Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1899, p. 8

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|§. 0. U. MMMtTMCMT. n. i ImImi antler the abov* head SV tfee uadie* of the W o. T. i editor elates BO part or credit tor *'.V p-;*t '< 4. * A 1 Crimes Du To Brink. Hardly a day passes that we may not \ Mad la our daily papers of the most hor- *ft»StmjrderB, suicides and other crimes aitted by men maddened .by drink i are constantly occoring through ; oar country as the result of indal- _ in intoxicating drink. And yet the mauulactare, sale and ass of this terrible poison go on, Statesmen insist on making it a source of revenue. Leg­ islators enact laws sanctioning its sale and use. License courts are engaged for weeks every year in designating men of good moral character to keep saloons ' may be "necessary;" * T & • Sfc- BrnnkenuiHNot All ̂ Drunkenness is not all the evil -that comes from the use of intoxicating drink, ife would to God it was. Dr. Sanger, of New York, says, in History of Prostitution, that if a woman drinks she is lost. That not one in a hundred of the fallen women of that city follow their vocation without drink. And he further says, of "two thousand fallen women, who were questioned in relation to the habits of their parents, it was found that 1,452 had drinking or drunken fathers, and 1,125 had drinking or drunken mothers." These statements seem to make it evi­ dent that drunkenness and the social evil spring from the same source. And that the best way to advance the cause of social purity is to do away with the custom of drinking intoxicating drinks. ;• ti • j ^ fjfflft'e will begin the Now ifoar welt bv giving our customers many bargains in fteavy Winter Goods. *'<T: Duck Coat», worth $1.15 , no w 90e. 44 " 44 $1.65, now $1.35. now-fl.Sllv • ' . . . . - , y - that • • | .. •' J--.-ed ElanKets, Horse Blankets, Flan­ nels, etc., at rcduced prices. JLia/Bea' Wrappers from 60c to $1.25. Ai kinds of Warm Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots at bottom prices, A large stock of Men's and Boy's, Sweaters, (Japs, Gloves and Mittens, Overalls, Pants, Hrirts, etc. Our Grocery Stock Is always complete with new, fresh goods, and prices always the lowest. Good Raisins 5c per lb.; better grade 8c, 9c, 10c and 13c California prunes 5c, 9c and 10c per lb. Japan Tea 25c, 35c and 50c. Coffee 8c, 15e, 20c, 25c and 30c. Flour, Graham, Buck­ wheat and Corn Meal at lowest prices. A barrel, of Ginger Snaps for 25c. Fresh Crackers and Cookies. Five bars of Good laundry Soap for 10c. All Goods Delivered Promptly* Agent for Continental Fire Insurance Co. Yours Truly. <? * CHEAP. • LL 'A Talking Machine, a Singing Machin and a Musical Instrument, (Solunjbia Grapliapljoiie for $10 ^ia the most perfect Talking Machine v 4MB the market. Come and see for y ourself at MILO HOWE'S, lW£ McHeeW Illinois MALUM M. J. WALSH, West McHenry. When the Days Begin to Lengthea The Cold begins to Strengthen, * ~ ^ -t, More Warm •i t ' "* We have tried to keep you posted on this Clothing business. Nearly three months more of winter* U you should need anything' in an A Ciistome# af Mine using § ' ' '•'••••" \M .V-l 5 PENINSULAR -f * ":,1f •* i £ ... ,.,u~ . •••? : ;r' • ,r:X f V? *:^1 I i»vv %;h< I , . JO. remarked to Ms neighbor ttsal lie would not sell it for $100 if he could not pet another hke it. This is pleasing to us, and doubtlets is to the m*nv owners©! &U&J& stoves in this and other vicinities. Now I am handling the Between now and April 1st, we will make you June prices. The reason you should look here for your Clothing is, that you Suit yourself best, because the ^assortment is the largest. Our line of FOOTWEAR i C incomplete in Leather, Rubber and Felts. Get our prices. Bring along your hands to be fitted out of our stock of Gloves and Mittens. vmm Onions per bushel 45c. 28 pounds Prunes $1.00. Potatoes per bushel 45c. 12 Oranges for 30c. Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal; West McHenry, 111, Yours for Trade in 1899, JOHN J. MILLER. THE WAR IS OVER --BUT ; p-/;\ ff / • . iSM L . . standard, the farorite Magnificent Piato at a rea- Irice. The world renown "Lyon Parlor and Church Organ. iona tone "Washburn" Mando- and Zither, tbe standard of the world. The world-wide famed "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without an equal for simplicity, durability, light maaiag and fthwuMiitfigi . . JACOB JUSTEN, The Reliable Furniture Dealer Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHcnry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. Parlor and Bed Room Sets Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in my line. WE CABBY A FULI# LINE OF laskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. • * We guarantee first class work in every respect. UAB THE DEPOT. WEST McHENBT, ILL Keeps open (or t he acaoBBtdtttot of Ui Fablic a First-OlM* Saloon and Restaurant Where ha will at all times keep the bes '~^P|' :itasads of Wines. Liquors and Olgan - to be fonad in the market M> PABBT'S JPwnkN L«2« Bht At Wholesai and Retail. Beer in large or small Kegs or Bottles al ' %ays on hand, cheaper than any olhsr,quality COneidereiL * > Ordni by mall prompUy attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB BOSSES IwCMLl and see as. •At + " Robt. 8chie88le. I- j f West McHenry, May 2,1898. J. W. BONSLETT, in Eiiis of Sanitary Plmliii VBOMPfLT ATTEIfBlD TO Has just received a very4 com Plete stock of pplumblng Goods, Bath Tuba* Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. ' Complete stock of all irises Galvanized «nd Block Pipe and Fittings on hand. ~ fc .Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- •efct'e Agricultural Implement Building, f-' ^ a: Mchenry, ill. •tXrAMl'EU--8KVEUA1- TEUSTWOETBT »" persons in this state to manage oor hnslaMstn their own and nearby counties 11 is mainly office work eooUu«te<1 at home straight WOO a year and expeoees-- oellBlte. bonaflde, no moir, no less salary Monthly. *75 References Enclose se t* addressed stamped envolope, Herbert 1 Beas. Pres., Dept. H. Chicago. io 4m A, C. 8PURLING, a on Wewt MoHenrj, 111* attention giren to the treat ttCOfflB. at Hgtfdence on Waakegan straet, one tefPark. •t ' Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, fll., Sept. 7, 1898. Honest. Fair Dealing Wins Hundreds of people will tell bow Will get you the Best Suit of C lothes for the Least Money. Work- men say the same. The best Shoes for the least naorey. The small boy says they are the best and the cheapest. --Men's Heavy Shirts aud Orawers, 45c. Over Shirts, heavy ladies cloth, 50c. Men's heavy Wool Socks, 25c Ladies Wool Ribbed Stockines, 203. Boys Leather Mitts, lined. 23c. Boys Jean Pants, lin«d, 80 j Boys all wool, 4 lb pants, $2 In sboit my entire stock of Beady Made Clothing Fifty per Cent Lower Than any other f-tore in McHenry County. If you are looking for bargains now is your time to -ecure them If you will call r»n us we will prove to you that we meau just what we say. We have tbe goods that you want and can save you m ney. Canned Goods Fresh Every-two weeks A New Stock ot Grccerhs at Very Lowest Prices. E. LAWLUS. JOHN P. SMITH, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler MeHEi\R Y/ILX . ^ I have on hand a new stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry to #hieh I wish to call the attention of the buyiny public, conficent that in quality of goods and price X can please any who may see fit to give me a ca'l. 1 have juit received a fine line ot SOtlD GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGS. The very neatest thing in that line ever brought to this town t may not be known to evervone that thnre are settings that* rep­ resent every month in the year, tiut such is the tact, and for the benefit of those who do not know we wll name them here: January. Real Garnet; Febuary, Amethyst Doublet; March. Seal Bloodstone; April, Rose Diamond; May, Emerald Doublet; June , Rea l Aga te ; . Ju ly . Ruby Doub le t ; Augus t , Sa rd f ' nyx ; September, Sapphire Doublet; October, Real Opal; November, Topaz Doublet; December. Imitation Torquoiae. These rings are ot the very finest quality and are warranted as .epresented. Call and see them. Thankful to our friends for favore in the past we hope to mer- rit and receive the same in the future. ana Furnaces \ T ̂ And the foregoing is only to show the true satisfaction this line of JJ Stc yes are giving. I have 45 of these stoves sampled on my floor and invite inspection from all. It will ^ f4 i be worth your time to call and see them. ^4^ • • ."•"•j. McHenry, Nov. 30, 1898. J1HM P. SMITH. • mwm® a. iiii^ • wiT-K m DRUGS and MEDICINES • VULL LIHX OV CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, 1 awn Paints, Oils and Colors KWkTAmi OV sum, • fDU UMM or PATCIIT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Drunltti' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions *» Tour PatTOBMra u respectfully solicited. --• -- JULIA A. SOT O neDoor » ettcf UntrMd* Bout*, MeBtnryJU. a : ̂ THE . • 1$I|WEEKLY INTER OCEAN |$li »•••••••«• I^PtaEST CIRCULATION OF ALL !#•*••••!• • POLITICAL PAPCR8 IN THE WEST S | Always American Always Republican f the weekly inter ocean supplies all THE NEWS AND SE8T CURHEnT LITERATURE Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News 1 Tbe Literature ot its columns Is equal to that of the best maga­ zines. It Is interesting to the children as well as the parents. THE INTER OCEAN is * WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and wUk It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives Its readers the best and ablest disctissloai of all questions of the day, It is la full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and ithrnsm literature and politics from the Western standpoint. $1.00--PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00- THE D*'L* AMD WW* EDITI0HS OF THE MITER OCEAN f .1 # ARE THE best ever seen in the west. •Mtk M j •THE INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXOLUSIVE.£^L I 9 Price of Daily fay mail *4.00 per year m I • m # Prtce ol SuatSmy bv mail .. .S2 00 per yeai « ^1^ I • { J Dally and SumUy oy mil $6.00 per year * ^ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mm ^ t ' •m. F. L. McOMBER W^est S'de ] lardwar© Store A'- y . . - NOW 18 THB TIM I to buy 9 SEWING MACHINE New Machines from S15 to $60. Second Hand Machines from $6 to S10. Every Marhlne warranted to give satis* ractioa or money refnn-ied. Machine* eoid on monthly time payments if desired by purohaser. Cleaning and Repairing at Reasonable Charges. N. A. HEAMAN, McHenry. III. STORY A CLARK j ORGANS. ! .The pressure was never stronger than tod ij. Dealers, rnd retail buyers, not realiztntr thoir own interests, eiamor for nnd rtemanr figures at which honeft hlg^ das* instruments canr.ot be prortuwil. Bntour organs wer« never better than now No better ones were •ver made, or can lie made, ihey represent the intelligent nnd con •eie*Uou8 application of the gr^at- •Bt of »kill, inventive ingenuity, experience and th« highest grade Of woort, metal fabric. At the tame time with the improvements con­ stantly being made in methods of nrooucing we are able to give greater valne for any giv-n amount af monev than eve' before A 'I organs sold on monthly pay ments, payments to suit buyers Organs rented bv ihe month- prices reasonable. Organs pat out on trial free ot cbarge. m ,'f : We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. ' BUGGIES I BUGGIES ! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier And the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. V\ hy take chances on inferior work when about the same m mey will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TttUOKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And , don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. MoHenry, July 27,1898. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. The Prejudice Against Prepared Paint , I* pntjadloe is tbe right word; that Is, an opinion bsft>n I trial. When one Investigates fairly he Is simply forced to 'the conviction that a paint composed of the best possible Ingredients, selected by those who have special knowledge of their nature and their use, and then thoroughly ground and mixed by apecial machinery, is better than any one man and on* stick can supply. Suoh pint* are THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PUNTS Thejr are not patent paints, nor chemical palnta, tat rim* ply the beat paints that unusual care, skill and expert* eace can produce. "Paint Points" wUl make painting^ easier. It la sent fkw on request. Turn SHK/miN-WiLUAMm Oo., AIMT AMD OOLOU MmiM, m Stewart At*, Chicago; also Cleveland, ̂ Hew York, and Montreal. : 5 "j *%'" 3. PERKINS, McHENRY, ILMNOI8. Paint and Wall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint, better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, patterns of variqus styles produced by a dozen factories that are beyond competition.. V ^ There is none representing the at prices -:'h" Room Mouldings Is Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing, first-class job guaranteed*. £all and aee estimates on work. Wl ^ ft' 'MJ* k0jcs£ir'^ AH specialti^ and s No trouble to give C. B. fSSKlHa, I

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