe catarrh and rheumatism. I have spent 7 winters at Melburne. Write me lor pamphlet and cost. J. F. POWELW : Waukegan, niinaifc FLANNEL WAISTS. If you want something warm, neat and stylish in this line, call at Simoa Stoffel's. WANTED-OKVEBAL TBU8T WOBTHT person* In thie state to manage oar 'jusioes' in their own and nearhv counties. It is mainly office wo k oonductel at home. 9aUry straight |900 a year and expenses- definite, bonatide, no more, no ess salary. Monthly, 176. References Enclose aeff- addressed stamped envelope, Herbert B Hess, Prest,, Dept. M, Chicago. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. In Patterns and by the Yard, at Slaoa Stoffel's. _________ If you are looking for bargains do not fail to call at the Farmer's Store before yon buy. We know we can sorely oafs ton money. A. P. BABB, ̂ Poland Ohlna Boars te Bale. - 5 i The undersigned has a few fine Poland China Boars for sale. B. A.STEVEK,S Spring Grove, III. 2-m It is now an undisputed fact that ws carry tbe Clothing Stock of McHenry. When in want of anything in that lias give us a look. JOHN J. Mnj.t», „ A CTIVE SOLICITORS W A N T E D everywhere for "The Story of the Philipp:nee" by Murat Halstead, com­ missioned by tbe Government as official Historian to the War Department. The bock was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in tbe hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at ^ Manila, in the insurgent camps with , Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia : with Dewey, and in tbe roar of battle at I* the fall of Manila. Bonanza for I agents. Brimful of original pictures ? taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big ' profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, 8ec'y, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. 174n Two FointHd Questions As*vei«4 1 What is the use of making a better ar­ ticle than your compptiitor if yon eaa not get a better price for it? Ans.-- As there is no difference in the , price the public will buy only the better, so that wbile our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. , How can you get the public to kaow your make is the best? If both articles are brought prominent­ ly before the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pasf> judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy. 11M people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended - upon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certaia to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coogka colds and croup there is nothing eqaa to ChamberlainV Cough Remedy. For sale by J. A. Story, Dr Ball's Cough Syrup t» SSfS to ant incipient consumption. The mnifkskls remedy will stop the wasting away oltlftr patient, and in a short time Tfir? 'M • ' "tO . ;?iv. IT';-

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